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Show VAtLty LEAPEtmn&AY 'BEAR RIV'Eft IManure Piles Not Deadly to Borers , T FEBRUARY 25, im toba from Vancouver was being1 offerat London at 65c, Argentine Rosafe at 532c and Australian wheat from New South Wales at 611c per STONE HOME OF LOW UPKEEP COST (Prepared by the United Platte Department Anncultur. sr thorough trampling of corn stalks Infested with I.uruiicnn euro borer la feed lots results in the de struction of practically all of the bor ers, but placing the stalks and refuse In an ordinary farm manure pile does not kill the pests, says the United States Department of Agriculture. Details of an Investigation of sur vival of borers In feed lots and ma uure piles appear In Circular 194-C- , "Manure Piles and Feed Lots as Sources of European Corn Borer In testation," Issued by the department. iThe study was prompted by the knowledge that when corn ts put Into silos 'the borer larvae are destroyed. Cornstalks on the surfaces of typical ;fann manure piles In the region of (Silver Creek, N. Y were examined. Artificial manure piles also were made llo the study of the borers. At Toledo, Ohio, actual feeding lots were examined to discover how many borers survived. Based on the Investigation, the finds manure piles unsatisfactory as a disposal place for Infested j cornstalks and refuse, but recommends 'disposal In feed lots when It Is certain the material will be thoroughly trampled by live stock. Copies of Circular 194-may be upon request from the office of Information, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington. of MI - ! - 1. firmer with futures despite sharply increased offerings of winter wheat Re Members of the Bee Hive class in ceipts at the principal Central Weet- - the M. I. A. were euests of Miss ern markets totaled 4,774 cars for the j Maurine and Wanda Mason at the compared with only 2,982 cars son ranch two miles east of town for the corresponding week last year Sunday of last week where they enThe increased movement was attribut- joyed themselves in testing out their ed in part to the incraase in freight skill on skiis and coasting down the rates, effective February 20 and the hill of sleighs, after which they were approaching tax assessment date served with a delicious luncheon and March 1. Mill demand was fairly ac- ice cream. The dance given by the M. I. A. tive, but a good proportion of the offerings was taken by elevator inter Monday night was a big success. The ests for storage. Prices of ordinary fore part of the dance was iriven over protein wheats advanced around 2 to to the old folks with old time tunes 3 cents at Kansas City while high pro furnished by Mr. Geo. Archibald oil tem types held only steady at the the accordian which was enjoyed by close of the market February 19; No. all present. The remainder of the 2 hard winter ordinary protein was evening was spent in dancing some of the latest dances The 'M' Men and quoted at that market at c 121 per cent protein at and Gleaner Girls were on hand with ice 13 per cent proteis at 58ic per bush cream and cake which they sold to el. No 1 hard winter wheat 12J per help defray the expenses. cent protein was quoted at Omaha at Mr. and Mrs. Overine of Ogden, and 60c, no. 2 hard winter ordinary pro- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Mason of Mound c and the same grade Springs, were dinner tein at guests of Mr. with 13 per cent protein 56ic per bush and Mrs. Robert Nish Sunday afterel. Demand at Denver slackened noon of last week. somewhat with both local and WestMr. Olean Josepheson found it neern mill requirements temporarily sup cessary to go with his live stock to plied. High protein wheat was in best Malad where he obtained feed for request and 13J per cent protein no. them. Feed is getting very scarce 2 hard winter was selling f.o.b. Colo- here as the winter has hung on longer c rado shipping points at per than usual. During the week we have bushel. 15 per cent protein was quot- witnessed another cold y spell, the ed at per bushel. Domestic dropping down to zero Thursday mill demand was reported rather slow Friday and Saturday mornings with at Ft. Worth because of the dull flour temperatures higher Sunday morning. market. Mills were well stocked and Reports from Malad show that it was were taking only special lots to bal- as low as 18 below there during the ance tonnage. No new export sales week. were reported at Gulf ports. No. 1 The sacrement meeting Sunday hard winter ordinary protein was sell- night was well attended. Members of c delivered group 3 and the lesser priesthood took ing at part in the Galveston export rate points, with 13 program their subject being on the per cent protein bringing one cent word of wisdom. Bishop Clark Rudd premium over the ordinary types. read a very interesting article pubSpring wheat markets were general- lished in the Imprevemnt Era on the ly firmer but advances were less for the same subject. hard winter wheat at Central West Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Nish are em markets. Mill demand at the ter ing over the safe arrival of a baby boy minals was rather light since inter that come to bless their home Monday ior mills were being supplied with suf morning. Mother and babe are doing ficient wheat for immediate require- very nicely. ments by farmers. No. 2 soft red winter was quoted February 19 at Kane sas City at 55c, at St. Louis at Nephi City park to be improved c and at Cincinnati at at shortly. the latter market was principally from It is estimated that 180,000 to be Kentucky with Tennessee and Virgin expended in improvements of roads in ia mills temporarily out of the market Box Elder County this year. Garbecause of the slow inquiry for flour. land Times. Receipts at Cincinnati were principally of Western grain being transferred Motors. for storage in local elevators. Complete returns reveal that in 1931 Chevrolet obtained within five per cent of the same volume of busiSix ness as in 1930, while1 the second lead4 1931 ing make slumped fifty per cent and Sales the industry as a whole 27 per cent from the preceding year. Complete registration figures for During 1827 Chevrolet also led the the full year of 1931, recently announc industry in total volume of sales, aled, reveal for the first time in the his- though in that year a lull, existed in tory of the automobile, a six cylinder the car market But car led the industry in popular favor. in the highly competitive conDuring the year Chevrolet titled ditions existing throughout the indus583,387 six cylinder cars compared try, the company forged ahead early with 528,539 titled by the runner-up- , a in the year and maintained its leaderlower priced four cylinder make. Of ship by a margin which widened the total of 1,908,016 passenger cars month by month. registered in the domestic market, In December, 1931, Chevrolet titled Chevrolet obtained more than thirty 27,929 passenger cars, nearly twice aU per cent, the largest proportion of many as the second leading make, an3-th- e available business ever enjoyed by this second highest December in the largest producing division of General history of the company. Ma-we- 7 HI- - Li" 7VT 7 l ' , - f 1 v, "y m 4 I i.k s d- - t ay 4 I ek 54ic-55J- c, 5Gc-58- aft juiWi'rtiinai'iyifi-ir'nrri"iiff- ntufi mi 8 Wxr-Aif-i UH1 lj P 4 IOCM ' 'h I I r j I 410 U (ID tea d. ' i ' 53c-54- 1 .c J ' I 42c-43- mur-cur- 51c-52- Jc ST aoot SECOND flOOR PLAN PLAN Prom the first tem les oi Egypt to tna small cottage ot Sormandy man ha built oX stone, riierr ts a n n ot security and pennant nrr in natural use stone. It preeervea .rn"ifft.u'c. heritage of the tamil) n.n,? i i:ns. In this attractive Coioiui low, two other bedrooms and bath. but ts also used In many other type ot architecture. It rich range of color-ton- e harmonize with tbe of the home. Ilco riplstone I shipped from th quarries of the Indiana Limestone Company at Bedford, Ind, in th form of sawed strips of different lengths, like lumber Because of quantity production method, thia facing is obtainable at moderate cost. Many other designs, as well as this very popular one. may be obtained from the Architects' Service Bureau, Bedford, Ind, Proper architectural design, whether (or unpretentious cottage or stately mansion, enhances the beauty m well as the resale value ot a structure A design must be created to fit tbe lot and at the same time meet the requirements of space and famllj "Sure farm relief suggestions are made by A. 11. Tednion, Arapahoe U effectively ;o.n:n-:Stone) With ilco riplstone. of which the WOOd. ne-- e county agricultural extension agent, A spacious llvl.it! ru un .m illustrated Is Oullt, stone nirc room, kitchen, solan im ttno ji.rcn nnuht can te laid up in scale with jln a circular to farmers of his county. iTedmon's program, a copy of which comprise the main section en me the building, giving a war. second floor is the rrastei oectioom. It is paiucularty appearance has been received by the Colorado Ag almost as large as the 'iving room tie- - appropriate for Colonial structures. rlcultnral college, Is as follows: 1. Milk a few good cows; feed rec ommended rations. 2. Fatten one pig for every two adult members of the family; cure the tskty TO meat properly. 3. Keep at least 100 good bens, corMarket Maintains Firmer Tone; rectly housed and fed. How would you like to safely and Grain 4. Raise a good garden ; water from Demand Advances Improved Vaccinate WTien Young, and harmlessly lose 15 pounds of fat in windmill If possible. Wheat a Prices; same month at Light Ofand time the in 8. Plant cash crops only, which show Herd Will Be crease Immune, and Feature Feed your energy improve your ferings little or no surplus. health! L Grow all your own stock feed. Markets Grain Says Expert. T. Butcher fat cows and steers; How would you like to lose your trade meat wltb neighbors. "There Is only one wsy to prevent double chin and your too Further strengthening occured in prominent 8. Raise your own living; keep your bog cholera, and that Is by vaccinaand abdomen and at the same domestic wheat markets during the hips roof tight tion," says George R. Henderson, coun time make your skin so clean and week ending February 19, under the 0. Get down to earth and do the ty agricultural extension ngent at clear that it will compel admiration? influence of a broadening European 'best you can today. large for the Colorado Agricultural Get on the scales to-dand see demand for North American domestic 10. Drive a borse nntll you can college. hom much you weigrh then get a winter wheat crop, according to the to buy gasoline. By taking proper precautions, hog bottle of Kruschen Salts that costs Weekly Grain Market Review of the cholera, although the most serious dis- t next to nothing and which will last United States Bureau of Agricultural Don't Fatten Brood Sows ease of hogs and the only common dis- you 4 weeks. Take one half teaspoon-fu- l Economics. Feed grains were strength in a glass of hot water in the ened by the advance in wheat but deBrood sows that will farrow spring ease which spreads rapidly and Is high becomes one ly the easiest of fatal, Utters should not be overfed. Overfat of morning cut down on pastry and mand continued of limited volume and hog troubles to control. It Is a Job sows often have weak pigs and the fatty meats go light on potatoes, was readily supplied by the light curwell-- ! rained men, lie advises. Ve' Mortality rate is usually very high. If for butter, cream and sugar and when rent offerings. Rye was firmer with the sows are to be good milkers they terinarians should be called to handle you have finished the contents of this wheat while flax advanced stimulated should have the run of a good pasture the Job. as carelessness In the use of first bottle weigh yourself again. by higher grain prices and very light the virus and serum Is not only ex the wtnter receipts. If and and during spring, After that you'll want to walk WHEAT: New crop prospects are this is Impossible they should be fed travagant hut dangerous. Vaccinated pigs are Immune for life, around and say to your friends, "One becoming an alfalfa or clover hay In racks. Their increasingly important ration needs a good supply of protein. but the cost of vaccination varies with bottle of Kruschen Salts is worth one influence in the wheat market situaeither tankage or soybean meal. Whole the size of the pig the larger the pig hundred dollars of any fat person's tion and the present uncertain condithe more costly the vaccination. money." tion of the Northern Hemisphere win- soybeans are satisfactory for sows the time to vaccinate pis wheat crop has recently been a iter ;bnt not for fattening hogs. Corn alone Therefore, But refuse imitations safeguard strengthening factor in the market is not sufficient on the ration. Use Is when they are small, says Mr. Henderson. your health you lose fat SAFELY The United States winter wheat crop good supplements and some minerals. Kruschen. with Prevent cholera from by spreading, Commercial minerals are easily availmaue generally favorable progress able or home-mixe- d minerals can be exercising edie tn regard to: Importduring the week except in Western sell over America Leading druggists ing siotk from Infected areas and 'used satisfactorily. Prairie Farmer. Kansas where prospects are poor. The Kruschen Salts. (Adv.) 8totk yards; using feed which might oi winter wneat in Europe is conojwon contain pork products; carriers such rather irregular. Severe freezing with Housing a Bull ns dgs, birds and trucks; the use of out snow covering has occured in Aus virus In vaccinations. Writing In an English dairy Journal Czechoslovakit and some other tralia, ft breeder of that country makes among According to the survey on nearly areas. A good snow fall on the other others this interesting statement re NX) farms about f7 per cent of the hand, has improved conditions in Italy tardlng the housing of bulls: "The farmers vaccinated to Insure against Spain and Hungaria but the outlook been has that way successful so far loss. About 83 per cent did not vac in the latter country is not favorable has been our endeavor to let the bulls clnate Inst season and about 10 per - aee -- 4Lack of moisture is reported in Den and hear as much as every one cent vaccinated after their pigs con- - i o: mark and Portugal but milder weather can In their necessarily restricted traded cholera. One of these farm- .. the Por abused Congressmen! during the week favored the new crop lives, and never shut thera up where ers marketed only 300 hogs from 100 ' hle groups and committees and big in Germany and France. Some dam they can do neither and therefore litters. Another lost 85) shmits and 13 have empty brains. Satan finds lots sows his entire herd. Still another ' panrs, seeking various reliefs, have age is reported to winter wheat in of things, no doubt, for Idle hands to farmer lost In two or three days 20 j bmbarded the gentlemen on Capital Russia by alternate freezing and thaw do, but nothing to what be does for a head from a bunch of 00 that were Hil1 this Past hard Tear. the great ing which caused the formation of an bull's Idle brain (and horns)!" ready for market. In still another American public seems to have for ice cover in Denmark and again in If the bull Is confined to his pen. herd 53 out of the 50 hogs died. After gotten that legislators are human be- January. The acreage of winter wheat in Russia has been increased 11.4 per let him view the world through the these and other outbreaks, the herds ings ' Sharp reproval of inconsiderate con- cent over that of a year ago and is topen upper half of his door. Hoard s were vaccinated and although some sal age was made tbe losses were stag- stituents has issued from the Capitol's officially reported at 32,337,000 acres (Dairyman. gering and the vaccinating expensive. attending physician. Dr. George Cal-ve- r, The condition of the crop in India whose duty it is to see that mem- where harvest begins in March is only "Vaccinate pigs when they are Silage Requirements small. It Is cheaper," says Henderson. bers of the lower house are kept in fair with a deficiency in moisture in '.. Aside from the normal requirements proper physical condition to run the import areas. making silage, the essential factors nation's business. World shipments of wheat continued Add to "Woodlot corn fodder In the silo are: Crops" Over taxed by unparrelleled de- of good volume during the week. iln putting ft good Job of cutting must be Farmers' Bank Accounts mands from home sime improvement in Eurodistricts, Represen. . (2) plenty of water must be add t n nave slrajn-tha' tne unt,er pean demand but coinsisted principally New York farmers collected more "uviT8 vDro.Kf ed at the time of Oiling If the silsge Is House physician places the blame of shipments from the Southern Hem fl6,NK),0U0 from oue crop that ito ferment and keep properly. The requind no seeding or cultivating or I ?.f th R.UtWen deaths of Representa- isphere. Argentine exports were re j approximate Quantity of water needed and Ruther ' Mississippi eveu ported at 4,218,000 bushels and the or, VVU" land In U ft weight equal to the weight of the ivef VJ'M, accordpreparation, of Georgia, ag well as the re Australian at 4,546,000 A part of this water should i fodder. Ing to the recent census which listed cent of Black bushels. Chairman Collier sea of amount collapse , shipments woodlot b added at the cutter to be blown In products for the first time. House Ways and Means Commit-- 1 ed to only 048,000 bushels all of Rus- the total The of more acres cut than the 3,500.000 fodder. Some water jwith tee upon the unparalled combination ' aian wheat. Most of the remainder (must be added In the silo to the sur of woodlots on occupied farms re- of committee of the world's exports was of North work, a seven-day-- a 'fact as the silo Is filled. Some farm-(er- s turned, on the average, $4.47 to the week followed American this schedule, acre. by many This grain. Reduced supplies of forreturn Is significant, run water In their silos overnight. esters at tbe department of forestry session, and the thoughtlessness of the native wheat in Europe have resulted people back home as well as con- - in some modifications of milling re at Cornell point out, for the only exAnimals Need Water stituents visiting the Capital. strictions. The quota of foreign wheat pense against this return Is for Dr. Calver declares that many of allowed French millers has been in- , ' Animals need more wrtn water and Since most of this laud Is not suited his patients confined to bed through creased to 20 per cent and trade re- Jaotne hog feeding xperlments Indicate illnces, have been called on the phone ports indicate that some modification 15 per cent savln-- j In feed 10 to j by for growing crops and lurs low value to having warm water Instead of Ice wa- the acre, the return Is decidedly valu- from 8 in the morning until late at of German import tariffs is being coniter before live stock In winter, accord-Jin- g able, they say. In certain of the strict- night by selfish, thoughtless persons, sidered. Trices of native wheats adto the Nebraska College of Agricu- ly agricultural counties, where many who become resentful and angry if vanced in most European markets lture. The same Is true with poultry, of the woodlot s are on land which Is their Congressman refuses to answer with good milling wheat quoted Febru and hens lay more eggs If they drink good enough to be suited for farming the call. at ary 19 at Hamburg at $1.59 If Congress Is to operate smoothly, Paris at f 1.721c and at Milan at $1.65 warm water. Water at the tempera purposes, the return Is higher. In Nic. The market for foreign wheats ture at which It comes from tbe weH agara county the return was $11.50 to the health of its members must be prets usually satisfactory. There It little the acre; In Orleans county $11.20 to served. Constituents should remem also strengthened with sales of No. ber this and not make unreasonable 2 Manitoba from Vancouver reported gained by chopping let oat of tbt the acre. . ard petty demands upon their Repre- - j at Liverpool at 67 tack. and of old crop ocnmmcp. Argentine wncai si omc: wo. z Man , 'mde-to-md- er Easy Pleasant Way How Hog Cholera LOSE FAT Can Be Worsted i PLYMOUTH j Tiie Advice in "Farm Relief" Program i. -- I Ice. 'Worth-Whil- e ii bushel. Only Thorough Trampling of Stalks Will Kill Corn Pests. i i i ed Grain Market i 1 ay af-for- d 61c-62- rejoieit 58ic-592- 603c-62l- Cylinder Cars Lead In in low-pric- ! i POLITICS and PERSONALITIES I ! i-- 1 . n I I bar-vestin- . ! c; 7-- . illustrations that "punctt'yQVLx ads, ideas that Jgtt your merchandise v Bear River Valley Leader |