Show 1 r ill OUTCOME I SAYS CROOKSTON lo Iu l tUm t l 1 lIn ln In I lull lullIn I In the closing of the tail lul e eslon 1 slon if r the annual convention of fit Crookston Crook Ion of county de declared a wa tuo luo much politics politic In Utah tho of or thu Iho prohibition 1011 agitation at thu last lcm of ot the legislature II that the gut tu lu and upon legislation to III bo cir urged ml Uio Ulu legislature convention lm been h In III suasion 1011 In III thin city llly for tin Iho bint tuo Iwu du f and It elo inday 1111 lIh it II trip thu III I Luc In a nil u II spill Ihl up I Ogden Oldell tu 10 the Ih Hermitage Ih will be the Ih guest Agent Joseph J June of 01 the Oregon Oreo 1 on n the 1110 Inke trip The will also III IellI the Ihu lIlal school at III I Owden Cluden Tho Thu last of r the ion i J held 1111 1 at I Thursday WAB Indulged In III by b the Kl I pre nt as u asto If fT 3 to 10 and I means fur tur bettering the Ih and foi of or thu upholders of ot th till law III Vice Vlee of nf the ni n chosen h olle ne from each coch as Montana J JIe Ie O 0 nf or Hull sheriff ut How count Idaho A Uennett of lit o sheriff of or Ada county Ore Oro Oregon gon T 1 H 11 Taylor of ot of county VA K 1 of ot M 1 M 1 Hush nuh of ot edit riff of Tooele coun county iff of ty I Wyoming Jonathan Jonus sheriff of or county N U I n 1 Clark of ot niko of or count Upon tho th of or John of or count It II wan Willi de 10 decided to lo tho by Ing tho Iho of Arizona Arl California tu 10 Join It also decided to 10 try Induce tho Iho com from tho counties to pay Imy the trip XI of ot the to 10 tho conventions OP OF IA WS A committee IU ns d to tn re revl revile vl vile e Ule h laws of or th present the Iho reunion to 10 the Iho next O of ot MOil Mori John of lo 10 1111 of lit fall I ake Ilko be bu belli f im the Ihl committee A committee to In limit draft of or to 10 tin Ih Oregon mul company IU II the Arthut Arthul of ot the tho Utah stale Irlon Howard of ot tho Iho theater und and of ot for tor nd d wile iia named n nil Arthur Arlhur of Hear Mr Ir tt of nr The rho nero wn prepared II HI unanimously adopted In III III which followed of ur Hull the Ile e to 10 b more prompt In III u eO II willi ni A tho running down ut rc H th the prompt ot 01 the III to nil RII correspondence i ihy hy wire or toiler leller |