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Show "41 I M iT 'i i uiii.MWTitirSlTrniiYr-rtTTiirc f11 i - . -- ,' BREAKFAST STOVE. 4 L . : EVENING NEWS. " REMESIBER THE EARLY - Tbarsday - 1SSS February 11, t , . 'S'ffri jnayri Ttaifi nnt , matter what the cost mar be. 1 want everyone who can throw any light, by testimony, upon it to be summoned. I want your questions to be searching, and if there is any truth in this charge I want indictments found. It is charged that men who have been upon the jury in this court have been subto surveillance; guards nave jected been stationed around their bouses: men have been appointed, it Is charged to follow them as they have; gone from one place (to another;' one or two have been summoned Into what are termed Bishops' courts to give an account of stheir doiners. It is said that one Juror has. been ap proached by a roan who stated that he came, as a friend, to warn him not to sit upon another United States case ; that be had no business to be upon the Snow case aS a juror; that he should have answered the questions in such a way that he would have been excused. Is high time that it was investigated by the graud Jury cf this district; If such things are being done, and are permitted to be continued, it will not be a reat wnue Deiore men will hesitate efore they will allow themselves to sit npon a jury in a case where they may expect to be subjected to such treatment. Mow, so far as I am able, asOudge of this court. I propose to protect the jurors wbo serve in this district, both are grand and petit, as long as they can doing their duty I shall do what I to protect them. I say to the Juors of this court, that they have a right to protect themselves; that every man lias the right in his own bouse; that people wbo are hot officers have no business to go to a man's bouse at 2 or 3 o'clock in tbe morning and demand that they may investigate it or search it. It Is charged that such things have been done. I have been informed that attampts have been made to have the jurors of the petit jury (some of them) give notice as to when deputy, marshals leave this town, and, isofar as possible, notify those living outside as to indictments that are to be found ; by the grand Jury. These things come to me not exactly In the shape of rumors, but in such a way that I think It to; be my duty to call your attention to them, and I have no doubt, from your conduct In tbe past, gentlemen, and your standing In tbe community, and your evidett desire as evinced at this term to do what is exact: justice between all parties, tbat you: will give this matter thorough investigation, and I do not think you can devote your time to any better purpose than to investigate it. I shall direct witnesses to be sent to you from whom yon may obtain indications, and evidence probably, that will point toward the proper testimony, and E wish you to follow it up. -- CITK COUKCIIi. T i . At-- ! -- i.il , LZr ' 11 ' f r - MOST PERFECT MADE iphysician' with apecial re No Ammonia, time or Aluoo, by Prepared to health.' fard '. . QOIiD jMTD W..iIiDSKi ' F. . & CO, A.T7 A O-T- T TM : 1 'JUJIEP First South Sti, Blind 63 Silt Like Jitj 11 OSWY DESCBIPTION OIF 1 JOB PRINTING EXECUTED PROMPTLY MOST E PEHFEj&T'-fcJAD- Purest and atroiiKest Katnrat Fruit Flavors, Vanilla, Lemon. Orange, AJmond, Rose, etc., flavor aa delicately and naturally as the fruit. Price Baking Powder Company, Chicago, Illinois, and St. Loais, Ulasouri. Of f sssasisBB! RETURNED TO THE OliD STAND. Good, Cleau at Deseret Paper UNITED ORDER MERCHANT TAILORS . oiion Rgs Mill. HENRY WAGNER : C3 8AI.T LAKE 'CITT, V The City Council met In reeular ses sion at 7 o'clock last evening, Mayor Sharp presiding. E?r White petitioned for a free license to peddle medicine fliade from herbs and roots, he being a poor; man; the petition Was laid on the table. A free license as job wagpn driver wart granted to Richard Rotter. W in. Short applied for the position of nieat inspector, and presented a naipber of testiuionials as to hi qualifications; laid on the table W. K. Jones,Jr., represented that he had paid $30 to the city to have the water pipes laid to his Jot ; he bad, however, obtained a stream of flowing water, and asked that the money be refunded; reierred to the committee on waterworks.! The Council appropriated $120 as docket fees in cases in which the Sp- eala had been dismissed in the Third istrlct Court. The City Marshal's statement of ex up to date in 1880 showed penditures the! amount to be $1,601,06; referred to the committee on nuance. , The committee on finance reported W. adversely on the petition of Jesse remuFoj. Jr., for city surveyor, asking him for amounts naid bv neration office rent, and recommended that the marshal provide him a desk room in the City 11 all; adopted The committee on public grounds rethe petition of some genported back tleman whose name was missed;askinz that a certain piece of property be sold him; it was found that R. K. Anderson was the owner Instead of the city. The committee on nubile grounds reported back tbe petition of J. jN.Wil- kin ana wm. wnue, asking ior me lease of a certain sand hole, and rec ommended that the lease be made at the rate of $10 per annum, with a proviso that the city be allowed sand from said hole in reasonable quantities without charge if required ; adopted. The committee on claims, to whom hall teen referred-th- e petition' of Messrs. Tinge v and Bull asking relief in the sum of $54.25, for taxes paid on the Gibbs- estate, reported adversely ; adopted.The committee on streets and alleys, to whom had been referred the petition of John Walsh and others, In relation to needed improvements and the action of tbe Salt Lake Brewing Company in occupying the sidewalk and and pitching their casks in a locality dangerous to pedestrians, stated that many of the causes for discontent had now . disappeared, and recommended that some needed improvements be made. Also that an agreement be entered into with the Brewing Company, in allowing them certain privileges, consideration oi tiieir making some ; aaoptea. improvements Trie committee on water works re back petitions from O. P. Arported nold, S. S. Walker, 11. A. lEeeve, Jas. Al, smith ana others as unnmsnea business; laid On tbe table. The committee on improvements re ported back the petition ofasthe Molecu lar xeiepuone .company uuifiuaueu business. The committee on Fire Department bad examined the reported that they annual report of the Chief Engineer tori 1885 and found it correct.1 They recommended the purchase of 1,000 feet ot bose; adopte- dThe same committee reported the Chief Engineer's quarterly report to be correct. The committee appointed to compile the ordinances of the city, reported that some little work had been done, great! degree only enough to show the of time required in so important a task. They recommended thajt it be referred to a committee composed of men who had the time to devote to tbe undertaking; adopted. to The Council decided place a por trait of Hon. James Sharp in the Coun cil! Chamber, among tue pictures oi tne mayors. j retiringsum of $28 was approprlaten- to The 38 pay for the registering of dogs. The Recorder stated that the Council had ordered him to execute a lease of a certain piece of land on the bench to Dr. S. B. Young, "during tbs pleasure oi the Council." The attorney had inf ormed him that a lease drawn in this manner would be invalid. The term of three years was inserted in the lease. Two petitions for remission of taxes, (Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Farrott) were laid on the table for one week, and a report of the committee on waterworks was tabled indefinitely. The Council then adjourned for one week, wben the members elected last Mondav will assume their duties. j i iLIPOIlISIl BIlEWEilY it. ' i - LiGER BEER ALE and PORTER " It WHOLES ALX AND RXTAXxJ ' Second Sonih'tStrtrt. ThreeDoon Xa U41 from Mom Street. 22 I 4 jiEfei'Fw ii .5 WATSON BROS., Stonecutters and Builders, U Tombstones, Monuments, Mantels, iron Mantels, Urates and Hearth Stones. PiAT.T CITY, fr NKKAT HEKVK . J. MANTJFAC O. SC1LEFFETI A 'CO., tnrere of Marbldzed- Iron and Slaie MANTEUI Mnt WRtTFH. dealers In KANCY GRATE TRIMMINGS, TILES. BRASS GOODS. tc. Cincinnati, O. e WATSON a eomploto lire slaTnifactnrers' Atcents.kcep3ROS., . at the above goods constantly on hand, OS1.T DB. IIKJVLET'S. BEWARE OS IMITATIOSB. TAU Hall. TJT-A.I3- C. irmedT TAIt'. UuMrpaMBa inral bitity, Klepleanra, lntlrrtloi, Krnrnlara, KtieauijUiaiu matl Brke4owa (:MUtuUoni. i Tl WJ jSOITTirill-EMPL- Opposite Atstmbjy , T" S 1380 1278 34, MAIN' STIiJEET, OPPOSITE Z, C. M I., . d JOSEPH fWM. TAYLiO R work-iDgm- to-d- en ay se par-cha- Bos-ton- ple U. S. Senator Gorman, of Maryland, Cough Cure a valuable styles Red Star " discovery, , DESERET ffiffS'.AGESTS. The following are the Authorized Agents for the Dessrbt News ,1a their respective towns : American Fork Co-oAmerican Fork lfiUiam Grant.... ....American Fork H. S. Lewis Albion, Cassia Co., Idaho John Devey.... Alpine Hart: Alma James Bourns ...Atmy W. a. Black.. ..Alpine, Apache Co., Arizona C, C. Bartlett. Ashley, Uintah Co A'. l'anXeccn... .......... Aurora Brigham dtp Co-o- p Brigham City IF. liulnte ..... Eloomington, Idaho Bear Hiver dtp J. Hansen.. S. O. Crosby...., BunbertOe, Kevada ....... Erinton D. B. BritUon... i T. Roger...., .........Benson D. Grimshaw. ........Beaver p C. C. Burr.... ...........Burrville Bluff dtp J. Keilse Cedar City Cedar Fort R. W. Heyboume.. Cedar Fort Co-oKVUom Hodson... Jasper Petersen. IT. If. Howell K. C. Murdoch... John Jardine..... p WANT A LAUGH for coxsuaiPTiox I Ml, . rttW ..i Undertaker, Funeral Director! an Embalmjer. A full lino of Fine Cloth, Metallic and Hedvrood Coffins and Caskets. . ")ak Cases and Caekets. r W euai& A complete stock of Bnrial Robes and takers' Goods of every description kept hand. jonstaatlyon lllack or White Ilearscs. Bodies preserved without ice for. any enirth of time, i Particular attention friven to embalming, of bodies. ihippinr and "are KrabalriS nd shipping a specialty. Lots akvi graves (urntsned in any cemetery in the city All orders by tetegraph or telephone, day r night, will '.vive prompt '.tcntion. Prices lor .id terms renscnable. fPr . Air-tig- j Un-lc- - i Utah Central Railroad NEW TIME CARD, MAR. . I FASSttKGiB TRAINS UantiA Er Pssenfer Frua at "iciflo Kzpreaa NsrUi. . o iJEAVR 8ACT tAKB AS FOLLOWS: DAttT Milford Express RASCI3 COPS. General freight and Paasenger Agt. 6.40 ARI p.m JOSS SHARP. , YARD LU1VIBER a.m. 7.20 : From BMt. at... I p.m. 23 S Wesi'; Temple Street; I Milford Express at.. Trains Arrira in 8 alt Lake, daily aa follows 7.51 Nevr Closed. Telephone No. Office 1885. , 351. PL.ANING MILL, General Saperintendent. H v 4VHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THS CEOCRAPHT OP THIS CCUNTMVi WILL SEE BT EXSWIHINU THIS FBArt Tft A 1 WK, ,SyiMMMWsissSBSissssssass?s Of DEPOT. EAST C- I.CMBER, DOORS, LATH, . HHIK6LES, CCILIHO. I HASH, I FLOORING, u. MOlLDlNOa, FUASfEH, PICKL1M, 1IAROVVARK, (tASU WEiUIIT ALTj f.c. tlLAM, J. CoUimton C. Veicey B, y. and Allred. Dewey vitte Chester ...iVenterviUe Joel Parrish Cassia Creek, Idaho John Osterhout James Jenson. ......Draper Deserts Joshua Bennett... If. F. Afoss. ..................... ...X. T. dtp R. L. Bpbee , Eagle Rock, Idaho W. M. Parker.. ...Egln, Bingham Co., Idaho Eden James A. Thompson i fanufaeturers. Contractors,! and TM. lijlKi 1 o - WAREHOUSE-O- Late ' Latimer, Taytor ii P. O. BOX C28. V , i..J... Co-o- p & QCOEEl CHEY, FiNEST PAINT is t - AMD Caryl, sub-j;3Btla- ily t'V EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO., CHARTER OAK ' - i?fhe direct and favorite line between Cbicfuro and Minneapolis "and 8 1. Paul, connections are mads in Onion Depots for all in the Territories .'.jre t British Provinces. Over this route, Past Expresspointa are run to the summer resorts, picturesque localities, Trains end and ko.terinjr places, hunting: Iowa of and Minnesota. is also the roost desirable route to tho t and paetorn.1 lands It Dtikota. of interior wheat Qelds Still eno' Our DIEECT LINE, vsa Seneca and Kankakee-habeen opened c waen Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, end Lafayette and C .vocU Bluffs, Kansss City, MinneapoUa and St. Paul and intermediate points. es 4f'or detailed information see Maps and Folders, obtainable, as well at all principal Ticket Othoes; In the - United States and Canada;vis.-or Jk.ta, a4reslnff .t fw- -- I" ds Co-o- p '., J-hsW.w'!,- ' crOT.-JOHri- Jr Wdsst aa4 Gsasral Maaagsr, Chicago. , 1 ' Geajf al Ticket tad Paitsngsr Agsat, " ! ii f -- a, a... I .' ' tk'i -- i - - 4- 1 1. , .. - -- ' TO Gunnison W. Pierc. W. P. Peck..:.fentile B. tF. Cook I. J. B. Johnson.... GUnwood Valley, Oneda Co., Id TIN PLRTEJ SHEET 1(1011, .....i....6riiOre Go ken OrantsviUe Garden dtp .Georgetown HeberCiip U. Jeffs A. Hatch S Co...... ............. ..ITeher City Hooper dip George Davis... JJerrtwoa James Crane........ Charles Pulsipher. ....... .......Huntinglon James A. Daines.. Hyde Park Holden E. Bennett B. n. Tolman. Honryvills Unsworth. Jam .Hprum Hennefer Robert Jones......... ..........HarrisvUls Peter Later Tonooitif W. D. Pace....... .HuntsvUls lions Petersen.!........... Hebron f.8. Terrp Seth Johnson...... ITitisdots, Garfield Co O. A. Uurdock.... Joseph dtp Joseph Irarr..... ..................Aoouis F. if. Ckristesen......... .Inverurp i , P I -- "V rri SIM PEO WARE & T1HEEBST TOOLS, Main Street, St. Louis, Missouri. 2V. 012-1- 8 Omnlock J. 8. Huntsman...... T. Williams..... B. H. AUred..... tt. A. Lewis........ ST. FOR SALE BY Sole As:cnt3 in Salt Xako City. TSCELL I SILK 3ATB A BXOOXD or 46 WEARS SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, Indianola Seelp ...........acrioa John llorria... Xanab Co-cR. W. Barnes..... ji. B. Griffin..... Antedating and Excelling all Competitors. .......Xanab .............Xapsviiie , ......Xanarra. J. C. Anderson.......... ...........Xoosharem W, JCina,......,.; .....Kingston A- tJVaAMM..,.,..........i.........Aoao Juewtston S. J. Alien........ , Lehi trillions rates..,.'.. .s.um,titsir Laketown ..Logan ........Xcras ...... ....Leeds .Lajara, Cot - - 7 '"Turn rnrfnii CORTICELLI SPOOL SILK STANDS .ii AS TNI PRE-EMINE- SMOOTHEST afid STRONGEST. AVOID1 INFERIOR BRANDS REMEMBER THAT FLORENCE KNITTING SILK IS CTBRLESS i OUR lXlUUSTItATED BOOK on Knitting (No. will be sent on receipt of thrco t Btsinpt. s 2-co- jn f SALESROOMS Sti Louti: 77 Broadway. , Magnolia Balm Til 1 Chicago. . ---- .Olendale Re-ne- J. Lnnr, S. AND PLANING I MILL. Salt Lake. . I '! TrA. S T so Ifoaldtne; Frames, Doors, Window , lumas, wooa Jt'umps, I'acklnK Uoxes, JluIMers LATIT, Shingles, J l I 8 Wst Tbint skrtot, C,t,clnau SB Camp Stroet, Hew Orleany. . j FOR WEST AND SOUTH Wei thts, GLASS, Ktc .:?' .'' WOOD TANKS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS MADE TO ORDER tot ,: ..jy.:i ' 111' Half ; 4 ! '1 t- ' y , .,' TTTrviTT J'" 4 ' v JJsMi '"' ps I '?iJ I'll. - m- 4- a-- t a- Vi . w ' . ' ' I .1 Ml : nS 4 " S. LTXst, ' A 1 S . ; HI ; ' . I'- - H -'Q. cas, .P. H M,--'g2- r. B. : Jr I ii ' 0 !r,W- -. I . j JiJ..' jj,. speotaTaTY. Blsk wlliD.C.K.B.DfSt. i I a ' Ir nniswr r K n' h ; t y - arm Co-o- p. , . s R. R. CABLE. : , . . .... Flr-fif- 3,-r- fleh-groun- 1 I Farmington Farmington ..Fremont, Piute Co Fish Haven Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair K. F. Jardins.....Lewisville, Bingham Co.. t a fine gloss and freshTION. Milk ill Xing......,.. ness toimparts the hair, and is highly recom- John ...MonipeUer, Idaho mended by physicians, clergymen, and Ed. Burgop ne...i.. 18 IT INTENDED FOR BUNCOMBK? E. Jones............... Malad, Idaho scientists, as a preparation accom P. Van Wagoner...... D. .....Midway of a First is the wonderful after the results. It plishing opening Shortly for removing dandruff, J. C. A. Weibye... Jfon( District Court at Ogden yesterday certain remedy the scalp white and dean, ana Mendon ..............Mendor morning the grand Jury being in court,- making colto hair its gray .Moroni restoring youthful J. II. Stott Judge O. W. Powers delivered the fol- or. j Mount Pleasant Laurit3 Larson. lowing charge: IF. H. Stott... .Km .....Meadow thousands 4Y am. Gentlemen of the GrancTJury: ....Manassa, Colorado Mr. T. W. Atkm, Glrard Kan-- , M. Christ enten., .....Mayjteld I have' requested your attendance in writes t I never hesitate to recom- S.M. Williams... court this morning, in order to call mend your Electric Bitters to my cus- Casper Christiansen.... Muddy, Emery County I may say tomers; they give entire satisfaction W.A. Pierce. ...........Moab, Emery County your attention or pernaps one .Monroe to recall your attection to portion and are rapid sellers." Electric Bit- S. Simonsen.... of tbe charge given yon by this court at ters are tbe purest and best medicine William Wood, sen ...MinersviUt the time you entered upon your known,and will positively care Kidney W. J. JoUp....... ....MtCarmel Liver complaints. Purify tbe P. 1. duties at the commencement oi thts and ........Mantua Jensen,...'.,.. blood and regulate the bowels. No C. term. Mesa, Arizona I. Robson...... afford to be without them. The Court then stated to you that family cansave m0 will hundreds of dollars la WUUam Kewton. find Indictments against all They "you willwho R. Fry. Morgan City year. attempt to intimidate you doctor's bills every persons Soldat fifty ceate a bottle jit or corruptly to influence your action, Z.C. John Morgan, osss Mitt Creek, S. L. County : M. I. Drug Store. for the laws of tbe United States pro..A'ewton X AT. Barker..... anv nerson if or vide that persons ........ East MM Creek John Neff A's, shall corruptly ,or by threats or force, or .............. ....Xephi L. A.liaiUj....i. Dy tnreateumg letters, or any tnreai ...... Korth Ogden S. Stevens.. at communications, endeavor to ening C. A. Xorth.. ...... ....Korth, S. L. County influence-Intimida- te or impede any X. A. Paee..:...Kutrosa, Apache Co., Arize&q or petit luror. or any Juror of Peter Andersen....,., ........Oak Creek any court of the United States,' in tbe HAGAN'S Thomas Chamberlain Orderville otscuarge oi nis or tneir amy, ororsuau by corruptly or by threats or force, C. Crowihaw... ....Oxford, Idaho threatening threatening letters orany obstruct ...... Hall.. ..OgJen Joseph or communication influence, Orangevitlt J.K. Reid. ......... impede, or endvavor to Influence or S. r. Richards..... ..Ogden obstruct or Impede the due administraOneida dtp, Idaho tion, of Justice therein, such person or 13 a secret aid to beauty. M:L. OmweU...... . . .Panaca, Nevada persons are liable to punishment." A.M.Findlay...... to explain tbe law Many a Jady'oVes her fresh J. W. Crosby Possibly I ought Fangwilok to you a little more clearly, and say to ness to it, who .would rathrx L. Portervitt Porter... jr. you that 'any juror acting upon any W. II. Branch .Price, Emery Co.,' Utah United States case, or who has acted not telli and you cajit tell S.F. Wilson.....Pima. Graham Co., Arizona upon a United States case.! if any Paris Co op, Paris. Idahc threabjor threatening communicationin.....Providencs Maddison.. or any attempt to influence, J.r. timidate or impede him in his duty I. M. Coombs................. ....Pay son Is made with reference to his acGibbs V. J. i .....Portage tion In a United States case, it comes JT. W. Bean Prove U..... within this law. Yon will observe that rarowan Parowan covers broad statute it the is, quite JT. C. Allen..... ...........J'aragoonah any corrupt influence, that lis, ap- 3 SI C. J. Rohwer.. ..........Park VaOey any juror and attempting to firoacblng him ...Pleasant Grave Pleasant Grovs through any promise of reward, or by intimation thatl he may M. J. RUhards..?....Plymouth, Boss Elder Cn receive any reward.by means of money Gs. D. Gibbe...,.. .'PrsMs or otherwise. It covers, also, a case William Qeddes.. ......Plain , City where threats are nsed where aa efIN 555 YEARS USE. W. C. Parkinson. i ..... .Preston, Idaho fort is made to intimidate a man in the discbarge of bis duty by means of lbs Greatest Medical Triumph cf the Agsl Jl U. Harrison ...................... .Pitto .Peon J.A. Marckanf.,.. threats. It goes farther, and says that i'vSYMPTOMS OF A If any force Is used, or if any threatenR. B. Gardner............ ..PineTalUp ing letters or: Any threatening commuH. P. Milter.. .Richfield nications are made. I take it, it would Laef appetite, Bowels cestlve, Pala ta T.Gibbone ............... ...... ....Rockport not be necessary that tbe threatening the head, with si stall seiwtUa la the AC IT, Merrill, Jr...... ...........Richmond she communication should be by letter. I fccic sxirt. Pain staacr imllOmdolph after artnt--. with adii John Snowball........... Fallas take it that the true construction of blade. exertion of hodr or salad. ,C HT. Bmiih..!, , , . ,...-....RockvHe the act would be that If a maul should taclioatlsa to Low alrtta with attemper, W. Paul.v ................ ...Bexburg, Idaho send by means of a messenger a com Irritability a of bavlaffnoclncted sesBodstyt feeling munlcation to be delivered orally, that V earl a ess, Dixztaoao, Flnttorlas at the John Johnson..,,.. .................Redmond it would come In with the spirit of tbe Heart. Dote before the eyes ileadacho J. X. Peacock...... eeeie-eeeoStirling statute. The law goes farther and over the rlsht ere Uootloosaoso. with William BramaU.......U....,....Springvin if Is and endeavor there colored that fitful dreams. Urine, any says Highly Fork ...I. ......Spanish 'Fork which would mean any attempt to inCON STIPATION,! H Spanish Smithfiehl ....Smithfield timidate or impede you while acting as are PILLS specially adaptsa iWnv'.'WcFad'yen4.m'..9.9.mpmk. Salina of the United States, or to rTJTT'S sncn eases, one aose enecia boou grand jurors acts as a juror in a Uni ted change of feellngas toastonisli the sufferer; John Holt....)i.....m......,.....So. Jordan any man who They IitereasothoAppetiteuid cause the the VkIt States case, in this Court then la Thomas Yates ' to Tk on Fiesta, thus tbe systemOB statute covers the offense. thalr Tol AeUSB sxo Wm. il. AUred hi arl.K.il.uil I draw yonr attention particularly to toe J7o SrWWoeeoeeaeseeeieit St. George MamT t..W.T. JFa this matter for this reason s that since ivrodaped. Price a.Vr.. D'. Davis............,.....Samaria,IdaKs tbe adjournment of court during the TUTT'S EXTR&OT SABSAPHHSLU G. P. SL John's, Utah W. Burridge.. January recess, gentlemen who nave ne&n. 0. C. Overon......;....,.8t. John', Arizona acted upon tbe petit jury In this court, KenoTates tne boay, mates neaitny the weak, repairs tbe wastes at Cochies Co., Arisen and who have been compelled in the strengthens svstem with rare blood and hard muscle: J. McRa.SL Davids, exercise of their functionsas jurors ,to the Eatent A. . Engberg...n. vm nervous tones too system, mvigonuea sit in United States cases, particularly brain, and imparts the vigor oi laannoou., Santaouim .........Santoquin in , the case v of ; the United States ft. Mohi Dy anietnRta. F. J. Parmltp ...,. ... Scofield, Emery Co 44 1I array St NeW Torsr. J. N. against Lerenzo Snow, have been sub0FPICB SmUh............Snow Flake, ArUena jected to indignities by people of this A., Goodliffe..... . ...... ...........SnowviUe Territoryi and to threats which. If the communications that I have received George Marriott........ ........ ........ Sandy AnM Af. Dallep. with regard to It are true, will bring Summit the persons guilty clearly within the John McLaws.... ....... ..St. Joseph, Arisona lo r kind o wont tua ndf oi thooMzxla euu m letter and the intent of this statute. W. F, Lesuer..St. John', Apache C, Arisena I want to direct you to fairly and lolwsffleaeT.lhatlwlil .endTvCo BOTTLES IBaS, R. Slain. u a o BEAT ISB T .....Spring City A with Sl.B Y MIA a fearlessly investigate this matter and loeetbw Jess Af. Baker................ ..Teton, Idaho to go to tbe bottom of it. If the time " . A. SLOCUM, 11 rsxl St. sw Tsrk. fia. e James Lewis.,, ever was that such things could be Taylor, Arisen F. W. Toung. .......... .......... ...Teasdal done with Impunity in this Territory, .'. HLKb DUDLEY'S that time has gone by, and If there is O. W. Stringam Thnrbar J. F. Johnson. . Tsmpe,Maricopa Co., Arizona any power in these United States to man a who Is compelled to ............. .............Tooele Tooele protect serve his country lupon a Jury, that CURE, 'John Battp......... Toqusrvill be will exercised. power X. PhUUpe.. ....Union T '.m....:.. If tbe people have been doing what lUH NEVER FAILED TO EFFECT , t A.J. Workman.. City it is charged they have done, It would - I. ACUltE. PEICE, C. ............ ...... Kern o J. Wa.......... be well for them to learn that they HT. Crook....... ...................... Wavshif. have no business to interfere with men TWO DOLLARS per PACKAGE. WeUsville Co op who are summoned in the name of the WeUsvilU ..M tT Oof ........ law, compelled to by the law to leave West Jordan CUKES MEASLES. ALSO, their business, leave their families, W. KJfuttaU... ...... .............. frallsburf, and sit here tor scanty pay to deteris IS G. Af. Crtnrord,. .............. ...iratkfagfor mine between respondents at the bar T. W. Brewerton. Willard The Great itlood Pnrifler. . and the United States Government. I X. Eastman. .... Woodruff, Rich Co. , Vlah no men have do J. to business that it, say BOTTLE. PRICE:, $1.25 per J. E. Reese Waist and I therefore want to draw your attention particularly to this matter. I Weston, Idvlu For tale at Z.D. If. L Drag Store and . H. Clark want you to go to the bottom of It, no GodUe. Pitts A Co. 4K Woodruff Co ep., Wsodruf,Apck Co.,Aris. DIPHTHERIA - - Paints. For sale by and IU branches. ! - THE FAMOUS. ALDERT LEA' ROUTE OgUn ft PsrVer, Z. C. M. I. ......Fayette K Foots " -- Y. ' H - i i OUABAKTBBD. GQWSULlPJIOnj a solid, afforded its patrons of personal security that sense road-becontinuous steelby ballasted smooth tracks of rail; vrouirhlyDullt nearattoclc as culverts and bri3rs; rolling perfection as St ..nan sldll can make it; the safety appliances of patent buffers, platforms and that dUcmiina which governs the practical Other specialties of this route are Tranutors at tiocraxlon of all its trains. exacting d.1 connecting points in Union Depots, and the unsurpafsed comforts and " ."imrtes of its Passenger between ChJcaffo arid the MIpooutI River are com The Fast Express TrainsEquipment. aed of well ventilated, finely upholstered Day Coaches, Magnificent Pullman ','? .aoe Sleepers of the latest dewfrn, and sumptuous JDmlnsr Cars, in. which cooked meals are leisurely eaten,- "pood Digestion waiting ion cVoor.telyand Between ChlcRsro and Kanms City and Health on both." .. i son, are also run the Celebrated fiechnlns Chair Cars. I ' - air-bra-ke: . 4 Cto-o- p. -- 1 ' PAINT, ... -- d; QtfALITT CCHKNT Fountain Green Fairfield, Wlah Co ' v reason of its central position and constitutes the moetprincipal mid-co- n ti- and terminal pointa, important ist. at initial U hlcU invites and facili- ntai in that evstem or throuan -transportation Paciflo ciwasCoasts.! of the Atlantic and It travel and trafilo between and from points East, Northeast end Also the favorite and best route to eet. and Bouthwest. Northwest H W ietheast. and corresponding' points main line and branches, Chlcaoro, The Roclc Island system includes in. its La Salle, Peoria, Genesep, Moline and HoclcJsland, in Illinois; ft iet. Ottawa,Muscatine, Falrfleid. Wa&hlnsrton, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West wlnterset,'- Atlantic. Knozville, Iow City, Dos Moines, Indlanola, rertyt and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Oallatin, Guthrie Centre ViMubon, Harlan. mr.A Vnniuu CVitxr. In Missouri: Leavenworth and Atchison. o.min' St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in and Albert Lea, Kansas; Minneapolis .Uei&ota, svod bundrecLs of intermeuiate dues, towns, viuages ana Etauons. - PAINTS. HANDY r.BXtH'K. Franklin, Idaho Co-o- p. - C0LCB5 REO CROSS COTTAGE PARKER. Fairvitse ir. Sanderson... W.J. Underwood, Fairriew, Oneida, Co., I. H. Co-o- p. Vv ' CITY. ....Fillmore . & PACIFIC RAILWAY (CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND eloear relation to all lines East and L IU ...Ephraim ...... hlsr- A Co. HALF BLOCK SOUTH OF THE RE UTAH CENTRAL DEPOT, S. Eureka, Juab Co Farron, Etnerp County TORPID LIVER. 1H51B38S, TA2VN1.HY, i Til IS Y WILL PAY TIM TOP MARKET PltlCEt Evanston, Wyoming Elsinore Escalante j i y ........Echo R. Wiclle James Brown..... T. Ball R. P. Allen...... i Ephraim P. V. Cosi. W. Taylor, Jun. J. t. Robinson... ... BILLS PR03ltTL.Y FILLED i TIII.IU FOlt WHICH ! laxativeT? hecaiprune TfclTrtlrmItWmayftrUiIMdBllloM wn nuiuunii, la liiutUa, SuLa neo HUt bautt t; bottlea, i d Icaien. Cautrr .ii nniMtm LOT OF CoalviUi Castle Dale Clifton, IdaJU i. Charleston Clarkston S. C. Berthelsen.... A HARANGUE UPON INTIM1DA- - CO J.J. "SAFte, reliable and pleasant to take." that excellent preparation, Dr. Oeargt JJorri... and Iron. Henley's Celery. For sale by Z. C. M. I. Drug Store, Joseph Irwin............. Roberts &NeIden, Moore, Allen ft Co., C. B. Bobbin.... Godbe, tltts & Co. and A. C. Smith 6 J. IT. Shepherd.......... Co. s B. T. MeMuOeni, Bf i j At Chilton, Wis., State Senator T. H. Judd, of Green Bay, was nominated for Congress in tbe democratic convention of the Fifth District on the 83d ballot, to succeed Congress- J. Ftock man Rankin, deceased. Gttnnison The Marquis of Lome has accepted the position of Honorary Commissioner for Canada at the coming Colonial Exhibition and also the Presidency of ; the Canadian Commission. At Nottingham 200 unemployed forced an: entrance Into the room where tbe;Workhouse Guardians were holding a meeting this afternoon and clamored for bread. Tbe guardians subsequently admitted a deputation of men to a conference on tbe distress prevailing among the unemployed ' poor of Nottingham. The Servian Cabinet, at a special session presided over by King Milan, decided on the immediate of 50,000 rifles kind 25,000,000 cart ridges. King Milanistarted for Nissa. d The steamer Cambridge of the & Bangor line,, struck on the Old Man ledge, near Mbpeghan, this .morning, and will probably prove a total loss. j. United States Minister Cox, at has obtained a furlough on account of poor health, and has gone to JSgypt with his wife, Laura: Don, tba actress, died at Greenwich, N. Y., this morning. i. ' J.W. SUMiyiERHAYS R. R. heweliyn.. It. Snpder John BarthoUmew'. Fitmtinglo Co-oL. H. Kennard.,.. A. J. Allred to-nig- ht, 7w & Of CASn PAID FOR IaEATHER MANTJFACTblJEIlS, Ounulea, Iturlapt). Old Rep DEALERS IN Old Ore Sacks, at this and OUlee and at Deserei Paper Hides,Wool, Deer and Sheep Pelts,Furs,EtOs, Slill. ' 1 ISIUEF TEILEOIIABIS. iris i. ' ix t mi Ti f OF LIFE! ..... o rl'i 1 - .... ' |