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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1931 Recital on Piano and Expression to be Given Farm Bureau Baseball A HELP TO HAM i ; Miss Bergstrora and ' WilsonRuby present their students Gives Much Promise Phyllis in the . second of a series of recitals, Wednesday and Thursday, July 1st and 2nd, at the L. D. S. Hall, at 8:30 o'clock. The public is coitlially invited to attend. The program will be composed of ",, ' numbers given by the fallowing stu- Wednesday Evening Cleone Firth, Myrtle Piano : Stark, Phyllis Summers, LeHa Stark, Junior Anderson, Bemice Anderson, . Leonard Marble, Maurine Marble, Em-- 1 ma Lou Stander, Vera Kay, Maria ' Fronk, Josephine Wadsworth, Margaret Pack, George Bradshaw. Duet : Ruth Pack, Doris Ray. Clair Firth, Bobbie Expression : Bobbie Crompton, Warner Kelstrom, Thampson, Leila Stark, Lavern Summers, Lois Hansen, Betty Summers, Beverly Summers, Shirley Anderson, Helen Thompson, Marjorie Hansen, v Dana Abbott, Wanda Peterson, Phyllis Summera, Delia Stark, Wanda Anderson, Nedra Summers. Thursday Evening Piano : Irva Ray, Doris Ray, Fay Waldron, Elaine Christensen, Rulon Hunsaker, Devon Hunsaker, Ruby Hun saker, Helen Mills, Athleno Mills, Ruth Pack, Elaine Gephart, Hope Christensen, Dona Brough, Gloria Ruth Johnson, Odell Bradshaw. Duet : Ruth Pack, Doris Ray. ' Arlo Adams, Leo Expression : Adams, Norman Birch, Jay Hansen, Dorothy Summers, Wanda Peterson, Dorothy Marble, Virginia Muth, Le Ne Krolsh, Thelma Scott, Delia Walton, Dona Abbott, Mary Haight, Helen Wight, Margie Firth, Gladys Newman, Mary Wight. ha always been a popular meat in this country. So much o it is consumed, in fact, that dietitians have made a special study of what to serve wih it in order to make it more digestible. For ham is a good food, rich in proteins, and if you like to ea: a lot of it, because of it j vigorous tlavor, they want to be ;vre that your digestive apparatus .an take care of it. Oi recent years, the porker, if he enjoys beiiijf eaten, has found himA comself indebted to Hawaii. bination not only delectable but dietetically correct has Ihcii found in ham with Hawaiian pineapple. This fruit is blessed with a digestive enzyme called bromelin which acts powerfully on protein foods, and makes them easier to digest. That is the reason why pineapple is served so often nowadays with protein rich foods such as ham, pnrk, lamb chops, beef steak and other meats. Here are tro recipes for its use with ham and nor. Ham Hmrniian Style: Put slices of cold, boiled ham over bottom of 1AM , n, child clinic will be held !in the Relief Society room, in the L. D. S. church from 10 to 12 o'clock in pre-scho- ol the morning. Brown Sheeting 39c Per Yd. 8c detachable to permit washing. Limited to supply ed, available. I ... Lone Star Sheeting Seat Covering Extra Value 23c Per Yd. Per Yd. Very seasonable. Ideal for cushions' and covers for porch, furniture, auto seat covers, etc. Extra strong, 28 inches wide. Buy now Just the thing for quilt linings and mattress covers. Medium weight and extra wide. Full 86 inches. Cerr" tainly priced low. and save. Huck Towels An Outstanding Value ... Decidedly Underpriced , Beautiful 10c each, . Newest Snrinr Shades 50c J special value. 23c Per Sleeveless Pair .. A new purchase. You can ,now have the pleasure of t ,. 'Hooverette Aprons 89c wearing smart hose at low cost. Rayon to colored pecot top. Extra toe guard for wear, ravel stops and fash- i ion marks. There's every size. . I for Assorted attractive boarders, size 16'x29. Buy several months supply 1 at this price. Its an extra Rayon Hosiery r 6 Sleeveless style, button front, contrast check, piping trim collar and front. Just the dress for summer wear. Printed Rayon Crepe , ; New Styles 43c Per Yd. ' w Fine quality rayon crepe. Beautiful color assortment on different grounds. New est styles. Regular 50c value. A big saving on every yard, full 36 inches wide. This Is A THRIFT SCRIP Store WHMURN t or " " 4iA oBi general wear colon and jackets and Jacket elects.. . dresses for sportswear, U the street, for siteraooi sad vreaioc. Flat crept, canto ckiflo anj crepe, gtarsatt The Rough Riders went on a rampage and chased over seven runs in the first canto to trim the Armstrong Club of the Ogden City League 9 to 3. Agter the first inning the gome developed into a sweet matinee. Hunsaker on the slab for the winners kept the visitirs' hits well scat tered and was given air tight support by his team mates. Favero got 3 of his teams seven hits. N. Waldron, Randall, R. Waldron, and Hunsaker each pot a pair of safties. The speed of little Johnie Sarlo was the feature of the game. Wemmj DEPARTMENT . TORE EAST MAIN STREET TREMONTON, UTAH fienrs of the extension service expect to have one of the most successful encampments in many years. " ' t - rV r.m Jnh to A 4F & 1 f Important News! ; Senator Reed Smoot will addressee group on the international situation, as it affects Utah products including minerals, sugar, wool and wheat. He will also discuss farm credit. George H. Derm will discuss Utah's resources, including the ex tent and diversity of agriculture, range, mining, manufacturing and na tural scenery. John T. Caine III, former director of the Utah Extension Service and now connected with the Union Stock Yards at Chicago will discuss the relationship of the classes of livestock to Utah asrriculture and the balance that should be maintained in these va rious classes. W. W. Hochbaum, in charge of extension work in the .eastern states, will tell whafc the service is doing for the farmers, andTrofes-so- r C. R. Arnold, senior economist at Ohio State University, will discuss the economic situation as it effects the farmers. Other eminent speakers on the program include President A. W. Ivins of the Board of Trustees of the college, M. S. Winder, executive of the American Farm Bureau Federation, President E. G. Peterson, Director William Peterson, David 0. McKay, council of twelve, L. D. S. Church, Mrs. Rena B. Maycock, assistant director of the Utah Extension Service, Dr. C. N. Jensen, state superintendent of public instruction, and W. L. Walker, manager of Z. C. M. I. The program begins Wednesday, Julv 15 at 6 d. m. with a hand con cert. A unique feature, the tribal dance of the Ute Indians from the Ouary and Uintah reservations, will follow. Governor Dern and M. S. Winder will speak at the general session to be held that evening. President Peterson will sneak on "Utah Agriculture and the Agricultural College" on Thursday. Other sp"ak ers for Thursday will be Director William Teterson, who will report on the public domain, and John T. Cayie III. Senator .Smoot and President Ivins will speak on Thursday afternoon, Lecture demonstrations will also be held Thursday in various departments. Friday speakers include David O. McKay, Dr. C. N. Jensen, IL W. Hochbaum, Professor C. R. Arnold, :V. L. v. Walker, and Mrs. Maycock" ' Numerous entertainment . features have been prepared which will carry through the whole course of the encampment. They include exhibits, games musicals, dramas, movies, dances and band conceits.- - .rrangements will also be made for the children present. A nursery in charge of experts in child nianage.m'iit will provide for tho small children and supervision will also be given to the larger Gov-ers- Unbleached CmI Uht tkal printt Tremonton Downs The Armstrong Club 9 to 3 ' section. A Good Heavy Quality Supply your needs now. This is a very low price on sheeting of this character. 19C 'In. Inch Floor Mops Pork Chofs with Grilled Pineapple: Fry one and one-ha- lf pounds pork chops as usual, and remove tc a hot platter. Meanwhile drain one can of sliced Hawaiian pineapple, place the slices on the broiler rack and brown under flame until golden on both sides. Place on a platter with the chops. This recipe will serve six people, and so plentiful is canned Hawaiian pineapple this year that the price lower than usual, and a housewife should be able to serve it anywhere in this country at a cost of not more seventy cents. And that's nol the ody economy. Fvery experienced housewife will be sure to save the syrup drained from t'.ie can to use in her cold summer drinks. Utah State Agricultural College Financing of farms and homes will be the central theme of the eleventh annual farmers' encampment to be held at the Utah State Agricultural College from July 15 to 18 under the direction of the extension service.. Emi nent economists, finance specialists, educators, and homemakers will appear on the program in an attempt to aid in solving the financial problems of the farmers and housewives of this All Spring: and Summer Merchandise Price Lower Than You Have Seen in Years 36 shallow ba':inir pan, one slice person to be served. On eacL slice put a slice of canned Hawaiian pineapple. In the hole of each slice force two ripe' olives and then hid. thrm by putting one tablespoon brown sugar over each hole. Place under broiler and brown well. Farmers Encampment Offers Varied Program Super Valuesat Special purchase at facThis mop is tory cost. guaranteed by good housekeeping. Chemically treat- m 8-- . A you'd covet? enpecti to Clad Cor only 15-1- dents: Dal-to- o Last Saturday six of the local Farm Bureau teams, that belong to the South Farm Bureau League, played baseball according to the schedule marked out. Following are the re sults of the games: Mantua Perry: 47-- 7 in favor of Bngham City: Mantua; Honeyville 3 in favor of Honeyville; Bng 3 in favor of Brig-haham Harper: City; The first game mentioned was play ed at Mantua and the other two at Brigham City. This week the league officers and local team managers plan on holding a meeting to get the permanent sched ule for the season worked out; deposit the forfeiture money; and arrange other details that will assist in making the league a success. After this is done we shall be able to fully report each game relating to scores, errors, hits and comments on the individual players. Some excellent plays were made last Saturday, And are worthy of much good comment. These games are free to the public, and large crowds should attend them. The boys, who are giving their time and efforts to furnish good baseball, are worthy of, and need good, loyal support. REAL NEWS For all the people of the Tremonton trading area. This in a program which will continue over group of merchants are the next eight weeks. Read this message carefully Then join in. Great Fun For All THE PLAN IS SIMPLE "Here ths whole story in a nutshell." The retail firms of this community listed below FOR will issue to you ONE PIECE OF . THRIFT-SCRIEACH DOLLAR YOU SPEND or CASH YOU PAY ON ACCOUNT during the period of this campaign. Accumulate all of the THRIFT-SCRIyou can during the next few weeks for it is to be used instead of currency in the bidding AUCTION. All the valuable at the big THRIFT-SCRImerchandise listed in this advertisement will positively ho put up at auction. YOU BID AND PAY FOR THESE II iMS WITH THE THRIFT SCRIP YOU HAVE HECEiVED FROM THESE MERCHANTS. The plan is simple and real fun for all. P Look Look! All this valuable merchandise w ill be sold at the Big Thrift-Scri- p AUCTION P P To Be Held 1 H -- August THE VALUABLE MERCHANDISE LISTED HERE WILL BE SOLD AT THE THRIFT-SCRI- P AUCTION TO BE HELD 15 Saturday, Aug. IS 200 SAVE YOUR THRIFT - SCRIP Barb Wire, Glassware, Lbs. .Sugar, Lace Curtains THRIFT SCRIPT will be issued on each dollar CASH PURCHASE, or on each dollar PAID ON ACCOUNT. Suit Cases, Sheets Flash Lights Alarm Clocks, Aluminum Ware Auto Tires - Tubes, Kodaks The merchants issuing THRIFT-SCRI- P will each have on display .a number of the items to be offered to the highest bidder at the THRIFT - SCRIP Wrist Watch, Ice Cream Freezer Electric Toaster, Rugs Bakery Goods, Floor Lamps Wicker Rocker, Stationery Picture Show Ticket AUCTION. Save all the THRIFT- - SCRIPT you can AUCTION and outbid the other fellow. Attend the Watch this paper's announcement . of Big Special Bargain Sales Days to be be held next week. , M M M Leader Subscription Numerous other valuable Articles COME TO TREMONTON ; Ask For THRIFT - SCRIP i ED3 " " . ones. As in the past, tents will be pitched of the college lawns; water and lights will be provided and cook stoves will be set up at convenient points. With a program prepared to meet presently existing conditions tho.of- - It: These Merchants Issue Thrift - Scrip Ask For It. : M R. L. FISH BURN & SONS CO. GEPHART STORES CO. SCOTT DRUG CO. FARMERS' CASH UNION BE AR RIVER VALLEY IMP. SHAW & IVERSON WILSON LUMBER CO. FRONK CHEVROLET CO. W. E. GETZ X H LIBERTY THEATRE M TREMONTON STEAM BAKERY BEAR RIVER VALLEY M LEADER M M M M rTTTrTTTTTTTITTTTXITTITTTTTTTTYTT; a |