Show I ORDERS EXECUTED AT lOWER LOIR LEVEL New York rk Juo Julio of ue nn an ni eighth to tu it a I r measured elured ho the range o the tho piko Ito movement today ny for tor nearly arl nil kit ll of thu prominent tocks stocks Tint Tip h tuna tone vu WUI uncertain sod anil nd Irregular Ir lular and itte le dealing alli 1 nt In II volume Mil 11 our rue rose 1 I There ere was WI a slight Blight movement upward In II J and undo Cupper Cuper were prominent Old dId nut 11 huld WILS WILSIn WIl In Imi II trivial proportion Vow Now ow York Air Ink 31 a Federal Mining pro vre ru frt erred 3 te f ii 1 and tImId HI 11 LouIs ul k ft Wan Hemp HI ranIo orul pro rf fre 1 L Toledo rold HI tt Louis tul Vestern ant and point JOk Hoik Inland preferred u a 1 Toledo Bt kit HI louls A Western preferred 3 point The he list Hit vat wila Wil riot not y Only olly a 11 tow few order were wre executed and Ile were ultra In n most moil mot cases clU ot at I u it slightly higher level mated led Copper add added ed tul a fraction In to Its I rise making lie its gain almost a point 18 The rhe market murke steady but lIfeless A fraction tracton wo wal was added Idd to 10 the he price prica of ot Amalgamated Copper opper but the he market larket remained lethargic LIVE STOCK r Chicago June Jutie Cattle e n Ca at nt 21 r S market strong le S Texan Ten ulcers een western steels i com stockers and feeder JoaS 40 cows COWl and heIfer chu 6 r 90 Hogs It estImated at nt 1 market maret lower lover Light 92 9 mixed Inked I helvy rough Komi gooi lo io choice elco heavy 9 1000 iW e pigs UIO IM Pt U hulk of o sales Hales lale a u Sheep nl nt 1010 JO market makol weak we k Native WM west 1 t era rn 6 W ml tu t 15 western OMAHA O fIA Omaha Omah Juno JUlO 17 Cattle Wrt S Native steers f or ra oI is isrow rows row COI mid a lucifer western w steers Irn cows cowa nw RII rf betters I il dinners canners 3 iH 1 33 stocker and fwd feed TK erie rl W calves U bulls IIRI clogs oJ O HoK Receipt 1010 10 market 15 to In lower Heavy IM 9 M mixed pm Dm 31 lIght i 1 Ulan titus 0 hulk bulk of sales ale Sheep 1 market 10 to 1 lower Yearlings tiG 6 J 5 iJ CIG ewes ewell 4 1 lambs 5 M KANSAS ANIAS CITY C I City el June Jun 17 Cuttle aft auri market to strong deere 85 cows cowa Io and nn heifer r 3 S 15 stockers anti no feeders feeder I Off hIM calves colle lO steers i western cows 4 n O GO o market markot 10 1015 loner lamer Hulk fulk of or sates mica 1 o heavy 9 STa f DU ackers nail butchers rI 4 light OHI pigs Sheep J Im X market 70 lambs 1 fed ted and nn l yearlIngs yearling ni 71 ted fed western owes owaI WOOL KT 15 fit St Louis Junn Juno 17 1001 Wool Territory and western mediums I mediums ICO 1611 17 line lne PRODUCE Chicago Juno Junit 17 Mercury Ih lb th the tho ther on oh the rico rho rl o today might ea ely ouch ly have pave been he used ue aa as a an al Index of o the I lIne orie or ot wheat h at a as lo Ac II the tho ef Cf effect o oot feet ot of ot and amid old warmth on nn the tho growing crop crp of or spring prinK wheat hen northwest was wa h thought uppermost In the tho mind or uC Home of o the tue largest t ho hu ud pad l joined In Iii the he buying inure in nt A from rm n II leading trad trader er win who ho Is II at II Fargo N IX n I told lold of ot lh the hottest play l In II It 10 II litre and asserted that tha wheat was wan 11 going back bock In a I manner little tl short horl of alarmIng Tho rho telegram front from fro other tIne In the Iho came le declared that dead drai were r to show bw are 10 In the tho Molds a and that hal roots ro oot were ere Buffering as RS well 1 an as ni September r opened o n unchanged to U ti higher th Ihl tim extreme range of ot the tho mar bet ket at nt M 03 O lo to O and ad climbed steadily to 10 it pla Light kept the corn com market marketon n iho Ih on siFt upgrade September opened un tin unchanged hAd changed nt at t MM r M and Rod lifter after touching s 11 advanced to I In oat oa caused caud a little wt set t buck back Then lien hon tho Ihn market ascended with wih oth other r grains September started un unchanged unchanged changed to U t I up itt lP at nt KJ fM rM reacted to S 1 i and IS mounted to 10 The rite large run of ot hogs west WPM I anti and Ind talk th that l tile the ho country H Is I lull hill of ot little pigs pillS p off or of provisions The rite r opening was 71 7 to iSo IJo 15 lower lor and In i some omo mo Instances there was A a I further decline I lt t prices Ir jot for the he HI mr ery r wore were U tot tor pork U 1203 for lard nfl and 1243 for tor ribs ork torII Tho Uini of or hi morning In tho thin tock stock market markt n al nt a low level evol of ot ac I for Cor the li iii year IC The rho price trIer Irl movement was correspond loamy and uncertain At H noon no Prices price were vere nt sit a higher level than I lost last night St RI Ix Louis l Han an Fran n n rIsen Cisco cl n second record preferred and Steel role roio ro 2 and Wisconsin Wa Central and ad National L ul 1 l Toledo Bt St Louts Louis Lula Western lot bat J 2 Wheat After sonic some further advance was 11 recorded re re ab nce of buying order from rom the t northwest led lell to II a 1 reaction nuton The rIte reported new ne wheat wheal being offered orere freely The olo cias was M easy cany with ut at L 81 91 a not gain a of l I tt Corn i In sympathy h tt tta wheat wheal lt tint lind on good support there was wan 1 sonic Homo additional gains Tho The close clow dOI was steady with r at Rt M W a 1 net ne advance ad of ot Cash Mh corn No 2 CK j No 2 while Oil rl No 3 yellow 7 No 3 ra No 3 white while I 14 tt Ko 10 Co a 3 3 yellow B 1 MICi iG i No u 4 r No i 4 white while M 40 t No o 0 4 I yellow olow 6 flone loeI Lush Ca i July 7 75 J Ool O 0 i iCorn i Sept II 91 Dec Bee Dc MH 93 Corn July i 8 pt N a 3 leo Duo 57 M 51 Oats July 1 Bril 6 I lice Ic ec Me luli s Fork lork per er ar bbl July iM W Sept BeN nl Lard Ar per er 11 I Ibs July 1253 U Sept Belt I 1 2553 Short II per 1 JI It 1 H AND EGOS l Gal Chicago June Juie Ul Creameries 21 dairies at Il mark oases case curl Included 11 11 first tl UW 1734 prime 1 II I r ts I ISIS 18 Daisies ulIM Twins TwIne I YounK Americas 1 Iong Horns J AND ANt New York June 17 Haw sugar W 19 h test tent t ol 36 centrifugal M 0 test teat augur III nr U test 3 Helmed Is I quiet crud I cd td 0 6 U powdered 53 6 Cr steady leo No 7 7 Si i No Nf 4 I 0 |