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Show A Window Smasher. Last nlgtt If you want good, durable, plain, a man named Crist was arrested for twilled and dreee nan Dele, oall at tha Old Oonatltu-tio- n 1 breaking a couple of windows of an Pravo mills agency, 1 also for white, gray! f iNTEBBSTINa DETAILS 80MB observation car of tha Utah & Neva and ;Building; lln-ee- y mottled blankets, shawls, MISSION ABY da railroad and deporting himself in ' ' sheeting, woolen yarns, eoeks r m ? !: a awasa and boisterous undershirts and and atockinge, wero we Tala mornlDg pktedto manner. On his agreeing to pay cheap ' tweeds, etc. etc, FISHBROS. SPR1IIG MOUIITAUI VAGOUS FLOATING! FRAGMENTS. meet Elder Wm. M. Brqnileyof costs and other home-mad- s trunks, the withfrom complaining arrived parties Nw . i: Juat ,i t j gooaa. Bprtazyllle. ;Luc4m ii BeU.g.t eight dollaB Zealand, .iJ JOJLN C. CUTIiBB, Agt. where he has btenf ott! a drew tha charge.! mlasion. He left here on the lth Are you troubled with such sympVJSK. Zion's Benefit Building 8ocietr. BJtOS. & ABBOTT, VVMJ JLJY1 of DcemUr, 18J0, and labpred toms cf dytpepsla as belching, tastXJQ The B GTE, of A meetine TED regular monthly E TWO'S heart-burZealand Aim n, llandf, ' the New etc.? ing of the food, to Cache Zion's Benefit Building Society was crown s iron uuters will cura you. H efflfn $teunloa of that PrealJent mlaalpn.. being ... Ju When he arrived Ja his appoloted held last evening. Eight applica,... off .Oil th (j U'Jcd. IvW CSUI BBOI, m SfHI.lkaCAL it. for tions loans .; were r.rget pasaed by upon field thtrre were but three branches CLEiRASCK SlLC, meeting of the the Board or plreotore, and the liadies desiring to secure bargains FirsmeWSutuai Aid Association of the Church In all, and rio there hands in Dry uooo-9- , nouJ4 maae uo pur are ten composed of whites people money will be placed in the KSSriK eVenlng at half past 7. ' of as aa the toon the ex- cnases without nrst examioing our applicants fJ m or Maoiila. parJ. I. Case Steel Beam Center Draft Sulky Plows,' j. 11 KkUoN, Secretary. and one of natlvea, atockand price,; ..' (John Bbos. la of amination titles completed hla of stay;. ,bn,he time ; Mrs. Barah M. Kimball ia now at ing the Walkina Plows. Sfeel and Wood-BeaIt results satisfactorily Wsara closing out all our summer kewaiki Wayne County, hew Islands the work opened anaong he providing 1 the an or are Uressuooa-des klna and necessary papers Voik. Any; of hr frtends desiring native population last winter, ig!ity perfec every i . cription at CObt. ,:i:'r:v.;;',,-.- ,: tjccmmunicate with her cau direct of them being baptlzad. Besides ted, i,.' . t BK08.I CoHN Stockholders should keep the fact tataat place.;. I ; 171. these ISO white people were added In mind that unless their monthly oon been i Our Bilks are offered at great bar to'the Church. Arrangements shave J -... j,, t .feted or liev. Henry Ward Becher r.:;r As a rule the white population are dueB are paid on tha .second Wed- gains, aa we are now engagedt in our .:-:t.Salt the the a at lecture '1K;'"V.V? clearance f. Yj; rljeliver sale, J be each of V.: will lr month, to they ' and nesday the Gospel, i: r.ir.,. in'i ;. :..i uohn tSRoe. Lks Theatre.. September llth la bitterly opposed the gealus of the colonial; govern subject to the fine specified and Je date deckled apon. In laws. the bye Those We are closing out our; WhlSe ment is against it. The principal provided Gloves, 65o pairTortl $1.25 pir KELLY 2 AUD 4 POINT STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. The service ever the rnialoa of meet- Goods and Household Lilueas, aul from the llies prevented attending la author the reason for thia that Ui8 mtto twin Kin or xjroiuer mii il ings can lettl a their dues with the sreat barcalus areonered. Hiater Caroline Y. Croxall took of the Islands encourage ImmigraIVJUN 15ROS. r,i 25o r C. M. at Z. Hose, A. conduct I. Parsons, i Secretary, yesterday afternoon, of the J the while spread tion, Gol. Y. PRESS. WHITMAN PERPETUAL Jjty.BIahop O. F. Whitney. W. J. as taught by the Elders, among he or .the asal.tant-secretary- , Bargains In Towel. Br trains in if h Raleinir Wire and Tics. Cohn Bbos. Bateman at the U. G. It. R. ofnee, Table Linen. , 25c Hose, rllie Tenthj Wajrd Eta 8 Hand art people has an oppojlte teidensy. - Wagon Timber f ..!;. Wocd Hard Lumber. and Kjror a mree Block. Deseret Bank National . With about two exceptions the tjug arrangements ... Ooh Parasol are now offered;, at Tents and Wagon trovers. excursion to Nep hi, to take Ibe deuounced Cohn Br & asr-- Team and Boecy Harness, have coat.' newspapers act ou Wednesday, Sept. Oth. The worth ' lretoewill num75c 25o each, Beedt Attention. A large Ja aW Molina and Fish Bros. Boad Carts. te i fot;the rojnd trip, f Elders and been very vlrulut to know seem do of la ber are not' We bargains great people cfleiing their attacks upon them. jhe it Cohn Bbos. 'Ihetdare messages at the West moat notable departure frtfai thia it, but it la a fact that the following Corsets. Shade-Hats- , 25c C. for Ofllc Union Telegraph iroTi E is a section of an ordinance in rela..... j.' f n I l'! v ivrrv. VV. UJTatene, Pratt and rule la the Auckland Jtercdhieh, cii.LNo.2.! tion' to the control and distribution WAGON W; Wl Lincoln, L. D. Kirs tu alluding at any time totha "M r. As minute men to call No. I S3 water of 25o into this 40o flowing city: aad Tbouiaa Bhoemaktr. BALT LAKB CITY and OQ D EN, DTAFI. a not respond. (I say as, you tW Corrapoadaaee loUclted and bi) invariably ei'Ulbitel J HNo person shall convey water Com. andO. M. tatlafactlon ruaraotecd. v If j,. sa. ji; fairuc ef j; o' ,;,!. ' spirit U j Anderson, the .ll.11'. I from a publlo ditch t his lot or Now to all who may call I will HONEYCOMB QUILTS, in. ii oharArtefl tof the the ; and ticket c.rd Perhaps $155: pram'sa by au Irrigation ditch, give a fine eet of Plain Teeth for rttt-r-. has. removed from Lis old powers that be on the set first cf Teeth Gum full or a without constructed, Ijt 124, having DIRECT FROM THE HARVEST FIELD ! tiinJ on (;oniuit;rtII street to a be tha'faet-trha- t corof Dan direction the under the M. 30. Jaa. city list, Bulow, by Jadiel partially rr.ra eligible location la the base 55c 75c a substantial gate, both ner l1rst Bouth - and Third Weal of the Dueret National Bank although th population jj a fctily watermaster, . .. ; head k at in l the Lake and Salt 15th Wardi the ditch, publio Street, City, U.. -- t talldin. Hpeclcoana of hla artistic 500,000, in ail, Iiicluatog ;k&r of his branohi ditoh; the latter he May 26th, 1683. ! handiwork can now be seeu iu vari 0W natives, the tJolonlaljdjsbteii. ahall Bead Wliat the Farmers of Utah Say, of the forti CORSETS, 65o; ipair, pair keep closed and water-tigh- t, ,,n leading eiihoiixirueutu or me cluele of fedveral mil Hons of'ed to allotted the by except during period Parasols at reduced br'.cfes at city. ' DONEI-BOHB03. the several internal insorpuratinf, him for the use of such water. And ( 75c! " 55o crosses such ditch where branch any Donkia fcllpB. I.C reaches the enormous suni fcf XH, i'tia mining j Hi-portion cf .a sidewalk, the same BUVBLasif aa.ita kaLtc. our band: iWO.flfMl nr tlKS.OilA Ri11 ' '"'4 ti, shall ped thl3 note Into be made of lumber or other The medical woadar greatest $1.25 A f substantial material, the covering of "vVewere bom betwteu sunrise VJyJj Dj.riug Elder Brbmley'a' the world, Warranted to 13j .'. on be a shall level which such with and sunset Ion the 9 tb and 10th of tlJlo-rsf ; be two had Burns, T Brakes, Cute, trca .jure sidewalk." An5UBt: is Ferer ialt Rhe'Jin, Sore, of ! the of doctrlhia fthe DoSKlN.' Cnorj H. explanatory ' K. . 0. IS. a.vt :55o SaiiXT, Utah J July 81st, li3. The way ia which this very ne Piles, Chilblains, Ccrn, TetUr, translated Maor Into Gospel e cou-piall akin erupMessrs. D. M. Osborne di Co., TLl meaui tjiat the Veteran la ignored is a Chapped Hands, and to core In every tions, Low Down Bind are wvnty yira old on those language, and 2,003 of eaoh printed cessary provision to y guaranteed Gentlem-n- : !65c Last year I bought a 1.00 ' pedestrians .in Instance, or money returned. 26 for distribution among thai natives great annoyance to season harvest er fooled entire my crop, c lots and the rsptoCtif datcjf. away trying v: of for town bak. '' " whom oecta per various parti the Far sale by Z. O. M the Saints 9 naa the we nrst, wa? me rear tm their the iectv3sary furnishing .Hinder, gave agent improved ; ;;,?;.! il'-- :: aid e walks are In places made l. Drug Ktore. Or. Ormiby had a funda for T tha bo Funday lrt have teoome farmers a V' all failure with and my i neighboring the I, together '; purpose. of suwry to hl own family to aoes. or wora tne ditches aina witn it llsgusTed Ths opening of the do6f ofithe nearly Impassible by open TO TKBESIIER trend toj llw I8tl eo Oliver, aged Knowlnr that the Osborne No. 11 Twine Blnuer was running all across them. Last iDter-eatinaround night, running is yerHliile-playinhbouf la You must put in your orders soon very around G3sp3ltothe ma and doing good work, I want to town yesterday and purchas Ui fheds in ths rear of the U. O. two la the lower part of the city a gen for the Case Agitators! to eet a or waa one. it waa set in motion and after thoroughly testing it in ed exacted It day to tha before store on ,JMaIni ttreet, fell foot against one them this year, as the supply is like tleman his tall ahort and caught alike, I feel like recommending tha Oaborne to the. grain last and been has Dozen Christmas, Spiled around fioiii a hclaht of 8 or 10 feat, as: it was to exnauatea as a machine that wui give entire aatiaraciion. took te he and of of flames farmers the ly early, Utah, projecting H'--!.treakliig both bones of hiB left fore partially related In a communication an hut year. dive ward, ground fracinvoluntary wrlat. The to the News. Brother 31romley, the iThe record stands thus:- - We sold ub fast j Mr. TTardcastla ia mv neighbor, and after witnessing the working of ture waa a bad Jpnai but under the with two other brethren.wsre with a Injur log his knee by the fall. Bute 20 in 1881, S3 in 18S2 and we already both Binders above referred to, I heartily endorse all he has said. masters ikilful treatmsni of hta father the appear nave a orders ror this year. rthe of the assistant water JAMZ3 C BKOuN. fccj? Is doing yiii.-Ua- h be or reorders ir. (Logau) number of, natives, explaining will Send your you: to be lax in their duties in this Gospel to them by meaM pfltwo lata.--:Ul: too $1.25 each, wortH"$2,50 each. Bibles, one in the Maori Vncj the epectjl Don't let auy man deceive you by I ' Walks; Utih, August 1st, 18S3. the assertion that he has nearly other in the Englieb language. PasMr of aa a farmers the We, uuderaismad, at good machine tbe Agitator. Sanpete County, this day wilnee-e- d .LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. sages were selected' by Brother BPECIiL BUSINES3 NOTICZl aa ia well known, will the cuttioa: and binding of an Osborne No. 11 Twine Binder, and beret y The Agitator, Bromley in the Eagliah edition 'and out thresh them all and clean and certify that it did excellent work the best we ever saw. -t Homa Mlnf&iJ. Houie MUalon- - the natives found the same in theirs save ever; .kernel. We would confidently recommend it to any farmer wismng a um.it r SUCCEEDS LIKE "KOiniSCI .and nuawlil vjlBUth Wardi of this and read them, and a very favofable SUCCESS." sj'ii J say, buy no other. i Wi Co. Thb John Lowell Waoon WM. I.AVB. G.E.MILLER. JVO. "R. RKESK. ; dS&Wtf city next Suiaday erenlng, August Impression was made. HH feeling The success of the John W. Low I RICHARD 1.AM0, K, T. LAMB, JOHN EDMUND3, 12th, and the country Wards of the was deepened by the fact, that a ell Wagon Co. in making sales of UALLUW AX. RICHARDS. JNO. TH03. I COAX IH EX(77riOai IsUke on the Sunday, following, and daughter of the chief waa elckand tbe J. l. Case Agitator Tnresber Their Bock Springs, per ton," ay trill In future vkit the bevrl Wards through the prayer 'of faith offered has been most remarkable. .. . $3.00. traveling agent, Mr. E. A. Kealer load, ouce la two jyeeks, until further by the brethren, recovered.; When leaves Leux, Utah County, Ju y 28rd,' 1883. for Nephl to day, for the par Bock Springs, per ton, at A Lake Oaborne M. Salt of Eleven a ' of Dose 0. 1.50. : uotlce. Co., delivery City, making tha Elders called the following these dedestined 11 L of Machines, famous No. Osborne Twine Binder wa9startol XMJtiM IUU IklLin til tha Gentlemen: My IVtSldency Bj inatru'otiJpsof : day the chief related a dream he for . . Sevier Counties. . and f.Oa to state works to my entire satisfaction. me that it and Sanpete !f it llvered, gives pleasure cttbe8fk. had some time previous,! when he of From all Nevada. ton. Red Youis truly parts Utan, in best Binder market. per Consider by it the Canyon, . V. ' Wb. beheld certain personages; one of Idaho and Montana, orders are be J TayijjR, Cleik. . . '4.50.! ' "wm. o. clark. ; i ij'r Carload, ii i Red Canyon, per ton, at whom was dressed in a white obe ing datlv received for tbe Agitator. : . . ;S.00.i Yard, . Aitnougn ma saias ror lees were un- letters and appeared to have nl colored precdentedly Yiiit to ti rtland.-Prlval- e r sales for t Bad Canyon, per ton, de- the ; large, Kay's Creek, Utah,' July 7th, 1883. I. ' I iiou Mra.j Utile Bears and Mlaa clothing on his person. He kso de 1881 thus ft. ift.60. . an Increase show of i . llvered, We, the undersigned, farmers of Kayavllle, Davis CoHnty, Utah, LouWWelk etate that they were scribe! the appearance of Ihila coun Over thirtyjar per cent , and from pre - Waber, par ton, by Oar at an exhibition of the Oiborne No. II Twine Binder, on tbn present an . sent . :4.M.! Increased sale of Indications 'load. i. The first tenance. One of the other peiaonlately at Kirtland, Ohio. of Thomas farm Sandali, Jr., Esq.. of this plaoe, Uo hereby certify that be can ere looked for per cent, par ton, at Yard, i.28. Weber, our expectations in every respect,1 bind in k a rood exceeded rested fifty machlna tha named lady visited her father's aarea and an influence-tham the season closes. No other thresh dellvarad, j.00. masised bundle, trim and tight; we consider it a grain and labor-savibrother and his j wife, and the old uponnlm signified that tha visitant er aver introduced in tha Territories our to we to recommend It and farmer works In short it A. perfeotlon CM chine, Qooxjs Agent. -homestead jof her father, and both was the Apostle Peter, whJ was ex has attained such a wonderful popu f !r I' friends.:. ' Signed, i aa vase tne A BBOS. an AVEBBACn F. "men i. influence jaruy Agitator. among tock.mach Interest in viewing many rclslng HENRY THORNLEY, .T. H. BOD30N' . JAMES KISG, - j.d & SW. Call attention to their advertisenTUUM LAYTON, THOMAS 8ANDALL, Ja.. MARK K. BEAZER, plats of interest.. They passed for their salvation. He said he was ' JOHN WATSON, WILLIAM RANDALL, niuuo. ment, and promise polite attention iiiaiiu to the the trie of recognize Impelled yiait Kirtland ttrongh Temple. The diSestive weakened lowest to pat- and all organs their GREAT ANNOUNCE THEIR prices three Elders as having a csnnetstlon and worn out by - nsine cathartic with thia manifestation. He de medicIne,restored by using Brown's Payson, Utah, July 2nd, 1S83. From tue 34 te SSia Inelbslve iron Jtsitter. mes clared he believed their that O. A Lake M. Salt Osborne Go., We will continue our heavy cash City, quite f revileut. What la known as and was ready: to bebeplizsd. discounts on sales of Furniture, etc. and I wish lo Gentlemen: My Osborne No. 11 was started tHe "Suit Ch6ka Mixture" la a sage SELECT OYSTERS. hla and wife to insurthe can OF It farmer friends. recommend cent! ch'.ef, I rather than tlx that my Accordingly pay per say heartily Itlsllgtt most eftecjiva remedy In eucu cases. Eighty cents par can at Smith's, her brother were bapt'zid ihe4anie No. 8, First Bjnthl 8 tree t. Fresh ance. We are determined to con-vedrift, easily managed, and Its binding is perfectly tight and uniform. , ThU fact iaa been demonstrated In t of oar stock into cash, O. H. WAKhER. par loart truly, WalkatD Biver. every morning. : ! numerous' hatancs. The receipt evening in tha Bros.' j Bahratt waa published In the Njtvvs a short From thia nucleus the wojrk spread l riA BIc BUM. of. their Mammoth. Establishment, In a'l tbe Dartxients already Ham t ' Mv time slate. It U a handy ejtlole to until the number i j atEDDoiare ; f. r raioai. of L. , H. Oden , Griffin, gets ui Nephi, Utah, July 18th, 1883. ' a fine were with ed i added, to Owlnar carload several arrivins . fc&7ea u,e U'ouia i i and sells a carload of California la the heated D. M. Osborne A Co., Bait Lake City, r 4. pro3peot of miDymsrd cdmicg in frolta weekly. Wilte to him for about the tame tlme,l will sell spring Urai. Its was work Binder and To GenlE: (started, pleases day my perfect ror the next thirty oaya at '!! wagons r attie Gospel door. Thi King1 has brloes us much. We consider tbe Oj borne the only machine that is a per- reduced prices. Now u the We greatly all Sammer Goods at Greatly Bedaced Pricer. some at feotvtry belief the his ihdl cffr publicly expressad luocF&B in an conditions cr mam. we can recommend it as the to first elass time use olj 8ul;trcka. A week ago Gospel, and many are Inquiring. get eprlngWaxons one whs has tried the Pre v soma ana t Aseiow Evkry .:' u'J.i! Yours truly, Binder.ixmi, : W k "Boss" ever. than ; pheaper is unoolored de Tea mium ' Brother Jatez Taylor, of ' i JOHN KIXNKTE, DTRUM EIENKS ,wieraajf ;. - 1a.O? ZLTZBT Eider W. T. Stewart, of Kftnab, lighted with it. Japan u complete, or great s'me stock are For sale at the tbe lllh y"ard, while at work at hi who work all standard succeeda Elder the variety, my Bait Lake Tea Store. Bromtey li uade as tarpenUr. on the roof of Black and Colored Faiks reduced from ana rally warranted. ' r 25 tof 1 60 ......... rtreiidenov. and Elders J.' CI. rttew-- 1 ' f 1 60 to Black and Colored Silks reduced from on or 15 ............ address bouse, was suddenly proatrated with Call I ;.-t,Goods gS3T The above are samples of letters we are receiving every day. come. w still thev And u.nt.r..M .n4nk..i Black Bilks 2 Colored reduced and to 70 00 frin.: Howard I 8ebbE, uastroieJ lle was quite ill for eev New Bal e Tea at , . : the arrivlnz , i dally J ' S 00 to Back and Colored Silks reduced from..: Bain Wagon Depot, Salt Lake Oily 61 uax al aays, and la f.1. i their- language'trand Kabor- -Mtttore. only now begin- - learning W KOd 1 oo to Satin Bhadame redaced from...... J.j....: 0 ugaon. to fctog to--l Batln 9.1 reduced from..... 2 Bhalame 60 . ...:....., elwlyj get around, looking Ing with commendable energy tto Go to the Bait Lake Tea Btora for tha sha low of hU former self. Bilks reduced from....;, Check Surah 25 to 00 . IV In Groceries, Bed Front. A BUS OS A llHtO aTABE. V, C3 IIL. w bargains I U to a them the . of 1 60 to knowledge bring nuuwvu 26 ,.,.,,. o: iiiix dulu iruui.,,.. NotwSthsUulin foi liow. tha oppressive Never was such a rush made opposite Mtrket Watered Silkreluced from..........i......:...!...... 2 00 to !;, 6) truth. lifeat of thtt aeiion,j at Is now as v.C 2 of thia kind any Drue Store tata Moires reduced from.......J......,..., ...... Satins 60 to 2 91 terms in Brother Bromley speak fcavo bttin vtity Uvi. " M " The celebrated Pioneer Baking M. I. Drug Store for a trial Bottle of !; '!! 'il of commendation 'of thejdpigence Powder for Bale at the Salt Lake Dr Klnx'e New Discovery for Con and faithfulness af his ob laborers Tea Store, 1254 First South 'Street, sumption, Coughs and Cold. All 8 with Athma, tr Market persnns aflected Fraca.ThIs morning a in the ministry, and of the kuidoess opposite USE ILL FBEIGH CRESS CSOOS IT EBEJITLT BIDUCEB P21GE5. . Row,., , j,.. j . Bronchi tl, i llowftui, J Severe fiacasocoorred fcctwcea W. B. Sulli-vi- and : I of the of the New Zealand or atfeoilon hospitality any Coughs anda maa who runs aa express Saints towarda himself aatf the Hosiery at reduced prices at Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial VelHngs, In all Fashionable Djubli Wide Nan's from-.... 70 tof 60 brethren. wagacefie, Earned Bprague. redaced of Bottle this by Shades, great .........$ 00 remedy free, High ..4....... 25 to from.... words pasted iLetWfcen redaced at above more, reguPiatd, eElegant Drug calling ' the parUet, I ' irom-i...- .... , , 60 to ; Bise tl.00 reduced Nun's Silk Dotted lar 00, Halilvan Veilings, REFRIGERATORS recnding to a vile epithet The Canyon Cure. The eftylng, teens (tbe beat selection in tha city ) Sat French applied to hlri Ly a shoulder stroke ' reduced from-.i..I eo to - 40 AX H. DINWOODEya. .; , "a prophet bath honor pave ia his Two-yar- d 60 to 25 Bpragae's corpus. To this assault own wide Grenadine rtdaoad from. ...i. to FAMOUS in THE country," appears apply, "to" latter rttCrtcd .. GAM SCHOOL to reduced from Oil 12t HATIONaf, Iavbi by biting nearly princIple,to plat as wellaa hjdivld-ual8 to Lawns redaced from.. Is tha latest, lanrest and best or-ILrougb. Piie l of BuUivan's flneer so Od to 22 60 from... Dolmans Ladies' lernt o 'peothe D. ! eeaeeasa At heatej . Daring instrnctor rnbllahed, yet pan ana an unsuccessful 0 00 to 15 00 Ladies1 Dolmans from...........M.....i attempt to ple t whom vacation privileges are O. Calder's. ' gjoge hiis tjvs out. Both landed in 15 00 to 12 00 Dolmans from....... Ladle' H lo for accorded, keep casting about 'imlo. Ladles' Dolmans from . 10 00 to 7 60 m.. Go to the Globe Bakery for your calities ia which to spend, the 'relax 7 00 10 00 to from Ladies' Jerseys ......,.,...'................. and CAKES, where B UTTER Made in from 6 00 to 8 75 Iiadlea Jereeya frum..,....v..w.....;.-;...m.;..- ... atlon days or weeks, and generally Confectionery ana to are be had wnojepare they sUleage i aild AtSD3intmanr 4 00 to Ladies' Jerseys from to I three $00 select soma spot a considerable dia some. Xi ajbhuuj. " Ladies': and Mkses' ot Lace Ladies' 8aUoni lh Nottingham tance away, while comparative par h Collars, Ties, Bach- ;".'?.'"-;Stockings, . d2tj Minutes, X:;1.!,' ; :. .ereiicei ha released ;r logs, etc, reduced 20 per cent. I''Bhawl his adises at their doors are unotaerved A Thermometer furnished tar DOWN TaXEY OO. Wll XT OOE8 Silk at In A Few Black 110, and " siouy labors in thi from Fichus; positively Cream, land, to and unused. There, for 'jlnstace; is w.v... t to war with eaoh Churn. For Sale by , r,. worth $15. ii" our City Creek, which thousands 2 00 fo fl 60 of team harneas, r , x reduced from... in ...f Th6 Cloth, Shade, prices light Di CLAWGON, 'H. Saint fromlce-- probably of our citizans s have V 1 60 to 1 80. in 4- - i Ladies' reduced from.......... Present Fonaar.'i Cloth, Light Shade, v i BALT LAKE CITY. dl32 0 to prloe. prloe. A True I the Betraackers, In Light Shade, red ace 1 from-.:.,...- ..., ntver .explored. ti ' 0 IS reduced to. SS5.00 from... la No. $30,00 Khm! 1 Hjiraia n.EvanF,of the fishing 1....;. Shade, Beeranckr, Light and hunting facilities 85.00 40.00 No. 2 aference, is released to are not over inviting, btitit has the ' Are superior in Workmanship, Finish and Material and can be 41 60 45 00 No. 8...... SmSny0Q,WUl1 tne August 291h general advantages of trees, shrnb- 62.00 65.00 TOKS ' OF ' ua ova oxew Fon No. 4...... MONEY than any other line of first . bought for LESS & sals by Bftfaop F. Keslsr, Hztcsnta 42.60 43 60 No. 0j..:.. bery, nmbrageoua and cool 1 moan- Ward. 60.00 4100 ,t' - ; class work .in tliis 'ciljrJ"j'" jNo. 50 tain recesses, a clear murmuring donCon-jncV.niqr8lQfhe 1 as The above nrlues are for cash, pointed to succeed brook, coal and limpid springs of THE BEST ITS A.LWATS THE CHEAPEST to mov into s ) new store LOST COW. - i We oflarat many'LO Single Pairs; and sueh lines as we do not cart to duplicate the Preaidencv of Iving water, while bracing ireeiea intend tfcs W reduced to be must in sold room. roods PBlOE. .. make shortiT. All other very . , Theyii Conference. Mill. float Ma OF JTJtY, A OB ABOUT T3B .. . - . r ...... through tha fastness In the proportion, to clear wem one oeior OK tarce j , red 03w, o j hira droplajri fl ' ' W. L. PiOKABD. . hottest weather. branded O OneVda, 8trrd from taj JMio, moving. Get STTOEBAKER'S PHccb and see their work .Miij!vivi,i.r'':.: 6b near alma rratVs taroa, soul ot cf. 1mm 1 Underwear. Children's Slioa ey Corsets, Ladies' Muslin Ganz and r, .1 The other wees a friend of ours, a a returotot 5 ..r. i Any peNoa Dsavcalrior. Has v U before ana AitSfes, eto greauy reanoea. i prTv.l f K K3TIXESS! CcacwtL-Peo- ple . j:- -' you inYest.: la finilug that bli f&nily were getting rini Won, tom.wulbfwjiJr.wtr Our Tabla Cloths, Curtain; ToweWNipklniitnd cthfe? Whiti Tbe llvj of your teethtr:? cf tQla pn, dty Ka languid and lifeless, with appetites dren are be Closed Out to make room for New Stock. must Lrowhs Goods saved by using gratuitous- oonfcerta. anas ooula not t coaxed la to ani Blackberry and Ginger. JIt la par- Thi- - if looallreference to "8Peial tu" . The Iron Manufacturing mation, got a tent and moved them feotly safe. with canines. a few miles up City Cretk. Browa'i Blacaaerrr mm 61 Camp Company of Utah. ... 0 Hsj cured mora cases of Diarrhea, life In that Inviting retreat did more j. Rnlm&1 J"ri the foot-faof good in a few hours than" thousand Dysentery and Basamcr Ccrsplilat, .J FURP03B Of PBOMOTISa Is cfiering many Ileal Cargains la Gent's and Bits Banner Ealt. Felt THB TYiR In America. other than remedy any JS-tfl.n.- snd manufacture of Iron, Uut Vompmy Straw and Solar Hate, Boys' Waists, White and Percale aoeiora- - prescripuons would in. Mtanp Tested for twenty years. Always baa'the Shirts, Gents' been iDoonwretea acooroicy m iw, -from four Half Moaa and Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, ate aemana for rood soon safe, sure and reliable. ine year. " flftetn others4ntntly takann th. Wertern iron hwupmt .'"vAn inactive eoncuuon or Haodied White Jaoqoaxd and MarseilUs Qollta, at $1.25,81.75, caused the question of supply to be count,, 0,t. r 5J?r?zZ S3 60Oaa to 83 50, much below our regular prices. Tne knee am4 Elver, op an interesting one, and the campers 4 Carpet and Linoleum' Bemn ants, Sofa Bug?, Footstools, 2iadesi uufcat a stretch. Thtde were lnfustd with fresh, lira tad is the sonrca cf nearly all disease; rrknV&s ewn an Interest mscwa n !1 ;:.; Uicy its cada pcrs, &cuTd ana i, '':i: f, claims la Iron Couatr , ror wdmi it&i fct3.j at prices worthy ths attcstlsa cf all,; Those OoVernmTt U can? who as bos alw.bers j Nell ti healthy, by rising title vigor. doKliaba the UUnes cf tht tsawslusiafs fa tajlag lht cur f whloh Isct eMeSteotqoalr Assortment In lbs prod not should try a does or twa of csn- ;: every line ot Goods is tha Mint and tb- -t Our firwai laratPMUU, ened yon medicine. and Dandelion, with Iodide of Po- - ViintMtloo toofBra to creo tumaoes tor Prtcea will be found tbe Jjoweat aver made on thaComplete, jf filaaiwi of Uooda. U taiaa wauy court awee tea maoufaonn .miT. . ; tasslam: it speedily cares: . Merchants, Hotel Keepers and other Wholesale Bvyata win find , ; jonar rtr ti - v many Bargains m every department of our Immense Jobbing Block. sounds of otbar btK a. tura a ' coacerl have died wuto This afufnean we reeSivei k 3" Orders will receive I Attention and Reduced Prices. away on the irSi Jsir n i J : : 3?Ktof the midnight breese and ternal call from Matt. Parrot UEn., CcTala, : thitrrv-J .' Jye!s:as, rrt'ytrs ,:9r - p. Bheamatiam. of the Iowa State Jieporterfrubnsh- Dyspepsia, te to 'irr,ic , a 1 tartlookera taTStad . his euaa waierioo. xowa. ' Tha pen tie Try thia Great Blood Purifyer. he la r.tnl,.M. are now of i a TTc are Ifever Undersold Sjt v v aa aatMa-wman ia J u"1Jue:l with Established 1QG4. Lmmmuuui u on bis way to San Fancis30. ... Erewn's Sarerssar Siai Uiitm. v rr- Vvf arJofcaaalka4 and will call at fiait T.ik n hi ra. And aax your cruut to show you aobfTn turn trip, aswhen be anticipates hav- - - farmu!a bot-- 1 ttl S.1 ' on everv rrinted CJUy. " er . . raWMing eausata l T if i r...1tn vf VHUtl ILULihJA ti iic. Fait i & a fTwreiafi m j Dtwnrft Wmwn'i KfMvw ah l " Ii aukT UiJll limB ia t: TaaririfPt vn I . I rsaavniei THE CHUROBMNr NEVYj2EAj Cllll n SOIKiN MILLS. MILLS. 0 semi-barbaro- us over-shirt- s, 4 j - . . FISn .... -- :.!JAU . - I i, ; Tor, 1 U 'S.'T C5 . Avery Combined Gang and Sulky Plows. j j! ; m i -- J. ; C semi-annu- b;.f:v.j,-; -- t al s CO s SAW M ILLS T. ENGINES and : ! ,:ir-.r.-- I. CASE Saranao i ; . ':. j- - Balbriggan White rT gr Japanese Parasols, i HA i 7 a-A.ii- .-- n i LOWELL JOHN - Turkish Towels, jt-aio- ns rv. j j; ; V sir, TirE COMFY. I j ; es:-h- -- Ilaua' st If0' j White Shirts; lull i. ; i.b - Jean Drawers; Percale Drawers, Plaid Overshirts, f -- re liiln-Utry- ' , !jt. " ".'!' :! Marsh-Whitne- ) te It: L..I Ma-rle- g i g. To-da- y T50 Slightly. ; at-ov- e i.op w ad, raft Percale Shirts, j '' ionieK Miwiiietriiiuei i ! ;i- ; 1 , BEST WHITE SHIRTS, x -- s Bargains ui all of Jour Departments. . ! r'4V :t::ii:':'. j ! ' .: Walkei I ' ' f F, 1 ' i MtOS. iii , (o-da- J "r ;i I v. i I 1 t ! I lERBiH ng MO ; . ! ';:: . .ii:'ri-i:Hrl- ; CLEARANCE v.AILE I j to-da-y, : rt j j " j t i : i ( :.'-!- ! - i , f ; ,, JUICES oiLY. i . - i j . - - OSBORMEZ & CO. D. - M j ; , - t tia i j I , m ;- 'iv :- r; oiiorrMiujRina - - - a - -- : . : ; -- ; M s. Breakwater U.-- i I . v one-and-a-h- atf 'l Jl i ; THE STUDEBAKER - ! , Sp'TaJolylltb.lSSa. T,of CARRIAGES ASD FARM i , SHOE d i , . , 1. : ' : ' i . A : . tT , r'' ' G: .fpopuUted T ; OUR CLOTHirJC DEPARfr.lEtrjT ll ri. r as. COLLIER ,: ly ! - 1,.J2Z!2 ; 1 - -- : Sa '. - t-- mm - UQtcSa a. a I- -- WA I; f! (Jtf f- fVal - ojb-or- r WholesaleGROCERIES, Wholesale WINDOW! PAINTS and JOBLS, Wholesale CROC KERYj Wholesale GROCERY, i Prct wholesale -i GLASSWARE, !b wa |