OCR Text |
Show DprteO. It will HmvuhiI. r.iiir(i lhal nun if hm 106 Juetice. 0i be seen by II O fJSIC TJSF.JT2EATSi. obituary notice, la another column,' pravee, coyote by name, uas Kiueu aw Juua, 15 war the wife 270 Konoah's of chief, Bake. 4.5; that Slater Miry Ann Nalabltt. wife wnose 4't, 60; name is aiosoquop. M HHIl .S: r I family ,.r It ot w. now V" uenry, rfalsbltt, country and 1450 Dayton, 30; 23j. 1 lull athereward vvj vio u9oners on a mission to England, departed Beaverads f' 'of nine I : : this life last evening, after a' some-wn- buckskins 'for his apprehension, te ' a most likely pay lingering illness. Bbe was a Mosoqubp will I t.. 11 : I ns vev for lady wtrwas much respecied 1 I'H been that lit . m 3 apparent has) long p. 1STT. CrrriA ex t. cellent pril qualities. majry Salt Lai n B,23b,3V a the great need of soutnern Utah Is , Hundreds of ILC5. wells. at artesian Sdlin U Chollar, 41 b, 45 a ROCK f(Tl ffTl 7(71 Buyinj at tUB?: ' of acres of farming yland thousands the At Tas 10 b, 16f it Tannery. Prtfpostd ?!pphlri relia !y still encumbered with sage brush oavage, 490 b, 490 a, 4tt a i r r. . Blahopa meeting, held last' even is and wouHl grow forty, bushels of which Caledonia, 4 b,?4f a, 4 tJ accordance at with, report IngtJn . IK u t Con Va. S04 b.tof a k r . ' 7,-- k always on Local and Other j Mat ers wheat or, oats to tbe acre, water r and recommendation of the com could be obtained for tbe same. U u b 1 'I'M !r.I KTf ? juna, ;! . ftnpl, J b. laso.l s. . A. rsr. . "ve" t Thehmomkter 61 decrees F. in mlttee appointed to take preliml there not enterprise enough in Bea j County to try the. experiment tiKi shade at I p.ru. y. Cloudy. nary steps toward the establish vert r.t. bullion, 10 a, 9,s : ment of a It of Artesian water. tannery, s U&C, 94b,,,;i LTJlftnk Block. was 1 decided that each Bishop's 0verman, 9 a, 39 Conference. GeneralaConreremce should Ward of the City appoint yCla,42 v began at St. ueorge tap morn lux. H&N,310aS;l J rninir Haus delegate to meet with the, commit AT5 b, .. ...Luian. tee, at the Council House, on JMon ...R- -r. at Little t,1J7 for 11 Our 10J Postmaster a. New Ogden. b, fiplia, ,1faJIfS3CU'" T . Ira " day evening, at 7 o'clock. The obj-- ( EASTERN. City, ; ik; iu... 'i 1 dispatcher state that! Lloyd B. Jeotof ' . :rv. - - if r a this meeting is to effect ... i i?t mi Hleiera. JMrlke been 4Jias post, Stephen appflnted . : 1 1 reenhai-k1221 U bars preliminary organization, by elect 1. UUIlilUilUU b Pittsbuko. 6.- - The miueia at Silver TTTTt.rv benefit to maier iof uguen. s ill7 crold silver coin 34 1 1 1 inir m temporary Fieudent and Connellaville, ! I . rliount. Broadford. and along i i!i'w.il a s. ie s. w Kwiu; opeoeuj, ana cioseu 0; money ji t Board of Directors. The organiza the linei of the branch roads in dulli . i. Lto z fi 4: - Governments dull. (.n,. TaBnlne. This xuoriia a taii- - tion and business thus effected will iayette county, have, struck for strong I ;Utocks.i active. lower : ned sbvepskin, oucli aiiu used for be laid before a mass wages. They were getting W. LT..57; Quicksiiver, 1 1 meeting of all higher Pacific, . J S3 cents si wagon, and now demand ' an Ticket' i to of exhibited mined shoes, Lottery Interested in the subject of estab S3 cents, ir They are opposed to the 17J; Mariposa, 4j' . Well.i. Prfo, 81 : iN. Yi Central. 92: t Erie. U3. it was lanneu at uunon jiun lishing a tannery, to be held at the company's stores, and want their 83J EAST TEHPLE v 8TREET t i C7: Union ', 88. Panama, Faelfic, ter'a tannery in the pOth Ward, Old of in store instead pay cash, part next; Tabernacle, lnursuay orders as; heretofore. Throughout Bondsl0i;Central Pacifle bonds, and ia or excellent q ility. Mr. 7 o'clock. at ,V IV eTenlng, this real JUi all the coal mined is 106i.,r.i!tsUf-4:-vt.V. II. Kowe eays it la least etpual 'The stock enter of the "capital used for coking in theYouarhiehenv Mi to anything of the kiull imported, i , B will belOO,qoO, and $23,000 of district. The miners are still In. prise LOST; '" ": ZZZ'-Vr- Heroes and he ia an authority n the sub I it to be paid up. The s tares are but a strike Is anticipated. .There 00 4 OS TtTB?nAT. MARCH tTth. BSTWFP.S fv accompanied ect. The tanning nfiiteriai used or the miners at KJ Bountiful a "e Lc11" U r anm ced at Hot and of KDr.nn, oalr ' ' D" $ljeach. Miioal was the "Utah Tea Plnlit." and tbe this ajternoon. J ? ianKeia. ana a voai. ny ouo ' ii if j to Or. Lake: will fait treat-i-l- ,i Plant, City, naes fJiuacaxa MorCw at (lharles Robert constitutional Brothers and netuner om rewarotcu 1 ir IN PHEFESBHCb TO w ciiVt u - . ' 9i strict vonrt. Tluirsday, ;jiV:';V:;aJ 'If. Vrleaaa. j;' A til after the Holldaya before, Catarrh Remedy ris are the practical. aifDet en- . i our 1 , ateinoon. 4 LA. &EW Obl.ea.ks, 8. A mats meet I ' ,fcct cure" plojodljy Bishop llunler. WalW 1 . XJu nnlngton A Co., It. J. ESTItAY KOTICK. of citizens in the equare,tp-da- y, v " . r. rfh. r ef aij case dismissed as Jto de ing rrom was very large, estimaiea IIAVH la my possesion: ' -, a i lie rab fendants J. F. Woodman, 0.1 W. tel;to fifteen thousand.At Tnelr Ola unsinef ' .! th old iQX. hsa a One white ntcckled uli" id eleeut call for Bennett and G. E. Whitney, and v .1 AppelMteneat. DioTcnea oraaa on len. thian. undernit in Comi mass i a All" each car, crumpled horns. "Come.: One, "7.. ..uat Little !i.r 6. judgment by default against Jl M. We have determined, on account of an Washington, 5 or 0 year old COW, square- One brindled 14th on for the urer-stsc- a o j mat., in many or our dill meeting, tue RichardsoQ. us do in ears, no orancu visio:e.' has erop President The ' appointed mark down our piieee One red COW. ahoufc 8 or a mn nlii. HllwW of taking initiatory steps B. d vs. purpose s at Postmaster dismissed at plain-ff'- Llpt Stephens tipiers Ely;' nnder half crop in rtaht ear, ewaliuw fork Hotel, ew with a view to Securing special leg. la left ear, no bran da visible, has a roung-esliv ;f j Outr1 cost.' city, Utah.; . 'i- fr ... i ....... nnnnlmritT '" 1111 inimbe islation for Utah, that , rrepvMMiornaii service. It tbe above deeoflbed animal" are not Henry Day vs. Erickson & Cook; of rates Claimed they win be sold oa, Thursday i to the beat interests of the great by consent dismissed as to Peter A. ical uikiou. Ruction Postofflce The has Department of '.,; ., (,i April 12th, 1S77, at 0 ai ra. at my corral. f t..r.neut - rte-1 A. BAlLiRr, majority- - and the mire industri- Erickson, and ordered that he re- prepared advertisements' inviting Elegant Black G roe Grain Bilks ' dllO from 13.25 to 2:75 ter vard. ous and. better behaved portion of cover his coe t?; judgment against proposals for mail service on about Neppl, April 2nd, 1877. 'T 600 routes: 'i in all parts of the 'coun Elegant Black Gros Grain Silks, MARKET the people.: This is, asBverybody is Cook for from $2.50 to $2.10. $63, and Interest and cost. try, ror terms ranging rrem one to ; .,t,TiWli0MtAT moveno means a,new ; of aware, by .', t h x la Elegant Black Satins, from $2.55 to morning.!' j four yearsl from the first of next tErJday, 6th, lnueBC of the removal April the above ment." It U tcOmlrig somewhat lfcUiah Ann Cook vs. II. S. Young, September. Bids will be received ::FfSDk and the awards will Elegant Black Satins, $1.75 to $1.25. 'UK-rJi.Uelicit the ftale, cr,aa Mark Twain would say, ft of motion of Williams, and untilJnnestb, y be 0th. made June Elegant Black Drap- D'Ete, from by "monotonous." to dismiss of the i tbe Young appeal -saaj luei.o. tftat I Black Cashmeres $1.05 to ' said Sarah Ann Cook, from the tiWMi-lhElegant Laat Sight a. very FRANCE. Pugilistic ANS JOUNSON'S Celebrated St u.l, such Probate Ceurt, argued by counsel lis Colored Cashmeres, from ' who Vough customer, familiarly - Elegant i e for respeotlve parties and motion 'oltJava-i,l!'uil1li'Moasensrer," will ;be at the Bishop's CRIAT BRITAIN. $L65 to $1.35. known in some of the mining overruled A Heavy rallare.' residence on Little Cottonwood. !AprU 9th 8(V by the Court, to I which Elegant Empress Cloths, from I to the camps as "fighting Din," was In a the defendant, by bis attorneys. ex-- 1 , i to 65c . attntioo 'ToxnoNi 6.1 pinVet A' Sons. Of and lOth; at the Colorado vulaortttkt ; . StaW, Salt j.-statef and exhibi- cepta. Decision of the Court below I Bristol, who some time ago closed fromT'ic Elegant Empress Clotbs, . to 65c.' K't ': ,: . kith and 12th; and at iarmlug ted his qurrelsome qiralities, mak reveised. of their patronage. ...... j i "flAery, sard to be the Lake) City, : Jffne,f ... "J?" 4 ril n! Dress Plaid In Goods, ' great variety, the 13th and' 14th- of Api' Two ing himself exceedingly obnoxious. ilESBY PEKKf.S. Charles M. Gilberson vs. Miller" their affairs Jn the hands of their ton on 50o from to 85c. i He was arrested an ( fought and M. &. 8. "Co.; on motion' of J- - C--. creditors. :TneIr liabilities are estl- - daysii at each i. place above named Plaid Dress Goods and IJuseys, at everr 15C. officers ; all the Hemingray, attorney for plaintiff, rtruggled with the' A dUJ h i Wagon way to the 1; land there he it is ordered that the Hall, City plalnthThaye Out- K!itril fiefr in City. struck and bruised orle of the pono-- liAnnwttit ane MH .... I deto to ten nie amendments (.utvilll t days for Vengeance. iZ ry about the fad., " licemen NOTICE. fendant's statement on a- new trial .Salt Lake. Elei i.i ' Elegantly Embroidered Underwear "Dan" is the fellowjjjwbo, not long herein. m ANNUAL MKBTINOof ftio Stock There seems to be a curious popu i, SH. CUt-; Furs. Shawls, Knit Goods, Baby . bolder of Bait tha Laka j Sai)mal lar ALL fAPEr. a peciAliy, at since, showed his canniballatic the Company will be heltat the office of Preei-demisapprehension concerningcitiThe People, Ac, vs. William Fine Embroideries, Kid . Cloaks, Iirl ham Touar, Sali Lane City, Utah present status of the Mormon t p(B iKxJej' Furniture store. by biting anfl' chewing a Henderson, indicted for embezzle zens Gloves, Traces, etc., GREAT I. Y at t o'clock,' pim on Saturday, In Utah. Since the frightful Territory, REDUCED. 21, 1877, for the election of officers lor couple of tinrere for Itsey Marley. ment; prisoner arraigned and plead revelations of the Lee trial have April a year. been circulated, there has been a lao enemaf B-- K. ANDERSON, not guilty. Bail fixed at $500.! Pecritarr. IU U.Hr east Salt Lake Theatre. The vetetan actor. Mr. Un "l.'ft AoatU St., a frw City, March l, 18T7. i dllO Suits made to Order: in First-clas- s Frederick Belch vs. N. Qroesbeckj general demand! for justice. con . ....... Stvle and Fit j been this demand ' has i ...I T. A. Lyne, takes hisfarewell bene happily, withand Morgan' , Hemingray aWLOTOFUDIl' to ; and strued jrequire vengeance buaranteeo, fit of tbe Salt Lake fctage, previous draw as ilvKAL for the plaintiff. confiscation, rather than a legal attorneys mfUug f the 8eveu-- j, to LU retribution-- : There seems to 'be a forj the west, to BEATER AND CHINCHILLA ' CITY. t the (Vaocii House,: Salt morrow departure in LAKE common notion that the Mormon TheatreN ' i QFSALT the ' it evening i Liis?(itT,ou the first auJ third sCspecial to DzsxaxT Nawa. people.' as a community, have in under the patronage f the Knights Tfour attention Is directed to the evciiiogs iu each a curred punishment, and that f "' com of TWO. DAYS' IIEETINQS AT n some just Py thiss. The programme lf undenned way they should "X "' ' ' mences with the file act play of be wiped off the face of the earth, 8T. GEORGE. .aS.DUmii'S TIDAD KE. MDamon and y their settlements broken up, and Py thils," Mr. Lyne I ESTABLIsnMKNTof :jj In New Styles and Great Varistv SK3XKS1 TZT.ZOBjrpa LtHK. the, property divided among those I'm tinulATti remedies for all dis-r- ?t as ."Damon," Mr. Lindsay as "Pyust received, 'I! new who this JTJETTIiJBaV . volunteer in IniSS holy thias," Mrs. Dellle Cu minings as of lia JuBgj are Sohenck's war. It Is even, said that a King A ftekNoon DAY SECOND Bkllmore Guards has been organized in California for At i 71 MAIN STREET. N,aorilc Syrap, Schenck'a Bea "Calanthe." The v o the! purpose of exciting ' wrath' Mr. j lduortiortA'of Taylor Cutr', T. Harris as St. Geokoe, April TAB IfOSr; APPROPBIATK ft Twc, ntl ikhenck'a Man-l-- iii fellow, with (Latter-daand Made-u- p the Where fine " a assortment Dressef Saints, against Skidmortf The per- .. Elder Orson Pratt occupied the PUX ind if taken before the "Captain are on hand, also choice Millinery auit- driving thesa: out or their posses es i iuas ire 4etrojed, a peedy cure formance concludes Itrith the farce whole of the afternoon, one hour sions, it Is aoie jo tee aeaaon. ex of added, way by e forty-fivminutes; delivering a planation, the fomenters of this Tttma Mlowu of "The Lottery Ticet," Mr. Gra- and any Bouae in thi City. JOS. WALKER, TBE s most thorough and able discourse, crusade! A aU 'Work JODN A. KNfORr, Fitter and Jon rc r. oulatD. employed, "WormwoixfJ'1 Mormonlam ham have si h tbe ttiree metlldned Dr. J. in which he traced tbe work of naq theiragainst aica juuaraaieea. ! i cupidity excited by the oneness in temporal and spiritual Rcbfnck, of Philadelphia, owes DESERFT NATIONAL SANK that the Saints have knowledge to so from of Adam the A of Pleasant Surprises. things si srivilfj succea in the treat-- t Couple day fat rich i vyooui cattle, and all of the lands, wool, from data the tbe present, of Morgiving Brotier On Of Salt Lake City, Ftali. J. R. of a prosperous, pastoral Monday, pulmonary disease?, new translation of the Bible by tbe acquisitions Brother, ITnsbaml oi f TU Pulmonic WASATCH HILLS. WOOLEN Z. at until distempered people, fancy Injthe gan, fyrup ripens the recently employed modern from and Prophet Joseph . certain the Lover, outer In the lung?; nature C. M. I., received a ifttle note from revelations $200,000 Sermons more appro- of CARniAGE:l7AG0IJ CO., Paid up Capital, -WANTED! are seen Mormons with guilsfcm it oS by en uy expectoraflying deour to some of his late fellow employees, priate present condition, Authorized $1,000,00 Capital, te, fwhea the phlegbm or livered with greater i power, we ty haste before the avengers of 100,000 Lbs., of WOOL. ' DIRECT FnOM BERLIN to J. Hoimeny , (Succri. lirif a .light cough will stating that an enclosed purse of never listened to. Order, decorum, innocent blood, very much as the TXH M. H. HOOKER, which X will President, was the HIrhest Price to as $45 a before pay Gideon. Mldianitesfled token film " That J?' in Cash. Stoma? and Homs-madttwtitcfiihe- ftUent haa rest and presented H. 8. KLDKKDG B, . and the Spirit of God prevailed this f ?f . ..Tirr . SECOND SOUTH STREET, BKIOHAM be should meted YOU NO, cf their respect. ' 1 rough justice j of Embnxul-ere- d iknp begin to haL Cloth, oonsistlnr tbe Qoeskins, Tweeds, congregation, Pattema, tbreughoat Slipper Elegant WM. ' out is the demand of some who are JBNNINUS, ans. Flannels. iJnsera. Blankets, etc Tjiubie tbe I'ulmonic rOlrsetor. One at;d a half blocks Fast ot Main. with Beantifal Birds from Brother Morgan Is pirector of the Eider John D. T. McAllister was bound Syrup to I ' to make war, whether it be Also rarna, plain and fancy, ' ! KSchMici'e Mandrake Mlla KKUAMOHZ ; ; ..' elected the this LITTLE, afternoon o Philhar-moniarranrements with Tropics, made Uarlnr Paintings la Worst15th unanimously Bunday-shoo- l special Jj Ward S. or v Stoux U AI L Kiy.Od or fthfnti'e sr, Weed Tonic upon Mexico, tbe H1L.L, Cashier. Iudians, r some; of the best tailors In the city, I am chaste and of of this Stake Zlon.and ed, beautiful, reprepresident be freJy iMed me malevolent Hpiiz dog. . In any Suits to Society. He Ewent to prac- Thomas J. Jones and i Henry prepared to furnish locleanse the and Morning, senting Night: t oostina' from S30 to S30.I order, adventui-oula BUliiT our b style, true that very tise as usual, on Weneeday even- TO ORDER and Anthony, Whe as counsellors. Changes (too Cleopatra innoe or ine Muarcirst eoucn etreet, op- - VEHICLES i citizens on the Pacific as fellow laeaila tXselrusaure, Delat, ajsM Townsend Houss and at the facDir. when, to h hi surprise, he were made In the presidency and Baby out of the Bath, etc Elet I : are alwavsreadv fer a filibusterinir posite u.r j or a mile r.ast or rem-start a,ese. 8',teach-ers',an- d CeUege of the gant Cushion Patterns, etc., etc counsellorehlp well tables found priest JAMES McQHIE, Lessee. spread arranged, .UlSrUfree! y, Kd excursion.! They have a happy fac tentlary. are selling fast on account deacons' ' r aw They quorums, electing "M .J Collection re-made and promptly k of and everything reaiy for a social . Low Prices for to those several ulty ror planning invasions , of men remarkably experienced mitted. ' vfk a time. A member If the society positlez.8. Meeting adjourned.; lie such BARB GOODS. frfendiy territory, and settling local V FOREIGN KXCHAKGS1 mOK SALaV troubles by intervention: 'but thee "M4alt.rau5;thl arcse and informed Ihim .that the 1 . a; 4 2' 1. ifc end lh projects usually extditiooaty y was a affair gotten up as manifested, A ne ear, I'jUr pa4d Dwttu. lnxalk. . reports ..... . innammatory , i ,...,., tlon of respect to hi nil and that the I GEN ERAL CONFERENCE of Mormon outrages and crimes. . materl-aTUI X.AKCIZST STOCK OK tn;nl"Wl,th,di8llonby same to hive members v caused .... which orlslnated in the lately feeling v;u'Un. that the food and the lin- CITY San Francisco, are not designed.we T3LACK STALLION, about cbtteen bands AT ST. GEORGE, tender to him a silveiwatch, which H t4 flood stir sudden a of make good believe, LIQUOR STODE up D hig-hBill IniTSCS at foa'ed the forthwith presented to fprlrir Ur " .,.,,, ,. : Farm. Got Abril 6? animosity.'!;Georoe. St. "IMetator" "Dictator, by by M ! to suppose that any en Bysdyk'a "Hambletonlan dam, the dam et 1rel, If care him, in the name of he society. 1; i i . :o:- made It Is absurd Pursuant to adjournment lfie in arand-dan- k Semi-annu- al of Californla,orelsewbere,pro Couer-encDeiter, by (American Staf," at the last to invade Utah and dispossess For the Famlljr Trade of Christmas the dam of 8hark. Pant "Madam of poseMormon Conference General Medical We the have and ' and New Year's. 1878-7SorgifaL i ul ItnallT or bT received a letter and circular from the Church of Jesus Christ of .Latter- the people. (chestnut) f ot by "Warrior West of Chicaco-CHOIlJomer, AND CHRAP wild certain which talk with 'The Principal I u the Temple by jyouns; Mrtsenxer,": by jWtathrop met -day Saints Drs. H. F. Adams and Cu mm logs, In St. newspapers seek: to Inflame 'public sfftwe'naer, by imported "Messenfer." U George. ' .There were present opinion ' is simply mischievous. If of aa fine and pure line jbf trotters as there to be of Ihe "Chicago In the Melchlsedec Priesthood purporting reaMonablei c h Is designed to have any. effect IS rW in the United States. ' Kind" and ren JP it Medical Institute? f They state stand, President; Biighara Young ; V whatever, It hj an Incentive t? mob tle4 Baa turned bla Jnile In 1230. , Win (Clppoalte Dsssret National Bank), respee t WWlUH0oghoutthecoun-- -' that they will visit tills city about andvhis counsellor'. Presidents vidlence.) And if mob violence is inrite attention to their excellent mares lully to of limited a at L number John stand . . n lei Da IL and Young to Its legitimate and nat- W.j Tonne's stable; price twentT-flv- e d9"eod tne 10m mat... and 1 remain over JohlJV. (TJ) the First Preeldeacy: expandsq WellsTf C'arri- - w I e ' ural bounds In such a case, we dollars-f "' : about ten days,and will treat medi Elders John i Taylor, WUford should ii a At Very Low Prices. ai:d an riot quon ' VA organized hve cttarLxs cbabtbcr. trilf Orson Hjde,' cally and surgically a31 those desir Woodruff," Orson iincl lawa of rebellion small the la ajrainot It strict ry Pars, and fc.J. "cou8 jroaraetee Char lea Cltlch, Jrfreoao the iand-- i Jfew York Time. ,.:i JTSiIT tbe BEST that can be obtaiaed ing their services In I that regard. Pratt, Erastus for the IX ' ' Fratiklin -Snow, i Call .. , m Wtbsnake, They Snow, ' rod prioes. examine. s?arNJ l' to a us YOU to rdvirtlzs that Blchards, Geo. O,. Cannon, Brig-ha'WANT avssr IF ak Men's, lioja'and ClilldrenVfitylisli eSecL We do to, buf probably not Young, . Jr.,- - atd Jos.: F. A Good, after the manner SIERKA' NEVADA desire. In-- J Smith, of the quorum of the V : i i i'i - l : (wJHorhound stead of advblrvg they; John Mr. Georse Stuart, afaUd Smith, patriarch; To the wife of H and recommend- Twelve; OeelcU' Cw, Idaho, Maicb Z3rtl, and local authorities of the stake " u UUA nave i ing the afflicted to apply to them bearing the Melcblzedee priesthood. VaUer, trutr.r both sons, twite, Watte Shirts, and other Purnlahlor Goods for relief, we would ptefer to advise In the other stand, Immediately .',;.':s'?i itM ... v' 5 wk thoroWh. Qffl y the people to keep away from them. opposite, which Is set apart for, the A Tjower Tit sin Ever. j of the several quorums presidents 'd by We have several reasons for' this, of 1 .t0fwT u i. Aaronlc or eater the WHOLESALE priesthood, and RETAIL one being that wea belfeve there is eat In thia Cty. April Sth, CHICAGO JRADE. i4 ... a a the top row freaidlng ulanop atrdtasaUtWjntof Ban brother. of her reddeooe o ia tnis Cty 7 tbe Wv Jm wr4 a a a Th- -i meaicsu vi. Ae-tou 4"w some anu surgicaj Howard si eater, "r, dxjlucbs is visiting Luff, NABT AK, wife of Henry W. Nal- skill local amopg to and he be whom bad invited prac bishops ability, HA'll'UuWS il. TUlh...L. seated there. The other three rows bitu; Iq Beaver and Chinchilla, redaced '.'"o.sateT Deolascvf ru born at Funnioc BIU.Berk-hircpa cure iu titioners, .- .- almoat - 1ft not . quite t hi lef'j iT:.i .' Vii FAindAKK & CO. K. N. m F were of the occupied by presidents as was the can' into as be found baptised Latter-da- r Knlau4, d w anygood Chrtat-ooC several of lesser the tbe Jeaus t Cbuteb to 33 t0 quorums FTQiO........M..............fsBSO 00 where la , aod eialrratexl te ECSEflCE of JAMAICA GINGER Cala le la LoaOoa, la 00 to 37 to the, coQntryi and priesthood of the Stake of ZIon. 4 U ah tbe same yrar.' f? be leaves four chil........ ...... 20 00 to 15 Co think that people; wio need tbe resident . xounggave out tne dren and tsaor ottx-- r re la tin and a larva S 00 to 1 t i of f rtvorfs to Bourn bee Sea. Sbe of the profession are much first hymn, which' was sung by the circle Heavy filacfc Beaver Suits, SO 00 waa and compos services of the faith to 25 OO gospel, zroisv :?' f f died in full, safer In applying to tlem than to Parnwan choir.1 and reepected by all who had the COOKS WORTH RGiDING CaaUnere Suits, from S& 00 to Su uu Heavy Tt?mtbe The prayer dedicating 3 00 to 8 6J White Shirts, from pKwaureof her acquaintance. tj t men who come in circus fashion, .r-:Jvi y.-the General WINDOW luaeral aervioeaat tbe suth WardSobool-bouatWto se Uir.; :'tn delk &C.! cpenlng ; BLiriDS, II S.leand of Friend i iv .i.V' at Id a. m. oa Sunday. heralded, by showy placards, dc., was offered by PresL D.H. 'u.fV-w.an- d: to tbe f aonjyate umtea atteoa. slid gone to- Wells. outh to and are "here y 8DPBBIOB Book of Hormon. on sane Tbe Beaver choir ."Hlirh f Mill Creek, March IS, rrr, OEOKat we morrow." In believe we i A at fact,; d s 5,L GJcoda w ; : the mountain top, a banner is un- EnWABKaofaat son of Bichard aad Fran- Soan, lr. Mccreco flt e4tra, 4.j0 fe "TI are safe In advising the'people to furled." I' W7eV ; bora Nov. 19, ce Sarah e ahoi be on their guard against presumed ' ? f The Conference was addressed by SIUeMtdiI)lBaler; eieaM eeey. Star. '. Doctrine and Covenants Meat.'oesl, professional ability of every' des- Elder Geo. Q. Cannon and Presi ana . . Cf fflE 1EFISED LiEl and . KEPT IN STOCK. I dent tuUClota, Embossed SUes,'t back BrighamYoang.. cription that comes in such a quesIce I c .1. frf STd tn f in in j iprtoklededrea,t2C0. ; ;'.- ; f Ifcnr;oaCWcago.you tionable shape, f eaddles, palts, keys and tierce. ntiu HATS AIID CAPS, :;f Full Imitation Morrocco, embossed sides, la uiactoreraoi. Lara ana reaiaiooi oi. ; OFFICE UfJD YARD Practilionera of . superior ability Our l i back and sprinkled eoae, fcto.;' j 1X1. AKD SHOES, DC3T3 Country Ccntcmpsrarf ClIICAti, StmV i ' U9 Deartorn! i i.t:sv te.A-- vJ p iA are seldom or never found traveling .t ;i i i i . . . -- vdta9 ; J thtf l,i I 1377. S-iFraHCUoo, prilC i Ozsialf REDUCED. IU around the country froara place to ai : Beaver Entcrprie April 3 1 't If place, as Itinerants, 'their Tmerits ' Beaver been has deserted for ' PJce enabling them to secure, wherever ueorge. .; ,.f nAY- - 1 ist. lo. J , jj LS.OXCJ. ;' hi - for mechanical i 12: 850 b to choose f 12, &.,vj, obtaiaed they may locate, Me, William Is 'Mr. or other Fotherlagham on iu sufficient devices, medical, VflTh Voice "professional 'practice TRUNKS, eon poundsrnamental and. with rheumatic fevers v. prostrated v. V v 'j" u trade VALISES, marks, i.uu. without tTfiita means rmDoesea, , ,U reeorUng imnpruocp, ht ik This is the best weather for! the 619! Call, 43; 43 labels. Care U, Assignments, lnt(rfTiv UMBRELLAS, le VlfVi coming of getting a living.; It II not a rrom H it attenoen - v : x wam 663 Savajre, 4; 4S0: 4S5; 40 K:l't,i '" ees. farmers that anybody ever saw. ' ee., RUBBER COATS,' THAT IIAIE i j case thaj men who carry on b 10 RUBBER. BOOTS, Tbe Beaver factory expects to 177$ Con Va, S9i; 40; 40, Spcncer'i Letters. .ft' r,9; i; TIOIS 1 i rtfi'j an.. lr. Offlos fer ALLCOCKS. , an itinerant business ofj thla kind. start up again within av fortnight-- ; 420 Chollar.45:45 RUBBER OVERSHOES tbe Patent bv may . ftalat tbeeaaasl se aveldl ssJaeratte r j km! uaiumi 4C0 H & N. 810; 815; S05 taw is most cases, be do sd for the" pur rose of "roln REJECTED The new Beaver mill will comI secured or ns. oemg, Jacket,; 8j; 8J; 8; 8; ; A . mmaette about doing good." . If they art ex- mence making superfine flour this the ratens uii .Cod.'' ' GoTcrnaeat of Th seBDRANDRETH. Prest . closer and make can we searches, floe, i :! 4 f: ' 1303; lwl.5-i'fit j amples of that ldnd theV have not week.; with .:f Isnpl. cure Patents iraore promptly and stsTew Terst. e0ee,SCaauU , Stia; Paper Covers M eenta.: Messrs. Coomb. Itogerson and 8. 620 Alpha, are remote d27w4S lOi;T 1, 111; broader claims than those who come In this 'direction, so far .. 1, Wholesale Buyers Willi find our jet ' . .,' I'rI from fVastunfftoa a we are aware,' . . Parties have A. Kenner took their departure for lit assortment and complete, ; 150 this i j St. Belcher. prices"" ilacstloiL-i-'JGeorge j morning. 5!:5f;5 route. tow. vUited this city ' bertttfore Ln the j?'; Tit tlcxtiea' send us a model or LlS; '660'8Kev,41; y Hon. 4 Lorln of , devices and ef sketch Orders from Rllparts eollcltcd, Farr, your Ogden, II same manner, and who Bishop J. H. Smith, of Salt Lake 1070 Bullion, 13: ID,; lut, h lDr:10l we make examlnt- mnm honorAblai trtstaent paarinand poo 350 Utah, have applied' to thim for ' liXC0-,X.- - rL::X ' : ' will reach St. George lSlij; inn corrto SS iBtaiii'tiiiAll' r, &Jv9 ExCLr-:S33 ; 3.C0; nave tubseqoently discovered that I Yi 'ii I "J been definitely asrrJ S . It has now the . Ecwt ..rj , r if tVSia-SAi lso jaiaBcijg w PAXi their cases could have Uen probab- certained of Para that ' ' ' . I killing 630 43 RCCB'El.IS) IT. ." Morrill'. 45; J; UUK9 ft.r Rlr . We refer to oSlclals in the ratetkC C C5 1 SilLilAml--I ly treated with more akiH by home ahannta waa an accident. A youna 833 Overman; ', rev ITS fi'.iiiS rT Baiiion. ior 10 j. s, 445j; v4 tn InTantrm lr everv Er.te 'In jjj was a at ' buck of his tribe ahootinz i 725 wgeons and phyt!c!4v nd J; 5!;5 tha Eclssei cf TLcilcsye Union. Adirsas. In Gerw.q cr Lasli&u- u6S I Me? jack rabbit and missing the quad- - 21M Unloa,fj;f T. .J, ; 2.U JnJls. expense to the patients, rupea nit tne cipea. Coth Embomdi LO. Ira. 17droceot j.k OpJXXtU lSJC&doH,4;!'.l:;i;4 41 lEWS, KVEN1NG . KKi ' K K S. s; W:'?Vf x-ia- er - '.f .V; at - 1 I , . - IS ofe- 1 t i . WSIPTO urn fm . j - .: .. . iFATCOES .j j. Marseilles 121c ,6fc;v:20c; and 25c. Der jvarcl. ' r -r-l - 1 ri . : Dress Good s lOci, 2ic, 16!c. per yard; 1 1 1 4 . j - . i j jjljpadfor At rtt " ' - ' t. autl-'IorfDo- i 1 $1.50 per pair. - . - s ! Kid Gloves 50c., $1.00 and n" ; 5c and STRrW HATS!!! k b- ,' te: fcr ',,:. yard.; - j- nnn uuu u Choice Prints 7c. and. 10c per sr r ; . flnnnnflrn CLOTHING!!!! , r -- ETS . -- 1 I - ive 1 1 . to-t&- iffiT - 1 R 03 pgifiw,a!M,ii!jiiyjuiii kJ,VKnt,0( wkwtwmwA I ! ' f s 1 Depan-mensevt- At Once. sun hAts !iT;;Av; I OniSalei Closing j - Fancy Hosiery 121c, 16ic. and 20c. per pair. ; PARASOLS! Linen Enflfoi'deries.and GasHmere Fringes. GOODS. a . j i g : j i emi-Iutoxlcat- i ; .. i ; t- . : i M- Merchant Tnilnvl stocked willi a New and 'gaiit. Iine orr - " . r A pro-clivlli- 1 , . -- - ' i j. I " ts nt - ' . I i j , ae I m m TO THE X.AItES i ' mi C.N CLOAKS, Glieapei tlaaix Ever ' . - !i y i GMstmas first-clas- I , GiftV . . I .Would-be-crusader- D.E8ERET , s, . f s , e f j t Vice-Fns- st. j '. - It y-rl- og ns From the arm Wagon to t family it carriage;1 BLACK PRKJCE of work ami l guaranteed. ing Cars biiilt on . : M 1 i i :. lnt f : tnree-iourt- ' , 4- - . ,..L 8a .if- . - . MILiLJDlERY , - ! liflljii, short in-m- notice. pairing lone iii a style nreoild to nonej nORTON&TUFtS ri e Blacksmiiliing in all its branches. s li s, age, Painting! Trimming done in Flowing and a superior1 'manner. Horse hoeing a i"viftdurabIeTv speciality L oerAssocMoii e, 7. v ! CE - :i ' . 1 (7l. ' H i?Ubdlasr. ' t m j ; t.-- iniin , i r'Wofp.lmon. . '' 1 r- " ;.in'it I; e, '' ! ( , e dm v . CLOTHITJC, Mm; .": 1 , .aati?fu?ri t ed 1 :,Ut.e?,'UloiIrts s , e, r to-da- , i a t r -- ' . i i t J 1 - - All Other lit Proportion. mm - r auJ ' . ! ih,.1 Il !.:. i tat tf Itxnlnz'i "'5 i sup-poeab- 1 ! mm '-' Her arvb. sTv I i -- :!,: . -:," - -- mm rUI 1 I 1 , ii;;ii; 1 to-da- y. ' rM ckewhose, tt i -- -- " w 4 T-tiT- - . -- " Ill' : :', . i ' : ! I C:t de-ir-nt. - .. JI::l J Y r " u tt S tk- i.J - |