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Show PAGE TWO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25, 1932 .i High School Notes EAST GARLAND V:' :BRHS: -- 4- RIVERSP '" N i i" - for ii Iif Hi' a lS j. :: i u iff r c 't vk .9 - .. .' f" 7 .TiiiH-- j'.ipt' v ! :i S'V' a; 'jt.l. .iW6,. .. ing Sunday evening. A number of the younger boys gave short talks on the "Word of Wisdom" and Messrs Max and Reed Johnson gave two clarinet and trombone duett. Miss Ixuise Atkinson was home for the week end from Boothe Valley, where she ia teaching school. She states that they felt somewhat isolated there because of deep snow and closi roads for a time. Master Golden Adams, accompanied by his sister, Maud, rendered a vocal solo at sacrament meeting in Garland ward, Sunday evening. The town basketball team was victorious over Tremonton boys Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. Leland Watt, of Layton, was a Sunday guest at the J. L. Atkinson io act.as captain of hese captains drew names ProuPscompany Each , for the rest of thei day one of these groups give the pro gram, including necessary points of the lesson. There are debates, plays, histories, poetry and songs to illus trate these points. All in all it is very interesting. Mr- - Drapes for the windows of the sewing room have been embroidered during the last term by the students of the second year sewing class, under the supervision of Mrs Shurtz. The boys of Mr. Spillman's auto mechanics class have cooperated by making the rods, and will assist in hanging the curtains. tfiv 7 tl. 1 rrt1lMH'Hiiiiroi , , i T7 tJttCTT Miss Madge Tucker and Youngsters of "The Ijdj Xevt Door." Here are a few of the youngsters of 'The Lady Next Door" program and "The Children's Hour" of NBC, listening attentively to Miss Madge Tucker as she outlines her plans tor juvenile programs for the new year. Miss Tucker Is director of juvenile features for NBC and plays the role of the "Lady " . girls that are taking shop Mondav mgnts. The stands are made of popular wood and is put on the laythe to make it round. It is then cut out and made like rope. They will put the Jesoo n it and guilt it with gold. It will then look like guilted rope. :o: Skid-mor- . "I;." ;L:...:v:'f :o: LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS: SUPERINTENDENT SKIDMORE TEACHES PSYC0LOGY CLASSES. The Tremonton Lions Club awarded the prizes for the contest which they Thursday February staged at the Bear River high school 1"!LlSuperin. suV,i. for the best paper about George Wash e bmiths psycology class. Mr. ington in assembly Monday, February is an advanced student of psy21. Mr.. Bishop, Dr. Green, and Mr. home. cology and gave the seudents some The Misses Lavella Roberts, Elaine Cannon represented the club , very interesting information. He start i it n Rice and Jane White, teeachers in the 1 k"f a"u; ed the class by giving a long and in a l Garland school, visited M. I. A. Tues ' lecture and ended by ask day evening by request and sang three read her paper at the Lions Club ban--lultereting ! ing the students about intelligence trios. Dean Hall also of Garland, gave quet, February 24th. tests. a splendid talk on "The Word of WisThe first prize of $5.00 was award:o:- dom" and the Johnson brothers play- ed to Elma Janson, a junior. The secSPKING IS HERE. ed two instrumental duets accompan- ond prize of $3.00, to Maxine Austin ied by Mavis Hansen. and third prize of $2 00 to Elwin GarMany signs of spring have been A basket ball game between the field. Both are seniors. shown around the Bear River high town team and the M. I. A. team is School, including of conreo fho KMro scheduled for Saturday night. A dance The boys of the Shop class are help- - who are out practicing the cross will follow the game. to make some lamp stands for the try run. tnf The cross country run is considered by our school, one of its most important sports. We expect big things from the results this year, and from the results of the training, the races of 1932 are going to hold a lot of victories for Bear River high. Mabel Calderwood, Luella Romer, Wayne McWharter, Ray Rose, Ruth Morrison. Reporters: Mabel Calderwood and Lou Forsberg. ART. Did all of you know that Miss Cap- - Don't Sleenr Side, Gas Hurts Heart j 1. -:- R:Mr. Bishop and Mr. Murray of Tre monton, were the speakers at the Sun day evening meeting. Mr. Castleton of Garland, accompan ied by Miss Rogers gave a pleasing musical number. Mrs. J. H. Ward entertained Sunday at a birthday dinner in honor of the eightieth anniversary of Mrs. Eliza Ward. Forly-o"'.yuests were present. Among those from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Lowrence Hansen and family and the G. W. Arwin family of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Stewart of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. (Jlen Ward of Cropley, Secretary and Mrs. Milton H. Welling of Salt Lake City, J. J. Orwin and family of Garland and the D. P. Jensen and George M. Ward families. The guests were seated at one table. Mrs. Ora Hyer went to Salt Lake Saturday where she met Mr. Hyer and they enjoyed the skii tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Joe For&berg went to Salt Lake Friday and returned home Tuesday. The M. I. A. sponsored a costume ball Tuesday evening which was very successful. The best Colonial costume was worn by Mrs. E. W. Ward. Prize for the best couple was eiven to Miss Ruth Forsberg and Alvin Bowcutt. Comic costume prizes went to Jaunita Dustin E. W. Ward, Jack Forsberg and Bobby Udy. Lyle Leffler and party of friends from Salt Lake, was here visiting Tuesday of last week. A good crowd of married people attended the Farm Bureau banquet Saturday. Tracy Welling attended the Weber County Farm Bureau social in Ogden 3 iiffsia. I bV 1. .1 PEEKING IN THE Mrs. A. A. Udy pleasantly entertain SCHOOL ROOMS. ed the members of her club which Oh, I see Mr. Streeper is English comprises ladies from Fielding, at her home Thursday afternoon. enthusiastically coaxing his pupils to and newsier articles for Over forty from this place enjoved write better a Tl. ..A. the school operetta, '"My Spanish our local papers, ne sianus oexore Fridav ven-- 1 ' the class telling the students they SwtIiMrt social the hall. Miss ave been writing history instead of Garland in ing Beth Rhodes impersonated the Span- - j news. A new Irish lilt is being Dancing ish Sweetheart in a very creditable If that's Mendenhall. Miss manner. Others from this place were taught by ir leading roles. It was a splendid the way the Irish dance, I'm certainly Also an educa-th- e presentation and the teachers from'glad I'm Amerisan Garland school can justly feel tional course of the human body is proud of the way the operetta went raginy among the health classes, A new inspiration has History over. Mrs. Sylvan Korth, Norman Larson made Mr. Benson's work easier. He Keith Rhodes, Fred Somers and Miss has the students do all the looking and Leila Adams spent the week end and reading and reporting on the lives of Washington's birthday at home re-- ! ereat men. In as much as we have Seminary turning to their respective schools n more holidays we make every day Monday afternoon. holiday in our seminary classes. A Mr. and Mrs. Grant Vanfleet, of neW P!an,has been adapted m putting were end week the visitors at Logan, over the ssons. PuPlls were chosen J. L. Atkinson home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hansen and Rulon Steed, of Loran. were calline-on relatives here. Tuesdav. A rather unusual and interesting p ogram was given in sacrament meet : If stomach gas makes you restless and unable to sleep on right side, take Adlenka. One dose will rid you 0f gas or nervousness, and h . sleep Scott Drug Company, Trenton, Utah. IA0.V.) ... Salt Lake fi'f.. unus and labor contributions amounting T..?-'U0- 0 made of lounges in connection withjpieuon at University of Utah Union ballroom building. ' avails built t0 Stait " P About 50,000 forest trees will aWait distribution to Farmers of Utah duj-iApril and May of this year fro"nT forestry department nursery 0f Utah State Agricultural college Aeplu times-New- s. j last week. Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Cravens and baby of Salt Lake, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hales. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker and daughter, Betty, of Pocatello, came down Saturday. Mr. Walker returned Sunday and Mrs. Walker and daughter will remain at the E. W. Ward home for a week. ener has a very interesting project started in the art department. We hope you have been over to shop and saw what the students are doing. It is a work that most all the students are interested in. They draw the pictures and then with plenty of india Mutual ink and gum arobic they are able to Stern Father: "Johnny, I'd like to go make some very interesting drawings through a whole day without once Miss Capener is going to have some scolding or punishing you." artists in the school before we know Johnny: "Well, dad, you have my it. consent." George Washington said, "It is not a custom with me to keep money to look at." Today also, money kept to look at does more harm than good, even to a person possessing it. Deposit your money in the lremonton Banking Company where it will draw interest an work for you, or else let us advise a sound investment which will net you ample profit. Come in today and let's talk it over. TREMONTON j BANKING CO. 3XZZXXXXXXX2 Is Your Busines WOR ADVER G? V If Not, Advertise It For SALE In - This - Paper 4 0 M M IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE ! M M M M ng |