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Show . • ' THE JORDAN . DRAPER DOINGS Union • JOURNAL BuSINI~SS ~ONDITIUl';S 1 THE 'f \V bL.l<vfH !<"Jm 1:; {AL 1{ ,·,.-,.c.it\ E DI~::>Tl\ter 1lr. and Mrs. Wesley Sadler of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fryer and Magna were guests of Mrs. Carrie children of Eureka are guests of Mr. Sadler last Sunday. and Mrs. David Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. John Boberg enter- to November, estimated at t:;.l per, M. and Mrs. Alfred Green ente1·- tained at dinner Christmas day. Out cent, and the index, when adJuSLH• • tained at dinner Christmas Day. Cov- of to\vn guests were Mrs. Ma1·y for seasonal variatious, a!,lvanced fron' 1 12 DAY SPECIAL. DEC. 26 TO JAN. 6 INCLUSIVE ers were laid for fifteen. Stokes and child1·en of Midvale. 158 (1919 monthly average-100) in I M.iss ~Iva· Knowlan who is teaci:in~ Miss Nora Hendricksen of Salt October to 161 in November. In No- • ' in the h 1g·h scuwoi or ltuth, Nevaua Lake is spending her vacation with vember, HJ24, the adjusted index stood One large pictm·e framed ready to hang on the wall with is vi::;iting iriends and relatives her~. !her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. at 146. Value of sales in all reporteach dozen pictures. Mrs. Martha Milne and Mr. and Hendricksen. ing lines of whole::;ale tra<lc, as indiMrs. Irvine Milne are visiting m ~:>an . Mrs. C. H ..sadler entertained at cated by figures of 181 firm;;, dechn~ ianCJsco, California. Idmner ?n Ohl'lstmas Day. Covers ed seasonally during November, 1Dt5, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Haynold Brady ::~ttenli were la1d for ~Ir. and M1·s. B. S. but in ten of the eleven lines increasl"\l the funeral services Sunday of. the G~·een and child. ren, Dorothey, Ber- ed as compared with a . year ago. WE CATER TO FAMILY GROUPS 1infant child of Mr. and Mrs. l'ancy nrece and Howard of .M agna, Mr. According to the index of the Burl::>pratling of West Jordan. I Ronald Sadler of Magna and Mr. and eau of Labor Statisticts, the g t ncral The largest family gToup in, on the special will receive Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jensen spent MrR .•J. M. Despain and children of wholesale price level in the united Christmas with relatives in Bingham. Wasatch. States stood at 156.6 ( 191;5 pricesone half their ol'iginal o1·der FREE. Mr. and Mrs. w"ltE>r Bene:t. anti Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crosgrove and 100) for November, co,npared v:ith <.laughter, Thurza are vi.>iting with son of Magna wen~ guests of Mr. and 157.7 for September, 1925, and 152. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brady of Bin:!'- Mrs. B. M. Crosgrove last week-end. 7 for November, 1924. The farm proham. ' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Withers an ducts and cloth and clothing groups .Mr. and Mrs. Pete Van, Jr., enter- nounce the birth of a son on Sunday. of the index declined during the tained at dinner Friday for Mr. anJ December 27. month, each decrease being approxi-, Mrs. Charles Van and children Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rasmusse1• mately 1.5 ~oints (0.9 per cent). In-' l'ete Van, Sr., ami daughter 1v;. entertained at a party Christmas Eve. creases in the remaining groups of Mrs. Moss Chase o.C Salt Lake was Supper waR served to Mr. and Mrs. the index (foods, fuel and lighting, a week-end guest of Mr. and Mr..;. J. W. W. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mr~. metals, building materials, chemicals You will find that you can get better values for your Henry Walker. Wm. R. Andrus and children Mr. and and drugs, hou~e Jurnishings, and :.\1r. and Mrs. Glen Milne were din- Mrs. Lawrence Jensen and children miscellaneous) sanged from 0.5 to 4.0 money here than any other place. :~er guests Friday of Mr. ami Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Printess Fitzgerald and points, the largest increase being in WHILE YOU ARE ALL TOGETHER FOR CHRISTMAS Ci :mer Hilton. childTen and Mrs. Agnes Fitzgerald the miscellaneous group, which has Mi·. Martin Anderson who ;s emand childt·en. DO PEOPLE READ ADVERTISEMENT S? . relatively little weight .in the index LET US PHOTOGRAPH YOUR GROUP i)loyed at Tooele spent Christmas her~ The teacher~ of th~ Juni~r High as a whole. Compared with a year Cut Out 'fhis AD, Bring It To Our Sto1·e Any Day In with his family. School entertamed the1r pupils at : ago, the November figures showed inMr. and Mrs. David Smart ~ntet· Christmas party last Wednesday eY- creases for all groups, · save cloths JANUARY And Get $5.00 Discount On Any Suit Or tainPd at dinner Sunday for Mr. ,,mi ening in the Park :::chool. Game and clothing, and house furnishings. Mrs. Reid Thompson of Provo, Mr. were played and refreshments served. During 1925 the total volume of Overcoat Purchased In 01;1r Store In January. Theron Smart of Logan Mr. and Mrs. Miss Melba Brown of Parker, Ida- credit extended by member banks in Raynold Brady and Mrs. Clarence ho is visiting at the home of her the Twelfth Federal Re,;erve Di~;trict Milne. aunt, Mrs. W. S; Allen. rose to record levels. Demand for HeMiss Velma Brady Is visiting this Mrs. J. R. Rideout entertaine·l a. a serve Bank credit, if measured by total on Christma;; Da J'· discounts, reached higher levels than week with Miss M~dge Leggett of children's partv J Salt Lake. 1,onoring her son, J'ly, it beinz h. in 1924 and, if measured b~ total Mrs. Katherine Denney and child- 9th birthday :.mnivE>r~ary. ;ame3 earning assets, reached higher levels ren spent Christmas with Mr. and w<.re played and ref•·e~>hments serve<t than in any year since 1921. Mrs. Jacob Smith of Brinton ward. t:> l•ight guests. Total, loans and investment, of reBird who is taking care of the family Mrs. Charles Wengreen entertained iv1iss Loris Burnha.'•l of Salt Lakr porting membe1· banks in the di::;trict 1 since the death of her widowed mother at a quilting at her home Tuesday. is visiting at the hon•<· uf hel.' grand- increasd throughout the year. At $1,,-Dance at the· West Jordan Amu8eMiss Ruby Proctor of Bingham is mother, Mrs. Sa;·ah B.v,·1:,1am. 691,000,000 o~ ?acembe.r 9, 1925, they ment Hall New Year's Night, Janvisiting with her parents Mr. and Mr. Theron .1< othermgham of Sail ,were at the highest f1gure ever re:\1.r. ami Mrs. S. W. Bateman and uary 1, 1926. Music by the MerryMrs. Alma Proctor. ' L>ke is visiting here with [riends. corded and were $220,000,000 or 15.0 family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Evans enterMr. and Mrs. J. L. Dow entertained per cent larger than a year ago. In· :Vlrs. Clyde Swensen of Sandy, Christ- makers. The Stake M. I. A. will put their tained at dinner Christmas day for 9t a family dinner on Ch•·is:mas cia~·. crease in the volume of reporting ,\1em mas Day. first Road Show on at this ward JanMrs. Elizabeth Thompson Edna and Co\'Cl >= were laid for {our teen. Out- ber bank credit in use in this district l~oss Baten,an had the misfortune uary 12. A real treat is promised to Lucy Thompson Wallace 'and Joseph o:l-town' guests we1·e: .'\1r. and 1\-irs. during the year was chiefly the reof dic;locating his shoulder Sunday. 1 the public. Everybody come and supThompson, Mr.' and Mrs. Edgar 'rho~as Sadler and Mr. Howard Dow suit of an incre~se of $1G5,000,000 Mr. and .Mrs. Holand Page and I port the Mutual board in their unThompson Mrs. Easter Evans and of Bmgham and M1. Peter Dow of (15.8 per cent) m total loans, the f::umly of Riverton, Virginia Ensign tiring effort to furni.sh enjoyment for son Elvis: S:.lt Lake. • principal it&n of which wa,:; an in1 o.L Salt Lake were week-end guests , all and the funds Will go to help the Mr. and Mrs. Heber Burgon had Mr. and Mrs. Clyr1..:. Rasmussen o~ crease of $105,000,000 in commercial of .Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bateman. 1 Mutual Improvement work. as their dinner guests Friday, Mrs. Heber City were the week.-end guest;, loa~~· The incr~ase in loans on seOn spoiling your Christmas dinner with that old worn out W. C. Burgon and Horace Burgon and of Mr. and .Mrs. ~n.')Jl Rasmussen. cuntJes, amountmg to $61,000~000 _•ol'llla and Nora Bateman are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hurler of Salt Mrs. Carne Carne Sadler and Mr. (27.9 per cent) was, however, relative- spenlimg part of this week at Salt range when you can insure against failure by 1·eplacing it Lake and Mrs. J. M. Despain and children ly grt!ater thrln the increase in com- Lake as guests of :\liss ViTginia Enwith one of our Beauty Banquets. Ml:s. Pete Van Jr. visited Monday were guests of Mrs. S. C. Despain of mercia! loans (12.6 per cent). sign. It is the most beautiful range on the market. Good big with Mrs. Charl~s Carlyle of Mill Granite last Saturday. Demand deposits of repo1·ting mem-Dance at t.he West Jordan Amusegenerous ovens that bake and roast to perfection. Large Miss Rachel Gibbs had as her guest Creek. . Mrs. Annie Terry has as her guest. ber banks in the Twelfth Federal Rement Hall New \eae:; Night, Janfire box• and flues, best gray castings and high grade nickel Monday, Miss Thelma Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory en- this week her son, :\lr. Garfield Terr) serve District decline\! uuring the first uary, 1, 1:l2u. .Mus.c by the Merrytrimmings. 1No more appropriate gift can be selected for Mrs. J. Smith and family of Myton tertained at dinner Friday for Mr. of ~eetley. . . . six months of the year and . increas- Jnaker.s. MOTHER. Price now only $115.00. Generous terms ca:r. be and Mrs. George Wright and famil1 Miss Ada Smith of Kanosh JS ViS- ed thereafter, movements which were Mrs. Jack SteaJman and daughter are the guests of Mrs. Smith's brother arrange<l. of Bingham. . . · iting at the home ~f her parents, Mr. partly seasonal in character. ~he Rosella SteacLnan spent Sunday at Mr. Hyrum Sunstom. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Westbrook an<l and Mrs. L. H. Smith. net movement for the year endmg Garland. Miss Peggy Watts had as her guest Norman Westbrook Mr. W. Nichols Mrs. Stanley Rasmussen entel'tain- December 9, 1925, was a decrease of Gladys Brown spent Wednesday and Miss Marjory' Mehear of Salt ed Monday at a children's pa~-ty for $7,~00,000. Til~1e d~posits, including aml Thursday as guest of Nora Bate- Thursday, Mrs. C. L. Wilcox of Salt Lake. · Lake. her daughter, Leah, the occaSlon ·be- savmgs depos1ts, mcreased al!llost man. Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Nepni Gregory wer~ ing her tenth birthday anniversa1·y. without interruption during the whole Standsfield and daughter The funeral services of Wilma Salt Lake visitors Monuay and at- Lunch was served to fifteen guests. of 1925, an<l on Decembe1· 9, 1925, Masine, twin sister of Wiliam Max Hershal are visiting relatives in Los tended the Orpheum. Miss Maurine Nielsen was hostess were $157,000,000 (23.6 per cent) and infant of Mr. and Mrs. Parley Angeles. to the members of the P. T. Club at larger than on December 10, 1924. Spratling were held in the ward Mrs. J. Rugg left last week for an Fluctuations in demand for reserve chapel Sunday, December 27. InterLaura Stocking 7th Grade her home Monday evening at a caro indefinite visit at Los Angeles. So. Jordan chool SAVINGS I>piNTS Age 11 party. RefTeshments were served to bank credit during 1925 have reflect- ment was made in the West Jordan eight members. Mr. and Mrs. Wilis Hackford has ed, in a general way, the course of Cemetery. Carolyn Hay, Teacher THE WAY Miss Evelyn Riska entertained at member banks credit. The trend of The Jordan Schools began their Mr. and Mrs. LenaTd Brown aTe eturned to their home in P.ark City. a party Monday afternoon. Games total discounts was steadily upward Christmas vacation December 23. The receiving congratulations over the aT- They have been the guests of Mr. Nothing will point the way South Jordan School celebrated Christ were played and refreshments served from January to Novemb er, since rival of a daughtei·, December 16. Hackford's sister, l\Irs. L. Watts for to success like the guiding mas with parties during the afternoon to Mr. Gerald Andrus, Woodrow Mick- when there has been sume liquidation. Mis~es Leah and Olive Yates, Dale of the twenty-third. Each room had elsen, Rayburn Dow, Fay Johnson and As a result of this upward movement, Hunsaker of Tremonton and Joseph the past week. hand of a Savings Account Mr. and Mrs. W. Wengreen ana beautiful decorated Christmas tree. Jay Rideout ond the Misses Wilda total holdings of bills and securtites Wuthers of Riverton motored to OgFitzgerald, Dorothey Rideout, Nina were $13,GOO,OOO Presents ( 122 were per given cent) out, larggames playelen Sunday of last week and spent nounce the engagement of their daui~ this strong bank. We ed, and a jolly good time enjoyed by Stay, Berniece Kimball, Myrl W.~!ih- er on December 16, 1925, than on De- the day visiting frif-nds. ghter, Edith to Less Jones of West have done everything poscember 17, 1924. Holdings of United everyone. When school closed every- burn and Marvel Terry. Miss Olive Yates spent Christmas Jordan. The marriage will take place Mr. and Mrs. Sorin Rasmussen and States -securities and of bills purchas- day at Riverton as the guest of J os. one was bubbling over with the holisibel to make saving easy, children and Mr. Rasmus Rasmusse1 in the open ma1·ket, as distingui~hed Wirthers. day ~pirit. soon. and daughter, Frances of Magna were from bills discounted, declined over The South J orclan Ward held a :Myrtle Cundick >.pent Christmas Miss Peggy Watts entertained the convenient and profitable. Christmas program Wednesday even- guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rasmussen the Jear period. day as guest of Lucille Bateman. "Star Six" club Mcnday evening at You must take the initial Noteworthy changes in the balance ing December 23. Santa Claus was Sunday. Ottis Yates left for Eureka Monday her home. A two course luncheon sheet of the Federal Reserve Bank where he expects to stay indefinitely. was served. The guests included Miss present and presented eve1·yone with step, or otherwise our efMr. and Mrs. Andrew Nielson had over the year period (December 17, Roscoe Pixton expects to leave the Lucetta Malstrom, Miss Rachel Gibbs, a sock of candy • Wednesday evening the Ariel Or- as their guests the past week, Mr. 1924, to December 16, 1925) have first of the year for Logan where he Miss Thelma Hunt, Miss Grace. Bateforts toward helping you chestra entertained at a carnival dance and Mrs. Goebel and two children of been: Your will attend the A. C. man and Miss Violet Christenson. The are useless. Drop in any at the South Jordan Amusement Hall. Ashton, Idaho. Mrs. Goebel was for1. An increase of $41,000,000 (to Mrs. Lydia Bateman and family rooms were decorated in lavender and merly Miss Ida Nielson. Balik $50,000,000) or 436.0 per cent in vol- have moved horne from the Sugar, yellow. Yellow chrysanthemums cenA large, crowd was present. time and talk it over with ume of bills discounted for member Factory where they have been em- tered the lunrheon table. • Aeeouat banks, principally city member banks. ployed during- the 1925 campaign. us. Miss Thelma Hunt will entertain On December• 1, 1925, total discounts Mr. and Mrs. Leland Richardson next week in honor of the club. we1·e highe1·, excepting the figure of \\1ere dinner guests of Mrs. Sarah Mrs. C. Malstrom had as her guest $75,000,000 reported on November 3, Beckstead at South Jordan, Christmas Monday, her daughter, Mrs. C. Ed1925, than at any time since October day. ward of Salt Lake. 1923. . I Mr. and" Mrs. Hyrum Beckstead Miss Lucetta Malstrom has as her 2. A moderate increase, $10,000,- spent Christmas day at Midvale as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colors of Scotch clans 000 or 6.1 per cent, in total deposits, guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Elkins. Duffy of Salt Lake. figure in the newest chiefly member bank reserve repositF:. Mr. and l\Irs. Henry Jensen enterMrs. J. Smith was the dinner guest 3. A decline of $9,000,000 or 4.0 tained at a family dinner Christmas ,·of Mrs. S. Watts Sunday. r.lothes patterns per cent in the amount of Federal Day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Labrum had as reserve notes in actual circulation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckstead •their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and LL bagpipers may look alike to 4. A decline of $13,000,000 or 4.6 motored to ~fagna Thursday and Mrs. Jack Birch and Mr. and Mrs. you-but they aren't. The per cent in total money reserve held. -pent Ch1istn•as with Miss Melva 1Jene Hawkins. pia tds they wear are very uifferent_ Possibilities for poulb·y producers would have $1.92 per hen left. This Each represents the colors of a 5. A resulting decrease from 75.3 in .Utah are appropriately illustrated shows an average profit of $768 per clan- Bruce, Douglas, the Duff~r. to 71.6 in the ratio of total reserves the Farquharsons or the Balmoral in a recent recapitulation of the suc- flock of 400 hens. This is as nearly to combined deposit and Federal rehighlanders-the Royal Stewarts. cesses of the Lehi Poultry Producers' an average of our production here as serve note liabilities. You wouldn't want, in this day association, a local unit of the great- we can determine. and age, to wear the bagpipers' kilts, er Utah Poultry Producers' cooperaor even modern suits maue of the "All should boost alike for an inA CHRISTMAS STORY highland plaids in their original tive, a marketing organization with a dustry that brings. into our city every Dorothy Blaney Age 13 high colors. membership of over 1600 farmers and week over $1,000 or about $50,000 a But the inspiration for some of Draper Park School 7th Grade poultrymen, prepared by the Lehi as- year. It will only be a very short the newest and most attractive patTeacher, Laura Shepherd terns for men's clothes comes from sociation board of directors. This re- time until this amount will be safely What is Christmas? What does it these Scotch tartans which the bagcounting of the accomplishments of doubled." piper wears. They are called Caber mean? Christmas is Chi·ist's birth an association with a membership of Members of the board of directors Checks. day and we should think of Him. · This name comes from the game but 45 came in a Christmas edition of the Lehi association are Joseph Some children think Christmas only J of "Caber," or "throwing the log." of th~ Lehi "Sun", and, therefore, was Anderson, A. D. Christofferson, H. for the purpose of receiving presents. It Is a test of strength employed at looked to as an item commanding its C. Goates, John Goodwin, H. A. Anthe annual games held at Braemar, w.e get the idea of giving presents: share of Yuletide rejoicing. Scotland, where the clans gather In derson, A. E. Adams, and Virgil H. from the wise men and the shepherds ancient costumes for athletic sports, The association sets forth a few Peterson. 1 who brought presents to the Christ attended by the British royalty and ~acts, which it believes representative "Steady, constructive growth, such aristocracy, and visitors from all child. Jesus was not born in a love-ly and not exaggerated, for the enlight- as represented at Lehi, is the kind over the world. place as we would i·magine, but of Caber Checks are a refinement of ment of those not aware of the im- we want to see all over the state," humble bil-th, in a manger. the familiar Glenurquhart pattern. portance of the industry. One of the the officials of the Utah Poultry ProOver a neutral background, which His whole life was one of giving, producers, the statement relates, with ducers' commented upon the Lehi asfrequently is an intricate geometrito others. Each Christmas we should ; cal design, are threaded the clan a flock of 200 hens derived $900 in sociation's advancement. "Growth in henr in our hearts the Holy Angels colors in dellcate lines, which give receipts during a year. His total cost the poultry industry should not be sing: life to the fabric without being bold. Amounted to approximately $400, leav flashy but there is ample room for a They've recently been introduced "Hosanna to God in the higheRt by the better dressed men of Enging $500 clear from his flock. safe expansion to meet constantly And peace on eai'th, good will to land and America, where they met The Lehi group says: "Our flocks growing demands for Utah's quality men." Instant approval. average here about 150 eggs per year eggs and poultry." They're making their bow this winter at the Florida resorts, and per hen. At the average price of 30 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ord had as stYle advisors of Hart Schaffner & cents pe1· dozen, this means $3.75 per Miss Elva Knowlan left Tuesday their guests the past week, Mr. and Marx foresee widespread popularity hen. Deducting 50 cents per day pel' for Provo to visit with Mr. and Mrs. for them as spring works its way Mrs. E. W. Peterson of Lavon and 100 hens, as operating costs, we , Reid Thompson. north. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peterson of Ogden. Family Groups 1$S.OO PleaSe l One to Each Customer After Looking Them All Over FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. West Jordan I .Why Take a Chance Murray Society West Jordan Lumber Co. Midvale State Bank WHAT'S SMART IN MEN'S WEAR MIDVALE, UTAH A West Jordan Amusement Hall NEW YEAR'S NIGHT Jan. I, 1926 Music By, Merrymakers |