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Show "PAGE TWO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1933 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffice at Tre--I Second Class Mat nonton, Utah, u ter. James Walton. Editor and Publisher Published at Tretnontcn. Utah, on Thursday of each week. Subscription Rates One Year, in advance $2.00 Six Months, in advance $1.00 .50 Three Months, in advance Free to Public The only place in lk U- - S. where catalog and drotwiii matter coverui any Una of buaincM or product can be obtained Free ami Without the American Industrial Obturative, Library. Write for Buaineaa Advertiaint Matter yoa are interested m; Mine wili beprotnptiy forwarded, AMEEICAI IKOBSTBIAL LIBRARY Knilnee rin,BnDe1n. CkleaAo, IWaoI I WomanLost 20 Pounds In 4 Weeks Mrs. Mae West of St. Louis, Mo., Tra only 28 years old and weighed 170 lbs. until taking one box writes: of your Kruschen Salts just 4 K aaaWaT Ml tS aV m D1U weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. I also have more energy and further more I've never had a hungry moment" Fat folks should take one half tea- spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water in the morning before breakfast it'B the SAFE, harmless way to reduce as tens of thousands of men and women know. your health's sake ask for and as well 8$ to your Country getForKruschen at any drug store the cost for a bottle that lasts 4 weeks is but a trifle and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with rePATRONIZE YOUR sults money back. (Adv.) LOCAL MERCHANTS mer, were attending to business in Ogden, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garfield visit ed their brother, Henry Garfield and family, of Brigham City, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tolman Burke of Hon- eyville, were Sunday guests of Mr. By Miss Ilia Perry and Mrs. O. A. Seager. Miss Fern Garfield of Brigham City Mrs. J. J. Newman entertained Wed visited her brother, Floyd and family, nesday afternoon at a shower and Sunday. quimng party m nonor of Mrs. HarElmer Anderson made a business old Roe. A dainty luncheon was to Salt Lake City, Tuesday. trip served to the thirty ladies present Mrs. Dot Fndal attended the fun Mrs. Roe received many beautiful eral service of an uncle in Brigham rifts. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Evans motored City, Sunday. to Layton to attend the funeral of Mr. Evans' Mrs. Glenn Evans, held Friday. They returned nome Jsunday. A birthday nartv in honor of Ras mus Anderson, was held Sunday afternoon. All his children and grand children were present Miss Gertrude Eberhard entertain ed sixteen of her young friends at a ....A broom for 33c valentine party, Friday evening. The that will last you a lunch and games were symbolic of Valentine's day. Miss Winnie Payne year. What more was a special euest can you ask for? Miss Dorothy Summers was SunThese brooms are day afternoon and dinner guest of heavily constructed Miss Beatrice Hawkins. with long, choice Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Summers straw. Buy one. You and Mr. and Mrs, Marion Summers will be satisfied. Of were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and course have we Mrs. James Summers and familv. more Mrg. G. M. Andrews of Brigham, brooms that sell at visited at the Louis Christensen home To Your Town Ladies and Misses - Oxfords Straps Slippers Sizes 2'j to 8 ch "SmALL CHANGE! You used to think 98 wa$ just that. But no morel Today 98 cents is "big money!" Today it buys big things things you thought you couldn't $1.98 ... afford. Pairs of Chil-dreand Misses Oxfords and Straps Boys' Light Elk 200 And to prove this truth beyond a doubt, Penney's is staging this stirring 98c VALUE PARTY. You re invitedl You're urged not to miss it. Come alongl Look around I Get a new slant on what the word VALUE can mean! ima0 VALVE means something yards plus in quality Shoes All at One Price at something less in cost at PENNEY'S! "AVENUE" The greatest buy in a century Yes, we're ready for big crowds. We've planned a gala demonstration of the amazing buying feats 98 cents can perform. Here's an event that's going to win more and more friends for Penney's. Your esteem is the foundation of our business a business of which we're mighty proud a business these 98c VALUES will expand a business that's your business because DRESS PRINTS ... Charming spring checks, plaids, florals, geometries, stripes I Standard percale; 36"; fast ... ... f.r. ns Pair Sizes oxfords and you share the savings! to 2 to 2 5 straps Shoes 8V2 sister-in-la- Brooms 33c each expensive last week. Mr. and Mrs. Marble. Wallar An derson. Reed Hawkins. Wavne Ander. son and Dr. Eli Hawkins attended a boy scout meetine in Oeden. Mondav. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark and children of Howell, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Stark, Tuesday. Twenty friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. James Summers at their home Monday evening. The party was given by their daughters, Norma and 55c and 65c each, which are the very finest quality on the market. two-cour- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Ellis was saddened Sunday by the death vi nieir smau daugh ter, clue to a severe illness with pneu mne-month-o- ld mom a. Three one-anlavs entitled "TVip Killer," "Stoves," and 'Women Folks t ' . .. . ...:n i.oe .i wui pui on at me ward hall Thurs day nignt. There will be a small ad mission charge. Mrs. Nelse Anderson was nleasant ly surprised by some twenty-fiv- e friends on her birthdav.r Th ' The evening's entertainment consistedj or playing cards, games and music. A dainty tray luncheon was served Ferris Allen, a returned missionary, was me main speaker Sunday evening. Mrs. Vergil Anderson, formerly Miss Cornwall of Tiemonton, also bore an inspiring testimony. LaMont Vance and Junior Anderson rendered a violin and clarnet solo. ct . Mr. Allen and Mr. Vance were c companied by Miss Brough and Miss lone uavis. Reginald Summers and Reed Ander on drove the high school students irom Kothwell to school in a sleigh all last week because of the impassible condition of the roads. -I- - MM! And than Finer, heavier chambray! even better workmanship rounded ever I Dressy collar and fine stitching that cuffs gives added strength! m WnY NOT SAVE MONEY and order your chicks from H. I Randall. "Our price is less." Missouri and Utah chicks. 3 6 t-- 4. FOR SALE One Hofctein cow, and one young work horse. See Paul Heiti. tf. 2-- 9 CASH PAID For Dead an Useless Cewi and horses. Reverse call tf41 Brigham 493J2 7 Coat or Closed front! f& r? T7T7 Extraordinary Silk to the top!! A stocking of value 1 I pure silk . . . including the picot top. The season's newest colors. ZCN. Cheer This Curtain Call! our store Saturday. This is about the best bargain we have ever had for 29c in Richly t Patterned ZO-inc- arcguisetfe you. Get one can at least at this gain price. 29c bar- 32" x 2 16 yds. Can Fancy Cut Stringless !S4 What luck Now you can make the whole house blossom forth for spring I Crem , beige. Priscilla and 7c Deans 1 Marshmallows ... DelMonte, whole kenial Corn 1 Calumet K. C. BAKING Powder Extra large bars Toilet Soap Small, Juicy Lemons Wheat criss-cros- Chops ! styles. mi Lb. vim iir i iia. in aan n. in Can 13c Lb. Can 25c 25c Size 3 Sow Ladies Gloves fior 4J Imported Fabric Gloves Newest styles and colors for spring 22c 5c Doz. 15c Lb. 10c Pkg. 10c RAYON UNDIES 1 They're Nifty and Thriftyt Vests Blcomirs vPurrsn Stsc4ns RAYON UNDIES Bloomers, panties and vests that make a little girl took rosy! In dull, rayon I Sizes 2 to 16. -- 1 2 prs Children's run-resi- st n , f' Overdrapes Rayon Overdrapes for Spring At a New Low Price 4 yds for Lb. 10c Lb. Stew 5c PIJRE PORK Lb. Sausage 10c Hamburger in 19c VEAL CHOICE BEEF OVERBRAPE DAMASK Never have such handsome Jacquard designs been obtainable at anywhere neat tins price Best drapery colors s Meat VEAL OR PORK h RAYON WARP Curtains ! Angeles for n9 fXyi yds You'll -- ...WANT COLUMN.. prs r (f)3 Tremon-to- n SHREDDED Austin Seaeer of the IT S A c. spent featurday and Sunday at home. V. L.. Brough attended the tax meet ing held in Brigham City, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott made a trip to Logan Friday. Aire. Charles Teterson and son, El- - for 2 A gallon can of fresh Royal Ann Cherries for only Spinach By Mrs. P. E. Ault now 25 Improved Quality! 29c Fresh California TREMONTON SHEETS V v3 Cherries se tainment. 1 for Royal Ann La-Ver- a. A lovely luncheon was served. Games and social conversation furnished .the evening's enter- "BIG MAC" Lb. 10c qp skaggs! m w amt m en; s Tremonton, Utah e ev , . |