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Show • • ' THE .JORDAN .JOURNAL MIDVALE WANT ADS A. Anderson and Mrs. Orleft last week for Oakland, to spt::nd a two weeKs vlsl\ll·s. Caatte.s .t1111er aull l\!u;~ and lreneva An1terson. and 1\lrs. Joe J acooson v1s1 tL \ l<'riuay w1th .ur. and Mn;. J. W. l'eL ersen of ::>ou th Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. l·:a;, Glover speni. Thursday evenmg with .!.\lr. and 1ur::.. Alma Proetor. .Mr.s. l:.anura Goff and son, Parley left Weune,;day eYenmg for l{Ii:>gy, Idaho, wJule there they Will be tne guests of 1\Ir. \V 1lburn liolr. Mr. Silas Hichards 1S spending the holidays with lVHs. Franc1s !\lowers of San l'l·te. Miss .:.largie Forbush spent Friday with .Mr. anCI Mrs. R. B1sh{)p o! Murray. A very enjoyable Christmas progra:n was renc,er~d Christmas morning under the direction of the Sun. day School ofi'icers at the ward chapel. Mr. and 1\lrs. 'l'neodore Johnson or Bingham spent Sunday evening witn Mr. and J.Vlrs. Le::;ter 1-'orbush. :Miss l:uby Wor.,;ley of Salt Lake was a guest Sunday of M1ss Blanche Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Glover visited Sunday evening w1th Mr. und lHrs. Ruben Sharp. Mr. Wallace Mal trom and M1ss Selnia OlsC>n ·were quietly marned on Wednesday of last week in the Logan Temple and left immediately for California. Mrs. A. H. Hock visited .Monday with Mrs. James Cahoon of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Monson of :Salt Lake were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charle;; Dahl. Mr. and .Mr;;. D. W. McDonald entertained Christmas Day for :\Ir. and Mrs. J. N. Rock and Mr. F. F. Rock of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. August Wallin of Grant ward were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Leonberg. Miss Daisy Milne was a dinner guest Christmas day of :\lr. and Mrs. David Heugley of Mill Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks Barnett of Los Angeles aTe guests this week oi Mr. and Mrs. Eari Simpes. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fordham spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stevens of Provo. Mr. and :Mrs. Wilian St. Jeor of B1·idger, Wyo., are spending the holiday:; with Mr. and 1\fr;;;. Wm. Charles. Mrs. Arbhur McFarland of Salt Lake spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McDonald. Mrs. Francis Lennberg and daughter, Mrs. Rhoda Bogg-ess were dinne1 guests Sunday evening of Mr. and FULLER PEP FOR SHOE REPAIRING, Stitehing and Auto Curtain call at J. Dwight, West First Class workmanship Harness Repair., Jordan. J-12-26 FIRE INSURANCE-Don't Delay. See H. C. Aylett, 320 N. 1\Iain. Tel. tf Midvale 36. FOR RENT-5 room apartment at 16:> North Main Jan. 1, 1926. Apply Journal Office $25.00 per month. FOR RENT OR SA LE-Unfurnishe<l 4-room terrace. Call Wa~. 2793. 203 1st Ave., ofl' Locust St., Midtf vale. WANTED-RAGS, 4 cents per pound at Journal Plant. Clean cotton. \\'},,NTED TO l£ASE-Equipped ranch on percentage basis, by experienced ranchrnan. Phone, i\1idval€ 17~ or inquire at 130 No. Main St. Midvale. i\ir. Tuller. are being quickly sold to manul'acterers and ca.p1tnlbts. If you have an Invention, send us a model or sketches for search and report patentability. Our book onratcnts aud trade-marks 011 o:tosnifFT & co. 7th &. E. Sts., Washington, D. C. Established In 1889. ' SEVENTH ANNUAL LIVESTOCK SHOW OGDEN, UTAH Jan •ary 5-9, 1926 Heathful, Safe and Fascinating Exe1·cise Endorsed by Leading Phy!'ician:s and bend the Jordan Enclosed find S Journal to the following pcrs<lns: Name ............. ···- --· .. . City Stt·eet Name City Street ,Name City .. ·-·-. .... .... .. Street and send one Sky High Swing comp ete to me 1Name . .. .... .............. __ Street . . .... . ........................ City ...... -....... ·---· . You cannot purchase one of these swings. We have the e.·clus've agency in this territory. ACT NOW! SPECL\.L FARES VIA DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD ONE add ONE-THIRD FARES ROUNDTRIP Tickets on sale January 4 and 5. Return trip must be completed to original start ing point by midnight, Jan uary 12, 1926. No Stop overs. Call on nearest Rio Grande Agent for detailed fares and train service. Leaders in cooperative endeavor throughout the United States art toward Utah for ideas anu looking THE SKY HIGH SWING ;;uggestwns on how to develop a poulGiven free wth two new subscriptions or try industry cooperatively, according to Frank Evans, general marketing three rene\\als to the Jordan Journal at counsel for the American Farm Burca u Fedeu1.tion, w11o is now visiting $1.50 per year. in this state. Mr. Evans declare.:; that the Utah Poultrr Producers coJORDAN PUBLISHING CO., INC. operative is the outstanding exampl~e Midvale, Utah in the United States of the possibilities of cooperative development. "PE;ople of Utah partially realize family, 1\Ir and 1\lr:;. l\I. AGsop and Miss l~annie Pierwn, Miss Callie Jen.\Irs. E. E. Bogge,~ of Murray. of this poultl''"' bi!!ness the B •A 'I c h Al l\1' r 1 te B J) J '1 ·1 f 1 1 Sch lien l\Ir 1 an "·1 • expansion, 1· . . r. ·' rapo, a p 1ss sen, ami.~ ant man a . rater am am1 y, n r,;. . ry s. 1 u • mar" national big the visiting one but :\Ir. and Larson R. A. l\Ir. Gardner, .. E )Ir. bab~, and Lar:-<on V. 1\lr;;. with Chri..;tmas spent Harry Schrader signifiits grasps York New at ket Ohl Lenard Mr. Duet, Richard~. D. Dewe~ l\lrs. and Lake Salt of Brown M. and Mrs. E. E. Davis of Bount.Tu1'ner of Murray were dinner gue~ts 1son and Mill Eva Crapo. Piano duci cance far better, "Mr. Evans point:; • ful. Mr. Charles Sharp and daughter, of Mr. and 1\lrs. S. L. Bady ot Sah Miss Lucille Nelson and Miss Alice out. "On tnat market Utah's cooper· Ohlson. Violin trio, W. Pierson, Gor- erative has made a name for Utah Blanch entertained at a fomntl din- Lake Sunday. A Farewell Te:::timonial was given don Ohlson and Clark Gardner. Speak- eggs that eliminates all display of ner Christmas day. Covers were laid samples. Utah eggs are so weli in the A•1m:;ement hall l\Iom!ay ev er will be from the Third ward. for twenty-eight guests. Miss Callie Jensen :;pent Christma~ known they are sold upon arrival ancl Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Greenwood en- ening in' honor of :\lr. W. D . .Kuhn T he Old Woman Who Lived In tertained at a family dinner Cnnst.- who leaves for a mission to California at Brigham City. go directly from the railroatl to the A Shoe Must Have Been A distributing p~nts. enNielsen W. L. l\Irs. and 1\h. I program intere;;ting An 6. January fourfor laid were mas day. Covers Pretty Wealthy Old "Looking at the poultry industr~ at club Evening Sociai the tertained dancing. by followed giv.en was teen guests. Woman. Utah from the standpoint of mar'in Saturdav Street State on home :\Ir. antl :\Irs. D. Richards spent their Mrs. Mildred Lennberg and daughI believe it is very bright." keting, evening of last week. Progressi~ DEPENDABLE SERVICE AT LOW ter, Ruby and Mrs. Rhoda Bogess at- Christmas at Mammoth. As further evidence of the wide1\Ir. and Mrs. 0. Boberg entertain- games were played and prizes award· tended , the "Cantata" given in the COST eel at a family dinner Christmas day. ed to Mrs. E. R. Beck, Mr. R. White, spread recognition of the Utah pouJ. Murray Chapel Sunday evenmg. We are always glad to serve you. Mr. Charles Sharp and tlaughtt :- Covers were laid for fifteen guc.ol~. l\11·. and Mrs. Orson S:rith. Special try cooperative, whicb has a memberBlanch and Mr. Andrew Bradford l Mr. and 1\!rs. 0. Dastrup had a. guests were Mr. a'l.d Mrs. R. White, ship of approximately 1600, Mr. Evans Come in and let us install an were guests Sunday of Mr. and l\lrs. their guest:; the pa~t week, l\.Ir. J. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gardner and Mr. points to the selection of a Utah man, EXIDE BATTERY I A. Stringham of Sevier county, father i and l\Irs. Allen Bat;>man of East Mid- Clyde E. Edmonds, secretary and as· · William Wright of :!\lunar. • IN YOUR CAR sbtant manager of the organization, Mr. William Charles of Bridger, of l\frs. Dastrup, )\lr. and Mrs. W. vale. as a speaker before the Iowa State Wyoming spent Christmas here with Allen and son, Wendol of Provo and Farm bureau convention this yel!r. Mr. and Mrs. Mill Anderson of Ephhis family. :!\frs. J. Tohman entertained the Iowa is vitally interested in the de· Mr. and Mr .. D. H. Milne and child- riam. ren and Miss Daisy l\lilne motored t; 1 ~h. and :\frs. W. Hur;hes enter- fifth group boys of the First Ward velopment of cooperative marketing Lehi Saturday anrl were gue:<ts of, tamed the M. M. S. Club at theiJ Primary at her home Monday even- principles and in poultry has decided ~home Friday evening of la~t w<.;ek. ing of last week. Games were enjoy- that Utah is the best source for sugMr. and :!\Irs. J. T. Gordan. Miss Wanda Gordan of Murray, Progressive games were playN; ancl ed and refreshments served to sixteen gestions and aid." -==========;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:~ was a gue~t Friday of :!\1iss Beatrice, prize' awarded to Mrs. C. Swenson guests. I aJtd M~·. Erents Jen~en. Supper was Simpers. ~erverl to twenty gut:'sts. ' The annual Christma;; tree of th!' Mariott family wa~ enjoye<l at th~ home of Mr. and l\Ir~. 1.. S. Raddon (Chiropractor) Mr. and Mrs. 0. Boberg entertain- Thursday evenim;. Thirtv member;; ed Satnrday evening in honor of Mi.-;s I oi the family were presen't. Refre,;h. Melba Brown of Idaho and l\lr. Judd 1 ments were sen·ed. ana Boberg of Los Angele~. Progressive 1 Miss Laurel Dewey entertained at games ~ere ~Jayet! ami prizes award-~ her home Wednesday evening. Mis:; .Madeline Guile of Salt Lake ed to M1ss Nell Cro~grove, :\fr. Clara week-en<! guest of Mrs. R. w Vin-,was Bessie 1\Iiss ence Nelson and cent of Midvale. Supper was served Born. Dr. and ~frs. A. G. Robertson and Out-of-town guests to 30 guests. were :!\liss Evelyn Orgal and .Miss son, Allen of Califomia are gue<ts of I~arn3; Allen of D~·aper and Miss Bes- 1\h-s. Robertson's m~'t·her, Mts. Trip Opens New Offices in Midvale Mr. and .:\-Irs:. T. C. Davies announc( s1e Vmcent of l\hdvale. at Main and Center Streets, M~&, and Mrs . .Myrle Allsop enter- the birth of a daughter. Mii',; Ge1trude Anderber.~r is hornr tained at Chri:<tmas dinner. Covrrs over Corner Meat and Grocery from Delta for the Chri:.;tmas holiwere laid for 25 guests. Mrs. R. White and Mrs. L. Mit- days. Over Corner }leat and ~Iiss Ada Magnus. en of Dewev is chell entertained the members of the Grocery Store. · Elite Club ami partners Tuesday ev- home for the holidavs. The proceeds of the Red Cross worl ening at the home of Mrs. HR. \Vhite. Protect Your Money Supper was served to 32 guests. amounted to $100.30. "SERVICE" IS OUR MOTTO Life's drmnn, In R major sense, Is The Second ward :\I. I. A. will hole! Special guests weTe Mr. antl Mr•. Come in and get acquainted. K. A. Carlson of Midvale, Mr. and their conjoint mePting in the thinl II conflict between mnn and his Pn· Office haurs dai'Iv 2 to • p. m. Mrs. A. H. Garrlner, l\lr. and Mrs. ward chape·J Sunday evening. Pro- \'Ironment. Savings nnd wise Jm·est· ~ " J. P. Jensen, Mrs. J. Farrer and Mrs. gram to he furnish~d by the Second Jl'entg nre fm·cel:' which validate the Center St. _ Phone: Mid. 272 tor It pos;;ible will, making human I ward as follows.· Double' mi'xecJ quarH. 0. Hendrickson. an d 5 to 7 P· m. the future to <lett rmlne lnlllvl•loul :m Midvale, Utah 1 Mr. and MTs. G. L. Bateman and t€t, 1\Ir. and Mrs. Milton Conduck, economic status of hls family. Hospitals ·- DRAPER Poultry News 1 · EL Mrs. Martha Danyon entct·tu·ncd ' even pou 1h·y meetmgs alreac y her childt·en at dinner C'hr: tmas E>e. have been held in vanou::; parts of Out o ftown guests were l\lr. and :\lrs. Ltah for the purpose of :stimu ating d · It . . t L. S. Dunyon, :VIr. Jt..ey Dun;)lon UJltl m 1 ercst m pou ry productiOn an i\llss Rae Mace of Salt Lake. 1 more are planne!l at var1ous tii•Je3 :Sunday, Mrs. lJun~ on cntertam~:.·u I uur ng the Wlnter. The Ucah State . at chicken dmner to,· • irs. 1' ern \v 111 ann Bureau, sponsor of th~ coop.:.tms and tlaugnters. 'u <Jtne marketmg movement that re. h , -•~] • 1\1!'. ln:o. .:. JJrow.; spent th<! P"-"" "u I teu.1 m t h e 1orr1tat ,on of t. e v ..a 1 \ICc>< v.:s!ttllg \\1L11 .111" •. on, \.:Jt.v. Lrown of tHagna Lnu n,_, uaLt_, 1 ,u, .t'ou!tt·y i'rouucer,:; coo}J~:.ratlve, ~;:. coopera~lllg W1U1 lOcJ., lllStituc.on., auu .1.,~. A oert Amtel .. uH or .:::,a,l..t,l. IJOuJe:s m pomt.ng out the ~:omm~:.n:tal ::thl .Uulnll,un Ul•tY i .11::;. 11lr. anu c ltWl'en ui :Salt V.<kl! Wl.l'e ddl.ld''llCSJrabJilty of mct·easmg tne poul.ry gut:::.ts o1 .iirs. :::.a,a!t burullat.l 11 "'11d egg prolluctJOn o_.. Ln.an . .i!.llChu mst1c lliE:etmgs have been held ut utnstmas lJa). lvJ 1ss Liracc ,.11c ·'",cen and l\11ss Af '< meyard, Amencan J< orfi:, .l::'rovo, ton Sm1th entertameu .llonday eVL.t- Hone) villE, Lehi, Sprmgv,lle, Charlestllci at t11e ho lie o~ urace 111cket.sc n 1 tun, .l>ngnam Cit)', .Lie we~ Vlhe, Payson l'llose ]Jl'(;;;en ... net l:.pamsh t'ork. at a dancmg pal·.~. Uft:lcla.s of the farm bureau and \1'\.l'C tne Misses Aclla J:lurkm->naw " ::>wHI;y·, Alton ]!·, zgera!d aillt .:\ora coop:.!r'-ltive vvho have attended some dcndncksen o.: Sa·~ Lake, 'l'na1.:1 ot these meetmgs say the farmers ,.• tzgelUiu, Junt:: ::,~o.Jth, luad~·~ Sjo- and poultry.nen of the state look With u.om, Charlotte N.etsen, Amue !•'1t-.- iavor upon increasmg their i'.ock anu Helen iJoostmg the state pl'ouuction. tul!u·tck~en, !,;'el'ald, ltl!l<ired One of the outstandmg items I.JF v10sgrove, Wilma Mickelsen .mt! haodic :Smith and th•~ :\it::ssr:s udell expan::;wn looked for th1s wmter is •'-uhre, Carter Grant and Clark Gard- tne format,on of a local producers' •ter of Sanu~, Benan Steele, Ler.ar .. u.,socla~wn .n .l\llllarcl coumy. until J:kcksteaJ, \vall ace ;:;on·e of South this umt at tams suffiCient gt·owtn to Jordan, Wendell W al.-er oi Sa't Lake, justil~ a local hamiJ,ng plant, tile llrJward Best of Riverton ant: Jas. .lltllard poultrymen w1ll sh1p to the JJay, Merlin Allt::n, Clement l•'•tzgtralu cooperative plant at .Provo. 1'11e L tah Agnculture college and Lon Dun~ on, Lamon Smith. Ted SjoUtah Expuuucnt statwn announcr;, .•'t•m an<l .1-.lmon 1\I·ckei:;en 1\lrs. !l.or" Str.ngfellow an•l .\h:;. that poultry w11l be one of its major .•iartha Dunyon •\'l'l'C' gue~t.; .tt a ,hea- projects for the commg year. County tr~ J.arty at the Wilke:; Satun ay 3f- agn<:ultural agent:; are taklng an ac Ltve part m tile poultry expanswu ,t·l noon. and are a.osh,ting at1 .famt· movement e1 So··en:;en L. os. J Mr. and .Mrs. not have tloeks but desne do wao er, t'.IJ ned home Snnday aftet• sr•ending Ctlristmas with l\lr. and .:\l1·.~. Het- w :start in the 'bu'::;iness. 1 wn Wontlenburt5 oJ J:-I ollidC~ ~. Participants w tile Christma::; turMrs. P. P. So•·ensP>t e~tc1· .ained at <Lnner Sunda~·. Covtrs we"e la1d fo key pool of the utah J::'oultry .Proi\l•·. <·nd Mrs. Niel• Thomp>!•!l ol ducer~; cooperative en;oyed an even :Sane y and Mr. and Mrs J. B. lc n::;e • r.wre profitable market than did those an·l daughter, Erma of Sa!t Lake. ,naK.ng up the 'l hanksg,ving pool of M.r,:;. Tillie Young and l\Ir mu. 'fl.ir . the same organizatiOn. 'I'he ChristRuth Casper of Salt Lake w.!re the mas pool, wnich was sold at Newark > T g11~Hs during the wc·ck of 1\ln. l\h.. • ew J erse~·, to the same concern bid.uun Lert. <ling highest for the utah pool of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sjoblom visi.- Thanksgiving birds, brought 45 cent~ ed Sunday at Bingham, the guests o ver pound. The 'Ihanksgiving pool :\lr. and :\Irs. Thon·Ds Sadler. orought <12 cent::. a pound. Miss Gwendolyn White and Mi.<., a The Thank:;gJving pr1ce. it are Dorothey Jacobs~n of Salt Lake po ntec. out at tne; t1me, was the highguests at the home of :VIr. and Mrs. est ever received for a cooperative I. C. Stay. turkey pool in utah. It was not exMr. and Mrs. P. R. Soren:<en en- pected that the Christ.r.:as deal would tertained at dinner Sunday for :\1i-;s bring a higher figure, but Clyde C. Josie Dansie of Salt Lake, Mr. G. H. Edmonds, assistant manager of the Dansie, Elroy Dansie, Ray Peterson cooperative, declares that the Thanksand Connie Dansie of Riverton and giving turkeys from Utah made such Mr. and Mrs. A T. Burnham. a good impression in the New Jersey Miss Laura Shepherd entert:1ine<l market that the concern handling the the members of her ~ewing class at consig11mcnt wanted more and was ·m oyster ~tew Tuesday eveninr-. willing to pay even a better price. Eight membl'rs were present. believes "The cooperative Utah's quality turkeys have opened Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson, Mr. a new outlet for Utah poultry and Fred Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Price eggs." continues Mr. Edmonds. "Since Mr. and Mrs. E. Jorgenson, :\Ir. and the Thankngiving turkeys went to Mrs. August Larson, Miss Erma and Newark, the New York City office of Miss Beatrice Lindell, Miss Helen and the Utah cooperative has received Miss Ada Farrer. many inqumes from that reg:tl!.. are taking an increased inDealers Mrs. Ed Ferguson and ;;on, Donald tet·est in a state that produces Juch are enjoying a trip to Califot'llia. fine turkeys." The First Wanl Sunday School assisted by members of the Third Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson had as ward gave a Christmas program am their guests for Christmas dinner, Mr. pageant in the First ward chapt>l md :!\irs. Ollie Johmon, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday afte1·noon of last week. Ivan Dc>mkk, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Nicl~en and Jenkins and 1\Ir;;. Emma Watson family spent Christmas at Spanish Midvale, Mr. E G. Putnam, Mr. L. Fork. Putnam anti H. G. Putnam of 0 A.l I ·- j ! Sandy City News MOVING EFFIPROMPT CIENT SERVICE CalllVIidvale 28 'Moving is our Business' BING'S TRANSFER Two Trucks Day or Night 0 & E Flectric Service Dr. C. K. Berg Buy a Roast for Tomorrow And order it large enough so you may serve it cold for later meals. It saves both time and expense on your part. Corner Meat & Grocery Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. Midvale, Utah BE WISE And Buy the FLOU_.... THAT SATISFIES West Jordan Milling Co. Phone Mid. 108 Midvale Try a Journal Want Ad |