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Show OCJ 7C3LS Tuesday Bldg. 507 conference room; 9. a.m. end 1 p.m. Fire hazards in industrial area. Bldg. 849 conference room; 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. What to do in the event of fire Bldg. 2114; 9 a.m. Fire extinguisher training and hands-o- n demonstration. Bldg. 2013; 1 p.m. Fire extinguisher training and hands-o- n demonstration. Bldg. 1279 classroom; 9 a.m. Fire alarms and evacuation. Bldg. 1299 conference room; 1 p.m. Fire alarms and evacuation '. Wednesday 9:30 and noon. Bldg. 225 conference a.m. Fire hazards room; in industrial area. Bldg. 849 conference room; 1 p.m. What to do in the event of fire. Bldg. 970; 9:30 a.m. Fire, extinguisher training and hands-o- n demonstration. Bldg. 470; 9:30 a.m. Child care center visit. Thursday and 9:30 Bldg. 265 (upstairs); trial areas. a.m. Bldg. 849 conference 1 p.m. Fire room; 9 a.m. and the event of fire. 1 hazards in indus- p.m. What to do in Bldg. 1642; 9 a.m. Fire extinguisher training and hands-o- n demonstration. Bldg. 1377; 1:30 p.m. Fire extinguisher training and hands-o- n demonstration. Bldg. 1283; 9 a.m. Fire truck display and demonstration. Bldg. 1232; 1 p.m. Fire truck display and demonstration. ... Oct. 14 Bldg. 272; 9 a.m. and 1 2:30 p.m. Fire hazards in industrial areas. Bldg. 849 conference room; 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. What do in the event of fire. Bldg. 1917,' 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Fire extinguisher training and . ' demonstration. Bldg. 470. Child care center visit. hands-o- n Sunday through Oct. 15: Open a.m. 6 p.m. house at both fire stations, 10 -- Hilltop Times OCt. 7, 1988 eve ft Week F d iref 5 g h tfe its h os? many dyciiinig FSire Pireweinitfiioin) by Gordon Sant Fire department chief of technical services Next week the Hill AFB and other fire departments across the nation will observe Fire Prevention Week and base firefighters have planned a variety of activities. The annual event was established many years ago to remind people of the importance of fire safety. Fire Prevention Week always occurs in early October, falling on the week that includes Oct. 9, the date of the terrible Chicago fire of 1871. That fire, popularly believed to have been started by Mrs. O'Leary's infamous cow, killed 250 people, destroyed most of the buildings in that great city, and caused some $168 million in property losses. The city's buildings and sidewalks were largely made of wood, causing the fire to spread rapidly out of control. Only after, this tragic fire did cities begin to write and enforce fire safety codes. Today, Fire Prevention Week provides a focus for fire safety. But the Hill fire department members want to remind people that fire safety must be a year-roun- d concern. Fires kill thousands of Americans every year. I SGfflW- - VOUJ mi Believing it won't happen to you is a ticket to tragedy. Despite the legend of Mrs. O'Leary's cow, most fires are caused by human carelessness.1 Fire deaths are needless. Burns are painful and disfiguring. And they can be prevented. Take this opportunity to learn some things about fire safety. Most people have heard these, reminders many times before. But they are repeated over and over for a good and simple reason, they help prevent fires. Have smoke detectors in the home and keep them in working condition. Never smoke in bed. Wear clothes while cooking and never cook unattended. Be extremely careful with fireplaces and other sources of heat and flame. Don't overload electrical outlets and extenclose-fittin- g sion cords. Keep heating equipment safe and in workorder. ing Store gasoline and other flammable materials only in safe containers, and only outside the house. Base firefighters hope to see all base employees at one of the several scheduled activities they have planned during the week. - BWk MI $EG99 I MM II If I ;i::ll$0! 99 a SPECDALTY MALIL MDMD 300 Gentile E. Layton mZZk VMUST BE &h 7 3Py$L MAKE AN rPpA 88 S10 EXT. 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