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Show THE MIDVALE JOURNAU --- I• Pare Five \ I,. r CIVic Pride Means ""'.&&............unity *-· Growth· ~ .................. -'1,!'._......... ..... _.......... -.~-- ~ I II . / . j ., ,' I I I I i I .i '• fiN and son, and daughter, of Ogden, and Mrs. Albert ~l~de, of HeM.r. and Mrs. Wilham Swan, lber, . and children, of Salt Lake, Mr. and ',• •, !Mrs. Griffith Lloyd and children, .---•R•I•V,ERTON The marriage of Miss Grace Mil- of Montpelier, Idaho, Mrs. Sidney ler of Herriman and Gerald Stone Whittaker, Mr. and Mrs. William took place Wednesday. A recep- ,o. Newbold, of South Jordan, Mr. tion was given in their honor Fri- and Mrs. Wesley Lloyd of Salt day at the home of the bride's pa.r- Lake, and Mr .. and Mrs. :::towland ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Lloyd and fanuly and Mr. and Mrs .Thomas B. Lloyd and family. of Herriman. Mr. Freeman R. Lloyd a.nd fam- Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hamilton enily had as their dinner guests last tertalned at dinner at their home Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert last Wednesday In honor of Clyde Swan and Reed swan of Burley, .Bradford and Miss Lyle Bradford Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Earner Swan, of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- . ~~ 1 • /ill1r) :Mr. t";W" las Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1 The Junior High School under and son Wallace Mrs N hi B tSchmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Shipley ;Bur the direction of Miss Melba. Boyle terfield and Mrs.' Levi. Fr:~ma.nuof ton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmidt, of and Arthur Lewis presented an op- Herriman. Dinner was served. (eretta entitled College Frolic at Mrs. Ma.honri Butterfield enter• West Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Larse,n had lthe school auditorium Wednesday. tained at a picnic party Sunday in as her ~ests Friday, Mr. 11nd Mrs. The Second ward Gleanor Girls honor of her daughter, Verda. Albert A. Larsen of Burley, Ida- and M Men furnished the program Games were played after which a ho, and N~l~ Johnson of Redmond. lat a conj~int meeting Sunday. Pa- lunclleon was served to Miss VlMrs. Wilham 0. Page and son, geant en~1tled the answe~, solgan late Butterfield, Miss B:arr!et Wi· Morris, and Mrs. Zach T .. Butter- lby Phyllis Butterfield, P1ano solo berg, Miss Mary Parr, Miss Elvera field a.nd baby spent Friday at iby Nelda Peterson and Mary Nos- Dansie, Miss Ivy Peterson, Miss Lark where Mrs. John Hansen en- sack, speach by Heber C. Iverson, Fern Densley, and Miss Lovella Maynard. tertained at lunclleon in their hon- of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Freeman had Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rlndlill• or. Mrs. Thomas P. Page spent the as their guests Friday Mr. and bach entertained at dinner Sunday week end at Payson the guest of Mrs. Robert Swan of Burley, Ida- in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. George Whetman. ho, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Freeman, Reed and family of Lark. UTAH PRODUCTS WEEK • lfi[OSKISSON'S MOTTO You have seen them your• self-drowsy, lazy, indifferent communities sleeping away priceless hours when other towns and sections are working night and day to bring civic oride up to a high pitch. And such communities get such a t.running start" that it is difficult to ever catch up w1t~ them. When a Rip Van Winkle's town does awaken 1t faces a giant task. I towns where paint is almost a religion, where the clean up, dress up and perk persists, real estate values are higher, hom!!il are more popular and are worth up more, and progress is in the very atr. id! UTAH PRODUCT S YEAR The high quality of UTAH PRODUCTS is fast being recognized all over the United States. Many of our products are being rightfully placed ·on the premium list. Our fruits, vegetables and dairy products are becoming nationally known for their fine :O.~vor and unexcelled keeping qualities. . ~ ALL LOYAL UTAHNS SHOULD RECOGNIZE THE ABOVE FACT. So many of our Utah Merchants seem reluctant to extend thenr recognition. GET THE BEST. INSIST ON UTAH PRODUCTS-ALL WEEK-ALL YEAR. You will help the Utah Farmer as well as yourself for you will keep your money at home. Utah Tomatoes Utah Russet Spuds Meetm·g Called To • D u Cl • 0 rgantze ean p rtve • A maas meeting called for Frievening at 7:30 o'clock at the ldv•ale Firemen's Hall discussed for "A Paint Up and Clean campaign to be inaugurated Midvale. goes without saying that Midas well a.s other towns in the and Union, should put on a campaign every spring. In our opinion a drive can be to clean up outside premises ftrst week but the campaign continue for qulte a. length Up:te and reports turned In by resident of the city showing exact a.inount of cleaning and llintJ,ng done. There is a national campaign on can be taken advantage of the people of Midvale so desire. A carload or less of mats have been received at the Journal office from our New York representative Including every phase of the campaign and plans are all laid out for the successful prosecution of the campaign if they will be followed. The Mayor should designate a. time for the campaign by proclamation through the local press and the city divided into zones with a. captain and committeeman in charge of each zone. Blanks will be furnished by the Journal free of charge and these reports should be collected and filed each week to show the progress made in each district. In this man ner, rivalry can be developed by districts and great things accomplished. Miss vnate crane with her pupils of the Sunday School entertained at a party Monday night at the Amusement hall. Games were played and refreshments served to 35 guests. Miss Lavon Bills spent last week as guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Guilment of Union. M~. and M':"s. Ezra L. Bills entertamed at dinner Sund~y in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gullmet and Miss Agnes Oliver .of Union, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nichols of Bluffdale, Miss Utahna Shields of South Jordan and Ell Webster of West Jordan. The presidency of the West Jordan Stake Primary met a.t the home of Mr. Zach T. Butterfield Tuesday. After the meeting refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richardson of West Jordan, Mrs. Samuel Newbold and Mrs. William Lloyd of South Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Jack WIberg. Firm, Smooth, Clean 10 lbs ................................. tOe 100 lbs ................................. 98e - Large Cans 8 For ................................ Utah Carrots 29e - Large, Sweet, Spanish Firm, 3lbs......................... t2e Utah Jam BI~i~ Patent ..:............. $t.59 H~'r~~~..~~:.~~~..... 63e - UTAH BUTTER DAISY, LB. .................... 45e WHITE ROSE LB ................... 43e Utah Coffee M & J Orange Wrap lib..................................... UTAH CHEESE Full Cream, 2 Db............. ROOF GARDEN 1 Lb. 28c 2 LB......... 49e 49e Utah Peas UTAH FAVORITE 3 Cans for ........................ 33e UTAH EGGS, Fresh and Large, 2 Dozen ............ 45e Pork and Beans B~~~sc~~--..~-~-~.......,....... 53e H~~~;:............................... 29e Kane and Maple Quarts 49c Utah Peanut Butter 39e Beets and Hominy Pints 23c tOe Utah Onions ·Utah Flour DAISY......................... St 69 • High Patent ................ TURNIPS, and PARSNIPS 6 Lbs ............................. 1-2 Gallon 89c Pierce's Utah Products No21~!~~............................ UTAH SYRUP DIXIE MOLASSES Gallon Can .................... t5e No3 ~~ra~~............................ 29C 98e , • QuaUty Meats BEANS lbs......................... Navy and L1ma lbs......................... 45e · 2 5 19e MISSION HAMS, Whole, Half, lb .................. 25e PANCAKE FLOUR, 9lb. bag, self rising 53e PORK ROAST, Shoulder, lb..................................... 19C Ready Cut, 5 lbs......................... 45C PURE LARD, 2 lbs....................................................... 2 9 C LINK SAUSAGE, Pure Pork, lb......................... 25e PEETS, Granulated Soap, large package ... 35e BACON, Whole or Half, lb........................ _................. 25C MACA~ONI, THE FINEST OF UTAH PRODUCTS CAN BE SPOILED BY UNSANITARY HANDLING. The Above Prices Good ·Saturday & Monday, April 7th. 9th The women who wear fashions first will appreciate this fashion achievement. This is a rare and timely opportunity to own the smartest and newest spring stylesFrocks and Coats. A remarkable collection embracing the latest style tendencies, simple and elegant for the discerning woman. From$5.95 TO $t6.95 Booth Mercantile Company Phone Midvale 200 for Expert Marcelling · THE BANK ·IS CLOSED. YOUR DOLlARS CO FARTHER AT "A UTAH INSTITUTION" 51 MAIN STREET ."WHERE QUALITY AND ECONOMY RULE" PHONE 248 .MIDVALE, UTAH |