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Show April6, 1928 THE MIDVALE JOURNAL Tella How Girl• Can Get ttline" on Fiance IIDYAlE J9UJUW, Weekly (Friday) Published by the ·lor-dall Paltllahinll' Company, Inc. N. lfam St. Ph. Mid. 178 business correspondence s}lould addressed to The Midvale JourMidvale, Utah. Terllls of Subscription Year (in advance) ....- - $1.00 Entered as second class matter the postoffice at Midvale City, under act of March 8, 1879. Job Printing Department maintained. All prices based on the Franklin Printing Price List. Advertising Rates Display, per column inch ...... $0.35 Readers, per line ..... __... _.•_..... $0.10 I Specialize in Watch and Clock Repairing Work Guaranteed J. S. MORGAN 69 N. Main St. Utah ..................... 0 ) &E ELECTRIC SERVICE Eleetric:iana- Complete Auto Service RADIO SUPPUES 25 East Center Midvale, Utah Sueeessful men are always particular about hair cutting and sh111ving. We Cater To Successful Men. A Trial Will Convince You. Call Today! MIDVALE BARBER SHOP MIDVALE FEED and SEED STORE All Kinds Of Mash, Feed, Eggs, Potatoes and Flour - - lltah Midvale - ------------------------~ CHAPTER VI-Continued -14right, m~n." he said, "and. Allulph, IJII.I' atttmtlon aud it you have any ~uggebt luns, he sure tu lnterrupl me. This pluce tiltH we're In Is a trl· angle, two sides of wl1kh are formt>d hy gulciH•s HJHI the hase by our linef on the wunds. \\'e're up tr. lhe nn~f> of it. The euelll~ tws appeared on our lt>fl,.alld that·~ the plnc·e thnt we mu~t wutrh t11e clos{'st. The t·ight Is under til·e frow the di 1 is ion on thai side, ol· Our lh11Ugh it's a little wuy b;H'k re;tr is protected l1ecause the enem~ cnn't cross the phliP:Ju tn tiLt face of our troop~ In the woocls, who are onls waiting for night to nell unre und g€! us out of here. Meanwhile, I waul each ot you nwn to tu lw charge of thirly men. Take tile tlr>l thirty you come lo, let them know who you are. talk to them, explain what's going on. tell them that there's nothing to be afraid of as long as they obey order!!. Then Inspect .vour thirty men. See how ruucll wuter !hey hn ve, If the} ha1·e any food or not, how much am· munition they LJuve. 1\eep 'em under ''"l'er. I'll be walking up und down and keeping my eye on you all the time. I left the orher machine gun thNe In the clit<•h with l.leutenant t 'on nor uno ten men. They can kee1• the ruatJ clear. The secuuu gun I'm going to use as u reserve to run to uny tl•reatened polut. We won'! ha1·e any attack anyway, because the enem~ twve uo Intention of holding this sec· tor, and they know very well If they tnk.e thls nlll they only lose It tonight when the army advHuce~ uguin. Any question~? If uot, pnsts. I'll Lie around In ten minutes to see whul dlsposl tlons you hal'e made." There was a drnulng hum like n huge tly buzzing against a wlndoa·· El'eryone flattened hlm"('JI pnne. against the bunk, for there was not a man there but knew that that souM heralded the approach of 9 German plane. II swl'pt over them suddenly, flying tow, anrt It seemed to {'liSt a black shadow thnt remained even after It had passed It swooped, t•ir cled, WPnl westward. hunked aronnrl rPtnrned, nnrt thr>n mnldng a circle ol"er the sunken road, flew back tlw way It had rome. "NHer sow us!" muttered some one. The general looked questioningly at Adt)lpiJ. "The boche send hlrn to see what gum her attock up," snid Adolph. "Did ne see us you think 7'' ''Oh, yes. In two minute, dat bar· rage she stop on de road ao' we hear If de boche come de mu~he('O gun t'rough, goncl. It she don't, dey go lio,ck an• she stnrts Its artillery." "Well. jump oul, mPn." snicl the gen eral. "Work fast. Shell tire makes n lot of noise, hul we'Ye gol good cover here. Posts I" The men went away or 9 trot, le9v tn~: Jake, Eadie, the spJ·geant major nnrl Adolph wilh the Jenera!. "Do you think It's iil<ely we'll be rushed T nsked the general. A•lnlph ~hrugged his shnulclers. "Dal "Rimeby when It d~pPn'," ;-aid he. gels darker, we go out an' try to catch one two prisoners. It she's 11 hunch old fellurs, dey shell us all night. It she's young ones, ·Just back from 11oosha, mellbe she comes ln to ~All see us." School nurse ~ay~. all girls should know this mALKING to a roomful of higl 1. school girls on J.lersonal hy¢ene an experienced distnct nurse said: ••one of the basic rulil:s of health fol rir!s is to keep the system functionin[ naturally at all times. Normal exercis< and diet habits should be encouraged. But when necect:ary therl!'s no harm in taking nujol, since it works mechani· eally and can't disturb the norma functions of any organ of the body. Particularly with girls, there are time~ when nujol should always be taken. Take a spoonful every night for a fev. days. It's a thvroughly safe and harm· less method. It won't cause distress Ol gas pains or griping." Nujol is different from any other sub· stance. It contains no drugs or medi· cine. It can be taken safely no mattet how you are feeling because it is so pure and harmless, and works sc l.·aJ.Sil·v. Every woman should keep a on hand. Every drufgist has thh J'81Ilarkablesubstance. Get the genuine No More Lei•ure Leisure Is gone-gone where the wheels are gone, and the horses, and the slow wagons, nnd peddlers who brought hnrgalns to door on sunny afternoons. Ingen· philosophers tell you, perhaps, the great work of the steam en· Is to create leisure for mankind. o'Ot believe them; It onl_y creates vacuum for eager thought to rusb Our Idleness Is eager now-eager amnsement; prone to ex('Urslon art museums, periodical litera· exciting novels; prone even l!clentltlc theorizing and cursory through microscopes. Old Leiwas quite a different personage: only read one newspaper, Innocent leaders, and was free from that of sensations whlcb we pastlme.-George Eliot. The geueral lool>l'd around "You telephone men, jump down to the end of tl1e roan ancl get that wire working. Sergeunt major, find out wt:ere the llllnker le. and see If we can J(et 8 place to use It "ithout expoging our •efl·es." ~odie, to llglJten hlmselt, tore of! nls slitker and oven·out. His pistol ann helt he rolled In his Ol"ercoat and then tutl(ed the bunrlle under a bush. His sllrker he put on again ''\\'here were you wounded, sergeant?" asked the general, noting Earlle"s stripe. "I wa~ shot In the leg, sir," replied Eadie. "~'ully r~covered ?" "Yes, sir. Come on, Juke, let's go." The two trotted down the path toward the place wl1ere they had last seen the wire and the telephone. "I was wouderln how long It wouhl tnke you to sr1ap oul of It an say you was hit," grinned Jake. "It's just as easy lo SU)' you was knocked over by a bullet a~ to su.v you got 8 month or ro in ho~pltal hy ml~tol;e. They ain't t:nin' to run"'e you peel down an· sbow your ~e11r." "That's just what I decided," replied Eadie. The tell'phone they found bung to a tree by Its carrying strap and guarcle<l b~ a sad-eyed ln!nntryman j,;urlie ground the crank. "Hello!" replied a voice at the other end of the wire with a suddenness that wug SUI'IJI'iSing. "W.ait a minute." Eadie sent Joke running tor tl1e generul, while tl1e In fnn!l'yman wl10 had guarded the tele· phune anrt the sergeant had a clga rette to cheer them. The general was ouck In a minute and picking up the n>ceil•er. asked for a connection. "l'hat'E all, men," be said over lllo The men retired. but thes ~houltler. l1ud only taken a few steps when Eadie, wllose cigarette bacl de1·elopeo u h1~ak In the side, paused to llrk 11 down and then light It again. The other two sloppPd to wait for him nnd thus they heat·d the general begin bls eon ''ersa lion. "1 es, I know." said the general Into tile teleptwne. "but I'd like to know 11 hut you 1~ going to do about lt. Water Is the main question, water und food. Can you bear me? We haven't got any water. I've got twenty·two wouncled here. I:Iow about artillery flre? Cun you h€1p me any? Now that's a fePIJie excuse I" The three men looked at each other und cont inuecl their wuy. Tit~ general had dismi>-sed them so that they would not lleur uud If It suddenly cut short his conversation aud found them Us tenlng he might be vexed. "\Vha«Jda we do now?" asked Jake. "We'll dig ourselfs a bole," said the Infantryman. "When In doubt, dig In If the holes I've dug was to be put end to end th~>y'd mode a trench from here to Weehawken." He took oil By LEONARD NASON Two angles of the prenuptial stute which women should give careful con· sllleratlon, so that they may be allle to avoid the pitfalls of marriage, are pointed out by Doris Webster und Mary Alden Hopkins in an ·article In Libet·ty. ''First," wal'll the authors, ",{udy his faulls: seconll, ob~ene him when he Is angry. Under the first head ll~t his failings an(] decide whether or not you can endure them; for, while his charm may disappear, his Imperfections will remain. ~cide whPther or not ~·ou can lh e with him for fifty years. Do not muke the common mis· take of thinking tlmt you can reform him, even In tiuy matters lil>e flicking cigarette a!<he& on the best china. "Taking up the ~econd point, we 11(1\ ise Cttreful stully of his emotlonul reactions. What does he get mad at? Get n line on him when l1e is twisting his mouth into a sneer or booming thr·ou~rh his whl"l>ers. now ore yon going to handle him when he Is raging or sulldng? One final piece of lnfor· mntion we bestow upon questing dum· sel>', and it will not uo married wom· en any harm to mull It oYer, too: No human being can chnnge another In· dil·ldual's pe1·sonality." little Insurance matter. But I ruo the wrong wuy. I r·un up to 1he eod of the road where the machine guo Copyright by George H. Doran Company, • ... -· ·--·nach and -wNu service Well, you'd never helltJ\ e it. wus. i!l•, 11r t ~J-.:t 1 1l:lP.s and but the jughead gunuers had It off di•·"• :. ··. s dt:e to ~ the tripGd and were tappin' heads tCf'~-. .. - , __ .,.~ t~ noth · his pack and unslung the spade car· Eadie's breath finally returned, his with lt. \\'ell, I uiu't kidrlin'. we dono! his In dryue~s the stronger, g1-ew arms a "Now I'll find me rled tf1ere. ir.•r --· · an ::t safe a Virgluia reel there for a while. hnrnhre that's got a pick on' we'll mouth , disappeared. The light still Then the general comes wuclln' up ln•-·.. • -... -:::r-JltU:cn':; make out to get underground." Be holled and It behooved him to take through the crowd to know where tiH! L"j~.!l.!Ve::'. part In 11 again. Then It was that his b-1 the macl1lne gun Is. lie sets II went down the ditch. ''lt's handy to know a fellar t!Jat's eye discovered a dead doughboy beside up himself. Surglnt. I wish rou could rNsL- w;~ him and 1his man held 11 rifle loosely hu 1·e seen the lonp the loop that gun~ot a spade," observed Jake. off threw It, took Eallle bauds. bis In "Want to dig yourself In?" grinned ner turned nud It \\ asn't no kraut thut the E-afe, saw thnt' tbe mognzlne had St"RUP !~a die. hit IJ!m either. \\'ell. the gun get• cartridges in It and then looked about goln' ao' that stops 'pm from jumpin' "No," said Jak£>, "but some of us for a tH rget. The Germans harl ceased 01·er the hedge, an' we got to workin' nre liable to nPed buryin'," to come tn 01 er the hedge. At the "1 ou want to keep away from shov- lower end of the COJ't track ~tood two oo tho~e that 1\'<lS a Irend.v m·er." "An' It wasu't long before their "The next Americans with their bands In the olr, els," remarked Eadie. 'was Exrrement neil her," a dried name yourself hurled worst thing to being but at the upper end stood four Ger· We'd better flnd mans In the same attitude. A Germuu the gtoomy man. I~ o burying detail. . "Yeh, but the h-1 of It Is," said ourselves ~ rifle." was wulklng calmly up the patil from "that they shot off all their mn· Jake, For 8 while great activity reigned the lower end, 8 man whose bearing, ammunition Thl'y ain't got gun chine In the sunken road. 'fhe men were well-fitting uniform, and thin gold left." curtricke one digging theruselves fox hole11 ln tile shoulder strops proclaimed him on om. had beaten oft the Amtrlcans The were sergeants the side of tbe bank, ~er. Ue had a pistol In his hand and Score one for the o'agged Inspecting their new platoons and motioned with it to Eadie to lay dcm n uttack. They che<"klng up on the amount of water, the rifte. Him Eadie s-hot at point tJoughbo~ s. h uug1·y uutJ cold three of attaek savuge u off beat~>n hall food and ammunition available. The blank rnn~ore. Anollier German turned on~ another Yet nu111her their times r('ports from all were the same. Tbe at the slam of the rifle and fumbled Electric Chair Death rille Their them. llni~h would It like men had been tlgiJtlng ~>ince early at bis belt for a grenade. Eadie sllol deplete~· been nc•l hud ammunition morning of the duy h€fore and their him, too. Then a rushing, tram1>llng Denounced as Brutal water was shout gone. \Vhal little mob poured down the path, and bul their lli.Jclline guu ammunition wu1 When the governor of New York there was had been commandeered for bounding against the high walls and ~one, they hnd sixty wnuJHie:l In pla<Vo 1888 signed the bill that allolisheJ In the wounded. There was no food be- falling Into the ditch, destroyed nil op- of twenty-two, oud thirty dead, lllllfll't in the stale and proyirlerl hangings whom wa~ the sergenm mnjor. yond one or two boxes of llu rdtock. portunity for rifle shooting electric shock for certain by death There 11 ere also eighl men m'ssh:; onrl this among two hundred men wns It was over. The !rumpling mull criminnlR, the people of of claRses mockery. Tl1ere was a fair amount ,,f nad been a number of Yanks from the men who hod been sent out Into tJ,e and denounced it as at·ose York New field as scouts. Why l111d they L;..•r rille ammunition, but very little ma· upper end of till' road who had cleared measure. llrutal a chloe gun. The wounded bad been thdr sector an(] come to tile aid of giYen wnrnlng of the attaek? \V JO It Is hard for the present generacould say? 'fhey were nil dead ot,w, laid uside where the o1·erhang of the their comrades in the lower end. to understand the agitations and tion all eight of the II'\, and It one lool eel bunk gave them a little sllelter and The Americans were In possession caused by this step. In our uproars cautlousl.v throu~:h the hedge he <'r.,Jicl tiome medical corps men took charge. of the sunken cart path. The genend Is a household drudge, electricity day Onl.v about six of tbe twenty-two bad pistol In hand. strode down the road rount their bodies among the g •ay has been e~tahlished electrocution and onPs that dotted the field. stretchers. counting the bndles of the sluin stales. lD In was there path In the ;-ounken curt The general returned from the tele- There were two and three Germuns to Hut In tire eighties electrical devel· phone and, commanding Jake and el"ery American, but what of that i great activity. ~len houncl up e.~co was just beginning. To the Ol)tnent conttnu u wa~ Eadie to follow him, went up and The Americans had tof:'l two-thirds of olher·s wounds, there citizen there was something erage U\ b•!n~ pacl<ets down, exhorting. The men were cold,' their effectil e strength In killed and ous rasp of first aid diabolical in the pi'Oposal to lnflk~ bl'lts the searched others open, J'lpped hungry, and frightfully tired Thirty· death by such a terrible and unseen of the fallen for ammunition, 1tlll tllree hour€ of fighting Is a frightful power. PrPuchers thundered against a tn deod own their dragged others strain on the system, mental and phy· the chair from thl'lr pulpits. New~ Gerruan tbe threw nnd apart plnce sicul, and It Is doubtful It a mao that papers condemned it In blititering elli· hndies iuto the ditch. The more PI ~c· has undergone It Is e1·er the same toriuls. DoCtors nnd scientists were dead their w1th lierlge the lined tical ~cu::>! Rice, \vor!J famous grapholog!st, ufterward. not e1 en sure that electric current enemies, to keep out struy bullets. Out a."l pest tively rc:>d your talents, virtue 1 "Keep your rifles out of the mud. "ould ldii.-Frederick Tisdale, In or tl1l~ welter of activity appeared J1e · :1d faultt in the drawing-s, words anc\ ordered the general, "und be sure to Liberty ~Iagnzine. ·hat nots that yo:t scribble whc:o "los; ~:enentl again. make yourselves goo!! shelters. The . 'thouP:h'"". "Corue on, you," lle Mthl to Euc!le boche won't attack us, but we're lin ble Scn,i ~vour" scribblings" or signutur! nnd the other two, "I'm going to tele to get some shelling dm·ing the night. •11" lina!v-sis. Enclos~ the ptcture of the M1kad ' House• Resemble Hats phone some more. If the wire Is o•JI c; ~d. c_':fror..e bo..: cfr ':,!<::dopen 1:., .-•• ltellef le coming at clark, but they mas In the lluwaiiun islands, long be· en c~"nts I ddrcss Louj:.e Rice, care of rou'll hu1·e to go repair it." be some time getting across the field fore the Inhabitants toolt the trouble ,'AGL::; Pl:!:\CIL CO., NEW Yom.- C!TY lie expressed no surpri~ I hat the) 1!:1·eryone get his bole dug and try to gra~s built they themsefl·es, clothe to were still alive. hut stalked doii'D tlw • + .................. •· get some rest.'' house~. and at the present time the JIIUdcl.l' roar!. past the four Germau There was a sudden sound. clear cut charnctl'J'i~tir. Hawaiian but is remark· prisoners. mu 11er' 'lg tilllllel 1\ i ug 11 houl and distinct. It was close at hand. iil>e li1e hut. allly "broad daylight." und "wl!o the h-1 extited, frantic. It took the listener~ IUJ'hans of the dig-nitaries of '!'he it?' expected woutd h:11e but a few seconds to decide what II thE' Bastem church are titill of the "Wilo wu~ foot euouj!ll tu takl' them was. It wa1' the gun on the main road shape of those wo1·n hy the hi~b four llncl1e?' Atiked Juke. In action and It meant that the ene· prietitS umon~ the Jews of oidPn times, "Some simple-miucled guy," replle<l my was trying to come up that way and the,,· are PXtranrdinarily lil>e the l~odie. "It's lucky they weren't near l•'rom the upper end of tlte carl path C'llara<·tPrbtic dc11ues that sm·mount me. I lutd a pick unrt their he11riS look cnme o burly burly of cries, theo from .\~ain. it is pointed out, the IIIO~CJII ('~. a h-1 of a lot like rorks." These folll the field to tbe west a hoarse shout. hi::h point\'cl ~1'11'!'~ oF (:olhic ciiiii'CILb prisoners werP guarded bJ a haggard "llvch I" and again, ''Hoch I Hoch !' were <_'OI(:>III(JOI'HIHlOtl.'t \\ ith t!JP. ~~~~~~ bearde!l mnn who lnuked IS i. he were Eadie seized a bush and swung him· horn like ltPatlrlre''' l;nuwn '" the hPn tr,Ying to make up his tnln,1 to shoot s~lf up the bank to where he could set! nin. It is hl'iil'\P<l , ton, thnt lil'e I'" them. but hadn't q11i1e the cccurnge. through the hedge. An army In gray suits !lHJ~ b~ fnUJI I ufiPJ a ~·~ml~ll'i The televtwne >Vnl·i;e<l. Five min ol'ercoats and coal scuttle helmet~ was utes for the conneetlnn and the gen of urcllitrl'tun• ~on of other Sl>lt-s coming across the field ami coming emf began to s1.1eak. period wh~re tl1e with the hea<l;,:~ur of fn;-t. Tllej were not ten yards away "llellu, I uskecJ for 8hi'J'idan Who's Sial llouri>herl.-\\'asltin;.::nn they in and their tir8t grenades barked as 'fes, this? Oh. Good ufternoun. l·~adie leupec:l Into the ditch again. His It Was Bayonet, Pick, Shovel, Trench tiil·." l'here 11 as u long pu use while feet landed on the cart path and In Knife, Fists and Teeth. the gpneral listened and l!.:udie could rec01·ering his balance Ills hand lighted ThP IIi~ ja" muscle;- lightening. see on something hard. The Germans disabled. Jake appeared. walking siclf general suddenly hooked the receiving Sum Days come through the hedge, then, bayo- h) side with the glcllllll,\' doughboy wilo apparatus on the side of the lnstru Arithmetit· is DO\\ lwin~ tnu:.:tll h1 IJad guurcled the telephone .Juke wa~ nets foremost. Eadie duzedly endea v· uo~ bs the strat}, tile taldng nncl, mellt ldntlergartt}u~; ~u it :-;t'PIIl~ thn1 some ored to parry o vicious thrust with a wreck. His gas mask was gone en then and lwk-e or oute 11 swuug lie tiny tot~ lun" thPit rln,;o of the even duo whatever hL had picked up. It was tirely the strap of his helmet lt out ot hurled e, hen' mighty a t>y F.trm >UHf 1 i l"<',iri<'. reckoning.blou~e. his and hnl,·es, two In a pick and the end of It clawed 11 Ger gled Ulli,._,...__ slgl1t o1·er the bedge. Tlw general's • gapecl waist, to collar from ripped man's rifle out of his grasp. Then ll~ lines the old, very !Jerome hud face chest a of burrel his ellowlng wicle, und the sergeant cllnf'hed. fwm nose to mouth looked as It they 1 Eadie llad been at grip~ with many thick with matted red hair. had been cut tlce1·e with un ox. His the cried sergrant," the "There's men on different occasions. Bul till~ checks had fallen In like thr skio of a was no wrestling match, nor was 11 ~loomy doughboy, "there he Is. Are •queezed orange. ~ome a tusk like tiJUt of p~o~ltiog a violenl I'Uh hurted ?" "There's un old urm~ juke," said he • "No," said Eadie dully. sr,ldier under restruint, nor yet the "It was me 1hat socked that hun.· to no one In partkular, "ullout the rollicking tierceness of cafe cleanout~ The Holiday trnPming tno~f... l.ttl·• tirst me>'!lage that con1es in after corul'hls man wanted to k!ll hlrn. In just said the gloomy man. "I woulda of spke:::. anLl f,~vors \\ e atl extras municatlon has heen broken off for 11 the second before their bCl(Jies met, spil>ed him sooner, only you two don~> the boli<iar meals tratlilove-make long time. Tiley always t\si· you, tile ll1e llighhtnd fling so lively I couldu t l•~adie had seen the other's eyes. Tiley tional. men at the safe end of the wire, wily were harrl oud lllue, und hate and see no chon('e. Then. all of a surlclen .\either Falhtr 'I'im<• nor Dame ha1·en't rend€recl your rnlion re rou bloorliust blazed from them. All the sock! I thought m.v sticker was lu have macle 1 serious changFashion tum fo1 the month of August ten nakedness of a man·s soul gooe bacli him for the rest o' the war." foods we .]: to serve on the in es It's similar. years ugo or something "Boy," cried Jake, retting bls hel to primeval sa 1•agery look~d out. The Christmas and ::\ew ,J"gh·ing, 111 Th just has ass met, and trying half-henrteclls to tie 1he ghaotls truth. This German's teeth were white and firm old-f~shioned is really 13€ing Y~aro sen~e better no 11a1·e I If thut rue tul!l the ends of the chin strap together. bare to the gums in a snarl of rage thun to gl\·e 11way my position to the mo~t fa5hionahle. rhcu their bodies had met. The Ger· ''1 ain't had so lil·ely a time sluce the You may serve chicken, goose, duck • fir inlliscriminute of lot a lly enemy mun was the stronger, thai was plain night I sung the Battle o' the Boyne Well me. of hands his washes be ing, any ga:ne m~at instead of turkey or at tl•e H1·st grip, yet Eadie' managed to In a caf!'y full o' the Twenty-sixth dl Hlois to 6<l€S be tee! that any o:te of them is just out and get I when no'l'. caleb his heel behind the other's an·! division. Surgint, If you'd been born hal"e to the occatiiOn. Whatcun I and Q. appropriate H. as G. om f1 here I'm bri'og him to one knee. The German south o' the Line, I'd say you wa~ Thai F. E A the In head man's uny should be roasted to it fowl, the ever gettln' rid of your dark blood.' wa~ up instantly, bowe1·er, but botb I promise. a that's threat, a l>n't the table a rich to sent and T. a Eadie looked down In astonishment t·eeled In tbe slippery footing. Eadie Gain that magnetic popularity thai he when Point \\'esl at plebe a 11as brown. golden go! one arm free and jabbed for the A long stream of black stained the • makes you the center of any crowd any ve hn din er ne1 he but grHduated, it Here dressing? the about ·what other's jaw, but the blow larked force. front of Ills blouse clear down below Business and social success is assure J >'ense. He couddn't pour water out of pays to be particular and stuffings the man who can perform mystifyin for the men were too close. At the the waist. What the h-I-there was " a bont "ith directions printed on the individuality. There are have can Y_ou can earn big money eithet tricks. this and mask gas his In wound long arm bis German, the same moment heel." special little flavors that seem to go on the stde or as a professional a likewise free, shol up his hand like wound wept black soot. Wltb a quick well. as being the most popular pel' The general reeled 8 tittle bit und ' partwularly well with certain fowls a striking snake and seized Eudie's and apprcliensll'e gesture Eadie seized s~n m your crowd. Why envy otheru • down trickled thut blood the wiped for stuffing say-{)yster we so and the major's tleld glasses that he cur tilroat In a grip of steel. You can learn Magic yourseU skill? arm. He turkey, a little sausage in the dress· "Gah !" Thu~ the sergeant. There rled In back of his mask. The leatliet from a stab wound In his quick and easy. lool,ed at the three silent soldiers witt• ing for chicken, and stuffing with a was the thud of a blow and Eadie from the right hand side had heen rna my how wonder "I eye glassy u couple of chopped sour apples and a round bimself on his back m the mud, shorn away ns hy a knife. His gas muttered be Is," roud the in gun chine ,J little celery for goose. un his back, but free. He scrarnbleo mask rattled and a tiny flow of chnr· put he breath. his summoning 1'l1en tbe if too important are Garnishes w bls knees, but the German was roll roal sifted out. fowl is to glorify ti.Je feast. These "Soldier," said Eadie, "you rnmmed nls hand> to Ills moutb and shouted. ing about on the ground In the strang· Silenee. I" 'Connor a<"companiments may seem suggestell Even sleight-of-hand, p,enerollysupposed to n!• jerry that through clear est kind of contortions, jerking back· that hayonel (lmre long practice, is NOW maae simple t 1 througll dlong slipping came AtJolph nevertheless. arc tbey but fastidious ward all the tl me, as though he were and Into me. If it hadn't been for that learn. For Dr. Harlan Tarbell one of th • the at oed tut general the the mull and delkious. really Great MaglCJans, has finally opened ~·i u crab. Now why-Eudie rulsed his pair of lielcl ~:lasses you'd have spiked ~he •ecrets of h<S profession in a complctell foototeps bis of round with platter chicken tbe Garnish What mask. gas my at eyes and saw a doughboy tugging and me, too. Look illustrated course offered at a merely nominal wllh are things how see I ·no ''How shces of pineapple browned in the cost. :rhrough the won?erful Tarbell SystenJ hauling to free the bayonet that be the h-1 ~rood will It be now?" you WJII ~able to mY)!tLfY and entertain you I my gun out there wlthoul !,<ettin~ tinv with alternated and roa~ter Into sticker that rammed I "Yeh, hall plunged Into the Ge~mno's back. i'nends w1th SJmple tncks taug_ht in your ver, usked. ne killed?" cooked sausages. The turkey may be first lesson. After that Dr. Harlan Tarht I EIE'ewhere tbe tight raged as before. him, that's the truth," agreed thP takes you through the entire maze of slecghL· "First," said Aclolph, "" e go down and leaves celery with surrounded gel· hour neur·an was "I rr.an. gloomy of-hand, card tncks and elaborate stage d1ver• l'he Americans ami the enemy were If h-1. like holler on' road !!at to llsements. The apparently superhuman domg. sauted oysters. And isn't this a pictoo closel) mingled to allow the usP tln' it out again." the accomplished ma~c1an becomes 11<1 of auswer-n no she's ture, anrt almost too much for the "Yuh wantn he kinr1a careful wit11 simple as ABC when you JUSt know bow. of eveo pistols. lt was bu.ronet, pic!!. "No," intnrupted the gen~>ral, "she ~;ustatory sense-the goose surrounde,l sho\'el, uenth kmte, ••~•s and teeth. that d-n thing," suld Jake hotly he or tlwy dido'! answer. What ur with cmnamou apples and sprigs ot l'he Germans still poured o,·er tile "This aiu't no second lootenant, he's ?" ti.Jen parsley. nedge, but their own numbers ham· a sarginL You don't wanta go killln "Give rn~ your helmet,'' said Adolph, lt'R the little things that count so '{'he Americans, their no surgints I" pered them. wheo they hall come to the pluce much in carrying out the holiday "Uhhuh !" agreed the gloomy man hotks against the bank, had only tu where the CUJ'l puth went inlo the spirit. Let's not forget the table dechew at tl•e gray ma~s with whatever ·'Well, that wa~ a nice little tight." Before the utl.er could rond mnln orations --can riles lighted, a I.Jowl or Eadie noticed thai the doughhoy we11poo came to baud. Eadie recov· protest he harl snatched the gloomy There is a tremendous demand for maglo winter flowers and nut cups in wintred Ill~ pick and swung witl.J it. l:le had a brace of German helmets In his entertainment, Clubs Lodges, Charity an<l from bls bead helmel man's ter hues. Social affa~rs-all WJ 0 pa)' h1gh fees to tJie chupped at rifles, al bayonets, at rlgbt band and that Juke hud about the gloomy man, out cried I" "Bey man who knows Magic. Dr. Harlan Tarb81 what dessert the When it comes to heads, feet, hands, arms, backs, slloul· his waist o leather belt with a bras~ really gets as high as $2SO for a half hour's Adolph had already crouche:1 and ;-pun work right now. Opportunity everywhere to tbe family likes best is surest to be ders, anything ln gray. He swung buckle that bore a crown and the road main the upon oul helmel the money a>ide from your regular OCCUpa• make a • l probably right. The choice will until Ills bead swam. His breath camp device, •'Gott Mil Uns.'' Into this belt tion. Salesmen find it a tremendous asset. gen the asked for?'' that "What's Find out all about this unprecedented oppor• fruity steamed pudding or pie either In gasps, tilere was 8 taste of blood was thrust a Mau~er pistol and a saw tunity to learn Magic. The coupon brings full ~ral. all served white and They red a mince. with or bayonet pumpkin in bls throat, hi! mouth was dry as toothed details without any obligation. Mail it TODAY, min llfteen ten two her watch "We • tlw>e desserts iu the old days and so Hla arms ached anrl tassel attuched rlesert sand. "I'll say," muttered Eadie. "Ther., utes, mebbe," suid Adolph. "mebbe we can feel in any case that we are there came a time when II was lm don't move, It a in t 1826 SluuaysldeAve.,SttldlolO·ll Qk:qa possible for him to raise the pick from was a time wllen I thou~rht the party some more. It It keeping tbe traditional svirit of the an' we can go out bullets, no shottin' 1he grouud. It fell finally from bl~ was over and we were licked and ali holiday. to see what dat mosheen gun do." TarbeU System. IDe. hands and t.e sunk down against the llf a sucl!len It wus the boche that If there Is a special recipe you want ''But we can't sit bere on the tlut of or just any sug;;estio11~ lor the menu 1928 Suaylllde Aft.,Siadlo 10·11 Qlcqo bank exbuusted. Be bad done whnt were licked.'' Tell me all about Dr. Tarbell's newaudsimple 8up minutes. fifteen for IJacks uur he could and now there was nothin!i or S"J'I'ing, rememller r;1 be gild t< "Yep," said Jak(', "we seen that too. system by which I can team the oec:reta of "hile MAGIC. No obllsation on my part. to do but walt for deuth. l'; if )'OU'Il dro,} me ht:p :!.11 l C I ain't above explninln' that when 1 pose anotller attack Is pulled otT Let's tJ•: we're wailing? No, no. Ad w·ess- ..I;Ul'Jh l !\h.-...Je, Hot~l~ B . . r Feet tramped up and down, mud seen the jerries jumpin' over the lleclgr• so met IIi 11g q ulc k." N-....-----···---····-··7k .. Lutc:..tu, 3;.cr..:y F:iour Co., splashed, men rolltJll on thtJ groultd, I took my fool In rn.v hand. F.nougl• (TO BE CONTINU8D) is enough, nn' like I e. plalill'd, 1 don't rwl~led from one bunk to the other, I ,~'runcitiCO. Add,...._,_____ ,............... _ ----tell down, got up, and tell aialn. want to get killed herore I llx up tllu• Uniformity aids co-operation. .. ....... ----------li lliustrations by Irwin Myers, D. S. C. . Mas. Feen=i:mint TJJe Laxative You Chew l.lke Gum No Taste But the Mlftt AtDruggists-ISc, HavelOttr Scribblings 'Jlnalytii/ .. Only the finest of food stuffs can find a berth in our restaurant WE SERVE ONLY AT ALL TIMES THE BEST Our Customers will testify to our service U. S. CAFE Midvale Utah .................. Learned f (}flatthc)!f/!fJ_ Ds1r:ade:S EasUy At r:JTCHEN COUNCIL I Astonish • Your Friends-- Eara SZSO to $1000 a Montlr; Mau Coupon for Special Oller£ TarheU System, lac. ,........................ n _________ ~ (. |