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Show ' 'l ' riilii -- ivi K Ay-- , I f . . V '" v Vsiitswisis ii s in ssnsisisssinni ' JM e- r T n'.Mtrtfiiiiintii-iirriiafiViMiwiMMMWiiriaMiMBtiiwii.W- i "' NEWS: EVENING PubUhed BY TELEGRAPH. TRADE. NEW" YORK. , every Evening, except Sunday. One Cony, " " ' with rostage, ondjear. six months three months, ' $10 00 8 00 3 SO SE:rd:i--w,jE:33icx.'- j I a' "Itn-UKJiu- y, LIKE. CNIOW lELtQBAPH XL1X jCONGRESS. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Cottob; Druid Mills j Sail s Duck,- andWootlberry," oiher favorite brands, Soft. and. Medium numbers Hard, DOCK FeH QHALLOL0E JBOWa.QH II THE ERB Cotton canvass of all numbers H to 1S inches wide.' for Deck, Car, Trunk antf Wngon! Coverings, Machine Aprons aiW for other purKses, constantly in store ant made to order. Co., "Standard" Agcnto for TJ. S. Bunting or less quantity the Case and Eagle, obtained at Z. C, M. I. Those Uoods can be - DESERET NEWS: f EB WE8TERX BRfflCKEEHOFF, TURNER & CO, SENATE. Washington! In the Senate to 19. day a discussiori arose on the public PUBLISHED VKET TUESDAY AHD SATDKDAT uuuuidk appropriation duis. One Copy, one year, with Postage, f3 00 Eiddleoerger eaid he had nooblec " !" six montna. " 1 75 tlon to any specific meaaure reported " 1 00 three months," by the commltWe, bat objected to these (omnibus) schemes, by which 29 public building appropriation bills ou the calendar Were taken ud and passed yesterday without any written report to Mrow tne necessity ior Duucing, ana rCDLISMKD ETEKT WEDXC8DAT. by which similar hills that had only Ono Cony, one year, with roetage, Just been reported were put through on $2 50 1 60 six months. the same day on which they were reOffice. C3, Plae St, New Torlt. .80 three months. without! giving time for their ported, -- oi ' Constantly on hand a complete .stock of this consideration, Hoar offered the following resolution FCBLIBHKP BT well known and Justly celebrated ior wmcn ne asgea remediate consul t eratlon THE DESERET NEWS CO., : t1AaUaf Trw.nVtra Hlr1 Mesolved, Th&i the committee on 11 SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. Pair Lawn, Duck, Electric Fuse. brary consider the report at an early day of the expediency of the erection CHICAGO TRADE. For sale at wholesale and retail by all the at seat of government a statue stores In the Territory, and at or the leading monument to the late Illustrious wnotesjuo oniy oy o. Y . eanaers JO., General W infield Scott Hancock. -.- CHICAGO SCALE CO. In offering the resolution Hoar said mat wnen tne announcement was made ISt 8. Jefferton St., Chicago. lr DESERET NEWS: WEEKLY, HAZARD PbWDER ltipo wzdjb;r, of s ypa$l t l..UI,. CM.. t Art n 4 Ton Beun Hue !nctu1ed 340 lb Farmer's KcRle, gs. "I4ttl Detective" oi to 83 , J3. FORGES, TOOLS. Eto. pas Bett ftrgo Mads for Ulght WortC StO uin. AnTU ana lint ol Tools, fia B,mmw, AmiU. TlouiidMlinmbki. jUwrim o saa8i ,?3o " S aranaaai . aassMa 3- - . gd'Srf.Bo e ga fa b g - rtCLININOHAIR IN THE MARKET, end postal to the following address for inform. tloa. Oar 'QL 5sMa5, In dm all 3 as g the (over j and We Ouarante Satisfaction 1 The BartlejE! Reclining- Chair Co., - CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. If S. Taw PAS H ANDLE CARPET WARP WHITE AND COLOBED. f1 A t I hi 1 TTaSaElI, Dxoiav, S JOHN C. HEEfilES CO., , 4 COIiFECTIONERS, ' APATVTS tte OOi, PA., PlTTSBUilGH, of Manufacturers and Colored Table Ware, Lamp Goods, Jelly Tumblers. Jelly Paile, Etc. ear A full line of our Goods can be found at Z. C. M. I. and its branch Stores, Little 4 . Crystal Oat Goods are by Z.O.M.l lU Branch a bore and dealerskept generally in the Territory. ESTABLISHED ISSO. d Roundy's and Clark, Eldreage A Co's. PaImer,1Fnll8r& Co., Wolfe, Pattoii & Co., Wholesale Manufacturer of limit ai. SASlf, DOORS MD BLtVDS, C3 TLT X. X) Krtnt'lii, 1 3ST O--, 111. i?HIC?-A.G;- 0, Price Uts and Lake Ciliv and Ofrden. dniij; Books sent tree upon application. f? STAR HORSE RAILS, t.-..- POLISHED OK BLUED, ' j '-' i a shoe on Longer than any other. We guarantee oar Kails to be Equal in Quality and Durability to aay made. Made from the Bett Norway Iron, Finished Already bv thai to drive, . UNION HORSE NAIL CO., MmmmfacUtrtrt IVill hold! o For Sale by Branch Stores. 1. ' Iloae and and its ly PIONEER to-d- MILL GO. ROLLER PATENT CO., Sub-Treas- HUlt No. 63 Korth TertxtU Street, Ea$t. Office : 2L South Temple Btrtet, West BRANDS JPaefxlaia eante PBJCEJliB FOB WSE1T. Telephone No. STLSS7.Office Telephone Ho. KLIAM MORRIS, Bupt. sat IDAHO STORE aar-- Ask f- - ill of. Theatre. .JOHN W. SNELL. s Stave rerracsteil KllxMr. 'i . S3 00 Grain Chopper. Baxter six horse power Engine and 890 00 New Boiler U to 15 Acres of Land in Brighton. . . 800 00 85 00 Heavy Ballard Wagon........ 45 00 Rioe. new, cost S75, for Coarse and Fine Salt, 100, 60, 10, 5 and 2 sacks. pound Building Rock. for the It Pipe Rives tie Best Satis faction and meets with Quick Sales. For sale by z. V . WneTar. Car load or less Charcoal. l Car load Cedar Posts. I Car load Rock 8a!t. in lamps. Large Billiard Table 5x10, marble bed, $50. VI. I. branch stores. Spring Wagon. $50. Counters, hhelvea, Gas fixtures and Tobacco Cutters. Abookrof 100 nares. Ground Cherries. iwr vn duos, and loose Lucern. in, aa advertiser to Baled Lnmber. x : Stove eoasm v- P 2 iTni r 01 Wholesale. Polish, ' XIU bias Oliltiperienceaorower Butter and Vinegar, Wholesale. 'wise. Is contains Bone Ash for Assaying, Kenning and Fer; Sistsot newspapers and estimates of the cost tilising. 41 f adrertiaiug. The advertiser who wants ..Liquid Blueing, Wholesale. 10 auend one dollar, finds in it the informa 4 Ton and all kinds of Scales. lion he require, while for him who will invest Branson Knitter, best In the wo d. one suamt waiNura ooijslis la iotw SpOK4v a scheme la indicated which will auiag. afany articles of Merchandize 11 for trade, (meet hia every reqairement, or eaa be made etn. o uv so oy siigns cnangea easily arnvea mi eeh, Wella Bored iT eorresoondence. - One hundred anc House in 11th Ward to dispose of. Afty three editions hare been issued.; Sent, Lime earth, over 60 per cent, lime, goo ' A to any 20 address rents.' oaid. for post ,a for and making smooth' side nl. nrn iS t tt t r m. rk mr ur walks.fertilising Oe Sample, front of store. Sell PAPER ADVERTISIXU BUREAU, U per ton at bed. ueose eprace'Sb (printing Mmu ana ore. 8q.),aewTor. TNeSPAsR i renin it . : - ' ' e-- j BaTAaLisHiu, ides. lets KeiAjLiiiKi GOOD JOSEPH E. TAYLOR, Pioneer Undertaker of Utah. ry i , W ill Balf Block South ay ury Sub-Treasu- : inciH PATtirr, AKKK'S Nw 1. irjjLg wakat plour. fllGBEST G15H FEXCE WltlE, BARBED WIRE, r yEXCINO, Etc.Elc, flQSTti SEOQKQ ST., SL LOlllS, IAQ. TOE xscimrnox, a Agricultural. Implements, i HE For sale at Z. M. I., Godbe. Pitts A Co., Barnes Davis, Ueere, Allen Co., K. Alt, 9 P. Teaadel, Cnnaington A C- o- Clark, 41AtA Kldredge A Co., aars A Uddla. ltamiactimrt nd Jobber of PUMPS AND FIRE ENGINES, eiMl Pipe and Sheet IeadL Gaa Pipes, PIciBabera' auad Steam ntters Bnu, Geedsy Belt Ins;, fa jr 41 OS HTO L. 51. RD3ISEY stxbi of mn4 VtaXtrt U l&GrlZ., P1TTSB OiA JBjr. Jttprettnted if CHICAOQ. . O. M. ; v ay Oar Gooda are eonstsntly kept In Stock liy (the largest Lumber Dealers in Salt t. i - Chitrrh t'inUh, JStatf. l-- yesterday of the great public calamity that had occurred is the death ol the illustrious soldier, the Senate very properly followed all precedents In tike cases, and What Hoar was sure would be in accordance with the desire of the distinguished deceased. that is to aay, the henate proceeded with the public tousiness. But it was once C roper that proceedings should at e initiated for paying a tribute to the memory of the deceased. The resolu tion was agreed to. On motion of Call, the Senate took up EustLs'a resolution calling upon tne secretary 01 tne Treasury for information aa; to the refusal, of the Assistant Treasurer at New Orleans, who refused to receive shipments of silver and to issue Silver certificates therefor. Mr. Call' defended the action of the in the matter reTreasury officials t ferred to. Coke sajd the question was whether the Treasurer bad technically complied with the law or had in reality violated It. . ': At 2 o'clock. Coke being still on the floor, the Chair laid, before the Senate tha education bill. After some discus? sioh that, bill was made the unfinished business for at the same hour, and Coke resumed his remarks. been Coke con had said. Something tinued, about an attack on the Administration. He (Cokel had helned to but this Administration in power; "Hiautte uexas) naa given i,wu popular majority ior tne aemocratic ticket, the largest majority 01 any state in the Union. There were 240 newspapers in Texas, and he knew but four of them that supported the Executive Department of the government In its war en silver. He made no war on the Administration, but he believed that public office is a public trust, and he executed the trust conferred on him by the people whom he in part represented. Teller said that much had been heard from time to time' of the subserviency of public men to Executive influence, bat there had never been so exalted an of independence in public example men as bad been exhibited by the democratic members of the House of Representatives la the spring of 1883. In resisting the- effort of the incomimr democratic President to discredit silver, not onlv then, hat since, those servants of the people had scorned tobe in accOrd With the Executive, nref erring to be right, Teller severely commented on the statements in. the President's message and the reports of the Secretary of the Treasury and to the ef Comptrollerof the Currency, fect itnat 4ou,uou,uoui ot tne auver dollars were all that it had? been possible to get into circulation, when in the same message and reports they naa been were compelled to admit that-ther- e $140,000,000 of silver dollars in circula tion, because in addition to JMJ.wUiWD of metallic silver dollars out, there were $90,000,090 of certificates. So much stress ha been laid bv the President and bis officers of the $50,000,000 figures that the people largely got the Idea that it represented the whole silver i circulation. George insisted that the action of the Treasury official in the case was In every respect solid and in compliance wun law. . Mr. Eustis said he bad telegraphed to Mr. Koach at New Orleans to ascer tain the purpose of the bank of silver. His reply receivedshipment was as follows : ; "Shippers sought to get rid of the excessive silver by shipping it to the ana asking that silver certificates therefor should be ' turned over to their New- Orleans correspondeclined to dents. The receive it from the Express Company because it first doubted the propriety of the Treasury becoming an intermediary between the country and the city banks; second, for the lack of clerical force. ' T. E. Roach. (Signed.) Edmonds Inquired why the Adminis tration did not turn this republican rascal out and put In a democrat who would understand hia duty under the Li; .? law. Coke Is he a republican? Edmunds r don't know. I suppose if he Is as bad as that he must be. Coke said he did not care what the man's politics were. Edmunds repeated his inquiry as to the politics of the; Assistant Treasurer of New Ofleanry and as to whether he was an old fueer or a new man. Mr. Gibson replied that the officer referred to had been appointed by the present administration. 'Well. remarked Mr. Edmunds in a regretful tone, "It is a very bad state ,of things." (Laughter.) The debate then closed, and the matter went over. Mr. Dolph submitted an amendment to Mr. Sfaermans silver, bill, which was ordered printed. In the original bill it is provided that the amount of coin certificates at any time outstanding should not exceed the cost of the bullion purchased, by such bullion ':, certificates. Mr. Dolph's amendment is to strike out the words "cost of the bullion purchased? by such certificates' and mak.e the provlsioa read , as follows "The amount of such certificates at any time outstanding stall not exceed tne market value of the bullion la the proviTreasury purchased under ther sions of this act and retained as secu-- r and end the of at whenever any rity, fiscal year such outstanding certificates shall be in excess in amout of the market value of such bullion, the Secretary of the Treasury shall retire and withhold from circulation an amount of such certificates received by the United States for customs, taxes and to such excess, until public duesasequalsame can be put into the such time circulation, without increasing the amount of such certificates beyond the market value of such bullioni'V After an executive session the Senate - !U9:i2,iHMIEIlE(liH, bmoAao. C atM.all Can be ob- taincd their branch stores throughout dAs alt the Territory. Z. MA&VTACTURINQ : BEST I. SOLE AGKXTS. FOR ALL! GRAEFEjriXEIta f f 1 . adjourned;; ! ; j ,. I; I IIOVSK. For more than Forty Tears these valuable Imof Washington',10. Nothing Pills have been known and nsed. They act portance cama upia : the House tonuldly bat thoroughly. Bilious Disorders, day. i.iji ,!Liver and Kidney Complaints,' Headache, Blanchard, of Louisiana, offered the are Constipation and Malarial Diseases following series of resolutions t y eared by using'these Pills. That this House has learnj , ' tt-. : -' 1 ' 6 i , ' f aaafaetarer and Healer, HETiiUS, WODB ugrnss HO tUTB cATiiomcor. eJL ft tlHIEl - hciskets. corrm lTnTJri3fIIXUt a iau iiMwir kept eomatanfly an band. Orders prompt-Telephone and Telegraph' nlled. Bodies preserved la their matnral eoa ditioa, without extra charge. y . . n OPTO DAT AST KIQITT. ;, Factory and Ware Keoma, Bfe. S33 . i -- s j . first a Moncfe Street, 1 r : halt blocks Kaat of Theatre.1 "" ' t : ." Su. 70. v Telephone . EDWARD T TATIXR. Sprr. aaxtoa-- Otaee la same building, d One and : - 1 ' aaammsBBsnn - s - - - . Befolredj ed with profound sorrow of the great and irreparable loss which the country has sustained-l- a the death, of that CKAFENREUG great and good man. Major- General 'i winfield Si; Hancock. ' A Great Remedy for all Female Ooaa That this Ilonse, In comeoired, With all his coantrymen, rooarn plaJaU. This Medicine earea Female Weak-aea- s mon death of him who was a stainless and Nervous Disorders. Physicians the soldier for: the. Union; in the war, and ase this Catholiooa in their practice. an undaunted defender of the Constitution and civil liberty in peace, and at ail times a stainless man and Incorrup, tible. ; Jiesotved; That as a mark of respect Clilldrcii'ai Panacea. and affection for the exalted virtues of this hero and T patriot, this House do A safe and pleasant remedy for all Child . f,- . rea's Diseases. Acting as a tonla It is now adjourn. That the :Jieolved, positively beneficial te every child that House be directed to Speaker ot the transmit to the takes lu widow of the honored dead a copy of Sena tump for book to Graefenberf these resolutions, and the assurance of the heartfelt sympathy ot this House In . Co. Nsw TOrk. : . "t the hoar of bereavement, which Is alike ''r;y. , and the country's.... ft. C. M. I. TDVJ STOKK. AasUTTB, her's The resolutions were adopted and a ALT LAJU OITT TJTAHL 4A accordingly the House adjourned. "1 - ., Lochiel, Pima County, Arizona, was ou his return trip from Lochiel, be was killed by Apache Indians. After murcarrier, the Indians cut open dering the the bag and destroyed the mail, tearing and scattering it over it into iragments the ground.oneTwo pouches were carwas left at the The herewith ried. scene of tbe tragedy, arid bears the sanguinary stains of the victim." AJIEIilCAI,. Tbe Sitnattou at Seattle Anatner Proelaiaatlou by f be Prealdeut. W. T., 10. The city .has Seattle, corbecome a military cam p and every ner is guarded by a sentry, and military no liias There been is riue supreme. jeffort on the part of the rioters to in- tenere nor even to 1101a a meeting They are without recognized leaders ana are utterly powerless to ao any thing so long as the military are under arms. There is, however, an intense feeling ot bitterness against the mil itiamen who did tne shooting on Mon day, and it is openly threatened that they will be hung as soon as the mili tary rule is relaxed. Eight companies of the 14th Infantry, under command 01 colonel ueuussy, arrived this the Vancouver afternoon from Barracks, and at 8 o'clock the city was turned over to the regular troops, maitial law continuing. Gen eral Gibbon is expected and be and Governor Squire will determine upon the future course. The trouble is practically over, through the efforts of citizen soldiery. .The people have proved their ability under the most trying circumstances to govern themselves they have done this not as friends of the Chinese, bat as friends of the law. They wish the Chinese away, but will not permit them to be driven away so long as they are here under National authority, ay 120 reOlympia, W. T sponsible citizens organized them selves into a Home Guard and were swore in as Deputy Sheriffs and offic ered as a regular military company. was quiec tau ring tne aay uvvrytning are that there will and the prospects be no renewal of the disturbance. Hetzel, Bates and Gooding, the three; ringleadersa in yesterdays demonstration, had preliminary examination before a J ustice of the Peace on the charge of riot, - and were bound over in the sum of $200 each to await tne action 01 tne giauci jury. Washington, 10. The following telegram was sent to Governor Squire of Washington Territory last night: Executive Mansion, Washington, February 9, 1880. Tq H .Watson G Squire Governor to-nig- ht, ltf.r-to-d- to-d- ay . , The following proclamation has lust been issued, and General Gibbon has been ordered to proceed at once in per extension of th i benefits of the signal service to farmers by means of signals displayed at telegraph stations was favorably reported to the House committee on agriculture by the having that subject in charge. Senate y a bill to allow In the discharged array officers one year's pay and allowances, was reported adversely. Cola and Silver Bills. 10. Following is the Washington, foil text of Senator Beck's coin certificate bill, introduced on Monday; That hereafter coin certificates be issued in any denomination for which legal tender notes of the United States may now be issued, and when received as at tbe Treasury, for in section 2 of this act: andprovided all leold and silver certificates now outstanding shall be retired when they are received at the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 2 That it shall h? the duty of tne Treasurer ot tne united states, unon the receipt of an original certifi cate of deposit by the United states Assistant Treasurer at any unit ed States stating that there has been deposited therein srold coin or standard silver dollars in sums of twenty dollars or any multiple thereof, to order tbe payment of a like amou nt in col n certificates at the conn ter of any United SUtes Assistant Treasurer designated by the depositor, in such denominations as ne may re quest in writing, which shall be re deemable in gold or silver coin at the States. option 3.of the United Sec. That no coin certificates shall be issued ef a denomination grea ter than $500, and at least of such certificates outstanding at any time snail oe oi denominations not ex ceedins $50. Following Is the full text' of Senator Allison's sliver oui introduced yesterday : That hereafter any holder of sliver coins of full legal tender value may at his option present them in sums of $50 or any multiple thereof at the in tbe Treasury or the and receive .therecity of New York, for In exchange a like amount or gotd coin or United States notes; and any hoiderp-vo- f Coin ' gold may the in.: ; . like' manner " present Same and receive therefor silver coin of lull legal tender valne in United States notes: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to authorize the Increase of the aggregate United States notes now authorized by law, nor to restrict the limit of tbe Issue of gold or silver certificates as now provided bv law. Sec. 2. That sections 6,193 and 1,594-- oi tne nevised statu ten are nereoy repealed, and the words "lawful money" Wherever in the Statutes of the United States they occur shall be construed to include United States notes, gold and silver coins aa full legal tender. Sec. 3 That all laws or parts of laws lawful money with requiring the Treasurer of the deposited United States Revised provided by Section 6,82a, Statutes, to be held as a special fund for the redemption of notes of National Banking Associations are hereby reand all money deposited under pealed, be coverd into the said Section-shal-l and all sums now deposited, Treasury; or which may hereafter be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States as authorized by Section 4 of an act entitled "An act fixing the amount of United States notes," providing for tne reaistrtoutton oi national nans currency, and for other nnrooses. ao- roved June 20, 1874, shall bo covered ltothe Treasury. e.ec.4. mac section a ot mo act is hereby amended so as to authorise the redemption of National Bank notes in gold or silver, aud to authorize the deposit of gold or silver la lieu of United States notes required to oe aepositea oy saia section. to-d- ay ee to-da- ed ed sub-Treasu- ry, two-thir- ds son with troops to Seattle: Br the President of the United States of America : A proclamation 4 Whekras. to? me i bv the It is represented uorernor 01 me j. crriLurv 01 yv asmnir- ton that domestic violence exists within said Territory, and by reason of unlawful obstructions and combinations, and the assemblage of evil disposed persons it has become impracticable to enforce by ordinary coarse of Judicial proceedings the laws Of the United States at Seattle, and at other paints and places within said Territory, whereby life and property are threatened and endangered ; and whkrkas, in tne judgment or tne President, an emergency has arisen and a case is now presented wnicn justraes and requires under the constitution and laws of the United States, the employment of military force to suppress domestic violence and enforce tbe faithful execution of tbe laws of the United States, In command and warning, if this proclamation be dis obeyed and disregarded. now, Therefore, 1 urover Cleveland, President of the United States of America do hereby command and warn all insurgents, and all persons wbo have assembled at any point witnin said Territory of Washington, for unlawful tpnrposes aforesaid to desist therefrom, and to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes on or before six o'clock in the after-- , noon of the tenth dav of February find I do admonish all good instant; citizens of the United States, and all the limits jand Jurisdicwithin persons tion thereof, against aiding, abetting, countenancing or taking any part in such unlawful acts or assemblages. In witness. whereof, I have set ray hand and caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Done at the citv of Washington this 9th day of February , In tbe year of our Lord one thousand eight! hundred and and the independence of eighty-sithe Uniteq States tbe one nundred and tenth. Gkovkb Cisveland, Dlsensslaa-- ttte Situation In London, By the President T. P. Bayard, London, l6. Burns. Champion, Secretary of State. Hyndmanand Williams, lour Socialists who inspired Monday's riots, called Valuable lleraes Barnsd. upon Mr. Joseph Chamber-laiPoint N.i Y.. 10. The yesterday Hunter's Club President ot the Local Govern burned stables this Hempstead ment uoard, at nis omce. Mr. Chamvaluable horses berlain morning. Twenty-fou- r declined to receive the were consumed. Many 01 mem were Socialists personally, but conveyed to Eteeple-chaser- s. having them his willingness to give attention made records at Cedarnurst last year. to anything they might have to say, Following are the names,Mr.as near as provided they placed it before him in could be ascertained: Belmont writing, Burns and bis colleagues Purdy. Master Hunt, uobson's Choice. thereupon drafted a statement of their Royal Flush and Trombone, owned by wishes. They said they had called to Stanley: Mortimore's Jerico and obtain from Chamberlain a declaration Laurel Wood; E. D. Stokes, Tomboy of the government's reIntention with and Don, owned by H. B. Richardson; gard to providing work for several E.T. Cushlng's Dounerail, H. O.Edye, nundred thousand unemployed Cowboy and Pony. The remainder who were at present starving people, in the were valuable hunters, owned by City of London and elsewhere in Elliott Roosevelt, J. D. Beresford, England. The statement contained the Belmont Puruy and others. The total assertion that all pressure which tbe loss in horseflesh is $30,000. societies nave brought worrungmen'a to the bear upon local authorities has Tbe Cbeaa Match. failed, and that letters sent to St. Louis. 10. Mr. Steinltz having' entirely tbe local government by persons in won three games the contest here is tnonzca to speag ior tne distressed closed and will be resumed at New were left unanswered. Mr. Burns and Orleans in two weeks. Both players his colleagues ' averred tbat' they had will probably remain here, during the hopefully come Ior a statem'entot the week and then leave for the Crescent government's intentions in order o City. The contestants now tie, each report to a meeting ot unemployed workmen ol London, which is soon o having won four games, be beld. Death el Cien. Rowley. Mr. Chamberlain replies in wrlttrtar Chicago. 10 After quite a long ill that he does not; think any of the remness General J. C. Rowley died yester- edies proposed by the Social Democratic federation would prove effectual day afternoon at 5 o'clock, at the residence of his sister in this city. Gen- - to relieve the prevalent want aqd misbecame widely known on ery existing among the unemployed In Sral Rowley of his position.aa Secretary to England, lie was on this accouut Unuenerat urant, wun tne rang 01 urig-adl- able to support these proposed meas General daring tbe last! year of ures; tne: came time ne leittne War. In 1864 he returned to his home urgent ai of faavinsr something necessity at Galena, 111.; where he has since re done, and he was now having an insided until nis neaitn ianeo nun, ana quiry made for ithe purpose of ascerhe came to Chicago. For a number of taining the exact extent and character of the Coun- of the distress. Wherever it should be yaars be served as Judge T found necessary to do so,; boards of ty Opart at Galena. gqardins, unless- they were already A Caue ef Smallpox. empowered, would b,e authorized to steamer rant outdoor relief, when labor tests Kan Francisco. y at from ad been arranged sufficient to prevent inbon arrived Selqtc Kong and Yokohama with a cae imposture. The erection of public continued wr. chamberlain, of smallpox on board. Hit was immed- worts, province ofu- the bylthe quarantine officer, was not within the iately boarded wbo kept the case en tbe steamer. It localnegovernment boaird, T b socialists Drobablv aissatl&ned will Quarantined; So I with the outcomeaepsrtea of their visit. allowed communication of. any kind is Mr, Hyndman. and Mr. Champion witn ner irom snore. . " Were quite angry over what they called The mail and newspapers after f were allowed to be sent ashore, Mr; Chamberlain's evasion of the real They denounced his and the vessel has been ordered into points at issue; as a device to secure j ;r scheme of Inquiry quarantine. , ' while the very men in whose bedelay, . Eaeestted. half the alleged inquiry was claimed to been started were actually starv Oregon, 10. Tatagana, a have 10 Portland, oeain. j"ine unemployed ol Salmon Kiver Indian, convicted at ing the gentlemen continued. Nanaimo at the autumn assizes ot the London."1 outdoor relief V They do 'dQ not want 1 . . ,i n l murder of his companion on a Salmon not want cuariLy. Aney want notning river ranch, while in a state of intoxication, suffered the extreme penalty of enable them to earn bread. The propothe law Feb. 5, in the Nanaimo, British sition to give them doles accompanied Coinmpia,' jauyarq, oy servuo nun utsgraning laOQr tests, ;, Dead. Is calculated to exaa. galls them, and them into revolt ' 1 t JMKW v. ivciuuie, a perate atand luiui, of West End tradesmen Amwilnf for some was well known Journalist beld last evening for the puroose years past a representative in this city giving expression to their fudigna- of the California Press Association, of iiou aun waui. ui cvunuenqe in uje au died at his residence in Mott Haven thorities for permitting the riot, Mr. ; weeks' two after iliness.i 7 W. IX. Smith, Member of Parliament, Wired frem WaablnarteaC ' ." presided.- - Mr. Picketts stated that the loss caused by the rioters amounted Washington, 10. The President to 2,000. Several members of Parlia has sent the following nominations to raenti addressed the meeting. iMr the Senate Smith said he sympathized wita genuer ' Stephen A: Walker, to succeed ine distress. He however, as United States Attorney the present modecondemned, of and apfor the Southern , District of New pealed to workmen toagitation, resent the interof the York. " Socialists as ference ; detrimental to their own Interests., He said he Christopher Franks, marshalf for the , California. of Mr. District had.seen Chllders, the Home SecBerthold Greenbanm, of California, and had given him notice that to be United SUtes Consul at Apia, retary, he would question the Government on me suoject in xraruament. Samoa. of the Mall A resolution was adopted to send a Railway Supt. Jameson d Service has received a memorial to the Home Secretary askwhich ing him to receive a deputation of leather mail bag from the west, had been slit open with m : knife. ;It tradesmen for conference. information from bore tbe following Mr. Kelly, Secretary of the unemMr. Wasfleld,- - superintendent of the ployed worklngmen's organization ac"The Indian Western Division: quesr cused the Socialists of the rethe Postofiice De- - cent trouble, and layscausing tion, as it applies to of the part on z About p.m. Jaly 23rd, blame on the police officials, who he JartuieBt. T. M. Peterson, a mall car- said were perfectly aware inof rier on the route from Crittenden to tentions of the Socialists. Mr.theKelly Sub-Treasu- i ry last-nam- ed FOREIGN. x. n, i ell-kno- wn - . t er ! -- TflL-T- he to-da- ' v f - ; - : am-igatl- on . -- f - - - A. . Z , ' 5 to-nig- ht, 1 ' TJor-sheira- ' -- 1 - " blood-staine- - '! '! - FEBRUARY 11, 18S0 NQ. OS. ou Monday distributed 20,000 circulars HAIR among the workinmen urging peace Mai proceedings, lie threatens that un- h s the 'police proceed against the VIGOR will endeavor to putusn tnem. iveuy had his eyes blackened and was other- Restores the color, gloss, and youthful wise badly bruised In a tight yester- freshness of the hair ; stimulates a rien and day. luxurious growth; thoroughly cleanses The Telegraph that the Govern- the scalp ; prevents dandruff and humors ; more the ment intend .to fays prosecute violent of the Sociaiists speakers who and is the most cleanly and effective a idressed the mob in Trafalgar Square; preparation for tbe balr ever offered The news ot the riot has cieated a to tbe public Rev. J. W. Davenport, scnystlonin Europe. The Socialists Illinois Bend, Texas, writes: "Ayer's of Paris and Berlin are Jubilant, and meetings are tbctng caned in those Hair Vigor, used In my family for several cities to express admiration for the years, has no equal as a dressing, nor for London! Socialists and to encourage preventing the hair from falling out or them to take I urtbar action. The b'tandtird this morning prints turning prematurely gray. It ranks the report ol an interview with llynd among the first man, Socialist leader. He denied that luxuries of our the bad harvest or Miss AYER'S house." were the causes ot the distress prevailing amons the working people, be Kate Rose, cause similar social troubles existed in Ontario, America and France. The real cause was universal the producers had no writ: "While control over the amount paid for pro- keeping my head clear of dandruff, and duction. Hyndman said tliat he and preventing Scald Efead, Ayer's Hair Vigor his associates would continue to hold also caused my hair to grow luxurilabor meetings, and that there would has soon he a demonstration of East End antly, resulting in my now possessing balr Inches long, and aa thick as forty-tw- o tradesmen, for the purpose of agitating tbe sublect of compensation. Tbe eould be desired." "The wife of Dr. V. S. only law on the subject dates from the Lovelace, Lovclaoevllle,Ky., had Very bad reign of Edward I, and is difficult; of tetter tores upon her bead, causing ths application. The. Times severely censures the hair to fall out Ayer's Xlatr Vigor healed heads of the police department, who it the sores, and in less than twelve months says proved themselves unfit for the batr a foot long. tney occupy, it reminds Air,, produced Bositions that his reputation depends PREPARED BT largely upon his recognizing this fact. Off. AYER A CO., Lowe, C. J. The constable, it adds, did all that Was possible In facing the mob, without Mass., U. S. A. neip or guioanco irom tne leading om ciais. ior sale by all Druggists. :j -- l AVER'S Tn-gcrso- ll, 4 :30 THE DAMAQB DOXK. p.m. The- - estimate heretofore made of the losses inflicted by than moo .on nave oeenr appears so m.t.i .monuay i 1110 ouicui estitoo. smau. mi greatly mate places the amount of damage at tau.uuu. various socialistic and labor reform societies threaten to have a monster demonstration at Hyde Park next Saturday to be attended by contingents of laborers from the country. - -- Tbe shops are being closed and barricaded everywhere throughout tbe f city. A Socialist's meeting is to be held this evening at Colbot and Market. At 6:3d o'clock,, two and hours befoie the time announced ior the 1,000 men were on the assemblage, over to attend the meeting. gronnd waiting The crowd is belne constantly aug mented by accessions from Trafalgar Tne cavalry from Albany square. Darraexs ana large ooaies oi ponce have been ordered to remain in readiness to maintain order. No Mom Bald Heads. To produce a new growth of hate on bald heads, in the ,case of persons advanced inj years, is not always pos sible. When the glands are decayed and gone, nd stimulant can restore them; but, when they are only inactive, from the need of some excitant, the applies, tion of Ayer's nair Vigor will renew their vitality, and a new growth will result. L. V. Templeton, Newbern, N. C, writes: "After protracted illness, with fever, my hair all came out, leaving me entirely Bald. X procured a bottle VIGOR. of Ayer's ITstr Vigor, and, before I had used all its contents, a thick growth of hair, nearly two Inches long, covered my head." L. D. MoJunkln, FerryvHle, iMd6., writes: "Baldness Is hereditary in my family. Five years age tbe hair on ithe top of my head was becoming weak and thin. I procured Ayer's Hair Vigor,! the application of which invigorated tie hair roots, and sent out a new growti of young hair. my hair Is as thick and vigorous as ever. I still use the Vigor occasionally to keep tar scalp in a healthy condition." j To-da- y 4S? VIGOR. LOOK WELL TO tor "STOTTKr Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more eyejy year. j Horse's Feet. ' land Market, composed of the lowest criminal classes of London, represented by a strong contingent, intent upon upon harrassing and insulting- - the At , 9 o'clock, Hyndman, police. Williams and other Socialist leaders appeared and wereof greeted with upwelcome. roarious shouts They held a short consultation and resolved to abandon the attempt to hold a meetbecause as they said, the ing dense fog that prevailed prevented thelfc distinguishing true unemployed from loafers. The anworkingmen nouncement was then made that the Was adjourned until Thursmeeting day. As the crowd slowly dispersed the cheerlog for the Socialist leaders by the disorderly element again manifested Itself. The police were Jeered at assailants from the ground. .Three regiments ot loot guaros two oi cavalry and a battery of artillery were confined in the barracks all day in reaainess to sany out at a moment's notice. The vigorous action of the police of South London compares favorably with the inaction of the police at the Trafalgar Square meeting on Monday. Mounted constables, armed with cutlasses and! revolvers, assisted'tne police on foot in dispers- mica uiuu oi o.uuu uiea near lue cier phapt Castle tavern. A gratifying was the fact that many pmall tradesmen and bona fide workinemen Joined In assisting the police to repulse tne rioters. The ponce naa been iut formed early in the da? of a conspira cy of thieves Inhabiting common; lodgf iug uouset, 10 uiaae oouta iouuoa me of a pillaging expedition, starting pointwere Precautions accordingly taken toi prevent disorders. Midnight- The city is qnict. Tbi crowds disappeared by 10 o'clock an the et reets are deserted. The panic is Tbe scare is without paralsubsiding, lel in the history of London:. Tens of thousands!, of desperate men were streets and it oni j gathered Jn the needed some one more reckless then themselves to lead them to commit the wildest excesses. UlUed Her Husband WIUi Cfaloro: fvrut. y In tne An inquest Was held case of the death of a Mr. Bartk it, merchant of Plmlico, who it is alleged ; was killed by chloroform administered by bis wife who wished to marry the Rev. Mr.. Dyson, iWesleyani minister; A statement oy Mis. Barrett was read at the inquest by ber phjfclclan. - Sbd was lfl years old when she was married to Bartlett. They made a compact tc, live together merely as loving friendsi This agreement was adhered to for six years, when the husband began to encourage her affections for the Rev. Mr.: Dyson. Recently Bartlett began to manifest renewed flee tlon for hts wlfe but she, feeling it to be her duty to the minlister to resist her husband's ad vaucea, appealed to him id desist, as ne naa ainanceq ner to ir. uyson. This anneal had oVifv a temnorarv resolved to protect her' effect, so she self! from I her husband by waving chloroform In front of his face. Ou the night before his death, as her husband was retiring, she produced a bottle of chloroform Which heii- - husband: took from her. Upon awaking in ttui night she found her husband lviuir dead by her side, The affair has ere-atan intense sensation, iand is re-- ! in oneot garded as likely to culminate the most prominent eccwses .een6re iu the crimiual history of this country! A j. Orde.eJ t JLeave, to-nig- ht,' Th above drawtae-waamda fireas s sr I showing the lamination of lroa la lb Oolii Kouea ana eneanng process. feat-tur- 8ALT,AKE CITY, UTAH, City Depot 109s, Kals St. This drawing was made front the as.il taken from the hoof .and eofaa bone as shown la rigs. 1 and. a Tne oniy Hammer Folot and d Horse-Sho- e Nail in the World that iuf not ut, clipped, or sheared from the point and ill not split In driving, is i. , TIIB .PUTNAM 1STAI17. See thAt vour horse is shod with this nail. aa avoia au risaa. fifita FSB SALE Quaking i ep ' 'j f mi SHORTBSl P.O. Address flenonset.Mass. For sals by OS. If aneh stores 0. 2MC X. and lu AMD dwftssas Mcsjt CAKD, IHB DESERKT IfOSPlTAL, UNDEB A the most f avorahls auspices, is now open for the recaption of patients, having to thai large and eonunodioas build ng lately occupied by the Deaeret Univer-iiy- . The apiwintmenU are new and of ths !r."t orders T hs hails and rooms are thor-utihlvcntilmecl. and irsraied bv a furnanc xnd steam boating apparatus extendiag through the whole building. Uuod and nurses are supplied, and every atten-.iopaid to the comfort aud welfare t iu .n.nates.s Thp medical oopartnient a A ne stock of drugs, and a line ol roe of the most valaable and elegant surgical lostrumsau and Appliances ever tnto the Territory. Arrangenenu Save been ntade to secure eke Arst medical talent the city affords for the benefit of paA tients. specialty Is mads of the diseases of women, and cnrreiponuence is solicited i .. front ths sOueted. H. B. CLAWSbK. President. W. r. ANDERSON. Wedicai SupC M. P. IIUG11K8, House Surgeou. J B. It' WaUXS, Secretary. ; A bmrted number of students wQl bs taken, who will board la ths Institution, re ceive Instruction preparatory for tutors studies, and will be expected in reruns to dovote a certain portion of their time and liior te attendance on the ak-- and othet with tbe Hospital. rcquiremenu eoeneeted Correspondence en this sab)eet Is "solicited norm uisnops ana euer saukonues ta tM y seuiemests. suffered a relapse. to-d- ay - -! .11.!,...' , H - ; j I MS DESERET i t BOOK AND JOB Pull ni.in Sleeping Cars, 3T vsai - Ujj..v."i;.iiAiLw.Ay.; "" . 'ft!-- m rv: 1 . . AND '.3EIlVDffi SHOUT PE1NTIUG maha, Council Bluffs 5 Chicago. JOB i sarwKEM 11 . CXfCUTKO PROMPTLY - - iaJTODJ . A x Best Style of the Art 'i, ''i1J 1 i 9 V The only line to take for Ties rnlnes, Msrshallioivu, iMdar Kaplds, Omnion.Dixoa, Chicago, Wilwaokee, aud all pinu Knsu To tbe psopls of Jielrska, Colorado,Wh-lnrtoVy., a Oniing, Cssh, Idsho, Ksvsda, Oregon, aad California It otters supriuf suvantagss not possible by any nihor line. ' Among a few of ths nameroiis points o by Ue patrons of U'L roperioi icr enjoyed me n between Omaha and CtiU-nro- , rsii IA HlV two trains a day of 1AY which are tbe fliicst that human' art nrnnlivi ran rrrate; IU FAI.AOI which are KtEEI'HU CAHM, ef comfort and eletrance; Its IRAA1.M HOO.1l CAIIH, uuftiirpHr4 any; and lis widely relelrsul TJt ly s.ATIAEi UIMKU C A KM. Uio equal K. Which can not be found el.ewliore. . At Council duns the trnlus of tUm t'Mrtn PaciBo Ky. ronncl in lmo Iepot with those of the Chicago A Nonhwome.ru Ky. In Chicago the trsius ot lhl tins nihXs close tonnectkm with those of all Eastern lines, t For Peirolt, Colnmlin. lartt.mupolis Clni VllUmirsr, rtnnati, A invars Fulls, Iluffalo.New TorV. Toronto, Montreal, HoUfln, BsJiimore, Vhlnttoa, ami I'hlladslpka, in ths Kast, ask ths t set agsnt all point (or ticssu via ths 1 ' ' , r t at t1i HRtef 1 i: ' h t , ' J 'M' IM I'M I. At " " - it ITS BRANCHES . , Cook-fcmdc- i 'NORTHWE8TCRN lbs best aorommixlalions. AU ticket agdnU seU tlokeu via this line. ' ' n. a. mtit, s. nrnniTT, Gen'l Vg'fc Hi n'l V imager. " If von wish rj ' ; m ICIGETt ft i r1 a v CD'.-fjH- TtDS BSST HOUT - ... S.'.FETT! WllESTERINI the1.-worl- at i,. vr. r. vrintu, A T'k't Agt, Gee. Denver, Colo. Topeka, Esau DAS. T. ARiiOXa, Traveling Tass. Aft, USMVBBj, OOUKAtM. FANCY t sil.vr ""Tho Best Salve In for Cuts, Bruises, Soresx Ulcers, If lien m. kV,., fin.A. 'Pn....- .n,..kaltt Dcicrct Scm Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Mlu T RAILS, Beet Ratlro4d r.altns; UsssM ta tne UwwMtry, lusurtiis; k. b. n amd UN, ticnerat Agent. DBsCarmon o BUCKLE.fS ARMl for stureT IK! 31. HCHICAGO""1 t ci-ni- a HlijS - 1 cores l iiiuvwuus, ami positively OrilO MVrinlHi.l ll I, miaMnt.i,.liien, In give- perfect satisfaction, or money re ...... I f inH.ii i iite z.) v TXT DUX, tf i i rto?T sir.u COACHES, ' klegamt day rinting Establishment -- - Eouipptd toifh ISpUndUUw r f ) T H K ItlSSOURI RIV Kit . tfiJ , hmm Rio Grande Hair? fiiia isnruw tztxtjs: irtLQ! J f i When flshcrmens' limbs are numb witu coiu, DfcN jacoos Cll elves them new life.:.: il M " , V! t vi. ; ' i t i h Depot mt .. ex-Chi- ef. ness, m Dmkut WITH THS daAw I , n UEBLO k ! r A Relapse. 18. William ' E. Fbrsier London, Liberal, member of Parliament fo ISrauford and Secretary for Ireland, who for some time, lias ben Confined to bis room by a setlous L11J WAkA Vomttret$ com-itrise- GalwaY. IO. address to the Pariiame ntary electors ot this "1 city yesterday, inTeponse. to the ap4 to have his candidate: withdrawn pea's In favor of Lynch, (he native candid Tho date, used tha following Maniruaae agreed to support Captaiit' "Having O'Sht-a- , we will not deviate a hair's breadth from the course decided upon uapiam u saea wiu vote with thelrith party. If he be def eatod.lt will weaken J 1 j e I .l? Direct Ilouto TO THE EAST is riA TUX jrlcoiiisoiNr, Toye ca & Santa Fo n - i at llio BOSTON MASS. to-da- sjasMltdaMe. Pkmell In an lVood, B Putnam Nail Co., 3 . aid for Rood, ounl THIS I JSEUFvr 2VF.WS CO. a uw i The A merlcans. BSren J and Jensen, have again JeuSrJurgensen oeea oraerea to j leave tne 'island ol V ' Foehr. In tbe Itclchstatf y. Ilerr line nu Introduced a motion ou behalf of thti Conservatives, urgiog a fresh searctH J me currency . mg inquiry Wl I... v.. CnliMi.f question ..I.. . .. Va.ii I t 'aminto that there was no scarcity of coin' Iu Germany, and that the stock of goM bore an adequate proportion to that of silver, , .j fj'.f:r: vj:- WOODlj! ! amclcr. amples sent free by mail, by addressing - I CO, I ill. SIut not bo less ihi t Five luciica In di- - EBSIlKIilliS. SI Cash - Tslephoas, 17t. FISHER BREWING WOOD liot-rorge- e to-da- iwrieil , P. O. Box j!049. Telephone $94. We are now prepared to promptly supply the public With Keg and Mottled lieer of a Superior quality, at popular prices. . :y i Brswery near D.CB B. A O.A.B.O. Depots,; By 8 o'clock a crowd that numbered many thousands gathered In Cumber- . BREMG CO, A. FISHER MEETINO. 1 f: Man and Beastv M BERLIN; 10. T4 ""4 v. v a-h- alf AN ADJOURNED -- P. HAIR on over-populati- . .':. ; . - - j SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY, THURSDAY EVENING, VOL. XIX. " - J ..... .... ' L. LIBBBTT. . i i! ,. ' J ' ' - ir A1TJ)I SSBSSSSSSSBSSSBMSSSSSSMSSSlBBSSSSMSSSSlMSSSSe ' , ' ' i. hiirrtS rssmwsi.isii TBtrTH ; ' .'(' --- ' GKO. D. WIU-IAMHO- l'aiigr lioom a.Wt.r lslocs,Lcr rjsa'l Agsat, i WAK. BAltCOOIf Oeasrat Wsstarn Agcst, Ooiiiba, ) |