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Show " • • ,. THE JORDAN JOURNAL. MIDVALE, UTAH - 1 ----~10! ___;_Tiie_Hol__;_UJay_,;;.;_sp;n_· CHINESE SOLDIERS I Uiie I . KILLED LIKE FLIES j AI~II:I~ICAN ··N;;~·N~t;;·f COLONEL COOLIDGE SUGAR DESTROYED Ol. .___ IN BIG UTAH fiRE I lt'• a Privilege to Live in i I VICTIM Of STROKE t Utah . t ,.. I •II:GIOI~I i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . FA T HER OF PRESIDENT IS OR- WAREHOUSE AT SPANISH FORK OCCUPATION OF TIENSTIN AC· 1 ~ 1 COMPANIED BY BLOODY j TOGETHER WITH CONTENTS DERED TO HIS BED; WHITE Salt Lake Clty.-Recondltlonlng the • I I LOSS BATTLE TOTAL IS t HOUSE NOT ALARMED storehouse of the Utah·Idaho Sugar I ((:opy Cor Thlo Department Supplied by th• company at Spanish Fork which was American Lt"lon z..;ews Service.) 1 destroyed by fire will cost $35,000 ac· . cording to a statement made by Wil· Right Leg Is Affected And Some Dan- Firemen Of Three Cities Battle The Aasistal')ce of Aircraft Helps to Break 1 liam H. Wattis, vice president of the Attack In Manchuria; Sung-Ling's Flames In Effort To Save Heavy AUXILIARY LEADER ger Is Felt On Account Of Age; Company, recently. Mr. Wattls said Arr.1y Reported To Have Loss; Sugar And Building Cov· Patient Optimistic About IS GOOD MANAGE the work will commence at once. Mr. Collapsed overed By Insurance Condition 'Vattis said that he was unable to defShe hnrl lParnt>d how to "rnn things," Initely announce the damage done by the gond old hnmPiy phra~e N he in the fire, but estimated that it will and farm, anti how to '·l,t.CP ranch the to led which battles Peking-The Provo.-A !ire of unknown origin Plymouth, Vt.-Colonel John Coolid· t·un between $750,000 and $1,000,000 That w• s why the running." them General or ;:umy Chihli the of <l.deat Efforts will be made to save some of ge, father of the president, has been de!'ltroyed appro:dmately three-quarAuxHlary put l\1 Legion A111erkan of occupation the and Ch!ngg-L!ng Li 123,000 100-pound bags of sugar, it stricken with paralysis, affecting his ters of a million dollars' worth of 1 TlentJ:~in by J\Iar~;hal f'eng Yu-Hs ang Eliza London Shepard In charge o ~ right leg, and has been ordered to sugar and a $100,000 storehouse ad·was announced. were the most sangc,lnary ever fought the destinie:e of it' u.OOO units and r • I bed by his physician, Dr. Albert M. joininP, the Ut&'J-ldaho Sugar comB . In modern China, in the opinion of I mor~ than ~00.1:(){1 memhers when the I 1puny's faetory, two miles west of, SaltdLalt? C~ty.~· ~~ause ~ :.: Cram. 1 hun!lred I great hll!tle of the lwllutH Wll!'l •m at Twenty-three ob.;ervers. crease raJ ron ac lVI Y. em~ oy · 1 W'J1!le Dr. Cram does not consider 1 Spanish Fork on Chri tmas llay. The wmmdcd in tlte • l"anyuan hospital 1 the national ('OIIH'Htiun at Omaha. li·t:~ of _the Den~·er & Rio .Grande \';estern the colonel's condition as serious, he 1 1oss nprcseutrd a Inrge percentage • For if tl ere was any one thing which alone douhtle8s repnsents only a railroad Will work SIX days a week has notified President Coolidge of this 1 of the 8JJanisll FCir!;: factory's output srnall proportion of tbo Kuomichun I ~11':;. ~he1" r<l had IP.trned l>ettPr th n ins.t~a~ of fiYe, after January 1• al~ latest development by means ~fa Io.ng during the pn"· •nL season, which (F·•pg'~ armyl co.sua1tie ·. whoss total Hny otht•r, It was pt·ecisp!y that distance telephone connrsatwn wtth closed itt: run I.. st Sunrl•y, v;IH•n the COJcltn<> to an. announcement ma( r "nm tltlllC:S." A« unsine· s p!'ob::t.bly will never hG kllO\'nl. master meC'ha_n- Major James F. Coupal, tho pre is- last of 1:!ii.OJO b· gs of sugar were [) D. D. General Li is rcportcJ to have es- and buff,•r l''lr !'~:"r>lltuee hetweEn ht:r !~ f (] IC of the rmlroad. The ('~la~ge Will 1 !dent's personal physician in Washing- packEd in t(lr> btPlding. 1 tlrnr.t.:d his dead t· t 4000. and to have ~·onllgt>r nut 1or hrntiH'r, .Tnek London, , Th'> fire was first discovered by effect 500. emplayecs and wtll ~~crease ton. hoast!'d that his fatalties were less :lll<l tl.t• n'ltRidl' worltl with all its M~lO Besides the paralysis Colonel Cool· George Hansen, \VuLer Driggs and a the mont1llY ?ayroll approxunn.tc~ !lislr:tf'!i n:s nnf! woiTi<'s, Mr". SIH•pnrd than the entmy's. $12,500, accordmg to Mr. Cunninb·j i!lge is now suffering more frequ~t number of o'her men who were gola:Jr! 1t:111 tun~ nnd \':triwl f'XIH~I·ienl'e In I conthe of nature the of Hscause recurrences of the heart block, whi('h ing to work un hour after the nightham. filets and the Inadequate f!dd unrl lli:tJ most impoJrtnnt fwwt'on. Salt Lal;:e City.-Employees and ca•sod his recent l'lerious illncs!l, ac- watchman, 'Vilfonl Hallam, had left \\'hlle Jttcl; w:t;; wr'tlng !>trong. virile hospital ser'l'ice, thousands died in tho members of their families aggregating J cording to Dr. Cram, an~ the condi· the bu !din". These rn"n made a deswithout nnmlwr, it wals 1\{t tall'!'! irom country open and trenches PROM· DIARY CHIEF'S EX-POLICE fire the extingui'51l to effort perote caus-1 is patlent ear-old 80·Y. the of tion 1 the attended persons more than 1500 '' TWO SUFFER FROM GAS SHOCK i 1 who stood on guat·tl uh\ay Shepard exposure. nnd wounds HOSPIT· TO TAKEN ARE AND BIG SURPRISES; MANY ISES I with the company's equipment, bnt . annual Christmas celebration of the ing some trep1< at on. The reports of the reserves suffer- to ~ee thnt ll11n<> of his restiPss en<'rgy AL IN SERIOUS CONDIT·ION INTERESTS PROTECTED Dr. Cram, who has been callmg oc· soon foun<l that impossible, and Han· Denver & Rio Grande western rail-~ 1 by General Kuo Sung-Ling by l\!ar· wns tnrnPd a~!de from Its purpose. ed Spanthe to abrm the i•1 turned s~n 'homestead road shop employees in the Salt Lake casionally at the Coolidge 1 Chang Tso-Lin, open up n new n~· hPr ndrott management it was c·o • <;hal rewhich department, fire Fork shops of that road. After a program since the Colon~I's recent siclmf'~R·/ish since with hostile forces fined to the one purpo~e of the writer. chapter, than more gift packages were distributed to the visited his patient and found h1m sponded promptly with south of Tientsin, the ten- All the tntrh',tte problems of mana~lng and north of Fall To Due Believed Is Mishap From Hotels Big Exempt to Refusal men. twenty I resting comfo~tably. youngsters present. rnnr'h with their C'onspquPnt wnrrle! Kuominchnn is question· the of ure Cir· Shrot Electric Causing. Coal Marine's Of Cause Was Raids however, determined, soon was It The paralySIS has affected Colonel however, expected, not is It able. Fer Search Rescuers cuit; Cir· Report Is Downfall the bevond gotten had fire the that not has and only leg right Coolidge's Bingham.-Felony complaints will 1 that any attempt will be made to reWorkers cutated. be askEd against second time liquor yet influenced other parts of his body control of the Spanish Fork depart· law violators by deputiel' making ar· acco. rding to Dr. c ram.. The co Ione I' s mont, and Provo, Springville nnd Paycapture Tientsin, because or the exr ests in future It is announced. With bram is clear, he sat d , an d th e pa- eon were cailerl upon for assistanee. haustion of resources on all sides. It 1 ' t · d t' · t· 1 1 · several major crimes committed re- tient, Philadelphia, Pa.-General Smedley, R<>.lla!re, Oht'o.-Ft're belt·e~ed to is believed that railway cervice wi I as ustla • s op tmJs tc regar mg all of whom responded promptly. By 1 • ·dit' cently, declared traceable to liquor, h' the timo these' depaJ'tmcnts reache<! D. Butler, dismissed by Mayor Ken-~ have started ~·hen a fall of coal short he reovencd to Tientsin at an ear Y Ion. J.S con it is held that fines are inadequate the scene th~ fin, had spread through- ~rick as head of t~1e J:'hlladel~h!a po· circuited electric light lines, took a 1 date. as punishment. Prevalence of drunkreceived here or Shan!!hai.-:D€tails of l!ce, said that publtcatwn of his diary toll of nt'ne lt'ves at the Webb m 1·ne out the bui!clinr.:, Pershing To Come Home Gen. . " - the dimensions enness makes more rigid methods tm· army 1 S•mg-Ling's Kuo of collapse the · , of south mll<'s few a Sh~clysi'de, at it Washington.-Because of fulling which are approximately 200 feet Ion;~; would "raise a ruction." He kept - are In a ln Manchuria indicate that. finding ~ perative, it is declared. miners health, General John J. Pe~s~f.ng is by i:3 feet wide. Tbe bniltling wps dur!ng t'i:te two years he was director here. Two other P r ovo.-Control plan for the waters expected to return here w1thm the filled almost to enpaci~·. ba<"S of su of public safety and recorded among Bellaire hospital, suffering from shock his troops lo:Jin~ their spirit and because of the hitter col!!, shortage of of Utah lake by users in Salt Lake next month from Arlca, Chilie, where gar being stacked from floor to ceil other things, conversations with tho and gas. Rescue ~rtlcs had penetrated to ammunition and medical and other mayor and other city officlais. and Utah counties has been pre 8ented 1 he is representing President Coolidge ing, a height of thirty-five feet. 'I'he general said that a broadside all parts of the mine where the men supplies, he declued to stake all on a J The f ..mr fire-fighting much>nes, to Sylvester Q. Cannon, consulting In the Cl:ilean-Peruvian arb}tration which he aiiegcd the mayor was were working when the fire started powerful offensive. His scouting and iu gal500 to 250 from of caracity a with has p~ysician His Tacna-Arica. over and Lake engineer for the city of Salt 1 of big violators of the and reported that no more mQn were reconnaissance work wns poor, while protector a man· each minute, per water of ion hometile begm he that president of the board of presidents recommended of the canal companies using waters ward trip not later than February and ned by fifty firemen under directions prohibition law was only a prelimin- In the mine. An unofficial check or Marshal Chang's cavalry and aircraft · the force kn~wn to be working cor- kept the Ma,nchurian chieftr.in inform· from Utah lake, by George M. Bacon, he m~y depart from Arica before that of !•'ire Chief Reed Bo.">hart! of the ary blast. ed of his adversary's every move. "I'm going to keep right on with roborated this assertion. poured constant J date If proper arrangements. c~n be I Provo departmMtt, state engineer. General Kuo's advance troops went burnwas fire the day the in Early made. Details of the genet a! s Ill· streams of water into the building, the· attack until 8. get ready to stop," in a great wave, but their 1 forward having effort little but fiercely, fng I until stop Salt Lake Clty.-The chamber of 1 ness are not h-nown here, but reports and at 7 o'clock in the evening the he added. "And 1 won't were unable to keep. in touch supports rescue until It chec}!: to made been I>rove roy case." commerce has sent out a follow-up reaching Washington have somowhat fire was still smouldering. General Butler let ,it be known that work was complete. Company offi· 1 with them, while the defenders slowly Throughout the day RAveral exploletter to fifteen chambers of com mer· I alarmed hi.'! friends in the capital. Mrs. Eliza London Shepard. · 1s sa ld th e d amage pro JJa bl y wou ld re t re ate d un t'l in r·ncrease marked a been ce and commercial club~ In all parts There h~o 1 th e f ore e of tlte wave 1 would endeavor to recall hill letter eta he combus· spontaneous by caused sions, ~~ 1 t Tso n"' Ch' Meanwltt'le spent mas t' r· h f b 1 b of the state, advising them that the blood pressure, in addition to compli- tion gave new life to the flames and of resignation from the marine corp, e arge e ore t e 1re was ex m- • " · ~ " • · 1 1 Lin's aircraft uncea•ingly bombarded and lnterruvt 0I:s to her brot11er's guJ'shed. dead line for copy In connection with cations resulting !rom infected teeth. f 11 f 1 d · added hazards to the work of the fire- which he submitted recently in order were care u Y ent e from him Only 79 men o• the normal force the advancing enemy, and 5000 caval- gennt.s the l!l2G advertising campaign has He Is in his 66th year. Although men and employees of the factory, to remain here, He plans to visit hft 11 b t1 • • ever·eapahle 5 been set for January 1G, and urging Washington officials declined to mak~ who foulll1 it unsa f e t o at t emp t to •vashington soon for a conference or more than 600 were at work nt ry delivered a sudden attack on Kuo- t Y tlliS ever-wntc f h ·1 1 t' .n.u wua presH ent 0 t e the time the ft're was discovered. All Sung-Ling's left rear, which was 1 Ier,. Ie Ane".' · them to get their copy in Immediate· any announcement regarding General save nny of tlte sugar by removing it with Major General 1 John A. Lejune, 11 " 1 wry. ,egwn thrown into dire confusion. The main Pershing's return to the United States from the building. , Tho energies of commandant of the corps, who has in- made their escape except eleven ,uho ly. I h '' n t e "\'alley of the Moon" at Glen there were evidences that his depar- these force! were concelltrated on <lt'cated that he t's anxi'ous to have the were trapped in one of the lower !at- defending army then took the offenof I' otttlon's• ,,. e 11 · ~cerJe C•11 1e O•• I{ uo •s army E!l~n Salt Lake City.-Both activity and ture from Sotlt.h Amert'ca would In no ~ •• " • r who the and sive, in succeeded workers Rescue erals. spreading reventin~ the fire from P that of novel lmown h f in · service. the in remain gtl'lleral ,, an from retreat dt'plomatl'c n be sense will prospects oil Utah In interest • · • · l"·~ 1\lrs • n·tme a ew ours. reaching them before midnight an!l I co11 apsed w1th h' h b 'ld' · f t !'<h~ 11 s Shepard'>< ranch home· 'l.'h••re In making public letters which pass- brought three survivors to the surac ory Ul mg, w tc n t tlle mamsuccessful. reach an unprecPdentcd height during 1 1·nternatt'onal s 1·tuation whl'ch has be- iefforts a ' ~ ' · • were 1 l!ve1l with :\It·s. Charwian Klttri•lge Newsboy Dies Leaving Fortune ed between himself and 1\Ir. Kendriclt face. Ferry died, however, a few min· the coming year as a result of the come embarrassing. Steps will be Portland, Ore.-St. Francis Gurks, London, her brother's widow, und man· Tho Spnnish Fork factory was built and Joseph P. Gaffney, city solicitor, bringing in of a gusher by the Mid· taken to continue as far as possible . t uresque I aged the London ranch since her ry4 -year-old " news b oy, " a PiC Robert two, other The later. utes I t 1-od t 1 th $1,500,000. of cost a at 1916 during th . th S h Ut t Bellof both Kyle, Harry and o show that t Hock e genera a temp~ ou ern compames on e , the work he has been doing as head wes - a 1 Bix Six dome, nine miles southeast of the Tacna-Arica plebiscitary com· Much of the machinery In the plant was because he would not "go easy" aire, are reported well on the road character on the streets of Portland brother's death. A lawyer b~· prnfe~for many years, who died here, left I sion, Mrs. Sh~par!l has expcrionc·e•t was removed from the company's on the big hotels that he· was "fired." to recovery. o! Moab, according to F. W. Strong, mission. estate of nearly $50,000 to tho Uni- none of that fiense of he!n;: m·eran from forthcoming was statement No Ritzthe wanted Butler said that he Nampa, Idaho, plant. Since that time president and manager of the Bix Six it has be€n one of the big producers C~rlt~n hotel padlocked for !iquor law corupan)' officials pending an investi- ted States bureau of education. A whelrnf'tl in terhnil'alitles of laws anll Employees Get Life Policies Oil company, who has arrived from I petition for probate of his wiii has rates and taxes which is so oftpn tlw Chicago.-Life insurance policies, . or the Utah-Idaho company. Soon uf- VIOlations and the dance hcenses of gation by state mine offlcialfl. Moab. All of the leading companies 1 The Wf.bb mine is one of the larg- been filed. Clad in rags, with burlap tot of women who own and manage have sent representathres to Moab to totaling more than $3,500,000, have ter the fire brok€, out the general of- ~he Bellevue-Stratford and the Walton Investigate the importance of the well been given as a Christmas gift to 3500 fleers at Salt Lake City were notified .IOtels revoked for the same reason, 1 est in the eastern Ohio field and is wrapped about his feet in place of property. In the m!d~t of the!'<P actlvitiP~.. operated by the G. M. Jones Coal shoes, Gurl<s was on his corner in and to "scout" for acreage, said Mr. employees of the Midland Utilities and Assistant Superintendent D~ sc.al but that the mayor disapproved. . the downtown dlstritt every night, Shepard hns fount! time to take.. David P. Provan, manager of tl:le company of Pittsburg, Pa. Strong. After the first of the year companies and its operating subsid!ar· ley hurried to tho scene of the fire crying his papers. He clied without I enPr~f'tlc part In the rt>nl work there will be an increase in the num- ies in northern Indiana and western and assisted In directing the work. He Ritz-Carlton ls under $1000 ball for a uny known relative~. Search or h!s women's patrlotir· organizations. ShP. Large Estate Munsey the violating of charges on 'tearing coverer! fully was loss tho that stated servhas who empl<Jyee Every Ohio. ber of oil men. has reVI"<\l'ld investment~ in is a past departl'lPnt pre~ident of the cf.fects disposi· probable York.-The New raid a of. result a as Jaws prohibition concern· asked When insurance. by a received more ed six months or bonds and stocks. Although f'alifornla liepnrtment of the L ion Liberty Frank by left estate large the 'of tion a where hotel the of rooms two on stated he fire, thG of origin the lng minthe year, one Ogde.n.- -M~yor P. F. . Klrk:nhall, paid up policy for '{ was it how of Idea no ha•l he that th d $ . b . on offtce who w1ll retire from pubhc Auxiliary nnd a past national ext••·uth•e · ' re a! narue was 1 A. Munsey, editor and publi~her, who . n:>ws as Gm· ks· · h's priyate varty 'wns being held. · e max1 1mum va 1ue emg 500 an t d . h 1 4 Green E 0 been have to oel!eved • . . . f d d . firemen by thought was It rted. sta. vears the to accordJ'ng r.oo, ., mum fto· a It wf eh n .prese. J anuarfy • wa.s •81 1e h ns heen a <·on1nu'It eewoman. · · · 1 The correspondence mcluded a let· ie o pentomt1s at t 1te ag<J o.. 71 • 1 \" tl f 11 Ill~ f J-I' t i 'd sub- and men working on the job that spon- t€>r from Butler to t h e mayor Iast h as aroused wt e nteres . 1e • omen . s T',e11 <' f <~orps ken o·r alpprhe.clatwnltnkt be ormff' o. la of servi'ce. Amonb~ the 1\ndlalld ~n Jer o Oldest Arizona Man Dead ts orn b eaut1 u c rmes c oc 1 the by caused combustion taneous d' I th N d . • Ill s Jcia o Y Globe, Ariz.-Henr" Mims, believed for ~5 ~-ear,;. Rhe \\'RS 8E'CrPtnry •of ~ovember which said in regard to tune is variously estimated at from · n tana or ern s < anes me 1u e: 'Th h . ' • , responsible was sugar the of heat 1 di d EI t . e 1G and attac h es of th e ctty a 11 . Thi; theory however one hotel: "Drunken men and young. $20,000,000 to $40,000,000, including to be the oldest man in Arizona, died llli~ nuxilinrr nf the Grand Army or ec n~ conG1pany, R 1~~ ana for the fire presentation was made at Mayor Kirk· Sas an old. The tt e 11epuhlie for two terms. nnd wns · '<iris were found upon the ballroom his two newspapers in New York, the hero. lie ,vas 10~ y~ars · at ways ary erv 1ce corporation, . ,given much credence by noor." Gas company was not endall s home, by a large group of company, W es t 01no Sun and the Telegram. He has no elder Mims made his home with his al~'<o departuwnt prP!'<itlt>nt. Her father , and the Calumet Gas and Electric Superintendent Scalley. t 1le wor k ers. direct hcit·s. 'Whether l\1r. ~..tunsey, 1 sen, Henry Jr., who is G~. For sixty '"" l Ilf'r It118hand were hoth sol!llers In 1 like Victor F. Lawson, puhlisher of 1 years Mims has worn a cap d.:;y and I the Cil·iJ wnr 81111 memher" of the American Donates Speed Cup Myton.- The Utah Honey Produe· company. _ Sisters Born Bt ind Now See _ Paris.-The "Wilbur Wright Cup" the Chicago'' Daily. News,_ wlio died night that coYered his scarred head, ~ame pm:t of the nranfl Army. Her Ford Plans Under Construction era' association, a co-operative mark1 Huntington, W. Va.-Two moun- Is the name of a new trophy for speed !last August, has willed hts large e~ caused when he was scalped by In· -<on 8Prve<l in the World war. Dttroit, Mich.-The first four air· eting organization, with headquarters at Price, where it assembles honey planeJ:! made by the Stout All·Metal tain girls, blind since birth, wallted .lviation to be competed for In France. tate to friend, employees and instt· diana in Texas in 1865. Mims wns · a r born In .Alabama, Aprll 9, 1816. lii!l I Two Experienced Men 1 ti.ves, IS from d Huntington hospital and mar ~ona:ed b~ an American, whose name t u t'I?ns, as we 11 _as. t o rea · t s f rom t h e u·m t a h . b asm,l · akplane division of the Ford Motor constgnmen .announces that the demand m the company and sold for strictly commer- veled at the wonders they gazed upon. ts bemg Wlthheld for the present, the subJect of speculatiOn. Mr. Mt~nsey, a sister dlE!'d In Texas four years ago Head War Depart""·oarof • cast is good for Utah honey, and cial use took off from the Ford air· Their sight had been restored, r. trophy will replace the Gordon Ben· ba.chelor, had no othe~ immediate rei- at a reported age of 112. \\'ar department or the Tlnlted The . John Mrs. Sister, older an than a,tlves BeauI. Louis Commodore and nett much is being shipped to New York port at Dearborn !or Miami, Fla. The Christmas gift from their mountain hns two distin~;"ni;;ltetl soldiers States J . . Progf'am Alaska 6tg . who Pla., Petersburg. St. of Hyde M. won were which of both cups mont surgeon. Huntington planes are to be put into operation neighbors and a City. They are SPcrPtary o! head. its at .-Authonzatwn ~-uJka Fan·hanks, during bedside his to called not was Lecointe. Sadi of men who will re- between Miami and Tampa, Fla., by The girls, I•'ay Cook, 17, and her sis- outri!;ht fo~ France by na,·ls, D. S. C~. and F. Dwight War pro-j development mmmg gold a of age. her of account on illness his t' d th f t A oongen from suffered 21, Mayme, tet·, Wll ti A' 'd Fl th Provo.-List gram involving- expenditure of more e cup ona lOU nnouncemen · ita! cataracts. In their remote mounon a Jrwayli corpora on. r ecive awards for football at Brigham . e than $10 000 000 hPre w!lllin the next , Assistant St>erPtary of Wnr H nford . .. Youn" University: Eddie Kimball, ham B. J\Iayo, chief engineer or the tain home of Lorado, Logan county, was made by Sid_ney B. Velt, a mem· • captain; li'red Hinckley, Richard l<~ord company, announced. that planes they had about given up hope of l>er of t~e executive committee of the Ch1cago People Have Btg Holiday Bill I three y:ars' has heen announced by ~fal'. 'ider, D. S. C. Both of these Am<'ri!'an LegionChieago.-Chicago's 3,000.000 people Korman C. Stinnt>s, manager of the Thorne 'Villard Clark Cecil Merk- are now under constructwn •or the gaining use of their eyes, and wer~ r~ternatwnal .Aeronautical assoc1aley, Goi.ten Romney, D~n Corbett, Or·! western air express to operatA be- educating themselves in the methods tro~, who has Just returned from .the spent more than $60,000.000 on 1925 i:'ui;·banl,s Exploitation company, a naires recently appointed to thPir high in Howard Reed Swenson Vernal tween Salt Lake City and Los AnF(eles of the bllnd when neighbors interest· Umf ed States. The money prize at· Christmas shopping. Last year It wae subsldiary of the Uniterl States Smelt- positions •hy President f'oolitlge wnu Worthingt~n. Wesley Lloyd,' Kimball an_d the Natio~al Air-Transport opor- Dr. C. 1\I. IIarver of Huntington. The ~;;ched, to. the tr~pl~y will be $10,00?0 estimated the retail forces of State I ing & Refininp; company. Stines the coveted Distingul.,hell St'rvlce Mcintosh, Lawrence Peterson, Lavon· atm' from Clncago to Dallas, Texas. doctor said he was willing to perform ,.ch )eat, a~d Il ~~ hoped this Will :1tre:t ~lone, w~ere ~ost of the ~rad~ 1 made his announcement by cable to Cro"~ In the mucl Rnd hlood or the the delicate operations necessary. nduce Amencan avmtors to come to m Chnstmas gtfts lS concentutea the Fairbank3 Nevrs Miner from Hav- trt?nf'hM. Butler Withdraws Resignation ia Fuller, Clarence Knudson, Donald Secrptnr:v Dov!s won his eros" n~ a Washiagton, D. C.-Brigadier Gan· withbut cost. The neighbors sub France and participate in th(l event. took $50,000,000 across the counters ana, Cuba. Lloyd, Lowell Biddulph, Fred Dixon. with the Thirty·fifth rlh·is!ou In nul]•Jr estimatee conservative but T'!ntative eral Smedley Butler has withdrawn scribed a fund to defray hospital ex rhe race will be at a distance of 300 A!'<~lstant ~errPIHry :\lac· i"ranl'c. 1 93 At Celebrate Twins increase an predicted merchants of mea· fifty-kilometer a Provo.-The fifth annual lea!lershiJJ his resignation !rom the marine corps. penses. The operation was a success. 'tilometers over 1 his cross while a major won ~lder Sophia :Mary Conn.Fairfield, l for total a making cent, per 12 of course. ~ured he which ~e~k v:m be ~eld at Brigham :o~ng Although tlle leave under Dowd and Sarah Maria Seymour, be- ,:;erving with the Secnnt1 cllvislon nt State street of $56,000,000. b f t d' "Cmver:;ity durmg the week begmnmg 1 d b · t h e Chateau Thierr~· and the Argormt?. He d to b e t h e o11•.es t t w1ns m s erve d o ne F am it Y 95 y ears een serv 1ng as tree or o pu · 1a . , 11eve Fond Of American Movies .ra~uary 25, and endmg January .2!l. lie safety of Philadelphia would not Stutes, passed their ninety- I~ Hl~o a chen•lle1· of the LPgion of I United Homeless Children Raid Shops Mexico City.-The American movies Pau, France.-At the age of 110 G b til D Twenty-six departments of instructwn h 1 1 h h' d Ch · enera1 ecem er 31 , exprre un . . ristma~ at t 1e r orne ero Honor nnd hns the Croix ,1e Gu!'rre. 1r t • chfi. homt>lesa hundred Moscow.-A hav.e been orga111z:c! and all Will make Butler immediately reportGcl for duty. years, Nava Carlotte, a domestic in ·1ave scored another international Yic· 'l'he w: r ref'ord of hoth na,·r~ nnd the household of descendants of the •.ory. Bull fighting, long the favorite dren, part of the vast horde which quietly aB neighbors and friends visit· thctr work contnbute to the theme He w'll retu 11 t PI . 1 d 1 hi f "·r tlf'r Is imvre""lve. \\•'th a hark· [ t ~~·e sn~son's tile "d ~ t m th _, _ II . . I h h' • II f a or a P e a u o t t h t tt "1 . h . I k" " ac,_ .\ · e "' a . o .xe~ e f. am Y .or w tc s 1e ongma y work- ;how here, has slumped into second has roYed In band& since the war, ""' .. t hi of th e wee · w 11c IS >e er eac · 1few da~·s to a a . t h t 3 ,. S 1 !l J n . ~a e a rr ngebacks topnWashin " then come . . .. All pe~p I e_ o f t h e m· . or reI't.g10n. orn anuary • '"· • e wms ~!round of National nuarc, spn·IrP, hntn . ed, is dead. S ?e entered the servica place by eomparison with the screen. organized a Christmas raid upoL mgs. fairs and mg alil{e in looks that when they c:torted tlt~>lr army llfp as buck so of this family m Mexico in 1827, fol- Mexicans now spend four times more Ahops in the heart of Moscow. Police were termonntatn '\\:est are li"~Ytte~ _to at· • ton. Late in January he will go tend. ThPre wtll be no regu!trution San Diego to take command of the lowed its members to France and re- money on movies that matadors, and intervened and repulsed the ragged went to school on had to wear a privates. and enwr~ed from the \\'orld I mained with them until her peaceful a film not made in the United States urchins, arresting four 13-year old 1 string on her finger to identify her war as lieutenant rolonPl~. high rnnlt marine base there. fee. won In the hlnze of battle. from the other. leaders. is something of a curiosity, end. Salt Lake City. -Executives for the Both nre llarvnnl gratlunte!', Th!'ee Injured On Battleship eighth annual intermountain livestock the cla,;~ of ln<JO nnd lltac. 'ider in In Gi-ven Figures Rate Death S. U. Job Pollee Loses Butler Saved Bricklayers' Dignity Milk And Snow Used On Fire BoEtton, Mailli.-Exploslon of an •how at Salt Lake City, March 27 to r1nss of 1!l11. thte death national Wash!ngton.-Tl.e Butler,j ·General Pu. Philadelphia, setthe London.-Dignit.y marlred Portage, Wis.-Milk and snow were 31, were selected at a meeting O'f the the ''Ill' the!'<e rllstlng-nlsherl Sinee been has States United the in rate atren a after officer, marine fighting l<Jngforty of livestock committee of the Salt Lake aF~etrdlenet tathnk aboard the U. S. S. used to fight a fire on the farm of tlement of the walkout kept In tnu('h with their hnve !'01dier~ dePtu·tment commerce the by placed . t d "dl"'· n on went who bri'cklayers 't'oh cf outskirts the in nrown Thomas yard navy Charlestown e a a or . f t 11 n uous an spec acu 1ar campa1gn of twt , ~ • o 1 rh am b er of commerce, the organiza. 0 nffii!ntion with tha through commdes on populaJton, o 190,00 per ·" a . they declaring lion sponsoring the event. J. H. ~Ian· caused injury to three men and en· the city, when the water supply gave nlty strike" recently • n., 4 ! f r· · years has left the office of d1recto1 tl1e b·as1s 1 d 1 1 d u 1 1\lae:-.'ilft>r wa1 Leriou. Amerknn comas . ~~ or tgures o an~ere t 1e ives of members of the 1 out and the flames threatened to would not resume labor until Alder;lerfielrl, general manager of the Salt of th~ L~· coml!)anrler national elected 1922, in U.S 1923, in 12.3 with pared ' Phtladelphia-{l.is· of safety public or Lambeth the of Price Edward Lake Union stockyards, was selected batleship's crew. Huncl'reds of civil- 1 spread from a large dairy barn to the man SPrre1921. iu City Knnsn" nt -gion covered figures The 1921. In ll.G and going as manager of the show, to succeed ian employees fled from nearby I eight other buildings on the place. borough council retracted his declar- 1 Jtlissed by the mayor. Beforo Loui~. St. In Is home show. An effort was made to retain buildings following the terr;:Zic blast,j Milk cans were emptied Into a tank ation that they required one minute n~ fired a volley at 1\Iayor Kendrick the entire death registration area of tary Hnvis, whose Or. R. :N. Mead, manager of the 1925 which blew the huge tank to atoms. I a~d. pumped thro~1gh the hose of the aud twelve seconds to lay a Ringill' In the form of a letter in which he tue country, which accounts for about ~ln., was Instrumental In the forma· lhe services of Dr llfead, but he de· Fire which followed the explosion was Clty ~ apparatus llke water. Loads of brick. After Price conceded that he accused the chief executive of lack ot SSS per cent of the population. The tlnon of St. Lon!~ Post No. 4 of the Ht> hn~ mnintnined cl!ned under tl'e pressure flf privau. quickly extinguiilhed. The cause of eno-w were hauled as near as possible was seven seconds off and the opera- mCiral courage in enforcing the ltquor number of death registered in tl1is ter· Leg:ion In Hl19. the blast has not been determined. 1 to the flames and tossed by the shov· tion might require only one minute law agalnrt the larger hotels. Be will ritory during 1924 was 1,173,990, out a ke!'JJ Interest tn the affairs of the tusln.ess. L~J?If'n si!'Ctl Ita Inception. of 99,803,494 population. probably return to the marines. and five seconds. el!ul on the flumes. I I I I I I ! ?Y l uTl [A 1,5 AfT EA 0HI0 ~~!~~.~. ~t~ Ef~ RE SCAlP 0f A TAK'ES NliiF ltV ES Cun~mgham, I nw•1~: Ia l I I I I I j I ! I I I ° I I 1 ., u " i I ° I I I I . ! 1& |