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Show SATURDAY , OCTOBER 25, lHHu. OGDKH DAILY COMMERCIAL: Call and let us Explain the Merits of the. World Renowned PROSPECTUS OF- A n f Smt Voting us- - Yon. Puts m Well ::. I I cannot I havo lived forty Attractive Way make thtu out ani-aaate- JESKS' DOE AM. Jenks hul a queer dream the other night. ring. He thought he h.iw a it stood a doughty anl in the middle ofmet and deliberately little champion who or more knocked over, one by one. a score fellows, ax they adof tir. vanced to the attack. Giants as they were in sire, the valiant pigmy proved more funthan a match for them. It was all so ny that Jenks woko up laughing. Ho accounts tor the dream by the tact that he had just come to the conclusion, after tryevery big. drastic pill on the ing nearly Pleasant Purgative market, that Pieree'a d Granules, Pellets, or tiny Sugar-coate" " boat all tho bic and easily knock out are the original and They pilla hollow Pilla. only (renuine Little Liver Beware of Imitations, which contain Poisonous Minerals. Always ask for Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which - are Little 8ujrar- eoated PilK or Anti- bilious uranuies. prize-tlffhte- nc DAILY COMMERCIAL. Con-Ntipatio- n. Iiidi-Kcstio- u, Biliouw hikI all For a Ions: time the quention of ipsuinff a Weekly in connection with THE IlMtDK-- v I'AiIji UUMMriKUiAJj nan uwu iudmuchu t ready .forV the enterprise, The field having been carefully esnhuned and found nrst-clatek y. It will it has been decided to commence publication of a brief and the following synopsirt of it, proponed appear on or alwut November 15th, At-iack- H, dVranre-HH-n- W ol the stomach ami bowels, are promptly eured ly the u.se of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They ure orently laxative, or stronRlr ertthartie, aeorrliriK to size of tliwu. SiiuUlest. C'lieajnt. to tivke if cents a vial by druffKis. Asa'n, Iis. Ma Coprrtctit, IW, hv World's Huflalo, Ji. Y. Prp'r8,663 fln tlr t, I contents W. E. DOYLE In its general ncope it is the intention of tho mana?emeut to mako it in all RaiSerS. Waf-hlnpto- r i r 1 ) I -- to-. K I r- - I r4-("-y ; Skookum foot lair Gpouaep. j STOCK DEPARTMENT THE and dealers Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hos full interest to breeders of Will be Grows Hair Rapidly. Kradicates Dandruff. ; i In connection with this department the latest stock markets will j j DEPARTMENT MINING THE the discovery, resume the most valuable a relating i Stops Kalliug Hair. Is a Preventive XT- U news of thorough and of the features and sale mining interest growing great general development, of this mineml belt. The market sales of mining stock will be reported in this department. Will be of Baldness. ; Grows Hair on :' Bald Head. ' Will con Ui in the latest foreign and home news up to the time of going to press. Is an rixcjuisitci IT3 TELEGRAPHIC COLUMNS Toilet Article. ' . ' NOTICE V2UO.J. V:i.Miinrtltl Avc'iitic. gd'ii. F. W. LAKR.KNTZ, Prilnt. A. K. 1'CKtLK. SK-'y- . aiidTw ; -. , COLUMNS. CORRESPONDENCE towns, will contain the news of Its correspondence columns surrounding reported by correspondents. Space w ill also be given to the public to express itself upon general topics m tins uepanmem. Nature's Own Remedy. NEW YORK. For SaU by olt Dfuggiata. . THE COMMERCIAL OEFICE, j children. Among the Will lie a constant source of pleasure for wives, mothers art for ides be will relating to dres.-- cooking, of this features recipes department . , .: .1 1.., i i.... ..U,. un- i inu-jiuA.-n-rmjiKing. liome aoornrneni, uowers, ihumc,to u.ii ladies and the nun, m so the is attractive that young people. delightful miscellany ! j j ; ITS HOME DEPARTMENT ami ; Free from all coloring matter. Skookum Root Hair Grower RULED AND UNRULED. j in of and other stock. be given. HARD AND SOFT PAPKK, ! inter-mountai- fruit-grower- n Concurrent comment columns The current comment eolnmnR will contain brief extracts from the leading! pa pern of the nation upon topics of tho day, with THE COMMERCIAL'S accoinpanying comments. critieit'niK or commendations. - THE ! INTEH-MOUNTAI- ! NEWS.COLUMNS N Will comprise paragraph condennat ionf of tho general news of the liocky Mount- ain country. It in expected that tjrfo tieiart ment will Ixv highly interesting to readers generally, as it will contairf'a great number of pithy items. We have lately opened the Central Carriage Works, 23d and Washington Avenue, and THE UTAH DEPARTMENT are prepared to do all kinds of include an extensive assortment of news relating to Utah, not included in Carriage and Wagon Building Will other departments. It is intended to mako this department a comprehensive view and Repairing. of the many and varied interests of this growing common-of the Are the only fi rm in the city wealth. development prepared to Repair, Paint or Trim a Carriage or Buggy UNION j ! The Laf f and Grow Complete. A. M. BUCK, Prop Vkt. Wyoal, Manager. Xo In England. aia told, thero are only . Ji-lflTelephone four phonographs, iududin.v: the one in 4he jxjssession of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley: ! bnt they m&nago things better than this of Lavpr WK will pity tho abovo rowartl for any in ench places as Mexico. There a piuv Conip'Riut. nVspftpsia.Sw'k lieiMliirliP, Indiirnwtiun.Con-sli).H.n ir l.'u.t. veiicm wo cummt curt' wita nograph is to be placed in each principal are striotly when thi postoflice. and those people wlm can rompli. d with. Tinl.y arc rroly Vesfctable. and nover boxes, neither read nor vrit. or are ti lazy to f iUU pi- suti!!iit:tion. Sustr (ftt'l of l.nr.;e counUTfclts ' Cill". 3 cents, liewnru io' so, simply deliver their message, into .ontaininvr .mannracturctl only ay iuvl imitations Thn he phonograph, the cylinder is forward-ee- l Zllii JOHN C. WEST COMCANY CHICAGO. ILL to its destination, and duo notice havHold bv A. II HAI-kHetlen. I talt. ia hid him been that presence given ing iwjuired tho receiver of the message the office at the other end, ami the words are spoken off to hiin. I dare say that irery put to iunp if all goes well we may start the same A I'Amiiii.. Th onvenience in England about 190 A. D. Korrct Shap. Iondon Figaro. I : Will be full of valuable information on subjects of ppecial interest to farmerH, s .. of tho valleys. ranchers and t Ki;-l.n- d. 1 Its Agricultural Department with F. C. Chamn, OGDEN. UTAH. Avenue. Office u lu if? Weekly Newspaper. s Among its special features may be mentioned the following new and complete movlTft outfit. Houses, brick or frame, moved any desired distance or raised any elevation. 241R . Ihoni;raili First-Clas- In its wvernl departments it will be full and comprehensive. It is hoped that both the quality and quantity of realini matter will bo euch as to make it a wel- - I ; Only Four STOVHS! A Fergus McCarthy, of Philadelphi i.was the subject of a peculiar operation Jit Coolaiui no Mineral or Vegetable Poisons the Presbyterian bupital. A It is an ho.u-- and meritorious protruded fro.n his ahdouu-- v;s pnp;uaiion. Dr. W. II. OUliard. Tlie removed fli-s- ! fITOVKrt. A lu Ills 1SmIy Twenty rtn-riderabl- T Fermerly ef Denver. Ih disi-ovei.-- OV S S TWTOVKS! & CO. TTftllSft AlOVPrS Itter. m-edl- j : GENERAL SCOPE. THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL . ex-plai- suDmitUHi ronpectw d by accdle was much corrothnl and blackened. McCarthy paid he could "not how th" ne ll. got llifw, lint that abcut twenty j ears ago which troubled, a trod upon ie rfigl.-tly. but w;u. never hrni McCarthy says he did l.ot esirienn much pari at the time, but sine; then d extreme jKiins more or lu has Iww all around tlie left leg. which gradually muvrd upward. The p.;in shifted to his sdde. and he has latterly experienced the huging pain ir. the region of tlie abdomen. While t work n wrs doing sow work 4h foundry which necessitated his stping lie felt keen pain, as if somelike a his was thing needle, and had to get np, and on examination he discovered the blackened point of the needle. The case is one of tlie most peculiar that h:is come under treatment at the hospital for many years. Chicago Herald. u? HAYS BTOVE STOVES j s . ROBINSON HARDWARE CO. 4r Washington Avenue. C. D. i Riltonii Headache, & No. general "public patronage. One a Dom. DizziiicNn, Tm SNYDER .worthy be, in all respects, and It will of support 1 SICK HEADACHE, We do not Condem other Stoves to sell ours, but sell ' them on their merits. Soon to be Issued from the Office of The Ogden ! Heating Stoves THE NEW PAPER burlv-lookiii- fr x, A Week j ytr yt." was tlu eUtor of : well known mafiazinf talking on thu subject of jouni: girls. I think of tho one that Whnt am to fcothorM ra? for half an hour this raorn-in- T he asked. -- She is a bright writer and wo use some of her work. I know fcer father. Nice man. wealthy, hrin is af his girls with tfreat. cart. Tinsiuto floatel She his .Helen, yonxiKt. ilm office this morning, looking astonish-al- j pure stylish and elalwrato in a shoes whita white gloves, white drew, and bitf. black lace hat. I askd her about father, and then he lie'can to rattle about the way she was pacing the nxnxner out on th Hudson. of the Papa has fitted wp lne cupula had 8orm "I she. said aouao for me. Tviintinj? tho walls myself. There rnirst and a table, and some jolly easy hairs, and 1 can take my friends up fcere in the evening ami we can make as aQch noise as we want without disturbfun when there ing the family. It's real are any men about. A friend of mine otme up the other day. and 1 want t tell yon wmethinjr, if you'll promise truly to keep it a ?crtt. This friend an awfully handsome fellow and I just Vnew that Mignonne that's my hum. know wonld try to get him away jan from me. "Mignonne bet that if we took him up mto the cupola after dinner ho would try to kiss her liefore he tried to kiss me. That was equivalent to declaring herself aaore attractive than I. and it made me aaad. I tell yon. But I took her bet and that night "we all went to the cupola. Ptetty ston it grew dark and no one saidI a word about lighting the gas. Well, won the bet. Jack tried to kiss me and merer noticed Mignonne at all!" I looked at the chatterer rather severely and asked if Jack succeeded in his Sort to kiss her. Instantly her face grew haughty and angry in afes expression. 'l am not in ths habit,shes-ai-of permitting in freez--in- g young men to kiss me," tones. But." fiid I. "'you let him try. In what manner did he try'" "Oh." he replied, "lie put his arm around my wait. and we struggled "about a good deal for a minute or so. and he pleaded with me to let him kiss me jnst once, if only lehind the ear. 1 1 was fun, and then it was such a jolly good one on Mignonne. Sbe had to mope all by herself." If you will find mniv laaing iara-Vtocontinueil the editor, "than th girl who considers it a joke to strati" man in a cupola, but grows with a is it when presumed that hhe would rigid onsnr to Ik kist-l- I would like to I am free to roiifis that th young hidy of thve times and parts is buyond my imderstandjng." New York It Howe Ventilating PARADOX. PRETTY $500 Reward PM Department Will contain original items and selected extracts embodying tho amusing, humor- oils and witty. This department has been decided upon only after long reflection, as the doctors are much opposed to it on the ground that it hurts their business. s ! j j , i No effort will be spared to mako its ca.-i- c 4 EDITORIAL COLUMNS Wt-st'- s tiirt-ctin- l.ivt-rl'- i lercantfle Company, Deserving the favorable consideration of an intelligent and critical public. - -- ITS TUNE . C. Will bo fearless on every subject, but courteous to everybody. at-4uu- ds Its columns will be CLEAN, so that it will be a welcome visitor to the most refiDed homes. Bt-u- ie Of den Weekly KuMlm to Kxpirt Meat. A. K. von Meltk, of Moscow, and an American citizen. S. Schreiler. have started a company tor the exportation of meat from Russia to England. A great abattoir haa been bnilt in Libau, whence the meat will be transported directly to Loudon in refrigerator steamerH. This IT CONFORMS TO SHAPE OF FOOT pens a new prospect for the produce of If yon want perfection In tit, with freedom the Rnasian farmer. Millioua of cattle from nnd all discomfort you wll are annually killed in tlmt empire merelj aiway eornM ear the liart A Packard Khoe. It in fir- uowloiiKCd an the mot comfortable, for their hides, while thero if no market the and moBt stylteh (eeatlomen'f. in the country for their meat. The meat ioebet mft'le iu the wurld. - will lie carried from the port of Libau to JOH'T SPOIL YOCR FEET BY WEARING CHEAP SH0E8. London in three dayh and twelve hours. I be Kurt A Packard Mb o cohUi no more ihan any other fine shoe, though none apSt. Petersburg Letter. proach H in value. and All styles la Handmade. Hand-weSh Wu Interested. also Soys' and Youths'. If not sold by vour dealer tend his name and your addreasto Comso I fear thi IJehrinj? sea matter J5Tk FIELDTR is going to cause a iceat deal of trouble. PACKARD &Bold by Mrs. Cumso Oh! I hope yon don't ton, 9laM. think it will ratso the pric of ealslc in ocqucs, do you? Epoch. lt Burt-welt- ; ASHBYBRCS.OGDEN. WILL BE, IN EVERYWAY, GROCERS, ! !A FIRST-CLAS- S NEWSPAPER ! SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! Stibsbribe for It! Only i$2.00 a Year in Advance! To advertisers, it will prove a splendid medium. Atldress all Communications to OuDEiN WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, OODEN, UTAH, 34.0 Twenty-Fift- h Street, OGDEN, UTAH, |