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Show Appeals Dismissed. On motion of THE . rERSECUTOHS MILXi attorney Moyle, the following apcity GRINDS UTDtY, BCT DOSS If OT GHIXD have been dismissed in the peals I 0 POWDER. Third District Court due diligence In the Third District Court this not having been used by the appellants in prosecuting their appeals : morning, the case of John B. Dllley, stealing a' saddle, PREST. HUGH S. GOWNS, EVENING NEWS. I February 11. Tborsday 1SS6 FKAG3IEXTS. adrt. girl Is wanted. See i BKtas Hokt appear at the Theatre oa Thursday. Feb. 18. j "The Pirates of Penzance" will be .the attraction at the Theatre on Washj ington's birthday. QTuk Articles of Incorporation of the Darlington Mining Company were filed in the Secretary's office Govsrxor Murray visited the reCouUctl yesterday, and mained until after the close of the day's session. , were the city Th flai s throughout out of replaced at half-ma- st spect to the memory of Major General W. S. Hancock. j On Monday evening next, February 15, Mr. B.y3. Young and Madame Young will give their grand Tocal and instrumental concert In the . . Theatre. Tzstkbdat, as the city gravel train came down around the j corner of Eighth East Street and Fourth South streets, the cars frightened tDr. Belle Anderson's horse, which was standing hitched to a buggy, and! caused the animal to ran away. The damage done was slight. Turn Utah Commission j bv appointed as presiding Judges at muni-p- al elections to be held In May next, Jos. M. Cohen, Park City; James Bad-fiel- d, Smithfleld.land Abner Crane, Mt. Pleasant. ; Also as conntyjreglstrars John Duncan, Wasatch County, and J. M. Louder, Washington County. Ik the House branch of the Legislature this afternoon, the House bill in relation to private corporations was read the second and third times. The House was notified that the Council had amended the,bill In relation to the code of civil procedure,! which wu read and referred to the Judiciary committee. Tne 'House also j passed the deficiency appropriation bill for the Insane Asylum, which appropriates $20,-0for the institution. The motion which Mr. D. C. Young made In the House branch pt the Legislature Just previous to the close of the afternoon session yesterday was that the committee on fish and game be instructed to either incorporate a clausalo,tae bill now being considered by them or make a new bill to prevent any person from fishing in :MU1 Creek, Kanyon Creek, Immigration Creek and City Creek, in Salt Lake County, during the next three years; In the Legislative Council this afternoon, Mr. Shurjtliff was excused on account of sickness in bis family. A message from the Uousq was read, announcing that they had, postponed indefinitely the further consideration of C. F. No. 22, a bill In relation to the assignments of insolvent debtors." The substitute if or H: F. Nq.l2l, a bill to prevent the spread of malignant diseases among sheep was read the second time and its further consideration Indefinitely postponed. The composition of this bill was the are use -cause' of considerable as the various sections tnent were belli? read. C. F. No. 28, a bill In relation to the Insane Asylum was being read as we went to press. A GOOD y. to-da- Leg-iBlat- ire i i to-da- yi Maz-zuca- to 1 ) 00 ) j . j j Yesterday a little boy between 6 and 7 years of age, Alfred A. Watson, residing1 tin the 16th Ward, was bit witn a pebtHs from a flipper in the hands of Albert- - Beer, a boy about 12 years old. The larger boy bad a spite toward the little fellow, who narrowly escaped losing his left eye, which is blackened and badly swollen. A "Mistake." This afternoon Deputies Vandercoojc Tuid Franks applied for admittance to tne residence of President A. M. Cannon (while two of their fellows remained outside, apparently to catch anyone who might attempt to escape) and served a subpoena upon Mrs. Amanda M. Cannon. Upon being informed by the lady that she was already under bonds as a witness, the deputies claimed they had made a mistake. . I Boole of Mormon Panorama. l&uben Klrkham, tho talented painter of Lcgan, Cache County J is to be in the city on Monday next to exhibit his excellent panorama' of Book" 61 Mormon views that evening lln the1 14th Wrd .Assembly Booms,' and afterwards in some other wards of the city. It is two years since he last exhibited here, and since then he has added ten pictures to his already extensive and Interesting list of views. Those wno want to enjoy a pleasant and instructive evening's entertainment should attend one of his exhibitions. Provo City Official. Certificates of election have been issued to the following municipal officers of Provo City, TJtah County; elected on Monday, Feb. 8th: Mayor Wilson II. Dusenberry. Aldermen Abraham O. Smoot, Walter Scott, Win. II. Brown, John .,: Booth; Charles D. Glazier, Councilors Roer Farrer, Jr., Evan Wride, Win. .A. McCullourhr David Holdaway, JamMA. Bean, John M. ' Holdaway, .Jos. T. McKwan. Becorder Ei ward L. Jones. Assessor and Collector Jesse J. .Fuller. Treasurer Jas. E. Daniels. .Marshal John W. Turner. - i. . As an evidence that "civilization" such as prevails elsewhere is fairly upon us, we learn that Mrs. Hannah Adams of the 1st Ward, ras presented with a fine, healthy girl baby on Tuesday last, was only 'a which the infant, the time old at hours few, being brought to her by a woman and carried Ina butcherV basket. Rumor has U that the mother of the child is a young woman, who Is anxious to keep lor respectability, sp her reputation And that the father la one of that class who I opposed to cohabiting with more than one woman fa the marriage relation, i ' i Deputies Searches. A party of even deputy marshals- suddenly appeared at the old Church Farm, south of this city, yesterday afternoon, and made a thorough search of the houses, 1 barns, stables, pheds, stack yard, etc., for President George Q. Tpresnmably : Cannon, as they resented the man in ohirra Af th nlii-- .with one of the printed circulars which the marshal Has oeen so mausiriousiy cirv unking cf i late, upon . which' la a photograph of that; gentleman, his i description ana tne vaeroi a rewaxu - j Wu J.ruUJ fcai thefr trouble for nothing. fow ( -- no. one whom they .. they found artthere three of IpitIbz .wsyw th Mr), wh were mounted on horses rode to the stock farm, north of there j'jaad made a search of the barn, etc., ', with a lmtUr and after vetting. shots from a .tnrouva, fired three to their presumably pistol, . a signal . . c - as ...aH in s by way of the State ilght conveyance jvoau, ox uicir t - . ' .. I non-succe- Fred. Grose, H. N. Greene. Gideon Turnbull, George Tait, J. O. Uonklin, W. E. Smedley, . The indictment - W. H. Kemington, Elmer Hill. Jerome Bougard, Mr. Dickson stated that he could not tell whether he could proceed with the case until he had conversed with Ernest Kawllngs, one of the witnesses for the prosecution. A short consultation was held with Mr. Rawlings, and one of the la6y witnesses, the subpoena was examined, and Mr. Dickson retired from the court room to ascertain what witnesses were put under bonds ; on bis return be announced that he case desired continued the until t p. m., when he would decide upon what course he would pursue. This was granted, and the. case against Joseph Sissom, noted elsewhere, taken nip. After the conclusion of the Sissom case,, the charge against J. FOULGKR was taken np. All the Jurors were omitted, and the following HERBERT ss. , ed Jury impaneled: -- H. W. Greene, Gideon TurnbaU, J. J. Greenwald, Fred Gose, Geo. Turnbull, Geo. Tait. Mr. Young, in examining the Jurors, stated that this case was similar to the others which had been tried, with the did exception of Slssom's, which hesame not wish to be regarded in the connection, as Sissom was not a "Mormon." There were also three indictments one against Brother Foulger, and the charging the offense between December 1, 1882, and December 81, 1583, with his wives Elizabeth Hagell Foulger and Charlotte Maria Hall Foulger, was read. The defendant was sworn and testified that the ladies named in the indictment were his wives, and lived with him as such during the period named. After hearing the instructions of the Court, the Jury returned a verdict of guilty, the entire trial occupying but eight minutes. Sentence will be pronounced on Feb. 26th, at 10 a. m. The other two cases agalast the defendant were continued for the term. This afternoon Mr. Dickson asked that the case of Hcnrv Grow be continued until March 1st, as the chief wilness in the case had not been subpoenaed, and - no subpoena had been Issued for her, through a misunwas granted. The derstanding. Mr. Dickson had request probably forgotten Mr. Grow's residence had been that searched for this same witness for which he says no subpoena was out. i When the a verdict of guilty yes terday afternoon. In the 'case of the United States, vs. John Penman, charged with polygamy, the district attorney stated he ' had no further busi ! ness until y. Mr. Young of coun sel for defendant, gave notice that Mr. Penman would prefer to have sentence passed then; he was a poor man, and his family were in destitute circumstances; his eldest Bon was insane, and had been so for years, and was only able to do a few chores around the house. In reply to the questions of the Court, the defendant said his son had not been in an asylum for five or six years, although he bad at one time been ' thus confined. Court-rT- he iurr have found von guilty of the crime of polygamy. It now becomes my duty to pass sentence. Have you anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced? Air. i oeiieve not. Court Is it vour intention to obev the law in future. Mr. Penman I have nothing to say. Court In view of vour condition. I am disposed to be somewhat lenient wiin you. x on win De sentenced to two years in the venitentlarv and to Div a tine of $23 and costs, and stand com mitted until the line and costs are paid. In view of the fact that the defend ant had refused to make any promises as to his future conduct under law as interpreted by the courts, 'i the Imposition of the comparatively light sentence elicited considerable surprise and comment. The charge of unlawful cohabitation against the defendant was continued for the term, and Mr. Penman was taken to the Penitentiary last evening, as was also Mr. WUley. to-da- e A Good Man Gone. The Ogden Herald of Thursday, contains the fol lowing account of the death of Brother Henry Crawshaw of that place, whlQb occurred at 3 :40 a.m., on the 4th Inst. "For about six weeks Brother Craw. shaw has been suffering acutely from chronic menigitis, and his death was not wholly unexpected. Deceased was born at Halifax, Yorkshire, England, February scth, 1830. He came to Amer ica si years ago and settled in St. Louis. During the war he was a ward master at the Government hospital at Jefferson Barracks.near St. Louis, and bis duties in this direction were faithfully discharged.' He re mained lit St. Louis till 1871. when h came to Utah. Since his residence in U tab. Brother Cra wshaw's life has been a shining example to his fellows,' and ue maae numerous inenas. jror about thlrteeo years he was in cbanre of the retail grocery department in 2.C.M.I. in this city. He was intending to go on a visit for the benefit of his health. when he was taken so sick that he had to keep his bed. but death has now stepped in, and Brother Crawshaw is relieved of all earthly pain and suffer ing. i Attend to it Now. Alter the leaves out on the fruit trees the little come bands of egg laid by the moths will be more difficult to, discover. They are now In plain sight and comparatively few on a tree; but when you realize that by simply clipping oft the end of a quarter-inc-h twig, when the branches are bare, and the egg rings are easily seen, 'yon can) destroy from 100 to 300 large caterpillars, with all their multitudinous offspring, you will realize the advantage of commencing the work of extermination at once. A united and determined effort now by the orchardlsts of this city would obliterate the plague this season, and that without seriously mutilating the trees, as the esrgs are only found on the tips of the limbs. Wfae will spend a few minutes now in order to avoid so much iwormy fruit in the . future - -- r. .; ? Bear River of election have been issued to the fol lowing officers elected by the yoters of Bear Blver Town, Box Elder County, on Feb. 8th: . President Carl Jon Trustees M.' C. Mortensen, James T. Anderson, Christian Petersen, Lars i F, Johnson. ToTvnw-Certlfica- tes . ; pt-ac- $99.B0i ; a. fitxgeraia, A. oi.u. Dattery, Fitzgerald, selling liquor on Sunday,$6S. y Mr. Keitner moved that the case of N. P. Gray be reinstated; the motion will be argued before Judge ; HENRY GROW. W. U. Bemingtoo, Elmer liill, S. A. Seribner James Owens, F. H. Bemla, Wm. H. Ferry, 1 J. 1 even-number- Robert Nordlinsrer, embezzlement, $66.20. Sadie Nobles and Camllle Gordon, battery, $32.95 each. Elizabeth Brown, assault, $38.10. Sing Howe: selling opium, $118. Mrs. L. Madsen, disturbing the $50.20. Samuel L. Tobias, assault, $39.95. J. A. Fitzgerald, selling liquor on Sunday ,,$115.85. N. P. Gray,! selling liquor on Sunday, $128. J. N. F. Van Enschut, assault, $39.50. Elbridge Tufts, assault, $32.65. Thomas Davis, assault and battery. $43. on SunBan 4. Smith, selling liquor i. was read. . 1CQQ T. W December 81, 1S83, wiin jeisey uow-a- ns and Elizabeth Broom head Gorans. The defendant was sworn and testified that the ladies named in the indictment were his wives, and during the period named they lived together in the relation of husband and wives. The Court instructed the Jury, who gave a verdict of guilty. The two other Indictments against the defendant were continued for the term. Feb. 26th, at 10 a. m., was fixed for passing sentence. . The next case on the calendar was that of the United States vs. -- T $98.15. day, James Berry, George Tarnbnll, W. M. Ferry. Jury returned The Flipper ' ct-nie- nts Penmuti Sentence. l IXKJAIi NEWS. Civilization." lived with and charged with having up. ais wives, was taken one acknowledged Brother Go wans was the first dealt with by the "segregating' process inaugurated for persecutionindpurthree poses, there having been found against him. On indictment No. 227, cnarging the commission of the offense between Feb. 1, 18S, and Dec. 81, 1883, the following Jury was being empaneled, John heM. Young not to excused because preferred act as a Juror in this class of cases, some Bolivar Roberts because he had knowledge of the case, and J. J. Fitzgerald for not having any taxable property To-da- Zane on Saturday. "The Pirates."-- On Washington's Birthday the public will have the pleasure of witnessing the interpretation of another of Gilbert A Sullivan's de lightful operas, by the Careless Opera Company. 'This time "The Pirates of Penzance" will be produced, and from Indications everything will have been done to make the performance of the a perfect piece in every way success. The cast, as will be of the Some seen, embraces very best musical and dramatic talent of the city. Mr. Gorlinskl has been specially engaged to assume the roll of the Pirate King a part whlchj Is parhe ticularly adapted to his volcc-r-anwill, noTdoubt make a big hit in the character. Miss Edith Clawson makes her debut on the operatic stage on this occasion, when she appears as Mabel." Much curiosity is indulged In as regards the lady's suceess in her new departure, but those who have witnessed the rehearsal of the"pirates" speak In high praise of the charming manner in which she sings and acts in the part assigned her. The music Is of that peculiar style, well suited for Miss Clawson's voice; Miss Wells Is admirably cast, and in the character of "Ruth," in which she has a better opportunity of displaying her dramatic and lyric abilities than in any part she has yet assumed. Misses Allen and Whitney, like Miss Clawson, also make their first appearance in opera on the 22d . Messrs. Spencer, White and Py-pare also well cast in their respective lines. The cast is as follows : d Wiiat We Are. Indebted to 1U Sonkb For. There appears In our columnar the advertisement of the weH known (and universally used in tho Southern States) Simmons Liver1 Regulator. Years ago it won its way into every household of the South hy pure, stermerit. It there takes the place of ling a doctor and costly prescriptiou. The medicine is becomiusr widely known in the dethe North, and whenever mand for it has srjeadily increased. It is a family medicine, conltaiaiui? dangerous and cjeieterlouj q;!a!jliv.--, t'otitlo iu but purely vesretaple, and its action that it cjari be safely sriven t. any person, no matter; what ase the centenarian or the crowAVorktyg pcopl.: ing youngster. miserable in are often that state of health which really rentiers them unlit for labor; hut tiff y haven't time to take rnedlcinu end btvsick. Simmons Liver. Regulator t an be taken without causing any loss of time, and tnesvstem will t4 built up and Invigorated by It. Thd Rcgulatolr promotes head digestion, dissipates nasty sicktouo to ache, and gives a strong, full the system. In .raalarlons climates It is Invaluable, both protectin attack from the disease and expellijng the poison after it has entered the system. It has no equal as a preparatory medicine, and can be; safeiy used when a doctor cannot be called in. Persons of theveryhlgbest churacteraud eminence have given Simmons Liver Regulator their cordial and hearty endorsement. to-d- RK THOMAS. ay - mm nd . -- . Edith, Kate, air. j. . ' f. Aieaain . Miss Edith Clawson Miss Lonie Wells Misa May Allen Miss Hand Whitney consist of 60 voices a . The chorus will principally from those who constituted the choruses in "Patience and "The Mikado." Prof. Careless will conduct the opera.' Sissom the non- - 'Mormon." Two indictments for unlawful cohabitation were found by the grand jury for the, September, 1885, term of the Third District Court, against Joseph H. Sis-slof West Jordan, Salt Lake Coun-t- p, Sissom's brother-in-la- w being the complainant. This case was taken np for trial this morning, and to the calls of the bailiff, for Joseph Sissom, an aged gentleman came forward and announced that that was his name. Court Yon are not the defendant in this case, are you? Sissom-ifN- o ; but my name is Joseph Sissom, if you! want me. Court Well. we'll not try you now. Mr. Sissom then took his seat, and after more calls of fJoseph Btasom, Jr.," an individual Who had been seated inside the bar finally stated that his name was Joseph! Henry Sissom, the defendant, Messrs. Young and Rawlins stated that they had nothing to do with this case, and In reply to the Court, the defendant stated that he had no means with which to employ an attorney, The Court accordingly appointed Messrs. Le Grande Young and' J. L. Rawllas, Mr. Rawlins remarking "That'll be bad for the man," a'nd Mr. Young adding "If ,we have bur usual luk." The foljo wing Jurors were sworn to try the case: m, Nature's own trl'ie Laxa'iv"?. Pleasant to the ralatej, acceptable to the Stomach, hcrnilesi in lts.cature, painless in its action, Cures habitual Biliousaess, Indigestion aud kindred ills. Cleanses tlie system, purities the blood, regulates the Liver and act cn the Bowels. Breaks Colds Chills and Fevers, etc. Strengthens organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver raedicinea.plJIs, salts and draughts.. Sample Dottles sale by ajl free, and large bottles for L CI M. I Drug Store, dru2ita. Wholesale AentsL ralt Lake City. 122 j II. r.emis, Ji J. Greenwald,: Fred. Groo, George Turnbull, J. V. ConkUn, George Tait, Fs ' A. Scribncr, James Owens. W. . Smedley, W.;m. Ferry, - VS. - i The indictment Was read charging Sissom with unlawful cohabitation with Hannah Sissom and Engred Poul-so- n, from Jan. 1, 1884, to June 30, 1685. Andrew Poulsen, sen.,AncIrew Poul-se- n, Jr., and Engred Poulsen Lllya were called and examined as witnesses Their testimony Wai to the effect that about eight years age the defendant married Engred Poulsen, a sister of his first wife, and lived with both up to about two months since, when Engred was married to Christian Lllya. Both women had children to the defendant;, Engred's youngest child being ooe year and eight months ;!;! old. The defendant denied that 'he had ever married Engred Poulsen. ( The Jury rendered a verdict of guilty, after which Sissom pleaded guilty to the other Indictment against him, it being understood that sentence would be ' suspended. 'The time of passing sentence in the first case was set for Thursday, Feb. 18. The fact that the defendant was not a "Mormon" was not brought out be fore (he jury, or it might 'have been considered donbtful, even with the di rect testimony what the result would have been. Sissom, however, in ap pearance and demeanor, presented a strong contrast! to the "Mormons" who exhave ,bcen tried. The hang-do- g on his his apcountenance, pression parent lack of intelligence, unkempt hair and general untidiness made him anything but an attractive object. The history of the man too:, is one that will not bear the light of day, It appears that about eight years ago, his wife Hannah gave birth to a child, and her sister Engred Poulson was engaged as nurse. The IPoulson residence was some distance from Slssom's, and the latter would accompany home at nights. On his Sister-in-la- w these occasions he succeeded in seduc ing the girl, and a month or two afterward married her. As soon as his crime became known, Sissom, who a Mormon, f was hadjf been promptly excommunicated for adul He '"continued to live tery. two women as 'wives, the Elth. arrested last fall; and a few days after he was indicted by the Igrand Jury; he induced a man named Chris tian Lllya to marry. ngrea, me second wife, Sissom hoping thereby, and by denying his former plural marriage, to escape punishment. Mrs. Lilys, 'and her family, however, refused to accede to such a . dishonorable course, and gave evidence which rendered Sissom's '' conviction inevitable It will, of course, be no surprise when, on the 18th Inst., Sissom comes to receive sentence his promise to obey the" law "as interpreted by the courts," will be quite readily given, and accepted as in faith, and his case held up as good a shining example Saints for plurally married Latter-da- y to follow. He Is In a proper position tomako any ' promise the Court may m : require, ; j i; j t - i i 1 - j PERMANENT COAL 60 JOHN O. ; & ! And BiiUH Heavy Weight Clothlngr. Winter Underwear and Gents I'nrnlslilngs Fine Shoes for Ladies' Wear: As;ent. TO CCTI-KI- l le Bargains in I SHOE HOUSE ! the-celebr- ated J. Gunnell, lie CARPET BOOM t Bed-Canyo- n A. Show Window, and t Fail to See GEO RGE DUfJFORD' cate It. Wasatch-Corner- tar See our DOS Sar-sapari- lla Office, AT IMMENSE REDUCTION! .ILK .TEBDM I We do not sound a needless alarm when we tell you that the taint of scrofula is in your blood. Inherited or acquired, it is there, and Ayer's alone will effectually eradi- way Company. OTTTZDQ-IE- . rriELIN" i . Ptiotograpli& at Fox Symons, I QUALITIES, REMNANTS of CARPETS W COAL! COAL i WE ARE CLEAKING OUT ALL MAKlU REYNOLDS BROS., I55JO., Agents Provo Woolen Mills, I. COX CO., I Oil HOME MAlK GOODS,: WOLF & LOWMAN, THE lirAT KVIOr.XCE 'i Of the merits of a remedy is the on tlie xyiLin, si theru cau lit no doubt that the California Fig wisest rup Company is pursuing the the ,un possible toofmake IcromTii fc'yrupr of Fips for all Ui- - ills arisir.tr from art inactive the Livery Kidneys, Stomach luii howcix, i.i liviug away nainpk' our entfii- icittlef free ol charge crisinz drnmrfsts loratrec sainyie cot- qlo, or you can buy large bottles lor & or one kiollar. If t v cf HIEir at FINE SHOES. GREAT RpDUCTIONI BTS 2N3T T5L j2l Zj 4t Les$ than Manufacturers' 4 4 WIioIeale an itetnii, sxo. KELLEY & MOORE, 35 Hooper mid Eldredge Block. 4 , Prices t t3 Xj OF EVERY DESCIUPTIONlIEAlEIt THAN EVER! jSl WE CARRY TUB 3XT 3NT ES ef-t'o- won-cltica- con-Jition- LiRUEST STOCK of CHILDREN'S SHOES ey HS X3NT of ak Fine Shoes for Gents' Vilest l CaKHIII I Sure mre for iSlicd, Blecclins snd Itniojj Hloa. Oik bo-- has cured th 20 fears' standingY No worst rases-oone fivst-suffer Ive minutes asinu, William's lnjtlian Pile Ointmect Its fjsorl's taicorsL Allays Itching, aot-- VI 4s poultice, trlves Instant relief Pt parte! nly for Piles, ltcbias o the else Sold by private parte, nrftilag or agitata ul ma led s receipt of d by Fraziss 1JK' 0 Mkdh I Drag D6pt Co . Prop's, Ohio. M Cleveland, HTOX- - cocust. THAT Tbroat snci re for Conaha voids, Hoarseness ad Sore Throat, tna all disef.ses cf the throat aud lings Do rot neplect a conga-Hro.-rand han- (t m prove dul.8 of gTiiffiil people owe their t Dr Frazler Throat and Lvm Uilsaia, i.uM no if iraily will ever be; .vir.hout it After oce usinj$ it, its tas.rf-lo- 3 power It Is up In i:ir?e fajrnily bottlpsand sold pot for ttje smali prick of 75 cents per bet iu tor sale tv a. u M l lirus uept. s id SOLD AT LOW PRICES dis-t-oYr.- af! AT or iiiioin: A You 1!) ':-- . ORD'S! GEORGE DAVID JAMBS & CO., ul-i- IMMfaHts - . I.HIMKTA 1 QgfCltlS AKKWt:EK!i Have you 8crof Impuiv Blood 'r lvlu-- 7 j PERMANENT. lays ara dangcroun. now oy umg 1 ! Prices of Photographs Reduced at FOX A SYMONS. All work done by tbe Dry -- Plate Ia- Btautaneous Process. REDUCTION i': , sure-c- f is " " " ZiX0 OUf.- - 3S39T f3 1 .! ' VS ' .!'."iC!M.A IIEPAItlim ! IV ALL THE WALKER BROS. CO, Wo have the Best $3.00 Shoe in the Market, for Ladies' arid Gents' Wear Also, the Best 92.50 Shoe for Ladles' Wear, in Pebble, Goat and Kid. Shoes for Men, that cannot be beat; also, a large"stoejk of BOys' and Children's Heavy Boots and Shoes, and a large stock of Heavy! Boots for Men's Wear. iA.ll of the above will be ;rai By nsuiK Dr. Frarier' Lan liikltfaift lUe otUj " " " " " i 60c uid pri;e, Z ForBals Wean Co., MAILM WINE SHOES L TLItY, HltACJZJSTT JAMES A. BANISTEB, altr WRIGHT & IlICJIABDS, CO., &TACY, AJAM8 CHARLES UMISEIl, - . James .Berry,) Jerome Bougard, advantages we have to offer. i EAGLE EMPORIUM. Jn-Htip4ti- on, "-- Mr. Hi COWARE PRICES er Edward, Sergeat of Police, Samuel, . Mabel, . Roth, 3D Au 3ST O EL Weber, Bock Spring, Pleasant ValAll the Coals sold ley and in the Salt Lake market. Our Weber Grass Creek is from better coal mines and we are mining ' than ever before. No other Weber compare Mr. Robert Gorlinskl brought to this market can All onr coals are nicely Mr. J. T. White with it. Mr. Geo D. Pyper screened and cleaned. Coal Department, Union Pacific RailMr. J. IX Spencer . all HEAVY WTNjTER GOODS, pro- paratory to the Arrival of our Spying Stock, we will offer Special Bargains in all departments, and respectfully ask the attention of the public to tho great 3 KEDIX'TION I'll of Dr. Ilenley's I'opnJor Ketnerty, Celery, Besf Mil Iron, Has the largest sale, and has relieved and cured more persons alllictcd with nervous troubles than any one known ' remedy. For sale by Z. C. M. I. Drug Store, Roberts & Nelden, Moore, Allen & Co., God be, Pitts & Co. and A. C. Smith & Co. ! Having determined on maldng a ' : Pirate King, Mn)or General. Now Is The Time !' .. u i ll blood Purifier tij.it endorse. Ak- 1ur ilrnrrit to A curva .dyes-- sort cnt, offjruisHS, harfl, Beware imitatko.,-- piles,-etc- ,,;- ASD - , GO H N BROS. .ho;-yo- tne .lorauu' Rad commcnte uiinjj at once. YKS! 150,000 boxecf I?ROVvN AUNICA SAWR, sold on a potiitivr. aimmaty auJ pot ou r turned. TEAM, FITTB ; ' ;.,.-:.!- use oply Brown's j.c. a box. Mm Ljown's .'i'ar TrbCbcs lot Sort" Throat, Colds, ete; Use Brown's Ifepsiu Tojslc fox DyaHtad&che, etc Sep?ia, IadItitiou, can can coinia with it. m i' 1 : S 082 M X o;tt m . , - ' ..." v ' - ti3" TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION No. S7. How to Coasnltt Air. Foote, Sr., by ''I Mali. IDr iFoote, Senior, author of 'Plain Home. Talk," "Medical (femniou Sense' etc., etc. would Bay to thosii who would like to consult htm by mail that they cau hav s a list of questions :b.A-Ti.tiT- i:i I: A and a circular of rratul tons' advice by Box 114, Salt Latte Cityl addressing The doctor has ai ranged to have infor& A-- A JUI JLU mation supplied. Im tula way to sav matter" such tlrap. Receiving printed r the corresponden t eao describe hl her case folly and direct It to the tloc-- i tor, la New York. Dr. Toote Is treating all forms of chronic diseases, a specialty to which' he link devoted thirty years lot study aud practice. Evidences of his success can also be had by addressing Box 414, as above, but all letters of cousultatioa and orders for remedies should be addressed to Dr Jl, B. Foote, Sr-- 120 Lexlnjrton Avenue, New York City, f N. Y. Consultation free. - - ' An advertisement of DiulToote, Sr., Manufacturers in another place, deserves, attention. r Pi Tl' n. : In accordance with onr eaubllihed cuBtora wa hava MARKKD DOWH our Kntlr stock, and ar oaerina matt jiimm oi monvn (ooaa aaring '. ':: m I AN AGTTJAIi LOSS I Will UiM TIB tara r&s i ti t it. jt J.1.1.JJ1U i i ill Wa 'I 1 j CLOAK IDEPAlITMENTL iaft about SCO LAdies Oannenta. co&alatlnic of th Various o xaablonablauuaeaaoB, whlca wa ia cjcrlug ' ' 'SEWS. . rW . f ' ' V. . AND'STBAW i - out ft lot ar clearing a Lad left ' VI i. 11 .1 ,j. "m ;! at' 4 . f tLCCANT I --va Grant loss t PATTERN 8UIT3 - I Clolbs, Homepans, and ETcry Variety Winter Trciui tioodi AT COSTIJ ol . i " ' We ar offering taree distinct lines ol Ladles Scarlet Underwuar, t Ouf 1.25 quality, Kdoccd to tl.iwj the following Eaductlotf of Prices 3.00 quality, reduced our" f3.00 quality, reduced to flXO; Our falrcrular 1.1 N ICS. , T1I1CSR UKAN TU CLEAU . WK OUT to t00; tT; Undearwtar. in OBKAT v 0ur untat BABQAINX art offering At ' M . r- - v. r it W4LM1.Q SUKIXTOS. S Mr. E. Sprinjrtr, of 'Mcchanlcsbnr1 ; Parties, deslriiig any of tho above, are! In Pa., wrltt-s- : "I waa aClicted wUh lunjj ,f jver aud. abseeKs oiv lunps, and rev I led. to ircalli aud 'examine our Stock and ' Price duced to (I 'Alking skeleton. Got a free trial botl'e of Ur. Kltig'd New Disuvt ore purchasing elsewhere. covery for oueumptioa, which did me so lunch' rood Umt 1 boutht a dollar bottle. Alter using! three bottle fount! myself once more a man. coma hearty pletely restore! aud a Uiu l nVsh of 4H lbs.'1 appetite, Call at Z. C. M. I. Urn;; Store and Ket a free tnnl ihot'le of thia certain cute for all Lunjr ,DUeaag. , Larjce CORNER EAST and S"ITH TEUPIE STS.. SAIT UKF CUT botuea . - , , .A r ilU i u-w- COST ! 4 s? tohett-ltii.wit- THAH ' Eata neter been offered ao low aa! tha prlcca wa are iiuoUsk.. i 2 LESS Va LI MANlr.T.A A AT COST t r . ! ) ARB SELLING WHICH W UQIES'r iVIflTEB SKIRTS and Jealers in are endorsed by Angostura all the leadingBitters, physicians and chemist.-- , fori their purity and wholesomeness Beware of counterfeits and aslt' your grocer or drujrgist for the genuine arti cle; ruanufacturejd by Dr. J, O, B. Sic gcrt& bona. , llendaehcai, of palpitationand the heart, neuralyia,! many other disagreeable languor, things, accompany constipation, which soon destroys health aad drives out happiness. Will you suffer when "Syrup of Prunes' will take away all tnese ins ana onnir neaiui ana uappi-nesOnly 75 cents, large bottle, bold , by Z. C. M. I. ptns Stora. and Havelocb, ATI XESS TIXAX MANClUCIUHimS' GflMPAp; j, ABOUT 200 Misses and; Children's Newmarkets i iSRET iSEWS SLAtL WB ALSO auc-cehstu- lly Btylw rDESERET NEWS COMPANY, ; Our Button Cmbroldorad Baok Kid Glove at fl.OO, and thai Chaapait Kid Olovoa now - COo. OVIiOVZI, ar old In this our country. will We S x opi j . . 800 FIECES WniTK IIAMnUTtQ KMBROIDKIIIRS, wMdk Will b dlapOMd of t AatonULtngly Ixvr I'rloM I |