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Show 4 I f f THE HELPER TIMES, HELPER, UTAH - OUR COMIC SECTION ;. I ; It' a Privilege ml j . i4ong Safe and Sound Stop and let the train go by. It hardly take a minute; Your car starts off again intact, And better still you're in it. Boston Transcript. Concrete &e in rf-nn .fcVi ?! C l (Corrriyht. W. N. It rN'J)f .MVDHAQ- ,- ; . , BE. M I ST I wwv , AGES iC. 1 T"" -- v '3 50 1 V0US Vff cent. Price One hundred new steel lock ers are being purchased for the Car 'H''.V -l- tat dear urns Like That yVe BEULe! MEAN) MAW i.$Hes tM CEV A Fourth OUWlrirtl wOv- J- SO ACVAMCED SoMgnMBS Thiwvc 14J-I- 1 f f v ShesTqo ..T(?ECOCJ0US rwn MftEAMte?7 SAY Pl-fl- Salt The Denver & Rio Grande Western railroad purchased, in 1926, 100 per cent mnre of its supplies in Utah than during the previous year, according to W. B. Hall of Deiv ver, chief purchasing agent of the road. Mr. Hall attended the annua conference cf the road's storekeepers held in Salt Lake, Wednesday for Denver. PI K "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Acccpl only 'Bayer" package winch contains proven directions. A r? Aspirin Is the trails Handy "Bayer" boxos of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Drugjrists. oiatt of Mouoaceticaritaster of Eror Manufacture of SaUey!tciiel4 SPECIAL FREE OFFER ON Compound Spolm's Bislempsr free ewueoneot bottlea. Wa our iil mail free to anyone writing for sample offern a great oppor for a short time only-a- iid This is a Bci;il o;Tcr tunity to toy our excellent nmty for Distemper and Colila among horses; Distcui er amonsr dogs: Roup end similar dtost 8 among poultry. Write tody. JPjIIS MtMICIL COMPANY, I!p;I. X, GOSHEN, INDIANA A Ladv Terrible Fog I'd like to buy a khs .'!l'i!.- - Partiality Iltltm said of mask-- , a notorious numirnaire or bon county high school and will be Army Store Clerk W!at are you installed immediately upon their ar WW it to use it for? rival. The cost is approximately $600. Lady My hnslctjul works in :i pnw- Unusually large increases in attend- der mill. In the daytime find litis to ance at the school have made the lock- :lo Jill bis smoking tit home. er shortage quite a problem. As many as three students have becu using the No Improvement same locker. "Vcs, I riKirried my old sclinu teach- Salt Lake Statistics compiled by the bureau of reclamation, department r." "Wi ll. Iiow'k thlufrs?" of the interior, show that last year Still cot fuic low iiiiirks." snear beets were erown on 62,407 acres on eleven federal irrigation projects, producing 614,386 tons valued at $4,916,233, or $74 per acre. Yeh-The- If ,Y ; : eTHE FEATKERHEADS fW iEH IMh Salt Lake Purchase of 50,000 Wayne county wool fleeces, comprising thi Rabbit valley clip, by Dewey Gould & Co. of Boston, was announced. The deal is the first Utah wool contract to have been executed this year and was handled by Howard Cand-land- , local agent for the Boston company. The price was 26 cents a pound. Mont.icello The closely contested rabbit drive same to, a close Wednesday night after all the ammunition in Grand and San Juan counties had been u:;ed up. Rabbits were plentiful, thy weather was ideal for the bunting and only the ammunition was tshort, so from supplies were requisitioned Grand Junction, Dove Crock, Bland-laand Lloab. The rabbit ears were counted at Young theatre Wednesday evening snd the White, under J. W. llanKen, were declared the winners by rabbits. ;he small margin of fifty-on- e The final count was: Whites, J. W. Hansen. 366; Reda,' J. E. Wesam, cap tain, 1115, making a total will of 2SS1 af the pests. Salt LakeFrom 1918 to 1924, the proportion of enrollment in average daily, attendance in Utah schools in creased from 77.7 per cenut to 91.5 per fU of :,i to Utah I m Aw .. News Notes Live in t "A weniiin churned that her rtuoghfer and her nlnj treated i'.i tlj nli'i.c love them both,' she said to a visitor one daw 'and I treat them both alike. No favortlimni. ".Tut then the front door opened ami the woman called sweetly: "'Is that you, 'darling?' "'No, ma'uni, Answered thp tired xoiio of the stepdaughter, 'it's only me.' " "'I .'. Lake .' u ,i Oi kA r- -- - - Vt rv V thz , ' : eve-Din- ti 'J: 1 liPToEVEWTMiw&.BuriTwAS he?T 0NL.V 11 ,a',(s. ffTsA VESTCeOAV WIS TCACMER Told ME That HE WAS THE v'oS!r KESPOnSiUE CHILD EEr, HAD 'M NEf2 VVSHED Ai5"l&- Vf - ..; II; I JJfe4--- "f 0 Tl 4J H CM flMSS COUUO Awb FAT lift i IAE STAAT60 IU THE WWO klU Tooting Our Horn AU(? KE KUEVJ EDITORS Vt'HO UTE! THEIR PATERS SllC OR. EIGHT KAeCS A0OUT AieEOIUGt PAurC rtO. A RiKUEL OP A UEW PAIR- - OF Om SUH- - SWi TO SEUD TO A without geiiw(S Paio, amp EVER. PAit 5O0SCK-I3ER- . TVAE FUK!.lJY . : Su'SS-fcie- eft T VJUi SMART TO MAKE TAIOUm-H- J FUO0APy WAUTEO PART" OF At Alt, TH' eiUt ip HE ' -- v ' i In Later Years of Life Good Elimination is More Than Ever Important. AS we grow cider, there is apt to be a gradual slowing up k of bodily functions. The kidneys are the blood filters. Proper function cleanses the blow stream thoroughly. Slug' gish function is ant to permit some retention of uric acid and ether poisons. TLis tcnd3 to make one tired, listless and achy to have drowsy headaches aiid.diincss and pcrhap3 a toxic backache. That the kidneys are not functioning properly is often shown by seamy cr burning passages. Elderly people recommend Doan's Vills in t!is condition. This tested diuretic is endorsed the country over. Az your neighbor! (Mil Pills 9 Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys 60c all dealers. Fosler-MJbur- Phrase Long in Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo. N.Y. n 'Twas the Principle Use The meaning of 'the phrase, "Blood is thicker than .water," is "Kinship is stronger than friendship, for water evaporates but blood does not." This Is a proverb found in Ray and other collections. The expression was used by Scott in "Guy Mannering," Chapter 28: "YVeel blude's thicker than water. She's welcome to the cheeses and the hams Just the same." Literary Digest. Trifle Late Bountiful With fifty feet of theh "Going on your vacation thf late?" work completed, contractors engaged "We just decided on a place." in driving a water tunnel on the city Courier-JournaLouisville now farm are progressing at the rate cf six feet a day through a hard clay formation, it is learned by Ernest Mad-senmayor of Bountiful. The work has been going ahead rapidly. It is ex that another 100 feet of tunnel Band will open a water-bearinBountiful Fire protection measures on Bountiful's newly acquired water shed will be taken by the city, accord ing to an announcement made by Kr nest Madsen, mayor. Since an act of congress, passed last week, enabled the city of Bountiful to acquire 61C acres of land at the head of Holbrooh canyon, the city now has 1200 acres ol mountain land, which insures watershed protection l. F5 t ' . After two weeks of milder weather, during which the mercury ol the official weather station's thermometer remained above zero, a change set. in on ths night of January 21, the mercury again dropping to 10 degrees below zero. Culy one light precipitation of snow has occurred, the fall being less than half an inch, during the past ten days. The ground throughout Ashley valley is still covered with snow from the storm of two weeks ago. Delta The coldest weather exper ienced iu Delta for several years pre vailed here during th.3 past few days, according to the government bureau at Deseret, which registered 15 degrees below zero Saturday morning, 17 below Sunday morning and 14 below Tuesday morning. Monticello San Juan county is rejoicing over the heavy snowfall which began Friday afternoon and continued hours. At Monticellc for twenty-fou- r a foot of snow of high moisture content fell. Tb.br is the heaviest snow fall experienced this season and farm ?rs are jubilant because they are promised an abundance of irrigation water Vernal fry ' CWAWcED eWCE GAME. SEX TH' J 1 MRY ANNS TlLUStU . , WAVE HSPAPER l?o. ABOUT MER :;MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL -- IfegiAlM ABooQ.MONesr 7i Price With the recommendation already made for a new $115,000 federal building in Price out of a lump sum ap propriation of $200,000,000, whicu congress is expected to make this session, the problem now arises of obtaining a suitable building site at a cost of which will not cripple the erection cf an adequate structure with the fund to be made available. Doctor so the coin the child swallowed has been safely recovered? WelL' you must be glad! Mother Yep, we were very pleaded to recover the money at first, but afterward we discovered it was n counterfeit coin. Berlin Dorfbarbier. 'DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" harmless vegetable butter color by millions for f.O years. Drug-fctoreand peneral stores sell bottle of "Dandelion" for 3T) cents. Adv. A used s A woman isn't necessarily a good cook because he roasts her neighbors. Children Cryj AJ4i7 H6 R.EGAU. VyneM WK MAKN MERCUA.WT5 TIMCS TOO," AWP THEIR IDEA OP APVERXiSWS WAS Yo HIK.E A TRAMP --TkJM ARTl?t To PAiMf THEiR. WaMES OW WOOOEU FEUCES MEAJt TOWAI WEPE &CHIWO "THE VJHIUE VJTU 6v TUE USEP STATlOWEfiV PFUWTfcP STAMP, OR. EL A some cny eoweeKu, vjitu Foa uvea nas OR- - COPFiSM AU- - ovet- - rr RJRKJlSHEP aki ax PRlUTeP Myton 4 3: .1 The outlook is promising of, Those ttbo havp bueii turkeys for market ptirp ' nuve been roeeivina from $." to $7.5( i '. 3i''orrting io weight. Matij ,v- - fiiacM:-- , to incr--a.their flocks s con!vt-;;;l;- i v, iiiii' ol!' ''r:v,',1tr, in 'VpoM'd ,1 ' u 0 vnrn Nwpkpr f Ak. Untoa in the Uintah basin for the turkey in dustry for the year 1927. Mr. an Mrs. Fred Palmer of Myton last yeai purchased in one of the eastern state a pair of Mammoth bronzo turkeys Tito increase they have been s'iitig al from 110 to $l.pf!eh ami all bavo been l in i)'; : mdi.' I MOTTTKR Fletcher's Castoria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Fevcrisdiness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Dowels, aids the assimilation of ag-e- Food; givir.if healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always rplf-- ) look yuc'U for the signature cf I'.ivi.CiIiill cvtrtrtiicrft t V.ipi'-s- it. |