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Show - EVENING NEWS. AT MVI ntlfTO MO DESERET FVttiSNCO- - BY THE ; HEWS COMPANY. CHHLE5 W, Saturday. O' 01.0 OK. EDITOB. PEJTROSE, Sept, 8, 13. EYERY "nOSEOH" PRINCI PLE E3 BESTIAL. Via pubUdh in oar supplement today, some further correspondence tetween Joseph Smith, of Lamonl, Iowa, and Brother Lyman O.Little fcs'J, of Iogan, Cache County. It on. th ume subject that has engaged the attention of the disputants for some time, and is getting rather monotonous. Btlll, aa Mr, (Smith persists In resisting the over- wielding proofs aJvaneed to show that his father taught and practised polygamy, and la advancing side Uaae while ignoring the chief argu taenia of his adversary, it la perhaps xujcafi&iry to publish his letters lest Jit should claim that he ha not re ewlved justice) and it la equally necessary ito publish a reply to his remarks, lect some uninformed per sons might be deceived, by bis sophisms. society ovfcr J which Mr. Bra! th was called by its members to preside, was not given; to the Church till July 8 th, 1333, and In Its fulness it only applied io a fixed place. Thus: A1 those who gather unto the land of Zion shall be tithed of their sur plufl propttles and shall observe this law of they shall not be found worthy, toi abide among: you?" In the revelation given NovmUif to certa&jElders to go out and preach th gcspel, said ; " He that believeth 'and Is baptized shall be saved." But subsequent revelations added to tbi, facd there were requirements) ma'le.which; afUr they were giverii became as essentia as the first requirements, and Involved the salvation 6r condemnation of those to whom they were declared. The buil llng of a Temple to the Moat High Godfar special cljects pertaining: toi th salvation of the llviog and the dead, was not revealed In the beginning, and when It was revealed, applied oiil.to one p!ace. It was not: to bo practised abroad. When tbe Balnts fettled in Nauvoo they were commanded to build a Temple there. I According to Mr. Smith's loglcithlji was an "outrage." The Saints In Scotland could not build a Temple Jn that land, neither nould thefUlnta in Boston build one there. Iii'i the commandment to build that house In that particular place, it is declared that baptism for the dead can only be performed ac ceptably ih the ijord's hpase or Templs built for that purpose; also that the asbingft andV anointings and solemn; assemblies, etc. belong to the Templei It Is farther de 1 clared: W List this! house.. be built unto my ll . the loin the mob. A battalion of troops has been dispatched to Seagornen, Isratl, the glory where gathering trouble la also expected. of Zion and her municipals, ske and the consummation of the grand ver a0,eeO tives Peatreyeel by work of the dispensation of the ful a. The official re ness of times. a, disaster is not yet recent of the The great objection of which we port published. The number of natives-, have to find with Mr. Smith and killed at Eantam,Batavia and is estimated at 300,000; nuoi most of the advocates of the society loss unknown. ber of Europeans he represents, U a conlentioas.quib-biin- g tv, m.h.i mnA Ttati) nreelttent at spirit, manifested in sharp, Telokbelong were saved. Terrible tricky methods of wresting and distress prevails. twisting the words of an opponent and a desire to appear "smat" in j Z3 xi. sar taking avj vantage of such perver sions. It is more in the nature of Holm. At South' Ootloawood, ffspttmtwr tke wile of Chads Holm, a rpeolal pleading in a' polioe court Srd, USS.toMother aad child eoiac wen. oaushtsc case In of than reasoning the truth. It is out of place in a religious L08T1 Journal, and both the matter and manner of Mr. Smith' attempts at M lrfl WARD. A SMALL BAY MARK hind whUe, and Un atctpa la (so. argument, show that he is S old past. IM noder will tm ivwarded J with the system of which Ofria flellverma- to hdtt moo too. sua diook k neaooi whm. his martyred father laid the founda- uatin aaa wmi or iko s s W Its direcunder the and tions, which, tion of Almighty Qjd, Brlgham HA BTID. HOU3EMAID3. NDB8E3, AND Young, John Taylor and cttieis of riOOKS. 0vral stria toe racal houMwork, at j Vimh KfMr; LitXiot, 1IS8 hi father's close associates have Urn iret Soatb Mil of uoounTiiai tlotu ws(es been developing and exl ending, Btreat, IMrmODtk. Hba HOKWAH. torn that it may fully accomplish the laatolBoe box 661. j objects for which It was divinely perfection the of of Balnti, o 1 e unao-qnalnt- - o ONE MGHT ONLY. Henry V arfl Beeclier KOW MAKING HIS j FAREWELL TQUB WILL DKUYXB BI3 i POPULAR LECTURE OJ - A SI; The Moral Use of Blohes Luxury and Beauty TEE1T8E I1TK. pifEES-flS- .A--- em O ! "aawa ww - was Wtw AiOQdAjT. fcptttnbtr lOtht tt 20 OT IomrsH opn at Ta SJAI a.s isl .la vueaiprv iV Offlot open Doon 4Vm M eVtai Mtrnmim BW . i designed. BY TELEGRAPH. : The Iron Manufacturing Compare of Utah. THE PURPOSE Or PROMOTISa C the Kaoutaotore of Iron, this Oompaoy bas been toooroorated aeeoidlD( to law, aad has purchased the plant of the late Great western Iron Company a Iron City, Iron with the County, V. T.. toeetoer rteh troo elaloos. Tor aTn of wWoh Cultjd Tbe obtained. been have gtatea interne in some of Company atao ownInan which Iron Oouotr, tbe bwt ooaltflalois OoTernment title baa also brn ohiatned, the prod dot of which is of czoellent Qoaaty for the maoufaeture of troo and steel. The lnteation Is flm to erect fumaoes te tba mtuufaotuM of o'.r Iron, w heo suooms Is attained in that, toaradaaUy extend to t braocoe. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. otbar Tbe time baa oome when the manufacture of iron and steel oan bs made r rentable, and their manufacture will prepare the way tor BSTATB 0? JAMES BBKWER, other mdostrits. AH who have the welfareDECEA8KIX of oar Territory at heart are invited to saborfba tar Mack. The books are DOW opan. 000. Bbares one dollar BY THB GIVEN HEREBY CmOB IS Capital stook, andersla-DSd- . AdmlDtstxatoror IM sstaie eaeb, eertlfloatee of which oan be bad by pay-ot Jaoias Brwr, deoeased. to the eredltors ins; in mil so cne eeereisry. onn uvuiki of. and all oemxm aartur eialms asalDst the Uld consutuuoa buimudb;, sbk cannon, vuy. said deceancd, to exhibit them with the ueoea. Gitag. President. dtf aner montns Ktur vouoneca, id wiuun sary Qnt pubUoaUoa ot this Dotloe, to tbs said Ad- mlDtotfator at tbs office of a W. oarke Co. BO Madn Street, Bait Lake City In tbs.Couoty VAJB iHECIOAn. ; : - jA.S,T. CR BLACK S oc Moaw4w TUB Also on hand - I ! lu any quantity J; V."NELL, IDAHO 1 t9Tae only Stove made wl h Wire Game inside the Re- - on tbe principle of the Humphry Davy Bafety L.mr Az.V' used In mines. ST It will Hake, Broil a ' :' BY TheAfas&WesM,8H'fi-&- . j wy P. W. M adaen A Co., Aei t w w i ' VOlfUMM mf j'1 'V.:''::Ty!'s.'''i'';' i 1: While other Baking Pouv- G.-aade- "Mor-rnonfoc- th COXXMXB UXOR, 1 i if Lf ? t t 4 1:1 i i i natural! history ns ; POLITIOAL ! . Z'-on- ..'..: to-da- t W ' uvaui r I INSTITUTIONS. i OUR NORTHERN MEICMRODSl of Life. Customs aad Country of tbe """ri- and Desixetu of the w.w. mm. nciuu, uj ti. norm. n '.; ( j j ,: AND SERMONS WRITINGS; Off: THB DDnoustn Select Diseourses upon Interesticg Doctrinal Subjects by President , Including 'VV"' j, j ' iK AORXOTJZtTTXllAlV CBiaCCSTRY. ' DeCripti0a of thdr Treatmeat, by ire . . F'l LITE ON TIIE ItESEHVATIOlCS. UfDIAW j v7ith or Without; Reservoir an4 i ! IRELAND AND THE IRISH. Historical and Descriptive, by aa observing resident of five years t Jn-acr- POWDER ieeii kepk in nil us originalunchanged purity yntl trrengtn. it not rereiverl the Uiyhest testimonials from fhe most .eminent chemists in the United States, who have an ulyzed it frequently, There are no powder thai bear higher chemical tests,'nor nhow so good results any that by the TEST OF THE OVEM. Jt lis a pure Fruit ' Acid Baking' Powder, Made by : BTTraiYR & PKICE, 111., fi St. j Louis, Mo, Chicago, of Lnpulla 'Yeast Genu, Dr. Pxiee's 8vecial Flavor bag; Kxtraeta, aad Dr. Prloe's Ustiqne Perfusaee, Maavxaotux-er- s J Its Organisation and System, Including Historical Sketches, by LUut. Jt. '7 J 1 .!', ""i For Sals Z. by C.- - Til. lmti J. XV. YouMg. ' A OHRXSTMAS: STORYiiU'lrU' 'I nl -- J2.00 Sttelpfcn: ' BOTTX ra a Year, In Advance, volumes bound - Offlee, i 1,1 J fhn J " CulM l th Tfv!elln . JViee $9.30 each. i 'I EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. jetmrnanfis jkould U made ty fan drafi, mney crdet, V for subscribers at FIFTY CENTS! EACH. rOZVXXS, I, XX, IZZana XT, Xr Sal. at th . . ftl ' note oA registered Utter. ' ' for the Contributor. , ' f iii-r.--rSz- I' 'Jtrk.?--- T 1rnn i slrri; ' IISZU. , '' lT',,ri it' V nr.- J1,,l '" V - - ,,,;,s " ' V w ill-- r l.i iiMi't L I ilZL'rt hetiifi iiihiiTh1- li ii - jnr r?s gtr sskt nis uii..i.iir. W..-.n"rt- lift - ...i-,'f. ti j ... j .. I i I "it - , h , ii - i y . !' ' - THE THREE WITNESSES" i T1 teel engraving, which we have had pre-- j pared by the celebrated farm of Hall & Sons, New York, is among the finest works of tbe engraver's art ever turned out by them; ' . ' " It fs a group in which are arranged Portraits , : of the distinguUhed men, Oliver Cowdery, David and Martin Harris, who" were chosen Whitmer, ; to see the Angel of the Lord, and bear witness to of the Book or Mormon. 1 i?e tranlaton The - Portraits have been the assistance of procured, by President Joseph F. Smith and Elder Jas. H.Hart, f'wi Tat dlfficillty nd expense, from the only original likenesses extant. The plate also contains a beautlfal View ot the Hill Cumorah, from a valia-- ! P Photograph loaned by Honi F. D. Richards, showing: where the plates were deposited. is smbellished with artistic representations of Itthe or THB N0L xiv: 6), and of ' Restoration ANGEL Moroni, showing- (Revi i the plates to the Witnesses, prepared from elegant designs drawn tinder the direction of the Publisher, by Wm. Armil uge, Esq.? The ymbolicaJ unloa of the Sticks c IPK AXD Jwah is also represented ia the engrav- ; ' No care or expense has this a reliable souvenir of the charSctertlnd sSn it represents i the Publisher thath! i was dolne a service tr. the niiKH 1.""7.a, oblivion and probable deTction the UksneX, and i m "I CF. TKE STEEL EKSfUVING, i if mi 86 & 88 EAST TEMPLE ST. ' , r i it I IS u I. .1 . .DESCRIPTIM 6p: & ' 111 TEBBITB2I. wiu contain mieresung articles toy Elders "Nicholson, o. F. Whitney. Jos, A. West. H. Vi Nalsbitt. and Mrs. EmmeUne B John Weils; and others of the wai-- ssavvisv Dcsiacs wrucra, new ones. conmouiions oi many H . I7r.f.-4n;awi.i-- i .w. hm..k --ot "waiawtuvsu waviuin, bOtTciDDuaenci. rocrrv. 1 rVfie a riven it wu" o tones oi wia aetuers, lnaiaa legends, and imoortant iZl instructions and suggestions to the officers and mem- nteliiffeace, inclucling iZfTS0 of Y.iM. and Y L. M. I. Associations, and reoorts of nnml mMtinx ! & II THE ARMY OT THE UNITED STATES. 4 Uaa , - ' BSE an! all in HMaasaMHKBBaaMaaaassauaiasaissBHariwuaBMaHM 1 How to Build Dwellings for Health and Convenience, by one of iUtah's Suecessfu 4 : Young Architects. t''-ii-r- fliLT Cloaet --o- ; ARCHITECT UHE OP OOUMON HOTTSES. i 'IBOOSiXBS T. An Erposition of Present Methods of Dealing with the Red Menj if; j . s j lV m r 1 v i . i rt :;;MV: Read What Bishop Hurt-- . . ier hoi to tay. Aati-Eagya- w -- TII11 Descriptlre !: ar 1 Including General Principles. HUtory. Kind aad Conclusions, by J. M. Tatuut. . ds Anti-Magy- ?!..- snssaamw ,',!'"" MBUT. A Popular Sdence Series, describing the Native Animals ot lour Territory, by pow-wow1- I t : i r t 'I --flaJTXTXJ A Series of Descriptive Sketches, by AfosiU Motet Thatcktr and the Sditvr. - It NIBWlCaT XSaI33 Till .;' w-- mM PEBFECT GQ8KIKG & folhne; mm OF THI YELLOWSTONE. WONDERS 1 , o ; llll-- THE THREES WITNESSES. - I - D1 iera are laraelu adulterated tilh Alwrn and, otlter hurtful aruga, - - i- Whltmer and Martin Herri; and a History ki?11-0- ' 0Ur" Cowd,rzl of by Elder George Reynolds; Illustrated with 4 Maeaificent Sted Eopaving (See description of, the Plate). - 1 cy r ! THE COHTEmIBTI -- mm . k 3. MAIN BX, SALT LAKE CTTY.. deud ate sw .1. 'h-- yJ Mn..pniT -- .... HOST DURABLE THE m wrgem ej in Mutual improvement Associations, j and tk roung ftoplt ought to avail themulvti tfitt fagtt it. which, n doubtiihtinm dm S Tivmwras t jr rj f 7 tutterwnrt'!; ftr AT OR u rvmiT, w BOILING, PRESERVING. THE ! o. dSXOAO SALE f' ' :r 1 Tub Contributor v?mmm save perfectly hh any Coal Store !. V 'i Tho Best Ware littae lor the iiik!iii, dsw ; IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. WOW aervolr, Sir or Hanse. t ; MAN0FAOTCRKD v -- HANDSOME, light WHOLESOME, DURABLE i v HTORK. . 1 Ul J Coarse and Fine SlLT.i Q j :.,.. U l?nr BROILING, BAKING! s' the oar load or smaller quantity. i tain-Pachec- and those who detire their families snrplted with Mar-gettDelicious Ale and Porter, can do ao on short notice. Oar stock e good and free from adulteration or impurities, and has no equal In Utah for toning up the system and giving a good appetite and is highly recommended bj the Medical fra i... j ternlty. Orders by Telephone will re oelve prompt attention. EsUte of R. B.IMAROETTS. CORN, OATS & BARLEY, ' ;.; UJft.aiiIli IROIWAEE. WE Btand I by ! ARB STIIit, AT THE OLD A sboice lot of . . CO - ; UTAH BREWERY by tbe doeea or box. i : ' Grease I -- ti - i- ...- a fall supply if California Dried Grapes, io xx xa a. x9 x I - - ZBTTTfUrtilE&I Miieep A.dams & Westlake WIRE GAUZE LU ;"V- y-,:- K - 'J Cbotoe Iowa Dairy Creamery 1883. JABEZ W. TAYLOR, j Administrator of the Estate of Jams s Brewer, ' deoeased. .'; . & W. DARKE Attorney. ; f ( . f.:.-:(- : BUTTER! BUTTER! la. .... Dated at Salt Lake Ctty, Anrost Uth, eait m , r uit ,1 j , - N e Mor-ruonls- 3X ' (inis ; con-alstan- llth. Tuesday Eve,, Sept, Lam-pong- The Herald of which Mr. Smith LATSSTBT UtHTHI. is editor, has contained several arti Bepev't lh Vtasi CeaanolMloa cles referrins to the Dkskret News 7. The following Washinqtow, to which we hare not had space has been received communication uotloe, and they art written in each from the Utah Commission: M quibbling, puerile manner that to Lake City, i ' Salt some of theai at least it would be August 24, 1883. waste of valuable time to refer. In name that t may reveal mine ordin- To M. Ji. Teller, Secretary.. the Iiamoni Jlerald of Sept. 1st, ances therein unto my people. 'r For Sir: I have; the honor to Inform yon to re unto I vtal my Church however, is an editorial to which we deign, our that been hid which report on the. registration have althings kept will devote a little attention, vote in the last election for mem of from the ihe foundation world, of the Legislative Assembly, though it is almost as childish as that pertain to the dispensa bers soma of its predecessors. The editor thiaga and other offices, held on the 6th tion of the julnoss 01 times," etc. of the present month In this quotes a portion of an article from Now, if the Iiord revealed f these day and the full proceedings the Deseset News, showing that things as h9 idcclaied, would they Tertltory, of this Commission in connection the. system of plurality of wives not become ah essential part of the therewith will, from necessity, be thoagb not always a part of the system? This revelation was given delayed for a time. However, we creed of ,,Mor monism, and only per Jan. 10, think it will be proper to have It 1311, and nothing was known,in advance of our regular re salt ted in Utah, la now an essential known of these things at the organ port, that the law, known as the part of the theory, and that our faith izauonof the Church. According "jjiamunde ac," bo far as we li progressive, prlnoiple being added to Mr. Smith's for its it was all have beenhasresponsible reasoning to principle, and each in Its turn be an 'been execntlon, carefully "outrage' land "the most incon but rigidly enforced this year as it coming an Intrinsic feature of the sistent of Intonsis tenclea." i The was last. No person living in poly isystem. un tnis trie Jxeraia pro- - baptisms for the dead, with the re gamy has been permitted to vote at CMds to comment as follows: or to voted bs for. for any election, and cording all.; things pertaining j "From it may be understood: thereto explained by the Prophet any office, and while only three conprosecutions against First, that Mormonlsm once existed Joseph in hs letterar of September, victions inunder tbe Act of 1882 wltbout-thpolygamy wife system; 1812, to be plural fpund Ih the Doctrine have been secured, nearly, or quite, second, that it is now admitted to be a part of that ystem; third, that and Covenants,; .cn only! be 15,000 persons have been disfranchised on account of polygamlo prac It 13 a part of such system, and es- practised ",rfn a, I house, tices throuKU the operations or the sential, only in Utah, in certain jway law as administered by the Com Mormonism exists outside of and built mission. Ten suits for damages away from Utah, without the sys-jta- and after a Certain pattern, and are have been Instituted aealnst the of plural marriage; therefore, not "applicable, in every nation, such system is not essential to the kindred, tongue and people under Commission by certain persons whose names were rendered at existence, peipetuation and exten- the whole heaven," ac the first registration, who were not therefore, sion of Mormonism. If many Morat the election in mons, in Utah, ure not in the prac- cording to Mrj Smith's non&ense, permitted to vote because '82, November, they refused of and they "abridge tice plural marriage, then deny the proper comply with the rules and regula exists in Utah wlthoatsuch effect and extent Of the gospel,", and to tions presoriDea unaer tne law by system; therefore, the system is not "confine the final glory of the the Commission, for proof of eligi esientlal to Mormonlsm even in ...j bility of all voters. It la understood Utah. Such being the case, plural kingdom!".. II But not only has Mr. Smith erred that these cases have been brought marriage Is not native to Morthe purpose of primarily testing does and not Inhere in it. egreglomiy In his attempt to muszle for monlsm, the constitutionality of this! law, When Mormonlsm was first the Almighty, put a stop .to the pro and secondly to determine the legal preached, say from 1830 to 1844, it was stated to be the gospel that was gress of the Church, end tie up Its ity or our acts tnereunder. The to be preached in all the world for creed to ideas adopted many years first hearing of these cases will October. It is the redemption of the race of man, ago, and thus prevent that addition be had early in- to withhold our deemed advisable And fit and prepare him for a resi the Court dence m a Zion and a New Jerusa of "line 'upon'line, and precept upon regular report--unt- il heard : and pass have lem, the central city of which precept," . which Is promised to shall Moreover, should not be In Utah; therefore, it from the tjordbut in his uaaal ed upon theseof cases. the general situaphases those who practice plural marriage style of petty, quibbling, he has certain tion have presented themselves and dwell In, Utah, the only place where it may bs practiced are not perverted thel plain and simple through the recent election in other Lf those who shall inherit Zion and meaning of the paragraph copied ways in the present year, which will require to be carefully consider I Jernaalem, for such system does not from the Nkw ed before the Commission will be inhere in those places. There should la Where there a syllable therein able to make such a full and combs no question then as to the course which conveys the notion that prehensive report as the President which those persons should pursue. who wish to dwell in Zion. Besides plaral marriago cannot be preached and Congress will undoubtedly de ana the commission will wish this, the restricting the practice of everywhere, br that it never can be sire to Such a report will be make. to tfutside of Utah? "Utah," and there polygamy We prepared and forwarded in ampl under religious regulations," de practised claimed that.lt is now "an essential time for the use of the Prcaldent iu stroys at once the claim made for witu Congress at that practice, that It Is "native. In part of the theory," but that the communicating the commencement of the resslon ternal, nxed, inherent, and essential practice of t tie system is "not now in December next. to Mormonlsm; for Mormonlsm in permitted except- under ' religious Alex. Ramsey. (Signed) It? best and purest sense, is of that character that It may be preached, regulations and In Utah." It Is just : py order of the Commission.: and its principles made applicable the same with baptism for the dead. S&exleaM Kareaias en Caaa in every nation, kindred, tongue and The reasons are obvious In both In people unaer the whole heaven. stances, but f they were not, that Dkmvek, Colo., 8. A special to This was the boasted excellence of wouia not cnange tne fact that each KIPaeo 'J'imes just arrived eayt. tne system known by the Ciders as is now an; essential, part- of the Mexican troops are marching from ilormonism. Alas! How has the to Ascension reinforce Mayor Va'ec Mor?udgold become dim." In the theory, an integral part of house of its pretended friends the maniam." and that neither of them tine (Onato) at Car Grasses. Cap has also left Jacos for Principles of the, Church of the was a part of Ithe system until it was Casa Urandes wllh a detachment of Lamb are outraged, the proper effect revealed thirtytomen. Messengers have been and adopted. tQd extent of the gospel abridged Bergerace to hurry ud rein tad denied, and the final glory of There is but little of the syetem sent The distance la eighty- we suagaom which was to ba upon established by Joseph the Prophet forcements. nve muesrrom janos. ureat censter-natioZion and her righteous inhabitants, that is adhered to,oven in theory ,by prevails st Cosaliios, a small and thence to shine on all the work! Mexican town, tltoatcd "as a city Bet on a hill," la confined his son, bat We Will take the princi- Americanbetween Janoa and Casa to Utah, where only a few can nossi- - ple of tithhig'whioh he tesches, and midway bly form constellations of families In apply his own words to it, substitut urandes. iir.anuiooa narems: ana wnence no ing only the ; words "tithing" and "in. Mane, Ueronwt mmtt Citato. glory can shine, for it Is for Utah "Lamonl" for Denver, Col.. 8 A Chihuahua "plural marrlage''and only. If it is possible for one Id special gives the litest Indian news. to be more inconsistent "Utah," premising that we do not than another, this idea stated in the admit as a fact that true "Mormon-ism- " A courier has Just arrived at Gen aoove editorial la the most inconsli- itegurv headquarters with dis does exist (u Lamonl: , ; patches bearing the following Inforisnt of Inconsistencies." t "MormonUiua texbts outside and mation: Three days ago, two old The gist of the foregoing attempt away from Lament without the sys- squaws came into the mliltarv as Iawyer'a.logla is thla: Anything tem of tithing, therefore such camp at Casa taying Jo, JNana, ueronamet and Chato were connected with "Mormanism," or system is not essential to the exist- in the vicinity, and were anxious to ence, prepetuaticri and extension treat that is called a part 'of the system, of for peace. ' Major Onato, comMormonlsm i lit many Morthe Mexican trooDs which was not preached at the be- mons ia XiamOnl are not In the prae i manding started . with an Immediately ex-of of tlce j Mormoniam then the and ginning anyChurch, tithing; escort of twenty-five- , and found in ists without Lamoni. such system, the Indians in force about thing belonging to it which jnay tot therefore fifteen the is not essential system be practised everywhere on earth, to miles from Casa Grandea. It was Mormoniam! even Lamonl. tsnnot be an essential part of a' Bach being the case tithing Is not arranged that he and four others advance, and that the' four but li an outrage and an native to Mormonlsm and does not should above chiefs should come named r!inhere in i it." i,i i. abridgement of. the proper effect and forward with an Interpreter to hold n extent of the gospel, and is the most The same arguments (?) used by a full sight of both deto Mr. tachments. be made oari Smith to Ju made the following of apply hicjmlstent inconsistencies. that the Mexican gov Let us see how. this "consistent" every thing added to the creed of the propositionshould ernment give the Indiana aad logical gentleman appears in Church since lta Organization In 1530. cf about strip the light of his own reasoning. We stand on the ground laid down square leagues of land twenty from When the Church was first organ- In the paragraph which Mr. Smith Pudla Verde to sjasa Granlesriver. ised its doctrines consisted of faith, has tried to ' prevert. That is: and that government furnish the. seed and plant the ground for the xspent&nce, baptism for the remis- - Whenever the! Lord reveals any- first year, and alter wards tun oi.Bins ana ine laying on of thing to this Church it become as themselves would continue to .they ulant hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. soon as received ah integral part of It and live peacably upon It. Aho that all the Mexican troops be withEvery other doctrine and principle the creed and. an intrlneio feature drawn from that vicinity. There and ordinance -- and practice now a of the ystem." The Latter-da- y are 200 warriors In the party, two-thirbound up la any part of the creed of, "MormonlBm" Sahatoi' creed is not being armed Gen Rejorra foradded since that fixed number of Q articles. In the warded the dispatches to Mexico has been is awaiting an answer. Major Mr. Smith, then, a language of the Prophet Joseph in and time. Onato has lbO men with him at the of Article to Faith and which fjality of committing the "outrage" Casa Grande. . gainst which he launches his child few words Mr. Smith pretends to Tke Last Spike Drives) at S.se p. aa. lih denunciatlons,and cf that "moat subscribe: "We believe all that Te ay God : has all that GoxjZ2f revealed, Inconsistent of inconsistencies," Northern Paciflo Spike, every time he advocates any thing He does now:, reveal, and we R. B.. 8. The ceremonies of driv as a part of the "Mormon creed" believe that lie will yet reveal ing the golden spike, which com great an except those four principles. The many Important pleted the Northern Pad no Kail- doctrine of the gathering, and the things pertaining to the kingdom of road and permanently Joined the JNorthern Padffo Coast with the rracUitf' of paying tithing to the God." And when these Important Atlantlo has Just been completed, Jshop, which he endorses and things are revealed, they will be at 3.SU p. m. xarga crowds were and the booming of can teaches, are both additions to those came & essential and intrinsic parts assembled or oratory were first prlnclpler:ind.have reference to of the system called "Mormoniam" non ana displays of the occasion. features prominent as for the the cf first the The local: principles s special place gospel tj. city cf Zioa was not known In March taught on the Glh day of April, 1830. 1:21, and la AnrnsS 1S31 every man If not, then Mr, Smith, to be conwho went .to .the 'place appointed sistent,- Binit discard everything aATCsrr Tavaxra atlastio on. was required to consecrate his pro that has been added to or developed ; .rATOBKS. r since Church the - This commandment applied This that by day. perty. Am Sleks. only to that placs. It was not to be would set aside all the quorums of ftv An mob all the ordithe AQBAic, Holy .Priesthood, practised ahrcad There Trext special here assembled last and evening of Church the nances; except , bap smashed the windows of the GovatSxacUeaaor-.tha- i iporalaaeL" The oraman4 to purchase land applied tism and confirmation, all the reve-- ernment offices on which the Hun to but the pne place; Jt .was mot to lationa concerning the. hull ding np gtoian escutheon was yesterday replaced. Troops were ordered out be practised In ether ' places' and it of , the erection 1of temples, the and riotsrs dispersed at the endowments, and. seallngs, and point the act. circa ,wbea th;uacrcii of the bayonet. Meetings are 1 z ' and adoptions, and dovenants,and every-- called for y organised. The law of Uthinf, taught to th thing revealed from on high for the and It Is feared the peasants wUl . SALT LAKE THEATRE. : Saxvt Lajoi Cxty, Utah, : SepUmber Cth, lltl. ' I have known of the XXX IXor Medicine aad il anemia 'a Oeiar CJail aad Hoof Olstzaeat, and uecu. them for :the last eeveei yaon, jb eaua reeomaaaed sham te be cool ma4 m&tzl te people, v . I if ' - Hi fnr . te 1waj Uvrra. - ccVow mounted and framed- - ndniery ! t a j S BS : 86 & 88 EAST EIIPLE STV c |