OCR Text |
Show e7 ;l ' 1 v i - - ;t f I ill; If'! fS T T ;i is i) r1 1" TfV ! ' ,J ii'1- '? jl -- -- ., ii,o 1 ; :it - . ..; ,. - jj j j r,:- ; f ,,' . j . ; K . , ; -- s At r , f " , - t- j "" ' ' C. J ?,; . . ,. BUSLNBSS DIRECTORY, ByT;elegrap mm nr. !i:J Keep Thom Doforo the tt rnn wnrrrii push.the suit agalutt , Hehni and theother crooks, i, U u,. f i aeeeatC tn Kew Arranxeiuea ts. t . "'I ' ivn i ; con nec lions with the mains of ttie: man eompany or interferioRin-anuer wlt) its water pipea fttc. ; Thel vvurt ranteii am uviuauve rwrit, and, thel matter is, to be heardlnchct Aloiiday ntj two,, o'clock,; i nj 'Abe .meantime tbe vMayor,v board, jecj-. axe temporarily restrained from hterfeiingln anyLOoanner With fhe couppany' main. j ; 'FreeS lander- - Fall a Teeester Sracinea Clrcatar sad esunates V It WVporteit that the icily banljp, Isaac" Ffledlander. have creditors of Xllits j i I f I 1 y t ., . .-; 1- ii 5 , j aoab-bar- 12 4 5 6 3 afes-ment- j - , ,. t . ; Fellow of ' l uritM Aaidt,mv of Dtn- . . to OrriCB Mafn Street, opposite Wasatch 12 13 14, 17 18 19 20 21 j Tra4M leave. Salt lAke..... .... dS44 , ions n -- 24 25:26 27 28 org-ait- ' 7 etJo aeoond-han- M L j ; 4 i rn . kait t - rrioeat as - ISIIEEKS tk BAWLBVS, Train , Attorneys-at-Sa- 1 j Lavirtntt't me huildlng, Jtnningf Corner Salt Lake d&City OFFICB west of XJXah. 'A- KINIS2 OF i - , : - 1 - Mri-peap- ; : i , , j j ; : ' i j - . nt - , donble-berrele- j ; J !, zeep I e . . t - t Joseph Dentley's. : I , i . ' r JOHN SHARP, Jr., General Freight and Ticket Agent -- j: JOHN SHARP,- - Os' Se Carpet Weaver - i t ...!; ,: . fireman. j p t 00 40 g go? S:40 a.m. anJ Leavinr Salt Ltki Cltv-aS:o p.m.; and Ogden at a.m. and ikau p.ui. LW For all Information winperw'" rl Freight or Passage, apply to three doors west of Theatre, a - net r II (Sunday - i i - - -- , 0 TBAIlaN mXED n.ltw ' ' win ; di2 1 1' 10 Si T 10 M CK 10 62 T 81 1 35 T 44; 1 00 ..'11 13 63! 1 PasaJOaTplaoes. IITEATIira DONBOODAN CHEAP. ? ;. ; v v; u- h This place, whereGOOD Carpets are ' woven, n on' FIRST BOOTH STHEET, - Sl4 IW 14012 Salt Lake..., CARPETS. 4- i ! ; 40 6 20 rrtrs ot , - ; . Wood's Cross- . I 40 - Mi " tu; 4 3d 1 CO S I2i 4 62 13 KayrrUM Fanninrtoo ............... Centervlile ...... w. r-'- III Uaxxi Ogden L ? ' Same of Station.". dsatf . ii lL3- T Si- ... ;. .. Ogrten..... w a T ee Kaysville ; . . A, sra tfel, - uentrevuie ............ rartnington Ati orner and Counselor. v. J Office in Wasatch Hotel, 8. I. Cl'y, H SOtk, ...i ... Wood's Cross : " f Station.- Name . afvri. , Jane On and After DRrA. 'W. 'C ALD ER, .Heiei. of- Utah. JLinesi . ; 9 10 23 30 Pioneer r. 1 ,- . .RAIhSOABMj ( I j UTAH "CENTRIC y manager "Wootten; f t he IMiiladeJ- -' andTteadimr Tiinrtiauf. Wtta Last rhia ruuiiu, Dlspalcbes I. that his conference with tle enginit;i eers of that road; last evenfris'. end Hell Arf food, finer roodf milllnerr, EASTERN. ; olothlnc , Loot and aboea, bu aod Nsw yoBK.U. The :JdiJowifls' ed with an agreement n their pairt cpi notloosieto. v. a. 1.1 are ius acuns w ma uorap-suan i )' Street , (TWrd South of lnsnrance'rrrovidesthat IPortlODS of the abeU,'or haaa- - Thejplan IHi . Wet ret csrpeta. Bai tread Company la', to; couV the tintlra'ted their ,wl Whgne'td grant grenade,; were fouoc, imbedded In trienre Jia.wo to the iife'i Barker walla and cellirip: uf tbe toomJ ti) nd and 5 10,000 Id the accident t in V f him Buch'acdomnio'datlou . as Tmay be l ren&Ira atovea doea bUrMH aod uwland runamltk work ' and two revolvers and dirk knife all cutlery, lock Le necessary f,6 enable bun to ' tide ed. Thu. Fri. Sat Tn d such Of their were fouud on the floor,, The S:1 Box tralnbjatids as cxjnu'Jy over the preee.nt cribla in bis affairs. Jeepla Beaitlejr and belt corresponding to One with the provisions s and CTmA wu SaiiIK pay Qtran Frightful Itallrefidl Colllalen and A ' iwm Q(j the revolvers! ware found. on the vtivi; agreed Upon. . I.sa ,.t 141. Wearei carpetaperson of Orvllle IX Jewett. Three . Aaklnx rackard Qnestlons. thai son and. clerka Mr. of Dean yeflte'rday Karly Backl A Sob niorniog, express Were In an adjoining room atj the Kkw Ojn.EAN3,5; Packard, tor train Noi2, tveetwftidbotmd.on the 11: (Oppoalt Walker House, Main Street tlbfe of the explosion, and were day; addressed an Open letter to the Central Pacific, collided with a 8 IVrall kind of Uilorior. ' ' special freight train, about a mile positive in their assertions that the President in which he says he Valder V Careton. cdmmls-4ofrom Cascade, near the. Summit. never been In the place to the alien bad 116 visiting ' Sell Maaoa ta Haailln and other ik war. A tew ehelU pkked or do not ex- Each train was drawn' by two enexelode alter the either ptanoa, fancy voodw holiday praeuta, and d were clude) inquiry on three essential gines. The collision !ocfkirred in ail kinda of pauaiaallnatrumeuta and mer up on the battle-flelWhich la the legal iln snow shed, and the engines ohanrtseT-aud tak and tlte mernbera or inis firm, who-bad point:' First, pianua orrana in ezenaoxa. 22 entitled to recognition? were piled upon one another. The them emptied Into the Kaat Rlrer, government Dr. A. MT. Caldrr. The clerks Bay the shell must have Btecond, Which is the legal Judici-art- ? rear of the. tank of. the first engine PraoUaaa in dentistry. Leen brought to the office this 'Third, does domeatio violence of thetpasEenger train and front of 29 the' second engine being forced up CalUe 4k BaadqtKt, morning by One of the injured men. f and insurrection prevail within .the until rl The theory" of the police Is Ihat meaning of section! , article 4, of they protruded through the SUteEoad, Sboo. tmlVd George IW. and Orvllle D. Jewett- - lhe constitution of the United roof ofjthe shed. "The shock of the The and repair aprinr wagons, make and repair Ucame involved In a dispute, and rJUUefc? . On ' the - first point the collision threw the passengers and prinra, elo. Ust have been used instructions say the: eerviee desired trainmen i u nvery direction, but m shell the tbat C CraMrM as a weapon. This theory lia Of and entrusted to this commission none of them suffered broken bones, (President B. Youura office, Eoulh Temple strengthened by the dbjeovert iof does not Include any examination though several wete- badly bruUed. !" Street thTeroIvers and tnlfe Id theqom. Into or report upon the facts of, the George liurt, the engineer of the Sella walnut, mulberry, and locust trees Wben one of the revisers Vas recent State, election, -- or. the- can- head "locomotive pu the express found its barrel was warm, and One vass: of votes eaas at it hat' election. tralu, .was found- on. his seat dead, Dr. Croekwell A SJaia of the chambers empty, with the This inhibits ther commission ifrom and his fireman, John Wright, was (Firat South Street) , on all inquiry as to who are ' entitled badly scalded. John- Warren..! the iu tsap HooKBopathto Dispensary, aell exploded Keep a and of the second lex'press n medicines by to the office- of Governor and other engineer,was cbemieals, and nil preacrip-tlon- a wnen aaaea lor inrormauonbotb of erery dec rlptton. the police find the reporters,' mere- State officers. It, severely scalded, and engine, He expresses a desire for a search- died In a short time, as did his ly auawered,' "Don't ask: me. DstIs, Bswt A Ca, Frank Maxwell, who, was 10ne theory advanced id that ;the ing investigation j and Bays he exDo all kinds of mil line and minlnr ma work wrought and oaat Iron work, shell was thrown into , the. grate, pects the . nation to. J udge of hia crushed. Both the passenger and ehlnery ana iron and crass work ox ail aescripuooa with the coal, and another it claim on the ground whether he htad freight engines were badlv tajt ': H broken.' Otherwise there is no' seri Pii a was A peroaB&ion shell, andtiplod-e-d; was elected or hot, Oh which point v. Dmj Ci ous damage to. either train. The Prei-Ideia 6on8trained eU Cry roods, hoots and shoes,' hats and to he think while .! handled. the (carelesslybeing H aapa - f aimily d nwailwi Hoar, feed - and Orville T. Jewett served ik the ar1n is He doubt. wrecking train was sent up and It says: "I shotruns and gene- my arralnt will take perhaps ten hours to "clear ireceived seveconfess ft?Ia the late that during having war,anT ra) merchandise, and buy dried fruit. ,k the track. It Is supposed the engimore ahell stes Was some ral hundred stated the that than y M ' by V kept Peres HsUmwI Bank him in the office as a relic of ;the of thejepubllcan presidenfial elec-to- neers of the express train forgot the Does yarlous banklna business and Orders thev had received to Wait I did not anticipate that my for truggle. Orville D. Jewett, who sarlnrs on interest. j the frtigh t, train af the Cascade. taken1 at resides N. was would In title be ' .thus Orange, quesput J., Ifeaeret Carrtaare aad Wsgoa Ca to the Chambers Htreet Hospital, uon.- - xie. says, jc 19 iurio,er imTrain Bltened. (Walker, Knight, Rees and Oblad) mAs in the afternoon, he was portant to know, whether the su- - An engine and nine freight cars and repair all kinda Of rehtele to Order where.late wagoua and earriajrea, mlniar ears, etc. - thought to be dying. Tha surgeon Sreme court, appointed by his near midway ditched are, reported la a legal court; station on the Western and do all kinds of biaokamithinr and car- at the Chambers Htreet Hospital (Kellogg); Pacific. a nag peinung ana trimming. AT . .. ... says that Orville D. Jewett had if so, It will assist In aolvlhg the .! several ahot wounds in the breast difficulty. If the Klcholls court be ' Bells the rery beat lire geeee feathers, and in the abdomen. found, to, be entitled to no more M 1 ITIKO 'STOCKS.' walnut lumber furniture and baby wagons. A friend of the firm characterlzea recognition, than; any other equal as cruel the rumor that the disaster number of lawyers convened on O. ftVDaa ';A' STREETS. (Two blocks aorta of Valley Eonae) l:t was the result of some Indirect way the call of any other .citizen of the n 'Fraiu:co, A prtl 0, II. iO a.m. 6f a among the mem- State, the nation will surely declare Sells flower, and garden seeds, ' out bers disagreement to be the S. it commission )A Justice 6 Con Va, b, 40 a,H 17,805c b. 3 30o a Ikwem bouqaeta, Jmi lbs, .window and bedAT TI1K 40s and also digs gardens and sett Street, atates that his firm was the In so declaring." "These' two points Caledonia, 4 b, 6 a ding plants, 1 bees in order. b b,10a,7J,ilmporla(,l legal advisers of O.'IXI J4W1U and being decided, .the! commission G&O,8 43 b, 5P a, f I assessment Overman, T W. KUerbeek knew that the rumor was without could readily determine whether Point. 4V s 6 b, 6! a, 6 s ;. 300c b the slightest foundationals had sufficient domeatlc Insurrection ex- Cbo(Ur,4,3b ((Serentecnth Ward) iExcbqr, Doseret b JCals, 43 b. 43 '4 a been decided on January 1st? that ists La warrant the nse of troops. Favage,ioj494 p, Sella chestnut, sycamore, maple, pea it...4 .a, Jacket, a5 a. SogUati currant, and rose t rees, raspberry t Orville D. Jewett should rettw from: He refers to .the) decision of Chief vpnir, iMexlcam I2.a blackberry, pie and strawberry plants the business, and a final adjustment Justice Taney in the case of Luther B &its II, 23It d, aji,a , i , aasa. O. rersvaasi "" Hi;1 of the matter was .to have bten vermt Berdon, and declares that it Does all kinds of watch and clock, mak-n- r, made at Hawson'a office,! compels the President to determine M repairing' and cleaning. was no bad Which la the legal government. There A Sure Cure for the Piles. feeling atnqng ' ' A y 2.' the parties. 'The firm was pom- -' ;V He concludes as follows: "I ; k aJoid.. .. la agent for tbeuKed Canyon and Kook potted of George V. Jewett, who urge that the Investigation Jby ' A sure cure, for the Blind, BleedSprings Coal. not was killed, J. A. Dean, slightly the commission be confined to ing, Itching and Ulcerated Piles sllaa i' wounded,' Orvllle D."Jewett, badly the narrow inquiries of how Nich-ol- ls has: been discovered William be sustained and how (an Indian remedybyPr, L wounded, and Charles H. Jones, called Pr. (71 Main Street) j;an ), ;; .not injured, Packard starved to death for lack Williams' Indian, ! 'lj A Dors all kinda of millinery work aud ietU will pub- of money to support his govern- single box has curedOintment., ?)d The Time, anaie-u-p dresses and miiunery lish, from an authentic source, the ment. i if ,the i inquiry be. thus chronic cases, of ,25 and 8( yean llaaaer k Bra.' reveallet true a graves be of will the. ed, ..wrong story No one need sutler five explosion, In deal H. to standing. (Suoceasors J. Harue), gns tq those by whom I was called minutes after applying this, wonah tola, atafmunition and nshlng tackle, and ing that the diabolical crime was done do practical gunamithlng. ,;u perpetrated by Orville D. Jewett, to the executive chair, and whose derful soothing medicine. Ixtions, wno was aumuieu to ineinrm,;oi votes, cast 'often at the peril of instruments and electuaries do more !T w which his father when alive was a their lives,' have elevated your Ex- harm than good. Williams'; ointIron aud In the sheet Doeg anything tin, an. member, six or seven years ago, cellency to the presidency of the ment supports Une,also in the tumors,- gives lecause of the relationship. American people. Id their name inutacdj and painless relief, and! is llti L simply I. M.W. Hansen alud and in, their behalf If ask that the prepared exclusively for Piles, and been somewhat had He wild le Rast Tempi Street) I., (Oppotlle 2. C paid Utile attention to the business; Instructions given tq the commis- nothing else, ,. Over. 20,000 cured Buys an1 sells bcuschold goods of every which seems not to have been to sion may be so amended that right Patients attest , its virtues and deeCtipUdo. his taste. Ue.had been absent last can be ascertained, and that the Physicians of all 8clopltrpronounce aanaea Brume winter In Bermuda, yach(Ug,:abd government thus lound to be re- it. the greatest coutrilmliou, to mediBells all kinds of Wasatch woolen lalil on bis return recently expressed a publican In form; and te have been cine of the . e oloth, and buys wool, ' ' age. ' "' ' desire to withdraw from he firm. chosen by a majority of the people (U '' auneri. .iJ;h Does bnslnsss as attorney and uounauir- - 'Uid partners did not wish ju,inake according to the legal method sanc- li WUiT IOTHE SOTED HOT the i constitution and " SPRISCS." V any change; in the b'usiBes andc tioned .by, ' be Marten ft latta hi retiring, lut hperBiat-e- laws, may recognized" and arc opposed rA Sell wines and Uuors, wtolektal Ciev'eiaud6., Bee. 27, 1878. .' in his determination, and fioally r y, U l i reiab ' JDeab Sir: I suflered more or became si disagreeable that tby An Ancry Benate. Ir. C. W. Xbsu for less with the Itching jor ltd his. request and agreed UAt Morrill's Stables, Flist South Street):, conceded "The Packard Senate adopted a' ulcerated years Piles. .1 1 tried remedy afbid' tot $20O,O0J interttt. b3him series of resolutions Treats all disease of horses and cittle. r 4'le- the ter remedy advertised in the fj. necessary, papers were drawn pledges "of? titan ley denouncing s i3 Matthews and Iim and t. consulted in Perhea physicians were nave row Henry to aim up, aigueu, Caas. Foster, !( h Ward Meat the with- Philadelphia, Iouisville, CincinMarket, flout Tunple toWiar. Young Jewett, tpmbaUly drawal of. thepromising a its troops, nati Iadlanapoli, and this city, came tojMlie end dishonorable bargain."corrupt grazed with liquor,' They and spent, hundreds of dollars,' but efflce krmed with a mm ima mwi 01 raricuj auiay. say they are Blow 'to believe that found no relief and comfort untifl - .Gear re pistol and a dirk, some angty Prest. lawords, is aparty tOi sUch a obtained a box of Williams' Indian Beynalda passed, and he pulled the bargain;Hajes office. South Temple (Presidetti n.Young'a Ointment some. four months calling on the President to 2uu.av assistance necessary to and it has cured me completely.ago,I furnish the on and the the floor, expIpion.felIc 'violence had a part of, the box left which I Sells walnut mulberry, and locust protect against dome?t wweu. ine uncie was &uxeuj 1 is aud nut down the KLnholla lnaur-- gave to a fiiend of mine who had Own legs broken, he received tlre rectioo; II. Rawe that the. icrality doctored asserting , withj many physicians terrible wounds iu the audoineu. Of Packard's government cannot be (Town Clock Store, 87 Main Street)! relief and as a last resort without attHe drew then the and, pUtor one who does went to the noted, Hot Springs, of Uakeaaod reoain all sorts of boots questioned by any himselQtbrough empted to; shoot aim shoes. not the of title President Arkansas, for treatment. He inquestion e. heflet-tlvwas J.;. his the head, but HtmrdMhret both are , the form me that the Indian Ointment that .titles, , Hayes; died this event riuTtlie same;" recommending- Packard Sella tka Bain Wasron. Wood slower and. lie w r la to has also cured him of the piles. It Bulkr (take, r Oliver hospital. Dean, Who waa injured Reaver, raddoe militia lu. every pariah is ceitatnly a wonderful discovery tho and car Cbiiied Itow, Coneord organize not is understood, by the explosion, to meet any emergency whien may and should be used by 'the' many ptowa, narrows, 'aruvatara wagoar to be in a danrerous condition, k; j arise In the si r.eto. KM.!, future; if the President thousands who ate now suffering lil Hi 4 Jlavaa aaukr A aclaalassj Aseaaslnatea-IIer- ae ttcNCE AND you ; ' ' Tb levee K1J11 fails in his duty, which we do not With that dread disease. L ' Qa aaih. snouldlngs, shingles, doors, l ' believe he the let ' M. Bender will, responslbil raBally.! lbe DpTEAS' IMPROVED CORN STARCH. Joseph Bydeb. blinds, lata, wood pump and water pipes ' ity rest where It belongs. In conFobt Smith,. Ark., 5. Cherpaee clusion cheap at wholesale and retail. more certificates of curts t&For unthe resolutions express Tom William yaa assassinated it abated confidence l each see box circular from th Beat Selected j' C. W, BWayner clin .;I?p"nT" pr large jaround In the patriotism, of ointment. his tJithiH on tYn' rrau4 perfwctlj puie. v. 1 Af' ...'...; home, e atTihltquah, East office. wisdom Trcpa Lake Ibrahi forbearance (At Salt and; firmness, Ha:i fnxjounced by JCROE3 of day night.: j Street) Packard. U I foniovC l , 110,000 BfcWABD A' j citizens of this (The ' -. placeuxieVl Atteuds to all bu fners connected wkh EXPOSITION Vilrf.' IIIT. . i Will be paid for a more certain and Into the Cherokee nation and there ' kgal and notarial busineta sure remedy. Sold by all the leadWE8TERN.' 1 , ; nffQCAUlr AtrUl wlttlaSutelMpopuUrttkertry patents,-a aoaheeke 1. or- - thletesi ion two killed white storeA Bawllaa Against "tke C'kieo As- -' ing Druggists and country HM Indictments Baturday.! I keepers everywhere.1' Warranted a The Kansas detectives, wlih the (Lawrcnoe's Building, first Couth Str :.i , nininlai,ta,v'-'-' sure cure or money refunded. 'BeDo bwloeta aa Attorneya-at-supposed Bender family, j fami5.- - A' press ware of 'imitations.- - Ask for1 JDr. BA' " IS ON EVERY FbaKcisoo, here The through yeaterday. Orovllle sats from the Williams' Indian Ointment, and grand Xlatel Tajlra PARK ly .here the name of Keofler, and ' 'presented a jeport take noother; Depot, 838 Superior f consists of John Bender; senior and Jury, (Main Street) ' a biiei seeaioa 01 inree ana a Street; ;levsland, Ohio. la kept by Taylor and Cut'er. ljuulor, Kate Bender, and Mrs. Ben- - after And indictments half days. They' & Co. Wh Godbe, Pitts uer A derectlve namea iseara agalnet-E' J B Roberts. John and Bait , Lake bodies : In Drugeists,' the discovered Cty, 137$,' who, Rtain-broT,? W; CharUs Bella family i.ooeites. parasols, ummer of their for BlanghUrj tTtah; Boie'Asnte beea has .long veUins, for boots and drees F. E. the , roods, gents' clothing, Conway prints, and shoes, ladies aboea, children's ahoea, working up the case and effected murdejr of each of the four . Chin 3: eoddryguode aad merehandiae geoerally their arrest twitbout extraordinary at Lemms killed Banche,near trouble. The whole party deay Chice; for arsons kgalast7 AVright, HEWSECOIlMAIlDSTmE their Identity, but the evidence is Jones,'"' FayT 'the- three ' Keeps the Towoaead Bouae. Slaughter W. MA PRE N has 'opened a Second bvervr jwere good helming. , Tney OK St reft, neit . UKIM "Xwnertsr ana jonvry na I) hand - Store, o Main B. Wallaea . biihstdre f arrested undet boys, dtlsebS, t Art Gallery, o aeaite to arson. Moor to commit eavagVa atteraot for (Seraaieenth WarO.j: ii came to Crawford attain t Hoberts,Tohn and Charles aasploion. one byone Tliey even th log that eas Sells frttlt trees of rariood kind aJoot, but always had Slao'ghtei'.and lie wtlf Buyor acdaell Holderbaum. 3 will give the best price be sold, etc bought ' V rnnra farms, jbf to.hoy plenty Walker Braa. , Those hargedT with arson, will or 'household gonds of every description, Sell dry goods, groceries, bard ware, glass Ml prebabP'be arxalgned cn Saturday i fand sell roods at tks lowest living prices. ?1 : did erookerr ware, and merchandise gen commence on will trial the and WASUiNQTOif. 5. The President; ratau.:. J t superintendent. it to Third South Street, HAS removed oor west from tbeOtd Washington Meat Market, and soUciU the patronage of the public. da. DTAH RAILROAD- - SO DTHERN ; j i ra, re-ceiT-es ; , TOVNOEND HOU3E Al S r-- - 1 .' r t 4 on, i ll - i News ?Office. isd, j j -r-- to-d- ay. OvPh? xi L II ; r- , earh-eatl- ! a.-Uel- PAIRID, STOCKED, Ete.,. 0-t- ow, the-wors- a guo-Jak- l re-s- tr j - V , : ooppar-amlt- h tbea-aaatan- : 1 g - i ; ; jl t lb," home-mad- : m-- ; -- . ' ''" ' : ; .: ': .'. . bub--taiue- d." t - II Jjtave w news-paper- ! 1 - 1 j. - , liinsmii ijspsiiiitii; - 11 - m - - -' bnaj-rte- will useno other. e I t II I t r; -- , . ' 1 - , j Section dls-nat- in .!10 .m- Springvllle. Spanish Fork Payson Santaquin Tenalnoa . -- :i 3S .. .110 75 2 IH 2 &b 2 3 IN) 83! IU ( ss fit 3M illII.43 4 0U 4 0 I .118 Wj Uelnsr JTertta. ma S 1: 1. J5 - .. Trains leave a. m. p.m. 12 20 Terminus. a 12 67 Si Santaquin & 1 17 Payson............... '1 49 l1 oa Spanish Fork 0& 2 25 Springvllle 2 6 160 frovo 00 2 308 Pleasant Orore 8 10 American Fork..... . 3 20 .. 2 8" 3 32 Lehl ........ . 4 22 . .. 2 ?a Draperi. Arrre ot.... .I..-- .. Sandy..... BandyM... .vv ...... 4 47 Sol 3 00 3 Si Junction........ .... . 45 61 11 40 3 b Little Cottonwood... Arrttw at Salt Lake.....,..;... S 40 10 90 8 Is! 4 otr avaver 3 any person who shall In any way wantonly injure or kill any English Sparrows, or disturb or destroy their nests, or in any way molest them; shall On conviction be liable to a. fine in anyjsum not exceeding . ten dollars for each offence. SsxrnoN 2. If the peraon violatKos. land Swill be ran daily. iKoa. 3, 4.(aid 0 will be run daily, Sun ing this ordinance bet a minor and days . t"j ' unable to pay his fine, he may be ' f3T-exocptedy For" all tafcrsaatioa concerning committed to the City Prison until Freight or' Passage, apply to y JOHN' relatives or friends pay the flne$ for SHARP, u ' ' General Supert'ifWur. a term riot xceeding fiv$ days, for ' ; i isailtp,' Jr.; ' john A'rA'each offenceMi'p" ,,VeJeraFreW-eXcktlff-t r- , i - - ' I ' - ' ;, 1 ' !. - Passed March 27th 1 1877.1 ; il i i FERAMORZ IliITTIiE, ; jy i Mayor? CAUSE. J - JOIIN.T. .OTIiHKBilllfliB . . City Recorder. I . : j n JtPlUMJ UU 1877. Territorv of Utah, 88. Salt Lake City. This certifies that the foregoing Is a true copy of an ordinance entitled f An Ordinance to Protect English Sparrows ahd tbeh Nests,? passed by the City Council of Salt Cake atythVsftM A.D. 1S77; as appeirs of record In my ; ; Traini will rua as follows: ; 'NORTHWARD. Leave Ogden...... - - . " . f'.:? i U A Wltneaa mv hand a. m. - r- -. f Leave Franklin.,.,.-..- .. Logan " . i p. ' Brir ham.. 8.10 n 10X6 Arriveat Ogden....... . '...'.',- a.m. a.m.1 13J p. iu.-3.19 n.nu - 1 j 28th day of March, A. ' Gilmer C Salisbury's Stage Line, to and ' ;' from Montana, connectr with: traiDS at i; ' FrankBn.'.. ;i .'i D.-187- T.- I JOHN T.'CAINE, City Recorder. 10G ftSO-- SOUTHWARD, t . . d No. 1. ..... - j . - and the corporate seal J , . BriffbaaM... ......Jl.3.10 a.p. m. ' Logan...... Arrive at Frankltn.; 4J5 m. c;::W ii office. : j ....... 1 1 Vt A, it ordained by the City. OuvncU of Salt Lake City, That : ', ?i ................ . " 1 9 08; 80' omnnnncE .: 7 An Td PROTECT ENGLISH SPAM-BOWAND THEIR NESTS. t a-js- ed 818 . I ! JKACE: rroro i Z 23 3 15 8 03; Pleasant Grove...... - it,- j- t to 15! TT A- irvJi?AL i - - American Forkw.-- .. DISPEXSART first HOMEOPATHIC have the larreat awort-tnent of Medicines and Chemicals in Utah. and are therefore prepared to 0.11 Presorlp- uons 01 every aesoripuen. DR. CBOCKWrlX Jk BOH. - t: j : , t a T 48 Sandy....... PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE ! hand-grena- de cr.VEA itx-- -- . A.M A. M.ir.M.1 T 00 a is ooi T 28 45i 2 85 . Draper, IClli , iv Trotnj leave Salt Lake............. Little Cottonwood j Junction Arrive at eat fSandjr.,.. ; : ti erof asJ v : ,,,-:- :1 e BJC ouss ey i at-ia- w. STOTI3 - Br- - L SMtTS l SJLARPXKDyI 1 : 187d. JSame of Station. . ! and after Deo.l?Uh, On Freprleter JOE BARKER. j ' i -- PIT Y. v I V ol-Wa- Tew dl81 t UOCk' rF.-Baws- Jaikte ALT LAC 1 ; ' -- ' f.1fT7uttcheir'Sujil. - -- ch .It-J- it I .'to-da- y, .. f - i Records B. Recorns! Je-ea- le COTXLaU CUFMTr & , , UVMVQrUT. W, IJJOr inDUSTRY.fc j ok and (fnnii ySacis : -- a-m- 1 ,i j - ,; m j ' " t SUBSGRT ; vii erally, wacusaisano Warklng-asen- ERET NEWS a ; - f - wm , S on " " ft . OFFICE. 1 Takea. tCT " psaneairiaiy-sui- r q . v W l l 4 i u ' j Van ii.tj va Csnsperatl Sell dry roods, groceries, carpets, hardware, crockery and glassware boots and tpa. leather and Bndinrs, andail aorta of general lerc hand iee, woo ie saia ana tatan taeeaaBnTlnsa Bank andTtaaS jcewt-paaay j h re aad aceaeTaiaaririwgpasiasss. tain stuns as hw as one aoUar (WV, PAYID aT(ojaXD t at iu22SiRGBSi QOU " I fit if L'.M ' ; a omng aererai bund red i TREES ! 4 111 ill ;.- -'t -- "f 1 " i si i .l Bearroe, fea, J!e'a"aryEarly roster, cxge jree, i Alex aneyke, he abma sang Boot ! Poplar, KaUn Willow, oroiteaJrEox 'Udei'Weer,osr Walnut. .. E'sck rpa.H',,evXocii8t, -1 'tsvTsrtirtl'..'',,,; -. r riaifcts, ....of . T j -. waa&lagj ?ata wriii Hia.z -- "roaaheobtataaa-th- 0c ; Consul-Gener- ISth'insU-'atw- a t i tbeVrand rjuy foUowef"1' ,Tbereporti-ef- al thia 1.1 ! MULBERRY, ; dea.rf-diaaatisfacti- on TOT a -- for J$ renla per ppy. .wicwn.Lxs. - los-seaalo- - at ,:., aaiC2aaV T!3r A3 sale ettaa'y5 WliV WAtf. AST, at .U aniasle Oarilem, giiaat Kewee rf , r nana. MiiliIWsVVfetjrli t-- j-- . j . ... wE . I t pnisnrrarsiitip . ABE : .l?OW,: PREPARED .A aq ktoda et Brfagt Wa- gone. Quality of work ana the- very Prksee as low beef material to receive ordira or BRANCH aa the imported.gnaraatiiJ Give na your orders aad a. 1 U Tt ui j Ai PI will surety attempt to please you. and WARD RECORDS, of toL met? we .cAnxr aprtnsr niaktnf and reealrlsgWell d it and improved form, which hat deem ShopState Eoadycne '.and a approved by the pretidittff MUhoj hedfUockt South from the Jheatre. a:s ' t ," . others. rio . iUt-buUdln- : Z -- -- - : , 'We thaH make them of;fovr.tvt f:-:fo- J .f5 .. -'- - vi-- .t - -- - -- ' fov-ernme- nt v.-:- ijpi-.'.'.- i st, 1 i're.:Je''- - HI anor -- : Uaeipe$Jar f n . -- Ji-- w-- .aA eHiX t,' J- - t-- 11W1 Specirnem eau be :teen "atJthU Its'? OmeO, and pmers reeetveajor size nli tit: iooi ttVUn&S 3 rumit) trrnvnvvi TrVW ornamental name of the Ward ontherykQ2Th do ajtiit boo Vein? large'3 eUepcee 8siiAPi! l ftol think it adviaUe to makeiiem vrWk : ' ' - j. Mt J it Cloth in andMustia Zeather, 6pn4 t- .. : eaekrpec e''l iaa j ditional Items of interest znay soon iocnst, 2 Inch, 25c. "fnchSOc. TChicaoo, $.The beexpected. , the ays Washington special to Ska Waisrremkle. is inclined compttiise the Spring Valley Apply to - i GEO." TtEY0CD afternoon ':ThIi ! Its Judgment In the whiskey-"- o, filed a petition in rr. .... ; ChioS-Water ba'.A !t.': of Company H A. C easing, against 'lasklas fort Court, bac-the Buprems a for the largest amount that v ralr'" raiBei aiul papers to thattfTactfeare writ of rrclUbltica rest -- ' beenf sent to District Attorney Mayor, liar r Bangvwhofcs been ,lnt met ri t i ut I . PrvrrririTTf lively ttnd the prioe vn&befvrjwt quireel t&to.flve QMiwit ovrea, T15.C6. Each book wd ''eon be w& lain a euitaile indix, - and: -fl it.. li-.t'- . ?t i; and fx quires eaeht"heldinifii) i':...iF tii nocme 2,560 ard 3,090 - ? I'n-f.d'u- l t.-'- i j .' -- and 1 ;; g ?Wf.W - j - ns. TWytyTeaflnr kinds. Cn Ttse Crweked. Wktakex SalU.- -j aad Jrear.jireee of many Iltr-Ocea-n' , -- i rH' n 4 TUJJJ ..' i (I :;-- pf tbeOiuitrd closed as We find there TntES!" TIIEES ! TREES! stateaac x nausitueriMsuj, has been In existence In our mldat an organized band of Incendiaries V3j If tNIHUSiriHIK. :o: 63, UATf. t crmes may. be and assassinsj'whose atatiTtrca Sshi)4 : worst the to these "of; PnnMMn LrkiJkrank In Elebruarv.a compared' ever brought to' Justice, criminals v n vaXaf the tJpidn the third clt4o some of them heliave-th-at we and of her imports, and the. fourthiq are still at upon large,. We urge the combined value df Impetw and those whoeeduty It'lS, to pursue eyery clue fto BLACK 11fr with elentldss vigornlahmenf-T-rMeree-Jte fee V Cmay thelf Identify and pa Veeeer V Is atattsnr.Bnii-.- i 'A: fit; the whatV iseoosidered ak lxpreeeed en camped nasty ana superncuu, xuanaer in il'iXiOOTJ-SIT- , TTnrMand 1 has conducted its north Uf Bare Butte) Creerr;Ust which the JuryUtUei effort I having veryto Inquiry: Bpoitea night, 'on their way arethe Indictment secure the to made been desti In Tall awncr. They LSALE" CHEAW of a number otprisoners, Inelading FOR tute condition - and anxious for several of Council members of , the peace. They state that Bitting Bull have been set at liberty, Walnut Trees, 1 J inchil win accept no terms of surrender, Nine, whoreturned " to Chico. ? have and BrltUh for is the and maklds ihch,60c hints that by A correfpbndent t-'i .t MulbenysI inch; 10&;'2f Inch, virtue of their presence there, adOhio. Itaks'and sell tnt class "boots and shoes, repalr.berota, and ahoea, eto. ;Mj : , the I Popi Troa tba diy 'i a t Y 1 ' ; eri ,t.i.r.ci - ' t-- ;. ' - 1 j " ; |