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Show 4- X - -- 4 BEMiSET EV16MNG VOI. XX. ITY, UTAH 0PEBBITOIYrWEIXESIAY EVENING, JCJfE T, 187C. SAIrX XiJLKJB " . i ' ST. X.OTJIS TBAJDE. fly SSrIPEiH BHHGSi 910 DOSIBESS DirtECTOKT. CO., Public. Last Wight' Dlipatclics Br. Awerbela JF. CONGRESSIONAL. Sell dry roods, fancy roods, loililnery. eiotatna, boots ana shoes, bdU and cai notions, etc. or MiirrrACfCRBM Telegraph. rn wKsrinsr ctaoTxjcQBarn wwa. the Keep Them Before tod 9U Washington Ave., By SxEXATE. 6. At Joe. Barker WASrTTNaToi. 1 1 o'clock W&S SU9 bkarpens saws, repairs stoves, and does All cutlery, locK ana runsmitB work. th laH.tat1wa hnafnMS C aider A Csvrele and the consideration of pended, Sell Mason a Hamlin and other organs, tne articles or lmpeacnment agamo,. pianos, fancy rooda, holiday presents, and for acInstruments and mei Belknap resumed. Counsel the all kinda of musicalsecond-hanSefiled that a motion d cused take and and ohanrnse, pianos orrana in ezenana-e- . nate vacate so much of the order Dr. A. W. Calder recently adopted holding m naught Praotlso Jn dentistry. the plea as to the jurisdiction uieu hv him. for ths reason that the Bald Jamea 1'ealt Does plasterlnari whitewashing' and cal-- plea was not overruled by a vote of . AGRICULTURAL Pacific Bonds. A proposition was presented to the House judiciary committee to- twb-tmror um senators pnwui. uajr 111 uenau 0010101-or tne union facinc ,43. r. Calmer The order submitted by Wnyte on and Central Pacific C. Railroad ComSell family rroceries, window glass, and Thursdavlast dJrecUne the defend as a substitute for tha r,,v. panies e sasnea. ant to plead farther or answer the rence bill recently reported by a Davis, Howe A Cax. articles of Impeachment within 10s '1'bo commitieo. Do. all kinds Of milllnjr and mining- ma- ten pi uiajurity so days from date was amended cast iron work, proposed substitute provides that chinery work, wrought and and iron and brass work of all descriptions. as to read, that the defendant have eaen or these companies shall pay HACHIHEBY, . as Ait 371 u s xi.-- 5tvx notne-mao- - WAQQNS! J leave to plead farther, etc Asy Jt Co. Thurman submitted an amenddry rood, hardware, ment to that order as follows crockery and classware, provisions, and all oris 01 general mercnaodise. "And in default of answer to merJLarsrest Stock in, the its within? ten days by respondent Peaeres Natlesial Basisi to the articles of Impeachment, the Does varkms bankinjr buslnoes and ceivea aavlnaa on interest. trial shall prueeod as upon the plea United States of not guilty." Dlaweodey Sells the very hpet live recse feathers, The question being an amend wainut lumDer and DSDy wagons. K. W. ROCKWELL, Sc. ; W.H. GREGG, PresU ment, a rote was taken, and reeuii- O. F. Dae ed jeas, si. najs 0. rio quorum Sells window, beddlnr and basaet plants, voting, was the Sergeant-at-Arm- s LEAD COMPANY cuts auti Kuruea ut,wersnir piauu directed to request the attendance ruiKMJst, tlowrrs and bouqueta, rarden and or flower seed, and dlfs aud plants rardous. the absent senators. Alter 1 short time the senators responded O. U. Ellawa and the amendment.. was agreed to Is a practical clock and watchmaker. Every Package ot thta urane or Mnctiy rare mis low Dnn Use. C ra;uiHn by a vote of 35 yeas to 7 nays. &e following guaisntee i Lord then submitted an order,' Does all kinds of watch and clock mak , log-- repairing and o'eanioe. that on the 11th of July, 1876, the Daniel Grenls. Senate, sitting as a , court of imTbe White Lead cootalnel in Sells staple and fancy groceries, provis peachment, proceed to hear the this Package to guarantee by tbe ions, etc evidence On the merits of the trial Dr. W. II. Cirovea Manufacturer, the SOUTHERN by this House. Docs all sorts of Dentist work. ClY STIUCTIiY' WHITE LEAD COMPANY, ST. Sargent1 moved .to amend by in David Judm LOUIS. MJl. iooootaia no adultera June. 19th, Instead of July Does serting in sheet iron the and entire-lyoto tin, f anything tion whatever. It composed copper-smit- h line. the in also llth. Kasnttinc line, ' I'endinjr this discussion Blair, of perfectly PURE CARBONATE Wm. JenalsiKa, Sou dfe Sadler OF LEAD and Unnvl Oil, and is counsel for the accused, gave notice Sell, wholesale and retail, staple and fan old subject to Chemical Analysts and DroBositions were re these if that ladies' furmen's cy roods, underwear, dry tbe BLOW PIPEJTEST. XA BLEACHED nish in roods, ladies', misses' and children's jected he would move to postpone notions and dry roods, rroceries and the trial . . until the 1st of .November merchandise renerally. next. B. W. K. Jensens The name of thl Company to Morrill said the question for fix ONLVuooq STSICTLY POKB Lead. 'It Is resident arent for Franklin MocVeairh is not piaoed upon a second or other lore A Co., wholesale rrooers, Chicaro; Chicago ing for this trial .was very import r tor quality, ho ptraei potoom r n wn White Lead and Oil Co.; and Liverpool A ant. He moved that the galleries Lead orandea auuxtaB&M tvarAMi-iLondon A Globe Fire Insurance Co. be cleared and the doors closed sorb of obtain Lnr a Latimer, Taylor dt (To. that senators might confer upon ferfectly Far Article. Sells lumber, shlnrles. sash, doors, mould- - that question. Agreed to. bulld-inr frames, and everythlnr in the A Con lnrs,line. Sale by Z. C. SI. I., CI oil be, After a short time the vote was again taken yeas 35 nays 7. Many Teasdel d: Co., and Day ; Co. jsnn naimewi dttT Does carriatre palatini- and trimminr senators opposed to the jurisdiction and wagon painting. did not vote. Jaaaea HeGhle Whyte further modified his mo Sella all kinds of Waaatch woolen mills tion so as to read as follows: "Orboms-maA cloth, and buys wool. dered that Mr. Belknap have leave to answer the articles of impeachA. Busier Does business as attorney and counsar- - ment within ten days from this date,. and that In default of an torrts de etsbs answer, to tbe merits within ten Deal la mantels and rratea and fine stone works r by the respondent, to the days, XZerton de Talta ef impeachment, the trial articles Sell wines and Honora. wholMale and shall as upon the plea of proceed retail. not guilty." Agreod to yeas 33, 4. LIME Delivered in Salt Lake City by tbe .Load at 23 rest la per Does all kinds of olanlnr and sawinr. nays Lord submitted an order that on makes doors, and packing, ' bushel. etc. boxes, also does the llth of July the Senate, sitting BEST LIME IN THE MARKET for every purpose. as court of impeachment, will proa Co. A 0HU Will sell Cheaper for Cash at Kiln than any other firm in the Do all kinds of warea and carriare work ceed to hear evidence. blaokamltblug. earrtasTe pain Una and trini .. . A- - long dobato' onened on the Terrritory, mmr, norsesnotnr, eto. question as" to -when the trial should C C rosnoror T begin. The Senate- went into secret ses Loans money on easy terms to small borl dl2 rowers 00 Improved city real estate. the sion, and on being Tire Piew Cooperative Csmpaay orders were read that the date of Taylor A Cutler. arenU for this cltrl' sixth be fixed upon. make and sell business and other suits of July UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD UTAH SODTHERN RAILROAD Provo Sargent submitted an order di cloth. recting theor managers to furnish Hoedall d: Darilsf his counsel, within (Utah Steam Cracker Factory) Make and defendant FIOSSEX IONS or UTAH. twenty-fou- r sell a article of crackers. hours, a list of wit nesses they intended to call in this IT. Belaer . 4, Fell rroceries. TBI SOUTHERN WHITE Ccmi-any'- s V W J ATT M Pitt for - ZET "RLISHED 1863. de Mammoth Lime Kilns; at-ia-w. HOT SPRING LAKE. sash-fram- es wood-turnin- .1 g, -- MACDUFF BROTHERS . first-cla- and qftef May On O suad after JTuw XOtk. 1875. Stotfosv IWr. foafr. .Trains f leave " 00 Ail 3i0vu Trussl ' Sn Lake. farsff-at Oa-da- 812' 8 00 1 V .V.I IK 83" 4 52 " 4 " Pcufr. Station. Train leave 4Qajt tile. 10 31 I 5 n " Pauafr. 920 7 i ai 7 Ci 11 13 " a tivators, wagon timber, Tra.ns leav. alt Lake Little Cottonwood Junction ArriTO l.'O L Sandy Loave Sandy DrtapQl LehL. at 44" 1M" etc e fare. 4& 03 18 9 06 9 90 Robert Smith. Is agent for the Bed Canyon Coal. 1 90 900 - t 6075 10 K 10 61 23 U 43 M. Termlnxwi ...... a Taylor A Cntler kinds Sell all on of reneral merchandise. Hotel Taylor so 00 With or without hoard. Mra. S. J. RaImh keeps table. uon! m. jr. reoausi mmn Sells family groceries, parasols, prints. Areas roods, rents' ekAhlna, boots and saoea, ladies shoes, children! shoes. and dry goods and merchandise generally. I.0i 4 1.01 1. 1 Dr. W.1L IL Soar j la ln ... U raysno, L 1 Dentist, sets teeth on rold plates, rubber 190 base, adamantine base, continuous rum ft on rold and platina plates, ere wu titwork .... . ling with gold and other material, etc. 10 IK taquin 3iArrive at J n 9 as Provo. SprlnirvtPe, Spanish Fork, 1 S 361 1 6K 4 Sella sash, mouldlnrs. shlnrles., . dnom. i J l f..w wholesale and retail. at cheap, t0 .. 6 45 3 06 mxo A merican Fork- -. Pleasant Grore t.v F.M ' 10 8 T 00 T T 48 1.36 iaae rernilnus...- ... antaquin,... ... ...... 2. P0 TuMlug Places. WILL RUN DAILY, (5wwiay rzesptaU 8aH Lae Ctty at 40 a. m. and ft3U l rifim k p.m.: aud Cedes Paysun, apanbi Fork........ 3prlnrnie, Krovo Pieaoant Grvre... American Fork Lchl Dramr. Arrive at at a.m and pun. WW Por all lafurnatloa coooerntaf San'ty, boar r rvlclit or Pass re, apply to S&ndy.. ........ JOHN SHARP, Junction Little Cottouw'd. Un. stwlcM and Tleket Afwat. Arrive at JOHN SHARP, JR., e.M. 19 91 '1 11 40 9 06 I S5 1 a 9 A6 9 90 t4 3 4 . . Sen dry roods. roeerles. hardware, rlaas a and eroekerv ware, and tnarchandim erally, wholesale and retail, A. C. B. I. 1 CO 8eD dry nods, rrooerles. earnets. hard 1 boora and ware, eroekerv and 1 so shoes, bats and leather and nodlnm, caps, 90S and all sorts of general merchandise, whole9 10 sale and retail. . r.ftv 19 IT I - . I sx 9 71 S7i Boca. WA&HiNcrcoH, WalksrBrsa i Edmunds moved to amend by inserting four days Instead of hours. Agreed to. twenty-Fou- r The court then adjourned till the 10th, It being understood that the court would then meet to receive the answer of the respondent under the order adopted. The legislative business, was then resumed. The chair laid before tha Senate the unfinished business, being the legislative, executive aud Judicial appropriation bill, tbe pending question being the amendment of Edmunds that all "appointments In! the Executive .Depaitment of the government shall ber made up on a, careful and Impartial examination of the candidates therefor by a board composed of not less than five Senators, to be appointed by the President and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and the most capable and worthy of the competitors examined shall be se lected for such appointment. . Keeps the Townsend House. n Trains I1W", Lake. Sells the Bain Waron. Wood Mower and Reaper, Paddoek Milky Rake. Concord boggles and carriages, plows, harrows, cul- Slerrrn Nevada Lumber Aasoeletlon, '"A Arrive at Makes and sells bonnets and ladles' and gentlemen's hats, does bleaching, etc, Hsarsrd Senree ran. r 10" Hrs. Ham el 29'A, 1378, ' case. Sella and repairs watches and clocks. . 8" ISO" Knjrrr!h. ArrlT " ss the dis fter cussion ef a preposition to change . I. iuB 1 14 ics av as w auowine commit tee on banking and currency to re it. 1 1 port at any time, It was agreed to yeas 115 nays 97. The object of the change la to allow that committee to report the bill for the repeal ef the resumption act., , The House then went Into committee on the Indian aPDronrlatlon Does a reneral bankter business, and ro- - bill. oeirss doposlta in sums as low as ooe dollar. The . v i chairman overruled tha noint 101 a a 9 of order made by McCrary i 9S&1 Atui 60-the section to transfer the against Indian Bureau to the War Department. A 4 40i Salt log discussion then arose on the finanNoa. I and I will be run daily. Carriage Painting, ces, in posts, protection and free Nos. 8, , 6 an wii) be run daily, Suntrade.1 At length Maglonis offered Carriage Trimming, rzoepte-days t t an , that, any For Information all sy tr or Pa wees apjHy so eoomi(u Wagon Painting. amendment providing r ria to trade with the r Shoo at Wells Parro's old stand. Receo Krson aesiring shall receive a' license on I Bass Street. The patronage of the 81 JOHN SHARP. Lake gantry Is solicited. tbe oertiacate of the District Judge or J udge of the Supreme Court of BT "Work , Gnaruteed. JOHN 91 BP,.jR.. any Territory that he is of good character. Agreed to. The com mittee then rose and reported the ITAD 0BTUEKS RULBOAD. bill tq be House and it was passed. 00 16 4 47 4 61 11 9 00 1 le. . UtWesteraRailway COXPAST. SPRING &TSUMMER T ARRANGEMENT. OW - AND AFTER lr 1S7G .Toiirtaif, Hay E3TtRS"R4tLrAT The UTATT CQM-- 6 ANY will ruq dally Traius as follows (Sitndays exoepted) : Lsare Salt Lake CHy at T a. av rtopptsr aa minute, at- Lake Point for Bmakraat.) Bouse at s.23 a m. Arrtr at Uail-wa-y House at 1L40 a.m. Lear Half-wa-y (gtoppln- S minutes at Lake Point for lttonar.) i ArHrinff at Salt IaksClly at 103 p.m. OH GENERAL GAXIFIELB triT FV1:?1"? to Uffl 'orUii Supper h with i J..HHn'c,H'' connect W1tb.h Win B1Mi It Mn V. n on IBS mw a fw dl ' 5 - - -- ' . ' c. . ' EASTERN-- ' , ear-Cfrare- eter 'ir of ! ey eieret M : the-fde- AUEIGMEOTEL , from rrankuu. ,',T.T". , i . , f , ,. ., To accomo di-eoa- rse he was anv1ljibiUial Sersons that and a man who boold be used by bad men. He denied that be had ever been a drankard. He adI-to Bontlaerly mitted he had - been dismissed from ytdi front amd ten rods TTesterl the army for having committed himself while under, tha lnuerce Croat,. .! TbemboTe properly will be of either , drink or drags, or while inrane, but charged old at a Ilarsaln. Apply temporarily that his condition at the time on the preniLtes, or (q .. arose from the persecatloat he had endured for two years from a C. fj. 6ILDERS0TI, superior officer.- - He refused to discharge anenlistment against whom the officer had a pique, and also of i Hoom 3, the general unfairness and hostility dl52 .OodboVl BuUdlngr of the West Point men towards all ot Art. The Ria u rrecti ox Containing Twenty Room order. Size 01 la complete 11 . . M. W. MZRSXLL, SopC Cslss. NtBXXT, j at Montana oormecta witk tralnj date the public and meat the great demand for President Yotrcirto on the "Resurrection" it has been determined, to larae an author tes rjrsn to Biorrtoo Parties ized ediuoDi ' in farm. WAXO Inpsuapnlet paper corert. up, neaUj jgot and sold at ten cents a cotr. It la now ready, and can be obtained at XL T. KIMBALL, ne kxws oraee. Supt. aW ap?fnTatt gpecial SSSrff f ,....One of Cbotaost ( noose as vie n.nv, vrriTOr at Salt Lake City at 7:20 pun. 0lT, ": i . B " nair-wa- y SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN will Jeare Salt Lake City at W.44 am, con- -- "" Mae ruin l wlta ' ' ' THB 8TBAMEB FT 31 to-d- on suiTdats Wednesdays & Sundays A Cap(til aeae qnestf ' ' Cbfoea. tain . dcalrable Tra'tifl will Dally as Washincpxok. 6. The foreign bnsineiMi .pro peril ca r in the relations committee- - ay .heard aitHTHWiaA, on Senator Sargent Iocatel CentraUIy and 'the special Cly. fAb.L t Is 1st Sonlb. Sfreet,' two Blocka San Fran ciaee commissioners Pix-lr v. Cwdon.... ....... S;S0 a. no. on and Beach in anrargument IVoia'Tl Sank aad the Chinese question, advocating 10:M Loraa...-ArriT- e " - Oruraaaa eorner.1 ri StaoT. il: EaaporitiBt at jTraokLi Immediate action; by tbe! to to ml Qqverriniont pritipt CTstlori of cHmli4k sorrnwASJ, and migcn coolies to this J Jftj.?. country. Leave Fra&Uia.,.. .m 9)0 a. m. , fCapt: A. P. Green was before the 10:65 committee on expenditure in the Brit fcap.p. War Department, and made a Arrive at Ogdaow... 4;00 m statement designed to correct the :o: OUmer A SaWntry's Itaga Una to ana Impression given out by certain Lea re 8alt Lake City atl0:4a.in.stopt mloutes at Lae PoJat for Dinner, p.na Hoom at 1:10 p.m.; re- at Half-wa- y On A N D. is to ;Ar;uAnrun in,'foJ!aw: - a vtr wrtnna' tcmr. FOR SALE,cr: ! ;: ; v--- ; to tha IT. FL Trmiurv .It thousand dollars per annum for tea years, ana seven hundred and nicy inousana dollars per annum thereafter nnlll thuw. mm rkss n ret with compound iatere&t, shall hmwe vivaum m uaawg tuna sumcisnt to liquidate the rospecave totals of iud Buusiav nanus lnvinmn kw th Government, together with tha interest up to adate of. matur- simple mi t. are o oe in maw paymonts ivy. lieu Of five ner Aentiim nairm.nf. ou svcouni 01 tne net receipts and .11 hi1,1 DLiiHr . inonHinrv rwinim.fir. also proposed that tbe com panies' lanas snail be exempt from A It is taxation under Stale ar Territorial authority, and that the existing law which makes all lands not dis posed or within three years subject to entrv. ahn.ll he m. pealed. The proposition now snb- mitteu uoes not lnciuue any provision for Belling or to the Government anvreconveylng nnrtlon nf the. Pacific Railroad land grants. The Vblneoe Question. The prominent nolnts made bv Plxley were, that there had been a great change of sentiment on this question in California, that .the people had been disapoointed in realizing any benefits from the presence of tbe Chinese in California, and that opposition to them was common to their inimmigration tellectual,bu8iness, religious and laboring classes; that the Chinese interfered with all the best interests of tbe Pacific Coast, and that their influence Is demoraliz ing to the community in which they reside. He here presented that, in the heart of San Francisco tnere were 40.000 Chinese, present ing a disgraceful spectacle of squalor, filth, disease, poverty and crime; that of this number 10,000 were professed criminals and 20,000 were prostitutes: that- China em braced five hundred millions of United; States forty people, tbe states minions, ana vxm about n million ef people: that tne cost or passage rrom China to Ban Francisco la lesa than from Mississippi to California, and that the Chinese immlgaatlon threatened to overwhelm the Pacific Coast, to destroy Its industries, and to imperil Its prosperity. It wss explain ed that health and police regula tions coald not be 'enforced in San Francisco, because the penalty of Imprisonment was a welcome relief to the Chlnese.wbo fonnd the com forts of the county jail superior to their ordinary life: thatlthe-'viciouand idle classes are rapidly multiplying, and threaten to become a pest and a burden to the state and city government. The Chinese are monopolizing all the lighter industries and driving the laboring classes Into extreme want: they are adult males, capable of livingmostly a little rice, tea and dried flsb upen and mat me white laborer could not compete with Ibem, and earn enough to support and educate his children. That the stralu upon the laboring population is so severe that there Is danger 6f violence and bloodshed. Plxley claimed that he rerire. rentedtbe popular opinion of all intelligent and ' respectable classes upon the Pacific eoast; that It was an Intelligent public opinion, formed by actual observations, of the Chinese for twenty-fiv- e years, and was entitled to great consideration. In conclusion he said that the Pacific coast demanded of the treaty-makin- g power a modification of the treaty and the executive enforcement oX existing law, to restrict the Chinese . immigration, and especially that or coolies, prostitutes, criminals and other dangerous classes. -; Roach submitted some commercial figures, showing enormous trade balances in favor of China, and that even if. any commercial interruptions were likely to occur by reason of a change Jn tha treaty, which he denjed, we could nevertheless, obtain from Japan and other "cbuntrles the same product that are now Imported from China Sargent then addressed the committee in a comprehensive argument on tbe general aad, In conclusion, urged questlo, the passage of his bill to restrict the number of Chinese passengers , admissible itn any one vessel. He was willing! to modify it, so as, to make the number; fifty or one hundred; the trade wa unprofitable; he claimed thrt China would fMjs?yenimen5 to htte the coolie tW ? traffic "tapped by this means, and called attention to a similar restriction having : been w Bueceasfuny placed on Chinese Immigration by the Australian colonies of Great Britain; 4io read an article from the Voa&vtaJ Ttmet, showing, thatitnl dauger,threatened to American institutions and industry on tha Pa-clfcoast,i la understood' even In England, and he argued that "ho political party could hop for success on that coast which should Dre-emBtio- n : con-tinni- ng - no s J -- JOE Ui RKER, the army of the Potomac took place at the Academy or Music nere today. Gen. Hancock presided. John A. uix aeuverea an oration, (fTUl gen- erals Sherman and Sheridan and v. Hooker, Gov. Hartranft, Curtin, Mayor Stokely and ethers also made short addressee, after which Gen. Hooker dismissed the audience and the army of the Poto mac went Into business meeting. There was a large crowd present. The building was finely decor ated. The annual meeting of the Cavalry Association of the armies of the United States met this morning at the Centennial Hotel, and after reading the reports of the officers. Sheridan was elected presldent.and the association adjourned to take part in the reunion of the army of tbe Potomac. At a meeting of the Second Army Corps Association, also held here this morning, Hancock was president. Tbe Sixth Armv Corps.aiso held their annual reunion here this morning, and reelected as president Gen. Shaler, of New York. Gov. Hartranft ad dressed the meeting at the banquet which took place this evening. f35,0O0 Fire. Baltimore. Md.. 6. E. Schoon- oyster packberg A Co's fruit and ing establishment was burned; loss $35,000, insurance, 25,000. The Vote. Nbw York, 6. The JPost'a spe cial says, in conversation witn several of the democrats who voted with the republicans yesterday. your correspondent was informed mat that tney naa voted as mey had becatse it was well known to the democratic side ef the House that the friends of Conkling and of other candidates were also at work secretly to prevent the judiciary eommlttee from making anv report they exonerating Blaine and thatdemowere receiving aid from tbe crats who were personally hostile to hl candidacy. Tbe Reform Qsb, The Republican Reform Club adopted an address to send to the Cincinnati convention, favoring reform and the nominatlen of Bris-toseventy prominent members were elected as a delegation to Cin cinnati, among them are Dorman, is. jsaton. xrrancis u. .uanow, Ldoyd Aspinwai, jenn Jay Jackson, s. Sennits, John Jacob Astor, and Messrs. Dodge. Chittenden. Astor and Roosevelt. Kaeape of Fenian Prisoners six Weeka Armistice. A dispatch from Melbourne. Aus tralla, says that all the Fenian prisoners confined In Western Australia have escaped from there in the American whale ship Cotolapo. A dispatch from Vienna' says a six weeks' armistice' has been agreed upon between the Turks and Insurgents. ttr.. ! Send for Sptclnea Circular and estimates. mectlnr of the Etockholders of the Deseret Mining; Co.. an the first is postponed for Saturday oftoJune, next, sixty days, August Sd. ny order 01 Hoard or Directors Mi if. FELT, Secretary. 18T6, TOWNSEND HOUSE salt lakp- city. May 29th, James Townsend, d!81 DR. A. V7. CALDER, Proprietor TAYLOR'S HOTEL; DENTIST, ix AIX STREET, Salt Lake City. A Jew doort north of Walker House OR WITHOUT HOARD ROOMS WITH Boom now ojxn. Mrs; 3. J. Rodgers having been iu the business a mini ber of years, understands how to keep a first Saw Fbakokco, July, 1ST0. d3 We, the undersigned, take great pleasure class table. Charges reasonable. In reaomnendint Dr. A. W. CALDER to all those who may need the services ot a Den- DHi as a usorougniy eompeieot ana bkiiu iu operator, and one in whom we have im-a plicit oonfldenos both as a Dentist and gentleman. Dr. H. AUoTTN, Dentist, 634 Washington Office in Wasatch Hotel, 8, L. City, Street. ' FUEELAND, Dentists, E AH T TEKirliK ST R It's 112 Street. B. H.rjurth HoOONALD A CO. , Druggists, S. dseitr dlOS Sansome and Fine streets. TESTI MON I AL. Attorney and Counselor. XfST" OUT TOUR i antod ! TIES. RAILROAD 200,000 wishing- to contract for tha PERSONS of H. either at OgrUeii or on the line of theties, C. P. li. Kn between Morgan Ctty and Ogden, will get all neces- - i ' sary information by applying to 14- 3&28&aa&sG&2a MADE, TOUR sB B. W. E. JEHHEHS t? Resident Agent, a 2m j . DRAWN and Sample Booms, Office 23 i East Temple SALT LAKE CITY- 3 - rjp, IIOBTGiGES 5 C0NTEACT8 FROPgRLT AJULASQEb BT w: HAMILTON 4t CO., ltoom 3, Oodbe's Building, bait Lake City. dll5 Frantlin MacYeail & Co., v WHOLESALE CHAM. W. STAYXJER, Notary B&blle aad reneral business agent. He is also manager of the Utah Collection and Purchasing Agency. No charge for purchases made, aad Notarial Business at lowest living prices. Office with Salt Lke Hcrnhl. rwrt door North of Post Office. Box 587, Salt Lake GROCERS, , CliffJ of Land TilUt FurnUktd. JSb$tracl$ ILL. CJTJCAGOy City. WHITE LEAD & OIL CO. LEADS, PAINTS; COLORS, 0158 Turpentine, Brashes, Etc. Oils, PATRONIZE CU I C AO DAN EL ILL. , Moil & LiTfiipr-FIRE INSURANCE Co. & t The for all klrids of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, CASH CAPITAL ASSETS FOREIGN. , HAMS and BACON, Home-mad- e CHEAT BRITAIN- and Imported Candles, Can Goods, Wholesale and Hctail, at . Ml, Ac, ; .LiOndoh, 6. The Paris corresponattention given to the insurance dent of the Times says he can Ho. 82 FIBST SOUTH STREET, Particular vi raiusuor, ana oontcnts. cpeclal vouch for the correctness of the rates offered for terms of three to five years. following The Grand Vizier had LAKE CITY. SALT, .T issued a letter, declaring: "The B. W. E. JENNENS, Asent. Porta accords full amnesty to all V& Delivery Wagon always ready. Ot)rTespondefies SoJ letted. d30 insurgents who will offer their submission.- To give them time to do CALL AJSJ SXB 1LE, this the Sultan crants a aix week a DANIEL CRENIC CRACKERS! CRICKERS!! CRACKERS ! ! armistice, subject to movements dlOO necessary to maintain tne concenT HJ5 UTAH tration of the troops and the Nlcsic.,f . Co., The above has heen MmmiinlMt. ed to the Duo De Cases, minister of Salt Lake City, 01 rorejgu anairs. a superior i ne same cor ABB dailyof manufacturing :o: all kinds of Crackers. says it Is now known respondent Sad a. Butter. Ovster. 1WI Picnin. Rno. that moat nnmnlsta uxvinl vlat. TBMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THs? Assembly, also Pro-- ton, Boston Butter. Santa Clara, Saloon, on the general basis agreed to by JJX. late Legialatrre oaie juoges, ana vary or uwotv uon Pilot, Hard Bread, La Grande, Ginrer tne powers upon wntcn negotia- rlaos. are reouasted to call or aead their Snap, Lemon Snao, Jenny Llnd.Abernethv tions at Ems will be pursued. order to the Territorial Auditor's office, far Sugar, Wine Biscuit, Ginger Nuts. of the Legislative Assembly, The above varieties are now being shipped These basis are the integrity of the "Journals 2d Session," "Statistical Beport of Deseret aad sold this and adioinlngTer- Ottoman emnlro. and the namwaitv Agricultural and Manufacturing Society ," riburiea throughout www 1 naa jtastern or at prices of ending now and constant Financial the Western. Keports," agitation by ready"County . n -- il .A. distribution. for Address to all orders the UTAH STEAM euecuTo sau legitimate conces WM. CLAYTON, CRACKER FACTORY, Box 246, 8. L. City. sions. Salt Lake City, Ao. Auditor, RCT.DAI.L A DARLING, Best-Marke- M 30,000,000. , . . revlc-tualing- of DOCUIIENTS. a stay zita, una. N O T OESERFT d!35 . JOHN H. RFMBLL, FBUAMORZ LrXTLB. SaU Lake City June 24,1376. Paid up Capital, Authorized Capital, d!83 , NATIONAL . &l"f..r. ywv w pjjk Kxebjuage, CoLn, Gold Dmst, CoUoce Scrip, etc ProSts paid In Cash. No liability beyoa Brstoost. Stocks boufht on small mara-ina- . CoBeeUont made and prompUffre-Oraara cxeeutcd ay mall and Saleg a;h aad tnutea. ... returns snado For orders and prompt address FOREiaN KXCHANG8 FOB SAL. and Brokers, Raakers T ST. , IV Interttt paid on Saving? Deposits. Y dsn tt CHOADWAT, dzSTtf , 1st 1 . WOtCbXT'S PAN PAINT ! 1 Knttrtd ateordlna U th Act of Conartts i in Us District of U State ( I; year IMS. , ;Jmp Jfor, so Aam ts 1 DESEKET NEWS OFFICE, - articles In! tholu-tollne- at "' WdluSalB or Retail able for broken limbs, barns, cuts and sprains. . It PAIN PAINT be kept in tbe house for alWnMirenoies, accidents, and sickness, I will save manv doUu. thmwn .wov " m dootors. ; ' x . SWIlt I - fU-- ItiiM Ji-l- I . a .v M . I - : ; ! 1 1 ioay8aiata.iHalf oaif,lsJt THK BmUB 8AXCT1DN POLY vam.x. f isjouswsB .jweon vrson ! i ! Pratt and Dr. J. P. Newman, Chaplain : . of the U. 8. Senate, to which la atoc 1 - V-- DOES ri - KOO per Dctlle. " It -- to-da- . I Caldor.&CarcIcsQ . . Marriage, delivered by Orson Prioe CO centa, ; Cannon- j 25c 50c, and I . I ,, is cool and sooxnuva. ' ' , - S Lake1 City. - DDES KDT AGCORDEOnS&VICLinS . Salt Of MORifOX. An aooonat of the Ancient inhabitants of the American Continent, written by the band of Mormon upon plates taken from the plates of Nepal, found near Manchester, Ontario Co., New York, and translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith. BOCTBZHOt AJfD COTXNAJSTB of - the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints; selected from the Revelations of God, by Joseph Smith, President. HYATN B0OX,Hth edition. Morocco gilt, . , (300; roan, 1 26. ,. THE WICK 09 WARS LRU, or an Intro- ooovoa to tne irano ana iMctrlnoox the Church ef jesus Chrt of Latter-da- y . Saints, by Parley P. Pratt. Inu morocco, 11 bOi full cloth, embossed, 1 00. SPEKCEICS ZJCTTSBS. Letters exhibit of ing tne most rronunent Dectrinee the Church ot Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, by Orson Spencer, A.B., to wide Is also added bis Letter on the il Patriarchal Order, in Reply to the Rer tl Wllham Crowd, A. M., Boston, Mass. : Full clotb, embossed, $125. TO TBE SCIENCE THEOLOGY. KET , as an lntroauction to tbe First ' ; Designoa Principles of Spiritual Philosophy, He- ? ligion. Law and Government, as Deliv- ered by the Ancients, and as Restored In this ago for the Final Development of Universal Peace, Truth and Know- -, ledge. By Parley P.; Pratt. la. mor0000, $1 60; roil cloth, embossed, 1 25. CAIKCHJSM Won CEELDKEN. Exhib ueocrmes ox toe iting tooof Jesua Christ Latter-da- y Church - ofSua covers, Job Jaqfueaaintsi by i Ssoents: cloth. 69 eonta. ,t A C03frEXDIU3f Of the Faith and Doo- trmesox tae vmirea ox jeaus Christ of '.Latter-da- y compiled from the - Bible, Book Saints, of Mormon, Doctrine and of Covenants, and other .publications . 'the Church; by F. D, Itlcharrts. . Calf i alltSl'09 :: ie OL. PRATT'S ITDRESf. A oeries of Pans- -' puera,- ry urson mm, A.M., in isx- -' ttoo of the Faitn and Doctrine ef .plansChurch ot Jesus Christ f Latter the 1 And Permanonthr onres tbn'mnt nVera. piles, cancers, barns, etc, and removes pain In the stomach, lungs, etc Invalu1 " Vx . UEr.CDMJDISE aU at i Faun teAir sjurr Stock Privileges raflabla honsea w stoatAoostasd. . Sals BOOK Dirtcbor. hia-be-st CTJSIOXj far $200, 000 s mma ana laioras ox. wau mkmk, aad lawea for rears and other valuable prtoes information. Proprietors; CHURCH VORKS . . i Ton caa buy of.ns i 4 jpriobor List $1,000,000 WV. R. HOOPZR. Prealdeat. H. 8. ELDBBDOK, Tloo-rres- t., 1 BBIOHAM YOUNG, Invested in WM. JENNINGS, dfKrk 4 A stocks aad JOHN SHARP, Stock prtvileros. often leads to fortune. FERAMURZ LITTLE. Speculators should call or write for T9 pare L. & HILLS, Cashier. : I W14 BANK Of Salt Lake City, Utah. District. By order of the School Trustees. rivlns-- the X v ate asAw I C E .... Is hereby riven, that an election ajOTICB XI will be held la the School-roo- m of the 13th School Distrtet, Salt Lake City, on Wednesday, the 14th Inst., at T o'clock pan., for the election of Trustees for said School . Steam Cracker m Amendment Agreed To. Kj't 1 " VI !. j" ' i m'. i s . . . .trl v.i- - " .f " ' I ' When the Senate went Into Con aleta, aad of most IIO BHUGGISTS" HATE ! secret session y, to consult tn uj : Is larre aod exoeUei t quality. regard to fixing the time to proceed .,, . ; i u .:with the Belknap impeachment Our Violin.i Stria t are wsU known, la trial, Bargent submitted a resoio-tlo- n this and iiei hboring Territories, to be the i that further proceedings in the LQCAL ACEfJCIEQ.u.: case; after defendant shall file "his C answer? be postponed until the 6th ef December. dmnnds!moved to V 111 i UlsD t LIIWL, " STORE, next Post CSIoe. amend, by Inserting the 6th of iaVEIlTno,WAliD CO-O-Pof the 6th of Decem July Instead ber,, ana the. amendment was J t"..'f u.: t ' MRS. BREWER; South Temple agreed to yeas 36, nays,8.v it ,1. ' vT j V ': V'r ':t a, TT PrriL A det.phi At6. A Retmlon of liilll Hr STOVhS 'JTyXS annual aHK 1 , ! T : ; - E5SSMIT1 Oonameroi al NOTICE ed limore that question.'. jri ; , : I Members of the committee asked as they ean be bought fntbe many Questions, which were an- , , At ebeap Bastern States.. Oar Am of ; swered apparent!? to their aatta. faction, and such interest was man- ires tea in me subject, that Facifio eeast.represeatatlves Xeel quite confident of, a; favorable action, at an Ml LOCK SHARP PAIRED, SAW ex-Go- lo -- f 1 1 the officers aDooin ted from thanivil list. He further appealed to the vuuimuiee 10 say wnetner his conduct or his appearance here indicated that he was a drunkard or a man who could be U3ed by any bod v. Clymer said that during Green's. presence in Washington in . . connec-. .. . in tu is uuu wim matter ne naa opportunities of becoming acquainted with his character, and had formed vue mat ne ira an honorable.opinion COniinlanMAiia iranllam .n anil there was nothing in his conduct or uuuauier to aotract rrom tne nign reputation ne bad earned in tne army. The Union Pacific and Central NO. IGG. -- iirJa.' it rRkrr, im'j ward. !j'x: . AT3I. . . i.-- -"'; , Pratt.' - P02aL,E6lIiODs, nistcrlcal asd Political; rr euza a. boow 1. ciota, si wi Zcloth 25. i calf tutt tl Sa; gilt, 00; morocco, .. AJSSWEH9 TO' O&ESTTOXS.' The Ztlsel ; ox soe uauro. or, fiogiessasw Latter-da- y Saintai beina-Jesua Christ ofgravels .' i av Series oC Answers to Question, la- 1 eluding the Kerelatlon on Celestial ; Marriage, and a Brief Acoounti of the Settlement of Salt Lake Valley, with rresuieatueo puiuauos, lnterwuag Smith.- - SUA paper dj A oorers, 60 cents L AJlLLXXSlAt STJLB. ToL;l4,nalfeair' s '.TS ' i ,.1SU.. ,.. OP G0; by John THB GOnitXMEXT,ff ; t sayjor. bast paper cerers, euocnia. r' , ' ' ., THE ATDRafDT QVESTTOX.' once between -- Colfax aad John Xaylar. . Vioe-PresH- ; Jtllil CJP Zioy. Cloti gut, u " nt TtmxsM . fWhuyler. .4 Jrxiceoeaw.. yi Jolin Iron Correwpood- eieta. 1 1. . |