OCR Text |
Show j -- 4 ltrP4l m'C- r - 'yiv'.;. I ii Miv'i'i;1: II -i: ZJt i ! - - 1 " ' : v : '1 V-- I''' ;i :v ' ... . v ,1 ; i'r:P , 1 ' , i ' ;' ! ; .1 EVENING NEWS. ; PtlKTCD TUtLISHtD AMD 7 THE STY DESERET HEWS COMPANY CHiBLES W. PmOSE, EDITOR. . ! Amu TbureUay, ! j V EDITORIAL , , HOTEJ. ; , Northern Paelflj Hallway J reported to have kilted 1.000 ChlaaI are becoming very popuTtlcjt-lelar lii Chicago; The adYantage over hat tne lUers lMcyjle3 la In the are not obliged to keep sober. a I r I ' The fiscal year ending Jane 30th m not m good one for Irish Immigration, after all the talk about Immigrants." The figures col- lected by the Bureau of Statistics bhow a decrease .of nearly 13,000, as compared with the preceding year. w "a-Biat- . U-- .V eJ - t4l . t.. -.- 11- .1 fishlag pole, the latter being la etc lildJen by the umbrella Lien patented. The we believe, a Connecicut I,who likea to take long walka deucou, on Sunday. meditation fcrtjiilet Hons and iolAai h9 9 in-ye- utr , il Washington Territory can now boast of cne of the grandest waterfall in the world. It was recently discovered at the head of the Cowlitz 'river, and is 1,600 feet high,' or .'1,310' feet higher than the famous Niagara Falls. According to the Iudlans, another great waterfall the Nook-eac- i the same In the river Territory. ex-Jstaj- head-waters- -; of BY TELEGRAPH. ... rn the gen. eral election ot Xt83 are not yet ncunceu it la well kfiewn mat toe People's Tlckel bail been elected, and in hearly i fveri county by a very large majoHty ThU was Juit what was antlpfpateTi by all parlies. It could not well b- - olhtrwifce. .If thousand there were ovek Democrats iu a territory or m District against les iuin: Ave thousand Republicans, wi0 c4ujd expect that the BepubUca ;tfcaet wouh be eleisted Y 8 j, M the lVjple'eJtr ty, numbers abjut Ave Voters to every one of the so called fXiiberal" 1 jartj why fchbuld thkle have j been doubt anywhere aouthef result? j; And yet ther8 is a great dead ot growling goingoiaand complajnts are made that the efectlvin was'a f iroe.' Well, the only! farcical characters appearing in it Were those who vot ed with the expectation that their few ballot3( would swamp the many. rhete is no fares abdut it except the ridiculous an ilea of the losing party, who have lost ftheftr favorite cry oi ''polygamy! add now do nit know j what to howl aboiiu But if tbeir gymnVatlja are amui-iog- , ;wbat 6ha0 .jwa aay about tbe contortions of papers outside theTer-titory- at pf un raajanun TWO NIGHTS ONLY 1 FlUDAY AND SATrRDAY, dlfb-tberl- t'e Blwarjf; aed S yeais aud Albert G. LATEWBT UaHTSIBU. tiettractlve Sterol la lew. Cuicagj, 9. Speda's report a severe btorni in Budby,1 Cass and Pottawattamie counties Iowa last Growing crops were leveled night. to the gtound aud conaldermble damage waa done U oihe - properly. Tbe was five miles track of the wide. Near Bray ton twenty-tw- o head of cattle were killed by being stampeded and rushing down an em bankment. At Lorah nine freight cais were blown from the track. , aodSmoothstlaokJiicSdaja. ' Cook At Bwlntoa, sear ICanobeeter, V Ecclsud. July S, 1!83, James Cooke, Fen., UVitHT, ac4 6i years, kit testified to tbs truth of tbe gal pel up to tbe laat, and waa much re Putt appears noe to Bait Lake, of the beaut spooled by all who knew htm. Mllmnia ' , ,. . i ui ana aooomputnea actress, r. .. Star. r. . j 'j: FlhtilU At her dauhiar' bouse, near BeeJham, Buflaod, Frauoee Foetor, aged 79 ., t ... year.' Born at Wjmoodham, Julr.t . 130i; Supported by hor Original New York CombapUced at Korwh. Norf jlk, Waroh S, IMS, pany, In Jotau A. btovena' ttomantlo by Elder Tbomu Smith, t later Foster baa Prsma, emitted j been a rood, faithful Latter-daa galLt and tauooh defend ot tbe Gospel ntarly 35 ,! yearn, aod died In full fa'ih and fellow.hlp ..... highly ..respected aod greatl beved by ali steam saw 9 Oilman's Ottawa, 01 Endorecd by Preaa :an! Publlo of New York mill, near Hull, Qaebeo, burned last who knew ber. 3t Star. aua can rranoieoa. j night loss f 100 000. CociD-- At tfouroe, Eerier Court y, July aaar. 10th mm FRIDAY EVE., iaflammatloo ef Drowse of the lungs, Fred, n , jae.h. eatnrdar Mali ore, ' i 9. Last John son of F. B. and Sarah Gould, born February OntUrdAy :.,0O''l)0 : y s ; ; i. that decapitated Insects retain their sensibility for a very long time. Flies calmly rubbed their bodies with tbe!r legs, and behaved as if nothing uuuiual had happened. BaCtetn ea continued to fly for felghteen days, and grasshopper kicked thirteen days after being tie- capitated. Boston, evening Fisher, la years old, was sailing with two young ladles, when a trust of wind struck the sail, and the 'j') 3rd,UT5.v: J ,1' ' V . si-;-- ; of-rtt- con-:tti!- . j ! JWA For TWO Xlghls Only, COMMENCING j NOTICE. DUEL WITH K1FLES AT CLOSE THK STOCKHOLDERS OF THE UTAH AND BALI LAKE CANAL COMPANY, ,; x r .Jj ' LUX ! . 1TOTIOB. - - , First Appearance In Salt Lake of lUEUSTIN DALY'S GQMPAHV. From Daly's Theatre, New York, ' Wednesday &j Thursday Evenings A170CNT 15th 16tU, j li tST Tos Great Sueoefs of tbe - 7- - -- 8 he Boomerang Or, Casting ' ! Every Performaooe turner the. Personal UireoUou of Mr. Autuatlu Daly. ? i i PpPv:,::p:P f a -; i1 !. c 7 j . - j FURNITURE 5 I ' : , O J i"7 1?. IST! Box Offlce open from 10 a.m. to 4 W. STAYNER, Attorney and .Conneelor-at- Alt mSNSTTB U. HAVING HID since the year lsSd, In ali r EI S M ATCH THE CHEAT WESTERN MATCH CO.. THB PAtONAGB OF OCB Merabanis and tbe People in set eral, Se0LICIT8 are now prepared to fill an ordt i on horteet notice , Our Matcbea will com Dare favnehle mixix any Imported In Prtoe and Quail y. tSJ"Offioe. Main Street, Salt Lata U. T. . saw Box asi. City, Ji atoj 4ak for the Oreat Western Bfntolies. BUTTER! BUTTER! address all oorreBpaudenoe to GREAT WESTERN MATCH CO., ' P. Box, 596, Salt UUce City, U. T. dAe lis Talepboae oommunkiailow. v .1 it P ; - ver-tdo- o. .-. s, I i -- ; Ml ft li i. It P , : f: it'll . I l! 1 -- 0 H s,- muii' , J FUH-SITU- i A. WANBBKU, . s. , ss ' ..... !;r,,!-:ii ' .,.1 i: 8 NELL, IDAHO bTUHE. VS. nn , - Agent for the Jackson Yen- tllatlng Grate and Fire on the IIearthtirates,8toYee and Mantlet ; , U B 'I ro-iel- re i ' ana IfiOD AGENTS FOR i ' Roofing.. - iv i - J - . 'a " 'gtW'" am i afearf 0 S..gao .'.vo'e ,f m ' ! ; florae Shoeing n Si-'lali- vi- I I w if DAVID JAI71E5 Keeps in stock the latest Improved ri umber's Materials to, le found ... lu the Eastern Markets. . , t U i I n li u a l I I 3 lT77 1J F I i i K Bum : I I iff mm - i ...-f-.- v, . DAV I D I ' j I ft i ,f i i I I vvAooi mat?hi al, iron aARDwwn, '"'' VJtf. Bepotr an Mail i VetiUlrt anl Funnily ImiitmeitU. - ! 8d m Smith and W. U. Warner's Steam Heating Apparatus. - ' Is Sole Agent for the Hartford Glass Water Closet, and ketps In atoc the Heliyer, liygela, Zanes, Jen nlnga and White's Sauitarj Clos--! et, all of which are first class. ij rTANDAHD KEiPeHS AND MOWtrHS, jf Grand Detour euikf and Ilaivi Ploe, Uorbaoi beodsrk and Cnltlrstura, ' ' Grain and 1 Dri.to, . Su'ky Hay IUkee, Feed Cuuers, Chlld llowa, Harrbwa, U.I, and a Stock of Extra rortb aiue. j.. f . j lCALkK3 ' ' .'i. DAVID JAT.1ES , .1" CILEBKATWJ j . .;. La ' t ' ' J.. COOPER'S " ' ATI EG J PIKE, DAVID Sole Agent for tbe Haxtoo, II. B . 8 t L i.gs.aii (Snooeseors to KATLOS BROS.' , V.. Is Sole Agent for the CJarry Iron . ' y . DAVID JAT.TES i W UYLflR : 26 and 28, SlaiB Street. Agent for the Otto Bllent lias Engine. , , Orders by Telephone will promrjt attention. Batata of R. B. MARGETTS. .. 12) Is Sole fra-'rnlt- - . !' Cos LaJ DAVID JAHES -- j x ' la Bom and Porter, ""! ' J A T.1 S Haa In stock the latest designs of Uaa Fixtures, selected personally while In the East the past winter. ' ' " ' .1., .i . u'.l" iti' t y IST Cal and ixawloe our Stock befoiv . ;. ., yon Buy.' , 86 & 88 EAST; TEMPLE ST. . itret NAYliOHAPlKK,!. an Kaet Street, betwea-1a- t tol DAVID JAMEG Vvuta. Salt XiaUo Olty. Clothes Washing 1 - "S t- r - . 1- - llae In stock a large supply of Iron ; i if Hose and Lead 11 po, Pumps and Fttttnga... , , Ii'- Has In stock a, large assortment of Tin Plato, Bheet Iron Roofing and Gal Tan bed Bheet Iron, and ta pre--, i pared to do all kinds of Tin, Cup-- ; per and Bheet Iron Work. Store CAN HE DO RE EASY BY MY Furniture at spwolaity. , NEW SYSTEM OF WAHHINQ. Read tbe followlnr tW We CO o DAVID JAHEG .1 It 7 rtftrorioei.: ui : baveeeea Mr.Tbemee tyateui or Waeh- tatted. las tboroug-alIt waabes eieao; worka easyi tnakaa no alopa and waabea quioaly : t. Mrs. M. I.' Borne, Mra. Wat Jeonlnc. Mrs. Sarah M. Kimball. Mr. tetber, Mra, M. A. Frees. Mrs. Sbtpp, Mrs. Louie Felt, lira. Wot. Nay lor, Mrs. Annie 8 bar p. Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. B. P. We it r and Mrs. heliey-- ; .. y liaa I. : I CPppl ; - , ":i large force of First Class Plumbers, Btoam' and Gas Fitters, and Is pxfcjxrad to a Flamtlog and Btoam Fitting oa the Tery lai eat rraprorod plana sta adopted by Eaatern Cities, said solicits the continued of the dtl-- . aena of talajtwnse city and vklnity. irapp"y tbe Relief Focfettee with etW at 1 of tbe above Wabr or Wr.r-reritf) eaoh ta snrrbera not lees thaa tiuee at euos. r-to rail tbe by nosiest Preffht J potnsof deeuoai Ion. la basdioe tiMHa out muat not ebaTKO more than 5,W a one Wrtuer. fc Waahee. oao or tvu ..ji! eeanre otcn ae'-! . ; J. . THOMAS, 1; a r - -- OrVn, Dtab, P.aBovTS. v,t -- i S - Y H 'H u PZ CO pkVlDJ J AIVj ECU Ia aiao preptt4 to lay frora UtaWatX I win ' ' :'V. . y;i. ; ' MVIDt; JAMES ! vu (uuri iiuuoe. . uur etoCK " ?ood and. free from adulteration or imDuritles. and has no mml In Otah for toning up the arete m and (tTuig a goou appetite ana nignij eoommended ty the Medical 'M !'-- V ; are! still at thedmtri old W E Bland! and thcao vhn hlr famtlina annnlWi wirti Xfai. zetts' Delicious Ale can j .!'.. ' ; .1 ABDT t& III X3 OST any quantity. ; J. ug-ua- u A. i: ; A ebaice lot of 1 i 02U1W -- ; : s UTAH BREWERY IU Ml j ; - I IfWI ii l ICS & SOiS Coarse and Flue SALT, to Furniture Valley . , n otiie. j ; Company, Opposite Ealt Like City, a t 2nd, 1663. J aoEen or dox. by the- car load or emaUar guaatlty. p .5 .mm; CORN, 0ATS & BARLEY, '( 8. P. NBVE, vt. n. wiu.iaNS. A. PBTBRSEN.i P. 6CHOBN KELD, " i m California Dried Crapes, . O I3C 33 A. 3F I j i s a faB eupply cf j - a Also on band ny i B. j WHOLESALE DEALEES IX . ' r Belrj Creaoury !!';'' Co-O- Co-O- :.XV; Pj n .. Hlioop G rease ! O DEL Atne N C3r 353fQ,i THAT J. has bv mutual unam p withdrawn from tbe Furnttnre Company, belotr bought out by said Company. ana tutj nnti Mum. an iiiDiuiiee, due tbe Coin dad v will be nald aa usual at their office. We ojnltoue business as usual at tbs same place and keep on band a large itook of of every description. Call and see ue ana examine our ueoaa and Prioea. i ! .ICbokie Iowa . 13 HEREBY GIVEN, I y f:-- FOTICB. NOTICB MM'. tali . -- IF" - ! BUSINESS, qgq .'! ' ' :;;;,,y: c " ,i- COURT K !, ,v'v j Probate Judge's Offlce. He la also a Notary Pnbljo aod Land Lawyer. . ty j He H prepared to settle Bp Eataree, aad act aa Counsel for Widows, AdmlnfcKratora and others havloa- - business in the i .1' branebesof !f I PBDEATE ! - i - 1 p.m. i l CHAS- - : Great Military Comedy. ti a-p- . vi;;-- ? THE PASSING REGIMENT! Oer-man- ia I TBE SLJISOli EVERYWHEBE. rttlDAY EVENING,! AUQv - r-- Ell Df THE - I , Wednesday Aiigusti 15th. . to-da- u M I I j. ! I ' n Aus-.ih- M i . v i i .. QUARTERS.! ySs. JOj i mag-alOoe- ! be-b- " rvx - Efc, int. J. . f auti-"Mo- & ;s? BATCSDiT lltfe. KaitSKS At Monroe,! 8evler County, au z gust 1st, 1853, Boberi hf artlneau, eon of P. CD C and Jeosaene Kellaen, born January otb. Han A i ranger 4 ami tie Kew and appropnate Poenery. Great east t Monroe, Eevler County, of ehariotew and ejatuates. AtroaKisos t: roprji.Ait prices, ' j Augnst 2nd, 1881. Ordoj, son ef Ole C. nd Reserved scats mar be obtained at Dox Anna M, Aud reason, bora May 9tb, it S3. . 10 OUioeof Theatre, Inursday, m,vlflaS t wn a.lsluiaft AfN nliSroa Q asbett In the Fourth WarJ, Salt Lake ptomptiy ai a o oioox. City, August 8 h. 1883, of teetbig, John, son of Win. audalizlbeth i Garbett, aged 3 monlts and 14 da:s WALKER HOUSE, Funeral at residence of parents, 3 o'clock.Friends of the faml.'y afternoon, at Laat evening a wagon entered Laramie on the North Park road, Salt lake City, Aug. ih,18Sa j e A ;SPF.CIAL MEETIN3 OF THE STOCK containing three men. Two of thtf i; eeat in front, and ' the J boldenof the ITiah and Bait Lake Can. the occupied lach leaves are poisonous and Company, la hereby called to convene at other lay upon a bed of blanket in al tt3 Dtr!ct Sohojl House at Tavlorivlile. gait the box. The party halted at Dr. Laks prove fatal when eaten by 81st. 1883. at County oo Friday. or coctMeriag the Harris' office a few moments' and hi a. ta., rur tnc purposeAugust The leaves are said to ot inaklua Improvements ou tbe then drove out to the hospital. The Cauai, aud ncceaaary prustlo acid, and a number of the way aad luanuer of paytoa man was bed the taken upon lying luttanoM are recorded, of sheep be-- i inside. His name is Charles Bhel- - ByIWBftUUh ord or of the Trustees. '! Instances them. liigTdlleil ty eating D BOCK HOLT, FecrtUry. Iod, and on Friday night . Le thol ; aud Instantly klDeJ a mau. named Lave occurred In which cattle and Keys, at Bnyder'a ranch, on the eatfcliep have beea poisoned by Little tirlazley,30 miles west of Tel wild of leaves tlie the cherry. los in .Norm X'atK. .tLts eompanlons ' ler, I t has been said that the leaves of were Mexit. Auzust Andereon. Orrtca or OaaitAiriA Lmjl Worjls, and i; jv.r.-- .?:and of the the Lawrence, free from are Salt Lake City, April 28th. 18S3. ' particulars cultivated cherry th; il5w c6uli- the fMormona" take tragedy, as learned from the first pilson until ;they are wilted; but anything out Of iko law? The eleo- - named geatlem&o, are! about aa fol THOMAS B. JON 28 18 TBB DDL? AOcaes have been known in which the tlou was not Id their hands. It waa lows: '" . :u ;J I Manager and Agent of tbe green leaves have proved poisonous not under their regulation. Tbe law Bhelton is the uronrietor Lead Wotks. and the office of.the ComCharles aJ ratal to animals. has actually! been 2exceeded. That ot a horse ranch In the park, aud laat pany In Utah la at the Banhlug' House of ranch the Commlssbnees who managed rraay was at frank Hnyuer's K. Jooea and Co. at Ml Mala Strtet, Bait Lake helping pat up hay.i. Another man election Austral-Ebfthe the hive of gone beyond colonists ' The British ' v' .f named Ksjb, whose first name ' is and New Zealand are making law, making: lta ptovislona retro-athought to be "Billy," and who has City. itr beyond all an interest in the unyder ranch. tutrgetlfl efforts to provide for, the tive and etretchfng Yloe president and Aotlng President, Waa present, aa waa Bnyder Llmeelf. i reasonable the best ana bounds, defense of their shores. With the so vera outers, i ney were eat aid of batteries, mounted with lawyers who; have examine! the lug their supper in a small tent. whdern aitlllery and torpedoes, they matter fully; agree. And how can erected near the cabin on the ranch. JOHN PETERSON. the meal .Keys asked a bov hive always rendered the approaches any Dolvxamrst be counted in when During a herder in the employ of Bhelton to their chief ports safe against sur oo poiygamisi waa a candidate for to go into the cabin and refill the me anu nave no prfee?; their land forces are in pro ouice, teapot, and the boy refused,, cay ins ' of reorganization, and their thing to do with Ithe counting? If he wai not in his (Keja) employ, i he had no right to boss him naval forces are now being strength the People's Vart were desirous .of and . around. tbe' Keys commenced to abuse of tricks a small of oopying.the ened by the addition quite politicians, the Bhelton Interfered In his boy; have not the power, for the behalf, and a iiuatrel ensaed be flet of powerful gun and torpedo they b Jats. The gunboats are belpg con whole election tntchinery ia taken tween the two men. Finally Keys out of their hand!, ih left the table, and, taking the t ALL KINDS' OF jj f tructeJ at Newcastle-upon-Ty-ne. ; into the cabin, returning 5T01E CUTTI5C & It la easy ,to perceive what the in a went I UaiOUEBTlLnOU. moment witn me isa ana a growlers want now. It Is the dis- Winchester rifle. so. ni routs euvec, hm er n. set te He the to was a railroad franchisement o( all oltlzens who deeded 3and f. a. Horn. tTa ' pot down, and turning to Bhelton, campany for depot purposes with a believe Inthadootrinea of the "Mor said; I "You s- f b have , erudition that If It should fall to monw Charch. kill vou!" do not ex a notion toarose iThey from the table and Bhelton elect buildings and occupy the land press their dcUires in direct terma. dared him to shoot: but Keys finally tdr such purpose the tame was to re do nof esy plainly that the stood the weapon up againat the vert to the grantor. No time waa They "Mormonb should be deprived of aide of the tent, poured out the tea, fixed within which it' was to erect all eat down again, Bhelton then ptllUoalrjower because of their and out of the tent, got another walked the buildings and occupy the land faith.! iBut this Is what Winchester at the cabin, loaded It, as a depot. The railroad took : pos religious mean J The Tim u Star pats came back to tbe tent and, standing tesaion .at once under the deed, they In the door, aaiu: "Isow, d nyou, elected the buildings and occupied yon want to snoot, go iw 'The Utah Commlaaion muat be if Keys the ground for depot purpose for invested Jumped np from the table, auoh with discretionary i V saying "all right'' as he did so, eeiz thirty years. The Bupreme Court authority as Will make it possible to edhis rifle and to ft his "brought of Indiana In the case of the J. M, strip of thelr'polftical privileges all with the obnoxloua shoulder, and at, tbat. moment two r1 m 4 I. Railroad Company va. Birbour svmpathlzera band of criminals who persist in de-- reports ran? out almost together. held that the company had sobs tan ton backward and feu Bad Keys tially complied with the condition dropped his gun. and ran oat across this not be growlers 'will That is, the prairie' holding his.; hands up to In the deed, and that it was not started face. in liound to use the land for depot pur content antil the very small minor his sBnyder a i Tr pursuit, wnue neaaAnuereon of of are rajseu the em Utah pSopl ity ivej?' poses for all time to come. i oe wounaeu man gaspeu once or powered to ttamptle upon the rights twice, Oodl" and said. of the vast jnajdrity, and establish dropped dead."Oi, my i TRAD K M A It K . AN AHCIEr VI5SI0JJ OF THE within the rpubjlc of the United ' Bnyder relumed in a few minutes I ;,.? f fetatea a kihd of government 'for with Bhelton, who had been shot in Different Styles, Varieties and Grades DZCAX00UE. which theie is no parallel In any the Chin the ball ranging backward A cablegram from London, to the clvllizad to to the right. His wound AT LOWEST PRICES. nation, i We do not think and was bleeding badly, and his compa Call and see, aod ere will try lodiJr New Vork Snn, dated August 5th, Is la a 'sufficient number of Idiots nions thought he, too, would die. yocr patronage there toy Honest ueaiios ana striot as follows: uoo ten to Duetueta. r or rascals in ani: political party to He could hot speak, but made signs at !A Mr. Bhuplra, of Jerusalem, make this his coit, which waa given him. a Doors West of Klanbatl Corne r poia!be, so the growlera for bookseller and dealer in antiquaries, took paper ana psncu from one Searly qppoelte U. Dtawoodey. tie ; ' ' of the pockets aod wrote. has Just deposited in the British may continue to 'grumble In vain. , . j Reepeotralty, ' i "is Museum IS slips of black sheepekm .Keys nurl?" leather, on which are written, In Bnyder wrote beneath the ques- SQREIiSOIl & CJLRLQU15T. : THE tffjBPrjgg HABIT-- ; tion tbe words: characters similar to those on the celebrated Moahite atone, portions of ONSof the growing vices of the .i "Ha le dead.!'.- i The ball from Sael ton's rifle en the book of .Deuteronomy, dlSering mor- tered the. is use of habitual period from received the Keye aide, in front of the left THIS COITTILili3TI materially The date of the slips is the phine. It Is chiefly a feminine vice. armpitjpassed through the body and l! WliUe other Baking Poitf ninth century before Christ, or six- New York ai present furnishca the came out j ust above the rlgh t shoul- Aera are largely ddulterated teen centuries older than any auwhich account) for the upward with Alym and other hurtful thentic manuscript of any part of largest number t victims. Persona der, of the ball, rr j :, ,. t range the Old Testament. Mr. Bhupira of all clasees Jndalge in the habit, A measenxer was sent to Teller uttigs, bought tham from an Arab, ana he but the greatest slaves to it are for a physician, who dressed Bhtl-ton'- s ABksfor them $3,000,000 from the found hi the two" extremes of iniuriee. , The ball waa found society. British Museum. If genuine, the The beneath the skin, at the basa of contract Just the It wealthy through , interest and importance of the dis on the the neck, relief lnjeo-tlonafforded right side. Satur by hypodermic covery cannot be overrated, and so Aleeara. Anderson and night zar as ine variations in sacred text administered by. physicians day Lawrence started for Liaramie with ' are concerned, there Is . promise of In ll&f pain and Insomnia, him, and by driving about continone of toe greatest controversies and pases the lower claaa graduate Into ually and changing horses , Several that Bcholara have ever entered up reached the city laat evening on. The Decalogue furnishes a good the habit from f Intemperance' and timet who has charge of Dr. example for comparison with the through mdiilgence hi other degrad- Bhelton,Harris, the chance for his resaya received versions. 1 quote from the ing vices, f " is good, though each result .f covery vi ' A number of Sadies in New York la by no means certain. . A portion ) i ttnupira record: of hie la lower shot and Elara God thy God. which liberated tbe have crgahlz&d for the purpose of away, jaw f torn tbm tanl of Fry pt, from tbe bouse ot the wound Is otherwise a bed one; UXKiar- - ! ibaS hr no other rod- - Ye working t4 ;arrlst the progress of Bhelton is not unknown In Laramie, hall not mSk to yoorMlTet may rrSTM lm- - the evil, and tbeir; reports have dis having been In the city on busiear any cmn idm m in fee va above, or that to la tb earth btoesth, Or that hi la closed itaj astonishing ' prevalence. ness quite frequently. Ha is a the watsrs under the earth. Ye fcb&U &ot bow brother of Mr. N. Bhelion, who waa Phytdclana f nd it a very dlfficul t cashier djwn to them nor serve then. of the Union Faclflo road for I am God thy God. La tlx - Ays I Xav task to manage lctlms of tbe mor several years, and who Is now In beawaaod ice eri- uj eii that oudetbe there U thfrtln, and neted ca theaveth phine habif, aiid the female cases business at Omaha. tharofor rest thou afeo, thou aad thj are the wwret, ak Mr. Anderson Informs us that the they anfler from autssitnoaaaK. osuieans I am fciod thy God. - fienor by father aod hysteria, tola eel control and gene coroner was notified at once, and that Keys waa to have been buried litis been kept unchanged in tsr motasx. tbalt not commit rally have, to be cured of the com- yesterday. lam Ood thy God. Thou He and his companion all itp original purit ii atul of wlft with BlfbbQC thr lha tJnlwr which has led to theme of left for home this morning, to be ttrength. It has rr-- twj the I am God thy God. Thou shait ootsteal the plaint as a relief, before they present at the Inquest. Boomer highest testimonials from property of thy brother. morphine the :ijnGadthTGod. Thou halt not twear by Most inn inent chemists in the I visit tbs talqwty of can be redef nte from the vice. myaaaie fAtoelTifor rubers upon ibe eauaren unia tea uin-- mon United Mates, who have an-l- y The morphine habit once con fourth reoeretioBS Of those whs Uhe ray zed it frequently. ., name in Vain. appears; to be a 'more fortracted, .1 am God thy God. Tboa shall not bear There are no touHlera that midable enemy to conqier than the qbasd gxovasiea beur higher raise wnneae M" tor ttrotoer. TO CACHB VALLBT a em God th God. aboa mhaJt net ooret alcohol habft, and to be more deadly c?etnioat teats, nor ha wU,or hto man servant, or bis maid aer the under 2nd on 1S33, Anzuat so that show any results been who Those hare In lta effects. rant, or aoTtmnr taat nx. TlckeU by th$ text or the good brrx. 4 iamGodthvGod. Tbou ahalt not kite U temDted to fly to it for tbe relief of autpicea of F. E. Oo. Ko. 1. are eood for tha 22nd, 3rd. tth brother In thy heart. ; a It Acid en God Crod Fruii 10 words These Uoo. ten I is 'pure', Parties desirous of stopping for naln ox adneea had far better ihj-'. ngk."- and aUugils agalnat thoaffilo- - days can do so by paying one half of XiaklhglJPotvder Made by dure Dr. Glnsburg, the eminent Jewish akikneas or Borrow, i than the regular fare extra. e4holar, to whom Gladstone has J oat tiona of Fare to Loan and return, J3.00. for temporary " P.W. Chlcdgo HI., Jt St. Louis, ZIo. Franklin j " given 50 for the production of his resort to Bomethhig work en the Masorah, has decipher alleviation. irh.Itfb la a are to plant to i Tickets for rale at Dwyer'e and ZlamaTetAvere ef Lupmlln Toast d the above, and is biuy complet-iii- g them a ckrlnf !for more and, if Hay bou Id's Book-atoreUema; Zr. Prlee's r?oeteJl XToyo- the translation and determining, continued, to .lead them juicily i Tbe Fireman Brass Band will ac-- KiK Extrmeta, ua4 Dr. . kTioo'e on behaJ of the mueeum, the genu-censompany the excursion. down to misery and death. of the fragaeata. anl-niti- a. ; HER SECOND LOVE t'-- ' ballot box, theresult is tbe same pb- r lltlcally, so far a! the mons' are concerned they do not ?aln control of.the.bcal offices nor the local treasury. :llence the au tics and the tr of f'lt'a a farce." i. Tha 8aa Ffancla&a Chronicle had ' 1. .:; this to aay: itf; Au eJectiou fur lecr'eiative and oounty omceE under the Edmonds aw, takes place y in Utah. The QdQtiies Uae lltlla Interest In it. be- cause iney Kuqw iae Mormons nave .aken tbe pith oilt-c- f the law, and that tbe frame bid plan of ooanting in me poiygatnwia will be carried r k OUt." 'y vt TAX-PAYB- Bfttlna are not abeolately tfesen- tUl to Beaaibllity iu bo use aniinala. Cunibatrina, a French scientist, has cut "h3 the htaJs of flies, ants, grass-hy- j j.t-rand butterflIts,aLd observed :PPPP? ' HER SECOND LOVE. i ; lipj Hiss Maul Granger : ? : Iltli,'i53, i j oocm swinging suddenly around, Fisher and one of tbe ladies named Winifred Butler, Wwie swept into he water. Fibber was Immediately drowned, and Miss Batler died toon after being brought ashore. j r J;." linlftits Templar. i Ohio ago, 9. A large number of the six Caicago Commanderlea of Knights Templar assembled this nprnlnj? at tbe Tremont House to the Sir Knights from the Here in the Cincinnati Timet meet Grand Commanderlea of New York, Invited. i Stir talking lalhisiway: ' Michigan and Ohio who are oh their HUletmlal Star please copy. to "The polygmUfs seem not to way. Ban Francisco to attend the have found it dim iult to evade the Triennial Conclave. Tito Michigan law ;governLngj registration, and Com manderles were met last evening w A Tal V . there la now; nothJog to prevent at M es, M'chlan,by a delegation of a 1 UOAT, OIVINO comniand-eriethem from going t . the polls and memoir from tbe city TMMKDIATELT, A;Nul W. Eddloston. Market to them and local ofneers and by accompanied electing legislators dlw corner, opposite Coatinental Hotel, v, ho, though they are monogamists, the Tremont llouxe. To day th Commanderies arrived will do the bidding of the Twelvt Michigan over the Michigan Central road, the Apoetles." pj:j.' Commanderlea over the Lake Now there h&i bten no "evasion of Ohio COOK, TO COOK FOB Shore road and the New York Com- AM aFXPRRIRNCEO the law" in' Ae llighteat degree. manderlea over the Grand Trunk oilice. family of two perdons. Apply at this The la w has i trio Uy compiled road.. Mayor Harrison in a short with. The IpolygauaUts have nU speech extended the hospitalities oi Notice to 17th District. the city to the Knight) assembled gone to the 'pflli. No person who in tbe club room ot the hotel, aad has ever been m polygamy has been hoped that they would be able to re riHB PROPERTy RESI-- 1 dent In the lTih Utetrlet. ta!t Lake things and Couniy, permitted to vte, and yet the result verse the usual order , of are meat a notloed that hereby lot la, the People Party-- ' immensely gain much light from a pilgrimage win be hale at the School Uoue lu eatd Die to the west instead of the east. The trlotoa tbo2Uth dty or August, 18i3, at 7 Iti outnumbers political opponent. Knights left the city by the Burfor the ourpow of C'jnlrlerib the matu-completing' the Bobool House, and votiog Wfuat U ,th j matter? Simply lington route for Denver at 12.30 of on tbe rate per cent to be levkd on tbe tax tnat it has;. more votes, and o'clock, being escorted by local able property of eaid district to raise funds the fact is made apparent that the Commanderlea from the Tremont necessary- tor thg purpose. - A. E. Hide, House in an appropriate mannor. ! w. b noaoALLj . great outcry wnlchiei to the pecali ' W. JUBATIP, . ar piece of legUlatin known as tbe a2U lOt Trustees. Hijmunas lawwas a raieenooa. r or TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. now that polygamy is ruled out of tlie j . 33bOCA-ti.xa.4B0- lOtlt s,t:-r- r j. THEATRE. LAKE SALT Fijwabm Ia Brisbtoa WarJ, Salt Late Couotr, iejiut I, h83, at 5 pm . ef croup, Katie May, daughter of Oracle AM EKICin. an- - teaty 1SW lhe t:.. mmi - Although the returns At IOVK O'CLOCK. ji WHAT DO TilE SDE0WLERS noUosw- - i j- , tZT Orders Vfittr Flpca llila aswaMawao':' ... received eaahoit , lg Tel: 86 &. 88. .EAST TEIIPLE ST. : A V |