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Show times to enable themselves and cm Company, ;$I,1 J2.20; Davis, Howe d and Company, for materials, ployes to attend those meetings. $333.59; the waterworks, Isi another column will be found . EoU All parties in- Assessment Jaae 7, X97S. Bath-hou-se a pasture fence the advertisement rf Walker Tiro.. VTetfaeea-arteres tea snouia rata the notice of nails for seed for Union and Square, grass Mr, D. Bojkholt, County Clerk, , by which It Will be seen that Uey one for MX CIS OW Vf. It.; $26.15; OLD. Adkins, ft I i have a splendid assortment of gen relative to a meeting ef the County salary for labor done on eral merchandlse,ach as Bianaew, lomcted daCy by Pawrrt XatmWMtl Bank. Court, te be held at the County year's Union Square, $625, less $126 pre&XLX Ijulb Crrr, Jane T, UTS. Court House, June 17th, for the 'Flannels, Underwear, California of appropriated; fer assistant JTuyfrvet SUO: mUta at $tlS L Riveted Goods, In the shape examination of the assessment roll viously to W. R. Adkins, $30; to cover the Coats, for the current year and the hear Hunting Coats, Sacque Their redemption of City currency for of complaints from Jumpers, Shirts and Overalls. ing thelafet three months, $247.50. matters. Local and Other stock of Gloves, Summer Clothing, themselves erroneously ' The committee considering Imon finance were are Groceries, and Tobaccosfull lice of Thxbmomxteb 74 degree F. in assessed. authorized to destroy the redeemed a have mense, They the shade at 1 p.m. " Cloudy. The Old Folks Excnrsien. We currency. imported goods. are requested by the committee, to A bill of Dr. & B. Young, for ilEMCATED baths are expensive. Golcg Out "We understand that remind all persons intending to go care and burial expenses of Minnie - Not So, however.GLKNS'a Sclpiiub five drinking saloons closed last an insane Datlent of the substi- week for want of business. Our with the "Old Folks Excursion" Plum, from. Soap, a cheap and efficient T&tele, $70, was re that asylum, the train will leave the depot tute, which answers the same pur- feelings wouldn't be hurt at all if at half -- past seven, ferred to the committee on Insane pose as far as local diseases of the the balance should close this week, morning, and that they should be asylum. skint rheumatism and gout are con- and not open any more. The sum of 1,500 was approprion board and seated by that time. d&w cerned, We are also desired to intimate ated as a contingent fund to be '. Keebaaleal Tlafceriaa; and Book of Mormon. We are pleas that the Bishops should see that drawn aralnst bv the Mayor, the to state are be we to ed able that Cannot arrest the decomposition of the aged under their care are there $1,000 to be drawn against by the teeth. Nothing will do this now in a position to meet the in time. tupervlsor of streets. Book for of demand the Mormon, The street cars for the depot will but that pure disinfectant and preAfter the Loafers. It will be servative which, under the name which is" again on sale at this leave the following eastern termi. seen office. 7 sta nuses a of Bozodojjt, has become at o'clock, sharp Ninth by a petition from leading business Die of the toilet tbrousrhout the men, presented to the City Patents. Patents for the under- Ward, Eleventh Ward, aad Twen' d&w last evening, and referred world. mentioned townsiles have been tieth Ward. Holders of complimen- Council, that be body to the Marshal, that entitled to a by the New Tork TH received at tbe Land Office In this tary tickets will "Hard times." says Is made A re maker more oMif-lna growlag determination there bunet"bT9 to free ride tbe depot. and saoemaaers more punctual. city The committee also wish it un to rid East Temple Street ef that Public speakers and singers will Goshen Certificate 1,008-G- eo. derstood that none need ro to the most intolerable nuisance, the fiad ."Brown's Bronchial Trochct" V. Beat), probate judge. brigade," a subject to Peoa Arzi train expecting to accompany the "loafers', Certificate 907 beneficial in clearing the voice beexcursion who do not hold tickets, which the News has lately devoted probate judge. fore speaking or singing, and re- Hinkley, Providence Certificate no more will be sold, all tbe several paragraphs. As tbe objec lieving the" throat after any exer- Hvde, probate judge. available space being already dis- tionable character of the evil comtion of the vocal organs. For Sclpio Certificate 1,178 Ed w'd posed of. plained of is pretty generally uncoughs and c6di the Troches are Partridge, probate judge. derstood, and Is clearly described in dU3 eod effectual. City Council. The Council met the petition already jeferred to, Not Now. In an article In yes- last evening, Mayor Little Another scandal hii arfeen la the Meth-odt- st published in the City Council minchurch. Charges ef fraud in tbe terday's News, relating to Mr. Ira state we will utes made Book Coocera bare been Western The following petition was read. that it is the intention merely Ffoutz calling at the City Hall, on aad are being- invest ted. of the Mar the corpor- and, after considerable discussion, shal to enforce the ordinance re Monday, to Geo. C. FKROuaoN, watch maker, ation we stated that that referred to the Marshal accounts, 1 1, First South St, a few doors east lating to loafers or vagrants strict- " was as the known gentleman of Commercial St. Salt Lake City,1S76. Iv. and. to enable him to do so agent for the Weed Sewing Ma Msy 29th, thoroughly the merchants in the tVe learn that To the Jlonorable the Strayed. A dark colored one-je- chine Company Mayor locality designated, and others in old UOR3E COLt left my he has not been connected with Mcmlera the and with him Council: terested should of City place, ISth Ward, on Friday morn- that Company since the 1st of Msy the in that that Gentlemen. disgrace Your petitioners direction, f ing, Way 26th. Bring it along and last. would respectfully represent that. ful nuisance may be abated. be rewarded. Whereas, the gathering of numWe here quote from section 35, The bers de&w David O. Calder. 1 Industrial Association. of men on 7ast Temple Street, 66, of the "Salt Lake City Industrial page Ward Fifteenth Associ especially at the corners and under Sixteen hundred young women. In Clere-lanof them Ordinances," bearing upon the sub are pled red not to associate with men ation, taiioimg, dressmaking, &c, awnings many indulging . of tippling habits. Other cities hare larg-- is erecting a new building, north of in indecent language, obstructing ject numbers of women who hsrs made the the sidewalks so that ladies find it "Persons within the limits of same vow. the Ward store, which will be difficult to pass, and causing them said for occupancy in about a to avoid the street as much as possicity, not having visible means WARRAMEE OEKD3 most ready of structure week. to Tbe is support, feet living idly, or who are ble, pieces posts, steps, cutting thirty approved form, Jiil Claim Deeds by sixteen feet, and the cause fdund loitering about the streets or the etc., signs, awnings, causing of its to Mr. lllch-ard- s; public places, Ac.; and further on Mining Deeds, Towusite Deeds, erection Is that the bus! late serious accident ' Bouds, increasing Official around the store lounging Leasee, lucorporx ness of the enterprise requires more doors, preventing the ingress and the ordinance states that such per tlon Fmd, and other BJmka. room. So much for local industry egress of customers; or sitting for soEs as the foregoing quotation de hours on the steps and curbs of scribes "shall, for each offence, be In the Fifteenth Ward. If AGA3P9 UAUSOUl BtUf buildings has beoome an intoleraIs an unfailing prescription for a ble nuisance, resulting, in at least liable tooratofine not exceeding fifty The the instance referred to, in serious dollars, Arriral of Immigrants. Imprisonment not ex faultless, complexion. Sallowness, on and moth another ceeding thirty days, or to both fine roughness, sunburn, patches, company cf immigrating Saints, personal injury, to occasion fire one of the and imprisonment." setting one hundred and thirty freckles, discoloration, dark spots, numbering a from principal buildings lighted there is a left who the unwholesome, paleness, tan, pim- souls, Liverpool on, match or clear all of which Is In the same ordinance to clause mis "malicious 24th on redness New and York arrived in Into relating every ult, ples, eruptions, greatly detrimental business other kind of blemish disappear Monday, and resumed their west terests generally,and is fast convert- chief," and another relating to prolike magic by the use of Ilagan's ward Journey yesterday. Elders J. ing East Temple Street Into ono of fanity, with penalties attached, tne least respectable of the city. Magnolia Balm. A few applica- Woodhouse, John Hopkins, Ed We therefore ask your honorable which can be brought to bear in tions applied with a soft linen cloth ward Hanhara, William Nelson body to enact such ordinance as in some instances. will leave the delicate hues of re- and Robert Hogg, who have been your wisdom will most effectually fined beauty and youthful bloom. laboring in the European Mission, correct these evils; and, as in duty Its application cannot be detected, are traveling with this company. bound, your petitioners will ever pray. and It is absolutely free from all The company may be expected in George Dunford, Godbe, Pitts &. Save Tonr BTewspapers. possible harm, warranted purely a Wm. Jennings, Sons & Sadler, vegetable extract from the flowers this city on or about June 14, pos Co., O. Little. Ttav rs Bro.. Watte and J. of Southern France. St. George, May 27, 1870. sibly June 13. & Co., S. P. Teasdel, Taylor fc Cut1S5 eod Deaeret Newr. Editor ler, Louis Cobn, Geo. M. Scott & Notwith Norwich That Theyorhad s small back room on the eighthS few & JosIIn A W. Party. Co., F. years since while travel Park, a Philadelphia hotel, and about story Hujrh Anderson. Walker ing in Georgia, a woman by the o'clock in the moraine- - the treat poet standing tbe cold and heavy wind awoke, and, punching his wife in the back, storm yeeterday, we are Informed Brothers, Calder & Careless, G. W. name of Morris and one by the exclaimed: "Clotilda, darlinjr. itheUcaliy Davis. H. B. Clawson. Sunt. Z. C. name of Wansley, received my testroubled by the demon of unrest." that a large number of old associ I'm M. I., Kimball fc Lawrence, L. 8. timony in relation to the gospel, ydiiey Lanier," she aerroaslr replied, ates from the Norwich Conference Hills, W. H. Hooper. and not long sWW, these sisters, 'ret up and strike a tlfht this instant; perhaps H i bugs." with their ; families, removed to and their friends assembled at Ful Petition of the Hook and Ladder Prairie Arkansas, near Aoescy. Brother John G. Col-tri- n ler's Hill Gardens, and spent a very Fire Company asking the City to Des Arc, County, and began to talk their is authorized agent for selling agreeable time. When the wind refund to them $29, which to their neighbors. They bad religion wrote to me for books and papers, entitled Correspondence abated in the afternoon tbe tables expended in the purchase they work the of .fire and to ssk me to come or of Palestine Tourists, in all of the were spread and an old fashioned men's accoutrements, fcc; referred sendcontinued to preach to them. one some settlements South of Salt Lake time was enjoyed in the pretty to committee on claims. Deseket News, After my reading dUG bowery. After refreshments a soCeunty. The bill of Jesse W. Fox, $17, was I put a stamped wrapper, one cent, cial dance was indulged in around such papers as contained Wjiat a beautiful Jot of Baby The late members reported correct by the committee sermons, and sent them away. of Scottish the at to whom it was referred, who re This I continued for several years, Carriages and 89 very cheapdl2S conferences are talking of a similar to get some commended that tbe amount be ap all the time trying Dinwoodey's Furniture Store. reunion there in a few days. to call on them, and Elders passing propriated; report adopted. DoNr rs Imposed TJpojt ! II flnallyjBUceeed in getting Bros. The committee on fire depart did aud McAllister to go, and JT. Reiser, 4 doors east of Godbe's Boyle Mr. Graham's Benefit. Tbe ment recommended the reached the place they when organizing they friends of Mr. John C. of another hose dnix store, has Watches and Clocks found many people hungering for a the pur company, for all who want reliable timepieces. Graham, the excellent comedian, of an additional 500 feet of knowledge of God. These silent News and other Repairing done on short notice. and the many admirers of his his- chasing hose and another hose cart, and preacher?, thehad done a good dSO publications, trionic ability, will be pleased to thafa tower for Everything warranted. tbe hose be wcrk, and these Elders, with the a at the erected; also thatdrying a proposition from aid of the two sisters, bave lately The Cincinnati Enquirer observe that learn that be takes benefit on Saturday evening, RaddT the blacksmith didn't recant 'while Theatre into the church by baptism he had strength- enough to punch a h?ad or layior uuller, who nau offered a abrought number and organized a on occasion will which June goo 10th, ily a suitable pick poceu at the rear of their large branch of the church there. be presented "Sin and Its Shadow," business place, wherein to locate I write this principally to induce LTOS'J UlTUAIBOX. premises, in which the beneflclare will be a hose to send the Ntrwa the cart, be accepted. It was the Saintsand Lyon's Kathairon I an invigor- aided Mr. John S. Lindsay and also other such publica Juvenile by tonic recommended that the hose vegetable preparation, Miss Belle ating tions to their friends abroad, in latter's tbe Clayton," or free from mineral be positively any companies strengthened and stead of tearing them up for wrap deleterious substances.- It is tbe first appearance. Mr. B. Levy is made more efficient, by the enroll ping paper, sc. Tne government ruost delightful of all h iir dressing announced for a couple of comic ment of members residing on or has done all we can ask in tbe way tbe entertainment conclud- near East Temple Street. The re of cheap postage, and It does seem cooling the head, allaying irrita- songs, to me that good Saints should not with the drama of ? Dick Tur commendations were ing tion; curing headache and throbadapted. waste these heralds of truth when and Tom King." In the same connection it was so much good might be done with bing temple, making the hair pin stated that the employes of Z. C. them at so small an outlay, s'rons, fragrant, glossy and obedipeeple of Brigh M. I. were about to be organized Again I propose that we make a ent In ontrul, si cleanly to use Brighton. The over effort to save tbe million of Joruao, are Into a hose company, with suitable new that it will not otl the One-i- t fabric, ttn settlement, we pay out for worthless dollars over the of rejoicing completion c iminjf the hair to grow luxuriant apparatus. articles that only help us annually, four and a half miles, of excel The committee to whom was re- to violate tne word of wlwiom, anu ly and beautifully, removing dan man or lent cansl, which is sixteen feet ferred the petition of Luke and thereby violate the laws of life. Let druff and pi on pies, turn Iheee means to higher and wornm can become bald who will wide at the bottom, and in which Trescott for the privilege of being us holler purposes, and thereby gain to a be water there of will four body use tbe Lyon's Ktthalron properly allowed to sell a certain fire kiodler, ourselves treasures that shall not be feet deep, the present, week. .This d6 eod reported that the ingredients ef taken from us. T Most respectfully your feliow- VitMar h?s sent an iarttatkm to Dora canal has been constructed prinel which the combustible is comPedrn to wait till SeetembT, so that he ran n as laborer. a J. W. CnosnY. pally ry ,tne county, ami fcoe Tuo Toumr ladies simultaneously eallog posed are of a dangerous charac.een corn os the e o to stow music- of splendid headgate, capable regu- ter, and it would therefore be an The search after Sldnev Lanier, the au much larger of a city ordinance to thor of thehisCentennial Canute, is still con-is RED CANTON COAL. Still lating a body of water Infringement tinued by Be enrmred than the capacity ef the present acceed to the to tie hkUng-countrymen. the old reliable $3.75 per ton at the canal. away under some prsjer, and they re- suppesr I wooa-pn. commended that it be not granted; ueorffia t . yard, $7.50 delivered. NO EXTRA Under these clrcum propitious CHARGE FOR DELIVERY in stances not a few report adopted. TO RENT A 0 roomed house. people are looking i The Mayor presented his report difficult places. Full weight and toward Uood location; enquire at this ornce. for where Brighton places of expenditures, for April and May, I'litHty of coal guaranteed. A lat on to locate, and noa-Teothers, front the contingent fund appropriin and true friend for the rich and own laod thereabout, who detit, ! one it and ated to enable him to meet current Orders all. Try lor. are thinking of moving out there. l or showed with mett and It promptness expenses. contingent rajs With plenty of water, and no pros Robert Smith, $241,63 had been expended in the 1 ! ! pect of the Jordan ovei flawing upon former month and ml e, G5 Main Street. $479 39 in the Agent. the land in that locality, Brighton report approved. A "nhl'osophical standing will now have a fair opportunity of latter; I Petition of Sanders of a tatcjr.) sin ou ovit the and'Sprague, the bench at BrUhtoa. cave utterance to shewing what she can produce. for the cancellation of licence from 'KJreat brent: thoughts that filled his 1 tbat America- - 8uoh loftT moun the 30th of April, having been out such raajestio- rlTere, such oceanic Fast Meeting. Some of the city of business from that date; graated. itxew, such ocuod:ess prairie,- - and now Bishops are endeavoringto impress Aide rman Py per report, which upon the members of the church Was presented and adopted, show100-00In their wards the necessity of a ed that sixty --four cases had. been POUNDS more 18th the la Ward of thtadtr, of erouis attendance! at9, fast disposed of by him during May general June 6th WILLIAM PRttKIM? MATHmeetings, on the first Thursday of and that $202.60 bad been collected EWS, axed rears, 1 month and IS days. or each month, and the more punc in cash fines and $205 In labor. At Pa rowan. Iron County. OBO. OCNH, of paralrsU. Hit Slat, 1874, aged tT years, tual payment of fast cflerlngs, for The Marshal's bill of expenditures I'J months and l3 days. or tue tbe There are support poor. for approMay, $11 7.15, allowed and Deceased wai born la IT art ford County, ?CXaz-A'- . :Jt- wife some of the people who could not priated. England, July IS, 113. He leaves and three children. without difficulty attend ast rneef-ings- , i Bill of S. B. Young for medical which are held in the day services to city prison department, A'ei fur, 7. time, because, for, Instance, of be- $87; referred to committee on 'V'rV'.V.':. J; Money 2 . 3; ing in the employ of persons who claims. U folj; l i ? Gootl HerchantalJle Qsality ! active, strong; Stocks are not willing that those working The following bills for May were dull, lower, Irregular; Western for them; should leaTetheU, labor allowed and the respective amounts .. ' : union, 68; Quicksilver, II; Pacific for an hour or twe roa wares wnxas ram ; for that purpose, 24; Mariposa, 6; Wells, Fargo appropriated & Co.,901; New York for boarding City prisCentral, 109i; but there appears to be no reason W. 2YH" Pnaraa, 138; Union Pa-- for those unable to attend not 're- oners,Hyde, la pessy ind two-thir$229.63; expenditures of fire One-thi- nt incHtocSt,60; Union Pacific Bonds, the season. In due membering poor of Paul $244.75; salary department, wl; Central Paclfio Bonds, lOSj. The work fa cur Ion the Temple .Slock A-- Bchettler, $200; Captain" A. closes In order to mUoir theTrork-me- n Bart, City marshal and chief of to attend fast meetings." In polios, salary $155; salaries of seven pf OBINCKEROFF, TURNERS Co. an evening prayer meet- policemen, $S6S,SJ. W, Burt, Janione Ward Manufacturer or ; v the Vcoi; i .,- ing on the first Thursday of each tor of City Hall, salary $54; W. COTTON SAIL 'DIJCK, ' month, has been Instituted, for the Hyde, watermaster, Jailor and those unable Co attend In supervisor of streets, salary. $150; benefifof v.for Ureralla, BunUnx, aVoT tha day time. Some of the propri- W. E. Hyde, for Kuajdlnz wateretors of stores, members' ' .!( - ' t.V f and. lighting street IWEV YORK. church, we understand, are ?ef the works, tanks $50; : 2 Dr. S7B. young, willing lamps, salary CPolhemosI Feery to close their places of business fox for boarding aad caring for four in-ta-n These goods eaa be obt!nc4 at X. c At Prat. Briglcrti Younf. M-ell an hour er'.ttyo, at the required ajyltrm patients, $143:50; Gas tfrtw Special Business Notice?. t EVENING NEWS; f " sup-pile- - - tax-paye- rs to-da- y. Amrrlan an'l Ferelti obtained for lnrsntors at of prices as lowa aa. those anir r.iwv. fVr- wpondence with awl layited inventor, With those Who hava) ko.l inMntinna TiPi?1 hJ tho U. 8. raTCXTOrncs, also wiuiMercnanU and manufacturersdesiriur TSDE MABKS AND LaaeXS. NEW AttVEKTISEiaENTS. PATENTS iliVEIIWi ron want us 11 WALKER BROS. a model or a sketch, and a. iu i uRcnuuua .. iOZ. , Patt.nt a. 'J 01 n ":,raPaiaurwfOmci and if we think will . r.i Ex-Co- JZ i V 3SS JEtt. S . -- 632-W- m. to-da- . - CHICAGO, ILL. Our Matches sold are W by nearly erery grocery bouse in the Territory, dl re-exa- ar races:, a. bat. Between Lake and SouOl WaUr Streets. CHICAGO. tbe Territory d!30. & CO., DR. V. H. H. SHARP. D E s Clearance To effect . s. . si WOOL! WOOL! STEELE & JOHNSON. iiar 0 0! PACKERS BmiO LiBJi FUEE uf ST. LOUIS TRADE. TUB ftWenlMp. or th atAscrAcruBXita O OX ALWAYS ON HAND, INCLUDING rr . FOB PAIXTEOS, ' KAUSOlf uraiis, WITlTEWASIiriW, asd anrxHix. taiolt uss, , NEW YOnK TRADE. BENEDICT, CENTENNIAL REFRIGERATOR, Patented March 21.1875. The Best aad Cheapest Rrrigerator made. Guaranteed to bo free from sweat, ant to be perfectly cold, dry and sweet. Buy no other until you nave seen them. STeI34 i WAS AT Gil IV0BILL MILLS. WANTED lOO.OOOIbS. of WOOL! EM MIL & CO,. 13TGrand Street, Corner Crosby Id 140 y I wlU pajr the nicsieat Price la Cak, aad Koaaeeeartasias; af leeahla. Tweeds. J earns, rtaaaels, Uaseja, BlMkeO, ete. AJas Taraa, plsvlM suMI raatey. Moving made special arrangements ttrtth some of the bett Tailors 'in wkleM Ctotla, Btere-psv- MAjrurACxcxzas or the City, am prepared to furnish Suits to order, in any style, costing from $30 to $30. Office of tbe Mills First South Street, opposite Towosend House, and at tbe Factory, MEN'S and BOYS1 CLOTHING, of a mile East of Penitentiary. dl61 iTkJBmTXXm SIS aad SX8 Bread way, I three-fourt- hs MoGrSZZ, JOHI E. COWLES. duo O- ILi lE IK MeldiBga, Pletare Baeklnga, FUUy 6 & qt Hilk Pans, $3 per doz 8 Upright Wood Churns, rW Send or descriptive circular. dU7 Milk Strainers Juiien Churns H. A I.. C II AS E, Importers, llaoufacturers aad u:. 1 Dairy Salt, Dealera la BAGS OF ALL BHIDS, 10 qt, Pressed :Fans, i - Seamlen, Gunny, Burlap aad Cotton Bags for Grain, Bran, F Jour, Ore, Bait, llama, Wool, Dried Fruits, Vegetables, ota. I"tour bags printed to order of Millers and Grooers. Offloe and Warehowe 8 and IS ft. Man , Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. , dltT IS., Hilk Skinners, it : ' qt Flaring f , danchard Ghnrns, Lightning Churns, Hilk Buckets, Butter Pads & Ladles, Wood Pailsr C8Vm ar, i It is the Best Made. CAB and AXLE sis, '' ".haiv - : M IIAtllllY EAILWAYAID GREASE,'-ar- stkeet. dl27 Wlitma IS fully ASSORTED with every SEASOn ABLE VARIETY. jWorh, i! i ana ; ' uj(js general Agriculturaltjsuujcs Implements, oiwTw., Lotn, no. ; A Send tor niuitrated catalogue. AT L017EST PniCESj WHOIiESAUB AND RETAH.. TEA8DEL, ,. ; r Also Parsi 715 Ststal tr'Me12? . A' LOTJU, Fmtrbmmk ' SUSS. ,'?' k auitdi a ran aaxxenoa or a sia MEN'S AND "BOYS' SUIVQIEB: HATS, vs offer at VeryXow Prices. See oar ' ' owaatror'?:i no23 a? av yaa r 1 : be ConTloced. It; " -- V;M: gQCIICg sand AYrvJ'srxtjrTtT' , ' Panpa and Firo Iz&zi Wo cu&rantoe Quality, and msot all Compotltlon. Vx9 and Fbeet Lead, Trm Pipe ittlarm, Beltinr Tlomn, rack ing ., Uanla.ii, Lead wan ana ooo us. - , l ..rftnlO I - aad Axrtouitui al ImplsmeatSk nt ' r sXZ&rn Co UelZt CIreeU Farsro Kourri iiain rr., sts louis, uo Opposite A9J an , and 112 111 Grand Street, t . ? t . . f CO., niaoofacturers and Wholesale. Sealers Cardag-e- , la . tTwrtaea.; KIaelafe aUave it. a af erery d fslha, f BtaUswerr t. aU ertaa klada, Uaa, CI - -- - .! naaaa Far mtma.mm rtaSlT. " f 'i ll DsmijohnsiBoiOesTlcuks, Percussion Caps, German Markets Has A- ' t. a CO., PBKSON, LORD & . . Broaaway EST" Price Lists and Quotations mailed free to any add res.. t d 140 z ' A Csw, L. r.i.Ru r.i Q C Y & CO. MB "NEW YORK. NEW YORK. L;.' Ther are Just Ue tklaa a, PURE HATURAL TEA LEAF fj H awnssnsAlTiy: aad ; fahily Gnoccnio, Waahlngtoa Are.' ST. LOI7IS. dU7 SM f i - - alto " Llercliaiidise ! tmsm Wfimm G-enor- al Waloa ALT. aoz, m f & ' ' j i VT CAKER, FHATT laroaiaas, Joaaaaa Aira aaxtn. paxaaa ra J wrxasteoaxr. or FRONTS for cui!ir::3 McLean to Etoteibury COCHRAN, McLEAH & CO., ncroaxKBS airo jobbxbs or Uaeaa, JBambratdeHe Xaee. Dry C da,- - Crap, sTaatlllae, dlere. Wblte Oeeda, Heelery-- , Hatlaaa, TTeel aW a-- , IRON I Cochran a Co. J'- 'J MASinTAOlVaVSM ' Thrething Machine af alt sixes. MILLS. Com oajrsiaxes. uijjjsjc AY Shelters, CUTTXRSWAeel If 0..;Bk.tI.f; .SB.' And Branch Stores throughout the '; dHO Territory. e. irri xovib. - - ipiltiiralciv Plenty Eggs rx fi y y C,i t lwea'iaaietllces THE DRY GOODS OEPARTW : 4 . A Complete Assortment1 of Oood, Freali Baiter and Also, Kyy G'EO.lfMM.SMHGfSI o-- WESTERN OIL COMPANY, ' ': " KAjnrrACTBaxas or' 353 f couiiri)j Butter Houlds I & 1 lb sizes AT PRICES HARRIS, Becretary ORK. Pans, .... .C $3 f As liOW as .Any. House Will Soil. , D. L, SKIDVORE, rest A Treas. j tS TJ Supplied tviih FACTORY 726 PARK AVHUE, ST. LOUIS , OU N E.W Y , DAIEY UTENSILS. Also manufacturers of Patent Sawed Solid Wooden Gutters for cave- - troughs water conducters, Ac They are six times and never leak or rust cheaper than tin wi wiu uiair mm uug us t ire uuiw. ui whivv taey are buiiu 3Bt - Is ? Join .12. CZUESBATXS BOOTS & SHOES Clolhcailcry fjMijicunimssr, Bot110 STEWART'S Gelatine. Oatmeal. Coleman's and other Mustards. Spices, etc., in Great Variety. Factory - EsUblifhed US. Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, Catsups, etc. ds - PITTSBURGH TRADE. M. T IIWCPOITEI - .1 aal 533 Fourteenth St., Omaha, Neb Iron Works Xalls. seats for Sable dHO wholesale and retail, by 'Z. C. Foraale, . Maaarm. Godbe. Pitta St Co.. 0. P. Teasdel, Messrs. Kimball wm. Lawrence,, Messrs. Day Uo.,Messrs. jenajngs, 8ons A 8ader, Q. w. iWTls, Taylor A Cut Brother, ler, Walter BTttWAUt BEOS, & CO., d HO Pittsburg b, Pa. A FULL LINE OF , , A WM. r.VCULLY & CO., Manufacturers of tbe Standard Brands of s' Window Glass and White and Green Glassware, also Wine, Porter sod Mineral Water Bottles, The .Largest Stock la the West, Including all the Favorite Brands. brand or U olden .Harp Fine Cut Tobacco. Agents for the colebrsted vanity r air always on nana. LOUIS ST. Refriierator . Ij-..- 538 TRiR'-n'&WISS- . . , Those wanting Bargains during; the Season. should see our Stock. We are offering New Japan Teas In packages of all sizes VERY the lowest ever known In this country. CHEAP, our prices are We shall receive this season new Teas by every Steamer during the Season. In eaddles, paQ, kegs and tierces. Van-acturers of Lard and Meataf oot Oils. 113 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL. - - Wholesale Grocers, PENNSYLVANIA. Eos-lls'-ms- hr JOHfrsow, P. 8. All descriptions of Vials and d tles made to order. -. - n. Omaha, Neb. IS aad 80 Waod Street, Pittsburgh, -- foot-prin-ts d&w Droir-rtat- nu-mei- ou . a. at BT M.I, St. Joseph, Mo. :o: d, : 1ST: T D. :o: d, ; JfT OMAHA TRADE. BET ATT-- at WHOLESAIaE PRICES. e - : WK ARK NOW OFFERING AT co-oper- Jlay-boul- HEWS, rrowa fittlaca wlta greld and attaer material. CASH. STOCK and PRODTTPTv taken ia exchange. SUMMER CLOTHING ar N. K. FAIRBANK OF .0ESERET , OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS Rations and Ladies' Futnisnisg Go:di; ' 160 fc 162 Wabash Ave., cor. Monroe, ou ORE DOOR EfcST at Manufacturers Prices. -- and Jobber of York Offic,tea Broadway. TO MX We are thus enabled to sell these goods to the Country Dealers of Walsh & Hutchinson, Kevo RBMOYBD wmu wa MiuuHtuaa anr, pu teetb an eeatlanoae w.rk on void sad pltlnspin platee, We also handle for the Manufacturers a large line of LEATHER & SHOE FINDINGS Not. 20 and 22 State Street; ! I hertby notify my f rlenda anj the public tnat x nave Under tbe followW mechanical heads :o:- - TURNER & RAY, Wholesale Dealers la MILLINIRY; STRAW NOTICE Teetb en arold p la tea, teeth annbbtr SHIBTS and OVEUATaTa. t Importer, Manufacturtr - VEXED HUIVTIETO COATS, SACQUi: COATS, sJUJIIVEKS, No. 13 Michigan -- SPECIAL CONSISTING OF MATCHES, Atb, W.Dursat,4t, d130 2nd South St. California Riveted Goods, CO. TelegraphRound and Parlor WM. H. TtTRWER. I R. TB 3E5E ALSO THE : g- Grocery Dept., AND CHICAGO TRADE. H. j ARYS VI LLE BLANKETS, Flannels and Flannel Underwear, ow HATCH ausnrrAcrtragas or Digging' 500 Four Tinedeach. Forks, 50c 200 Plougheach.Handles, , 50c. WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR TITE CELEBRATED send you papers and ratentable, adrice and prree cute your caee. D Ierett, WeJxfer t!rnXelley, Esq., Secretary MationaJ Qrm-.matont I C.,and to the Danish and Swedish Forrten Legation at Washington, D. O. IW-- Send Stamp for our "Guide for obAddress taining Patents." lVenls Bagger C.. Solicitors of Patents, Washlngtoa, D. C. RICHARDS0U Tfl FABUMS. ' WIZOUBsAXbS U7 Chamber aat IS TBAJS 0T. ' Tjss' ZM 2fw York:. d & :n o o i ri o o M , 83 ani 90, Lomfc&ra Et. ciltlmore , l pn |