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Show OGDEN DAILT COMMERCIAL: COUNCIL (TIT Janitor and superintendent of public DOINGS. grounds 1214.20. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1850. et al., came to a unexpectedlj sudden a settlement. The jury had just been enpannelled when the attorneys for the defendantB proposed to those for the plaintiff that r Ki-ro- s to tin Inviilf i)i Siilcw.ilL One week was allowed tho people, as requested. Y;itr Works. Rills were resumed and the following Thi City CVunril mot in rojjular allowed: niijlit. Mayor Croil .7. Kiosol Superintendent of water works.. .JlOtJ (K) e;n Ill f0 Sprinkling streets pr'si. !!. T'JtJ t." roll.. marshal's pay City f. Tii ;;ll,rinn vro prosont: Freight on sower pipe 1S2 Via!-n- , 118 (H) ShitiiriC, lYU, I'roshaw ami Hospital steward 77 (XI , Hospital Intard Sn!or. 8S Tii counoilmon prosont wort Hank, Hoarding city prisoners Various other bills were regularly re1t!ilol. t'ri:li:i, Chap.it. ui. D.utlass, ported on and ordered paid. AiiiKtsod. Turner ami y.i.MiuT. Cori-y- , Mr. Snyder moved to reconsider the ril r J. W. MoNutt, vote by which' the Florence Park adHurUmt. Also 1 WilUuu Carroll, water commissioner, .1. dition plat a rejected. On the roll being called the motion W. marshal. Mr. IVrkins, cit was carried, 10 ayes, 5 nays. t isir.oor, A. K. lloywootl, oity attorney, The matter was laid over one week. Aria-rtrMr. C.iKsin. r (Hector. Messrs..!. l V. Porter asked one more week in i anl H. C. (Jilhert, ami others. 't he minutes wore re.ul anil approvel. which to finish seeding down Liberty Granted. Tlieonlerof petitions eame up. wit It a Park. V. A. Wort, protested against the rn ill of applie it ions, as follows: acceptance of a quit claim deed for a C. 1. Anthony presentoil a well certain street, instead of a warranty. application for appointment Referred to the committee on streets. chief of the lire department. The rule was suspended to allow mem11. V. llhooes also made applieation of bers the Rear River Canal Company f. of chief. tin position IJoth petitions wont to the committee to address the Council. A resolution was road providing that t ii tire department. old water system be turned over to the ,1. C. Slnde petitioned for the privilege as the new tho company envtinj a hark stand and telephone tem being now per contract,completed.syspractically' lox near the southeast eorner of the Mr. Gritlin and Mr. Douglass thought hotel. To the committee on public grounds. some part of the new pipes has not been .Jaim s Cassiu, Willi; m Mtvos, ,1. II. lail. Mayor Kiesel suggested an executive llellewell. Ueortre K. Itellewell. C. M. session to consider the water works matCole, R dph Ooiiil is ami J. S. Stone presented a romonst ranee against allowing ter, as it is too important to act upon '!eetrie liht poles and wires to be so hurriedly. Mr. R.tcon, for the water company, ou Twenty-sixtstreet front I laeed l.i!K-op- i to (r;mt as to require the tops asked leave to say a few words, lie stated that Ogdeu has Uu best system off. ff sha le tri es there to h. rut of water works of any city of the size in lleferred to committee n street. on The eoniinittee lire department the whole country. The company has recommended the reconsideration of the put in works that the people will And the company of Dick Weathorhy, driver of be proud of. :!se h -- e e.ift, after thirtv ilavs have has agreed to sprinkle tho streets for nothing, a most liberal offer. He rather !.tped. felt, under the circumstances, that the The report was adopted. resolution should be passed at once. to Mr. (Inilin asked for further time irive-ti.iMayor Kiesel thought it better to devilli reference to the salary a day and hold an executive session. lay f police jude. the police eomuiittee .Mr. Snyder moved to hold an execu!ei'rir:ir to make a full examination of tive session today nt '1') o'clock. ; he -- it nation. M re time was granted. Judge Piesh iw thought time should and a resolution in a little Taere were two reports from the com- be taken would be preferable. form iri mittee o:t streets relative to accept The motion to meet this morning was the pl.it of Florence park addition, a ma- carried. jority and minority. The majority reThe Council then adjourned. port favored accept im; the plat. The minority, signed by Mr. Corey, objected The t rystul Slipper. to it- - acceptance on the ground that the in that The Crystal Slipper which comes to plan of the addition is irregular, the lines and streets are located diaon-i.U- the Salt Lake theatre next week, openof the city. It to the'other stre.-ting on Wednesday night, is the same iiso elvsls up Thirty tirst street. .1 ml ire I'roshaw, chairman of the comgreat spectacle which ran for seven mittor ori streets, expl lined the reason months at the Chicago opera house and for the majority report. It was on which has just completed a four week's of the iv of thelanil.it is the run in San Francisco. The piece s a na' ural way of doin it. combination of spectacle, burM . C roy thought that this swemed happy and comic opera, built upon the lesque like :t s heme lo ;ct a street accepted oKl story of Cinderella. The nursery Iwon Ho heretofore. that had rej s is of tin most magnificent enery favored tre itinir ail alike. and M Shilling slid that the city engineer description, the costumes isare rich and music and the tasteful original 1 in city attorney had at tirst roeom-mend-The Crystal Slipper Company the ac eptance of the plat and catchy. ninety-eigh- t numbers among the o mi'intfee had agreed with them af- them some of the best people, known profester ai examinatio:i that is the major- sionals in America, including Louise them. with ity agreed Montague. Ida Mulle, Annie Da ere, City Kjiu'itu- -r I Perkins explained that Topsy Venn, Rabette Rodney, W. S. so platted simply Da tln t rifts da Rdvviij Foy, Joseph Doner. H. II. boll, of run with the lay the Carroll and because they many others. Clara Qtialitz, untry where the addition is located. the celebrated premier dancer, leads the no been general thought there had and A.ella, the Hying dancers. resolution by the Council regulating the ballets, r;tv platti'iiT sh ill be d me. DIED AMONU STKAXRKKS. called upon Mr. A. II. Nelson bin aid he owned no mil it: the plat. He His Friends t ad made a street there at his own ex- If Any Due Knows ( Should If .?l,r,iM. cost Thirt that ,mrt. They pense vtr"et were to run in the regular way it Daniel Gallagher, a stranger in this would lx all up ami down hill, and it could not be us.'d until heavy and costly city, died last week at the home of Mrs. are- made. Davis ou Twenty fifth street. grading is done and bridges As it is, the street he m ule is now deing The deceased was ill with consumpused by m my people, and there are no tion and boarded at Mrs. Davis' house bills to climb for a loni; distance. Ho for some time. When he died he was thought it would be in every way better without money, and the the plat as it is. to t woman, after doing all she could for him Mr. Corey stated that lie did not ob- during his stay at her house, had him buf, respectably buried. ject to accepting Mr. Nelson's streo.Thirty-seto closing up Thirty tirst ami and She does not know where the deceased cond streets. is from, nor who are his relatives. This Mr. Whalen thought the hill already notice is printed in the hope that his vlosed those strM-teffectively. relatives or friends may by this means Mr. Corey called for the yeas anil nays be appraised of his death and burial. n the adoption of the minority report. Report adopted; yeas 8, nays 7. Cheap Money. The street committee also recommost desirable of the many of One the mended the locution of the electric light inside on sidewalks the now institutions recently located in Og-de- n the polos just outside curb. The question occurred on is the Peoples' Building, Loan and the adoption of the report. Association of Geneva, New Mr. (IriHin hardly thought t lie com- Savings furnish money to their York. mittee's reort should be adopted, unless membersThey seven at per cent: The local th v had a good reason for the report. F. J. Hender-shot- ; are: ollicers President, Mr. I) mgliss thought the poles are too R. P. Hunter; SecVice President, flose to the trees in some places. H. J. Sears; Treasurer, Theodore ludgn I'roshaw s tid that after careful retary, The Ogden ofllce is at the Robinson. investigation eo'K'iltirig the ele-tribank. Citizens led it to make the ?xp rts. had been deci is. Tlie wires vuiicnd o i i i,I will U insulated an will not hurt the tr. s. T.o r' lrt wis adopted. .ludge presented an amend-ii- i ric ill to the elect light ordinance, r poles for al! electricr wires to quiring tlie l i'lt wi''iin t i onti-be p!: curb of the sidewalks, so they will not injure the trees. Trie amendment was adopted, leaves and J nays. Tii" amendment was ordered published in Tmk Commkkci.m. The committee- recommended that the piles be replaced under the Thirtiet lint ret bridge, the west, bink be and the piling in the river be br iced up wi'h stones. KcMrt adopteil. Judge I'roshaw said that the committee, had a bid for doing the repairing at tho rate of Sl.oO per perch. As the committee has power to act, the matter w.li left to it. Th1 committee on public buildings rej orUd th.t it ci.u d not decide, among the many anplicantF, who Khould be named for building inspector, CMd la millonaot Homes and referred the matter back to the 40 Years the 8UadrdL council. Its superior excellenco proven in imUuu of Report received and placed on tile. for raoro than a quarter of a century. It Mr. Blasdel stated that the sewer homes used by the United States Government. committee had not had time to examine isEndorsed by the heads of the Great Universities the Strongest, Purest, and most Healthful. the sewer ordinance and asked more as Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does Dot time. Granted. Lime or Alum. Sold only contain Bills were taken up. The following in Cans. Ammonia. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. New York. Chicago. San Francisco 8t Louis pay rolls were adopted: t urb-T- Ni'W hf llin 1- :. Mi-toal- o li-- t en-i.irs- t lr.m h te dif-fere.- y s act-om- 1 it -- it for $.",00t) Company Was Frirk Was Discharged. Judge James A. Miner has been on the bench of the First District court about sixty days, in that time he has made a most excellent record as a prudent, thorough jurist and an able executive otliccr. When lie opened court on the 1st of September he found a docket with 5(X cases on it,. Since that time he has heard and disposed of ll.'l jury actions, 2(K demurrers and mot ions and a lot of chancery eases. Yesterday the jury was discharged for the term. When the February docket is made up all the business will be up to date, Resides handling the court work with expedition and to the general satisfaction, it has been reduced to a more systematic form than heretofore, the crowded state of the business making this necessary, not to speak of it as a matter of good business policy. Everything will go on more smoothly from this time forward. While this court has a larger volume of business to handle than that of Salt Lake City, yet Judge Miner attends to all of it himself, w hile at the capital there are two judges. This necessitates great industry on his part, but he does not stand in the way of progress on that account, lie is a worker. In fact, the judge is making a most satisfactory record to attorneys and people. The chancery call will be taken up November 10th and continued "until November 17th, when the criminal docket will come forward for disposition. The grand jury will then convene. 1 t-- s-- 'i 1 - kind-hearte- d ae.-op- -- s e -- pas I'.i-sha- -- - rip-rappe- piMlg of rie '.j of sec W, tp G n r 2, 1. F J Kiesel to C A Hursell et al, lots and 8, blk 01, plat C, ;?2.f.OO. He Was Held THE Novel Wedding: Trip. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 24. At tk state fair today Thomas J. Mine at Miss Gertrude Pitman ot Brewton, Ala., were married in front of the grand stand in the presence of ten thousamt people. The young couple then stepped into the car of a balloon and wiJ: aeronaut Baldwin sailed off on a bridal tout. The balloon was last seen this aftornoo. heading for the mountainous region of Shelby conn y. The young people goi m purse, of $2o0 and a large uumler mt presents. The ballon bridal couple tinally landed on the top of a mountain seventeou cuilec from Birmingham. A Went Through the Hridjre. j I I: , Chamberlain to James J block 3, Dunn's add: $.'100. lot R Li Nute and wife to C B Watson, lots 18 and 19 and other lots in Prospect Rights add to Ogden: $1. W V Helfrich and wife et al,to M A King, part of lots 4 and 5, block 33, plat J A Bruni-mitt- C: 82,500: King, et al, to B Gamble, part of and 5, block .'53, plat C: $3,GoO. Wm H Harvey to S H Waddy, lots 1 to 12, block 2, Ihff College Hill add: M A lots 4 84,X0. Total, 15,91G. ; Frisco's Public Building-- . Washington, Oct. 24. Secretary Wub- - t. dom, Attorney General Miller and Post master General Wanamaker, who ar specially charged by tho law with 11 selection of a suitable site for a publi building at San Francisco had a conference on the subject at the treasury-departmen- t this afternoon. The report of the special agent of the treasury ami A Little too Ardent. all other documents bearing on the subion were fully considered but no ject A workman LiwcoiJs', Neb., Oct. 24. reached. named Joseph Brown last night stopped A fter the Best. at the tent erected by the Prohibitionists N to and listened streets and at Fourth Washington, Oct. 24. - The engineerthe discussion ou tho liquor question. ing bureau of the navy department in Being called on for a spt o.;l he said ho had lived in Maine tmd was convinced, about to undertake un exhaustive sot of from whathe saw there, that prohibition experiments upon the lioileis of th was practically impossible. He said it torpedo lioat "Cuthing." This speedy-boa- t is fitted with the Croft boilers of compelled a man to be a sneak and he would not vote for jv prohibitory law in an English design and it is intended Ut Nebraska on that account.. There wero ascertain their value as compared witk loud cries of "kick him out,' and in the American tubular and sectional boilers in. assault which followed Brown's clothes points of economy, efficacy mid durawere nearly torn off him and both eyes bility. were badly blackened, and he was thrown The Statement Premature. into the "street. It is un.lerstiKid that Mr. Brown will not make any more Evansvim.k, Iud., Oct. 21. Today engagements to speak during the present announcement of tho settlement dovel.-campaign. oped on the Mackay lines was premature. It has developed since that the matter-iDudley's Libel Suit. still in abeyance. At a late hour toNew YottK, Oct. 24. Tho gener.il the officials are still in consultanight Term of the supreme court refused to tion but nothing could bo learned at vacate the order for the examination of sentiment prevailing. The men am Col. Wm. W. Dudley before the trial in waiting quietly for the verdict and oj-p- ect his suit for libel against the Press pubthat no trouble will ensue. lishing company, (The World), for damMore Russian Atrocities. ages for publishing tho famous "blocks of rive" letter. In his opinion Judge Waksaw, Oct. 24. A party of thrmi Daniels said: "It is evident that this I Poles while attempting ta New hundred ho when York visited had plaintiff boon actuated with the intent to avoid reach Prussian territory today with th the service of tho order and practically intention of emigrating to Brazil, wer declining to obey the mandate of the tired upon by the Itussian frontier court. guard, whose order to return had bmvm disobeyed by the Poles. Six men And!, Must Have a Record. one child were killed. steamNkwOiu.kans, Oct. 21.-T- he In a Critical Condition. one .from with Palermo, ship Elysian is reported Nkw York, Oct. 24.--thousand immigrants on board, has arrived at Port Kids. The entire force that the condition of NobI, of United States inspectors went down of Wisconsin, is very critical. - con-elus- Local Tnrf Events. Arrangements have been completed for a trot between Joe Warner's bay mare, "Minnie," and Dee's well known Hyer. "Fell," for a $200 pot, to take place at the Hot Springs track two weeks from next Monday. Articles have also been signed for a race between "Minnie" anil Mr. Graham's "Zip" on the same course one week from Monday for a purse of $100. By the terms of agreement Minnie is to trot to a cajt, giving Zip the advantage of a sulky. Arrangements will be made with the railroad company for the transportation of those who wish to attend. Fighting- Ituvitihlc Zanzibar, Oct. 21.- - The Sultan of Witu has refused to surrender to the British authority or to afford redress for the recent massacre. On the contrary, he is actively preparing for hostilities. Hundreds of natives from the surrounding tribes are adhering to his standard. Fighting is inevitable. Indian Schools. Washington, Oct. 21 Archbishop Ireland, of St. Paul, Minn., Bishop Shanley of South Dakota, and Bishop McGalrick. of Duluth, today held an interview with Secretary Noble and the acting Indian commissioner, upon the subject of Indian schools in tlie northwest. They reconwho had been sisters the quested ducting St. Mary's and St. John's' schools for girls on Turtle mountain reservation, and who were employed: as government instructors when those schools were discontinued bv Commissioner German, - d City road, this morning and has been holding a conference with local officials and others interested in a proposed extension of his line from Des Moines to Omaha. Mr. Kgan said to a reporter that his company- had not yet decided what route it would take for the proposed extension but that it would be built within a very short time and make the shortest route between the two cities and also a direct line between Chicago and Omaha. 12G. Duni orK, la., Oct. 24. A portion f freight traiu No. 7, on the Illinois Central, this evening went through the iro bridge at Centre Grove. The bridge wn being constructed j,0 replace tho old on a and lifty raoii wee working on and under it. Nearly a'! of thorn got out. Robert Koatlv th l"i year old son of th bridge watchman, was killed and tire men, Dm Dougherty, Hugh Connors, John Wolfe, Miles Winters and Jerry McGowan were seriously injured. -- I Guilty of the of Theft. Charge The trial of J. 1$. Frick, on the charge of theft made by W. G. Child, was held by Judge Cross yesterday at the courthouse. The witnesses for the prosecution were The District Court. The First District Court, Judge James A. Miner presiding, resumed business yesterday as usual. The important actum "of Mrs. Almeda Rrowu vs. The Pacific Express Company, 7 Kuan's lioad Will Take a Hand Bc-- I tween Omaha an I Dos Moines. W B Wedoll to I) Barton, lot 1, block 1, Terrace subdivision: 5?7f0. Omaha, Neb., O . 21. John M. Eagn FA Hammond, et at, to J T Ritter, of Omaha, president of the Chicago, St. part of 8 e V4 of sec 11. tji G, north range Paul & Kansas arrived here Not positive that, several sheets, pillow cases, napkins, a lot of mineral specimens and a ilo.en quart jars of canned California black cherries were missing from the house whore Frick and family had lived. As to the sheets and napkins, the young woman who worked for thoFricks swore they never were in the house while they were there. There was some confusion as to the miuernl specimens, but nothing connecting the defendant with them or their absence. As to the cherries, it was admitted that they were used, tho young woman before referred to testifying that they belonged to the family and so placed them upon the table without asking any questions. As the evidence did not connect the defendant with the offense charged he was discharged. el. They will make a thorough insj tion and if any of them should ttiM out to be paupers, criminals or of othr classes which come under the prohilv itory code they will tie retained 9mr board and the ship made to carry thotm- back u Palermo. n FRICK WAS DISCHARGED. tl -- the river this afternoon to meet the ? they will be permitted to preserve their community seclusion. Secretary Noble informed them that the superintendent of Indian schools had already been instructed to permit the Sisters to live the Express Company would pay tho apart from other teachers. the plaintiff the sum of $1,500 to settle, each aide to pay its own costs. The Tipperary Trial. On consideration the plaintiff's atTii'Pkbakt, Oct, 24. Summonses haye torneys accepted this offer, the jury was been served upon Harrison, a member of disdischarged, and the action was missed. the house of commons, Michael O'Brien Other cases disposed of were as fol- and Dalton, one of the defendants in the lows: and a number of others, Boyle Furniture Company vs. The conspiracy case, the police at Monte Christos, by consent the plaintiffs on the charge of assaulting of of time the conspirthe the opening were given thirty days from date in which to serve and tile amended com- acy trial. The trial on this charge will take place before the assizes, but the ; plaint. hearing will be held before Ogden Military Academy vs. Sidney preliminary of sessions. The court an ordinary Stephens, trial to the court continued. action of the crown inpetty the transferring and taken under advisement. Agreed case from the magistrate's court, from which the summonses originally were Real Estate Transfers. issued, to the assizes, caused renewed The transfers reported in the office of excitement. Father Humphreys, one of the County Recorder yesterday were as the defendants in tho conspiracy case, and who was yesterday sentenced to pay follows: a fine of .20 and to stand committed six SO Venable to C L Darling, lots .Tj, nionths for assaulting a policeman's Wk'XI and .'IS, blk 2, M issa subdiv. $."iOO. j wife, made an application for summons John A Stephens and wife to C L against Balfour. Ihe magistrates reDarling, certain lots in plat C, Ogden fuse to issue the summons. Citv Survev. Stephens subdiv, i?l,fu0. liHilliardet al. to T Robinson, the IN TIIE ULNR. j fTIX-- AN EXCELLENT RECORD termination by Superintendent of streets, $595.95. Mr. Shilling said that as quite a number of people were present in the interHOSE CART est of opening East Thirtieth street, and JUDGE MINER PROVING HIMSELF 'IHK srsPKMKI should not be too long detained, he HKIVKK KKLNSTATKD. AN A RLE OFFICER. moved to nit as a board of equalization to hear complaints on the opening of He Has Kfflciently Disposed of a Larffe Two Applications for Chief of tho Fir Baid tt root. Mr. a week'u Thomas asked Gibbous InVolume of Businea-- in a Very Uepurtment-N- o Building delay, as he thought the pople on that Named. Short Time. spector street could agree among themselves on the matter of opening up tho street. Mr. John Scowcroft entered a protest Tli TTn I'lat of Klor!v Turk Addition, PHtet Court of Yesterday The on the opening, as it will seriously damK:tis-vs. ;i liscn,ssion Klrrtrift Brown of Ahiii'tla tlif Ex press Ow Insular. age him. iVlr-- ; 5 I j ! J i j i j ! s It GOLDEN EAGLE Presents its compliments to tlie people of Ogden and vicinity a continuance of the thanking 'them for past favors, and requesting we on same. To those who have not yet called us, respectfully Invite their Inspection! Feeline positive they will not iro away disappointed. We are well satisfied witli our trade so far, and hope, as we become better receive as much of your patronage as you acquainted, to merit and think we are entitled to. If you call ou us, you will lind each and EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE! With the Best Make of Goods, with prices so as to "Live and let live." Those desiring anything in the Clothing, iurnishing Goods Shoes or Hat line will iind it to their advantage to call on us. Yours, anxious to please, LOBB & MYER Prop's. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 2.410 Washington Avenge, Ogden, Utah. Children's Clothing a Specialty ! |