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Show BEAU RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1933 PAGE FGUfi I DEWEYYILLE By Mrs. Thomas Ault :x: Vesta Holdaway, daughter of Mrs. James N. Holdaway, has received a call to fill a mission for the L. D. S. church in the Western States mission, she expects to leave early in ApriL Mrs. Chris Hansen entertained at a family dinner last Sunday in honor of her birthday. Covers were placed for Mrs. James Gardner and daughters, Veda and Emma, Mrs. Susie Dewey and Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Snow and chil dren. I'resident C. E. Smith, Mark Nichols, and Horace Hoffinden took special numbers on the program Sunday evening, January 29th. Mrs. Susie Dewey will remain in Salt Lake City for an indefinite time. A number of young folks attended the basketball game and dance at Friday night. Bishop and Mrs. Marion G. Perry and son3, Alton and Myrle, attended the ward reunion and home coming held at Slaterville ward on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Blackham of Portage and C. J. Dewey of Tremon-towere calling on friends and relatives here last Sunday. ever up i Manship Bronze at Fort Wayne Spurs Lincoln Genealogy Research. totmnft Mr-an- d SONHf. WAIT! cm FOttT WAYNE, IND. Charges that Abraham Lincoln's ancestors were of 'poor white" stock and that bis own father wai "an Uliierate rover, wholly lacking In ambl tlon." nave been definitely proved false, according to Dr. Louis A. War ren, director of the National Lincoln Life Foundation here. "Most of the Vna' vou want the best duality your money can buy. Ixcal merchants nave the reputation of selling the best by every tcft. Their reputation has been built on courteous service and real quality goods. Now is the time to study the advertisements. Your local merchants can d, n, J take care of your every requirement There is the best in everything. The best is easy to find because the best is always advertised in local news papers. Local merchants who advertise in local papers are fully prepared to serve you in a way that will be sure to Dlease you. The merchants of your city never had better stocks for you to select than right now. They are the best value money can buy. where ? scurrilous attacks on the character rr-n- Why buy else- Blade-Tribun- n mi e, 40-5-0; 60-6-0; im cooked, pitted prunes on top. Dust with powdered sugar and cinnamon (nut meats may be added). Bake in a moderate oven (375 F.) for about 2.5 minutes. Serve plain or with cream. Prune Cake 4 tablespoons butter 3 eggs 2 cups flour prune juice i cupcooked 1 prunes 1 cup sour nulk cup 1 H cups sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon skit 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon Cream butter and sugar together. Add prune juice and beaten egg yolk. Sift all dry ingredients together and stir in first mixture, alternating with sour milk. Fold in beaten egg whites. Spread bottoms of two layer pans with cake mixture. Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) for 30 minutes. Frost with boiled icing to which the prunes, cut in small pieces, have been added. 60-- 70 80-9- 0 70-8- 0; Small, If prunes are to be stewed and used as a breakfast fruit or dessert, the larger ones are more attractive. If the pulp is for the baby, for sandwich fillings, or for whips, trie smaller ones are most economical. Children under three are usually given prune-pul- p. Stewed prunes can be mixed with cereal. They are delicious also added to cornstarch puddings; served with custard; eauce; fillings for cookies; added to cupcakes or muffins. Here are three appetising prune recipes: er . Lavern Storrer of Ogden, visited her Tuesday morning the farm bureau parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Storrer, ladies held a demonstration on meat end. week the during canning, at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and Mr. Parker. Miss Izola Jensen of Logan, afld Mrs. Frank Taylor were business and Mrs. Ed Bohen of Paradise, were present, also 28 ladies repiesenting all visitors in Ogden and Salt Lake, the different localities were in atten dance. Plans for the farm bureau Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Haight, Mrs. banquet, which is to be held Febru Frank Taylor and Mrs. Duane Lower ary 21st, were discussed. Next meet were Ogden visitors Friday of last ing will be held March 8th, in the Lions club rooms, with the matter of week. food supply and gardening as the sub The gentlemen are invited to Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Her ject. man Landvatter entertained at their attend. home, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stander, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ransom and Mr. and Mrs. Eli YOU ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT Conducted By LANDES TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. -.. Vf VI Subscribe for the Leader TTf"Tiligi31WgS $2.00 Per Year .Trrra&sga PRICES FOR SATURDAY, FEB. 11, 1933 can 4 H V2 c cans Sweet, Tender. Airway Brand. Crackers 2 2mc Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Calderwood, daughters, May and Dorothy, Mr. and Mre. Richard Calderwood, Smith Rose and Chester Boss of Garland, motored pound 20c 3 lb box 33c Turity.' V IPiraimes White King ig pkg 33c Fancy Medium. Granulated Soap. IPaur igcpkg. Fresh Fish Pound Perfect Soap Powder. id Salmon, Columbia River. LettlEC Iceberg, Large, Solid. CeJery Crisp, Tender. Heads Bunch 2c 7c 7c H ed his bid along with several mer chants in a metropolitan city 40 miles away. Because the bid from the met ropolitan merchant was five cents less per sweater, the neighboring merchant lost the order. "The neighboring merchant has a large investment in his store and property. He pays taxes that these boys and girls might attend school In return he gets little appreciation from the students. The metropolitan merchant is interested in the distant school only to the extent of slightly inueroiuoing the local merchant "The more a community grows, the more valuable will be the propeitv in that community. Every owner of a piece of property should patronize the business institutions of his own com munity whenever possible, for it ia the business institutions that donate to a considerable extent the tnergy, courage, vision and money essential to civic development. "Parents and instructors owe it to their community to instill in the chil dren the importance of 'trading at nome.- vy 80 floing they will be molding useful citizens." - u 5c I by Frances tored to Salt Lake Sunday to meet Cleon Kerr, who returned from a 26 month mission in England. Cleon visited Ireland, Scotland, Sweden Denmark, France, Italy and Switzerland and saw many interesting and historic places but he stated it seemed good to be home again. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs were called to Murray the fore part of the week on account of the death of Mr. Briggs' sister, Mrs. Zina Hall. This is the seventh death in the families of Mr. and Mrs. Briggs since they came to Tremonton about three years ago. Tall Cans. No "Our research work on Lincoln's genealogy was accelerated." he explained, "by a sculptor's request for facts In connection with a statue of the 'Boy Lincoln' that be was commissioned to execute for the plaza of 4 .i . : I . i i t i t ..: company's building In Ft. Wayne. The statue depicts the Emancipator as a Hoosier youth of 21, an age at which no picture of Lincoln exists. Xhe sculptor. Paul Manship. decided that merely to erase the lines from the fare of the mature Lincoln would fall to portray the boy as he really was. He desired to know something about his ancestors, especially his own father and mother. In order to arrive at a more accurate portrayal of Lincoln as a youth. No Uncouth Frontiersman. "With this in view, r foundation delved deeply into Lincoln lure and has succeeded In establishing many facts about Lincoln's ancestors that were hitherto unknown Manship has now completed his statue and It Is to be dedicated Sfjiteiiiber 10 with Secretary of Agriculture Arthur M. Hyde deliveripg Hie principal address. It depicts Lincoln as the dreamer and poet, raihei than as the conventional raP splitter " . . Auto Repairs Our Force Is Adequate and Competent to Take Care of Your Car Repairs and Troubles. No High Charges No Long Waits Turn Your Car Troubles Over to Us Utah Auto & Imp. Co. Phone L-l-B-E-R-T-Y When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone U THEATRE TUESDAY MONDAY February - 12th - 13th - 14th SUNDAY Lee Barton The Year's Comedy Smash! IT'S A BLESSING! a lot of a favorite ONE asks especially a favorite des- i ,' I ! sert recipe. It has to please our eyes as well as our taste; it has to be worth the time and materials that go into Its making, and I believe, tbese days, a dessert should make a real contribution toward nourish- inent, too. For all of these reasons I count among my favorites these four delicious and very economical desserts made of apricots and tapioca. Dainty and alluring as they are, these desserts are filled with food elements. Apri cots help to make good, red blood they are one of the most valuable of fruits. tapioca supplies energy, and in two of the desserts there is the added value of milk and egg. Apricot Tapioca Cream body-buildin- g Quick-cookin- Upioea: y 4 cups milk, tcalded; V, cup 1 yolk, illghtljr beaten: I tufar; vanilla; I esc white, itlflly beaten; 1 cup itewed dried aprleoti, cut; Vi cup apricot Juice. Add tapioca and salt to milk, and cook in double boiler 15 minutes, or until tapioca Is clear, stlrrinf frequently. Add suiar. Pour small amount of tapioca mixture over ei yolk, stlrrinf Return to double boiler and vigorously. cook until thickened. Remove from Ore Fcld a small amount and add flavoring Into egg white. Add to remaining tapioca Add blend. mixture and apricots and juice. Serve with whipped cream. If Chill. desired. Serves i. 1VJ cup salt; qutek-eooki- ttt tea-fpo- quick-cooki- 9 with .... Lee Tracy, Mary Brian, Dick Powell and quick-cookin- g quick-cookin- A .... -- s COMEDY and NEWS THURSDAY February FRIDAY - 16th - SATURDAY 17th - 18th "Fast Life" quick-cookin- tapioca: 11 t tablespoon teaspoon salt; 1 cups milk, scalded; a I egg. slightly beaten; tablespoons sugar; V, teaspoon almond extract: V, cup eream. whipped; 1 cup apricot Juice, canned or atewed; t maearoans. crushed. g Add tapioca and salt to milk, and cook In double boiler IS ruinIs or until clear, stirring tr ates, tapioca quently. Add sugar. Pour a small amount over egg. stirring of tapioca mixture Return to double boiler and vigorously. Cool. Add flavor cook until thickened Pour apricot Ing and eream. Chill juice over macaroons and let stand several hours Place tapioca mixture In Individual serving dishes and top each with t tablespoons of apricot mixture. Serves t. others sensational Broadway stage success brought to the screen in a million laugh production that is absolutely the last word in talking pictures! Melodrama, comedy, all rolled into one gigantic action, music, romance show! Funniest, fastest, raciest picture of the entire year! The scream-b- y scream description of a scandal columnist's private life! See him invade the night even maternity-wardclubs, radio stations, hotels in his wild search for scandal! Here Is A Show So Fast That You Will Want to See It the Second Time to Get It All, So Come Early and Stay for Two Shows quick-cookin- teaspoon salt; t's cup sugar. Wash apricots Soak In 1 cups water 1 hour and cook until tender. Drain. To Juice, add enough water to mak 1 cups g tapioca and liquid. Add salt, and cook in double boiler. IS minutes, or until tapioca Is clear, stirring frequently. Add sugar. Cool. Force apricots cup) through sieve. Fold pulp (about I serve Chill and Into tapioca mixture WHO whipped cream. Serves 100 The new season's greatest entertainment smash! Apricot Tapioca V, pound dried apricots; I cups water; g tapioca; 11 tablespoons Frultaroon Tapioca Treaionton - - 28 r TT IT "TT TTTT x TITTTTTTTTTITT I TTTX x XITT iTTiiTirifTI My Favorite Recipes Silver Leaf Brand. Mflflk NEWS AND SOCIAL ITEMS eratlons and asserted thai every one of the ancestors was a strong, upright character. Less Is known iibuiit tbe maternal side of the family, but some headway Is now beinjj made In that direction and Dr. Warren hnies to show (hat the Hanks family, too, were worthy ancestors of President Lincoln. :x: BEAR RIVER HIGH SCHOOL Friday, February 24th, 9:30 A. M. ri- for to Salt Lake the first of the week to meet Aileene Calderwood, who returned home after spending the past two yearsi n the Eastern States mission. Mrs. W. A. Kerr and son Leon mo- - TREMONTON ! j- 1 pound cooked prunes Remove pits and press prunes through a coarse sieve. Soften gelatin in cold water; dissolve in boiling water. Add prunes, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into mold. ChilL Serre with whipped cream, or soft custtfi. Prepare a rich muffin batter. Put uhallow, 4r?.aed pan. Press I i Prune Jelly it in a A Free Tractor School for the Benefit of Tractor Owners and Prospective Owners Will be Held at iiiiiiini an of Lincoln's cestors bad their start in the presl dentlal campaign of 1.SG0." Dr. War Paul Manship In ren explained announcing the results ot his research Into Lincoln's genealogy. "'resident Lincoln paid liliU; uiten tlon to tbe gossips and at the time of bis dealt) had failed to trace bis own linenge; but we have been work ing on the matter for a number of years and are rapidly oiearins p the haze of uncertainty." Seven Paternal Generations. ! Dr. Warren exhibited a diagram the tree Lincoln the showing family - ernal Uiip unbroken for seven en 2 cups boiling water 1 cup cold water 2 tablespoons gelatin Juice 2 lemons Prune Knchen FREE SCHOOL... n i n our most healthful foods, ONE ofPrune, is coming back into ita own, partly because of its rich flavor, and partly because of our greatly increased knowledge of nutrition, says Mary Isabel Barber in Dietitians Child Life Maga.iine. recognize the prune as a blood builder in treating secondary anemia. Besides it contains enough fiber to stimulate action of the intestines and to have a laxative eflect. Its natural sugar is easily taken care of by the digestive organs. Prunes are graded according to the number in a pound: 3M0-Mediu20-3- 0; Large, Harold N. Beck, editor and publisher Mr. and Mrs. Orville Nish and son, of the Oceanside (Calif.) Daily says: of Plymouth, were dinner guests of "Why is it that most high school Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser one day students fail to realize the importance last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thorsen were of trading at home ? "Is it because their parents are not called to Brigham City on account of civic conscious to the established fact that the growth of a community deMrs. N. C. Hoist. in a large part on the cooperaAbinidi Bishop Tolman, Lavoy pends tion residents of the community? of Chlarson, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Cook, Do fail to inspire a 'trade at they Hun-sakJim and Geo May and Mrs. Ellen home' conscience in their children? of Honeyville, attended the funeral of M. A. Lish Wednesday after- Or is it because so many instructors take such little interest in the comnoon. munity that they fail to impress the Mrs. Sid Hess of Brigham City and students with the importance of' patMr. and Mrs. John Becker of home town printers, newspaattended the funeral of their Ogden, ronizing grandpers, merchants, professional and father, M. A. Lish. business men? Mr. and Mrs. Chester Campbell of "Students of the senior class in a Afton, Wyoming, attended the funeral school recently purchasneighboring of M. A. Lish Kednesday ed sweaters. The local merchant plac- - T Lincoln Ancestors Strong Characters For The Growing Child with .... William HAINES, Madge Evans, Conrad Nagel, Arthur Bryon, Cliff Edwards There's speed to burn, excitement and action every second, laughs galore, and pretty girls, too! It'sroaring romance of today, streaking along a course of adventure and devil-may-ca- re love-makin- light-hearte- d g. YOU'LL SEE: world's fastest speed boats in race of the century, collisions and explosions to make you gasp. kidnapping .... hijacking . . . .gun battles. COMEDY and CARTOONS |