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Show P"W""MBHfMMMMHMMMMMMiMWMMWWM . ' . ri s W"w-Wi--Tr- WOUld ' orr, od-t- trwiaeaMh, - i- - TDB OIICiGp, JICCK ISLlVD rrldar. S H Girt TniK Iowa Short Ceotrml AL UK II C1 LUi J Dm g w axKeltewaoA a let Is kerf !. fmbtfhrr. Kdllmr mitt, TOKERVltLK, JESERET NE5V: - r wltoMt i Wlta train mrffrtrur from ! Watt bt CutraJ and PnamPaclflo tUllmmt and t i 1 Fast Xxprcaa Traina, Xatt.' 2Tort 4 , and 8out Th mrwt lenntly faratakid PJLH-t LOR aLXKPIXO OA B3 and onmany i ap iwm nullE. iim ii mil ami rsl ettnl I tta m nftitr Mwmi . Eat jtyP C Street. OOOr-BIXDI- Book and J.4 JTD PAPia-huil- r fsUQ J ' Paieayor Arcnt. Chicago. Hron RtoDLS, Oen'l 8upX Cblearo. . i l A- - M- - Ooneral DAVID le'.rrwxu-- j ... ' m SMITH emerging the more open eountry; Bellevue arrested our. attention. .This .beau-UflittUplce,cpctrasted with: the al .11 illTED ORDER OUL further notice fraloa will leart UNTIL arrive at Ovden dally a follow: v. . UCATB. Dailr KxprQM Mijod Freight. ...... - TJAVINO bad frequent enquiries ' lot 1 copioa of tb 4Kalea) IBM - ! .:' tral road for Salt Lake City and. aik putnta Utah. tier line the first edition of the inAtSouthern Brraa with atajroa for Sweetwater ii mines r mate wa all sold, we bare lat At Cbereone with Deorer Paclfltf read for Dearer Ceatral City, Ooorfetown and aU points In Colorado and Mew Mexico, printed an authorized edition At Omaha with Chlcam and Nortkwaat. I fine fancy eolored paper, on a ern, Chioajro, Hoefc Island and Psei0o,Chi-- 2 Burllaxtoor and Oulrwv. itarliartm ... k . r ' Cltrfm. neo. n.aaaa wrora 12 by 20 Inchee, aulULie for fra i11 Joe a ana umidoii uiud miixmaa. t and MiaeoMri atoamera potnts-aior ail n inr or - - mmmtln. " auiunmillll. Tickets for sal to all nolnta east at Hank nouses Inr Uous of MoCorniok A Co. 811 Lake In of the the hanging up City; also at Union Pacinaitallraevt Ticket : mailed to any, address for I P. O. Cox, , r, ,A , ,S. L1AS0II & IIH.1LII! C A BIN ET pf by County Territory of Uali aOiAlnJatrator Of the estate of Keziaa Pratt, deceased, aotlcflf is fcereby irento!slf Interested in and hokllbs olaans afainst sak) deceased tora the s&tne with the necessary preeent to the nnderslimed admintstrairix. at on the east aide ofKaet Tem residence her tioeona naa imra douxd ple Street, cotween Streets, ia Salt .Iko :ity. within ten first months after the pabflcation of this noUoe; and all peTsonamoohtedto raid estate will please call and -settle, ths cane wHaout oeiay. " '' 1IaR7 Admlnistrattlxof the efttatcwf Kezlab 4 IJxiaulmoaHly IX. SEVERAL n per: Copy. r l II-- i 1 Coxcuniq 1 PARIS. 1867; VI EK SI, 1873; SAX H1G0, 1875 FIOIJaOEZJPHIAi 1876 late war, or tbelr belrs, are in many cases KirV THE CELEBRATED : f ft llomestehcU, ' ttAndard ilooaehotd . PULLHAI? PALACE .CARS - Timber Culture, Chicago to Baltimore IFtAouf Change 7Vo Copiet 25 Cents. 3 2 OFFICE. IIEI7S DESEEET It X - ; t , K.T.-Curtc- r tu.r -- "te Price,ith Pre-empti- 1 - -- puro-in-hfia- nyatu rt, L ... . , Will-WCre- DISCVSSIOW j - . - Tiio Deseret News ft. . t,. " : s (Prsdn ; . , t - . t I , 'Pratt' . !: ,i SEHIpVEEICLY, an " - aH-nij- iter: Or, J. I . Jrit m an diw ht -- . . ? esDedallr desirable for I it aires then an opportu , nity to natt Pittsburr. ruiaaerpn-a- lanew the York and Doston. the best market bualnees men, as V. j! . - WaSHIXGTOI : ) s e AMD Wra- - SaUIAks City. j 'AH omczKsV-soLDTntand txivbna wounded, ruptured, orinjured In the late can obtaia a pen Ratf. "Taper. war, However anrrrtm an iAdrerUslna Medium, to reach the ature andheceesily. 4nudinir to be Prihiea sion; many now leeelving; pensions are en THE disJn this . 1Mb titled Scad Incream. toan PflLYGALlY. IIXToiuif. tensploasKy.rearod and in Partial IMbMsf Csatsalsr farmer, the country people, and all classes pensation, thefr acceptance io Odd A. H. IUrk. zree. mh lormauon wut oe zurmsnea Manp anxr Suit m John sharp. neTiaa ' Orson Discourse maniiesteu tne'vranner Pratt. General iJand of.tbo community, It stands unriraMed. United States Office. uuub vvaru. n. v ft.. . y. eprpces. policy of. the Union Pacific paUtoad Com A B, tUMjrfc. Urifbton, Contested Land Cases, Private Land An Authenticated Cottonwood,. Wm 0 Vu, B!f Vei and Phonographic v and Homekiiii Creek, Ueuecs kUiiea ten0 IhkV We the temples i)( Begulauona for the Treasury Department Claims, Mialnr. ' batim Repot t of the Ce!brated Cases, prosecuted before the General South Cottoowiod, J.i. Uv4ut poeUgr,.... ...... $3.05 notf. etc; 'Ihlrffder'fhaf we mlrht Wa4e 'Hampton and Chambarlalu aqd stead ana jepartment oi tne inte uoa umce Wet Jcrd&a. ArcB.;aMGttlr. .. q ILW-abe worthy to see the' fee pi God j as , President Hayes. HouU rior. r. fi! rererred reveiai4ons The Maasaore the Chioo ThePrto6:a. Old promised ip X'jCat, . wo must, as Bounty Land Warrant: i X W A Z VAJ to by: Bf ofJtier i CTAH COC.M t. Merit Pfinerlt. ; last of the Commissioner of The i it Report ana oy- uoa, Peace and naa peen aaia i: or YarT , .. Land Office snows ZJkVlJM General the A. O. bMOOT, rre&Uini TO, be aanrtlfylng-au- r acres of Bounty Land Warrants outstand-in- r. Takh Advantage of the eed Time. 8ITWUI PlTOVU ' These were issued under act of ' bodies, or temples, Jnr;the work! of Useful Literature. i.4 . A JtnSe. first WrdL we ana cash acts, pay for thera. or prior With lire. Tbe Cattle Nuisance Second Wsr4, Janet W. horde (ha (hiog? this dealing letter. Where Seodoy registered . Third Ward, Mrroa Tsnow. This work of sanetifiaaUon. which Home aaufaclu res lUrl hen ware. China JProfm are Imperfect we gfte Instrnctloaa . ' : . ... Fourth Ward, IL H. Clu J. xo peneoc inexn. Odd hadgirenr each of ns to do,' Ret and Glass.. Lehi, Darid firapa. .. ,; . ' e H.F. Cook quired the- utmost faithfunees,dili-eenc- Deolcatlon cf C dar C. il. I. Cedar ' fort, ASO TBS J Bach department of our bu ineas con John Ctrsob. I , and'lnteerftv'to preDareius The, Season. Falrfeid. .1' ducted in .a separate bureau, nnder ibe Phrenoloirr and Preftchiujr. of experienced lawyers and clerks. Charge ; DAVID J2VAKSPi.'idiiig ili By season of error or fraud many attor- glorious blessings, referred to, which Vile Publications la Larg-- CiUea. auspepoea ire-- practice before Qtooco-Homover the three hut namel flarw An Wrestliiur the Pension and ptber offices each nmrr wWLAn uf ami or .ill.n All . n. jm twi 1 rr" ivi Claimants wbnBO attorseya have beenyear. Strufffle Between Giaot Athletes. thus Auericah Fork, I S. BmkZhUm ' Onlthe Subject, reai.There wefe'rierabrjssufflclentlv Lecturlna on "Mormonhm1 suspended wiu oe grataitousiy furolsked . T. J.,IIcCuJ'oUfk .Alpine, , with full information and proper papers on SlfUSOXS OF THE FIRST PRESIDEXCY pura beforb Bod o' behbrd : hW f4ce GoiLf Crazy CoaoeraDg;JkformpnIsm., us. io ' appucauoB In the"lempleatrKlitJandi and If The "kformons" and Their Enemies. , As we charre no fee unleas auceeasfut DOES THE BIBLE S ANCTION L E.i HARiakoTON, l'rwt''' PuNfaAcd tvnv TVESDAY and we iiveu iu an vpriuf manner oe Oi and Jury Keperu." stamps for return postage ahoald be seat . Bishop over the ttro lsrt 'ismi i fore, God, thfef 4,wa no leasbn why ntah Northern Extension. Uberal arrangements made with attor we should hot now be equally priv- Bash and Incon&ktent.' neys io an classes or fcusiaess. : , Fleasant Greva, Joha Brui l 1'r!.?(: r! ilege!.:.;? Prcoetaios-s6i.rUiJriiie,WBi.JlrtDrtua. ' The work ;!.. ADDRESS, of sanctifying the teto- - Meetinrs at ScIdIo and Bolden. fc o. ; fpabisb Iora,OeoD6ne!JfBM. P.O. Box t. On WASHINGTON, IM Sheet 27 A. Dakey ,BaU and h,-39 Inches. pJo-i- which tlwparjt-r-o- f Diaan 6Im,Jri't'n4WwB divinity ' avow fsa UiM h tbe lUaner. i a weit naa to commence a toe .1 rayete, J. & nai-- -. pearance. war.iioni SaomwuHi 1S7C D. , j! WAsnrKOiosr, C, Nov. U, and .WssT ifirradoal labor. Beaver and Its Institutions. lAfce Vttyi Aaawa 13th, l.ttu I take pleasure la expKssinr my entire It was the crivilere. too. of eve'rv Preachers (DdTreachlnt'. i ' : : r. .. TANNER b PiesMlni H' . .' .' confidence In the rtonnibility and Adeiitw to k hui Israel , a If t elder bouse fof la, ' ; , r Circulate the "New. wtkvJtce, ot f mvi stransntorana uoneetaui iiease, over JaWaiid Slui. ror C: S. Bupreme Court; Deolbbn Cuorpen or uiutose m ewn, ctaicaung. ik wig i;a bttyu , R aoehn.WnuPnc. ' R. OF.ORG rinted. WHITR If. " Ctotely heading Matter the "babrtatlbn "cf fmaelf And tr: 8.- nlBg-rOUetronnl the of National (Cashier is Priot tae added corresoondenue wnica :"M-'.- l io I '1h 'A.' iH'U blessT fanulyjand in which superior Entafed and Married. to tne LnacuasioB' Dot ween tbe iter. Dr. J.. S ANPKTK COCSTT. k Newwiaa sue. Proaioaait Briabam Vuuna-i' Parsoii Newman's Downfall. nga could be repolyed, B. L Johaaua ASO rtwniain Orarn, The Lord badreveakd to us hoJv A, Superior Cotton Plant. Contains Telerraphle Seports, Borne And O. W. Sradlejr. Moroni, t s I;!:. auddlyln-lawthe adoption Anfora Goats. 'Fairview.An VoreJm Correspondence, Af rlcultaral. Do wniBii. wouia 7ma&e Laws conoernlnjT Land, Passed at last Ses 14oimteasant,W..6reiry penor OR. NEWMAN'S LAW HIRGIN1L in CMr , i "er O . AVe wereVtoJd that the dission of Conrress.' i mesUo and foredra Newt, Editorial Articles being or ahralm,lUnutt.'S,J,r,n .old sought, oocasion one Chare es Asainrt Gov. Axtell. ciples) Mkntl, John . Ounniaon, J.e.Harua. anotbrrand j(br4hls. cause Eastern Wool Markets. on Currant Erent. against Barthoaaarw were they afUlciett and sorely has- District Court Proceedinys. Vareue. , Waka John Ekeea but of. vbu. said rtho. Tnnf i in Estray Notices. TIIEajfiK DISC'OVIiMKM - assia-n-ment- Trains Daily to aiLnLiurrb. fiALI LAM CorSTI. 1st Ward, 8. L. Cty,Jos.Wirturtua Jtmes Lrack. ' 3d Jacob Wauar. f Harrison 8prri. tth 6th A 6th, W. H. Elickeskiu.r Wm. Thorn. Tth M 8th vth A A. Wooikt- ! loth M . ASpeln, j Aji.Mcu. nth,, 12tk L.W. Harty. IX Woolr. tLrtn,, Htb " ThotnaiTtjAt. 15th i ffrederlct Km'a ietb 17 tb JQBB near, bmaa. CAT-ALOG6- kreless9 1 I , - 0 ST oJT. 11 BALTIMORE d35 W General AgenU v : . , ; Thai roote l Brother Pratt ;d.dly n temple ordiaancct j toejf i n f ; TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA .fJCIl 1V FOB SALH AT THB ! rmfwineereu VA8IIOrGTOClTr, FIFTEEN CENTS. Journal V 'I libber City, Abraham HiL Midirar, Hannr 8. Aiexaow Cbarlcetonn Jofaa Wstiua. .' BIBLtl FROM ! PRICE r VftUier A' sent free. . i : rW., Bishop. at which thsy have been exhibited; being tb Only ArneWean Oreans which have ever obtained any Award at any competition witn oest European makers, or s axpceiuoM inHSVT any auiropean world STYLES, with Improvements, ex hibitad at the CBNTENNI ALi elegant new cases m great .Prices wry lovxn consistent withvariety. best material and work sold for cash on install manship. Organs ments, or rented until rent pays. Every Organ wmuiitai to atvs entire aatitf action to every reaaowlA purchaser or tbi mokbt ILLUoTBATED ' entitled to moner from too OoTimment. too had put foitli its leavvv, anil 'we J of which they bave no knOwtedgre. Write rt bat 'ummer; wai knew ana state anaonn or nut and msiory ei service, nfRb. pay bounty received. Enclose stamp, 1877. JLfr 4, Wednesday April t and full il veply, after ozaaaiaation, will be At this place two meetings were held. The afternoon meeting Was SIXTEEN PAGES and E1QHTV giyen you rree. i lers Orson Pratt jjnd Pensions. J - WASATCH OOCSTri ABRAHAM HATCH, Every World's Exposition! -- THE TWELVE APOSTLES. hon- - . - which e Centrevllle.Jamw j0rdi Vernon, John C tiara Creek, Teep Skufi Valley, lk K.kJStTi 1 and have thus been awarded highest ers at t .... i ( . fig-tre- rcoetWk FIRST MEDALS .; Was directed toixnt v . j . I it hia-bes- j. . - I ug ! ? . - ,v GOEiT,ifOHTJlMIIE : REQUISITES" t. CO., If' i bum i . 1 Con t Cona-reea- the rSaaaaarji . e ThniiiCaRioffasMniiiiiifftty H7. --- DAVI3 j': m-r- J COLDUIIB i . .-.;. Iaw-abidi- TjliS' j ; : w, ti.ry anloBjr.a. Hiver The MAf ON At HAMLIN ORGAN CO JVet r City, C S, have tbe honor to announce that the Organs of their manufacture bave been unani- 7eu. mnusaaainae4 "the FIttST HANK in tbe of instruments of sbvebal Requisites tbeeasa-D- r tbe Judges at tbe CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION at Philadelphia, IS", ukvut effTla Haiu and are tbe ONLY 1N31RUMKNT9 OK THIS GEN KBAL CLASS AWARDED THIS RANK. This is after the severest competition by the best makers, before one of the tta. most competent juries ever assembled. south Mo They have also received the MEDAL, but, as is well known, medals of equal Oroydf n, UrtrwKJtTtfr have been a warded all articles deemed worthy of recognition; so thus It will be easy for many makers to advertise that MttotT . nave receive a nrsi meaais. laey The differences In competina artloles, St ho, Ease A irmr and their comparatrro excellence, are (Coalville, W. wTc'tf ' recognixed in tne Beperts of tbe Judges from which the following Is' an extract x Cpton, 3o6ept Huff, 44 HAMLIN ORGAN TUB MASON wm. w. CLrnf ; ' CO. 3 exhibit of Bed Oraaru and Harmom urns avoirs inntrwntnU of the FIRST RAJiK. Morgap County md n .. . oil Iff THE EVE UAL It IXXJ1 SITES OJt ISSTRUMEATS Of THE CLASS, rtz: ." live Wards ia 8uma Ctt j Smoothnus and equal distribution cf tone scope of expression, resonance and singing quality , freedom and Quickness in action n SAMUEL K AT WOOD keys and oeiunem, intrt tAorouonness of worn 102 liiboi. ' mofuhiih combined cith sUmpUcity of action." Jared C. hoaw, Wsnsbip, . Kockntirt. aViwff, (Signed by all the Judges.) The Mason and Hamlin Organs are thus do Mortll.JoboK.Umoo1' c la red to rank:- first, not In one or two regaraas,; w.; Harder. spects only, but in tbe 8ETE2AL BKQDIS-1TJC3 or sucn instruments, and tney are Par.ryi Park, fehrm- - ,.. tbe Only ones assigned this rank. This was the for not unexpected, triumph t 100ELB fcftn Mason A Hamlin Cabinet Organs bave un honors in JOH.V ROWBERRV, formly been awarded tha t Pw competitions in America there having .. been scarcely six exceptions la hundreds of Bishop. oom petitions. They were awarded highest r . nonors ana . t. jcity, j Street, ? 8ft of such Instruments TAYLORS HOTEL GILIV20RE & THE I N aw , dtrft It SAtervttSu. PIBST RAM e .lt-gooa- aoMdJortTDi'Sr'iiJl. 'Vts the RHsIgiiedL B NortK D. fAIXXJNBKIDGK, aeceasea. rratt, - 'tl?:A. ,icOt)i--. fwPTrrir &1 !8d ORGANS rou-ibe- j . Klrer?S-5Par- City. nnAmlm mil. kavtiur been BDDolnted. rrnR I. tatt Lake the iTobat Court i near ! V J a Nlf-HfiryT- Exhibition, . , - 10 Cents Inntl pua. 0nl . and correctly. . InyenUon kept strictly private, nn- Every u securea oy aectere nwsu uiaer ia saiaad Notarial business attended to. ; r TuiTta,1.,sJa: .berr, Creek, " A. CantenniaL World wrui" ,;Qmci wrrq.svi Hcrauh 657. X. Lisbon. JMaladcit " Eamt'.i nrTTww AT THE . ... a .a. UNIIED, 5TATIES '- I Oa-de- i w 1' KXLA It s iThej can be bad at this Office, :iW. Stayner, cost mosey If ebtatnad or empiorrajr ast era attorneys: be attends to all buslnees connected with tbs Patent Office, promptly .:: ' ' i ai Office In at waiok liwnlnv rAM fmn turn MmiMfl TtlUS. 1 KIMBALIj. HmtW i Gn'l Ttokct B. H. Sapu ;4 tHM ' .1 w Hl. Hn3on na m kx nmnivfli aw y tao Balnta. t i ' . 18-5- f . .t,,K., t WEEKLY c40pum. Should- - be ObcerreUi Dally ooonectlona made at Oiroao with M emben, f.Clae Colied Of. II Ceatral Paeino R. K., and with I I X . DES ERET IJEIVS um. ft3a.in4 0 6:15 a.iaw ., J sunoumUng bils4axid and rnoun-taln- s, appeau'ed,,' a. genuine iUUle HIE LARGEST CIRCULATION oasis. : i ne uvea were tu bloom and leaf, and garden stuff up and ready Ill ii l ;. for use. , and. Aha. looern .almost OF AHY PAPKHIIN TITK its veryready to cut, looking ' greenest. TIKBITQST. V. W met. here, Brother Joel H temple built to his name, and there Jobasob. ,lookiag iorrowAil i and receive further of those ordinances, Main worn, who told os that 'one of his keys and powers that would qualify ' daughters 1st s corpse lhthehoose us to pass t by the ; angels in to the' !l - " and another was UaBsreroualr ilL presence of God our Father. In the evening a conjoint meetIn excusing himself from recelTlng SALT LAKE GITi'. ror He his Dlenaai ing was held, Bisters Clark, Snow saia, ioinung fefor- and Richards addressing the; ward, that: others had preyided 'ii us:males and President Taylor occnt i:'r We drove on, a few blocks, the pying the remainder of the time, ' bead oartlarea hnd alceady stopped about forty-i-flvminutes, speaking Banner male oonsiderabte improvements on marriage. this Sprlnr, we Invite the patronaffe of the principally The. company was very kindly nizeu our, :iV4 ttjuu tuo, and travelling; f ublle . wasf-- moving received by Bishop Brlnghurst with '.two of Toker. They lively 'from .'earrlageo carrfage the good people ELabli$hed jiini loth, their little have a delightful' place, serving ' refresh nrnts. "With 0e-gar-d houses are clean-lookin- g and neat, lilend Blrch's tolhe TAYLOR & CUTLER. eualUyf ' doubt and In this as in ail of .the settlewlne-nrteetin1ony"-1WeU- Id FnbLished STery Weajesday, less' be1 con&lflared Uncompeteht. ments of the .Saints, the youngfer may sufftcei to say. h d we ver .that- Krtlous of . our race are getting to It .But. ibis settlement one of our northern ; bishops proj Established 1S05. nouncea as we nave is situated only four miles from the adopted the saying of the 'good ojd mining town of Leeds, where the it xreaeoa wnen conversu lciv!llzatiQUM;r of .athe nineteenth urptist f, century has a foothold. Qn learnroau oa' the frierldf Wlth'JiU wei i To a Shoot Mi M! Iaclies. 18 Pa-Attoriiey-at-Xawef IvPH'c; say toouch j ror fea r We ing this I thousht.what a pity that 4 Amis-.to little a the beautiful such i Sucoeasors place, w&iwjn: proceed trfCLipman, Hcemerir Co, lay peoand 'home of moral, kerville,' ounext settlement , j r - . Iersome oX whom. possess "families 629 F Street, Washington, D. C resting place p.., EIGHTY Our thoughts were never so close-- ike a flock," --should have so near influenAmerican and Foreign Patents. lv associated withUhe reaTltles pf its borders the civilising'" i as. Mjey ; were on loosing ces of a mining camp. a. As no evil, 'Patents procured In a41 countries. 'Mo paradise, down upon tne ueiigntrui scenes however, can befall us but what tbks ixIs anvAMca. No chara-- on less the O; Closely Prised .Reading r ranted. No feesnoforadditional making pre Which 'this little 'garden 'of; the Lord permits, It, riecoihes us to patent roes examinations, liminary as In r hla Jh hand. , "this;: 'lUtier. wijqerness prfn wja, j f.y.u kituat recognize for obtaining- - and oonductinra rebeariiur. ed at the base of an almost perpen aU ;othe'r owrdona' o;lieJ add Special attention siren to Interferenoe oeioro, too Patent tOmoo, axtensioos dicular mountain of triadc volcanic while wei ihqw. due courtesy arid fjasos before Inf rinremont Suits in dif s wiyerru3Ba kindness to all men, 16 the miner ferent overlooks which rock, and all Iitijration anoertaia- States, Contain a Summary of the News of the or sand ana aesers Drusn.anatis as well as the mechanlc,the GentUe. ina; to Inventkms or Patents. . Send ttamp V I'Mnrteen miles irom nanarra. as well as the Jew, and while, top,' tot romjHitnur sixty pagt. week, Telerraphle, 'r--Aarlcultural, Home barely . weather Was so gusty we regard and treat all men as gen- United Stdtet' Cettrts qnd Depart- where r:-the ii ir irvt f.;. and ForelsTj Correpoodenco,Mlcllneou, and chilly jand .tonjy Jhe early apri- tlemen until we. know them to he 1. cot bloomed I Here- - were all the otherwise," we are1 not obliged to jr-- r Claims prosecuted In the Supreme Court Domes Uo and Foreign New. Editorial Ar evldenoes of another 3e4 warmer make the acquaintance of any, for ' ; tbe United States, Court of Claimis Court i : tim daBoantUa n nter-- aU- - free people "ire accorded the of mjuA ,u olLnw or jr uommitKiCDbi a or Aiaoama Claims lit Uolea on Current Brents, and ,' own4 tAhrtare-'citys with fjHg tb A oooinero viairai yjom mission .ana an ciaaa- right of choosing , their G. totyOS F.:. G. rl cf war claims ocfore tte Bx ecu tire De ItnVetWte'tf&i I? 'Wi leaf i . partments. ... : us orcnaros a juasa xn owom,' we Arrears of Pay and. Bounty, air fragrant from the Iliac the rose Semois of itlm Fjrsl Praiienuj and 'other VQWfn, otix . attention OrricrHS, eoxnixBSaad sahjObs ef the Mi 10:30 a.mX aaarra. Cailr XxproM Mlxed-..- ,, . jk ; t r soupnqa of, enons. resUsnt agvafe la the Terrllor; Timr InfAvmaHnn tfiax; wmi un $arlw : . ji -- t i ,. ""bIBBbm- - j : , . VVI Ml ; - t n of 11' ! ooanireminsea us ineroaawaj t of baknr. the deep rapine BIDUC1B Soon after forth 14 to LI OMAHA and'0UICAOa - PB CIS iTbrmrhTlctetitoan Kaatarn CItiai via this fvortt rocta can be obtain at all ticket oTlora of a Cmima 9misiha Killiod Tie mr vnur Ticket rearl TJA SOCX Kit Oflir ha wrpertor fclUtk Tor the tkn of all kinda of w I S,.uts , , XTltb aU ' . hm 'l t 'aVjsirs; riONEEK PAPER i'-lil- tsil Letter MaO. mdktrta dom BUd - Thedastabdf wiuds of Kanarra wete entirely forgotUn by the time we reached Uie celebiSLtacl four-mil- e I: dngway. Those of ns --who were A :! were; I apstrangers to the country 0 ti fatty Koutaii Coutrj, taaere lacHned l to prehend,oarrather souls in watchfulness poasees than Batienoel while' wlndinr our ASDTWS PJLPZIl 0Til TMC PXOfUC way thiough this mountain gorge. f ,f ' .11, . The change of scenery Oere was pen cuuany Buuiuft ana in some places marvelous and araudJ While raz ing; upward in bewildered admlra- uon; me atqai ing ana rocay i plates ox Dei Moines, Jiock Idand and connection ac ! : (Mi1- ). '.Charles i Thursday, March S$, 18T7. EdUoirpeMitre PacificiindJVtlontic, Te- i: V 4 a-- i. s, Ulo-IIeet- tnrt. . PWUVdT teary Xaeeddw emi Saturday. OmUB Comer .f AVrM. 1 : 1 , 19T7. ntlY.nflTlA'TTVTTm - TflBJDESERETiNEWS PACIFIC RAILROAD. XAVI1 O. '. WtCKLY. 1(1 iiuwfltiE. iiu Jii ' ahjaL m , r Poate,..a with W, many l.mnlna 1. were here u t'"cr."x"i , ..ll.r. ' TJM.Z of for the purpose .God with U I JJ .our fear and servo and strength, ndjto mind,, our might neighbor as oursehnse. love we had sanctified our bediee, wSch were the tempjeaot God.we would be prepared todedicateoar to God, allowing dwelling-houseby be unckatt an 6f nothing within their nature walht- - But perfomTed before dofng soj the building- mateeur rials should come boiiestly.inta poeseeslon, not through Shrewdness neighin "besting our onourpart less through more flabor,' much grant dishonesty. prery act of our UVs aboald bo wortHy the'bleeslng by of God, our t'conyut-arovhim and our J toore -- enlightened brethren whaknew us. . The speaker exhorted hla hearers tor cemmence' at the 'beginning, sancUfylng;' jUe I mortal fabodea let flesh: and bloody by .'xegarding the precious words of wisdom which God had rglven Us, and pursuing living the course j of .righteousness, to the higher or celestial according u v v law. j.: ' ' JThe Gospel ha4 taught'.us t that we were the offspring of God,-thaIn infantilo form we possessed the same faculties that he possessed: Hence the Apostle said, let tkls same mind be in you .as in Christ in the form iof Jesus, who, being God, thought it not robbery to become like God. If we performed well and faithfully the work of I n dividual sanctificatioh, we ' might expect to see the face of God In the Ttlf..l trV'lMM'Mii'H I . One ... ' ti r ' in -" rdIt. t Giliuore -- n i Extra-judicia- pplyqW? -- . ! r . s ng Ask for Tickets via rittsburjr.FortWayne I PonnsylTania Central tc k which caa be obtained at all regular Kallroad Ticket OOoea In the Westt the Company! Officii tf. West kUdlson St. and at WDenot corner sladlsoa and tfanal Srreets, ret Side, Chl LIFE AND TRAVELS or V PABDE T- - rP as COLCM N8 7 fi , rJau atTEstaj. PRATT . y-. j .' 4 r . 1 J ' ? Oenl Pass, and Ticket Af enU ! j o.oe . LATklfA, J. ir'. a.se t - a OsneralManarsr , . ( j - J ' u i' i A FEW COPIES FOR SALE PRCh Brut tnedi notne t rkiual trespassed vojea.An.indi nst hla brother.. acoordinfr ,tn j- ffllAPMB. PAPER Taa DESEEET EYEmn G HEWS t rs inUlkd oa teeelptef rti. - AT TUE fiiA i a i. n r f if r ai At as J.4otHiiJtj UtoUum it oftf .. " ' k ,1 . HI-H- 1 ! ojnriuniii(ji. '' ; " Letter Ust. City Onncll Prooeedlnrs. with' postage : i s outine' .ir. il: I? aX5tfln,TO WVMw.4IH'F She of Shalt. 26 x 38 Inches I Apua lha celestial required .trespassed ftsJoit thafUM) taemy forHlvexieas LAWS SHEET lUOSIC OKI " untijeeventy times sev-eJbundred tlmea. .We nearly five mJght?say we were jwUllng to tf 'tneyi asked forgive--! ness.But the IiOTd further said that if the transgressor Asked not forgive- - n, pto i DnocncT THE coack-umr-o we ahoald forgive ( l.'h-.r- 4 uaoaiaakinj such coi.t;nx8. r I 1 OmeewithhaVahy "asking;" ".. ni When rnembered'vtBltlnxa Ioman Oath Pile cathedriJ, jthlch ha4 ben erected at a cost of about a hundred and ten million dollar which was equal to about five times of all thai taxable property of this Territory. U bad towers, besides a central tower, upon which stood a coilossal statue of the Virgin Mary,adernl wiU'tWehty-Qva- v marble aUtues Of liftflse. In this cathedra he saw the statue" of BLlUxtholooieWiWho. ih pcxiptures wy wkXnneati cr only ,waa he per Hayed alive, secuted to the death, not all of the they disciples, except John,: whom same failed to kin, reeclTed the treatment. Why were they permitted to suffer such severe chastisement? Becauso they1 forgave not oneanother In their. heaxU.; How la it with os? If the Lord would cot epare his disciples anciently from falling Into the hands of their tr expect htm enemies, how could to spare us if we were guilty of the same sin? He will ' not. bat be would do just as be bad said be would do, namely,' turxi us over to the buBellnrs of Ba tan. even to the order destructl6norour;boIle8.1n that we might be prepared to come forth In the raomlsg rot tbsyresur , Natnralization, Citizen EveningNews,1 We are constantlj rocolylQ ill f ship, 'Elections, fI f j i! vV0 .;... : as rt is - J. ; -- , i A rt CmwamtIkami aI .; TJ1 Va Aa&b'sawud UUUU1 I Except Bnnday. I I PrlcO, with posUgew.:...t$19bC9 Slite3;Chal3 at United And dally order such pieces as aee in BtocK. - tsneet Moslo "ii notsent to all parts of the i. Elections. -- fjv 1 JIM:: 'I" sTUEkCIUSIDAL: US ill') -- 4 f A . a -- i CllTer ,Ditson -3 Cz o T-- i r A2 v C: t m y , f " t.f Ul . -- t A j IP!!. r i and ihrosgwpt Domest y;t4W P?P: 4ttf'H W Currant Krtnta, and once a work if- - ;it Mona, President Geo. A. Smith and Eld s ju'-- n tn- - viia ijoragu:- - rtu itta evu .urtc?m .with ? WMIhe' 'HWe1 would ccrae . 'wheu U k . i " . r- I ' J s T i: .Oil), if ',. Ct-nU- t.il 4 ddrsaa. 'JUST. MLISDUD J . .'? t.XkOliaUCJS KGnTH OF - 4 . , ;" - THOMAS CALXIBTERPf i New, Bovisod, B'largad, and lai proved wi im aBHJrcai aw JMal . - i f:::.;i j j. edltlqn of the Poetrtao aad Ceveatsuaia o SJawCAoareai of Jeaaaa Ctu-taog 3 J&UiyAKD HOHTJEi; : avlaita, ountaining the Berela- - iPreelillns Blsbop of the Church. ttona given to Jos- - ph Smtta, jan . the in.-.'..-.- .'.- .oids''-- ; -- -- rw -- j . "fT ft"ond, MURDOCK, liisnop. .; , : Pi- -1 LEON COCKTT. hlarwllfDaa ! 'H.PAi , nf tf iunN .. vex tne ii ' . . j DRIVES COCJiTT. JOHNii yrUAilVTXid , D,rtBii' . - P k-- - ! r-r r Court m and for xk jaxe uounty. territory ui'nio of Utah, , In the matter heV' Eatatoor A mm U. . ' stuasoU, decoased. A PETTTlOS witha docuraant I fl tritiunt ropri stl ui beeafiiod In thlaCourt bv an eU. pray lnr that said win admitted to probate, and ru&t w t:ra le bo Issued to rtlLkinwr meotary r.rrn-rtusm- t rouco is .loaa us. order of said Court, t til ...k. Jay ef April. A. la.t it.. i, ,..'...ti Ciiusuy . t. of-,-t been ax t ml unu . ;nln Orders recetrod now will be fllid to ordei ' ak .: a 1 - t. miir T'v:--T-"! i Is.trr .. i ftf U i... t ! .? i. ,t t ( .,,,.0 IV " .1 :. v . i... w i it ti i j? mess 7 I. Putt CUdh, Soda ? d- ' t rrnjrs; Joseph . a uteiaa- - 0O:Sia - o- - .i I' k h ei trrp.ts; "I fa.ca.il t"i Tt).i.'-4- w ., f,t . ik . Av Jft I' oh nana 33 Cache eo..TJtah .jv " . " u jV ii , , tsoaonda r ni--'fti!t- rr, , el er eu"v, "?r free s Pantttratkfsri im ' tpaynos. ii ' Tujn.i "rli. If. Lewis Tx I 4 Leeds, Gcnoy :: t 1). : B. is rariaf A r Siaithsoa tcA ., v'.ll.Irw. H Kmoa:d &Us, gilt bacrand 4 -a-- 55W5SMgS& la. I -- o, .jk':!i I gJttUrh je,?-- Jn, lafreuei rut) tmtattxt !!oroctK:3oibCsftl.lri oh. aj1eTHo I atansd to' any part of tbs TerrlUry.'at tatvs no reooire of price. p-r- t,r .'if - '42. ,,JcfN6 : - - i " i ; : - : To this edition there have been a number CT" r.s. .. A. Hunt. Cadar 'CStfi Beary M ra. Elnlw eaau knAvL, ef additions made the sections have bees Xvv lv,re-r,BeaLaksco,Dtak ffXANE COTETT. ;., versed and numbered, and a fun and eons P BarBJony.Wi D. rv f 1 ry Laa, t .K,t-JXtr un'iet.riasv.-'- Wyosnfag Terrtet 'jf 4 Or .laiaTBS; prehenairs Index and, Contents, has teef A ko m. O. Rartnn. an added."i. .jobs Parker. - In - (he Probate - llsnoshtCaii LarlKl&r, S - k. P. twi. i OARDKN SEEDS I7LOWER SEEDS ANDtoo vaokoa, vouod variety oroameo- - cos STowors, loasa of" made to to order to stand, table(os' botton kote oqup qoeta, with or wUbootpapera. Crosses for hmerasw etc, tn fAlr teraaa., tiooQuets dried natural flowers , and ..Ornament Preeiling rraanes made to order, lia&some hangIns baakosska vanoty esnMy oaos filled to Prophet, for the building np of the King order. A rreat varioty ot Wladow and Idaho Benrr La wTatBearLakeco, Boddlaf JPIaata.. Oaidooa dag aart oo-da dom'bVood lntbeisst vv 1 Clf ' fino order. Summer Sowerins; barbs' or nys.'' J.WkWooro. Boots, such, as Dahlias, Tuberoses, Chafes BoUnsona j :.',.wj r'oortev, ta-- jw EC HTTJaOrrmDlor Heavrta. Preewa. on Printed fiae . from . paper, . new, Peter Trltomas, etc Urge Oetd, a. Jensen, . . ; on application. h i'Mrty. My caUlorue free andten clOS r !l Bishop. HESQiriffimiiii.iiiiFi CI T Y. v ' aiiLLABDCOVsrrr. i t tt' u Olacu. jJew London, 0. C. ij - r- COCWTT. r Pratwllie, Jo, t-- ot , prtoo. ' ' ,l ease swa nAeot jf malt laze err r. , j Salluai rranklln pxxr' Kfchttekl, WHSeegmUer. Monroe, T Llaenbee, Annarw Sprioa!lLhon'T'. V Joaeph, A. L. r c a i . . ti J tar. Sent by mail on receipt in. 'O.' F. DUE, FMMf IP SIEMAIf, V:"i - ."t- . A. K. TUUiii"!'" i 1 1 - gEVlKS ' - The Above ia -- now isened in 'pamphlei form, octave a),-o- r one' knndred pareeJ 3 LArX 50 JobnW-Hawi- UvanlcCSaaaaaaaa : rztzcn :'rf , SALT ,Or0nH Pratt and 0eo. iQ. Cannon. Bl'l. COCMTT. OKI. GR0VR,pWlB ' x!l -- t)r i the same subject, by On Annual Subscription $3. 50;' ow- age, 15 cents. Single oopy 10 ceica rection To"Mh4HObe premUed Messlngs. The 'ispetlenco of the the people of Moses andBfli. that of us bef?ri wits iljet er-&&- all apostles brttrrt'- " theytiiJI, r?i'thus capsxth 1 x& ? ... ft tlcwr.1 ArrfctiltaTeBiilway, 3Lc 1.2X3, .zuii! c -- A 'i Uiso WorM. 5-- 4 ajasaxenUln tuij TolrapAloBporU, Ia4 tarestlnr and trustworthy Local Itemaj ia4 t . - e. Publication Fifteen Cents, JC3 SltS n - t r.Two Corns ss Czsts.13Jr- r 14 L in r Ava. the aamonnar oaaotl pamphlet irdmrj ePrie--e jsa.a ; Baa the Larreat Ctroulaiioa in this city i ii i ' 'At. iir "i ' .... xe-ceiv- ed, pass say Uef tbf rLOrd Judge between thee and and reward us i ... or snsf f ' Editorial Hotes. Local News. the celestial law which, we haif Correapondence, Home and Forelrn. so trespassed Telrrraphic Dispatches from All Parts of against did not forgive, be became the World. . rthe greater slnner?.Tbe Notes of Various Kinds. : aald.inat he.W0uId tbllvwwbomso-eve- r Eeriews and Notices of Bosks, oic. newcnld, but that we should Poetry. hhold- Hoe ef Use rseatrasally Week Ilea but In all matters of dispute or tres: yqiyrWrprXQ ADVA ft CX. - JUAB lxrdbad I Prlct. 3: UUI it ! FOR - SALE iVaL- has: din LAKE CTTY. m il ! 8 ALT - - Efllin New - - AtTaaorrioaor f ' iu tf ; l; .of-ua.s- exit, isr uuoa I S Calf.Ut, J.k . 44 ... ., takea.- ,.! i VaSif - w.'! - . V. .' |