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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1933 Celebrate Century of Machine Building day. During the evening games were played. At a late hour delicous refreshments were served. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell of . Afton, Wyoming, is visiting in this city with their daughter, Mrs. Austin "...m ijl I,, , iwra"4rtj LOST 35 LBS. jtinj. ' IIBS urn ....Miss M. Katner of Brooklyn, N. Y. writes: "Have used Kruschen for the past 4 months and have not only lost 35 pounds but feel so much better in every way. Even for people who don't care to reduce, Kruschen is wonderful to keep the system healthy. I being a nurse should know for I've tried so many things but only Kruschen answered all purposes." (May 12, 1932). TO lose fat SAFELY and take a half teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water in the morning before breakfast don't miss a morning a bottle that lasts 4 weeks costs but a trifle but don't take chances be sure it's Kruschen your health comes first get it at any drugstore in America. If not joyfully satisfied after the first bottle money back. (Adv.) Harm-LESSL- ij I An old elide valve steam engine that laboriously developed a few horsepower, and its successor, a giant 1200 horsepower dlesel electric plant establish the extremes of motive units built by The Corporation now celebrating its hundredth anniversary. A full century ago, Charles and Ellas Cooper first started casting plows carding machines and sawmill machinery from a small cupola built at Mt Vernon. Ohio. Prom that undistinguished and inauspicious foundation has arisen the present corporation with extensive properties at Mt. Vernon and Grove City, Pa., where facilities are available for the construction of the biggest oil and gas engines In the Cooper-Bessem- er world. Hon than three-quarte- of a cen rs - I . - ...... ' OYS-- I IREDUCE WITH ;A TERS: Girls, if you must ' reduc, here a tip Sci- IN enc now recommends oyt- K9 ten a being particularly menut. Although the most food.1 Perfectly balanced j next to milk, the bivalve. vyf-Jare low m calorie., accord- ,nO to W H Rayc. head f 'xsjfr Ch' lv 4 V1, ' Qn, rt, ll'O1! iTTl rIA Wfit Kl'" 5tV'Sf frWil ; fTi "'ZjTZiT fc,- fe TT, fe-- "" ,or a, 1 iVJ JT , ' I General Food.' cy.ter division. Photo .how. Mr ' Raye with family group of mother, father, and about 25-babv "luepoint. clinging to "egg crates " I& t i v . fi?f'v Mfr r v imsTk-- o M, - -- " .0 J'iVb, " TS 'iV f XT1' 1 h 1, f V.Ch S4B' ite4 " ff f ' KmVV'iI .J J?v.Vv Ft Hfe?W y'fSli' ' , ELWOOD I By Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen ! :x: Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen and Sam Mortens en returned Friday from a trip to Idaho Falls in the interest of the sugar beet industry of which Mr. Morte risen was chosen as a committee man. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen and children of Idaho, came down to visit Mrs. Jensen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Huns'aker. Milton Andersen spent the week end home from the U. S. A. C. of Logan. Mrs. Hyrum C. Christensen is a Logan visitor this week. The last of four cottage meetings wag held at Ellas Anderson's Saturday night at 8 o'clock, conducted by A. L Cook, after Mr. Cook and Henry Drews, in company with others, had visited every family in Elwood. John Bronson, being kind enough to escort them in his sleigh. The meeting was well attended, 28 persons being present. Other meetings were held at Casper Andreason's, Amos Hansen's and W. E. FridaTs. The meetings were greatly appreciated and very instructive. Verner Carlsen was a business visitor to Salt Lake last week. Elias Andersen attended to business in Ogden and Salt Lake last Tuesday and Wednesday. The basket ball team played Thatcher here last Thursday. It was a close game, the score being 8 in favor of the visitor. The boys have been handicapped by not having any practices owing to the very cold and stormy weather. Miss Wanda Andersen has returned from Salt Lake for an indefinite stay Leslie Andersen returned home from Ogden Saturday, feeling quite well after his operation. Lewis Hunsakey left Wednesday to spend the remainder of the week in Logan. Abe Hunsaker is home on a visit from the Little Mountain where he is herding sheep. : 36-3- Reading Time : 3 minutes, 10 seconds tury ago, the two brothers built the first steam locomotive constructed west of the Alleghenles and they later designed and built the first Corliss steam engine manufactured in the west. Steam was replaced by the present type motors widely used in the gas and oil fields, in locomotives, on private yachts, commercial boats and for stationary power plants. Old employees of the present company remember days when the brothers withstood the shortage of money during the panics by Issuing Cooper Company script, a type of flat money honored by local businesses throughout central Ohio. This was in marked contrast to the Corporation's present strong cash position which has been maintained in spite of the adverse conditions during the past three years. ! -- I OF FAT A very well arranged program was Johnson and family. . Miss Deloris and Clifford Thorsen rendered in the M. I. A. conjoint meetwho are attending school at Logan, Hive ing Sunday evening by the Bee spent the week end visiting their Girls. Mrs. H. P. Thorsen and fammother, Saturday evening following th ily. dance. Miss Dorothy Gardner enterMrs. Orval Iversen is confined to tained several of her girl friends to a her bed with an attack of the flu and very delicious supper. Those present heart trouble. were the Misses Ruth Peterson, Grace The Bear River Reading Circle met Hansen. Elene Jensen, who are attend at the home of Mrs. Mary J. Holming school in Salt Lake, also Charlott gren, Saturday, February 4th. TwenAndersen, Gayle Jensen and krnune ty ladies were present. Christensen. A good time was enjoy Mrs. Floyd Jensen of Park Valley, ed. is visiting at the home of Bishop and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Timmerman and Mrs. Osey Jensen. two children, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Had- ley and two children, all of Ogaen, BIRTHS OF THE WEEK spent Sunday visiting with the two ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. ARCHIBALD Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rose. Archibald of Plymouth, a girl, born an Valentine Mrs. Mr. and Roy February 5th. nounce the arrival of a fine baby boy, born February 1st. Mrs. Valentine was ALLEN Mr. and Mrs. Guy V. Allen, a girl, born February 6th. formerly Miss Ida Watkins of Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Leland HUNSAKER Saturday evening a few friends met Honsaker of Honeyville, a boy, born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry at the Valley Hospital, February 8. Hansen in honor of Mr. Hansen's birth JwmmmiJIW 1 THIS WOMAN BEAR RIVER CIF! By Mrs. C. W. Brailsford m PAGE TJIRQ x VlW H NOTICE ! - Subscribe for the Leader iVrm i&lSI Per Year $2.00 ;,;m - Jk , Oiling Season Is On WT Bring Your Harnesses In and Let Us Oil Them Before Spring Work Is Here. ?'Vffi flweed r is -- h f - . -- WT "? 'vv m W Jm - 155 SI L f f K ii'fl) v vv v , i right, national wo 3ikt if! I i It i j II Just Home Folks fT f Pkg. Quick Quaker OATS Bar Palm Olive SOAP Tall Can MILK Pkg. Seeded or Seedless over the crisp lettuce leaves which form the base of the salad. This syrup gives the added touch which turns unheard a fair salad into a particularly delicialmost once Fruit salads, ous one. in visitors of, are now almost daily millions of homes. AMD SAUERKRAUT Some women carefully watch for SPARERIBS letter. the to follow recipes which they d First take a copper Others realize that almost all fruits cover. tightly-fittinwith a their make saucepan and blend in salad form skin side the with bottom in the Flace to fruits happen whatever salads from ham rinds; then up, some sugar-cure- d be on hand. them some sliced onions. fruits upon spread of combination Almost any of kraut seasonmakes an excellent salad. The flavor Flace on this a layer of sparpribs, then a then the ed, layer if however, may be improved, and continue until the saucepan maker appreciates the value of a syr- kraut, is nicely filled. Add no water, but next up. Just before serving your or- fasten the lid on as firmly as possible fruit salad mix the juice of twothor- to avoid the esscape of steam, thereanges and one lemon, sweeten food in its own moisthe by cooking oughly, and then sprinkle or pour this, ture. Cook for two and not only over the pieces of fruit, but hours. Can COCOA H. G. Scott Drug Co. Can PORK and BEANS PHONE 1 Can TOMATO SAUCE 1 Can Gold Dust Scouring POWDER CANDY BARS 1 Head of LETTUCE Vz Doz. ORANGES 6-- lc Vt M A Mzfl v . WILL BUY ANY ONE OF THEST ITEMS at our STORE - (.ir.'ni ii nil THE LEADER . i TASTEFUL 47.. . TREMONTON, UTAH I Prescription Specialists FINEST OF FOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES This is your drug store, come and make yourself at home 80 Count Percales Pongee finish, fine thread count Broadcloths and many other fine materials, including cretones. lf RAISINS 1 l MAKING FRUIT SALADS one-ha- 1 C . We wish to express our thanks to those who so graciously assisted during the illness and death of our husband and father; to the bishop and his counselors and to those friends and relatives in Deweyville who gave of their assistance at the cementary; for the beautiful flowers and the comforting words that were spoken. For all this kindness we are deeply greatful. Mrs. M. A. Lish and family. 5L g 1 W f 0K vs?t, heavy-bottome- 1 m contains many canned pineapple RECENT nutritional research reveals the fact that one delicious fruit ssential health values. Ten. of thousand, of American hou.ewive. are today .ervlnq canned pineapple te.tue member ef their families daily. Above is scene in typical Hawaiian pineapple canning factory. Hartley and Stokes 1 ""tJS Si CARD OF THANKS yfrl AT 1 t St vXSMS VLWiSOTlA ? tffyf f the season. of , ,A vCP 11 event -- oe-l f II S - IMm&mtaJ&Z TiWSPr ""Hill 1 ,n Chicago tr.nmg for defense of her i - The city tax on dogs is now due. All dogs not bearing same after March 1st will be destroyed. By Order of City Council. tp. upon their return to U. S. from in Bermuda. n" V, X lltllifn ThC ICE l J. Walker, of New York, and his friend, Betty Compton, stage star, above, at Eden Roe on ?h. French Riviera. Below, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd, whose wedding feek 01 v HOT ON I J. H. KELLER, Prop. JS-ftSJ- was sent to for 1 v again nniica :Bn,yiw; -- ' S ' ce ved two letters from man who in 1931 JTT ' - TREM0NT0N HARNESS SATURDAY I i v" 4f' X. X 1 Mm ' V. 'VV i fTTrZ7Zwin,nt". lM.yor Jame. REMNANT and short lengths for quilt blocks, etc. yd Gephart Stores Co. 1 V 1 "HUY FOK CASH AND PAY LESS" Tremonton, Phone 33 IS |