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Show with a banquet given ( by dlatlngu- eined citizens. Irving In a brief speech returned thants for the hon on nis depar or, and bade good-by- e Sept. , 183. Saturday, ture for America. A Hong iBLong correspondent write : "The French represent the Hue treaty as setting the Tonqnln question! the representation is not a true one. The dime any ia to ueai with China, not Anam. China alone can open Song Koe. Ehe Is Willing to meke it an miernauonai water-wa- y if European powers and . auntf Diaaater Depravity America desire her to do so. This of the Ebidoepobt. Conn., 7. Ambler istbeocly possible solution ' an J proved lan question at issue. was arrested alibi. He was at home lu New MilThe district of Haiphong is still ford Saturday and . Hunday. ' Detoo- - flooded, and all operations are sus t tlvea aay be was not toe man teen rnnnl . '.Ton- with his divorced wle Handay In view of recent events-iA lady returning from qnin the German envoy to Pekin, night. church Banday night, taw a man now on a runougn, nas oeen oruer-e- d to return to bis post, answering the ' deecrlptlon of the ;?,. la reported that the French dS stranger Been with the woman It standing near the main road over troyed Ijoango because th King rewhich iioae (Jlatk passed, apparent fused to surrender a Portugese flag ly awaiting for some time; and as given him by the Portugese .comhe passed her she tried to locate his mandant at that point, Identity. Hhe did not know him, general Items. j, and thought nothing about It until 7. In the course of the ex was la Who Paris, the stranger recentlyVJelwmot at Lajuy, a mystery. l erciaes Trea read a letter from; Gen. .Thioaudin, Indianapolis, 7. surer Jno. u. JLewiggm. r Mont Minister of War praising the firmwhose gomery County, Indiana, is reported ness of views cf Li&fayette, belie I his never' snort lu his accounts $39,000. Specu- conduct ha. Said 'f j lations m grain ; are said to be the principles. j ... . "M, aaaa.aa The uount 01 Jt'aris mrormed nis tireenahore, AJa., 7. Frank Bhel- - friends that he did ; not attend the ton (colored) is hanged lor wile murd- Chaoibora'd funeral, I because secJ , ,i y .V' King of France cannot take a v er.-.' ; Chicago, 7. Early this morning ond place. Unless he repudiates the opium Joint 01 Hef Wan., on this expression the count ; of Paris West Madlaou tHrtet, was pulled by will be ordered to quit France. the police. Two men and two woit Is said Dr. Aermand, French men, all white, were fuund la the civil commander fcrto l'onquin, plan-ne- u the expedition Hue, ordtred place, thoroughly saturated with Uie the forts on druz. lief Wan was nned i0, una tLe bomoardment of concluded! the the Hue Kiver, and the inmates S5 each. Vegas, treaty with Anam on his own Denver, 7, Tribune? Jjaacow Tbe government is uuy a N. M.: This afternoon two anuoyedj The Marquis of emploved by the United titatea Cat tle Company on lied Kiver, a ehorl fsenic presented France soma days ulstaDCe east of this place, became ago. at thd .reu jeitt of Cnancellor Involved in a dispute over a cow be- Liaoour, a statement of China's pro longing to a Mexican, which hads posai with reference to Tonquin. in return a state strayed into their herd. 'lhecuw-boy- He now a&ks French counter pro commenced fixing at the Mexi ment! of the The interview between can, who returned the nre with a poaaU. shot-u-n killing both cowboys, the Tseng and Challemel Dacjur was Mexican dying shortly afterwards. very cordial, and was confined .Philadelphia, 7. .Forest fires ate altogether to an exchange of Ideas burning 'furiously In Camuen and intended to leave way for a further Atlantic counties, near Egg Harbor treaty, when stipulations arrive aa a basii whereon to establishja mutual City and JUlwood. lie ton, 7. Forest fixes are raging aereement. The Union, Legitimist, publishes on the shores, near dandy Pond, ly the Count, of ing between the town of Ayr, Uxc- - a note recognising house of Boor ton and Ltitueton. The names are Paris as chief of the v bon into hi Fiance, Julttieton; extending rapidly loo men are nVhtinir, rue, Vienna, 7. A general rising in .New OrieavaiF, 7. l'lie lighthouse Croatia is expected. at Jfaas Adarion, JVl.iBwlsHlppi Bouud, The Austrian court go Into ten ourned last night; the inmates, two deys! mou.ning for the Count de young men,druted oil on a doorand Chambord. D-- a were rescued. Carlos Spanish pretender; is b LAredo, Texas, 7. The rains the here,' The Fi ench Koyadsts abstain have oaiued aa ua rroaLvlaitina: turn. He inaa writutn past few uayarue in the 4io tirande. a UiUjc to the Lgltimi8:s of epatn; precedenteu At uuon tne rise was eiguiteu lee. declaring tnat as oelonga t j papain Heavy raina nave fallen since, and alone, and will belong to her always. a fuiuitr rise id txecied. hundred workmen a&setn jheep i'ght m a uberu of the city, yester ownet s ap prehend gr ea t losBes by bled drowning. Numerous wa&nouta ate day, and engaged in riotdua demon- repotted, and a number of bridges siratlnH. lUey reiu&td to disperse, are sea .ter gone. whereupon .rup unarmed, ,;, h f iioeiun, 7. The Carima sailed lug the uioO from HaUfax, Monday evening with Madrid, 7.-- -0 wing to jdibclosurea fourteen paaixuigera and a large and of informers, the government valuable cargo ui general mercnan-dlue- . au exhaustive iiat uf dtsaf The passenger aud ciew ar- fected army j and navy officers. rived at Ire pa sy. About 200 aie already ezued.. St. Johns, i.'j?.t 7. The Catima struck yebterday morning in a dense og, a heavy sea running, rasan 11 III KF TliLilClIt AUS. gera and crew had to leap far life, and saved nothing. The snip sank The Corean San Francisco, 7. without giving time to procure pro Embassy left this afternoon for the visions. Captain Jb'axquhar exmb Kast. ' :j 1 ted great skul and coolueds. The wool a I market 7. the of crew safety the passengers and; th demand continues good; prices are due to him. The last French . banker arriving quite steady , Sales for the week, at tit. Pierre roads accounts fur an- - 28.0u0 pounds j Otilo and Pennyi otner batch of Uie French bankinie vauia fleu a, 5(2)3; Michigan so, but nob iiiuuh suugbi fleet. One Dieppe vessel alone lost fleeces 8 twelve men. 'ine brig (Jattriel, also after. a Dieppe vessel, rode out the two JSan Fraaclt'ca, 7. Vh?at chatters tonne cf riunday and Thursday. have five ehillkig In three but had both masui carried aw. das, dropped to tne large tioiount of owing lo-d- ay end her decks swept of everything disengaged lu tounage l'he fate 01 tne ciew is unano wi. etiarteru for Liverpool pert, were taken but they are reported as taxen off ror lofty five shillings; iron charters l'he 8 learner Lfaoatt is Just dia to Cork, fifty :t wo fehiliings and tlx- patched to est. Mary's bay to brinu down to ai. Jotui'a the pasaengetw New York,! 7. The Executive and crew 01 the vrtma. Tne steamship Committee of the New York Cab Baltimore, 7. The cabs will tvm. uramer, 01 the savannah ilut Company met in six Wvtks, and bssimi arrived greatly damaged by hre, be ready discovered Tuesday wniiet utt ih lar to the coupes in use now; tne coast of outh Carolina. The ship fare will be twentv five Scents the and cargo was damaged $10,000. The first mile, and a reduced rate for additional miles; 1150,000 will be pal J hull being iron, saved the snip. stables of JKyeraon A A California dispatch says; The for the seven owners. bark Windermere Irom (Newcastle, Brown, stage jn. a. w., with coal lor Ban f irran ) Providence 6. Providences 6, citfco, ia ashore two miles below Jbtoetons 1. t town; all hands saved. The vtBtei Buffalo. Bo ffaloa 7, Cleveland's 2, la a total loss. Chicago. Chicagos 26, Datroita 6. Fa., 7. Two coal trains The game between the Chicago and on the Xjehlgh Valley road came in Detroit clubs to day iWaa an alto collision; one engine Is damaged, 12 gether phenomenal one. In the cars wrecxed. JNobody nurt. i seventh inning, the Chicagos struck Manchester, 2i.H.t 7. Tne Men- - a rare streak of batting, making 18 derson Woolen Mills, .Merrimac, 00 runs, of which 13 were earned, with oupied by John Holland, blanket a. total of 84 ' hits In the inning, oil manufacturer, are burned. , bixty two pitchers. This Is believed to be operatives are thrown out of em- without parallel In the history ot 1' ployment. professional nase ban. Hartford, Conn, 7. Mrs. Julia San Francisco, 7. The Australian P. Bmith, well known novelist, was killed at her summer residence, steamer C uy of JVew York has arNew Hartford, this morning. Hhe rived with Hydney dates. 'New was driving with her husband; when South Wales,Queenfrland and South Australia have accepted the, invita. the team ran away. to Join the proposed conference tion 7. BostoD. In8a.ance Commla sioner Tar box h& made publloi the oh the anexation of New Guinea, result of hia investigation of the New Zealand has not j replied to the United States branch of the Metro- - irkvitation, ; .Tasmania declined. pole Insurance Company, Paris. m Auckland, jJew, Zealand:. The Tar box says the. annual statemeat Souse passed a bill auollshlng oaths ; by the company In 1882 was lake In in judicial procetdinga, respect to tne amount of outstand6. The officers Falls, Dak., ing risks. The last annual report of Sioux the Constitutional Convention was also found false. The manager In Paris explains that it Is all eler took the oath of Aoffice at this morn ne committee, on session. ing's submitted leal errors. a. report, which la ;Ualiatln,7. The remaining Frank tales exhaustive one. A resolution James indictments for complicity in an was adopted that the Convention do y killing Westfallat the Winston and the murder cf Hheets, at unanimously and moat urgently call Congress the coming winter ualiatin, the bans robbery in I06S, upon lor came up, and . after consideration to often the: moux reservation and reason making just the c&tea wtre continued until the settlement, October term, and the prisoner Waa a We com censiation to the Indians. remanded to await further trial it Chicago, 7.i A number of genuine was announced that be would not Cow-bowith their accompaniment attempt to give bail, but remain In of broad brimmed hata and buckjail until next term. The prisoner skin garments, and with revolvers received the verdict with periect and other warlike paraphernalia composure, aa al-- did his wife, but displayed, appeared on the streets Mrs. Samuels was much atleoted. The chief of police teemed in order to guard against any dis- to think that they might conclude turbance which might follow, j the to take the town, and ordered them single saloon of this place Was to be brought In. ' "They, came with closed. A member cf the jury out trouble, and explained that they stated to a correspondent that the bad Just arrived with a lot of cattle. firet ballot stood 11 for acquittal &nd Fendim? their vibit the police took 1 for conviction, and that one alter charge of theli artillery. hearing the , explanation of the Helena. Mont," 7 -- The Villard otbtra' views, made his vote td acT r party left Livingstone thia moraine quit. Kancas City, tdplo of con and mada the' ascent of the Bell versa tlonln the streets is tbe Frank range of mountains," In perfect eafe- sec tloaa.. vera subdivided; Jamea acqalttal. There are Tasny tyThe ' who say tney expected it, but the and three locomotives attached to tor a disa- each. The distance of five to Ues s majority Eay they looked loop, and the grade; is 215 greement of the Jury. Public senti- almost ment can be quoted as strong in ftet to the mile. At this point the condemnation of the verdict, al Bozeman tunnel being construct though th6ie are tho-- e who argue ed, which will obviate the mcesoi ty from a strict legal standpoint that of tbia difficult and exnenslve lift the jury was Justifiable in acqittlng, Irom the summit' the descent U tbe State's evidence having ' fceen made into Gallatin; Valley, which made up of LAddell's testimony, sup- has rich soil easily cultivated bv ir ported only by circumstantial evi rigatlon. It has a length of over SO dence. The general . feellr g, bow-eve- r, miles and an aveia.ee width of 12 Is one ot disappointment. Ex miles. The height above the sa ia the same aa (Salt .Lake, and pressions of sympathy with tbe pris about its or over products similar satisfaction agricultural oner, acquits!, are confined to a few who are and f"j first 1' j have been James's friends, and can rectlon of the Villard 1 he party i left be taken In no way whatever aa.. an 8 . this mornat o'clock LdvlDgstone Indication of the actual public sentithe rest followed at Intervals of ment heie. There are frequent ex- - ing, half iionr.A The third section verdict i the that rresaiors outrag crossedahthe Bummit at noon. ; ... eous, and an unjust stigma upon the Sioux Falls. Dak.. 5. Bartlett BUte. Charges or jury nxing also uoanl- are bandied abouU . Topp,of Yankton, was mousiy elected president of the Con- tltatlonar Convention. He is democratic right-han- d man la the f T Territory, and anlable lawver and efficient presiding c&cer. All other BrlUals Brtera ornoera cf the convention have been Losdoi?. 7. Irving th actorwmi appointed, and the number cf Lio e&tertalne4 at Qlaisow la it evej; , g'.M tns,t exts to eerva ca th9C3ra EVENING NEWS. WHO IS UKACOUAIMTKO WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OP THIS COUNTRY. WIIJU SEE BY EaAMININQ THIS MAP. THAT: THE BY TELEGKAPH. ; AggBICiMJ A ; ' to-d- ay . f - i : ! U--- n. ii,x-4jount- y RocktoIsland Chicago, tbs Pacific R'y Grest Central Line, affords Belor trSYskrs, by re won or Hi wnrlralod gaojrraphlcal rasltlon, ths sbortsst and best route between the East, Ncrttwast an Southeast, and the If - ?! f Wast, Northwest and 8oulhwest. for the principal line of rod m are aO oonoeottona ia and It ally strictly true, that lu P:t 1 between tba Atlantic and tba PaciOa By hi main Una and branches H rsacbss CbtoagOi Jclfrt Paorla, Ottawa, La Falto, Geneeeo, lioone and Rook Island, In Illinois; Daren pert, Muaoatlnfii Washington, Keokuk, KnoxTille, Osktlocea, Falrflaid, Dee Molnee, West Liberty, ilowa City. Atlantic. Arooa, Audubon. Rsrlaa, Outhrle Centex and Council Bluff, m Iowa? Gsllattn, Trenton, Camefon Hid Kansas City, in Missouri, and Leavenworth and Atchison In Kansas, and the hundiede ot cities. Tillages and towns intermediate. The 99 . -- - if- j - GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, incident to a; As It it familiarly ealled, offsrs to travelers all the advantages and comibrts Fast all Express at connectingTralns,j points, Union smooth track, Mfe brMges, DepoU WELL HKATHD, FINELT TJPHOL-- j compceed Of COMMODIOUS WELL VENTILATED, 8TEHED and FLFQ ANT DAT COACHES; a Hne of the MOST MiCKNIFICENT.HORTON: KECLININO CHAIR CARS tTtv built; PULLMAN'S latest Jesi;ried and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CAH3,and DININO CARb, that are aoituowiecgea dj press ana and In which people to be tbs FINEST BUN UPON ANT ROAD IN THE jCONTRT, -superior meals are served to traveler at tbe low rate of SEVBNTf FSVB.CENT3 EACH. THHEB TRAINS eaoh way between CHICAGO and the MIASOCttI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way jetwen CHICAOO and MINNBAPOfJ? and SI PAUL via ,: i xf ' Fayette, ana i?I I 'i- R. R. CABLE, Ueu'l wiee.PrMH.asKl i I : -- ? E. ST. JOHN, ea'l Tirkes A ' rMr Ipsl. . t )i J3anar. OHIO-GrO- iND DENYER ITlll CEITRAL ; ! e AO . ; 1 uiuns, cu raui wountju Passengers carried Ion' Fast, Fxpress S'ralus. ' For mora detailed Through Information see Maps and Fbldera, which ma j be obtained, a well as Ticket, at all principal Tioket Offices In the United Plates and Fmal, or of - ex-treme- iy . LEASenecaROUTE ALBERT and. KknVakee, between Newport via a new Mne will be.opened, January 1, 1882, News. Richmond. Cincinnati Indianapolis and La Minneapolis and Ictermed'ate points. - :.:-- , ' tbe famous j. . i IR. A. -- TB1I5-SDKTIIEIT- RIO GRANDE fD W-A- -- l sr. BOOT! 1L ! - 1 . b B' N X tX , , . NOW OPEN FOB ji pKT 23 BETWEEN ' XT aS III! " ; BI , ' . I Pioneer TAnc of Utah .' lbs 3 Blbtbla NUadard Old selld BomS Lid. Int n Ogden, Salt ; MINING DISTRICTS, r" SAN JUAN CUu And all points on the entire system in aisrwasji Nct Dlah, Colorado hmd Ijke, Profo, Xepbl, Juab, Milford and Frisco. ON AND AFTER Meiicol . AND AFTEB ON 1 SUNDAY JULY la, 1683. Tbe Atlantlo Ribrws ' Train, composed of run man. raisce sleepers and elegant first olass ooaohes, will leave Ugdeo dally at &42 a. m, (on arrival of train from San Francisco) and Salt Lake City at 10: JO a. m., making di iwx ooDnoouon ul ruooio aoa .uenver ror vansas uitv, hu lynus, caioaejo, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, New Tor k.Boston, and all East-tr- n. Northern and Southern points. The Paolflo Ripreos , Train from Denver, Pueblo and Eastern pwrnta will arrive in Salt Lake City daily at 5:43 a. m. and 7:27 a. m. making direct oonneetion with tbe Cen tral Paolflo Trains for tbe Paotflo Coast. , Local Trains leave Springvllle at 6:57 a. m., Lake Cily 8: 4) a. m., arriving In Ogden aw m-- ; re ur-winning, wave gaon st7 p. m., Salt Lake City 42 p. m., arriving at Springs i vilteat&47p.m. i Leave Salt Lako City for all points oo Blngi vraacnas at iaxi a. m., arrire um maa 8:23 p. m. ., ?a ,j For SooOeld and Coal Vine, leave Bait Lake 10:20 a. 5:48 m. m. arrive City p. An Aooommodatian Train will leave Please ant Valley Junction at 7:47 a.m., Thistle 10:67 am., gprlntrvilie 12:4,1 p.m., Provo 1:32 arriving at Salt Lake City at &02 p m. This traia wui run oai 17 exoept Sundays. j IW Pawngeri will; aof be carried on Foot express train leavSilt Lake foe Os;-ddally aa foUowa : Paotflo express at 5;40 a.tn. Atlantic express at 7:15 a.m., Park City Ex press, 4X0 p.m. Special express at 6:25 p. m Arrive In at 7:00 am.; 8:40 a.m.; &30 p.m. and 7:55 p.m. Express trains leave Os;ien at 5:30 a. m. 8:50 a.m.; 1CK30 a.m. an! &10 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lake 7:10 a.m ; 10:20 a.m.; 1240 noon and 7:40 p.m. Erpresa train leavi Salt Lake dally at W) im. for Juab and intermediate atatkna. TU rough express leaves Salt Lako at 8:05 p. m., oonneotlns; with Salt XaVo Western Rail way lor Tlatic, and connects with San Peta Valley Railway f x San Pote and Stage Lines at Milford and Kr'co for Southern Utah, rreigoi inuns.' : D. C DODQB, 1 V. C. NIM3, Nevada and Arizona. Oen'l Manager. Qen'l Pass. Agent. A Freight train leaves Salt Lake dally at HENRY WOODj E. A. MUDQETT, g 8:45 a. tn. (Sundays eroopted), pasUen'ISup't. Gen'l Ag'tPass-Dep'tsengers to Smelters at Cottonwood. Rail Uaike City. train from Provo and Intermediate Express " points, Arrives at Salt Lake &00 p.m. TXX3U Through express from FrUoo and Milford. Arrives at Salt Lake 9:13 a m. AND en Og-le- Og-de- n j ., aEORTEST1 Gen. F. & P. Agt. ' I JOHN SHARP, Route to the East Genl. Supt. IS VIA THE The Old Reliable to the Front ON AND AFIEB Monday, August 20tli, 'S3, TOPEICA &SANTA FE ., AND UNTIL FUBTHEa NOTICE, The Utal & Hevaia Railway WILL RUN . Co to Great Salt JLaJce, Leaving Salt LakeClty on WeckJDays at:10 ajn. and p.tu. tli Arrive ' . Uave Salt Lake City at QU0 a.m., & 4:15 pun, . RrrCENiso Arrive at 2.30 and 7:40 p. m. ' , IKE for the Round Trip Only FIFTT CENTS. IF w. Caiuiren under W. HIT EE, SupU 10 : Genl Frt & Pass. Agt il .: -- TREL RAILS, BEST BAILKOAD B ATI NO house3 In xaa countby. : ; SPEED! r -- COMFOBT! Quickest Time to the Missouri tJ(ver."&i j U j ri Tkrkrri My AKUUmr.: Maasfaetared by l,, Jk yj.!.CASET.M.C0.RAClNE,V;r "irnn't riinnge It." Perfect Ir GP.nl f., FLAX, T1K0THY, CLOVER, AND FL JOHN L. Geiv 7raT. LO-v- T- o- ; k r-- . u;, i c.mj,, " . Kn-- i. r a-a- w. F. WHl'fi :, . '1 lokat ig'i Tonck. K4 f; 8, 10, 12 and 16 Xiorse ) KENNEDY'S 6) n cT?.fc--- i T-n- 12) mwoimdip :!3TnA7-Euni:ij:!i(s.s:i;- . i ..And i6, 12, 18, 20.25 the most Practical Engine in the World Straw-Burnin- i . i.t-:- y L I I Wod-- J rniTs.r Denble Piniaa IIerePewrer ftevermble Hall Wkffl. either wtj, Isw r nick Hpeed. The aua.de. ttiiH I 1 jj-iT g Fewer, r 'w PORTABLE Oars Itxclaauvely. wo, uny oar jraimmii iimwti xi . nsr.tDY m V- Eli Rheumatism, ' Constipation, Biliousness, j 1 f - j ; i t j Dyspepsia, Sedentary Diseases, jLuns Disease, Complaint Impure Blaod. t :. av GAVr.lILL f tF?OPR!ETORa AHO OU MANWAOTUReRS, 't "to tbe timber. . SAVB HAtXTNO Lo? te HilL 6000 TO lOrOOO VMXT PER DAY. JO:.1AHA HEP. I fcLt. MACHINSnYCVARRANTEDf BY DRUGGETS, CROCEIR3 fOLD ' VriteCsr, Catalog, Costs Ntthlof r-! i : - 1 ( ? SOFA. 5 Ft; O L JOSEPH BAUER, T " a im BIOKT.HATfD rUTJXtiE. ' irffl s :,A 1 V 1. ii"1- O I t. 9 la. THE TAYLOR SOFA . ' BED ANJ . LOTJlsr lretty 3-- a very and Vlvst CIa Easy Chair Illcrlit or ft Handed I,o II II fO- - nil lkAl. IloatJs arc ntljustnble. Y J': I1 Carriage, Wagon H. DINWdonFY'o laoo to Plrs Soutli stroot, iQ-tt-a- . , j Wound It Up. "What's mesmerism?" asked Poota' little boy the other day. ' " Mesmerism j son, is the well let's sea, how caa make you understand It? It la the whete a your dictionary? But no, never mind. I'll explain it in an other way," and then Foots, who thiuks he has a remarkable power ful mind, undertook to exirt a mes meric influence on his sou. Fixing his eyes on his ton in a way that made the boy shudder, he said as be pohv-ectthe clock: -- See tnat pret ty bird! Hear it sing! i Dei'a catch it and put It lu tne cage," and he got up and dragged the unwilling boy alter mm. netty duqj pretty bird," he said, aa be patted the clock. Then the boy broke away with an awful yell, knocking the clock down In his terror, and yelling Ma! ma Pa'B got the jima again And that wound up Poots' experiments In ajeemerlm. Cinolnnati Saturday That " - . CJERRY -- 4 iMPOKTcaa OALT LAKE CITY. ' O 1 S1 and as slarkal at,, raiuai,L. t I. I: TIlBlacismitl DEALER' ' ' , j Pleasant Talley, AEthracitB ai3 ColoraiD COALS! 1 JPleasqnt Valley and Colorado poke and Churcoal JgriWOOD, FEXCE POSTS and PIG IltO.V. fet -- o-h j -- t&i j ORDERB SOLICITKD AND PROMPTLY FILLED. Yard, Opposite D. & R.: Qj Passenger Depot; Office, SAYINQi man tf want borrow money on th plea that t'ilt he's extremely poor. . A coquette is a woman 'thout any heart thet makes a fool o' a man that ain't cot any head. ' Teach In' that there's a way t' 'scape th'cons'quencero'sin is Jest w TO 1AIOTER GOOW. VARNISH, tLOWms rjPRCIAL TTRNTIOS INVITED Wall Brusbas, Ma Hausa FurnWhlor tlowis Psscta, tZ O Paint, Sash, Kalanrnlna and Brlstki Duhlars, Bboo, Plata, Horiihs, ato. To list Goods Hair, Cloth, Mt, Tnwh, Kni ZZ Kit oh, and all kluds uf Hruhii'iC ArtM OO14U Hair, Badsvr, . . . . M.Carnal,. Uzmmmand Sabla 1 n khABear, n . - .An. rmt l . GRKENINa's poor pol cy fer a E. CLINTON &CO. ; I ' V Soutli of Tuatre, . ''.I t3- - TEUEPHOSE CONNECTION WITH YARD A1B ! 0IPKX : aa bad as elvin' free license t' do kI eviL . .h j lu mrryin' allers choose a small woman in prei'enoe t'; a big one. 'cause of two evils you're sure tf get . V-- tn; ... ... . Borne women's fond 0' publUhin tneir ntisDsnas' iauitJ, forgettin' that they're a teilin' their ova time. j th' lime 1 claim it s sneer nonaenne fer a man t' teach his servants. tV lie fer blm, an' (hen blame 'em wheu they ! "' .. mmmm mm it. I AJTD I t .i OhilyBal! That's a common cxpressiort and has of sufHow much i meaning, is summed it. in fering iup SSaIngSc,. - . -- ( J -- MILLS. :o?- cnnnio mhiiiitiiii iiirnyc j vi n,i im IIHUWIIV III IIIWWII wiawwi.S lrniiiii IIIHU cieti Done 11111 hi" 1.1. u-- 1 1 1 1 1 1 WI 1 111 11 1 I LI FISHlBTlOS. & ABBOTTJ ojpjeh and top. ose 7, D AND BUG GIBS. I The singular thing about is, that pain in the back j is occasioned by so many things. Maybe caused by ' kidncyt disease,': liver com plaint, consumption, cold, , , it rheumatism,dyspepsia,over- work,' nervous debility, &c; I; f -- J. ' I 'I Pickets,! ? Hardware, Rustic GnuOk j I , t. T7el;iita, Glaatj, U.J I. Case Steel-Bea- Steel and HouIdLfncs, tPrtuatm, . - . Avery Combined Gang and Sulky Plows. Doora, - ' ' . . Celling ' Flooring, " f ; HF1T. 1 Lumber, a--o- rld ' 1. t? 1ST !ILF-KLI- .I: . ILLS, MGII1I TWO-SEATB- Planing: Mill, ' GIDER Center Draft m Wood-Bea- Sulky Plowi, Walking Plows. m ,. ENGINES and SAWMILLS -- r J- - KELLY 2 I. AND ... .... ' CASE T. 4 Jy ir- . j GO'S POINT STEEL BURB FENCE WIRE. ; j is - . ? - WHITMAN PERPETUAIi HAY PRESS - i Wire and Tle. j and Hard; Wood Ltumbcr. Timber Wagon Tcnta and Wagon Covers. ;. Bay Team and Buggy Harness.'-5Uy Mollne and Fish Brcs. Road Carta Vsg- tVcf- fWe& - ; B:Ue!ug , ! . , i Whatever the cause, don't neglect it Something "wrong and needs prompt ' , attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that ' will so quickly and purely cure i such diseases i as '7 - , is" ; Lass ratlaias. TarMr a cs . JOHN W. LOWELL WAGON HALT LAKH - . 1 "Brown's Iron Bittcrs, and.-it does this by commencing"-at the foundation and mak- - T'j CITf aud OQDEN, CTAHL fit ! tW COMFY. t OorrM pood oos fact km aruarantseO. solicits si ' " , i EXGELSiDR MANUFACTURING ing the blood pure and rich. ; . CO. Wm. P. Marshall, of Logans-por- t, Indiana, writes : My wife j ha-- for many years been trou-.bled from pain in her back and general debility Jncident-l- . to her sex."' She has taken one -' hottle of Brown's Iron Bitters,"1 can truthfully say- - that I and she has been so much benefited! ' " that she pronounces . it tlie'J"" . i .i j " i- : i cines she has tried.'. t The WMtlTitm GfthmillM mftX Leading physicians and R frosTy. oris frvm m ttettamffment of tks recorri-'"use and -' clergymen mffemtina botK tfi itn. 1 . r to effect at SOrls. mend Brown sj Iron Brf- -; it i. SMeessary to remove the easisa. Xrrogt ' ters. ' It'has cured others: ur una Diuffgrttn aetum Of the Bovoete, at that you are. and it f Heala!H.&tiltMM sufleringas vimTI m t Hack rtt Loin, etc., inUeaus tAa nira irnti flats WIMV JWUs ft XA-vCT- -- - rtr I a. oUreemeHrtaneetooiuMolethUorommto ' VrlCblT Ash TTIttr 'J 11 ., rr 1 poumM for thiepurroee. They are mtild In, iMr meUonxzntt effeeHom e m TIH PUTE. SHEET IBID, STIOFEO taeteemO. taken, VZ?,' o emtutrem mnd adults. M T owcor&im. tn 012-1- 8 oafm mn4pUma n t jr. - ZZain St., nrrDTSteTMla ORE 4 TIUffEBS'TIFlS. Ta-ItO- tlpation.- - MgauM to-d- ay riMtckbS X A ll C C Pur. Bloote Kmae-y- St. Louis. 'ZTo. T s For 4 . aatf aka aa r. 3...U ?.rr I 1msu TZlcm. t Sole Agents in Salt Lake City, 4 s f r . - ; . ' In, ; iii i' ' ; . ua. Jo u pi on. WALL PAPER. i CARRIACEG, SPRING , . v KMney aid .: , . 7.-T- i j " . CARPETS ALL KINDS OK M2BE C0TTI9& UOSIIEaEITlLeORL . 1; ' : j Furniture wi ; s tuh uohldi row 1 ri 1 1 to-da- y, j - and SOHorso SKID ENGINES! Ws c.alia ' ' a. . Sub-Committ- ee 7.-T- he MINERAt- - WATERJ &) 8, wrm ti aaasask . . ...SK ORTABLEC xi v. .. ' T-.- f I BR US HE S o ; 1 Qr , ' LUXUHH txir I i,V f. JO HH PETER 3 ON. i Blips. to-da- y. Waat Fermer. Booth Temple Street, three qnar-ter- -s wea mt Temple Bllof f ys tNSURINQ SAFETTI a a MITI1T A A 1 hitT" WW mi mim kob-ber- Put Iman Sleeping Carat f . Klcgnnt' Day Coaches, tars of age half tut. 8. F. FENTON, Is Splsndldly Equipped with ; li i it 9 - ... 'I" .mm . Carpenters & Builders, ,.,'' ; Denver, & iRio Grande Ey. ' iU . GlioTTafe EDlfAIlD, A telegram from Chihuahua sayc: trA. f. IX Bos. STB.Msjor Ojaate, commander cf the I.'i. Mexican troops at Casa Grande, has Information that the W. P.. 'A OU . W J. PATTOH, j. B. WOLFS. received Geronimo Chatto and Apache chiefs . . r to rV 0L?E, MTOH & CO., Lim., were in mat vicinity, anxious treat for peace. Two hundred bucks 8UCCE330U3 TO t .'' were, within a few miles of head quarters. At an interview the in- - STJSWART CO., uiaus demanded that the, SOMexican In ot Dealers and l!finuf3cturs : them ' square government give leagued of land, fumiaa sceu and the nrst year; that plant the ground the treopa should withdraw from . the vicinity. Dispatches were forPF AJjL KINDS. warded to the Mexican government 139 Xlbei-t- y Street, . asking instructions. ;,p I'ttctofy, RETAIL STORE, 1U WOOD ST , Omaha, 7. This evening there . . , riTTSBUJiau. arrived m Omaha , a committee of ConFor safe Dakota at Plttt Ac On., Godbe, the Z.C.ILL, by appointed six, r. Culmsr Co., Bsxuos A IMriSi Moorw, stitutional Convention, now in ses- - Q. Allan It. A If, A P. Tsasdel, Geo. M. sion at Sioux Fails, to meet by ap- doott Co., Co,OowC'unninf ACon & Co Clark, Mddla. Bai pointment the U. 8. Senate com- Vldrada mittee on the Sioux Reservation, consisting of Senators Logan, Cameron and Daws, who are expected heie at midnight by special train. New X or k, 7. Several witneeses were examined by the Senate pn Labor and .Education but nothing of Importance' Ltt Manavr tf Dtttrtt Carriagt so far la elicited. "K i.v.jj Wagon Ca)J Cincinnati, 7. The parade of the iMAKOTAOTURBR 0 Order ot Clncinnatus last night brought out apparently the entire populace of the city. It did not beA gin to move till after 9 o'clock. WAGONS, quarter before 10 the head of the proBta Xttx, cession reached the post office. Three patrol wagons preceded the first car side by side, to clear the streets. "i ALL XINDS p T. The crush was terrible in many e noats rwenty-nvaces, Uluatrat p ancient .Roman history were ex-jg hi Pi tec: while they aroused but lit tie demonstrative enthusiasm, they BLACKSMITHING WORK were apparently satisfactory. There Dons; la a at&faotorr nannar. was a lack of lights for the last five or eix floats that detracted from u. their appearance. CAHE1A9E "FillTliriirTBIMMlIa Saltillo, Mex., 6. The first train i A 8PBCIAI.TT. on the Mexican National Hallway arrived last evening. The whole JOSEPH WALKER, town was out to witness the great event. r of Block Stita Rotd, Tureo-fourt- hs - WITH. THE i y. - ThislVew Line at 3:30 and 710 p.m. ON 8 UND AYS, I a Union Depot at ItjbEiBlLdO . 2 Bathing Trains Daily BgfUKfllJIU Which connects In require. i tc-da- - to-d- ay 1 ATCHISOTJ, '- 1 . ; FRANCIS COPE, SHARP, Asst. Gen. SopC i ; S JAKJES : ! . cai-rjlQ- : :;- I DENTEn lJBUIXJLO, w pos-(sesse- s Red Mountain, CJannison BTeillpfnBt. BtraafNO LEADViLLE, - mittaea has been designated - by the committee on rules and order of business, and are to be appointed aa soon as expedient by the " president of the convention. j. Toledo.7. The Produce Exchange adopted a report of its committee, recommending the pa&aage for by Congress of a law providingtela-. the construction of government on basis of the lines tbe pro graph posed bin or senator judmunas. tm report opposes the pu.'chase by the government of existing lines, or any that may hereafter be built by pri vate companies, and favors the es tablishing or an independent sy stem, to be extended as fast as the busi ness interests of the country may |