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Show THE EVENING NEWS. at datxt, nioin axcarrro rocs o'clock ' j r7usim DAVID O. CALDER, Korxoa ajtb Pnunnk Jan7197. tredaeaday. EDITOMAL NOTES. The Washington Star of May 31 says "At the Treasury Depart ment it is estimated mat the receipts from custom4 "will fall short ten millions, and the inter-- to-d-ar nal revenue receipts four millions below the estimates made for the fiscal year, leaving a total deficit of $14,000,000 in the estimates for the fiscal next.' year ending June 30th, Gen. D.H. 11111, of the South ern Preabyterlaa Assembly la Sav annah, recently told the Brooklyn assembly that there was "down right infidelity" among them; that their preachers' were infected with ' rationalism, latitudlnarianism, h lam, and liberalism, progressive Christianity ,"that they were a band of American free thinkers, filled with the "filthy broad-churc- blood of heterodoxy and Jnfidell them were in "blank, dreary Athe wallowing ism." ty," and that some or. Sixteen leading insurance companies have decided that A. C. Bates, a prominent citizen and member of the Congregational church in Rutland, VL, committed - anon by burning his hotel in Feb- ruary last, and consequently they refuse to settle his claim for losses. It is a bad thing to have too much "religion." The Brooklyn Argus indulge in this way "A simple peasant from the wilds of New England was alighting from the cars at the Washington depot, in company with a friend, when the latter pointed out the first distinguished looking person he saw,' and ex claimed, Xook, George!, there goes one of the greatest statesmen in this country! 'Dew tell! ejacu lated the' simple peasant: 'how much has he stolen ! " Emigration from Europe to New York has not im proved yet. Last year the redaction was considerable, and the figures for the first four months of this year show a diminution of 19,212 as compared with the corresponding period of last year. RUNAWAY MA RUT AGES. Kl'.vawiy zoarriae are common in some parts of this country. They are s? common that they may be said to be almost popular. At least, generally speaking, they seem to be hardly viewed In the light of offences, and are usually easily condoned and readily forgiven, only in a few exceptional instances. The general public appears to entertain mild views of these marriages, and to be dispos ed rather to encourage than to to aid than to binder to over every fresh atsmile them, tempt in that direction, and to take the part of the runaways rather than that of their parents. Marriage is always a serious affair. It is one of the most serious events with which men and wo-m- en have to-d-o, and its influence is of the most Important and far- reaching kind. It Is not a thing that should be lightly taken in hand, and contracted at hap haz ard. It deserves sober, calm thoughtful consideration, the ex ercise of the best judgment avail able, and is not a thing to be safely done in a hurry. Why should the experience and judgment of parents be despised or ignored in this most important matter? One would think that if there was one particular subject upon which young people migh . naturally be expected to wish to consult the wisdom of their parents that subject would be marriage with its great responsibilities, and its manifold and important duties. ' Young people are inexperienced their knowledge of the world and of life is limited, and their judg ment is immature. They need cau Hons, and hints, and the knowl edge and prudence which, experi-ence gives, and it is well to learn . many .things from the experience of others rather .than do without such advantages for years until ac quired by one's own experience, often of a painful kind, and attend ed with more or less loss In various . s die-coura- - . ; I . ""Blaine Do you "know why Knott did not lay it before tho Hunton You will have to ask Knott about that. j. f Blaine I did ask,' 'but ''could not '. find out. Frye submitted a motion that the the full com mittee to rurnish tbe flifTpatf" for publication, with the testimony, which Hunton said would be taken into consideration by the , Benjamin F. Rice, of Little Bock, Ark., and Nathan Bice, of Haverhill, Mass., were examined, but their testimony was unimportant ' Blaine said he would like to look at the- - record of. tho- committee to ascertain when this was appointed. Hunton said Frye any member has tbo same right to look at has. the book as the Blaine Then it Frye can look at at it. it I will look Blaine walked over and took the book, ay log, a question of veracity had arisen between Knott and himself, and he 'regretted that Knott was not present. He wanted to exhibit to the world that the records show that the was appointed on May Srd, and the Tarbox resolution was on May 2nd, when Kaased had stated on the floor of the House last Monday that he had. appointed the before the Tarbox resolution was - sub-committ- ee sub-committ- sub-committ- ee Prince (Jortachakoff's recent tele gram, cautioning Prince Milan, of Bervia, seems to be without effect. A dispatch from Berlin says the Idok, the organ of the Servian cabinet, declares war is unavoidable, now that Tutkey has triumphed and the programme of the Northern Powers rejected, 4, . The official Russian paper, the Invalids, says that the insurgents are not likely to accept an armistice. Queen dowager Josephine, of Sweden, is dead. Dispatches from Berlin say that considerable uneasiness has been created there by the sudden return of Prince Bismarck from Lanen-burfor protracted conferences with the Emperor. The uneasiness is Increased by the announcement that the Kmperor's departure for Ems is postponed. ThelW prints extracts from the Cologne Gazette and the Berlin Tribune depreciating a too close adherence to the views of Russia. Balllen la Bsek. The amount of bullion gone into the Bank of England on balance is 23,000. The rate of discount in the open market for three months' bills Is 1 to it per cent. Consols 93 6 for money and 931 for account: U. S. bonds, 65's old 104 J, 67's 110 J new 5's 108. i BEtA.IL ureen was then sworn, whereupon Blaine said he under stood that the committee were now going into another branch of the investigation. Hunton How did you know it? IT. 13. TO-DAY- to-d- ay 13-1- v tbe Frostier. renorts that Pabis, 7.stefette the Russian army ' is marching to the frontier; when it arrives at the i'ruin tne Servians will commence hostilities. And Hunton Well, if yon say I did, I presume it is so, though I do not recall it. Blaine Bald lie had seen in the papers that this witness was going to be examined in relation to the 'd hs . to-mor-row nau-past.- Marseilles, Victoria Lawns, plain and figured, Bishop Lawns, French Organdies, Tarletans, &c., plain and figured Swiss Muslin. WESTERN. Oeaaeeratle tferliy-T- he .. great quantities, Of French, English & American manufacture, at the lowest prices. A liETJIX, I.INE OF STAPLES. Notions, Sun Shades and Parasols, in Silk and Cotton, of all sizes and: prices, just received. Kid Gloves, of Jouvin, Alexandre and Harris' celebrated makes. The genuine Salt Lake Glove. Ladies' Ties, Laces, Embroideries and Dress Trimmings and Buttons. Corsets a specialty. This Department has received our special care and attention, andjis the most complete in the West. We invite the public to call and examine these rious lines of Retail Goods. TO THE LADIES. tbs oily rutca TO 7. 82 60 1250 190 50 400 70 90 150 55 75 Kentuck, Honv, call at WwinV Stori 12 Cheapest, Strongest, Best oa 9; 9 Caledonia, 8 10; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Barbed folral and Plain Snlral Wmiivfit Iron Froce. Twlo the weifbt and aixe of wire nociDff. Uuar&nted atook Brant. UT uanoo Darn or djowoowd: aoen Dot Bar contract or rust. Thoroughly tested, and approved by practical larmors. '9' Hpeclmens caa be seen bv ei linr at una gum PLANTER'S IB0K FWTCB CO. . 203 N. 81xth street, at. Lomis, dlf2 i GREATEST BILL YET. TVJV.ljrD Fit OLIO J hU Annual v-- m. j , a-- JJ , 1'- to-da- 1 , r- 1 ward's sons, A FIRST quality for buiUlDfr HAlliglOHE purpeees, cheaper taan can be aetifered Dy any otner parties, the at la any quantity and shortest notice. SOL and DON KIMBALL, .Proprietors. Office at Morris A Evans, opposite th new iihop. ain HOME MADE HATS ! wishes to Inform the MBS. BUMEL that she has on hand a rroat o va- riety of Hats and Bonnets, which will be sold as cheap as eastern manufacture, at tbe Bait Lake City Straw Establish ment,1et South 8U, one and a quarter blocks east of Theatre. Bleaohuwr done. Ladies' Leg bo n and cents' Panama bats a speciality, all' THE Are fer Mle by aJI deaJere la Ktl o those wbe may For tbe convenience -fU-- l. ml a. .Annt.lnfiiB one each of tbe 15 nnmhent, will be sent by ceo ik. mail on receipt OIL. - at Cost "! CELEBRATED D0U3LE ELASTIC OTEEL P ENS OBODODTsa . uf4 Blakeman, Taylor b Ivlson, ' 9rmm Ht., Kew I aS 4m 1 CO Co. Verb. II CO MS!! MSI!! THIS! aara ntrt aacarrae Osaxr Xoscl.a T'wo WINDOW OliASS, r--H . 5xT4); ajasssasH LOCUST AND MULBERRY. , r 3 Inch Trees AWBBIO4N AND PBBNCH, And. ar mae a larce nduotlon, as the , ; " ao 100 " ' i. icxii lie ztxae : , 14x80 66e T6e wa. fUk.ru . . Mu.oa asaaLT 1,000 S1EE8 IN 9TOQK. ox & qaedeh: eeed$ flower and wQlseQat reasonable prloes. DlflS, Mr. D. has ireatlr enlarged kJa Green. " . nowR & CO., boose and has hi stock many tbotmedi of WlaSew. Besiaiac and shmskw wumum, in different varieties. Has imported sever, al hundreds of new kinds of plant from tbe States and Kurope, has several hun LIIISEED V01L dreds of Dahlias, Qladtolus, Tuberoses, Peonies, Tritomas and Madeira Vine Koots oa band. Handmme Bamrlnf Baskets In Boady worked for Olastnr, 10c per lb. rtowm ssd Beaejaieae variety. J for balls, parties, weridisrs and. fuaerals, to Trade. tbe A tiberai KtMetloa mde and of rardon plaats. ' greenhouse 8TJCCXSSOBS TO , ..i.. j i, Oardens duffLPlanted, and pat la Order for the Rorlnr. EmntT banrinr baskets can be filled to order. Garden and flower seeds I7ATQAT7 DAVIS & SONS. Gelling sent free, by mall. All kinds of sowers, roots and banging baskets sent by mall or expresss. Meney must accompany- au or All klnda of Milling and Mtniog . ' aers. ' Machinery, Wrought and Cut O. P. Doe can be found at h!s greenhouse, t?:-iti .lOeaJere Slnated two blocks north of Valley. Borne, manafactnred Ionwork, and west ef Grocsbeok'a residence, l"ta "v ! d arinr - Conference, between the .ordeivi..,... Ward, DOnFTO OEDEL hours of and 9 ., 12 and 2 n.m.,aod !" and 6 p.m. lieeidenoe at Mr. Jonea , about half a Wa4vladbriryWsw .. Klaa Carta, st north-ea. Address house. of block ! O. I?I17, tmit Laka City. mm hmmm PUTTYI SHOP, ...... our Class at 20 per cent. Lower 'f - i t GLaMg TiXUlCLE PKOrEETT OR. : Cbasmodious Twetuas; with rode back, seren rods troot, and twenty ene block situated onFlrit West street, ward, or Catholic lttk of south 9emlnary, VSI. j Larw paftlCttlara,naulr.orw LlOUimiU VAODLEli ! -- pa'atl . J i-- to 5 -- fi I too . Ms We are d Is preparlnf for the Pprlas; trade with au ; , m At the PretidenVe Office. d Florist and Seedsman. " txa$i,co n. t ...si.za per CO nOSSITER, " " ;f 12 SO am.r m . Itoli iOxU 23ceacb. : r75 louewuia rnMti'HWiUHWw; ' MxM 45 per It. 8x10 ,5o per t. 15rt8 Ue tall To , I: (I TEA POT STORE Siea,xlto V TAYLO R & CUTLER'S. - rOK TBCKlT DATS. m nnc Toa Tapan . sub-committ- ee t ROCK, aasaKLUxo lUlcaana oC-t- . PROPOSE TO DELIVER lirrB class ef C.GRAHAM! G.F.GUmEnCiCO. J. (tj'' that jphlnese. "' Respectfully announors Be uent lases place i Rock, Rock. Overman, 62; 611; 61 Justice, 221; 22; 22J, s 90; 22 J iuu Huccor, f 300 Union, 11; 111; 11, bo 330 I, Bryan, 4; 60c 110 i AT 18 Beg Bel, 50 Julia, ' , Cents Per Yard, Gi Orders Taken. dlSS Co-o-p. 720 870 : Opposite the Post Office. Alpha, 53; 531, b 10; 531; 3 Belcher, 18; 18; 1S Confidence, 19 8 Nevada, 13; 13 Utah 21 Bullion, 43, b 10; 421, b 10 Exqr, E SHWARTZ' STORK, Savage, 171; 17 870 Con Va, 74; 741; 74J; 74 00 Chellar, 84 175 H A N, 671; 58 195 Point, 131; 13; 15; 121 695 Jacket, 31; 311; 31 J ' 2715 Impl, 61; 61,s90 8S5 : .1 BUT S-jTYL- va- CHEAPER THAR THE CHEATEST! IS AT b 5 83; 83, ie 9 a. NEW " 225 from .Portland i- in PRINTS, iOKjrifira boarjx m ex-Vi- ce a -- Cala, 2b b Exchequer,63181 Overman, b Juatioe. 22 b , Union, 11 b Julia, 9 b 8 b Caledonia, San FraneisoOy Juue Y il j.i x 'J rL r r V Pique in endless assortment, Striped, Check, Plaid and Figured; XXT v y T J ConVa, 74b sub-eommlt- tee o. $KUT$ In variety, including the latest Desca, Ceres, Dido, Elfreida and Achilde, at $4 50. b Ophir, 55; 55 J 470 Mex, 31 J; 31 1; 31 480 G A C, 151; 15; 15 640 B A B, 53V, 53 780 Cala, 82f; 83, b 5; ES UiJtE$' tm&Efc - 17 SPECIALTY. in every aiialitv. GOODS A Spring arid Summer Shawls in L'Lma, Printed and Woven, Piaids and Stripes, Single and Double Paisley (new designs), Lace and Grenadine, a Cull line of modest and new French styles. self. Belcher, Together with every conceivable Style, Color and, Quality. I 10UBMM MESS FRANCE. Harcblaa 'S . MH" WM hi Silk Plaid Pongee. Fancy Dress Goods. -Crepe de Chene Indow. French Carmelite Acd Brilliantine Francaise. Pure Mohair iVIattlasse. Blaine You so stated to me your -ing spirited colloquy took place between Blaine and Knott. The latter saying that tbe former had raised tbe question or veracity between tnem, concern ing the appointment of the sub committee. Blaine interrogated him, wishing te Know why be had witnnekl tne telegram tip to this time, several days having elapsed. Knott's reply was that he wished to verify it. Blaine said that could be done by telegraphing to the London office. He expressed his belief that if the telegram had contained anything against him. .Knott would have given it to the public at ence, to which Knott said with much earnestness, advancing toward him, "What do you say sli? mean What do you jBaj7 to say that I- - would iwyou do you an in which Blaine replied, rejury?" To taining his seat, "I believe if the dispatch had contained anything damaging to me you would have speedily made It public, that's what I say." Hunton called on both gentle men to cease interrupting each other as both would have an oppor tunity ror explanation. Knott explained how he appoint ed the and ' the members verified. his statement. but It did not ror some reason appear on the records. Blaine was rUht according to the records of the committee and Knott ' was tight In the material facts concern mg the time wnen tne sub-oomittee was appointed. ' Xesalaatiena. The President nominated Wirt Sykes for United Btates consul at Cardiff; Wlnthrop W. Ketcham for United States district Judge for the western district of Pennsylvania, and David Wilson for register 'or the land omce at isozeman. f imiimii ment,, with specialities in all classes of goods, consisting in part of Telegraph. The .Press on Blalae. The Tribune's Washington cor respondent says, Blaine's wonder ful performance in the House yesterday, has been compared to the hurling of a thunderbolt into the midst of a great assembly of people. Its first effect is stunning, and silence for the instant prevails, bat this is followed by the greatest excitement and confusion. It is believed Blaine's enemies will make every possible effort to regain some of the ground they have lost, by gathering all obtainable evidence, bearing upon his case, and making most of any weak points they may find in his letters. His friends are still buoyant in hope of his final success at Cincinnati, and it is said that many who were lukewarm before his late speech are now en thusiastio in his support. The Worul't Washington corres- subject of the Emdent, on the has the following Among the republican members the almost universal opinion is that Blaine has forced tne republican to support him as party, as a party, ror a man presented tne party. The World's editorial on Blaine last Saturday, says tbe public opin ion of tne country, as expressed or tbe news through nine-tentpapers and more than nine-tenth-s of the politicians, was that Blaine was not merely out cf the race fur the presidency, but that he bad no political future. . To day it will be felt all over the country that it is not safe to count "him out of the race and that it is certainly net safe to decide that he is out of politics. For Cluetnaatl Convention. The Herald's Washington correspondent says that the republican senators and members who are to attend the Cincinnati Convention will leave here evening, at conspicuous anionic be will former the Presi dent Hamlin, and Jones of Nevada, the former to looK after the Inter ests ef Hayes first, and Blaine next. Tne latter will assist In marshal ling the forces of Coukiing; all the republican members from New York who can get away will go to help to win the nomination for Conkllng. mum m m We take great pleasure in announcing to our Patrons and the fPublic that our Stock of Dry Goods is complete in Every Depart- ef She Revel alien. City op Mexico. Mav SO. The events of the past two weeks bave all been in favor of the govern ment, and indicate the unmistak able approaching failure of the transactions of himself and Blaine revolution. The insurgents have with J. B. Stewart, and he desired su tiered reverses everywhere and to have Ktewart present when wit their sympathisers are rapidly deness tesuned. creasing in number. Gen. Alatorre Hunton Do you wish Stewart gained a great victory on the 29th In Vaxaca, over the revolutionary summoned? Blaine Yea sir. forces, the latter lost nearly 2,000 Hunton Very well, it shall be men killed and wounded, and done. attained, but forvthe many were taken prisoners. Among Witness then testified that he re- the latter were uenerals Mierand wilful, unfortunate, and degrading sided in St. Joseph, Mo., and was Terran and Shemadona. They also runaway business. acquainted with the business of lost two pieces of artillery. The government casualties were 600 the Kansas Pacific Railroad. Blaine objected to the examina killed and wounded. Among the tion unless Stewart was present, latter is Gen. Corolla. The fedebut withdrew tne objection on wit rals trained another important vic sees stating he would remain in tory Sn'Flaxice. Theie are about a WESTBBW CWIOW If TILEGRAFH PS I.I C Washington as long as Blaine or five tbousand federal troops Orizaba, and in tbe neighborhood. the committee desired. In the course of the colloquy Tc deum was sung in the cathedra DISPATCHES. growing out of the objection Blaine here over tbe defeat of Diaz in to show that it is aimed TamaulJpas. Trains are now run want said I EASTERN. at me. and that for a purpose. nlng regularly on tbe Mexico and The Escape Hunton I want to say that Vera Cruz railroad. There has been Fealaa Frleeaers when you charge that this investi- no interruption for two weeks. alliffan' Interviewed. was set on foot for a purpose Cortina, who was a prisoner has gation 7. New York, The Herald is wnac not his parole, escaped, and is state broken is you, you informed that the recent escape of against so. I want to make It thorough, sued a pronunciamento. The presi Fenian prisoners frem Australia was and at the same time as kindly as dential problem Is no . nearer a so planned in this city and carried o can be done. luuon. it sent from here. Money by parties continuing, testified that to defray the expenses was also In Witness 1864 the eastern division of the raised in this city. The breaking Railway made a con of the cable between Java and Aus Union Pacific MINING STOCKS. Bam Hallet to build the tract with tralia was part of the plan to pre road, and' agreed to give him all STREETS. vent pursuit. their bonds and stock and whatever The Times' Boston dispatch says. else he could obtain for the road San jTancisoo, June 7, 1876. Aiailisran. in an interview Tester of subsidies from Con- 11:10 a.m day. stated that Blaine did not In the way Hallet toek in as partners 55 b read all the letters contained in the ?ress. and Ophir, OctoC. T. Darant In package obtained from him, and ber, 1864, Hallet turned over Mex,3Ub $250,- would not do so. He noticed the 090 Q & C, 15 b or to bonas is. worth J. Stewart, fact that the letters read did net B fc B, 53 b tbe latter acting as counsel, and 17 b correspond with the memorandum, was Barage, author of tbe 10th section and says that five letters were read of the act 84 b Chollar, of Congress of 1864, the which were totally irrelevant, and H A N, 68 b was of road credit the the whereby five which had a direct, .bearing Jacket, 80 6 bs upon the matter under investiga strengthened. Imperial, wa While witness Ureen testify tion were not read. Alpha, 4Js Knott entered, and a By " I g, sub-committ- ee passed. y A . at ue Ban Fbaxcisco, 7. A dlspatchi LAKE SALT THEATRE tnat says Oregon . For a son or OW will undoubtedly go democratic daughter to run away The democrats claim a majority In from home for the purpose of enterSaturday Eve,, June Ipth, the legislature or twelve. ing the estate of matrimony is at he will hare tbe honor of presenting , from A dippatch Carson, Nev., Wbon xor ioe Jtm ume oere, toe treat sensaantl-coolonce an evidence of a great lack of men continue the sajs, tional Drama, la I sets, entitled filial affection, a disregard of the their demonstrations, demanding or sss.ooorir. O'ntnese laborers, tbe discharge feelings and wishes of the parents, ' 7. The coal and but as yet bave committed no vio SI II All D ITS SHAD Q7 1 Elizabeth, and an absence of that respect and wood of A. Reeve and tbe lence. 1 deference which is not only their dyeingyard establishment of Martin &. Aisiano bt ''.: FOREIGN due, but the manifestation of which Co., was burned this mornlngi the late. J. LISDSET, is one of the most commendable total loss Is SS3.000. insurance 332.- aUes BEIXB CLAYrO!. GREAT BRITA'K. appearance; and .most beautiful trait of char Oqo. ier mnt Caet. aseasner Bank. Aad a Pewerfal acter which a ehlld can show. The New Orleans, 7. The Morsran - parents watch over the child XjOndojt. 7. A. Vienna dispatch Tbe popular Llrerpool Com to Vocalist, . Austin struck a snag and says although the statement of the steamship through the long years of infancy sunk in the river, twenty-tw- o naa nounea ranee ef Montenegro BpeelaTUee ef "in. hr he and youth, and when grown to miles below the city yeterdav Baron Radich conclusion of WIQ appear la hie Down the Blind." itui was she from between afternoon; alliance Montenegro, Havana, the man's or woman's estate under 700 hogsheads of surar and Servia, Roumanla with Tbe perfertnanoe will cooclu&e with the and a Greece a their fostering care and at their other cargo, valued at $80,000. Ves- Droves . onuaa, in a acts, entitled, t j De-unrouuaea, it totally, looks like black ingrat sel valued at (125,000. Total loss. comes more and more evident that expense, it dick TDSFm s Ton itude for that child to turn it back No insurance. Servia is drifting into war. The Turkish forces racing wervia awfefde. upon them, practically ignore their extra ebarre tor Iteeeryed Seats. been reduced to 27.000 men Box Ko have solicitude and their parental anxi-Ofltoe will ha raian rr ClXClNNATn. O.. 7.t- Geo. TL in consequence a of detachment Qiao eties, and treat them as the great Frintz, clerk in the post office. being sent to iqu'eir tbe Bulgarian uMwiuajHiwiui est strangers and as enemies, when was to have been married last eve InsurrecUoa The tjerviaos now were assembled. under arms, according ning. The guests to the lowest the greatest business of life Is to be .ranis uia not-mat- e nia appear estimate, number 73,000. entered upon. On due considera ance, a. inena caiiea at ms room A Vienna dispatch says that in tion no well disposed person can this morning found him upon his consequence oune remonstrances mm Taxpayers of Salt Lake Conntr win commend such conduct. It is any bed. Without saying a word he (Frintz) drew a revolver and shot of lie June Term of tae County Court thing bat commendable. It Is ex- himself through the heart... The removed for the present. for Bait Lake County win be held at tbe tremely unfeeling, disrespectful, motive of. the suicide la unknown. A teleirram from Constantinople Court House la Bait Lake City,on . v . and ungrateful. A as that Turkish bonds to (be tbe 17U oay or jane, a.u-- 187s, atSaturday Ceatmltiee reports Judiciary gala o'clock ? amount of ehrbt millions of Turk Furthermore, friends should not Blalae. which time at and Assesstbe place found in tne irea- - ment Boll far the current year win be ex ish pounds be despised. They are always ac.Were -. a fm Washxxotox, 7. The anb-judanu nanaeu anttoed, all complaints or late ouiian ine sury conoerofnf the ceptable, and often very needfaL clary committee continue the in- to the minister of finance. The same beard, and erroneous assessments itizatlon or matters anectlnr bends will not be put into circula Who are better friends than one's adjusted. ,'. Blalae. Before proceeding to the tion. .;,.,Vs .,!( parents? Who have dene so much examination order of said Court. V By In A Madrid witnesses. ef Frye, . BOCKOOJLT.;;', as they for one? Who have proved behalf or Blaine, requested tnat tne special states that the of war read in congress CountyClerk, Salt Lake Countjt. their friendship so completely and telerram received by Knott from minister y bill fixing the strength Salt',Lake the be City, June 6, ISTC died w . from Josiah Caldwell, London, as are have? constantly of the permanent army at 10,000 they They rest In connection the with the natural friends of their own printed of the testimony as ordered by Col. men. cast to Tae Armistice AaaLa muieut : sr. and for h. child a children, that the Hunton, said had no official knowledge ef the I'MTeldsUe, ete. the rich and ripe and tried friendH, kaoufaoturers or of such a telegram. That A dispatch from Vienna savs ship of its parents aside as a thing existence was of hands a the the matter in the united efforts of the Powers PAPER COIMHS AS D . CUFFS . of naught, is an act of sheer folly, full committee, as he said he never might still succeed in making akin to madneaa. heard of the dispatch till Blaine bervia respect an armistice) ijf one I sam, streaoway, mkw tokk. With those who 'contract run, alluded to it on the floor;1 t! was concluded with - the can find our sroods at Vr. J Consumers Hunton said be knew of It, but way marriages, as well as other was w 15 P. Preeze's, Uih Ward Store. not certain that he saw it. . ways. . young married cotrples,tbere comes a time and times when' the presence and aid of parents is particularly desirable. When sickness visits, especially in particular Instances, there is nobody's presence that the young wife mere' wishes for than that of her mother. Indeed the presence of a judicious mother is often half the battle at such times. But with what grace can her presence be asked, with what reason can it be expected, when it is recollected that ' a few short months'" previously ; her motherly feelings were ruthlessly 'wounded and her wishes recklessly disregarded by the runaway marriage? To deliberately show unfeeling dis re-respect to a parents feelings and wishes, and then think to make everything right again by a formal begging of pardon, betrays a spirit of audacity and impudence that is not at all conducive to genuine friendliness. It may also be stated that the sequel of runaway marriages is often very painful and ruinous. A gixl, inexperienced, and at her most im pressionable age, may be enamored of a man who may be entirely unworthy of her, and indeed who may be unworthy of a place in any honorable society. Her parents may suggest the impropriety of the association, but ;the girl may be so enchanted with her suitor as to be persuaded that her parents are un reasonable, and she may be very easily persuaded into a runaway union. False step, it may be a legal marriage, or it may be a mock marriage, or it may be neither, but worse than either. It Is hard to tell which would be worst for her with such a man as her bosom companion. Repentance may come, is almost certain to come but it is too late for the honorable and happy estate she might have i - f- On the premleel ... r. a. Ptt. n ' lletatls'T laaelilaery. ' Car W aeJe astd Ajaea.e4eL.eae. 1 T rjBEBS Bp7Q J. CITT SEVERAL HTJKDBED cf tbo above Sons Book remamhas; unsold, they can be obtained at the Beserct copies Vorkof all descriptions. Kws First JTtit 'itirieti V AJsdTiraBB. omce. eannA Remth ffAlt Lake City, east &f huepbant Store.' OSte hours : KXAB KOBTH TKMPLB ST., 8. a.m. to s p.m. 1W . ' Office for XS cents per copy. " 8. L. City, March Slit, WM. W1LLK3. dsltr |