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Show PAGE TJIRE3 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1933 BEAR RIVER CIF Sales Record for Past 54 Months By Mrs. Don R. Lamb By Mrs. C. W. Brmilsford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christensen are the proud parents of a baby boy, born February 11th. Mrs. Christensen was formerly Miss Lois Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jensen are tne proud parents of a fine baby boy, born February 19th, at the Valley hospital in Tremonton. Robert Arbon Holman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holman, of this city, and Miss Fay Woods, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Woods of Corinne, were married in Ogden an February Dayton, Ohio. January 8, 193S. A record of achievement which la possibly without parallel In business history was revealed here today when officials of the S argon Laboratories, month Inc., reported that fifty-fou- r Sargon and Sar-ro- n ajro their medicines, were first placed Soft Mass Pills, on the market, and that up to date of these two medi7.417,421 packages cines have been sold. In explanation of this truly re- 'W.i-bik.nri u, T T fjihson. Secretary or the company, saia: v spent two years' time and a considerable fortune in developing1 these medicines before they were placed on the market, and we had good reason to believe that as soon as the public becr-n- e acquainted with their effects there would be a very large demand for them. This is what seemsfifty-fou-tor have happened during the past months. "As evidence of this," he contin-Be"thousands upon thousands of Individual endorsements have literally poured in from all parts of the country, and we are shipping our medicines throughout the United States, Canada, and Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico, the Philippine Islands, Cuba, Jamaica, and several Central American countries. Only yesterday we received an order from Nice, France. Indeed a large part of our business comes from sections where our advertising has never appeared. Tttis indicates that people who use our medicines are writing or telling their friends about them." When asked for a brief statement ef what effects Sargon and Sargon Pills have on persons who take them Mr. Gibson replied, "These are new medicines and they actually accomplish many things which the older remedies were supposed to do. For Instance, it is now conceded by the medical profession that calomel and other laxative drugs have no effect whatever on the liver. Our medicines actually stimulate the liver to cleanse itself by increasing its production of bile. Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass stills also Dromote reneral glandular (riiui tv mil in itt rna fan r nnn no in and correct the most prevalent causes of indigestion and constipation and the many ailments resulting froaa these disorders." 17th. Harold L. Jenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jensen of this city, and Miss Edna Rader, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rader of Corinne, were married in Brigham City, February 10th. Relatives and friends received word on Monday, of the death of Peter A. Nelson of Draper. Funeral services will be held in Draper, Wednesday at one o'clock. d, Sunday, quite a number of relatives and friends from this ward attended the funeral services held in the fifth ward in Brigham City, over the remains of Jule Stander, who passed away Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Stander were former residents of this city. Mrs. Stander has the sympathy of this community in her hours of sorrow. Mrs. Rita Campbell spent and Monday in Salt Lake, Saturday afternoon Mrs. Sunday Arnold Dallin entertained a number of her friends in honor of her birthday. During the afternoon Mont Carlo Wist was played, with Mrs. Gladys Holm gren winning high prize and Mrs. Rita Anderson low prize. A very delicious tray lunch was served to twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Rose were called to Ogden Sunday to the bedside oi weir daughter. Mrs. Mable Huir- gins. who is reported to be seriously : Ul. Mr. and Mrs. George Christensen of Salt Lake City, were visiting in this city Monday. Tremonlon Business Guide And Directory The merchant who advertises is offering the readers of the news paper a service that has no obligation attached to it. They rf the products that can had in yur home town. MAKE THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER YOUR SHOPPING GUIDE When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 The Best In Optometry Service In Northern Utah oun Friday afternoon. The Gold ond Green ball, sponsor ed by the M. I. A., was a big feature here Friday evening and was enjoyed by all those who attended. The Ply mouth orchestra furnished the musnc. NO. 267 GOOD NEWS After July 1st we can reline your brakes with Raybestos Brake Lining The Best That Money Can Buy MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Chevrolet Co. Phone - RIVERSIDE Diderickson & Goldsberry 29 Mrs. Geo. Steed and Mrs. Geo. A. Hess were called to Garland Monday to see their mother, Mrs. Margaret Stokes who fell on the icy walk noar her home, causing her much pain. They report her on the improve. Bishop R. T. Nish who is living in Logan this winter arrived here Mon day on his way to Malad City, but on account of the roads being blocked with snow he was unable to get any farther and after visiting here with relatives and friends, returned to Lo gan Tuesday afternoon. The big hit of the week was the dance given in the amusement hall Monday night in honor of St. Valentine's day, in which the gents furnished a pie and the ladies bought the tickets and aid the choosing in the dance. A lively basket ball game between two picked teams from the town ball fans was a real thriller before the dance. This being one of the largest gatherings we have had this winter. And did the ladies dance ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nish who left last week to spend a day or two in Ogden, was obliged to stay longer on account of the deep snow, returned here Monday. Keith Archibald, after spending the week in Logan with relatives, is home feeling fine, after his week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Thornton of Ogden, are week end guests of Mr, and Mrs, Jesse Hess. Miss Neilson of Weston, is visiting here with her sistes, Mrs. Wm. Archi bald for a few days. Monday afternoon about 20 men and 10 teams with a snowplow and shov els, succeeded in clearing the snow from the roads and sidewalks that were almost impassible around the town. They also got together Tuesday and opened up the state hi way as far as the Malad river hiil, a distance of about two miles, where the state snow plow had been work ing for two days in the deep drifts. This made it possible for Alvin Smith with his school van to leave here on schedule time Wednesday morning with the school children for the high school, after being snowed in for more than a week. The regular Relief Society meeting was held Tuesday afternoon in the ward chapel with an unusually large attendance. Wm. S. Mason of Mound Springs, was a dinner guest of Mr. ahd Mrs. Robert Nish Thursday of last week. Wm. Hess who has been spending most of the winter at Randolph. Idaho, is here on a visit. He reports only about 6 inches of snow there. Orland Hess and Newel Nish motored to Malad City, Thursday and expect to return Sunday of this week. Orvil J. Nish and Jasper Rudd were transacting business in Ogden Saturday of last week. Phines Pierson, a very prominent and early settler here, who has been in ill health most all winter, was rushed to Ogden Friday where he could obtain medical aid, and from the latest reports was on the improve. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sprackles, who have been spending the winter here with Mrs. Sprackles' mother, Mrs Janet Pierson, returned to their home in Aberdeen, Idaho, Saturday of last week. Bishop Clark Rudd, Robert Nish and David T. Burnett were Ogden visitors Utah Oil Station Fronk By ! TREMONTON, UTAH : P - H- O - N - E 3 6 : TIRES . TUBES LEAS SERVICE TREMONTON : UTAH LEA DUNN. Prop. MO POULTRYMEN, ATTENTION! Favorite Laying Mash with Purina Concentrate Costs You Only $1.25 per cwt. by using yeur own grain. Very Best Laying Mash Money Can Buy Call for Particulars MILLING CO. airs. J. j. aaofieid I meeting ling ham City, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forsberg and Miss Ruth Forsberg went to Salt Lake Tuesday to attend the ski tournament. Miss Gayle Bunderson of Brigham, was a guest at the Geo. Hales home Friday and Saturday. Leon Hales returned to Brigham with Miss Bunderson, Saturday evesing. Clifford Bowcutt and his sister, Annie, went to Ogden, Saturday. Miss Annie remained to visit for a ASSOCIATED GASOLINE & OILS GARLAND-TREMONTO- N I By Mrs. Thomas Ault I J' -- I Friday night, March 3rd, a missionIn their final game with Fielding ary party will be given in the ward Measured in proportion to the pres- the East Garland basketball team won hall, for Miss Vesta Holdaway, who ent commodity prices the farmers and which decided their championship for will leave soon for a mission for the laborers are now paying nearly three the northern division in the stake M. L. D. S. church to the Eastern States A times what they used to pay for elec- I. A. contest. and othThey will now clash! splendid program, dancing tricity. In other words, it takes three with the winners in the southern di- er amusements will be had that evenbushel of wheat today to pay the same vision for the to represent Bear ing. Everyone is invited to attend this missionary party. sized light bill that one bushel paid River Btake at right Ogden. for in 1929. The same is true of our A one-aplay was presented unThe infant child of Mr. and Mrs. der the daily wage scale. The cost of shoes, direction of the M. I. A., FriOyler has suffered severely' which was followed by danc clothing, provisions and rent have Leroy day night, been materially reduced in the last with ear trouble but it is hoped that ing. it is, checked before developing into two years, why not electricity? The 'M Men and Gleaner Girls of more serious consequences. M. I. A., classes, entertained with the Truly there are many other items Mrs. W. A. Adams and Mrs. Joy that are too high in price but we are dance Valentine's day in the ward a Benton were hostesses to the Relief hall. The hall was decorated with the talking about electricity now, because it has become such a necessity that Society ladies for their regular valentine colors and scenes. one is almost forced to buy it while monthly work and business meeting Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Spackman enother items such as cars, machinery at the home of Mrs. Adams, Wednes- tertained a number of friends at their Hanafternoon. Mesdames C. J. day and gasoline can be passed by to a Marhome. The Alta included guests sen Petersen and demonstrated Eph certain extent until the price is reble, Horace Lish, Jr., Verle and James which in created much making rug duced to comply favorably with comterest among the ladies. Nineteen Barnard. modity prices. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates of Salt guests enjoyed the tray luncheon serv Reducing the cost of electricity ed by the hostess, a feature of which Lake City, were guests of Mr. and would materially benefit the public at was of Mrs. Adams' birthday Mrs. Thomas Wheatley. this time. The money saved would cake. pieces Ellis Perry, a student of the U. S. find its way into other channels of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hansen and Mr. A. C, spent Sunday here with his partrade, or it could be applied to par- and Mrs. W. E. Hansen and son, Eu- ents, Bishop and Mrs. M. G. Perry. tially reduce the all too heavy burden Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey and gene, were Brigham City visitors of taxation and other obligations. of Ogden, visited relatives here family Tuesday. the week end. Electricity costs more in this section Orval Messrs Lar Norman Cheney, of the country than in surrounding Mr. and Mrs, Horace Barnard had son, Keith Rhodes and Miss Leila territory according to information re- Adams, students at the U. S. A. C, as their dinner guests Friday, Mr. and ceived just recently from authentic came from Logan with W. E. Hansen, Mrs. Kenneth Spackman. sources. On the contrary one would Miss Lorna Hyatt received first evening, to spend the week end naturally think electricity should cost Friday Margaret Marble and lone Love prize, less to develop in this mountainous with their respective parents. land second, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A meat canning demonstration was Norr received the country where water power is so prize for the prize abundant. Then why does electricity held at the home of Mrs. C. J. Han- waltz at the masquerade dancing parsen, Friday afternoon, which was at- ty cost more here? given Friday evening, under the diThe people are looking for relief tended by twenty ladies. Mrs. Essie rection of the M. I. A. organization. Mrs. M. A. Lish returned to Salt from economic pressure. Either the Grover assisted Mrs. Hansen. Mrs. Joseph Nielsen, of Portage, is Lake with her daughter, Mrs. F. S. price of commodities must raise or the price of the necessities must be visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ross Harwood, Sunday. Helen and Geo. Sudsberry were in, reduced. Since no relief seems to be Rhodes and family. Mr. and and. Mrs. H. com James Miller Ogden increase in from Saturday. forthcoming Wednesday Mrs. D. A. Loveland modity prices, why not apply our en family were Ogden visitors on Saturwas a guest of Mrs. John Becker at ergy to keeping down the cash outlay day. for electricity. . Will our power com Delos Adams returned Monday from Ogden. Loa Loveland is improving from a pany voluntarily reduce their rate or an extended visit with relatives in will it be necessary to bring the facts Pleasant Grove. very painful case of rheumatism, Mrs. Fred C. Farmer and son, Junbefore the public utilities commission Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rhodes are re were in Ogden, Sunday. ior, of Utah. joicing over the arrival of their first Mrs. William Fererson and little LELAND J. HANSEN, baby boy, which was born, Monday. daughter, Doris, were shopping in OgChairman Power Committee, Tuesday 35 men and boys made a den, Friday. North Box Elder Farm Bureau united effort to clear the roads of A large number of our town folk drifted snow. By getting out with attended the basket ball game at the plows and shovels they were able to high school. The Deweyville DEAR FARMER: team make a decided improvement so that were victorious over the Tremonton The next few days will determine cars may get through more easily. team. the success or failure of our agriculMessrs Ursel Rhodes and Eugene tural legislation now being considered Isaacson returned Monday from a by the Utah Legislature. According to R. G. Dun & Company, to California. I wish to urge you to write person sight seeing trip in many branches of industry stability Mrs. Mary Quayle of Perry, has is more sustained than at any. "time ally to senators and representatives been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. in the past three urging their support for the principles years. A survey by contained in the following bills: Sen- Douglas Oyler. Standard Statistics indicates jetkat, Paul Larson accompanied Mr. ate Bill No. 13 Holdbrook; House while trade outlook for the immediate a former missionary companion, future is irregular, a number of maBill No. 4 Hoyt; Senate Bill No. House Bill No. 5 Hoyt. to Brigham City, Sunday. jor lines are strengthening. It is inMrs. J. W. Larson visited with her teresting to note that food products Urge your representatives and sen ators also to work for the enactment daughter, Mrs. Eric Northman, in are making a much better showing of measures, (a) that will reduce the Garland, Saturday. than industry in general. interest penalty and costs upon delin quent taxes to the minimum consistent to the safety of the state, (b) that will reduce the state budget require ment at least (c) that will abol No How ish the public utilities commission; (d) favor a selective sales tax, the proceeds of which are to be used to re you should have life insurance. To meet the convenience of Uuce the property tax; (e) that will those who realize their obligations to their loved ones, but protect interests of the bank deposit ors. are unable to carry a large amount of protection, the MetIt is also extremely urgent that you ropolitan Life Insurance Company, the biggest life insurwrite our congressional delegation, ance company in the world, offers a variety of insurance Mr. Smoot, Mr. Colton, and Mr. the the for support urging plans at a small cost a few cents a week. Why not see American Farm Bureau Federation L. C. CHRISTOPHERSON program dealing with the Domestic Allotment Plan of surplus control, UTAH GARLAND PHONE 39-Honest Dollar Legislation and meas ures proposed to satisfy the critical Representing farm mortgage situation. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY President Eddie O'Neal urges you to tell your congressmen the extreme unrest among the farm people and the possibilities of a revolt unless some action is taken. ct , Ip-so- n, 30; Matter week. Mrs. Roland Booth and small (laughter, of South Dakota, came back from Ogden with Clifford Bowcutt and were guests at the Wm. Bowcutt home. Bishop Capener, Lorenzo Bowcutt and J. H. Ward were in Brigham on business, Wednesday. Miss Lorella Bowcutt spent Saturday in Ogden. J. H. Ward made a business trip to Salt Lake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowcutt accompanied Mrs. Roland Boothe to Ogden Mrs. Boothe will leave Wednesday. for her home in South Dakota Friday, after a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowcutt and Limited Your Means Loof-burro- .... SNOWVILLE BESSINGER BROS. I By. Mrs. David Larson IN POWER LIGHT RATES? I- SEE J EAST GARLAND I :x: OWEN L. BROUGH. Howard Capener returned home afin ter spending two months Logan doing temple work. Miss Sally Smith of Salt Lake, spent several days here with her sister, Mrs. By Miss Annie Hurd Ira Ward. Miss Nan Nielson went to Portage for the week end. Last week on Monday night, the Geo. M. Ward, A. A. Capener, Ralph Beehive girls enjoyed a candy pull at Richards, Earl Hales, and Karl Welhome of their teacher, Mrs. John the at tax attended a Brig- FOR ICE Beverages & Coal -- : BATTERIES :x: I WHY NOT ANOTHER REDUCTION Is Announced Tremonton, Utah COMMUNICATION TLYMQUTH ! Arbon. Lee Scott motored Tremont.m Sunday night and brought his wife and baby daughter home. Miss Maude Anderson of Howell who spent the past three weeks visiting her sister here, returned to her home Monday. Mrs. D. G. Nelson and Mrs. R. N Cutler and son, Lowell, went to Tre monton Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. to W. C. Nelson. W. C. Nelson of Tremonton brought the body of his infant daughter to Snowville Monday for burial. We have been snowed in here for two weeks. For a week the mail did not go at all, and the second week was very irregular, so the people were very glad when Sunday morning two state road caterpillars came thru and opened the road to Tremonton They are still working west of Snow-vill- at this writing. Miss Beth Macfarlane is visiting in Ogden with Glena Packer. Mrs. Eva Munson returned to her home at Fielding Tuesday after sp'md ing several days with her daughter, other relatives. Mrs. Ronald Hales. Relief Society meeting wag held Mian Ardis Farnswarth is he; with Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Rowane here sister, Mrs. Grace Hales. Macfarlane. -- o- Sanitary Laundry And Scientific Dry Cleaning -- o- .... Where your clothing is washed separately without the use of laundry marks. Forty years of experience in Europe and America will guarantee you the best and mast scientific dry cleaning. EUROPEAN SECRETS OF DYEING Call Briggs Beauty Parlor, Phone 132 HENRY L. THORN, Agent Calls and Deliverys Mondays and Thursdays H. G. Scott Drug Co. PHONE 47 . . . TREMONTON, UTAH prescription Specialists FINEST OF FOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES This is your drug store, come and make yourself at home |