OCR Text |
Show r ii f f i i f. 3 - j a 1 r . 5 noTfl-ievour!n- g on walBt-string- s, 4 r OlUeUA A Al'ou UJ ' Unw A M Altoa M E Aiieuu P J Ousiuou K J,' 1 - f , X : ' " . 'V 'I - ' - -- -. f5--- VTH 1 fSt . , msu 4v -- Li'' A ClAWKMJ Qiuiiau Mr '' Cftonnu S II Crauier tJ Cttrlitteusen S Davis C J I Looc It t Dunoau 8 J l)e Land 9 i CIlfCHOlTA liUJfUA (Iltd Peruvian Bark) and California Jdrave Brandy. X most Delightful .Tonfa'land- Effective medy for lllpsoinlinta tic alcohol habit), all forms of Malarial J)lseae$, Dyspepsia and Insom- - r H i Greater Success has been recorded and nothing ever introduced JPm ylving surf unqualified Satisfaction Try it Once, and by Druggists and Wine Je?c7dnts : I ':Vt'rfJ TfTLlTEJiDIIfG L& CO- - San Franeisco, Cat., ni Ko j Agents for the Paolfic Coast, :a- RAIL " ; T F8P01II 3T- - A. it I N E IT B IT W-- HDITE AL now ofEN rou mm y. Utah '.GRABS DENYER AND RIO OG J)i:X, SALT JjAKJE, Pionee Itel SAN" Jt7A I t ) : ;na-- WITH THE lrivo The Atlantic Exprsaa TraJo, oompce) of fiiilaiau falaca 8lepara aud abtatuit rirot-t:toottOhtw, will loava Ogdoa dally at frt'.' a. m. (ua arrival of trala from tau Franoldco) aad tfalt l.ako City at 10:20 a. in., makluf dl- ect couueottoa at Pueblo and, Denver fur ao8 City, 8U Lfuia, Cbloaa-o- Plttoburir, I'biiddeipbUt. New Yorlr.BoBton, and all Houtbem point. Tha raclflo Ezpreea Trala from Denver, Pueblo and Kattern palata will arrive la Halt a. ru. and tVden 7:27 l.aka City daily at a. ui uiuklnir direct eoaoaotlon with the Cenroc tbe Paolllc Coast. tral l'dcltlo Trftlui IxKaI TraHia leava Sprlngvllto at 6:57 a. m., last Lake CilyttcM a.m., arrivlnir In Ofdeti i:iv a. to.; retarulut, laave tardea It 47 p. m., Satt Lake City V p. ax., arrtvlnc at Sprtug-vlll- e ON ANO A If I Kit - 4 1. ,s r ua S ' v at i:41 k lit !: I. tirlKbtTralua, , IX. V. DOWSE, ieo't Mauaior. f llENUY WCXD, ? (Jau'l sjup'u Nalt . j PaclootsiroiaVt : SiiO . ; j a-- f: j(, :.t HfTEEL 5 s I j f Ceot UJ.I.CASET.M.C0.RAC1NE,W1 lloH't llMllft lt- - . Pf yfff t H ll Ik." : the 1 j. .;',,: ci S ' I' WILL Rtm: , j1' ";! j'- Coult - VV Aii.l 8, 10, 12, 10, 20. 25 and 80 llone GreatSalt Lake to at Arrive . Xave i Arrive atiJW 1 T.yi p. A 4:15 p.m " in". ,j , SKID EfJCIfJES ! m the most Only iiirjV I4i-- BlTEiL ' Bupt. Practical jke Engine in the World BcrofuK, Oenl rre& LOflDON'BAflK 22 j salt Pass. Ag't .rr, 1 i!Jvi.;i'J.-j:.f. .! Autkcsiaed CaptuL.r........ - m ....... ....... BUbBonoat bans. 'i ! ui ira-tao- nu Adrsnsii maee aa4 approved notes at tow satea ef Interest. -- From 7i Cental up. PUD tt C1PI7U,' 9 UaMJ 4 WN. W. Kllfcit, L. 8. BJLlX Casalar, J AS. T. LITTLb, Asst. Oaskiar. PATiliBSJ.t i II . .t . J I 1- $- -- p. Biaaoioaa. nianitsnlns mm -- .... ii. .."a t' i'n.,: 7 :i i ' m IS WEALTH ! HEALTH ! B C aWsvre KSRTa our Kectauguiar-- vjnurn, TOII!E jjy.uutu eprao, atk, bra..Iek oi wi aavAmAJrrsXB aix boxes Tosma aarana. Wttkaaoh eraer iaaiela4 formats bres e will sand iu.aii.tji.. THBrBEJl; nifTIlla'ilAKi SETA Brazw taria, DniBMa, uonvuisioaa, Leadaoto, Narroui PrastrkUon Knn3a, rtuNS by ta en of Atoohot ,av sobaooot WasmfPtM las, Foftnaing af taa feraia pwtuaun ui insanity atto jair&. , nod PramaiuracnJ to awy sower ea,twa4 by Age. BtnasDMi,; Lose box eon-talovaMeaartloa (I l eaa mc.. .1 trtAtaiexit- .- $ LOO a bag, or six boas UCXea gf nau pefaia ea reaetpt of prase, BA-y- Hjuo ard Hya. gtetaataa sprdOs Jr ervo k-t- cruu Mr vnd Shop Corns, HP ; T S, est-- aet araciaJATj . t CO. fnr ' , i. TTESTIOV' INVITED TO ltiNTCrtV ' 110 'UV- VAKNISn, 'f IiWINti D FECIAL t urn shin Uot-rsai- br auJ Hash, Kalsomine and Wall llruah, eta House Hiiuc, Vlate, Boiotw, ato. Tullt-- tkiudw- - Hati, Ciutb, tUt, 'lxh, Nail, slo. lWMn, au.r hrusbta kinds t all Hub. ArUst Goods Cawel, Ox and sbte Htir, um4 ivs. t cus botuM In ot t. ontu-- . ta o f itiud hi n eu l lt-e- aartaieut by arUauv Tha . are warranted an.1 liiru-.agoods stamped "(JLlNToN" & K. Ci.liiitrf t! . , iLSUtUtlOttt Godbe, PIUS Ce, BUyaut A Culslett, A, C- BuUh at Co., p it. I. 'siaa' ! Dei. ;- 5.f rave, . Hvau & tlo)cr. oiiivroN ttarbel - jkSI autl. Ptet Yalby, Carbolic J boalt halve fsrtoim inESHys tPnta. ; p -- native" ... ! i ( Yard, for HonrySt, and Take No Otbas tsTBIiffAltltOr OUUMLUr UmtsJ Aakx .OppositVD.--&;lii- X4' t oo., M., fbtlodelbau ' 3ST , .''' CoJce F Hi-- . i and Chtt iU'Ottl. POSTS. " EX V tin PROMITLY FIL'LED. G. IPasscriger" ?Depotj J f ' COALS! Blac&siaitli oriila Xfir ORDERS HOLIOITED Jbaoi i ana a aUK?" I r rilrnre. i Aitlrai-it- Pleasant Salts enra Kalve ' I Colorado D !E1 J. Ij Hi - i t t y V taoaSh pun, (as a at wkk tio, aaxainlad our wrtttan guat .ir aoaa. Gearanfsae IL L Pn L l 4 Ltxe, OfiQce, MAIN STREET. 127? Wif WObl J. P AtTOW, J. TJ. WOLTB ffrhTTn!vImrnn nuLBsrAau N 1 X- ' ' Ji f STE WAUT BROS. CO., j i sfanufacturera of iand Dealers in f I. u' '' ALTs-lKINDS.::1 vvnn or witnoni co Fur Sale fa't At U H. p. ''attisilol, Clarit.Hdrtdse & Oa, C C Ctilruer A Bio., rJUrrarf A ChUIe.t, Moure !. , ? , l lien x t.tj. a Also ati OsdVn r.y K C kL f .. WlBtata rlrerJt Bon. MoNutfA Hutlbut and tJaakia generally throws bout the lemtortaa., ( .in'' attachments, are without , .j exception the I i Handsomest; Most Durable. ' '5 i ':' ,i I i '! Llin Luke City by Z V. k HOT WATIl , Factory, 130 liberty .Street, ebtail SToncJ us Wood st j ! TO WROUGHT IRtoffiiWGES j BRUSHES -- fs C0,Lia, & T HTJC0K8S0Ud TO and BEST! ' W.f IV V; r;" j' vi i tku yuan. r Koraale at Z.O. U. I.J iilorftwi. put. a tVv. o. K Uultner A Do., basuss St liaU, Moora, tt. Air, B.:r. 'iaassel, 'ieo. u. aiwo Joou Oov, Cunnliigton Ca., Clark, A , fJo., tioaia Sl LUdle. tUdradge n i , J : ! iliRC f " fi" - . k!. J - - i- PlaningrMiU, iiiF-HLfi- KENNEDY'S an .i Al , 7." j aruw Shingle, Celling, fUlH - imi. Dears, rlalx, MOST ECONOMICAL XTrainea, , AND PERFECT rjclieta, -- O i; tvHm: IK Eaonldlns, j Flooring, l t T Ltnrtber, sf if :i (ill f :o Manofaotnred In ENDLKrJi V AUIliTV, eut'tahle for the Bmallr.t Sawli TTef ghta, Calauw, ete. Pamllle ot lVtrgeat Hotel.' tsir,C?all autl Ixs convinced of tbe of tbese ItANUKi OVliK AIT OfllKRri! Fur Salary i i", J' - wiiie ': $ Z. O. M. I. splits J2 i White J W WrirktJ i EEUEDY Uli THE WOULD Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, n tlU Constipation, Sedentary Diseases, Biliousness, Kidney Compla'tAt, 'Lung Diseases, Impure Blood. h -- i j DO Millar W C aiouay w u W J t'- - i s KysX-.ii..- risx PWOPIIHTOW ANO Boca M AMUFAOTURC )OMAHA, NED. RS. "' 'X.'-- ' j , SOLD BY DRUGGISTS, GROCERS j ANI WINE MERCHANTS. t, Poatsaatar. Lidifi.tj Llrdr rif 'bautifu) looks-p&- ie out sickly pels piunage, of the parlor, wbu vegetate lu en unhealthy atBQoephere.like tbe pota toj-i.to terkutnetuig in a datk ceJler. wnt da yoa not gwJute the opens Hr and warm Buns bine, ana aaa lusue to yomrejee. bloom to vour eherks, ektstialty to your steps, and rigor t? your frames? Take exercise; ran up the hli! on a wager, and?down again for fun; roam the fields, i eJlmo Ohe ferjeea, leap over itfce jiltehe,) wade and, arteraaaj or extuierai-ma-t trots, exerclae and unreatralnea ; llber- tl ty, L- home with an appetite acqalr-ahealthy eajoymuit.- Tlie beautiful btoomlng .young lady roey TtiiefcXed . vnd bnsuLeyed-i- earn a itockmgi can whQ ruend tier own froc, ooniaand and be regiment of pots and kettles, a Lady when required, la a girl that nuns nn, are in oastt of for ' wife. LUtt you pining, ecrewed up, dolKdreeaed, contain moBio- - murdering, d' IfSl l.ai gg w. od W . : fed SP WES 'S ' : ; toai I lt.t1 tgsS!. j i r - 110 FLITE,SHEET IBID. ST1UPED f :'' Jii zlain Et., .ei3-l- i QBE A TiHHEfiS' TIf Ei t. ZouU, 'Mo. . K pur.- - waep-waste- d, ' Aiumiss, Ati b Ziuu'a t or M au A Co., U. Si. buut S auy lara-ea- i ! i - if . V i rimplaa. tllsiAUY'N Catrbolie ;; riioa. i ' Oaeartk. j , j Malarial fev r. A true and Blllionaness. will leave every neighborhood as soon as i nop bitters arrive, t "Mr mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of her system with hop bitters. Ed. "Oswego San.": Kef D the Vldneva healthy wllh hop hitters and you need not fear slekneas. If e?r role. HENBTH . Ask any gosd doctor If bop medicine Bittern ire not the best family - v it O Paint, AcSUla aiHCuvcrHl. 1 at UkSKT'S,CarholI ' .;: aai tuvJXTtns . ; 1 Pi it Dv ana Todd A 2 Taber, Barker Wilson Advico to Younjf ''Ladfea-tjae- 4 'LTy H In ah youretjf at XjDES OITX iT MtMCiACTCButs IIEH1Y Cstrboiloi (solve rare. Sorea. H E MKT'S Cstrbalto J: Halve allay. Bssma.f J 1 ... a. pwlmt. p t array thw ui 'inaVln rr i iiair, llt Persons toqalrlng far the aHor tettsri are laovasled to stale when advertised.. - , John. ,T. JLymous ' ,l KakHCasetteBkltuBt Trx;t 1 - E. . . w. Xaials, tetl CasUlaesiua Cttlaw. - a i ;OIntrucnt malUm, kidney trouble or any weakness wlil bo almost new by a sine bop hitters. f Myi wife and danKhter wers made healthy by tbe ute of hop bitters and I reconiraend them to my people. Metho dist Clargymanj: ; ,j' jj" . ih.'i AW a 1 ' MUriikucu yiialaee Chteatsjfav . ana Tar at. Bam IawJs), T W l-- 1 on" ij JW I I 6b D E Y N,VV Tbe most Powerful Ilcnlln o rw " ELTsrDgi, PreefdeaVl .'i : EJLLI 1 o QamskAZ iite.ooo. -- JCost HENRY'S t- slanteMKjl Matbews J Oreirory C B asahoney J Wlntergreen J sivara J ai ' vtriuiaaa m Gordaa D K P llok B A: J Oornay atataaws j, WlntftrJx utancioa u Weaver W Mantle L . OasilaW Gar via 8WJI MeadsK ' Wooiey W White W L II Marker George JB Gong was J C Merchant IB ura j x Muaser is w Tonne B 3 leorge e-- 5 " I V.asy u CARBOLIC SALVE f 1 WK, J r. 5 N I ? v S Vwa-Pr-a. riBaKOKA LtXTLa, JOttH AKP, ELELIASLE own fault sour All . I I wal Mil ' Foil ' never Oat bop bitters that i The weakest woman,5 smallest ehUd, and sickest Invalid cart Use bop bitters with safety and crest good. I Old men totterlne aroona irom uneu- .. s 1 X4U arsri.Tra, H. S. i noose I tame ! w r OESERET'' liiiliiltljlL BilllK, i - ST :'& CO MaiOeldMlfltof Wright J i . , Watzel J Co , WintJ . Slay as A . ktadean O Wiilsama T J ' Hat-toU - Wllokaa A ITaltz H Freed man P ktathawra C HWtlby J , wudar J U Flemlog B A SMorgiaU W MooraO Prow B Wagner J irortwevrw Markham U ; Ward J H s kiorse OH Wiekens J FrrrlsP FlnkV ... rTedrieksou rnlcber U. S. DEPOSITOKY. AAZr Strut Hun s. " .wuuamavi 5 f a ifiEWi DREBGfiQOODCr i IICTOflUIt ' fV d, Drafts payaMe fn England, Baouana or at low Mwaa of axakang. w ailowaa on Uartmostlea 01 uapeatt, payaAsa os daianal. - -- fr ; li "-7- amomit uooalM on fr " I 7 E.GL.S Dealer Iri all kUvtt af.it K AT la ssaaoa east ordOfSMl by TaktiakMta will reeelvt awmpt iuasMioo to : lb. aitonvoUuu of pa . : "ana. Allkioda ot i ' 3I.S7B. i :. Skereboldera Rabts JL MILL rtrat t i m ke lloikt-.Pawe- r rw P RT OLE (ISC toldess TT H Sharp Dr ripauter vf E Bmltn J : I " , ST., L0H00S, .i...Ls.:u:i umus ray; i-a- S-A-X- : ff.. OF UTAH, GREAT WIHCHESTER WblU Eryslpolaa, tlout, Chroi'tc Tamsra, OarboBclea, salt lillloaa MalarU. CoropUluta, and Pinion 4WnH Wood. Khnna, t he Popular DoubleIteversible InuMoaUiiS D!lui pare Con dlftoaif all WheT. Ball I.ury ui.h tlthrr way, low er Utah Hpcrd. Tht dlUon of ttie Blood, Liter, Stomach, oeya, Boweto, Sklu, etc.J TLU tiiaad atade. Onn 2xcla4itvrly. I.jsT Remedy la a OMupoanrroCveeetable exjir i yoliv new Timber T If bo, buy 001 S tracts, the ctih--f of which areAKSATA-RlLLTbe cim and BTILUNOIA. A O CAW. .UJOD AND rffwlPd b.t fcCOVILL,tJ to 'lutitU tha timber.' SATE ITJ.rLEVG Lors t liKUfajre vaUolate, and. tbelr uw ilUL &.OOOTO 10AHKJ PER U.ilf. L1KR record la u,udiflCTircd by failure. MACHINERY WARRANTED. initvMU.-Tot 8al by-VVrila Catalogue. Costa No(Ui( i Straw-Burnin- g . , " fc r 9. F. KENTON, ' H. D s, mri ; Ma kt gtocknihP CoUer W B CENTS. , 10 jure of age half fare. tar Children oufler t pctWa f remedy for SwclllSgf.JC'aact-r- , , Shemuiln Ii E Tomaey P, . , Trimble B O M A Chun W LTbompaou J Ltpnuua Conrad W K Larecn ltd J M , Ubemlnent DLLa Boa 8 iTowter T 0 ' W Leonard L' Toket rewey B V Lehman TykWB . Lawsonft Soe Davis B W , VaatasecU P A Loud o Dewry U U Davis u Luodberg CO Varoea J A Dunk if J Lambert 0 Vaogorder E E Daniels M J Larson V vandaoery Uf Vinson BL Luir a uavia kt I W Lynch V : West A ' ptoktnaon W Lodar E W A Welnel U : Leland as 2 M B Lao Worstatt be D Evans AvWhit-- J Bmpey OO , Lous; OSW S Wood i LuoasQ koknact i A' f OWbaeiar P K Lundstrom Eld red ga U H WUllams K Ebroot Longnsors Wabb O U t Evans J It ' Latimer J Lawreooe J wailaas C B rd wards J M LllUe J W Laroian J , , Wlcki C J KUassen L Willie K Erlksen W 2 Linden J A Lee J WIldbnryR! ! Lendrjch J WrightE W ritten E A Fagerburg 1H p t' arris A T. winbii rBBS ' WaUsaan nsberC-- ; MelntyreT W wan k A Mavnaa B Hah O Fttuerild R D Moore & gmltkWatker Q n FARE fur llie Ronml Trip .ii " PT J , at 9:30 a.n., I ' tx i ka, CCk ftSM j l ' jv m. 8:10 SPND ATg OR 1 and &3Q Bait Lake City & BXt.T CO., 7lM Blood & Liver . vBu' viaV i g- .':. to make (hern, I Uavlng secured the r'Kht - i;aii ana ' we tfiwu gi&grajte. s, L)iCU-nJU- : U ill--- T I'l elly ami rir.sl inis lliglit or IclY llaiidetl oiiiifve, - . J - ""ar- - f. - ' W Clawson J ' J Mf Cotton J , Couiao) J WB ax Cannon J U Cleavaland J H Kaiser A CnnimtDgs J WKlngsbert DS i conrao ai K.oytn Coch an at Kins; D B Hasten K J Clausen P Cbristensen P Kobter B Cbenowortat xiUmuall II Khia-Curtis T Coiner T P KaUy J U VT Crabb W 3 Kannard J CnrrleW Knauss J H W s Knapp J A ', Conley Cottrell W Kelbier J K Ms Corner W Crane W Living tone J . U a very M ,' Jarea ConsnmpUon Colds, Pntuniciils liruuchl nflQetixa. Bronchial Ua, Hoarseness, Asthma, Cfeap, W(koop all uisca&es of the Ureatb sg fjonrn.and trkvrv tt st Kass an4 Kaala It (hs ss IIVW UB BUvg Idembrsue ;of the luflnued end poisoned by the dtsesie, sua prrvenU tht sight sweats d the tbiUoas across tli hint which accompany tij t)NsUMP an Incurable malady nun is not 3 ALL'S BALSAM will-ere von. evai tnonga proisssiooal aid falls. j f-.- j ' BUSfil.i il ; Leaving Palt Lake City on Wek Daya 'i at 1:10 a. to. and 4.40 p. m. J STRAW-BURHIHQUlKi3SS- TJ-1S- smjLi jvt.'Tr I ...i t OLDEST .... i t a. v. i'li red Kn Tie .. j JBathingTrain8 Daily PORTABLES 10d ana m" Horse, ;" am r lfi) V fctalu C i -- ! The Dtahj&KeTMa Railway Co dacrainimto !t., Haa Franoboo, Cal. Ur For ftla by John heeae. No T25SV6, up talra, over Bait Lake Tea 8toralat SovthHU, (Kimball Bloukj tialt lAke Cay. - Irwin VT J Jobnton A -- - Cft Ffont AND UNTIL FUBTB ER NOTICE, Ht-vc-r '4 If- In.' Hitui'.)iA.ni.uLkU,Oil. t ie. j. fcl - ton.. .l y '"'.iff -- .) font.- Conauutptlou i T V-- THE TflYLOR SOFA I 'COlfMBNCINQ j- mmm KljU5TIO 1RDB3 t0he Old Reliable BUILDERS lSt kOllU TtPLK 4 Bit . SECECTniCBE H.VUNlCTIO Kaa Tope k a, P Ft. ii 'f '.Tbmbmtotiea, 3Tat ttturH f, Marblewu , tiruir Hnntrlji, Iron - M . .i Slaolt kVOz .i, Cummlcft M Btlugen U to Cannoo A D Jakkobeen A South worth H i loe water Is renderrd harmless and xnorii Cropper SW Jobosen B I L refrerh'D- and revivtoc wllb boo bitters in .Jeuaen B; '' PproueQ uoilwvr U bVa nr. oacn arauvb'. K Caloea Tbe vhrCr of voutb lor tbei sssdaadto, James J W Bhurtllff H Vjte! Curtis U S s arm in cop nuterK Lbristeoaea O Johnson J, A rJaddookJ Bhaarmaan J Johns J CroUng if Jouson J Call B a Ennelder O Jordan J 8 Conkllog F Johnson J K Eoott lc Ora- CokUH W C Q Ourtmet Johaaon ham Black JB! Crooiar U Jaoktoa E OlOBbOU U . Johnson K J ' fiaUebury Conrad J RS . :Sorensoa J C ' , T Staoduson J Campbell J James M JX Ooyle J ttblugJatOQ L Jones B Cope J Stephens L Tloket Ag't 3c . KiUu Tontka, Jen. K.& P, AgU Supt-- 1 -- en. Trav. Agent, Ueo. Pas 8. FUAWriH COPE, '. ' a.. . , . Cbllus A pierces!? OR CLOVER, AND PEA: TRACTIOW LUXUH1! ' ..li JOllS SlfAltP,y lf, COMFORT! SAFETY ! flissourll Hiver lke S, . tQf QuicJce8t.Tlin&. to the j CUUK WtLfi POSITIVELY and Ague," ftrlperata, ktl Ooui , t'emala WaaJt p Kidney aud IJver aero, GeraK Debility rate ate i r(oo $10.' i Also, ItufL'KK cured in ao to w daya Dy l)r.i I'serod'a Pat. Mornetlo Elantle Truae. ;1 Ht .; j ' ' : andt:40jpu. j. ' ' BAItBOAD B1T1NU HOUSES Itf THE CODNTHV, ; f INSCRINO r MCUITEIS1 i ' til r WATSON BROS., f -- RAHAtBESJ : p.m. aad7:!i5 .pita.' j ',. SPEED! Bxpfeeii traliil. leava Ogdea; at &50 a.m. B:U)a.na.( VlUlO wro. aud 0:10 p. to. . Arrive at i 12:00 noou 8att Lake :7:10 ;a.m ; 10:20 " KsOFA, S to a'tJLossr IJLack by a single stantly Himlieatirtnof this DIE. Sold bv Dm? giBts.or sent by express on rt'eclnt of $L ' tftlo, 44 )(Irra v Street, New York; ' non-alcoho- lic - j '" in- Brown's Iron Bitters, is composed f Iron in soluble fornij; Cinchona j the great tonic, together with "other standard remedies,, making a remarkable tonic, which will jcure) Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases, O I Expieai train leavea Salt Lake dally at 8:0 a.m for Jijab and Intermediate Btatlons. Tbrougllexprlss leaves Salt Lako at 3:05 p. a., oonQefitlrj Wltb fait Lake Western Rail wafor,"TtntictAnd connects rltb Baa Pfite. Valley Hallway for flan Pet and Btage Lteea at WllfOrd. ao4 Frteoo for Soatbern Cth, ? Kevada arid Arizona.-- ' " ,v , , A PrctKbt tfiui leaves' Salt' Lake dally at F. C. NIM3, ' tl5 a. la. Biiudiy eiCt)ptJ), oarryldf pat- Ge'l Pftsa. Afeut. eujurs toiiJnieiiters at tottCttitrood. j1:.'' P-- A. MtTDQETT. Ezprote tratrffriut Prevo add laterrnedtate Qeu'l Ac'UPaas. Dep't. Arrive at Salt Lake p.m. polatr.j City. 'rnroufB express irom fnaooana Minora. Arrived at SaWLake 9:15 a m.; GRAIN, FLAX, TIMOTHY, M & : ' ElegRut Day oacbeH,v AUauUc ff Vi liine ILVoxv Is Pplendldly Equipped with City Exjariir9 at 7:15 a m., Park C:S5 clal eipreee at p.m pree, 4:00 rtsra. Arrive lot Pdoa' at 7:00 a ut; 8:40 a.m.; C:.10 ; JAMr.S SHAltP, ABti Ueo. Sapt..-- : U Cliis 1 lea Uall y as: Wkws ta. a Parker D Palmer C ( . . v, ;j Pullman Sleeping Cars, 'CO. Otla, y.xxs.ii.st Four ciprlas tAlnrWva S.it Laka for tig Laave Salt Lake City for an tnlaU oo BlDg. baai and Altu ltrauchoa at 7:02 a. m., arrive p. m. tot Soofiald aai Coal Mine, leave Salt Lake City 10:20 a. to., arrlre 6:18 p. au An Aocororoodatlon Train will leava PleM-a- nt Valley J auction at T:47 a.m.f Thlflle 10:57 l'S:iJ p.m. Provoli p.m., a.ia., Spi'bM-vllJaril vine at Salt Lake City at (102 p m. IbU iralu will rua dil ly excapt Suadaja. will not be carried on 13T" PaMaaa-er- . I "i;vi ' 1GS3. v enverf&f Rio Grande Ry. Jnal, MtU'ord nnd Fiisco. 5.1 , . Ji F i HUNDA F,' joH J Necaia9u or.-- '! WALL- - TAPER. j HAIR DYE. TUTTS Gbat IIair ok Whiskers changed K,; AlLS.NDSX. -- Utah, Colorado , md New Mexico. AfTEB , Popenoe O B 2 Peters Pet itt K ' Barlam W Of T Prye J Harmon & Phillips JA2 Bailey B C Pederaun K Bouok A Burt Ueugteoa A Holen worth WPetaraon tt O Proctor A ueeta IJ J Huagiand Harris W k But lug C PbUllpS W Powell T HartntanO Buaall O O C Halletrora Pettlt W II J UergBtraaa I'lerson W O liutteoa K U3 BurUogaufl E lloneck 9, ' Pe.onou V II R HoldinrB Racdail B T Bartolomeo F Hail R W W CL BoberlsoD Baxter A liowall H Klobarda D Beat B U Hilton U H Baker B Harunan U 2 Hjtllog C O Hideout D O ball V Bayoes H Burke B Huuterl Kyau If Uiouiquiat J Harrison J W Hooka pry U Klodiad T HorllokJ H Hmbv J BrouuOfaOa 3 Halrstooe 3 Koxbery U HoboO tv . I haldwla J UlllEJr Bull J P2 t i Hoa.erJ dually HO Uowman J ' HcenbergerJI Hkidta e?T? . Bablusod J F Uoeeh J Hayoea J l Itob nsoa J tV Harris J Bailor J Beeva J D Holland J Barrett J Blares J K Beet B HolruJP Kueeell J N BeasooTM bllm L BircuinsbawWBartea P M KelubJid J J' tryaut W VT Howaid L B Kulheiford Hudson LPS Head M V Bai:ey W By water W II Hug bar W F ilagM v Barton W A Halpbln W lUey W U , Burnett W & Hart W I .iu liowall w: '?i Banner ton ... A Barton W B Hunter WO i. Beamau .A UlronnitbawW I Brown W W Iron C Coal ft Hoarks CT V Co Snelgrove C H DPUEBIO Acul ON AND aoka f . Bullock J liowuian A llarreiet A tilie W A 2 tteiuent A O S Baxter Mr Hill A Bailey T B Huutlugtoa Uo biOtMruood i , oonneoti la a Union Depot at '.Vhicb j Nebekerd . d . evrvm-hereS5a- kid-nty- JP MoOonty ). Mi MALARIA. ANTIDOTE TO Oiaco44 MarravSt.N V. (ion of spirit, and los of appetite. I have taken several difier.nl medicines, and was treated by prom- s, iaeiit physicians for my liver, and spleen, but I gotno relief. 1 thought I would try Brown's lroa letter ; I have sow takes one bottle and a half and am about well pain in side and back all gone soreness all out of my breast, and I have a good appetite, and am gaining in strength and flesh, tt can justly bs called ihtkjnfqf mtdkinet. Oileon 8 H Drthmepfr FW UoldsmHh S B Cfford W tt Oreeu Gallagher W Pyatt V Oodbte W H Patterwn A Pattao DO Oaie W H V? ( 7' " ( 1 Standard f M Aiiataeou Adair W T0PEKA& SANTA FE MININa DISTRICTS, 4 .1 . e DENVER, I!UBLO, all polnu on tba ultra ayatam la h 1 Allau I t- M D Andenea'L HI) Uauttelle P Hart P AmenW' r May - klansfield, Ohio, Nev.se, 18I1. IGentletnen -1 havs tufiered with patn in my aide and back, and great icrenes on my breast, with thoot- Icg pains all through my body, at' tended with great wukaeu(dcpres' Vorai.le:s s Mod rath J U Mcfnroa I) MoCluto J C (Irk nam J Uerber J T Qtudrap J Graagcv L E Urubiia kt aula w tl Atbtoa J A toon J ATCHISON, - Flia 014 j JlelUola GiuinUon, - BIounlnLn,- Aiber J IS VIA THE iT LEADVILLE, Alver J V , :. A Walntjro WKvUoy r J (icrdaa J Green J tl j ; according to directions. i ; Good . " aT ters, and taking it regularly , W tha Kidneys Uirooib tbese retnovtug all imparities mt the syatcna," three sonnd digestion; producing spv;tit.e. regular etools, a elwr Bkin ami a vigorous body.- TlTTT'S PILLN c:iine n witU mutsea or gripinar nor intcrfcro. dully work Hid are a perfect ' How? By getting one 11 UraM j Wattsou J ' WaoablpMJ - V Weltsai Hilar A :: i fbottlef of Brown' Ikon i -i Atklueou H i Line of Utah! tu GENTLEMEN'S LIST. AND l?''-l:- Mr XbampBou' MH V j. i ana CARPETS befora tha eyes, hlsrhly colored i:Hne,COrk'STIPATIOSnadernana t lss nna atf a Wsaikl ,iv tlmt acts directly on the Liver. As aLlver metllcineTCTT'Son W '':' : tipnicDiiir. stt the IIeaurt,aota A t TTwjwtaa'Ot, , atuiee 1. it I U i JaioaT: Route to the East i;f-tiCTiC- T rj I ri-i.- , na; datty.IMx-sluaaSrFlnttcri- ... miserable and good for no- thing, Sand no bne'but your-W- lf cap find fault; bpt if you J?.re tired of that kind of life, you, can! change it if you - Wtekels Korgrove kfra Wrlgbtdx J V West j NlvwJ : warotr Mrs: Ntff M - ' NiitlOU K Williamt a v Ncrris S o .. VoticgCJ s Oleeeu I Hiog E : A L Eord KU SHORTEST . BETWEEN Ford I GonKh A: 33 : k HeMorriasay. Mm ; AtWoodU JCxir-w-- a. TiUOINEDG, I -, J if . Moatoy E Madseo. Mrs Kasluiau E B K Milker Kcauau Maaou Q Rdmuoda tt Mlddlaroa 3 1 Erloksjn J Uu.r-oueU eidrldgeal HJ Morton M A t'ddlDKIOU Mil obeli a; r relet Ii r) K . i a Lutr . ... M ' You can continue feeling ' , H ' ! . ' 8K5pkarB' 8U3er L W gtUJbell J P EoeedK V 4 fekow iU:i SparkeTJ Stuiih LoveS at 'i's-f'- : rtr health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches find pains, wouldn't you father feel fresh and strong ? . Ktapbana A tsberrirt . I'M'-s ; three-for:Frm these Theee of Ute diseases of the human race. their existence : symptoms indicate Bowels costive. of Appetite, Ixss eata Hick Il.admelie, follatass or or to exertion body aversion ing, IrrltabU- -; ntissd, Erweta-tlo- liOWof food, ,A feellosr ot temper, apsrlta, ity or atavlns neglected some I Sbetmec McKintcah EBlhimpou MoUoiald H Torkeiauu ktiLeod B II Taff J r Taurlor M AMorrlaa A A Denula i 3 Diekluaou tt i '4,-- Lunkard B sii.t 1 t'l Iw if. i i l oltrod A f : KUubad M A ' K.nlar kt C!weoa (I - Kimball W II Otarka JWJ OAT wood J J2 i ii Luitdqu'et A Ction D CiiMM L l,ovey K UOWELS, LIVER MALARIA. and sources lis arise TORPlLJ DISORDERED T :4 t a M, u i- t 1 no equ&L Their action PILLS have and ikin is also prompt J t ;'sf':-- . i . ... " ... , A U Prlobard B S Paluier B Parait U - Paud V R tiitibar Mri UttMiMit at Buitorwurth Pickering V JL IluuugieeaK CLPeuerBou Heine ut AO Park J Hakk4 K HawakiS PyurfJ Bond E liurdamaa J Petterauo Vr Packer O A Bkbop JPA I H top L Barret: M K Hardy 8 L Read C A Butter wort b Har ilu M J M H vliowoll Mri Holiday A J Ilutt MA T Kldgea If UiM laaace arret t V ltoiiday K 11 llowtx-rrB ook P iJ lilddie ii If :.f. JeuPea C brown Jaoobsej E bar J W w Kehirr Jeffrey J 1 Si . - n P kelps A AabiDMd M J limen M (J ton M A qjnrkuaaaA On It bouse 1 . Outzen N Osouru M A Peiersoa Patterson t. t at-mop- i U wwm dadghters of fmabJ. and Mien, are no more fit- for than pullet la to look matrimony a brood of fourteen chicken. after Thartday, Asaa( 9, 11S3. The troth in, dear glrte, that you want lesa fashionable restraint and more liberty of act Ion; more kitchen and lesa parlor; more leg exeroue LIST OP LETTERS1 and leas eofa; more franknesa and FOOT IN AT 'THE OfnCI REMAINING mock lees modesty. Xooaen your City, Aug. 9, 1883, whleb if and breathe pure not called for wtUua oue mooth, will be Mot become aomethlng and OiBoe. Lettec Dead ti tbe M nawn ceamuai trtooa ana " - designed. LADIES' LIST; EVENING NEWS. Xa-.Ov- "'t J.x. ' ; , w .... .l y . - ... !.. , l.I.I - " j |