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Show ; New Gun Shells Give More Worry f To BrV Rabbit and Other Game 4 BEAU RIVER. VALLEY XADER,.THURSDAY j ' .FEBRUARY 1$, 1932 ?? ; PAGE FIV 4- - The Greeks Had a Word for This Too! BEAR RIVER CITY -- NOTICE .1 rf , l I " " 1 TESTING n,.......,: 5- IN WACO'S X V BA.UITIC I ,L- - -- :BRC: Miss Izola Jensen of Logan, county home demonstration agent met with W Jf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior), General Land Office at Salt Lake City. Utah, January 20, 1932 NOTICE is hereby given that Howard Glenn of Tremonton, Utah, who on March 31, 1928, made homestead entry No. 046940 for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, SJNE1, SEiNWi, Sestion 6 Township 12 North, Range 6 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before James Brcugh, Notary Public, at Garland, Utah, on the 8th day of March 1932. Claimant names as witnesses: T. II. Ballard, Guy Ballard, John E. Andersen, Eli C. Anderson, All of Tremonton, Utah ELI F. TAYLOR, t5. Register. the Jadies home and community section of the Farm Bureau at the home of Mrs. Alfred Jensen, Monday. The ? ouij.v,i, fcj iiiiL turn J.i xwiit- - e was given by Miss Jensen. A film story and chart from the U. S. A. C, was used. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore and baby greater penetration, with a high percentage of kills. This new development Is the first big Improvement in metallic ammunition in forty years. "The new 6hotgun shells we have adopted have absolutely primers. When the gun is fired there is no need to worry about rust and corrosion if the gun is not Immediately cleaned. The method of locking case under the shell affords an absoshell, preventing a lutely blowout at the rim. and the base gives quicker burning of powder. As a result, greater velocity, longer range, more even pattern and greater killing power are afforded. Through the new Invention, there is uniformity In all shells. There Is an average pressure of five tons per square Inch at the breech when tha new shotgun shells are fired." in the old art of The new division of Ward's labora"Thorough experiments have proved oullets tories is one of the few ballistic testthat the new cadmium-plate- d are cleaner and build up less breech ing places In the country, and Dr. pressure with accelerated speed," said Harvey Is constantly building up the Dr. Harvey, "and as a result they give possibilities. Er'er Rabbit and his varied come kingdom patriots in the Kill have to run faster and farther this winter than ever before If they hope to thwart the purpose of the hunter who is keeping pace with the times. The ballistic expert has probullet that duced a cadmium-plate- d has a velocity of 1,300 feet per second, compared to 980 feet for the average 22 long-rifcartridge. Hence the new worry for Br'er Rabbit and the other denizens of field and forest. Dr. E. H. Harvey, head of Montgomery Ward & Co.'s laboratories in Chicago, has made ballistics the bub-eof much study and experiment, and he believes that the new ammunition for rifle and shotgun now offered by the company represents perfection wild-gam- le cone-shap- ed ct shell-makin- g. Mrs. Keele Lake City, Wednesday. has very poor health and will stay for a while with her daughter there. V Miss Donna Brough has Miss Alice Crockett of Tremonton as her guest Sunday, and Miss Rowane McFarland :ET: of Riverside spent Sunday night with Miss Blanche Brough of Salt Lake her. Mrs. Sam Kay returned home Sun City, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Albert Thompson. day after spending the past three Wm. Keele took his mother to Salt weeks with her mother, Mrs. Albert . TBt7MATTAT I u. iiiLdTiumvm -- an PRICES FOR SAT., FEB. 27th, 1932 FLOUR 48 Pound Bag Harvest Belle. BUTTER 79c ZZC Pound "A" Grade, Fresh Creamery. LARD 2 Pounds 15c 2 Cans 25c Fancy, Golden Ripe. LETUCE pound 5c 2 Heads 9c LEMONS Fancy, Sunkist Brand. OMHMHHB CHEESE Brick 5 Pound 75c Noodles or Spaghetti. 6 Packages 25 Pound 10c for the Farm Bureau banquet. i.;-- y, ;( iii' i mmtmtm m m H. G. Scott Drug Co. scriptions, Drugs and Druggist Sundries Phone 47 Night Calls 47 Tremonton, Utah pk(r. tweiback tablespooiu butter lug-a- 1 STATE OF UTAH ) County of Box Elder )ss V In the Elwood Precinct of said County. I have in my possession the following described animals, which, if not claimed and taken away, will be Bold ui public auction to the highest cash bidder at my corral in Elwood Precinct, on the 3rd day of March,' 1932, at the hour of one o'clock. DESCRIPTION OF ANIMALS One black mare, white hind feet, star in forehead, weight about 1300 pounds, smooth mouth, brand resembles C on left shoulder, long mane. Said animals are held by me to secure the payment of 50c damages done by said animals upon the premises of E. N. Mortensen on the 21st day of Februarv, 1932. JOHN BRONSON, Poundkeeper of Elwood Precinct. cup sugar t"4 tablespoon 4or teaspoon salt cake 'Philadelphia Cream Cheeae 1 teaspon vanilla 4 eggs 1 cup cream Pint) S Vl Roll the cwelback Into crumbs, add the butter and 3 tablespoons ot au&r creamed together. Blend thoroughly, put into a spring form mold and press down evenly on the bottoot. Mis the cup of sugar with flour and salt and cream thoroughly with the Add "Philadelphia" Cream Cheese. vanilla and yolks of eggs and beat; add cream and mix again, Fold In the beaten egg whites, pour mixture on mouth. top of the crumbs, and bake tn a rhls particular cheesecake fills a moderate oven, 32S to 850 degree, an hour, or until center is "set." unique dessert need. It is idem for e, at-o- NOTICE GRAIN GROWERS MEETING A mass meeting of Grain Growers of Bear River valley will be held Saturday, February 27th at 2 o'clock at the Tremonton Commercial Club rooms Vital problems to every grain grower will be discussed at this meeting and a local unit of Farmers National will be fully and completely organized at this meeting. It is important that every grain grower in the valley be present. ELWOOD A de- When You Think HARDWARE tflmhmm,'tfvmnmti-,it- 1 2 t tablesnoont Apris Midi club at her home. The valentine idea was carried out in the decorations and menu. A social afternoon was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Jack Erickson and Mrs. Iewis Larson, of Corinne, were shopping in Brigham Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. eGorge Daily of were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mortensen last Wednesday Miss Dorthea Hansen returned from Rait Lake Saturday for an indefinite stay. Miss Lorraine Wright of Ogden, spent the week end here with her grandfather, R. P. Hansen. She returned Monday with Mrs. Frank who visited her mother, Mrs. Caroline Miller in Tremonton 7 Miss Norma Anderson went to Ogden Saturday where she assisted others from eBar River high school who rendered a program there. Mrs. Jim Creager of Morgan and son spent the week end home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Romer, and other relatives. Miss Nina Larsen and Gladies Hun- Lew-isto- More 2-- NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS FOR DAMAGES love-offeri- n, tl. 2-- saker, spent the week end at home visiting their folks Willes Adams of Harper was a week ' t end guest of June Larsen. Friday evening a group of young people gathered at the home of Dorothy Christensen, where they engaged in making candy and playing progressive games of rook. They are all look ing forward to the next Mrs. John Bronson was called to Riverside Sunday where her daughter, Mrs. Thelma Udy was quite ill Mrs. Nephi Dusten of Riverside, is spending a week with her mother; Mrs M. L. Hunsaker, who is still on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shepherd is rejoicing over the arrival of a son, born February 12th Mother and baby are ' ..s doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. M. II..' Pack,-- . and Miss Stohl of Tremonton, visited at Elwood Sunday evening. The young men both gave splendid missionary experiences. - ; , JEMr-Richards- Cost Milk-Le- ss PURINA DAIRY RATION $1.60 GARLAND-TREMONTO- N MILLING CO. HAVE YOUR SPRING CLEANING DONE 1 H H Fancy Dry Pack. M.r..,Ari. es . licious two course luncheon was served to nine members and two guests. Elmer Anderson motored eo Ogden, Sunday. Mrs. K H. Fridal spent the fore part of the week in Salt Lake City. 25c 2 Cans er 1-- Clarence Brough and family of Tremonton visited his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brough, Sunday. Mrs. Ira Fridal entertained the La dies Farm Bureau last Friday, after a short business session the time was spent in making caps for the waiters Bulk, Made from Select Virginia Peanuts. SHRIMP '3 I on Monday. Medium, Whole Milk MACARONI v v n, 15c Dozen record the classic of alter-dlnnservice. The Greeks offered cheese-cakto their Gods, sang about them in their poetry. "Honied cheesecakes" went the Greek. Even the abstemious Socrates, whose final potion was hemlock, delighted In his life to receive cheesecakes from bis friends as a The aristocratic ancestor of all good cheese-cake- s, the Greek cheese-cakcould not have been a better subject for poetry or gift to the gods than Its smart American offspring. "Philadelphia" Cream cheesecake a toothsome disc of quivering luscious-nes- s comes from the oven with only one destiny. It asks to melt in the i Fancy, Solid, California. l the special Sunday night supper, to home dinner, the banquet, the tea, the A dessert fit tor the four o'clock coffee party. Served with Chcesecbkel coffee, indeed, this delicary come m godsl near poetry as lood can com. New modern American cheesecake 1m The preparation of cheesr seem may the most modernistic ot simplicity Itself. -desserts, but tt is the oldest sweet on PHILADELPHIA" CREAM LAKE Sunday evening in connection with . our sacrament meeting a very interest :E: iig proerram was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Christensen of the 200th anniversary of George J. P Christensen and Mrs. Tremonton, Washington. Elsie Duffin, went to Logan on Mon day to visit Mrs. Emiel Anderson, a Giles of South Trmonton. Mrs. Charles Peterson made a busi sister of Mrs. Christensen, and on Monday evening the children gather ness trip to Brigham City Monday. ed to meet their cousin, who left for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dodd of and Mrs. Amos Hansen of El- - her horn on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Wm. Petersen entertained last wood, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Friday George Brough, Friday. Jensen and family fo Corinne, also a Miss Melva Peterson attended the funeral services of Miss Daisy Jensen surprise to honor her husband's birthday. Over fifty relatives gathered of Brigham City, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs Hyrum Tibbetts and and a very sociable time was enjoyed. children were Sunday guests in the She was assisted gy her mother, Mrs. Wagstaff and her sister, Mrs. ePter-soGeorge Abbott home. of Perry Mr. and Mhs. eJnsen Stacy Kay, son of Calvin Kay, and will leave in the near Idaho for Harry White, son of Zeb White, are both recovering from their illness. Mrs. Arma Miller entertained the Mrs. Hyrum Hansen of South Tre monton visited Mrs. Charles Peterson No. 2'2 Tin, Broken Slices BANANAS Thursday afternoon Mrs. LaVorl Dallin was hostess to a number of her friends who met at her home in honor of her birthday. At three o'clock a delicious hot dinner was served to 12 guests and the hostess. The afternoon was spent in playing '500'. Mrs Dallin was assisted with the serving by her sister, Mrs. Cliff Matesen Miss Doris Woolwork, of Salt Lake, is the guest of Miss Damsel Christen sen. These two young ladies attend school at the Quish beauty school this winter. Wm. J, Rose returned home Sunday after spending a week in Ogden on W " By MARYE DAHNKE. Kraft Cbee Instituta. clays. business. Fresh Rendered. PINEAPPLE X -- ht gas-tig- motored to Clearfield, Utah, where they spent Saturday and Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Moore and family. Mrs. Eliza Hailing, Mrs. Augusta Iversen, Mrs. Thressa Brailsford were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Anderson at Bothwell Thursday. Mrs. Arnold Dallin wes confined to her home last week suffering with an attack of tonsilitis. She is now able to be around. Max Jensen who is attending school in Salt Lake City, spent the week end visiting with his parents, Bishop and Mrs. Osey Jensen. He was accompanied home by his cousin, Vincent Chris tensen, who visited with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Jensen and Mrs. Trena Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Anderson were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Jensen of Brigham City Friday evening a ward reunion was held in our amusement hall. At o'clock a delicious hot supper was serv ed to 340, including children from the ages of 14 and up. Following the supper a program was enjoyed. Mu sic by the band. The Star Spangled Banner was sang by the congregation. Song by the M. I. A. male chorus, sax- aphone solo LeGrand Peterson, ladies chorus, a paper was read by Miss Mary Buxton "Bear River in 1942". Two selections were played by the Bear River Junior band, led by Hyrum P. Nelson. This program and dance was enjoyed by all, and on Saturday at 4 o'clock a dinner was enjoyed by the children, also dancing. Mrs. Lorin Christensen who was op erated on at the Valley Hospital Fri day morning is improving rapidly and will be able to return home in a few r THINK WIISON "Everything To Build Anything' Phone 11 WteMe Lw Fwices Lai w 8 M 1 H M M M When You Think HARDWARE SPECIAL PRICES ON - Hats Dresses Coats Spring H M M M M M M THINK WILSON LET US CLEAN YOUR CURTAINS AND DRAPES. WE MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE NEW "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 M M M ALL WORK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ouu Call 37 and Our Route Man Will Call M il33U, J M MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah M Phone 21 H U. . CLEANEES rYTYYTxixxsxrisxxrTxxx: M M on |