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Show THE MIDVALE JOURNAL -------~---------------- -- Home Run Heroes AT LITTLE OAME"·------A Good Guesllcr of 'THO!>I ~"0 CAH I ..,.,..At AA\ ' connE,TL'~ uP AO"tNS,.? i A Ml""l) "1'ELL You WHAT ............ e GoT BEJ=one *'u st-tow 'eM • .. .. i'HREE S1'ENOGS, rlEAolfl on AMIRROR t 1'HII ' ' 'T'oo MucH • L.IT~ HAHD HIM oun. UJ!\C)( ~BA'T ,T, \I'E GoT BEAT THREE 8UL.L.ETS, 1''/E GOT YOU \NI't'H r ~ 1M~I~'T - Do 'ioo DN A NEW DECl<; \<NOW WHAT \~1'& ONE!S I'vE 60T Ul'I"'ON Peterson of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Bennett, of East Midvale, ~MAnKeo·, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sorenson, of ·~& CHIL.t...S! 3ingham, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rey· 1 'T~'-T~ A L ;t;'t .1olds and family of Riverton, Mr. CINCH "f!-115 IS thl' LINCANN'l 1nd Mrs. Wm. Erickson, Wallace There are two festival days of >), . ob- j'. to continues world the that year Reynolds. David and 3rown o-o·o· ' Mr. and Mrs. Griff Lloyd and serve with reverence. Human progto ', family, of Montpelier, Idaho, vis· ress Is marked by change of thought, fj.;..' ·§ ',.· \ ,ted friends and relatives here dur· by change of customs, by change or ~- . ,, '''·, .. : lnstltutlons. The dogma of today may ,,.,,( mg the week. ... ' '? , Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Crane of be the myth of tomorrow. The conRiverton were dinner guests of Mr ftict of science and trad!Uonal bPllet ,and Mrs. Samuel Cundick Sunday goes on. But there are two days on which all Chrl8tendoni pauses to ac afternoon. A number of friends and rela· cept the overpowering significance or tives meet at the home of Mr. and Christianity. These days are ChristMrs. Edward Orgill in honor of mas and Easter. we celebrate the birth and resurrec Mrs. Orgills birthday anniversary. 500 was played, prizes going to Mr. tton ot Cl1rlst as our forefathers celeand Mrs. Clyde Swensen, Mr. An- brated these sacred events ln the llf~> drew Swensen, Mrs. Lisle Swensen of humanity. On these days, by comluncheon was enjoyed by the fol· mon consent and Impulse, controversy lowing guests, Mr. and Mrs An- Is suspended. On these days the faith· drew Swensen of J<:ast Mi•lvale, ful seek spiritual renewal, new ~, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lisle and Mr. and strength tor the obligations of life ' , Mrs. Clyde Swensen of Sandl'· Mr. i On these days the lndlfterent are flO· and Mrs. Wallace Bateman, Mr. · bered and drawn Into the mood of the and Mrs. Leon Aylett and Mr. N. time, On these days even the iconoclast is compelled to assume an 11ttl · P. Swensen. A surprise party in honor of tude of respect. On Easter day believers In the dl· Mrs. Lavina Naylor was given '!L her home Monday afternoon it be- v!nlty ot Christ renew their faith In ing her seventieth birthday rum!- Immortality, a faith of Immeasurable versary. Dafodils were usP.d as comfort to mankind. To them the decorations and refresh ments , time Is one of spiritual exaltation, of were served to the following guest~ · added strength, of a more confld~>nt ~~~~~~ The "Home Run King" and "The --os11!!!5;;;;a.L_____ Mesdames Hyrum Beckstead. C. facing of the future. ""D rA\:Vft \ ·. ·.\." t '(b' , ~~~lthe~~~~~~Cro~nPrinc~'~tt o ~thera~L ou ~~=~;~~~~--·--------~~~;~-------------.~r~~HM~~~~.~~ I!! that Is, dry and hard. Every safeguard, of course, taken to -orevent the spreading of the seed, the anibeing Isolated and the refuse the pens destroyed or put aside for observation. Several pens of check anlmalli hope and happiness. It ls consonant Gelmg (left) an? Ba_be Ruth (nght ) with the energies and manifestations ' pos~ for . t~eJr ptctures at the of spring. lt comes when the ll~>lds ~~r;~gy!~k~~~~S~~P~te~~bt~~eg;NF~~ are green, the buds are breaking and - - - - - - - - - - - the early flowers bloom In cha:llenge 1 Mr. and Mrs. w. J. McNamara of departing winter. It ls a day of ·were Midvale visitors Sunday, the '. music and color-color In the flowers guests of Mrs. E. E. Smith. ela Elkins, M. Pencheon, Mardge Brown and Laura Mace. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lancaster, Mr. Gilbert Lloyd, Mrs. Charles Dimond and Mrs. John L~ncaster 'l attended the funeral serv1ces. of their Aunt Nettie Lloyd, at River- ~~alt~ln~~~~l~ln~~~~;~~~;;~~~~i~i~i~~~~~~~~~~~~iii~~i ~~~~~~~~~~~~ clean alfalfa and at the end of an Mr. and Mrs. John Richards are the Easter processionals, In the dress .......- enght week period, all of the ani- receiving congratulations upon the ~ the season and In the panorama --- of nature. Faith, sentiment and cuswere slaughtered and post birth of a son. tom have combined to preserve for an building is Pender Harry Mr. conthe determine to held mortem the puncture With thll Ill mllld, Hveral head time consistent outward manlEaster Redwood on home his to addition Much organs. the of all of catUe, calves sheep and hogs sheep's head, u It Ia eomof the spiritual meaning of testatlons Road. had who those of surprise the uperfor uae4 be to called Ill livestock circles, were secured day. the returned has Bateman purpoeea under the aua- charge of the work, there was no Preston proven a COIUy peat. There There Is high hope in the constancy of the Lo.1 ADJeles County evidence In any animal of Injury from Panguitch where he went to many angles to tile damafl which the two great festivals of with broth his of affairs business attend being there vine, the eating the C<>mmllllon and by this plant, one of whlc:Ja are observed. Children still year the very is who Bateman, Robert er, throat mouth, lacerations In the the general belief that the livestock lnapecUon department, to the meaning of Easter. taught are suf· parents, his of home the at ill animals The Intestinal track. to just what extent the of the vine which are long, will be remem· observances These His Fever. Typhoid with ferlng and same practically the and sharp cause lace:attolll vine would harm Uveetock eonaum.llves, as grandtheir throughout bered • Panguitch in home their mouth and throat aa well u lng it. A supplJ of &lfalfa wu In some instances even greater wife is at can testify. grandfathers and mothers with· suffering is son small a where on recorded In weight were to the Intestinal and dlge• used which wu literally 1Uled with contlnu- 1 the constitute help will They disease. same the than animals experimental b&organslsm11, many ttmea prov• the vine, ita burrs and prongs religious that for background lng · LuBateman, Ross Mrs. and Mr. animals shown by the check Ill the mOlt dan&'erous ata&-e; cile Bateman Vesta Lancaster, mo i mood which nourishes the better 1m· : had upon clean alfalfa. ~jjl;;tii;tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii weThese i results disprove the exist- tored to ~erican Fork Sunday pulses of men and women. • I belief that the vine is injurious and were special dinner guests of fatal to livestock as has been Mr. and Mrs. James Wight. belllevl!d in the past. A most im- Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wight and feature of the experiment children John and Mary Mrs. Joyet to be brought out through seph Batrd, and son, Fra~k, of Salt enclea,~or:lng to germinate the seed Lake, Mrs. Mary Wight, of Brighas passed through the di- ham City and Mrs. Ella Jeppson l!'ealtive organs to determine If In of Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Ross way they may be spread to Bateman were dinner guests of areas through the medium of Mrs. Lydia Bateman Tuesday affertlll:zer. These findings will be ternoon. known when the work Is ~om Mrs. Lydia Bateman is home af· .------ and at that time a detailed ter spending the last week at the Is to be prepared and given home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lloyd distribution covering as it There little daughter, Afton being does a question for the first time very ill with pneumonia. has been of such tremen- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chrisinterest and importance in all tenson spent Tuesday evening with r. Christenson's mother at Sanllnes of agriculture. Of course, wit hthe disproval of dy. Injurious elements of the punc- The Junior Class of the M. I. A. vine to livestock there should gave the program Sunday evening no abatement in the war which Violin solo A and B numbers, by being waged against It in all of Adolphus Roncaglio, reading, Mel· Western states as the livestock ba Johnsen and the ~:~peaker was · - · - · - -1 Is only one consideration. Carter E. Grant. puncture vine is ruinous when Bernice Bateman, Randal Walgets in:o cotton fields and vine- ker, Theo. Dwight, Harold Bate· as 1t makes the products al· man, Blaine Anderson, Dell Smith, impossible to handle on ac- Gilbert Lancaster and Marlon Bate Sport of Egg-Rolling of Injury to workers and a!- man attended a Charlonlan Club Popular in England It Is serious when It gets into party given at Jordan High school Egg-rolling Is still a popular Easter I wool of sheep or. Into the h~fs Thursday evening. pastlmP In parts of northern England, the feet of hvestock whtch The marriage of David L. Gardpenetrates as badly as a needle. ner, of West Jordan and Abbie G. ton. The at eggs notably The feature of whether orhnvot Pond, of Brigham City has just [L,-~""'-~ used are boiled aeed will germinate af~er a • been announced. very bard and -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a r e artificially • passed through the digestive Mrs. H. B. Beckstead or Grand~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! 1or2·ans of the animals will ~e of a ma Beckstead of South Jordan is : colored. T b o deal of value In checkmg Its very Ill tands of factory 1soreaa as If this is the case, more Mr. ~d Mrs. Harry Pender an:workel'l can be given the handling of nounce the birth of a daughter, on the on Easter Mon· produced from animals born April 2nd. ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~lf"r-tlll•"'r "';~~~~;;;;; have fed upon feeds contain- Afton, the little daughter of Mr. ~ day and roll and Mrs. LeRoy Price, was taken eggs down the vine. alopes. to the St. Marks Hospital Tuesday The object "Good Egg!'" Mr. and Ml'!l. Curtis Brady and to undergo an operation for appen. and Mrs. George Green motor- dicltis. the competitors Is to break as to Bingham Wednesday even- Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Silcox and as possible of their rivals' eggs, the and visited with Mr. and Mrs. daughters of Tooele were guests of winner being the one whose egg reMrs. Ernest Silcox Tuesday. !Byron Thomas. mains intact the longest. At the end of the day the slopes are literally beneath eggshells, for as soon burled WANTED cracks lt !1 eaten by Ita egg an as More vlolln atudents. Beginners owner. 'l'o avoid disputes the name Adolphlus Roncagllo. of the owner Is 1enerally written on 131 North Main Street his egg, ---xXx:=---- '' GO TO GRASS" FOR YOUR' FURNITURE AND SAVE MONEY SPECIAL STORK'S SALE Baby Walkers .................................... $2.00 UP Lloyd Baby Buggies ............... $15.00 U:'P Enamel Crib Beds ............. ........... $2.50 UP ! -- EASTER GREETING S' "" High Chairs $3.60Up 2Wheel Carts $3.75 Up Electrical Recorded VICTOR RECORDS Ivory Enamel Nursery Chairs ............................................. $1.98 UP \Ve are not closing out our MIDVALE STORE Just making room for New Stock Special, 2 for .. ····· .. · 75c This Week MIDVALE FURNITURE CO.. Phone Midvale 119 MIDVALE DRUG COMPANY Terms Arranged ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ECONOMY FLOUR If you smoke for pleasure SAVE . ~ YOUR FACE Men everywhere are awak.. eninl to the truth that dull, rough-edjed blades pull and irritate the akin. Save your face! 'Ihe most important factor in correct shavi.na is a IIDOOth• edged, keen razor blade. Stropped, amooth• edeed Valet AutoStrop Rawr blades give perfect, face" saving shaves. The Valet AutoStrop ~r keeps your face soft and youthful looking. ValetAut~trop Razor Sharpens itself GUARANTEE We wllh that ~ .._ of a Valet AatcSa-o. Jtaer be eunotantiJ' ODthllliulie. Should aQthina hap- tD :roan atreetin.- ita perfeet Mnice, lad it to .,.. for ...,_ p.lr or NP~IDt. U :roar atrop io not In ~ rondl· tiaa-Ntaralt foraaew cme-DO chup t• oitlier Mnice. -Ca~nels A atrqrlloa lead the •~~<~1 Perhap. u orlr llower1 Naw Ufa Puloatlna tJuoou,h tbe worLI With wu, bCIIIr, At (Ali~ lty IJJ ~Fufmture ... w~~ a:~=.~ t=- 1nllll&ll 1rho e$71 clolllf f,'!t~:tl':.mr. ~ Suits made to your Inatoroo:, ~~:i.JU~ and WOrk measUre-fit little u;penae. • ~~~oar ~Jt:; manship guaranteed witb dlreetio111 for eomp..t'J • :'..d.:.ied. A=~~ ,! M Alterations • deeorate. Cleaning lt...S HUlain• Book SbeiL.$2.50 UlrH 8 ;,., aMIee ;,., ""'"· and Dyeing A-G Narrow Caae...... 3.50 Book Aigll, /011>r I ltl. aMlvH Neat1Y DOne 'A·1 Wid• Book Ca......_. 3.70 ;,., oM!v01 SG""' ttrilll f011r 2.20 FRED RASMUSSEN M-4 Mal'azln•Bakt(Speclal) Two J)Ooklto, f..tl Nt 8-3 Adjn.table Book Rack 1.00 TAILOR ;,., Eztr""" Z.ftgU\ l.,.l Lantern Corner Shelf.. 1.50 ,;--11 '" ' A W. Center IJ'roiU ...-nnne M1•dvale 117 w Or - ' pn~paCd, on rtoti,C of priM · ~ - - - Utah THE McCALL-GoRHAM ee~ it~. 17~ 16~ ti!Oiqw SoUl !If PllNCIPAL Cmu IN l..tADDq liANDlCII.UT .AND Jm>AJITIONf Now Ufe, Now bope &lld beW .....,_.,01'1 Give ua 1'\WI tbourht For~. -Blanche A.Dtladol McCiuro Ill Orlt. His Spirit Everywhere The Risen Christ stlll lives. meets you every day In the wol'kSbiOD I and office and on the 11treet. He 18 found In homes, In hospitals, and in 1 institutions ministering to misfortune. Be lives In men and women who radl· ate lore and help!nlness.-Grlt. A dancing party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Enrickson Saturday night of last week in honot of Mr. Enrickson's birthday ann! versary. A late luncheon was served to twenty-five guests. Mrs. Wm. Reynolds of Riverton and Mrs. Wm. Enrickson entertain ed at the Enrickson home Friday night In honor of Mr. Reynolds's birthday anniversary. Games and luncheon was enjoyed by the following guests. Mr. and Mrs. Fred way. The answer •IS "I LIKE 'EM." The cigarette best-liked by so many smokers, it leads by billions |