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Show .egal Notices QUEER QUIRKS in I HUMAN DESTINY jn tfie'pistrict Court of Carbon Counyt, at oiate or Ltah: ii Minnie Wilson riaintiff, vs. By HARRY R. CALKINS -- . D- ..'.: Lord George's Oversight rpI!E situation looked dubious for ; n the early summer of 1777, when iLleut. Gen. John Eurgoyne In com-- f inand of 8,000 trained soldiers was f ailing on Lake Champlain to the at-- t lack of Fort TIconderoga, but 3,000 I jmlios . away Lord George Germaine, : JiJritish secretary of state for the colo- ftiKs and for war, had committed an iu umuib Aiucir jSiiversigiil which ,nn Independence ard the founding f the United States, Lord George, after carefully plan-P- f '.ng a campaign In which General j turgoyne was to descend from Canada f"J rd Lord Howe was to advance up Jl'ie Hudson to Join him at Albany and t'lus divide the colonies on the line of rl'ie Hudson, had dispatched peremp--t ry orders to Burgoyne but had negated to let Lord Howe In on the se-- , eret. He had In fact gone off on a Bollday to the country without signal tig Howe's orders, f J So General Burgoyne, poet, soldier I nd British hero, led his formidable f Jrmy down from Canada, captured i fort TIconderoga which gave King Ceorge such a thrill that he burst In "I have beat j j:i the queen shouting, ; 13 em ! I have beat all the Americans 1" proceeded southward to form I fiie scheduled junction with Howe. Ger-- t $tat worthy warrior, Ignorant ofroean-. ftaine's masterful plan, in the New York from sailed had away ti.ne, i fcr the Chesapeake, leaving Burgoyne to face the man power of all New aroused t'o fear and fury over J tie loss of TIconderoga. ' Washington, surprised at Howe's de-f pnrture, was quick to take advantage The Battle Of Burgoyne's Isolation. of Saratoga and Burgoyne's surrender ft llowed. Lord George Germalne's i plans had failed through his own t f ii s Eng-jilen- 1 ; Tre-vos- t, efendant, WNU Servlc j Wm. Trevost, error. d r SUMMONS The State of. Utah to the Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear before the above entitled court within twenty days ofter the service of this summons upon you, if served within the comity ia which this action is brought, otherwise within thirty days, after ser. vice, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your, failure to to do, judgement will be rendered you according to the demands of the complaint which has been filed with tho clerk of tho above entitled Court. This action has been brought against you to dissolve the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between you and plaintiff. POPE & POPE, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Helt per, Uiah. 44-5- In the Justice's Court in and for the City of Helper, County of Carbon, State of Utah. Before A. S. Ilorsley, Justice of the Peace. Frank Marrelli. Plain tiff, vs. Tony Caruso, Defendant. SUMMONS The State of Utah to the Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear before the above entitled court within ten days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise, within twenty days after this service, and defend the above entitled action brought against you to recover $8.55 balance of an open account for goods, wares and merchandise and in ease of your failure to do s0 judgement will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint. Given under my hand this 3rd day of January, 1927. A. S. E0ES. t LEY, Justice of the Peace. 44-5- In the District Court of Carbon County, State of Utah: Dave Thompson, plai- i News of Saratoga reached France vsdefendthe autumn of 1777 and hastened ntiff, - Mary Olla Thompson, ant. of success Franklin's the Benjamin SUMMONS diplomatic mission. King Louis XVI The State of Utah to the Defendant: lost no time in apprising the learned envoy that France was ready to rec You are hereby summoned to appear ognize the independence of the colo- before the above entitled court within nies. twenty days after the service of this r o j . summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise thirty days, after I service, and defend the above entitled ; IA Her Name Spelled in Morse Code on Sweater f "SI Nctice of Foreclosure and Sale Under Chattel Mortgage Notice is hereby given that by of a Chattel Mortgage made and executed by the Silvagni Motor company, a corporation, mortgagor, of Carbon County, State of Utah, to the Helper State Bank, a corporation of Helper, Carbon County, State of Utah, mortgagee, dated the 25th day of August, 1926, and, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Carbon County, State of Utah, on the 28th day of August, A. D. 1926, iu file H of Chattel Mortgages, No. 12287, of the files II 4? a 1,b U- - THl'RSnAY. .FEBRUARY 3. 1927 in the said office of County Recorder, and upon which Chattel Mortgage ami the note secured thereby there is due on this date, the dste of the first publication of this notice, tho principal sum of $2314.84, accrued interest $12.34 and $250.00 attorney's fee; the tot;)l due by the Silvagni Motor company, a corporation, to the Helper State bank, a corporation, being $2377.18. Tha undersigned, Helper States bank, a cor poration of Carbon County, Utah, will foreclose said Chattel Mortgage by' saie of the property described therein and herein described and to that end will expose and offer fur sale :it public auction, on Monday, the 21st day of February, A. D. 1927, at' 2 o'clock p. of said day at the Wlvagni Motor company office and headquarters at Helper, Carbon County, Utah, the said m., being the place of business of the Motor company and being on Main Street and South of the at Helper, Utah. The following personal property described in said Chattel Mortgage will be sold, to wit: All the stock of automobile accessories, parts and supplies, including all Ford parts, chains, tires, springs, tools for sale, and oils belonging to the said Silvagni Motor company. Als:, all of the tools and machinery used by the said Silvagni Motjr company in the said garage business and business of the said corporation, including jacks and vendors, gas pump and tank, piston aligning machiue, carbide generator, motors, oil pumps, valve replacing machine, one No. 28042 Man-lepress dyes, blocks, pulleys, rectifiers, and all other tools and- machinery used in connection with the business of the said Silvagni Motor company; all office furniture and fixtures owned by the said Silvagni Motor company in connection with the said business"; 1 No. 303859 Victor safe; 1 Burroughs adding machine No. 372432 and staad; Remington typewriter No. electric fan, tables, chairs, setNational tees, roll top desk, show-caseCash Register No. 1160003, 1 l letter file; all cabinets; all shelves, all files, counters and "racks and benches, cupboards, bins mid awnings; also, 1 wrecking krane, Motor No. A68346, Serial No. 994518; The said above property being located iu the place of business of the Silvagni Motor company on Main street in Helper, Carbon County, Utah, together with and including any and all other property belonging to the said Silvagni Motor company and used in connection with the operating of said business of the Silvagni Motor comSaid property will be sold to pany. the highest bidder for cash. THE HELPER STATE BANK, By JOSEPH BARBOGLIO, pl.-ic- Silvagni post-offie- e LETTER HEADS ENVELOPES oil-tan- y FATEMENTS - 11,-73- NVOICES OFFICE FORMS all-stee- 1 vir-tur- e IP lIMtSrHS2JEg; UTAH" action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgement will be rendered President. you according to the demands of 1927. Publication: Feb. 3, First the complaint which has been filed 1927. with the Clerk of the above entitled Last Publication. Feb. 17, Court. This action has been brought e t i t t T t i111 tI against you to dissolve the bonds of i t I T" matrimony heretofore and now exisDIPPING INTO ting between you and plaintiff. Pope SCIENCE & Pope, Attorneys for Plaintiff, HelI I'MM I I I I t per, Utah. 44-5- j j T5' HELTER 1 1 1 Depth of the Sea there ure many places in the seas where bottom has never been reached, the Pacific oeean Is thought to have the greatest average depth, the niaJor part of It reaching down AYhlle - feet 13,000 Western Newspaper Union.) H BOOKS, PROGRAMS & PAMPHLETS. SECOND SHEETS SCRATCH PAPER i l l 11 I 1 M A BLOTTERS BUTTER WRAPS Au- thorities believe t at the possible depth of some parts of the ocean will reach six miles, corresponding to the height of our highest mountains. ((E). 192J, POSTCARDS - 1 pproximately BUSINESS CARDS l"H"r-- H DODGERS AND HANDBILLS LABELS How to read Percentages i 0 You v. may nave your name spelled cn your sweater if you follow the example of Dorothy Phillips, who decorates her whit Jersey sweater with dots and dashes spelled out In the Morse code to represent her name. "Dorothy" runs down the right side of the sweater and "I'hilllrs" down the left. A striped flannel rklrt with a kick plait front Is worn with It. Were Dodge Brotheis to sell 100 motor cars one year and 200 motor cars the next, they could truthfully announce that their sales had increased 100 in a single year. Yet they would only have sold 300 motor cars in alL LEGAL FORMS , In other words, PERCENTAGE of annual gain is not conclusive The NUMBER of cars sc. Id is the true test. , That Dodge Brothers sales in 1926 shov ul an increase of 27.6 over 1925 is not the MAJOR fact to consider striking as it is. But that Dod-- e Brothers sold 259,967 cars in n gsin 1025, and then in 1926 sold 331,764 of 71,797 sales in twelve months tells a s'xry that stanch out like a tower cn thj skyline of the industry. Three hundred and thirty-on- e thousand buyers LAST year! Many more vital improvements ade'd THIS year! Mo increas in price! Three powerful arguments for earnestly invectirjatinj this smart and tturdy product before decidir.j v.hat to buy! PLACARDS POSTERS SOCIAL STATIONERY cf growth I GUESS YOU WANT GAS? Hire you can "fill up" to your heart's content with cither gas or oil, and we Guarantee botli to be perfectly pure and of excellent quality, reliable In every wny. The "knowing" men cn tho road come here because they Vvw it Is one of tho most dependable filling stations. CARBON RUBBER & REPAIR Phone ' TAGS WINDOW CARDS SILVAGNI MOTOR CO. Phone TVe 4 HELPER Aso SU Dependable Ufd Care STANDARD PAPERS Brothers Dodge MOTOR CARS CG 1 |