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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1933 PAGE TWO BEAR RIVEB VALLEY LEADER needs when the farm buying power is HamCSS Entered at the Postoffice at Tre- ! It wouldn't take much to start the Milton, Utah, as Second Class Mat cycle of business and industry on the sen By Mrs. Don R. Lamb j Home Walton. Editor and Publisher upgrade if buying power were in the Jam Published at Treraonton. Utah, on right place but until the wealth that comes out of the soil is recognized Thursday of each week. Wm. Butler of Riverdale, accompanNow that the proverbial ground hog there will be no buying power and no Subscription Rates ied by Frank Chambers, Verl Henrie, classify the portraits erected to LinIt required an exhaustive survey $2.06 prosperity, Better days will come to saw his shadow., and several more One Yeax, in advance Geo. Clark and Sam Cap- - of all the Lincoln statues In the Unit Dean Hall, coln in America, if the unique charwhen are a and com on all $1.00 hogs put Six Months, in advance weeks of winter are promised by the ener of missionaries the were of the work of Mr. Mansulp is Lin acter Garland, the before and ed States Europe .50 pinnacle of respect, not before. Three Months, in advance of the animal kingdom", there who visited our homes here Monday coin National Life Foundation. Fori to be set apart from former efforts. "signs Iowa. Red Oak, Express, is ample time for the oiling of the har- and Tuesday of last week, under the Wayne, Ind., could Illinois lends with nine, then follow oOo direction of the 187 quorum of Seven New York. Ave; District of Columbia, find the type that ness in preparation for spring work. ties. They called on Dewey Lamb, would be new and Kentucky and New Jersey, three each; The Utah State Agricultural college Wm. J. Hess, Lorin Archibald and Tke only plae hi tKe U. S. who ealo at best suited to its California, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylbaamcaa drotMina- matter ttmrtam anlin their G. in them Nish to assist Jesse vania and Wisconsin, two each; ConIndiana surroundextension service obtained be recommends rra M Without at least or product n our ward. Monday in labors while Obligation it the American bufaatnal Library. Iowa Massachusetts, Michinecticut, the ings. are folk one for a lamenting the harness to year oiling Wnta (or Busmu AckertUiin Malta yoa mtm held meetings in the ward chapel MANY goodof the era when gan and Washington, one each. ThiW they completed The i Uprated ia;asM will be promptly forwarded. men and and life prol0ng its keep the leather where the people turned out to hear bronze berolc In absence of Indiana In this list become women consecrated their lives to un- AMERICA! IRGOSTBIAL LIBBAST ,e and Uab, come to the bring. r good size It rises on very conspicuous when It Is remem they message selfish service and prepared themWord was received here Monday bered that Lincoln spent 14 of hie Its plinth and pedmissionarto become ministers, selves After the harness has been taken that Horace Nish, son of Bishop R. T. estal to a height of formative years In the Booster state ies, teachers or country doctors that 8part for oiling the pieceg should fce "The consideration of atmosphere 24 feet and classiNish, had been accidentally shot thru . they might administer to the spiritual, soaJcel - the leg by a 22 calibre rifle in the 30 about lukeminutes in cal in feeling, por has bad much to do with the decision nA f v..,mnitv that the Mansbip bronze should porwater, followed by scrubbing of hands of one of his chums, near his trays the Emanciwithout thought of large worldly gain. wa father's home in Logan. After repator as a youtb of tray Lincoln the Youth as be emerge They are not in error when they each piece with castile soap and water, first aid at the local twenty-one- , when from the Indiana wilderness at the charge that modem men and women The straps are then allowed to dry in ceiving he was able to be takenhospitol his to It is appropriate he departed from age of twenty-one- . as well as to your Country are choosing vocations today in which a warm room for two or three hours, there, Franklin B. Mad Indiana after a resthis the on home is and at bronze of Lincoln to the statue that improve to Before the leather becomes dry the they can do the greatest service be erected in the state of Indiana Idence of 14 years. it will be formalthemselves. oiling process should begin by rubbing writing. Mrs. Rhoda Archibald went to Lo ly dedicated on the plaza of the Linshould present 'Lincoln the Hoosler.' People of today are coming to the ness dressing or oil. If several sets "The site to be occupied by a mePATRONIZE YOUR belief that the best way they can help with Neat's Foot oil or prepared har- - gan Monday to visit with her sister, coln National Life Insurance com R. Mrs. Nish indefinite T. for an on morial is another influence which has at Fort per Wayne to be bunding are much their oiled pany's others is to produce that LOCAL MERCHANTS they may be dipped in iod. determined the character of some of 16. a and tub September oil shall of be and that for they about large submerged profits Our M. I. A. basketball players visthe more recent reproductions of Lin "Since Lincolr had spent Dis youth shall never become dependent upon so- - 15 minutes. After removing the har- An attempt to place upon hisward where Thatcher ited the coln. first to seventh his they bis from ness oil all twenty was should be The old of idea service surplus ciety. wiped M. 1. the A. which visualizes the Linof toric met that it In of state ground the players off. place year Indiana, direct. The new service is indirect in basketball. of a has been put forth. B. coln of time that fast said our was Franklin game thouglit," was it still thought Twenty years ago While the harness is apart it is well Mrs. Hannah I. Wolverton, who has Mead, author of the outstanding Urbana, 111., where Lincoln practiced and teach doctors that only ministers, LINE-TH- EN been visiting in Ogden for some time, brochure of Lincoln statues, who law on his regular Itinerary, bas given ers served humanity, loday every to make necessary repairs. here Sunday. returned conceived the idea of giving the world us 'The Circuit Rider.' Springfield. workman who carries his whole day's WHAT? 111., son Mrs Mr. J. has placed In front of Its state of and for the first time a monument In Thornton, home to have is earned known wage of house as is the Lincoln of 'The Farewell Lincoln be spendbronze Dewey Thornton, Ogden, ap revealing that wage in service to society. Address' and Dixon, 111., bas welcome ing the week end here visiting with peared In his boyhood days In Indiana, a report found in the N. E. A. Elbert Hubbard's version of the IN relatives. "that our statue should not be in the again 'Lincoln the Soldier.' Letter for January 1933, the Golden Rule was "Do unto others as "Most of the memorials of the forMr. were and Mrs. Nish Oml J. discus coats are lee-aeven were proverbial style of the bearded Linthe but rate advertising others," though you visiting with Mrs. Nish's parents, Mr. coln In double breasted frock which mer president portray him during the eed. State Legislatures in about 30 more up to date version is "Do your and Mrs. Joseph Heusser in Dewey-villis in danger of becoming hackneyed, days of his administration and they states are now in session and in their self much good and no bad to others." but should present the maturity of have become known as the 'bearded Sunday of last week. drive for economy, the letter states, Getting something for yourself is rep Mr. and Mrs. Olean Josephson were boyhood when bis mind and person Llncolns. It is well known that he did the legal rate structure, in practically- rehensible only when it is obtained at not grow n beard until after his noml week in Malad City, vis- ality were Just becoming the man's. the spending inreaveiiis of the another. of these one states, expense every to the presidency. The Manshlp. nation with relatives friends. we and one commissioned of iting This is a Consequently ed. News, Austin, Minn. very fine who lives about two the greatest iculptors In the world. bronze focuses attention on an bltherto Potter, Perry The most radical and outlandish corn. There quality miles east of town reports Wednes Paul Manshlp of New York, to create unappreciated phase of the Emanclpa is no can vegetable legislature in the nation would not blizzard being the worst a statue of this type. This was to bear tor's life-- - Ihe formative years he spent day morning think of doing an injustice to the more popular than one of the winter in this locality. the inscription, 'Abraham Lincoln, the In Indiana tremendously important newspaper business like the newspacorn. Everybody Mr. Mrs. and Uoosier Youth.' Hess Jesse entertain years, in view of his later accomplishto did them Elder Box county pers of should visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wolverton, "It is necessary to enumerate and ments." lves Tuesday when the bids were store and Mrs. Mrs. Nish Jesse and Don R. Saturday commissioners the county vpened by SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1933 Ice cream Lamb,, Thursday evening. buy, at least, a few of this county for legal printing. The was served Mrs. all those cans Hess to the at this all unusual off by carried News Box Elder Wheat Market Barely Steady; Feed low price. present. honor and glory for all time since the Grains Lower on Continued Our basketball fans had the opporDoll Demand. newspaper became a legitimate-businesof seeing two fast games of 8 cent one tunity line, per bidding by ball in the ward amusement hall here ems. 13 point solid matter, Domestic grain markets remained Thursday night, when the Fielding The lowest rate given in this same 'M' Men clashed with the Plymouth article by the state of Tennessee six dull during the week ended February 3, with wheat barely steady and feed players in another league game, in cents per line. Utah is ten cents. which the honors were awarded to the inthe to entered we grains mostly lower, according Four years ago when A reliable brand Plymouth hoopsters with a score of 35 to the printing business a "gentle- Weekly Grain Market Review of the The merchant who advertises is offerinp; the readers of the. of solid packed toto 36. After the game the Plymouth men's agreement" was formed where- United States Bureau of Agricultural news paper a service that has no obligation matoes., will sell at if players tackled a lettered picked team by the legal rate of advertising and Economics. While the world wheat free the news of the products that can be had in your home from give 7c. of continued Riverside situation and slow showed weak under a Plymouth Saturday. Take job printing was to be the amount their stuff and won this game in a town. the bid and then it was left to the demand from Europe and fairly heavy advantage of this score of 12 to 36. There was a large sale if your family commissioners to divide among the offerings from Canada and the South- MAKE THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER YOUR crowd in attendance and a lively dance lour papers in the county this work, em Hemisphere. Domestic markets likes tomatoes. followed the had a fairly steady undertone reflect game. a nearly equal as possible. This SHOPPING GUIDE Mrs. L. A. Rose entertained at a ngreement was carried out to the let- ing light current offerings and poor dinner Friday, a number of her relater until the time when the Leader prospects for winter wheat, particu in and Western Kansas NebrasList Tax tives, among them was Mrs. Sarah E. was to have the Delinquent larly This is the best Zundel, Mrs. James Steed and Mrs. uid then, like a thunder bolt out of ka, where soil blowing caused furthRulon Rudd. season of the year a clear sky, came the announcement er damage during the week. Feed Mr. and Mrs. Earl Archibald are refrom the papers, "everybody for him- grain markets were weak and prices for .oranges. We Concenof oats the declined as and at joicing over the safe arrival of a fine corn, self and the Devil for us all", barley have all sizes and most points as a result of a continued Costs baby girl that came to bless their contract had been broken. cwt. Only $1.25 home Friday of last week. All con prices for Saturday, From that time on things have been lull inquiry from shippers, feeders own . as low as 5c a dozen and industrial buyers. Rye weakened cerned are doing nicely at this writing. yetting worse and the "cutthroat' pol-- with and yet the quality wheat while flax declined 2cl3c Ihe M Men basketball team from icy is now in full force and patrons of Very Best Laying Mash Money Can Buy with here bushel visited the Portage ward Friday some to crushers per are of these he small takings sizes by get i newspaper going Call for Particulars limited demand and matched with the 'M' Hon for oil and by the poor nignt are very good. mighty cheap advertising. Not only unseed basketball meal. there in state sociable and a the but everyone players the county, GARLAND-TREMONTOgame of ball, giving the fans there ilse as well. N CO. WHEAT: Fluctuations in foreign some real thrills. Our boys weie again oOo currencies and the unsettled political ' victorious. Many of our people were ituation in Europe and the Orient in attendance and enjoyed the dance MUST were disturbing influences in world that followed the game. The famous OH FARM wheat markets during the week. The ON Plymouth orchestra furnished the mu- D sharp drop in Canadian exchange to a sic. Most every family : discount of nearly 10 placed Canad :Mrs. Newel Nish left here Sunday back the break to fil HE quickest way in the valley makes ian wheat in a more favorable com for Malad City, where she intends to 1 of depression is to restore the buy- petitive position and export sales of soap, cleans sinks visit with relatives for an indefinite ing power of the farmer. If this one around 5,000,000 bushels were made, and scrubs with lye. time. thing is done a cycle of improved according to trade reports. A con3 or 6 cans at Buy business will result, leaching into all siderable amount of business was done this price. with the United Kingdom while 5,000 ether fields of endeavor. TREMONTON UTAH The reconstruction of our distress to 8,000 tons were sold to China for the not at LEA must start at the bottom, DUNN. Prop. shipment for Vancouver. Argentine Quick Quaker Large Size top, if we are to overthrow our busi- and Australian shipments continued :x: 15c ness lethargy within a reasonable fairly large although selling pressure Dr. Handier to Preach Sunday lime. Farming communities are with- from Australian shippers subsided as Shelled 1 Lb. out buying power, merchants stocks a result of heavy takings by China. Dr. Charles W. Hancher, superin29c tendent i.re low, trade is at a low ebb, credit Australian shipments for the week to When You Think of the Utah Mission of the of taled 5,193,000 bushels and Argintine is tight and naturally so because Methodist Episcopal Church, will de1 Lb. Roast Commun- shipments 3,438,000 bushels. Black Jow priced commodities. HARDWARE liver the evening sermon at the Methities, such as ours, will not regain their Sea shipments were light amounting 10c odist Church, Sunday. The service purchasing power until prices of farm to only 72,000 bushels of Russian at 7:30. Following the service begins wheat "Everything To Build Anything" Cans products are boosted. Large D. will preside at the quarHancher the cannot buy, , When the farmer Phone 11 The In Best 13c Optometric Service terly conference. manufacturer does not operate, his In Northern Utah Other services Sunday are Sunday e mployees do not work and so the cy. ' kW.. . . .. 9 Lbs. school 10:30 a. m., junior church 11:30 cle of unemployment and business 15c a. m,, and Epworth Leagie at 6:30 p. goes on in metropolitan cenm. The public is cordially invited. Oil ters. When the farmer buys, the merCan Alvin R. Dickson, pastor. chant moves his goods and OUU Cocoa NO. 267 25c Ids shelves from the manufacturer. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 rooms', reasonable. Tartly furnished, with Then the wheels start to turn. GOOD NEWS kitchen range, etc. preferable. Call Fancy Early So far we have witnessed a congress Leader oifice. After July 1st we can reline your ! 9c levoting its time to beer. And its brakes with time was wasted in this session. The By Mrs. P. E. Ault Brake Lining important thing is not beer, it is busi- FOR SALE One Holstcin cow, and Raybestos ,. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO ness the business of putting the The Best That Money Can Buy one young work horse. See Paul :x: farmer back on his feet The froth Heitz. Co. tf. The Tremonton primary officers Diderickson & Goldsberry no discloses on beer prosperity. Utah on held Tremonton, Phone a the 29 at quilting Thursday 1 Lb. But take hope. Just now there is CASH PAID For Dead and Useless home of Mrs. John Garfield. A deindication that congress intends to Cows and horses. Loin 10c Reverse call Chops licious hot served dinner 22 was to the take up farm relief. The Domestic Brieham 4P3J2 tf-MM ladies present. conAllotment plan is coming np for 1 Lb. U. Abbott Zane the A. of S. C, federation. There are arguments in 8c spent the week end with his parents, favor and against it but we have iaaBaBMaMaBBwaaBBBaBBBa Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Abbott. reached the point where it behooves us 1 Lb. Elwin Garfield, student of the L. D. to try something new. If it fails we 8c S. Business college in Salt Lake City, vill be no worse off than we were; was a week end gueskof his mother, if it succeeds we are ahead. New 1 Lb. Mrs. Ada Garfield. The allotment plan looks to improvEmerson Abbott of Ogden, spent 9c ing the price on several farm comSaturday with his parents, Mr. and modities. It could be put into operaSEEMrs. George Abbott. tion within a short time and improve Rae Miss Abbott came home Fri the farmer's purchasing power at once. day and returned to '.er school duties Iliat done the fanner would be a good at the U. S. A. C. on Monday. rcoD STORES spender. He needs things; we all need Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott accomsomething or other. The manufactue Jack Fronk of TremM-.lonto panied UMI-O-N-- E rer would soon feel the results of our 3 on IffWll Ogden Friday. Gj Qjrtnf of Recommended for "Boy Lincoln19 Evolved From Survey of Lincoln Statues PLYMOUTH Practice Free to Public SELF SERVICE - fr uai To Your Town - lc PER STANDARD l CORN 6c e, Weekly Grain Market our Tremonton Business Guide Solid Packed And Directory TOMATOES attar! t Thv Orange Season POULTRYMEN, ATTENTION! Favorite Laying Mash with Purina trate You per by using your gram. MILLING PROSPERITY THE START 3 cans 25c -- BATTERIES - TIRES TUBES - ASSOCIATED GASOLINE & OILS LEA'S SERVICE Methodist Church Oats Walnuts Peanuts THINK WILSON Oysters W I V ss Germade Utah b. Garden Peas ! f Station TREMONTON I Meat 2-- 9 Fronk Chevrolet Pork Pork Roasts FOR ICE Beverages & Coal Lamb Roasts THE LEADER Pork Sausage -- CrRSIMGCS! BESSINGER BROS. , llfflMaMlifc III TREMONTON, UTAH - I |