Show i AT 1 Y YVo t We Vo ore are to bo tie able to record l I he fact tut that what Is Ia I said to be A the tho first t canning factory factor established 1 In Salt Soli Lake i l ke county has d orra and IH is I now placing on oa tho the market nn On excellent home product Sampled Sample J Of ot 0 strawberry janis and antI strawberries p t up for tor the tho soda ilOilo fountain trade are aro aronn on nn evidence of the tho excellency of these then homo products The Tile concern Is Ie located i nt It Murray U it tv Is I owned olId b h 1 ii I 1 nil In III the county antI and Mr U O 1 r rIH IH Is the thu manager managerI I Wo We e congratulate the originators originator ot or this hl It will hoof oot Immense t to the owners owne of ot orchards end and farms In tile the And through them I to jo the tile City It will s cur a n for pr their products anti and Incurs the tile pub llo io of or pure foodstuff III In that line hue t The next question Is Ie to patronize this and similar Industries It Itha lias ila ha always Iton heen an nn accepted doctrine III In Utah Ulah that hume home Industries lire are among the tim needs need of ot the State It U has Ims been known that tiIt no r ity it ft can be e built hullt up tip by b buildings and 1111 apartment house houlle alone but bul that L U jt factories and p fill payroll roll 1011 But Dut r f iome f me home hom Industries ha hl have i lingered i nl d died for want of ot home Iwine patronage Tills This Is II wrong Hume industries should shoulder fie tu er fostered for tor through them thrill life Ute anti and nativity are maintained In III the own com j In which they are made to tu live anti thrive thrle |