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Show 4 J.v, MINING A VOLUME 47 NUMBER HELPER P-T- Assistant Electrician Breaks Knee Monday FINAL MEETING OF SCHOOL SEASON MONDAY Installation uf new officers of the Helper PTA and a program on safely will highlight the final HELPER ATTORNEY meeting for this school year Monday, May 11, at 7:30 p.m. at the ELECTED DIST. 5 Helper Junior High school, it was announced this week by Mrs. Claranell Day, secretary. LEGION GOMANDER installation ceremonies will be under the direction of Mrs. Clara Hanson of Price, Carbon council president, who will induct into office the following: Mrs. Lily Woolsey, president; Mr. Leona Witt, vice president; Mrs. claranell Day, secretary, and Mrs. Smiley Amano, treasurer. Safety program The program of the evening will center arcund safety and will be under the direction of Sergeant Nick Thomas, Helper, Utah Highway patrol. He will show films on safety. Along with the showing 2f the film, Mel Grant of American Fork, also" a member of the Highway patrol, wil discuss traffic and safety problems. Miss Ann Price, Central school teacher, will give a reading and the balance of the program will include several musical numbers. wen- V. Litizzettt Stanley and All parents particularly at known law. Helper attorney arc ai the general public extended cordial invitation to attend the: Sunday was elected commander of District Five. nah Department, meeting. Anglican Legion, a: the djstijct Legion convei'.ti in at the Helper ivi- - auditorium. FELLOWSHIP DAY world War A vete'an. Mr. ': y ac.tiw in I.itizzet'e has bee:i ' OBSERVED FRIDAY ::, le ei'i .!:! !':'! 'rs ha-:"- : Fellowship IWy was observed Friday afte:noon in the Price Community Church, sponsored by the Carbon Coutic.il of 1'nited ..hurch Women. Preceding the meeting, a covered dish luncheon was served to app:Oxi-matel- v one hundred members and guests of the various churches represented'.' Mrs. Steve Klapakis, Price, was chairman for the dinner and program which followed. The tables were beautifully in a spring theme, having and blossoms of apple bowls small pots o pansies as favors. Mrs. Margaret Reeves, dent of the Council, presided at the table and conducted a bus-- ' iness meeting at which time the following officers were elected for! the ensuing year: Mrs. L, a. Aver-et- t, president; Mrs. Steve Kla-- : pakis, first vice president; Mrs. Curt Harris, second vice presi- dent; Mrs. Nellie Duncan, third vice president; Mrs. Leva B. Hall.' Secretary, and Mrs. Annabelle Tabey, Treasurer. Rev. R. H. Rahm of the Price! Seventh Day Adventist Church was the speaker for the program, and gave an interesting and very inspiring address on "Citizenship,! Other Our Christian Concern." readers on the program were Mrs. .May -j j j '. . local post comtiiandi man of several activ of the post. iind ci.air-c'iiimit"'- e Auxiliary President Named was Mrs. I uira Unpin, prii-enamed auxiliary presidi in of the district succeeding Mrs. V. K. Litizzette. Helper, uiot'ivr of the new district omniandPr. Eugene Filling r, of Perron, outnamed was commander, going fi'st vice commander, an jack Melntire of Monticello was named seond vice commander. Over 150 persons attended the convention here last week end, at which all of the Utah State de). i partment officers were present. Judy Buffmire and Connie Zarki. Vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. CJiarles Hafey. who sang "Cod Bless our Land ". Mrs. Fred Pleasants sang, "The Ninety and Nine", and Kay pappas, who sang "The Lord's prayer" in Greek. A mixfd choir from the various churches represented, assisted in the music, directed by George Garland and with Mrs. Ethel Hilla-bran- t presiding at the organ. Ministers attending were Rev. H. H. Rahm. Rev. a. Gavalas of the Price Greek Orthodox Church, and Rev. Ralph Schiabig of price Community Church. Kight churches in the county were represented. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT OUR SCHOOLS 1'TAII TAXPAYERS MANY PEOPLE ARE WORRIED over the prospects facing our schools. They appear to think that the "crisis" is of tragic proportions. A big factor causing the hat the last gloom is the fact legislature did iTOt raise the basic formula for the unif'rm schoo) fund nor did it either increase ths state school aid or authorize raising of local tax levy ceilings. P is widely accepted that something should he done but there is considerable difference of opinion as to just what that something is. Certainly, all facts possible should ib utilized in order that wise decisions may be made. Trend of School Costs In the eleven years from 1910-4- 1 to 1951 32, the operation and maintenance costs of Utah schools jumped from $9,831,037 to an advance of $18,351.-oi)- 0 or 1S6',;. Even in the years -- 9 ." the increas totals $11.515.oon. Reduce,) to per capita pupils in average dally attendance, the ate of increase is materially reduced but still impressive. Measured in this matin r. to cost a Increased from 179.42 1184.60 or 130';. The demand foist ill more money continues. State Aid increaset State aid In schools s ever on t!i" increase, pressure for more and mote nr'ney from this source continues apace. During a persince 11)46-4- 7 i state aid Increas$4,622,934 to $16,19.269. r This difference is $11,574,000 In the 5 years Mnce 194 V 46 state aid jumped a total of iod of ed from 1940-195- '250. DISTRICT NEWSPAPER HELPER. UTAH 18 A FROM RAILROAD AND ASSOCIATION or The increase aid is substantial. Other Appropriations This is not all the last tw-legislative sessions have made appropriations totaling $4,157,000 to aid poorer school districts in their building programs. This sum is not included in the above (lusted tabulations. Per Capita Yardstick I'sing a per capita yard stick, state payments in the period under discussion have increased or from $37.35 nearly three-fol- d to $106.10. It may be noted that the present state aid is almost exactly the total operating cost of 106.75 made by ftah schools . in There is still a wide difference of opinion as to the amount of money the state should pay and also to what proportion of total school operating costs should be provided on a state basis. Such questions as these are far fmni settled. Survey Being Checked The legislative council is now car1 hilly analyzing the reports made bv the "School Survey commission". The prospects are that within weeks some decision will be made as to just what should be done f ir best interest of all concerned. We are sure the decision made will be wie a.vl judicious, for we recisn'ju' 'be hlll (.lllber of the Iiio-- i On 111' ( are no,v cci:i:'i. School . n and be grea. to the people of our freit State. They will never all be solved, of this we are suie. $8,851,000 in state o 1944-45- johnny o'Berto, assistant city electrician. Monday was takm to the Price hospital! where he received treatment for a broken knee sustained while working on one of the city power poles. According to pete Bottino, Electrician O'Bei'to was climbing a pole when one of his cleats didn't hold securely and he slid about, 20 feet to the ground, striking one leg and fracturing a knee. The recorder's office stated that johnny will be in the hospital about two weeks. THURSDAY, MAY 1953 7, CARBON SHRINEDOM MERCHANTS & PLEASANT GROVE PLAY HERE COMMENDED; SUNDAY IN SEASON'S BASEBALL OPENER SHRINE CIRCUS SET The Helper Merchants will officially piy the lid off the 195:1 helper merchants season Sund.tv aft" moon at :'::.' e c when ..a. 1st Half Schedule the p.m. they Hi rrie ant Grove pleasant AT HOME Gi e is new to tl ie Industrial Li ague this yd y Sun.. managed May in. Pleasant Grove Lloyd Shannon. !:.10) A short ceremony will Sun., 24. American Fork May usher in the new season, with (8:15) Mayor I). K. Downey taking the May 31. Provo (8:15) mound to pitch to Mayor A. D. Sun Keller of price. Jesse Bryan, Sun June 7, American Fork chairman of commissioners (8:15) board, will be behind the plate to Thurs., June 11, Provo (8:15) handle Downey's slants. Sun., June 14, pleasant Grove Earl Owtn Helper manager (8:15) hasn't as yet announced a startWed., June 17, American Fork ing pitcher but it's a god bet (S:15) that a right hander by the name of George Trejo will be the start- Sun.. June L'8, Pleasant GrOve (8:15) er. Pete Raduiavich will be the catcher, Owen will be 0:1 first, AWAY FROM HOME IXu MaiJ'ne at second, pg Harada 14. American Fork on shortstop, Ray Telaroe at Thurs., May (8:15) third base and Hill Green, lioyce Provo (2:30) Sun., May in the Jacobs and Hen Xaranka Wed. May pleasant Grove outfield. (8:15) Little is known of the Pleasant Wed.. June Pleasant Grove Grove entry. The Herri's were (S:15) one of the powers in the central! , June 21, Provo (2:30) I'lali league last vea- - in the first ' Thui June 15, American Fork half. They withdi'tw from the (S:15) ia vec he 'ml and half league Provo (2:30) finished mil the eason playing Sun., July ball. independent F'ik travels to provo Six New Candidates on Sun also in another In- Initiated Tuesday e dust rial L' ague upe: er. Hie dir ctois oti at last L'lie Iiy Helper Moose meet illu t till four aollt, Six n w members weie inducted M'llsnil with a teams or i!i o possiluij; of cp ndiiig to i:.!n the Helpef Moose lodge TuesHie idd Sl day night, following a shoit team !lel session, it Was eported yesOn Tliursdav. May the a terday by Governor Tony poleat-t- i. ':i"t- - 'ay A'i.im pork ii!y-coiint- y HELPER JAYGEES SECOND PLACE TAKE IN SCRAP BOOK The Helper Junior Chamber of Commerce last week end at the Javcee annual state convention, held at Vernal, was awarded second place for the scrap book entry in the civic improvements classification, it was leported today by Woodrow Merkley. H'cal Jayc.ee president. Mr. Merkleiy also stated that the local group also received a special membership procurement award at the convent ion. Bunnell Elected Director !i yd Bunnell, former Helper mar. and a member f the price Jayi-eesat Sunday's election was1 ' !e(l f t he N'u is :t (iiree'or t: 'I!:.! Junior Chamhe: of Com-- ; ' 1 j At'eiidi:.- - from we i ,. M r. Merkb-- ll'dpoi' Jay- -' and Io"-r.iHuff. Castle Gate, local secretary, and thei: wives. J A WEES MEET TONIGHT s Much of I'tah Shrinedom's pro-- ; gress is credited t i the contribu-- ' lions of Caihon county members, N'els p. Mettom'. illustrious potentate of El Kalah Temple toldi Eastern I'tah sh'i:!e Club mein-- j hers Saturday. The potentate, who is the No. 1 noble in the state and presides over El Kalah Temple, and other officers were guests of the cjub at its annual spring dinner party in the Carbon Country Club. Chris P. Jouflas, Helper, the club's president; Hugh Gabbert, vice president and party chairman; Randall Taylor, toastmaster, and some 50 other members gave the potentate a rousing welcome. Salt Lake City and Ogden H. O. Fetscher, chief lab-baWilliam A. Carter, assistant raibban; Walter S. Dick, Oriental guide; Julius S. Daniels, and Joe R. lirowii, recorder, membership committee. The potentate emphasized that Carbon county has been one of the Masonic strongholds, and that the Shiiners had proved their patriotism by joining in the advancement and exploitation of all public, spirited movements. The lub's strong showi g in the rev' :u spring ceremonial also won the potentate's praise. Eastern I'tah club members and their families plan to attend the City. S!i:iiie ci.eus in Salt Lak-and the annu M picJune 11 i from were: n; ( . pre-gam- e l r -- 'i t fjj T j NELS P. METTOME SHRINE POTENTATE Correction We regret that in last week's issue of the Helper Journal the name of George H. IP ck was omitted from the list of the local the Sh:iner's Shrine attending Ceremonial in Salt l.a;e City. I ' -- 11 t s. ' city-count- y Retail Clerks Renew Contract Week For Tre-viso- ur Ita. pan-dolf- l, o. Kiand-childre- !i lf CARBON COLLEGE, HIGH SCHOOL READY GRADUATION OF 314 Women Host Dist. Convention May y o. The afternoon session gin at 2 P.m. All persons wishing to attend nt'f asked to make i - v;it ions with Mrs. Adrian Anderson, Telephone 21 W by Tuesday. Mav 12. All members are uiged to attend lb- - sessions along with the i general pii'l'lic. SOLDIER GETS PROMOTION i in mi son of Mr. Pvt. y Miner, and Mrs. Ace MJner iif this city, received another promotion.- his .1 - third since serving with the army at basic training at Fori oid. Calif. The r port stated that be had been promoted to platoon guide in Company F. 20th Infantry division. Jimmy hag eight more weeks of basic training to complete, after which he Is eligible to attend army leadership school for six ' weeks. Richard Anderson, Thomas L. Arnett. James Banasky. shop' Undo. Carina Bunderson. David S Bunnell. Fred W. Bullet, Tim K Conover, William E. Cowan. Eugene Crocco. Robert Ioty. Joanne Fassio. Joyce Forrester, William M. Forrester, Wallace James. William I. Jameson. Charles II M"'-set- i didt Jr.. Ben L. Mi Mahon. I. Mamie. Allen E Nelson, ('la k Vereiia N'ielson. ielson. sally Oliveto, John S. IMoni. Mary El Piiv.uh len Parniley, Mary A'-William C. Phelps, Al ' it Spins, ko. Shiirnin I,ee Stoddard, pmil S. Taylor, David Thompson, ('la ! ice Vigor, Melvin N. Wall, John Westenskow. Joseph Victor Williams, Jackie Ray Woodward and Marian V. Wort hen. Bonnie Associate in A'ts nl Cunningham. Lilly Martinet (Continued on Past Eight) A. i lea-th- Helper Women's Rites Held Monday At St. Anthony Church -s Musical Meeting Presented Local Kiwanis Wednesday A'n-riial- a- mass was celebrated Requiem in nic at Lagoon Monday morning, May I. for Mrs. also wives their ;tt!d The imldes Caterina Lucia Tosoii, at 'h-are invited to the Lagoon steak St. chinch. Rev. Catholic Anthony A regular for Jim1' frv tentatively plani-eE. F. Howling, pastor, officiated. of dinner the and meeting Mrs. Tos'v.i i',ied at the price llelp'r Junior Chamber of Com merce will be held tonight. Thurshospital at price last ' Thutsduy, April .pi, after u short day. May 7. at 7:Mn p.m. illness. J)ia;"?nti Banquet Room. . She was born at Fonte, 44-IIoOct. 7. 1S72. the daugho The wage contract between the ter of Fortunat? and Maria Ztieedotto. She ws married Cailb-oCounty Retail stores and the United Retail Clerks Local to Mr. Toson. He lias leen dead A musical meeting presentXo. y!t5. (CIO) was renewed for 12 years. ed to local Kiwanians Wednesday the following! Surviving are another peiiod it was reported night at their regular meeting ac- this week by Frank Bonacc for- - sons and daughters, Pete F. anil cording to Al Veltri, local drug- uitr CIO legional director. Toson, Mrs. Mary Scar-cell- i. Raymond gist, who was acting chairman. Mrs. Cai'oli"e Tomsic, Mrs. For the first time a Lincoln Luke and Lucky Pur-cel- week was established in the re- Edna Williams and Mrs. Rose both of Price, presented tail of Carban county. Orrell, Helper; Ernest S. Toson, musical skits on various instru- This industry Mrs. Emma contract covers nearly all of Standardville; ments to the local group. Lake Salt furniture City; Mrs. Edith the stores, grocery Business of the club last uigiit stores and also the "Dime" stores piccioiii, Spring Gle; 23 shows that the club will again of 12 and Helper. price sponsor a full scholarship to Car-b3Burial was in the ML View Stores remain open 4S hours a junior college for the coming week, but each employee will have Cemetery, Helper, under the year. The winner of the scholar- one-haday off during the wek. redion of the Mi'cheil ship will be announced May 9. Bonacci stated. Home of Price. on awards day at the college. Coming Events Next week will be a ladies night and the theme will be Mother's Day, and two weeks from that date an official visitation of I.t. Gov. Jack Berenson of Spring-vill- e will take place. The tentative list of graduates of Carbon College and carbon HEART ATTACK TAKES HelDer Club High school has been released by regisA. Union college Will Rry"er. trar, and lists 54 college and 2f,0 CASTLE GATE WOMAN 16 school students. There may The Helper Woman's cJuh will high be a few changes on the list beMrs. Mai'y petrnllo pero. 64. host the 36th annual convntion he long-timexercises. fore resident of Castle Gate, graduation of the Federated women's dubs died Ul he: home Monday afterstated. audiof Eastern I'tah at the civic Haccalam eate services are slat- noon of a heart attack. She was torium Saturday. May 16. with the ed for May 17 with Bess Jones, the mother of Helper police ofat start first meeting slated to npmber of the college faculty, as ficer Dmiionic Per". 9:3'i a in. Monday morning she apparett-lGordon. district speaker. Mrs. llarrv are was in good health. She atexercises Commencement president will preside over the scheduled for 22 at Pi a.m.. tended funeral servlc's of an old May sessions and Mrs. Harry Hiatt of with speakers being numbers of friend Monla.v mmnjiig and did Heipe,- js general chairman of the alumni and will include Boyd some sbipiiiig in town afterwatd-wita nan gem en Is. me of her daughters. Bunnell, price city judge; Mrs Mrs. H. Christensen. Springville at was born F"b. 2X. Lorraine She Giacoletto, I)eCou sp'itm state presid'lit. will be the guest Ruth Brasher. Huntington, San Giovanni, paly, the daughGlen; at session. the morning speaker ter of Mr. and Mrs. Domonlc. and ('live Jensen of Huntington. At 12:30 a turkey dinner will 'f she was the widow College Sophomores be serwd by the LDS Relief -- ev eral coldiHd names of K ;i nk ho are the pero. Fallowing A program will be presentlege sophomores: years ,igo. she lived in ('as'" ed at the same time. .e:rv of Scie'tcc Associate Gale for 51 years. bewill semi-monthl- y ; Surviving al e s' daughters vi'ti and five s uis. Mrs Ito-- e petiellj. Mi Bud Brown and M s. Broun. L"s Angeles, cal.; Miidied Mrs. .i Use'', Chicago. 111. M's. IP le i Robeitson and Tralik pero. Castle (;ate; Mrs. lomoiiic ami Pete liubv Tunno. How- P.M IPdper: Mi.-- I!"H aril. 'a!iia, dville Victor Pero, Ci Lake Salt pero. Philip I'lic time sister-- . Mis, .Mini'' Tin'-"Salt Lake City. .Mrs. M"K i!ie Sac itio and M's. Timet Sea;md i'i Krand- ill. Los Angel,.-- , Bene-vinii- . . ss Si't-n- -- .1 ednied the a aafoi lligiit Fork1', 's home diam md. Itsisim-sMat::ii'er Kil Mrihdli of the Helper Merchants calls to thi attet inn of lo,.;i baseball fa s the sizable savings available to seas in ticket purchasers for the Merchants heme games. General admission season tickets air selling l'')r $8.01. for 15 games, a savings of $3.25 over the 75c per game rate. for reserved Season tickets seats are offered for $12.50 each. This price is $2.50 lower than the price for last year's reserved -- New members are; l.arrel Gross, Scofiehl; Helper; Walter Elmo Pet Pi ice; Hoagland, Sipinvside. Junction; ,mi kis. John Hillas and Bill llrewer, . pi ice. The degree team performing work ritualistic included; Moroni Rudy Sanieh, governor; Hum, past governor; Mlio Robert junior governor; Ol.-oprelate; Ben' Reddington, oratot ; Franklyn Petersen, sergeant at arms, ad Tommy Williams, assistant sergeant at arms. A dutch lunch was served after the meeting in which the women participated. the pec-oi'ell- i, n, seat passes. Tvo Helper Men Kecieve "Safety" Awards From UP&L Food Sale Set For Saturday Recognition for their outstanding achievements in safety will come this week to two Helper The Helper LDS ward Sunday employees of I'tah power & Light school will conduct a food sale Company. H. Sidwel) this Saturday, May 9, at the CorThey are Reginald and Leon J. Ta'lor, operators at net Store beginning at 10 a.m., it was announced today by BerPP&L's H'lper substation. H th of these of men have work-le- nard. Millar, superintendent continuously for pi years or the Sunday school. The sale will be conducted by longer in hazardous occupations lost time accident. The will. out the officers and teachers of the a aid. will be honored at the c 'mpanv and funds received from Hi.",.': tiie sale will be put into the genSafety Roll of Honor banquet in Ami rican Foik Mav 5. et al fund of the ward to finance . for young reel eat io 'al piojoets Speaker will be ):. Adam s. company vice preside::t ami p"o!de of the ward. i All persons wishing to donate member of f the Twelve, Church of food stuffs such as r.akes. pies, Jesus clirist of lJitter-da- v Saints. cookies, etc., should have thei' A d d i t o n a recognition, the coutriibul ions at the store by 10 Mr. George M. C.adsby safety awaid, o'clock Saturday morning. will Ko 'o pp&L's Southern di- Miller stated that if anyone havvision for i's "outstanding achieveing a donation but no way of getment in accident prew .'.tion." The ting it to the sale, is asked t' division, which serves I'tah val- call him at his home in Ma: tin ley and eastern I'tah, operated in and he will make arrangements l'i.",2 with i;il a ingle lost time to ha, the items picked up and act ide::t among its employe' s. delivoied to the store. By Helper LDS d IP'U-nion- iiewly-apiioiiite- i -- PRICE WILL HOST CONVENTION OF UTAH CIO MAY invocation being offered by Ralpii Schiabig. pastor of church. Price. the Community Speakeis will be R J. Thomas of The seventeenth annual constitutional (:. cntioii of the I'tah CIO State industrial rmon council, will be held in the Price Ci'y as Hail May II. 15 and Hi. it all aoilllci d this week by Fanl; c Bonacci. retiil CIO diiectoi. is ueneial chairman " the con veiition and will open the first at session Thursday. ay with Rev. Washington. DC. assistant national CIO director, and by Geodirecrge p. R"b''its. States. the tor f CIO-PA- ' i da first s prog am j in- c.onv i iition The al:(iiet ami floor how will be Held that eve. i,in- - ,,t 7 .'al p.m. a' the Diamatiti The ba iin t in Mu- - at Helper. China Land Cafe u ill serv e the -- a in The 14, 15 & 16 cludeInvocation by Rev. Thomas F. Bull1 pas'ci of S'oi ,. Da'!ie baiiilin t. Catholic c.hutch. p. Ice; Address of welcome by Mayor A. D. Kel- Saturday Session Satuiilay, Ma,v lfi the final sesgov-e- i sion will take up with Bishop Thursday at S p.m. at Elton L. Taylor. LDS church, giv-in- g nor. Funeral Home chapi by the Rev. the opening prayer. Several a to chemical An F. auto plant Edward Howling. Requiem trip mass will he celebrated at St. at Wellington will be made by speakers, not yet contacted, will speak at tins session after which p.m. Anthony Catholic Church in Help- - delegates at the annual election of state MO Friday Program Friday at 10 a.m. Burial will be in ("astle Gate CemMety. The Friday session will "pen officers will take place. children Holy rosary wi be recited ler of Mitchell orable pi J. ice. Address, the Bracken l.ee. I'tah 1 Hon- |