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Show PAGE SIX. BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1931 Citizenship Only Garland Personals For Morans? Playground News i Do you by chance do any of your Jean Stoddard of Howell spent Wed wn thinking ? Do you believe in of last week here with friends. nesday weighing for yourself the facts of Mr. and Mrs. George Nye and daugh questions rather than accepting without question the snap judgement ters, Faye and Cleo, returned home last week from Denver, Colorado, of the mob? Do you find any dence of human progress in the fact where they spent two weeks with Miss that only 400 years ago, in the days Melba Nye and other relatives and When You Think HARDWARE I Our tournament begins next Mon day, June 29th, and the schedule we have planned follows: na-tion- al Monday Monday THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 at 2:30 p. m., boys baseball. at 3:00 p. m., girls' horse shoe. of the Italian Machiavelli, war was friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite and considered the supreme end of nations, Tuesday at 3.00 p. m, boys' horse shoe. while in 1924; it was deuounced in daughter, Erma, motored to Brighanj the Geneva Protocol as an internation Oity Thursday. Tuesday at 5:00 p. in, girls' base- al crime? Do you believe the United Dr. and Mrs. O. Wendell Budge, of balL States meant what it said when it sign Lewiston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Wednesday, beginning at 2:30 p. m. Fact and Mrs. 0. L. Winters. jed the Kellogg-Brian- d track meet, jacks and mumble peg for re62 other with to nations agreed Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nichols and small both boys and girls. nounce war as an instrument of na daughter, Marilyn were Logan visit Awards will be given to the win tional policy? ors Thursday. 52 ners of each event, and everyone who Should you answer these in the af Mr. J. J. Thompson spent Wednes to take part should sign up wishes to "not are attached the irmative, you on busi and in day at Thursday the Ogden, playground this week. principles of the Constitution" and, if ness. They mean too much to Our swimming lessons began this an alien, you would not be thought fit Pres. and Mrs. C. E. Smith and sons week. Group I swims on Tuesdays, you. for American citizenship! This is the Clinton much work, too much worry. Tired but too and were Salt Lake Richard, on swims II TOO group group Wednesdays; unbelievable import of the Supreme nervous to sleep. Counting imaginary sheep, reWe have the Experience1 Thursday. III swims on Thursdays; group IV Court s recent decision in the Mack visitors mind a blank, all no Mrs. of Fri muscles, Leatham, on your Idaho, making spent swims your laxing intosh-Blan- d Fridays. and Equipment to give you cases. A professor of and Saturday visiting at the home tomorrow. in" "all feel You'll day use. At the will end we of the season Yale at who was theology University the Best in Optometric of Mrs. John Burton and be given Beginners' Swimmers' or Jun Just dissolve a Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tahlct in a a wartime Chaplain in the Canadian Mrs.herP. sisters, clear C. Petterson. Drink the water. of sparkling beverage. ior life Saving Badges, depending uphalf glass Army, and a Canadian war nurse were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lillywhite and Drift off into deep dreamless sleep and get up in the morning on the difficulty of the tests we will denied citizenship because they refus the day's duties or refreshed in mind and body, and ready for be able to pass. Bring 20 cents and ed to agree to bear arms in a future small daughter, Joyce, came up from pleasures. be ready to leave the playground in war which they might deem morally OgdenMr.Thursday and spent the day two is made forms now and Nervine Liquid Miles' Dr. with Lillywhite's parents, Mr. and promptly at 9 a. m. unjustified and incompatible with Mrs. Lewis Effervescent Tablet. Both are the same therapeutically. We are planning on presenting a Lillywhite. mem store their Christian consciences. at uet arug your R. T. Shaw, of Brigham City was and stunts and tumbling exhidance ; J1.00 and ; Large Package Eloquently vigorously, Chief business visitor here Friday. bition in a few weeks. Everyone inJustice Hughes delivered a dissent a Mr. TP and Mrs. W. B. Barnard were terested should report for stunts and from the majority opinion: ". . . visitors Logan Thursday. tumbling at 1 1 a. m. on Mondays and the forum of conscience, duty to a Dr. W. J. Chambers Satur spent Saturdays, and for dancing at 1 :00 p. moral power higher than the State day in Brigham City. m. on Mondays and Thursdays. has always been maintained. . . Mr. and Mrs. Delos Thompson had seemea to me that the applicant has shown himself in his behavior and as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and character to be highly desirable as a Mrs. Millan Peck and daughter, Sher ry Jean and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Per citizen." sson and children, Lois and Buddy. Thus the Chief Justice definitely Milk-LeKeith Dnggs motored to Salt Lake aligns himself with the three great Gunnison Construction underway liberals of the bench who concurred in City Friday. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Mrs. J. W. Chambers was hostess to on highway between this city and his opinion: Justice Holmes, Brandeis the members of the Ladies Self Culand Stone. e reservoir known as Federal ture Club Friday afternoon, June 19th. But those who a short time ago hail Aid M. Mrs. Pres. E. Andrus in was Project 91-charge ed Mr. Justice Roberts as a member of the "Evan Stevens" was Brigham Hollywood City Moab meeting. of what was hoped to be "a new ma Many road projects under the theme of the afternoon program. Candy Company installed electric construction in San Juan County. jority" were doomed to disappoint ment, as he Bided with the reaction- Papers were given by Mrs. T. W. In- - machine for toasting sandwiches Price E. Robertson J. and Henry GARLAND-TREMONTO- N Mrs. L. J. CO. Harvey and Mrs. Harary views of Sutherland, McReynolds, nes, Ogden W. T. Grant Company op Dinkelman plan establishing old Persson. written Mr. Songs flying by Van Devanter and Butler. Stevens were sung by the club mem ened merchandise store in this city. school here. bers. During the social hour the host THE WORLD COMES TO ess served a delicious tray luncheon to WASHINGTON thirty seven members and sixteen The International Chamber of Com guests. Club will meet with Mrs. merce meeting left on the Capital an Grace Haws as hostess, July 10th at indelible impression of mingled na the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wynn nonalities, tongues, and faces.. In Hansen in Fielding. Mrs. A. H. Archibald and dians and Chinese, Italians and En attended the Archibald' family family glishmen, representatives of thirtyfive nations, talked earnestly at length reunion held in Plymouth Saturday . over the silver question, tariff bar and Sunday. D. Barfusa and son, Eldeen, Mrs. C war oth and riers, disarmament, debts, er universan, problems. , Ear phones were Ogden visitors Friday. Mrs. Paul. Hinman. of Bountiful. carried each speaker's address transwas a guest last week at the home of lated in to the proper language for her Mr. Lyman Thorpe. daughter the listener, though many foreign Mr. Wesley Ault and Mr. Peterson speakers spoke flawless English with of Logan, were dinner guests, Monday .engaging Europeon accents. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. was veritable Naa of Jt League Carter. tions gathering. In fact, the League Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Driggs and son. was mentioned in proceedings, and the official program carried the word, Jack, were Salt Ltke. visitors Monday. Mrs. Ursel Rose and son, Horace, who "international," which in the political have been at Camp Keisel for the past sense is a bugabee to Americans, more week returned home Tuesday. than twenty times, exclusive of its use The Misses Mae Hilstrom and Elva in the Chamber's title. Moved by the spirit of this conclave, Simmonson, of Brigham City, were heat-resistinwe have glanced around the world to guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and g find that in Siam there are a thousand Mrs. George Nye. Mrs. D. J. Gunderson and Mrs. Mark contrasts. Here are a few examples: teacher of the Gleaner class Sharp, golden pinnacles of temples Nichols, of M. I. A., entertained the ward the and palaces. Thunderous, grimy class members Monday evening at the shops. '! Yellow monastic robes. Men home. Gunderson The time was spent in knickers wielding mashies. MagLong, hard drives under hot sun your motor nificent boulevards. Humble thatched in playing 'hokum'. Delicious refreshtends to heat up, and needs the extra protection of an were served. huts. Buffalos and flivers. Elephant ments oil Mr. William Miss Buttler Leon and specially refined to stand up under heat . . . Vico. herds trampling through denpe jun of Gar Hall, popular young people Vico is now made with a higher flash-poiThis gle. The .towers of a radio station. A great airplane land, were united in marriage, June Soaking means is capable of withstanding greater heat 17th. . roaring in from western Europe. Minerva of Mrs,' down. without maintains a safe, dependJesse, Springville, thinning In France, the largest railway able the Gare de 1' Est, have is visiting at the home of her parents, the lubricating body highest temperatures Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boss. opened ."welcome rooms' for the genmotor is ever lively to develop. No other oil on your Mr. Peck Mrs. and Millan and small eral public, Here, the soiled, weary to Ogthe market offers such protection. journeyman may have a bath .and get daughter. Sherry Jean, motored his boots polished and his suit pressed den Tuesday. .Vico helps keep your motor free from carbon. Pres. C. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. P. while the ablutions are under way. He Scientific tests reveal that Vico (light medium) is C. Mr. Jack Wahlen, Mr. Peterson, can even dictate a business letter e. carbon-freMrs. and J. Mr. and 99.94 J. No other oil on the market has Shumway, while having his hair cut The stenMrs. G. Sweeten, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. carbon-free such ographers at hand are proficient in purity. Nye and Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Betensen several languages. And with all its important improvements, Vico ; From Manchuria comes word that attended the Lions Convention held in Monday and Tuesday. is now the happy endings typical of Ameri- Pocatello, priced lower than ever. Quantity production, ' of M. H. State was Secretary Wiling can movies do not find favor with the due to increased demand, makes the lower prices posRussians in Harbin. Such movies are a Garland visitor Sunday and attendsible. And you buy Vico with the prUectidn of a " not "true to life," the audience com- ed union meeting where he spoke to the members of the Relief Society in money-bac- k guarantee. Ask your dealer. , plains. Russians also require i corn their department plete accuracy in costumes, facts, and . Change to Vico now. There is no better oil Bishop W. W. Richards, who is atcustoms, according to American Vice school ANY in the Vico sign be sure you get Provo, tending spent Sunday price. Look Consul T. Leanord Lilliestrom. - Good ' j the comedies are appreciated but "stunt" here. uJUif. .;.-:genuine. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Williams and "s films leave them cold. small, daughter, Donna, have gone to Malad to reside. Mr. Williams who has been manager of the 'American NOTICE TO CREDITORS Food Store, has been transferred to Estate of Charlotte E. Mason ' Don't Neglect your Eyes Why Count Sheepn To Go to Sleep i tf More Cost ss PURINA DAIRY RATION Nine-Mil- $1.60 MILLING Mr.-an- d ; MM WDMF9 , 25 uoa- Your motor needs this carbon-fre- e oil, now more than ever a nt rice-field- it s. It at - - . . for at ;' : i -- i " ' ', Deceased. Creditors will present claim with Touchers to the undersigned "executor at the law office of R, H. Baumurik, attorney for .the executor, Suite 807- 9 Eccleg Building, Ogden. Utah, on or before the 5th day of October, A. V. 1931. TP JOHN C. MASON, Executor of the 8-- " r--- " Malad. !,..,. v, Mrs. Orpha Sweeten Leonard, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. - G. G. Sweeten, was chosen to represent Utah at the annual reception given by 'Pres. and Mra. Hoover at the White House. ; The Misses Vera and Myrtle Smith are spending their vacation In Mina and Reno, Nevada. -- Unlimied ; Money o;- - . Jier home. on Irrigated . Land. 6ft per cent. No commissions. JOHN J.SHUMWAV Roll, ,V vr, i Mr. J. Jv Thompson was a Brigham City visitor Saturday. Mr. Odell Thompson motored to Blue Creek Friday, returning home Saturday. . LOAN Phonos: B. R. V. Pre, and Mn. J. J. Shumway had as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Peters , of Brigham City. Miss June Stayner, who has been visiting in Lewiston with: her aunt, Mrs. Wendell Budge, has returned to j ; last will and testament of Charlotte E. Uf Mason, deceased. Date of first publication. 1931. (-2- 8 May 28, C 2S tS. Manufactured and Guaranteed by Utah Oil Refining Company, Sait Lake City |