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Show wrntam C Mitchell, 1st Wari, PartmWi John K. Dliey, U.A Ward, - l iZ l William K. Jouee. Prnmnili. rt alldoo W. Koundy.KanSi-ra.vrublctto- ine to the last census tbe total nuni ..There were 91,917 insane people bercf perrons having IrUh fatbeis in the United States In 1880Of jsr Oilbort Belnap, Hooper. was 4,629,523, and tbe total Lumber 65.651 native, S5,3t8 foreign. CO. Sanlbrd BJverdale. P. Q. Taylor, HarriBTille. navmg German fathers was 4 Bis, tbese 14,111 belong tq New York, John larrell, Edon. S, 1SSS 842. sbowine that between the Irish 81.4 ito Pennsylvania, 6,134 to Saturday, Sept. H. R1nvhm. Wthutn. SAKPETE STAKE, and German over nine millions were Illinois, 6 127 o Massachusetts, Samuel Dye and Itobert Gale, Pre aiding Ti-a . . : oens Uintan. , begotton under the Stars and dtrlpes, 7 336 to Ohio, 3.63 Ito Iudiaua, 3,3104 OF THE AKJ'CTEiWJNi ...Pri(ient Wdward V7. Wade, peasant View. and to Missouri, 2,405 to Nw Jersey, adding si much to the wealth Brit- to Wyoming and 16 to I laho. JuaJ a Maibu, .... .. 0oun9el?f nJces of Z(o,i (Evtxtfipontlmt. of tbe country The strength 1 Of' to Uer In tbe single Bute of Illinois there comes next the element h LITTXE COLORADO STAKE. IxqaW, UUh, Bept. 6J 1883. man and Irish, and then the Bcan- - la a larger foreign born population BISHOPS. HOT 810TH- -. . President. dlnavlan. la pontics me uermans thai in all the Southern States put I;' Editor Deterd Newt: Wm. C fr. . R. 1 Al'red. Alub, are largely republican and the man together. (counselors JOHW BCBHhUJI, ....... Prwfcteuu 2r Andoroou, KptuuUu, North valuable 1st of the In raper largely democratic, and j here again WBERGJUI CKTKKOP PoVOLATIO ytur C C N.Itorlua, Fphraim, South t I Counselors Am Ma Tucker, Pairrlew. lout., you publiah a letter to joa, the principle cf compensation assetts Apsveb C4 Arlaaa. J J Ai :". ', LIE3. "II ;.,;v.:;' i John Bartbomew, Fajette. directed from Joseph. Bmltb, of Itself. If both nationality voted BI8HOP3 ' IbLkJOtHMOn. nrMia. Fnunl.ln Idabo. a as would one ia de Lo prove very The centre of population, way polllica ifcajs: "it Lsmoril, la which C. A. Madaen. Ounntm. IMr it- - aa i IjCtI M. Rava, 8urKt. e doll same, and one party mLzht re coward-kLiUtlefieM AUat of Mr. who -, StatiUioal flued the 1874, in John KrjeiKr, liuJianoli, This'le ValJeyl I charged t KtobardJoseph. Joseph H. O. U. OUen. Mai en Jjbpb, 'my faLher.f TLla main In pKscSjlon cf the spolLj for . A. I . r aiiwortb, Moan Coppy. itIt. ,! la he at which q .Utbr'.nu. Wm. T. Kekl. Mautl. North War.1. Rial Al'eo, Tonto Baain. m jch less would bspoint ever. me U have Uermani without made reached were the country Charge against n, Jeu-oU H. Beuiimjrioa. Baua moi M&ntl, South ' rilr, itI Ml- J. . Adamst PrealdlDff Elder, Brhata. warrant. It la utijaat and the Intent genius for politics than the Irish and taken as a plane surface Itself withJohn W. Irous. Moroni. - KoMson, MoatpHrtr. t'fcii . N. P. M&dsen, Mb Ptewant. North W&L :h of the writer In waking it teems to are not adapted to the Leat and tur- out weight but capable of sustaining JoE.-- i Kuntt, ncv.au, Bern,, Wm. B. beelcT. Mt. I'loumt. south KuM i j it. a Uairydiplo, Preston. be malicious. Allow cue to fclve the moil Involved therein, but the ar weight and loaded with its InhabiARIZOHA EAlTEBlf STAKE. Wru. O. 1' f ICowixi N. Auetia, Llljert. wik. lttt as text cf what I aid eay In tny dent and impulsive spirt ti of the Irian. tants in n amber and full J:t, i I Ovid. JtiuiOi A. Cltw. Allred. Suriu Jensen Fer JESSB N. 8M1TII 1 Presld ni. opsn ItslUr, out of wliicti Le maau. takes delight in the game. under ord, at are found ...i tbe John E. how, WtOus. period 4,. n.?;-ut(- , ttiey laoturea tnis assertion: r WHAT THE CENSUS DI6CLOeE3. consideration, each Individual beiok Win. Hulra SBl'Wtnlnjrt""marcelestial of doctrine "The Few books fern tab. sjch a mass of assumed to be of the same gravity JobttA. Huut, SALT 1 havb the best of leaBODB for ; NTAUE, riaae and consequently to ApaclM Arlsoa. J itiu M"ck, Ksomaiaood.C:t .6 ;i t information and m terhl as every other, on - ffl.oii.i understood and be Interesting ' wa txert the plvttL point UnftAs to. holieving pressure M. AX0U8 Sod ror J... Sprhijra, CANNON, BISHOPS, Lan. endless and 'tlcf. uatiel spec thought, study ' to his distance back lieved him tha la away I) avid a Caixkm, by r proportioned Jdmea directly ronrlJiaW,ii C OwenB, Woodruff. ulation as the bulky volume cf 1, Job- -v E. TATUMt,!..;. In brief then, tbe when! he lived la Ktrtland, 700 pages containing John Hunt, SnowOake. days lherefrom."j census of the j Illth County, rtau. John H. standi nrd, Taylor. when he and tne eaint in tneir the United States for 1SS0. It Is centre of gravity of the 'population Ca'xIeft Oamo City, Kalttke Counts. a. r. jonrjson. KraetiM. h. the country, in located Town. poverty, were toiling to erect that like a K. Bt. David Ddalh ira Nrbeser, LakeMmrtowvlila. John. giving ani exact pic. of f:; ' west by south from the msiiops.saored edifaoe wherein you low ture ormirror, P. J. timer. jjeciJi Kiuihiiii,Randolph. ., eight tne country in ail its aspect-- heart mile . A lmon N. HtiMen. 4. VsKinurru Beeklofir by !our unear.' i s JDdoph Warburton, Salt lki of Llru. the Amity. Ward, faJairy city of Cincinnati, t population ia every Btate and ft' ILL, VVtjdruir. fUmuel Peternon, 2ud Ward, Fdward A. Nobis, Bush Valier. " 1 'i cne Jacob Welk-r- , 3rd Ward, Wm. C. MoLliau. Pleoaantoa, Socorro Co., ported declaration!, to nullify ihU Territory, with I a component puts; which places it in Kentucky bank of th south doctrlnea. Kven there, its taored moet the from mile KS i HartiHon Pporry, 4th Ward, Mei'OO. " f manurao-turingan- d agricultural, mmerai, OrSham Mlclutrd Urlmley, 6th Ward, aa Joseph K. Uoffftrfl. 8cnlth-llte- , believe, fee waa inatiucte i 01 , BRAVER NTAKE. commercial teeouic t: its Ohio Riverof!and one and ofhalf miles Wm. H. Hlckeukwner. 6th WarJ " wm. tviiaworiii, t'rcaidiDi Jiiuer, sorest JJaie. theI Ixrd . or I easred the village Taylorsthe rtaoeolirjo; schools and Institutions of all kind. southeast William 7rb Thome, Ward, .Prwaldant, UN' li. :rarocK,. he vUlo. blural York of bat lieraia. ". btmeta, fcb Ward. dinance marriage; F.Uitth .. i and a Ajo Items of thousand statistical .A 11. WORTH, V" Counselor M I me more or Jess Interest. - j Especially Sumuel A- - WooUey, InJi Ward, was not requirtu ato rertai it j. 1,0 the BISHOP UIHTER'8 AO EX IS. : Ac m It no ward, eomo time spier. until Uhurch during are tbe figures .n regard s I 11th Alexander Ward. Mcltae, lliaaver County. Goore OemODd, Bloomliirtoo, Bear Lak Co. residence ef the Saints: at INauvoo, interesting t Hlrain B. C awMMi, 12th Ward, OUR RIDDLK BOX. to population, from whijh may be ' w co i?. Co. Cache Prwtou, Lo.an, Milieu Atwood, i:$ih Ward, ' where he lecolved a revel i fl otbn, food fori r much . Box A. Co. rider Briabam, Mcbos, Thorn an Taylor, Hth Ward. , ". .iii from the. Ixrd aettmg fathered K J. Taylor. Ocden. Weber Co. the whites e a ma- - This department wll? contain onoe . n.r D- WMl", W Ward, Bvr. Joseph Pollard, 1Mb Ward, to chbe resulta Co. Charles the 'detail in Turner, orth Morgan Morjran City, ! over i fcltcks of 62,000. In the Fredeiiok Kealer, ltkh Ward, " In3 ority Artbur majner, rarmiugion, tayis co. ained by keeping Inviolate all the Arkansas John Tingcy, 17th Ward, tfalt a of 330.000, in a week origin! puziles for the young , urnisviiie Tooele Co. A da ran lk. majority rowsrd jun-Hunter, Orsoo F. Wbltxey, 18th Ward, Jo. It l.WwlJ-- , Greenville.. i f if awa connecUnl with this eaortd con Fibrida a majority of 16,000, in folks. Tbe answers will j be given Co. Alma Summit cimlib, Coalville, 18th fri! James Watson, Ward. Wm. Korinan, Heber, Wasauih Co. And in conee-uenc- e Georgia a majority of 85,000, In the ttion of thing-John Sharp, zoth Ward, , SI! David following week." pur. Juvenile John. Provo. Utah Co. of the North Carolina a t of te Andrew Burt, 21st Ward, " prejudices of 330.000, Wm. Paxman, Nephl, Juab Co. majority A. O. Prljrirs, Sujrar House. ainti and the tide of LeiBecution in Tuas a majority of 800.000, in friends are invited 49 send the soA. A. Kimball. Fillmore. Millard Co. ill it Lcwla it Mouek-yFuncern' VrarJi 'IDT- FIDER NTAKE. correct Goo. which he will knew ht"cuJha;e Virginia a majority of 250,000. Farnwcnh, Mt. Pieasant, Sancete Co. In lutions. All who for Alex. Hill, Presi llosr Hia-- Prteat.Mill''CreU'k. Wm Fotberloirbam, Beaver, Bvaver Co. ' worl to tbeouteide encounter frcm Mill John Creek. iselcisi East M we l, NeT, Pre ldnt Wm. H. Dirno, Taroan, Iron I o. ppl, ; ho ver, j the blacks answers will receive due credit and IX U. KrUitOn, Mlg UOtton WOOti. Wherein hia life would re endanger have a majority O JeSnO W. Croeby, Jun , Faoiruiteh, Iron Co. over the whites of ' J Counselors. names' will be printed In the J. 8. Rawltna, South Cottotiwood. L. John Nuttalf, Kanab, Kane Co. ed, be delayel a? long a possible to 171,000; in I Louisiana a ,ma rity of their J 1 IU j. Is bmacl Phillips, Union. W. Co. Oao. . Biohdeld, ?eler Bean, Nkws. make thi princ'ple anOwnj except 80.OJ0, lu South Carolina a Solomon J. Dospaln, Oranlt. to tint jr. '.Ik I James U. Bleak, St. Ooor.e. Washington CO. to majority 133.4MTTnOLOaiCAL I. M. Stewart, South W illow Creeii (Drujifc) most faithful a and cf the few ACR03TIC. Caeileia or e, So i C.Q. larpeo, Kmery to. toub in three Btatts of i6,uuu. WlUiam A. B11!b, South Jordan. humble of the Bilnts.'n Piatte ix. Liasn. Bluff cty, ran J uaa Co. black? are iu a numer South the the Jamos CrftoP, HerTlman, The Initials name the highest and most CoCol 3. t Sllus Br V -i ham Smith, Manaaea, Conejfoa Ward; KMirrT.:ir?; Adv candid and ' unprejudiced ical inferiority, but tbe whites cont'liy. !f.' Archibald Oardner, West Jordan. deity of the early Romans. most powerful or Saint Samuel lionnkm, North Jordan. tinner, mind, utterly trol the State governments. tn Fredeiiok bcboemcld, Mrlgntoa. to the fall diecover where 1. The Run an divinity who was implica in twenty 3 ears tbe foreign born Vsoklel Hoiman, Saodv. tion cf cowarJlce la to be found in population irfi(A- - iWrft iUrt Mlo Creek. v Massachusetts . In to watch over the fortt nes of the W. H. Hardr, Mmintila DhU. of -City; I:. L, hi. Hard man, Pleasant Or&en. this. But Joseph the Frophet truly creased from 260,106 to 443.481. female sex. :'y i ... ' iiait r; j. Prtiv C'J?nsos Mantua. "v-If had well founded reatons tor pro North Carolina;! has tbe smallest North Ward. Vinas muse of 9. Tha astronomy. in this 'Atrtia.-- HunMXwr, Honeyvii'S-- ' matter, ceeding continuously born iopulation of any, the f M;; 8ETIF.R STAKE. ,c C. I)ew9y,f Iweyvll nd lu 80 doing ne only acted tne foreign port much earlier proportion being, natives, 1,896 008; 8. A mythological (.Her C. Hreklna, I"ortrt)re. of wisdom, not cowardice. I ' . nomer. 3 ,si 742. part ........ than ntANKLTN innr mrt SPKNCEIt, j. unjr. foreign, lirufwn, 8nwvUK en tne puouo A deciar him heard A. R. THURBEB, York New the nroDorhas largest K. I). 4. A messenger, of the 'gods who ap JCoui.seI.tr. W. H. EUQWUJEB, park Valley. stand that the Lord required him to tlcnof foreigners, 1,211,(179, Crek. (' Kltnb-r- , Urou if, against to have been originally the personipears known saortd certain make I E. U Zauriel, ;wabiU. ptinol 1,871,402 natives. The States where h Sevier Conn tr. ; fication of the rainbow. should do so regardless the he and plea, is element German strongest ate ' Oneida 4'ovnty, 14a bo. BISHOPS of notwithstanding ft. a consequence?! muse roreun who presided over choral The a r an,, r owa, wiiit born popula r cj Paul Poulsoo, Iflt Ward, Itlob8alJ. he said there were those thea with- tion ef trfk Htuurt, M&M Cltyl and 204,692; 268,010; Michigan, dancing. " song Jos. & Home, 2d Ward, in the eound of hia voice who would J. I. JotifB, cbfiftry Cntjk- Barnard H. Orcenwo .d, Inverffry. Ohio, 894.943: 6. One of the three Graces, v as toon aa Minnesota, io,7; life. seek hi And jenab viioj, Pii'Dtiin-- i W. Sylvester, F.lslnore.: : Joshua just i! hoitoaU lia'rbt, uuiey, Caaela Co. Gideon A. Murdock, Joeeph. be began to communicate these IlinolB, 583.57d; Wisconsin, 864.499: 7. A daughter of Neptune and Venns, Tnese li Pennsylvania, Peter Gotttredson, Vermillion. things, though not through the rub seven States as! a- - rule vote the re for whom a certain island was named. Jens Jensen, Sallna, work of treachery be- publican ticket, it' lloprinuYthe Jabex Durfee, Aurora. CACHE STAKE. owl onr to the UitcxB Clauds. continued and until its' bloody prohibition policy of the John Jobusou, liedmond-Williagan 3: I! republican Hurlvliio. i WM. I' PRESTON, Pre Went Dennlaon IL Clowerd Monroe. culmination at Carthage. What party rour or mem may be reokoned I K. Man rill, Harris, f 133. PUZZLE. No. NUMERICAL man on earth knowln g Joseph Bmlth as doubtful States. j Counselors'. X Oard, Archibald T. Oktroyd, Glenwooi Geo. Hatch, p, p., Greenwich. the martyr, could call him a coward? The Southern States have but a " John." t aid the young biide, do "s be He was one of the bravest, tiimest Caljr. of foreigners. not 1, 2, 8, 4, 5jr6 to bring borne for 7, 8 scanty Pint County. and most daring men I ever knew Alabamaproportion stands natives to ttat new, spring bonnet Mrs. jA. is trim-mi1,252,771 id the cauf.e of truth and In the deJoseph n. Wrlf ht, Orasa Valley. Ward, Logan City. t iierjatnin M.ljere--Es ..' is foreigners; Arkansas, 79 2,1 75 and; be sure that you do 9, ,10, 11 Ellas H. Blackburn, Freemont. tl fence of the innocent. iWe charge to 10,350; r, Sd Uurj t ualiam. 9 909: leave txhind the beautiful artificial 1, 259.581 to Flori Tburber. Brmkerhoff Georis la, liriasoni 2, Le !icti ,U with cowardice? It would Is the best family medicine,and him 53 6 to 10.564; Ken Tlwrrju X-- Smite, 4th to- - me Georgia, J, 1,61 4fc 5. . 7, 8 9 10, 11, for It Is so lovelj I" an 8, disgrace everlasting will be found, on trial, to be to do to. i I Lave seen his tucky, 1 689,17 to 69.517: South UnClx Clattdk. ucrt ivi!i. HFde I "ark. ST. OEOAGE STAKE, 1, the mo3t easy,natural and com- - boldness and resolution In the Carolina,to 937,891 to 7,688; Texas,. O. L. Farrell, Sinithlold. ;.'r f 9 477,183 MTm. - ?idrr.or, Ktohmond. 114,616; Virginia, 1,407,-86. . ....... ..Prtdlileu. iv McAllister,; Zion'a eecn I have in or the it WORD. obtainable. No. table Camr; to aperient . j.jhu Jr4!!ieCWlrkstOn HEfBT Etriwo, streets of ISauvco when he had to The 14,696. For sale everywhere. . Hn JX McAbtbtjb,. CouEseior8.'' Chinese flourish in California My first's a vegetable Alma l!arr. Besisoii. rifla hia to carry protect himself to the number of 75,132 Next" cones firn-- r Hvurhvs. Memlon. Which Is Very widely known; ffMhlBston t'oonty. against, kidnappers and assassins; I Oregon, where the pigtails muiter wiiitiai IL Maug1a;i, And was my second is a speaker saw a manifested he when it I'aifldao. BISHOPS. 9,610 strong, then Nevada, 5,416: . M. M' ifo, Hyrim. In in chains Very eloquent In tone; BEST! pjlsoner Miseoarl, I beard Liberty, City Washington Territory, 8,186; Idahc, OLDEST Joseph & Huntsman, Ountooit. P!Ui!nM:lWIW. iorf)U. In W. him D. the tbe occupation third's Pace. c. My Harmony. County, llmid-nWl.ti M. Hamsaend, ,37w: Aiontana, j,70o:v utn. 60i: Thos. 8. Terry, Hebron. and the Xjiberty Wyoming, Ia which the tattlers all delight; prison liberty iota C. I.'irs'.-Q-, 1 r., Covevllle. 1.C30: Da 914; Arlzma. ueo. ii. crosDy, ixda. wiston. Wm. H. Lewis, court houfco undismayed! demand-lo- kota, 238; And my fotfrlh may Blgolfy to reach Fred'k W. Jones, Pine Valley. Massachusetts, 229; New of the mob his freedom; I have Robert Pinto. Knell, wuw: tjoioraao. Some yondjer, distant eight. Lioulslans. rora, uii.; Onldi Cnyf idalio N phi R. Fswoett, Price. seen the oppressor cower at his re 489.. In the other States of the flfth la the name of a town Chaa. N. Smith, Rookville. My bukes when unequal 'odds were Union the Chinese are but very few. Marius Fnshrn, Banta Clara. Where tUTev r"jon. Clifton. . Spanish people dwell; or Tboa. Judd, lat Ward, Sr. Ueora-aagaiust him. I never saw heard The total is 105,465, and of Japane e I Dfiirt l Hatch, Franklin- STTilC TEY And my sixth, among tha Romans, Walter Granger, 8d Ward, " or piacs in al his bril 143, a of tell spot Itaiuius Kasrm&'n, Mink Creek. . whom 89 live in California, Chaa. Av Terry, 8d Ward, Had an easy name to spell. Robort H. Willlaiii,.Moiaid Valley liant career, where he shirked a O1 8 in Pennsyl In iJaru IL. cannon, 4tn ward, Massachusetts, Xe.'vln U Oruwwl!, Marah Valley. eon his And Abtuub Bstts. Wm. A. says t ToquerTille. yet Brtnjrhurat, 6 In .SabumlVrter, Preston, Connecticut, and 17 in John Parker, Vlrgen City. I charge him with "Cowardice." It vania, AkrsiiMler A. A4Mni Westpo.-' York. New Marcus Funk, Washlngten. is falae. Wte: rrrwoe, Ittwrdala. . No 135, ... PALINDROME. PURE LINSEED The civilized Indians number, all ;f'K'';. P-- RJeks. Boako Klver Valley James Sylvester Believue, Presiding Pries r -- 4 i i itvi Bjnnock, uuooan ITbanklng you for the prompt man- told, 66,407. Collforhia having 16.- - If Kexreac, lavld utt, 8oi H. M ilormon Ward.: meet a afflicted should Ha, F.d person yon Edwin Hamblin. Glen ner in which yon vindicate me 277, Arizona 3 493, Massachusetts win, t . M J Alonzo H. Kuesell. Grafton, with a certain terrlblo disease, what would to me from this charge, allow ' !'. as as O. New ' York 7,249, 819, Holt, many Hamblin, ' George aa T . a vtf rV rJ.mS my eel f, OrsoQ B. Adams, Harrtsburg, CVKAU" New Mexico 9,772,Wahington 4.- - be your most natural action Ti (The an. V m the cause or truth, Middleton,. lbomas Yours Hooper, 405, Wisconsin 3,161 and Minnesota swer should be a phrase which reads alike WILLIAM R. SMTni, ..l.'i ...President. Jor (ren C. Petersen, Mountain roll, For Site at Salt Lake CitT by Z. C M O. LdTrXEFIELX). . Ij. R. r backward and forward.) "- ir. :y 2.300. C Ohvar Demlll, ehonesburirt , Clark. , ?. P. FUredre Co., 'easdel. . or the dodu- F. Cultner A Bro.. Stewart Sc Chisieit, Moore 1790 Squire HepwortB, eprmadaie. in jv alien A Co. latlon of the Uni ed States lived In No. 1S6. CIIARAbE. IJoeoln County, Nevada. istu rooBif. Statiitioa Compiled cities BBr Also at Cf don Ahrz C M. I., wiuiam nteretlog of 8,000 Inhabitants and over; and Deaiers Hurlbut ft Son. Moutt river in the dark' and rocky mountaia From the Forthcoming' Cen ", :"J T generally throuxhout'ihe 1 emtories. m isou, one twenty-mth- ; Fdward Bunker, Jr., Bunkervllle. sisnora, j . in 1810 t Lies my first; Wm. H. Branch, Jr Meequit. 'WoL' Brown, Soaih Bountiful. if U MM H WW in at Tables ''y and also in 1820, MJlton U Lee, Panaoca. Wuv S. Malr, J , West Bountiful second of the onemy In Through golden Presldln 1830, 1840, rrlmU U L woods. Clover Valley, Chester Call, East Bountiful, " ; ..j" ; j ; burst. John E, Hammond, EAffievaiiey, in STATISTICS OF POPULATION. in Popples I860, i860, twelfth; .viujun Cheuey, Ceuwrvlils. r ; u Artemus Millet, Bprlu vauey, . , J. ."xwrlst, f'snulurtoa. and In 1670 a little over to the census of 1880 While the princess on her breaBt Potop Uarton, KaysvlUe. According At the last date the in Dand A foot, South Weber. the of total the United Weara my all;4 I '' population of cities numbered, in all, U. B. 0iuUain, South Hooper. ... mvnniT STAKE. States was tben 50,155,783, compos- habitants V trcasea maiden's In the peasant It la estimated that lo ed of 43,475,840 natives and 6,679,943 8,071,875. ..Presldsnt. W. W. CLTJTF, R. , 18 SO as many as 12,000,009! persons fall. Popplef A. ELCBKOaX, .. foreigners. The males numbered were living in cities, or a quarter of iOounselora.; STAKE. EHFKT e. Ward Pack, ,2o,618,820, the females 24,636 863. the whole 1 . population. PROVERB. No. showing an excess ' of males over- Q Pennsylvania . has Ptaid6m, LB3 ?.!,..!.. one public Bammll Coanty CRANUS of femalee teoThe b81,fc57. 1 CounseJors. white SSlt in One each word echool paragraph, than York. New mo?e ' ' BAUICSjVSTSTJiIf BISHOPS. plo numbered 43,402,970 and the Her figures are 18,616; New York; 1. Once upon a time there was a pretty 1 05,- colored the HennoferTliW. Chinese Chartes 6,580,793, Rlchens, 18,615. The former spends for edu? lass of .nlnetee. trncry County. Ellas Aper Fbo, 14s In aud the Uo ' " B), Japanese cation (3,128.827 aud latter the Robert salmon, CoaiTlUO. itsHOPi ;f color dians (civil zadj :66,407. The She had au Importunate suitor ito John Clark, Upton. Ohio 16,473 "public $11,035,611; Uio)rti H. Btewirt, Moab a ed less A is little than kxizo ' whom Winters, Hoytsvllle population she had said nay, many a time. i iJasCcx, Huntlagtoa. h Jared C koundy, Wanahlp of the whole. Missouri, schools, and spends 911,085,815; HtunU; O sen, lerroo. $9,850,-015,203 schools, spending 3. But "faintheart never won fair lady" John M. Matin, Hook port. Jiwet KoberLaOQvUranzsvllJs. with a population of 2,170,000, re Indiana, 11,623 schools, costing saya the proverb, aad he did not lose Stephen waiker, ieoa. i.-r- e tne number of foreigners $7,167,700; Fmzen, Price, j .. .. ' l H. F. Atwrxxi. KLarnii. presents Iowa, 12,635 schools, $8,- - hope. i j George M. Pace, Parley's Park. hailing' from England and Wales ztM.ior, massacnusetu. o.0U4 schools. John Holmberg, Presiding Elder, Park CJty Britli-- America; Florida, with and 4. You're ' and enough to make a taint California, S,44d JCAB STAKE. a population of 269,493, lepresents $4,695,612, I " said the young lady one day. Territory. Wyomlns vexed S3,525,5Z7. schools, .Presidant. ibe emigration from In 01 way and where woman suffrage Wyoming, flLIlAV PAXKIAN ! has 6. "And you're not half a saint." said Jamea Bowne, Almy. job, GaovicBi.... Icounaelors. Sweden; Delaware, with a ponula- - the fewest schools 55prevails, wr.f ant James a cost of her now xiruwu, at rt.nf HogbMartia ' uon of I4o,oii0, represents about the $36,161. The total number of indignant admit er. i dm. Plilara. Pvanston. pupils Rook or Spribfa, rencn Elder, us. MoBr.de, John number Presldmg 6. are a among "You people Jnab Coanty. the very reverse of the New York schools was I A Chinese exceed the popniation In t he I calnt 1 In and 1,027,938, the Pennsylvania BlSHuPi. or Si evaua cy over 40,ooo. "j Wm. n. Waroer, lit Ward, Nephl. 950,300. 7. "I may have given ycu cause to say TOOELE STAKE. Of natives over twenty who can so," responded he, Cdsa. Sr4 f ard, Nephl. TUB GERMANS ANETiHISH ' I grant. But did Presidem not read and write, New York baa HUGH 8. GOWANS,. "li from' the choicest never hearj that Prepared you '7 j" qaotlng the 26,163,01 foreigners, 85,716; Penn' i 5i Tnoxu W. lu. ....... Fruits, without coloring, poiR. Of the 7,000,000 of foreigners on sylvania, 44,930 proverb)? natives ana, 86,685 sonous oils f acids, or artificial American soil is estimated foreigners; North Carolina,1 74,877 it Tooele County If KAVAB STAKE. Essences. Always uniform in tnat above tnirty-eeve- n per cent. natives and only 100 foreigners. ANSWERS. BISHOPS. are German, thirty five per cent. cdnlanv without ' ktrmaf hi - J. NlTTTALl., ...l.. fc in tne valueofor live stock Illinois .Prssldest. Thomas Atkln, Jr., Tooele City. twenty-eigh- t of Irish and cent, per all JJavi ahead stands the or other terotion impurities. States, irard Hunter, Jr., uranrjvute Following are tbe answers to Couriaelori other nationalities. The Oer rxmg put down at S1S2.437.762. jI- - ErTri!w M William P. Moss, E T City. - ' trained their reputation from all Riddle Box" of Fepte ruber 1st : mans in the future will always out Iowa Uruxi Martin. L&keriew. comes next with $124,716,103; St. Job a theit W. superior BurrWge, numoer me lnsn, as tnej a ram a Hew iters is inirawun ii7,808,JSJ3, 127." Theral is a special providence In Coanty, perfect purity, Oeorgo Admit- - much more extensive 1 John C rjnarp, v enxio. iitrenaihand j cl?Hcrs.'. quality. human water the fall of a sparrow." Ohio fourth with $103,707,740. Franc's Debt Jeor, vjwver. ' Wa. D. JoUim; !:!, Ain., Kaaab." used them shed, and when Ireland ia exhaust andAiisaouri who have ted all Wliaam Lee, Deep Creek. roremost in tne line of 128. A secret, is by honry a M. Joiieyi Mt. Carm-- U will still be able to mules and asses, possessing 103.027. as the most, delicate, grateful ed tiermauy 129. 1. Mill 8. Dim. 3. Mix. iMmas Cbfircbe-UlOrdervtlie. a perennial flaw of emigra and up keep Tennessee comes next with 173.- - Civil. i j 01 J. Cutler, G wndale. cakes, for ii' and STAKE. naturatjlavor AH or IT ner tion Taiaa W. sinlih. Pahrefth. irom 4j.uuu,ouo popul 498. Rhode Island claim to on rtuddinas. creams, etc. Jchcecu. tion. The Germans In the main are ly 46 mules and lays p. ..." ...Present asses and New 181. A.O.SMOCT, ..... Manufactured by Scotland, Ireland, France, agriculturally; diepoeed and prefer Hampshire to S3. iccnnselora ;J ", JX Joan,. ... .. i '" tne country to tne eity. wntie they miloh-coH. H, CTcrrr. PortngaL Nam? matter of the Ia is numerous in JNew York York takes tbe lead with 1.437.855: are , MILLARD STAKE. very r rtab Coanty. Bt. Loula and Cincinnati, the Illinois next, with 865.91s: Iowa Pwaldent RIXCKLET, Cldcago, 111., C St, Louis, Mo, city, is out 854,187; Pennsylvania,854,166; bulk or tneir I BISHOPS. great f Ohio, Makers of Xupulin Tenet Genu, on the farming landsstrength of tne prairie 4Q4,nat anu JK V. ItOBIBOIf,.. JCOUMelCTA. John P. R. Johnaon, 1st Ward, i Provo" t' ny texas, ouo,t7o. 4 Cream Prloe'a Dr. ' . Baking W. Loveless 2d, James Ward, f States Iowa, Wisconsin, For-famMichigan. ' l411U.ru in aneep unio excela with 4.902. Myron Tanner, Ud Ward, Ceaaty. der, and . Dr. Prloo'a- Unlqao Illinois, Minnesota end aiteeourt " f ronowed with John E. Booth. 4th Ward, , by, California, 4o, I r A r j. uyiiop.5. " and in Ohio and Pennsylvania. ,ao2,oi; Peter Madaen 6th W ard, xexas, and z,.n,fi33, GOODS. ORADL T Ti ?n;lUi, Ml! mora Ward, j WUMf HO&ECOMH thrifty farmers and are Michigan, z,18U, 388. rhey are the 4 IV. Soell, Spanish Fork. Mima B. Bennett, Meadow Creek. f George blossom wild West like x or nogs Iowa takes the cake at a. a. Klmliail, Kano&h. makiiigj riAries it. trvans.PM.wni. tne roee." la the cities the Germans the formidable figures of Jeph A. Black, IXfcwret. 6,034,318; Joseph 8. Tanner, Paysou. are found for the most part engaged Illinois close behind with 6,170.206: Bamrhaw,TTesWiriEldeif, Spring Aciler?tin,Oak Croek. fstcr UK. ChratUufon, Leamicrtoa. . ... . . .. Goorwe Halliday, Santaquu nt rro or In .ft making cigars, Felling utuenuuAi, v.ooo, lo: cmiO. 3.141.533 Goshen. . Wlillain Price, j aiw, Satrlo. .... ,p.tn t?m Una ii. suvene, HoJden. - , making beer, seeping barber fchops, and Indiana 3.186.418. , .am. LebL butcher stores r.nd in new xorx makes. the most butter. and Thomas K. xfmilVino-hzrocery Cutler, Alriine. . - r n a. tE handicraft numerous cccupa Ill oao jn. tc American luri. Leonard themselves in tlons. MORGAM STAKE. ro. nwwr,.Harrliyrton, enjoy PlMftint Urov. nexr, They then 63.79,830,012; IT T!!S IFFIUI sr am ts- Illinois, :,m WlLUams. Presklitig Eldar, Pieeaaflt the summer season wi h great Oct xuwa. oo,ai,aoa: wi.oio. 67.' unio. 'iLLAitD a EMTTH, .i Preeldeot. rvid ' arnestness at Deer gardens, achu 634.263. Vaioy, tsmery a tU CHARD FaT.....t.. ,. .', Ify- ,etzenfests and sapgerfests and on New York excels In cheesemaklno . m e eao ran n 1 HEW CHEAP EDITlOn nicnics and excursions. They acca o,oui,uu ywxmuum KgaiUBt 2, U,ZA0 Of WASATCH STAKE Hargaa Csaaty, mulate money and keep it or lay It Ohio. In I860, bo 'ever. New Vnrfc 1 President ont to advantage when they epead produced 43,64S,SS9p3unds of cbeg e ABRAM HATCH....... BLSHOPS. A P 1 onunee'-ow-T. H. GiLXS, It. They are not a demonstrative snowing an immenpe failing off In Jiiu Croyden. nojkin, ' U. 3. AiSAAllilJ,... a. B. parklasoo. North Morgan. people except when sumptuary laws the business. tharVes Turner, South Morgan. to interfere with their right Illinois has thelmost farms asm W threaten ten Coanty. Albert P. DlcksorwJ RiohvUle. ri DoctnnB CoYBnants. to drink laser Leer when and wher 741 1 New YoTk. 241 . Joseph H. Porter, Tast Portarville. i BI3HOP3. West As ttoiiel PortervlUo. farmers Carter, ver they ' tbey p!eace. kii Whitear, Mlhon. ft Thomas Raaband, East Heber. are verv laDorioas and painstaking, s; J. K. Bali, Enterprlee, WILuam Forman, w est neoer. Jtrrr tob the thinq . Jarose Carrigan, Peterson. David Van Wagoner, Midway.. making an acre of land yield all it New York raises the lartrooi 1 152 Sizes and is possibly capable of yielding. As Nymphus C Murdock, ASi xoi1oiJi' Schools Styles, j raisbeli; tfLaloTiarla, Scxday Wm. E. Nuttall, Walisbury. . Bit ii.v i.ama a.n ,u mil excel other truck any they . gardners ' Benjamtn Clufl, centre. PASGCITCH STAKE. or to Snd to are more TrATelm, Irish DeOTjIe. The of rate 10 AijjuojB, 355,707. and Elder, Inouao--l Jt?5B TT. CROS ST, Ja. numerous in the tawns and cities of a,h Michigan, 10,9 J4.11L ISOLD .President. IUlnois carra ofl the palm for its the countrv. Their tastes are urban. Batid CAKxaoit,. rtwoBseiora, rintan County. PEICX, Cloth Th alow, monotonous life of the number of horses 1.023.032: Ohin .si. ti si Jeremiah Hatch, Ashley. farm is Irksome to them. '1 hey love I?A'oIo; TtX,M, 805,6 6; New Yori: ia"sr Carfi14 Comcy. . 1o Thomas Bingham, Mountain pell. the cf excitement and ' bustle tha f . EISH0P3. or dob It778 iniv town, the aulck returns 633,587. wfn C. Bans, fat Ward, ranguUoh. fOR SALE IT New YorkPennJ'nla, ess and tbe stirring movements of is produces 231,965,633 STAKE. VEBER comerf cssess to adsszes racer have their Is which gallon, more milk, Bjth politics, EfiWi.,. . a a. tnn P.V.MADGErJ&CO., .mik tt?L..a, lit uw maw states J'rcaiaecr LEWIS W. 8n TJRTLLFF, pensaung quamies. nowi wIf the FVnnsvlvanle. put together; . . R K'71r CaanonvlDe. NET7S 168 Main St Salt Lake City. rati kja v,8, DwIHIT C. F. MrDEurroit COHTiNT, lacks the other euppiies. would JCOV.Or .j Sin, Klcxnton. Plu County. . N. C. FLTQAJia. nnnntrv wars all Germans it w. xori.bu 42.739 ' Ltn errr. otai be sIrteh very prosy place to live in, not manufactrrrlng establishmenU.with Weber Coanty. ' In 1514,246.675 restlessness and canltal. give dash tke V:' i AHWAJI STAKE. BISHOPS. to animation hands; keep and stir mX requl<e An ImsMsw Inslastejl B. C Crttcbelow, 1st ward, are strong i& Ctj . l remark! 03 stagnation. The Irish BaltimortTAmerican The Bobert MoQuarrlo, d ward, i uauvs.,..... York cityijr" ! 850,000 hands; WtaekTw Farr, Sd ward, 'OA!t HlCBAAES, Maachu8,tyuiirr I editorially that the renowned prepar- nirvlvanla. IlHoois. KnCalifornia. Edwla Strartbrd, 4th ward, i" .. Is r.iT " sold wtaoiiah Bt. Jacobs . Oil, ;ln atfos. Thomas Wallace, North Otrdan. and VViaflonaln. The Iron Coanty. , i w uJSoua,lS5 capital. dlCerent countriea of the a rVvnnort'.i-rjri: F. A. Hammond, Himtavijfv twnty-ai- x whole nationalities permeate tbe Geonre W. Bra m wl . Jr., xlaln City. and praised for two globe, and is known C23establihraentwlth flES.fi.eu Union and moat nave a large James BteUa, Harriott.. . In ftrcTeat merits dlSerent twelve "htrr J. Arthur, Cedar C John A. AUred, 61aervll)e on Its tutuxe Ceitlnr, Acocro- GLACll TIPS Ewnrcinr tips nanus David Moore, kiouiid Fort. J. -- aj iwT OF- - ! EVENING NEWS. panlelLF. Thomas, Lynn. John Hart, Wet Weber. Blng-ham- " ! ;liM HAP fH j a ' , Brio-ha- Meil ; ClK-t- :::'y??:;"'-l-':&.i- H- - . AUG - J " S :" H- ..;!- ' 1 U i U.-i- i : : ; 1 V - ! I- - CLEARIIG SALE! . , po-iti- 'J? . on I-- . 'J S lit i - - jj - X -- ' 4 ' i ' f ' . j , . i i S i 1 I - . ?; S ' . h-v- ' I . J i i i , - ;i. W - ; !l- - - s ji . : I, , I I t-- Hat-per- j ! ' t - ( . 75o " ; Japanese Parasols, 25c Shade Hats, 25c Turkish Towels, 25c 75c each each, worlli K 50c U v 40 c " HONEYCOMB QUILTS, $L25" " II 75o ; White Shirts, 55calv: CORSETS, 65o iair, ' f. ' vorth Jean Drawers, 55o ijercale Drawers, 65o " 75c $1.25 pair 75o " 1 l( " $1.25j ; t - . " " 1.00 d cup-pore- EMIL r'autt.-'-luiar- pair. a-a-rd j S (I 1 k - $1.25 .pair- wortll '!', " h- H 65o Balbriggan Hose,1 25o 25c WhiteHose, , ; ' ' SaraneLo Gloves, i 3 ii:.. :k; : ; jPlaid Oyershirts, 55o Percale Shirts, 65c forll eaci, LOO each 1.00 " ! l i , i k T i 1 I . I. jl . 1 tut " 50 Dozen Slightly Soiled1 S " BEST WHITE SHIRTS, Iff j . j i . ; ; : r. :. ! . :; . $1.25 each, worth $2,50 each. 4 j t f- ag wm , - ' 7 ! ' m.;4-SQUA- RE .'!''''.."?: f' ' : i " "v', ' Weii3Vr!!-T.irtoaHmtt- j and ; i Baraains . in all ot our Dewlments. rM-iiiqi- g i - r-- IAD ' - 15- f . f . '' I ' r v. IWsilter li . & 1 Bub-sorl- " 5 be ! tF . ! one-tbirit- ath ; ! I AUERBACH ANNOUNCE THEIR GREAT one-twentiet- h; uq-- one-sixteent- h; S M- Ml Havera Mural - i one-eight- one-fift- OF i I i FOU. , s 1111-noi- a.l one-eight- ! 1; Wo shU i ' Ill to-d- ay I- j : M j ny, M aa a . mmmm awa , JUST . ; : OXTT w O -- 00 ?5 2 00 to t4asNsssHs 2 60 to I 25 to ... . 1 60 to u eaa 60 e. 9) 00 25 00 ILL FHERCH J EC M 3E 31. 33 O A. J- - .a a n OBESS GOODS AT OHEITLT IEDUCED 70 00 60 ............... CO 60 16 10 00 00 00 00 00 6 00 4 00 P3ICiS. 60 (0$ to to to 25 00 :' 40 to 25 td to 8 to 22 60 to 15 00 12 00 m W W4 . apaaA. - . f j ' reduced from.. T' .$2. 00 to 11. 60 Shade, iia T.lo-h- ?? Rh.H. n,nn. . , V AIWAU,..M..i. 1 WI9 A 80 u m Aignt Bnaae, reduce J from.... 5 5 to 0 ucrirute., oterEucaers, in LAgni tjoade, reduced from. 16 ee 20 to I'd,lea. C.lnth. In Li2d ' a' 1 buj-lnei- toll to i 1 1 from............. from...... -1 7.1 2 00 to 3 00 to 2 61 ...... , : i v IU i I to 760 'to 7,00 Iisdlea' Jerseys from...J....................i..fe..(1,. .to 8 75 : Ladies' Jerseys from to S 00 TjHdles' and Misses' Stockings, Iad lea' Lace Collars, Ties, Rach v '! ing. etc.. rerincAd 20 rtar rwnt. A Few Bilk Bhawl Flchuf, In Black and Cream, at 1 10, positively i es. .$1 25 aeeeaae,, 1 50 'nt't'i reduced frm.................... reduoed from... . ....... I wide (J ren ad tne reduced from........ liawuseuuceu irom. ........ Lawns reduced from......... JLAdies' Dolmans from .; .......HO Ladies' Dolmans from 20 Ladiee' Dolmans from.,............................ 15 Ladies' Dolmans froro.,...,... .10 10 Ijadies' Jerseys from.. wa - Jm t reauceu irom...,....j.; 130.-Shrln- k-ago , vets Two-yar- d n, rnicrc, vs ,V.Mu..4 UUCU J 7V. Double Wide Nun's Veilings, In all Fashionable Bhades, reduced from-.- .. f Elegant PJafd?, reduced from Bilk Dotted Nun's VelliDga, reduced irom.......... French S&tteens (the best selection in tha city) i Oer-ma- a A i Check Burah Bilks reduced from waiereu due reauoea rrom 2 00 to satl&a Molrea reduced from. 'sttstsstssssjswssssWMssssto 2 60 to 1 steeIaE Was sanrl Rlar.V i i iftasi u Prlnfiarl vuivi vm aOil lofi avtaava nr.il 4tuiutou VlAa,l Qlltrs. wavaa cats i.j Black and Colored Silks B:ack and Colored 8Uki itnaaame reduced satin Kbadame reduced - eca, - : 1 1 t 1 at Greatly Reduced Tricot, some at Good a Ccst, and some Below Cost, - P 1 effr all Summer I j tXTRACT-- 'l the Dar art orient of their Mammoth Establishment. Iii i ' ' "a-Jcha- M i SALE V- .. one-sixth- . 1' t BRO. y "' ;! ,. . - m ' sr ' m 51; " Zmmm -- : SHOE DEPARTMENT i , : IK" OTJIi ' We ofler many Single Pairs, and such lines as we do not care to duplicate at very LOW PRICES. They must be sold to make room. SW ' 1 i , n-;- i ilT J 'IST Corsets, Ladles' Muslin and Ganas Underwear, Children's Blips and D.tee, etc , greatly reduced; tJK aI! - t r"! Charlt-atCu- S . i s sr - k ! . f : J, - - lify,3! lPjhij -- . s . , ruixY mm tr Og-df-ln I : .; ISEg-rjjpyi- - . .d-v- uu raren !3ITEXrS2 4atjs.T.cs- - j 55iusss room vm w otoer! Whit. ior SXmw Btock. 1 f. OUR CLOTHirJC DEPARTr.lErJT Is Real oflerlcg rnany Bargains tn Gent's aad Boys Bummer BultF, Felt, DU 80 ?rr?,"'rf "TH!! Boy' Waist, White aad Peromle Bhirts, Gents Hose and Hsndkerchiefs, f j Jewelry, eta. White J S Marseilles and at Jacquard 1.25, fl 76, V2S9 up l1'!?'1 to f3 60, much below our regular prices. Quilts, Carpet and Linoleum Remnants, Bofa Rugs, Footstools Bhades etc., etc, at price worthy the attention of all. , Considering the lateness of the season, we are safe tn saying that our A Bailment in ana that Oar every line of Goods is the Most Prices will be found the Lowest ever made on theComplete, same classes of Goods, ,0 ; , ( "' uiu vuik nuusws iiUJtll Will DnOT TmiB, inuvwi many Bargains every department of our Immense Jotblcj Btock. wru era wui receive 1 romps Aiisniijn ana Reduced Prices. a TTc are Never Undersold, . :o: j1, AUERBACH MtttabllsTied X8G4 |