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Show SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: olT-him- 89. AT THE OLD STAND ! The Liberals of Ogden look forward deck while it was in motion and was the back between the Jim McLean wants to parallel Donald's with pleasure to the coming of the Lib- caughtandacross timbers of the station. the cage eral train Monday. project, but Donald remarks in an was badly jammed. He UTAH. OGDEN, way that Jim hasn't any money, A terrible wreck occurred on the and he Kiitok. . K. If troUUKI,!... really does not see how it can bo Salt Liake should by all means build Northern Pacitic, at a point half a mile done. its little line in the directum of Echo. vest of Hopper, a little station nino 2 west of Livingston. Engine No. If Brother Jim is anxious to knock out It would tap Homo coal, and possibly u miles 470 and twenty-onfreight cars were the Pacific Slmrt Line, why not ta!;e little water, too. in and Engineer ditch every the T 1M.T t'iMI.M IU. is piled up . Mon h.M i vr' (' !, .n l..l.-in the new ncrial navigation comstock was Theroux bo badly injured that death nriit. aiei near nir of tlx' I'om- - pany, and sail the azure heights? There is engaged mildly followed. The Deuvor AV Mr.t. "it, li.tli. Mrs. G. W. B. Smith met with a serious to no would troublesome be Mormons. in defending the Its editor if Sihrritii!tI'Si.J.lrir. in al:tic 5".M per a Ijust, no tunnels, no side tracks, but a criminal while out driving with a lady mishap unnra, lawyer noted for his ability friend in Helena. Tho horse became .? month. Hf4ifin.J in tin riiy at 7 plenty of wind. And Jim seems to revel and the size of his fees. frightened and ran away, upsetting the Pacific is but a feature of this ngitatior.. THE COMMERCIAL. 1 d . L CLARK I. P e i:;.-k- Wa-liliiir- I right-of-wa- THK wen- - hhc i?iiM-- i COMMKKtlAL I'm. I" r n. F.tori r.irni-io:j l t!i IIim .lu r k'i jt:il rilU.ISIIlNti il j to l l it 0;..-utin m;.il.i ;i l"t:tli. . Tui'.iiK is no better pressed brick anywhere than is made in Ogelen. The manufacturers working day and night with large forces are unable to supply CAUSE. HELP1NO THE L1BKRAL Tor the agencies that are helping Judge (i.ndwin is the Mormon press. With hatreil, with hitter and the elemand. venomous eowariiice. with falshood and Amiotig to "iii;;r,ss, lW;.t C. t.OODWIN. wider, it showers uiion lorn an unceas- im Mood of Muli.-iouand dosnairin.' abuse. There is no depth to which it CKiOKN MANUFACTURES. will not delvo for the liitn in which it revels; no artilice, no p! iy i words, no Og.ie'ii must have more manufactures distortion of fact, to which it will not and the tinn t- take steps In secure them of bolstering up resort." in the vain is now. It is not the part of wisdom to an itisl it lit ion lli.il hope ou Mianu-- . is louniei . and then ofart till the city is formed of iniouitv to its summit, and ft-iMonetary inducements te concents now nlout the ears of the haf-- ' hat are looking for a location. A manu tlevl falling who had reared it a menu saints eoncern t le of value ment to the avarice faeduring and crueltv and would not of necessity bo on anv stu- which thev have gloried in 7 tiendous scale. It eouU l grow with the! ilcgradiition Goodwir Amidst this torrent rity. hiu! take its ehant es without fear. remains unseat heel aim .fudge II unilincliing. 'PVtr.-- urn uiitur'il iW!i n ill lmint in . nor can not touch it can the turn, cripple Denver. A carn.ige factory estaohshed . . On the con cause he stands. winch or vears in a small way alnmt a ?hrp .... ... i .k... tfary it strengthens berth So heap it , , i up, slaves of a waning cause. I'llo on i ! f. ' s i I ! ! o-- r ; ! ana eiei original priMtucl, ail ine usm1 :uul in no finer the city, ?no cars nes run ii the I'nited States. Another company established itsilf alnnit tlusame i:n. on a capital of ?l,tH0. for the mak- mT of harness ami satldls. It new car- ftt.ielc .if iIUI.im .,ee..ies ri. I.,r.,o t ami basement rHif. frem iviiileliug n s:u-i!- l army of men at gooel age.. Thus if proper steps be taken to k(ej the manu-f- a )gden"s growth unch'-kHl?i:res are sure to eonn. and some of the gier.test will spring from moderate grouml. ii.t :tn!ions altead on the Nevertl.eles ii present at i m of faets sho.e- i.jj the advantages f Ogde'n fer ifaMan be should withheld. ian tnrs are and distributing what iu"'M up great cities. Ogden is a natural iistri!iit!;:g point, and will always so. It can be made a point as . There is a vast ricli stretch of country of whieh it ;i:d tMuind hi be the center, save for a ;s neglect of whicn the citi.ens are t j lce-t'i lx guilty. , . - , - g re-mai- ii man-ifa-t'iri?i- g u-!!- WATCH THIS SPACE for SPEOIALJJAHGAINS WALLACE, SMUIN and C. Hall. Honry The scheme to freshen Great Salt Mis Gordon is supposed to have dice! Lake by dumping the editor of The on May Hi), last, in the convent of St. By her will she gave Herald int it, thus solving the water Augusta, Paris. of her estate to Pauline Ter-esone.tourth not be I ; j j ; s j ; j ; r ; ' j urn-lea- any-thin- j t ' ! i i - ! lieiss, a companion, ami the remainder to Samuel Hichard Kuyssehaers, to whom she was supposeel to be engaged. Mr. Charles II. Beckett, who represents the contesting relatives, opposed the motion for a commission. Allan McCullagh, on behalf of the trust company, saitl that the contestant's object was delay. He objected to a rishing examination as te Miss Gordon's personal habits. Miss Erissmann. Miss Gorelon's French maid, had told him that she had been approached by Messrs. Chahueau and Cachard with an offer of 'JO,(KH) francs if she would furnish sutlicient evidence to break Miss Gor- don's will. Miss Beiss. he saiet. had beu threatened! that if she elid not compro- mise the contest would be decayed audi kept in the die--courts for twenty years. ' Miss Gorelein at the convent un know n to the sister in charge. She was taken there te) have an operation pe-formed, and v. hen "juestioin il as to her name and relatives, refused to say An administrator was appointed anil ll is charged tti.u several vaiuaoe papers were destroyed. Several allidavits XSSSriS, Si :Zu'''y?& her lH'ause kn)wn Eimpe of in y j eccen-tricit- y while traveling there, and that she became infatuated from elay to day with the tlitferent men. This hitter circumstance' ;iecotints, in the opinion of the contestants, for the betjuest to r NEW ROLE. T wrld wleomeel Stanley . i luy-senaer- ile li.'.d froai the tlarkruss ef Afrie-ainvaded an unknown land." He had lraveel the most hideous dangers. He bad ncconiplisheel great things. He was a hero, and as such he was aeceptrd. But there were whispers that all was not right. There was some secret that i KMS kept conceah'ii. and inquiry concern- - i ng lilt rescue ei r.aim i y was Saka Bkkmiakdt is receiving grain i parried. These whispers seome-e- l to die be Honors j were tons aelvertising all over the work! bv away arl forgotten. . . I. .. . ... , I .U I I wit' rciurneei traveler, ner suceess in me nie ol .1 rne noeresi most distinguishe.1 citizens pnmdly j is a tall woman, with a boney aspect and nreriaineti mm. the tire of genius. No greater actress b ok a livud. In admiration fer her power makes appears that Suddenly revelHti''iis in tie light of which Stan-- i the weirld forgives her ieliosvncracies. ?.y's character is displayed in unenvi lu r illegitimate children, and her gen-jibl- e He is branded as a erallv speckled oele r morals. Genius colors. tyrant, petty, unjust and indiciive. The j is many privileges, and such a itiori of records kept as Bernhardt would take them Uek s tho of Stanley's anyway. And at the worst, Sara is as ly M ijor Bartte-le- t It is a bitter arraignment, and good as Cleopatra was. ne thai retjuirs answer and disproof tei save the gecMl name of the Accohdim; to a very excellent law in SUnley should int 1r. hastily juelgeel. Nebraska the man who wrecks a tr.iin, tlone he will always the act resulting fatally, is held fer fir what he h;is Yet tijtve-tcredit. people who have mureler. In at least one instance such a admired tho man iis well as the explorer, man has been hanged. Just at present ouhl be wrry to tinel in their idol an such a law would be a wholesome addi;idifiiture of clay. tion to the statutes of Missouri, where v Personally St:inley was never a wreckers have succeed eel in killing a man. ('old, tlistant anil almost locomotive lireman, apparently frenn ropellant, his friends have leen few, wanton deviltry. ncd he has had no intimates. His history up to tho time fame t'jst a glamour j Thekk is a general spirit ot discontent tKtii mm. was a sail one. 01 iar more manifest amemg the tribes in Indian ter shadows than fall to the common lot. are looking for an Indian ritory. They "t?. it may be that Barttelot was him-fe!- f and Christ, grow weary with waiting. u victim to prejudice ami jalousy. is It even believed that they are planning At. ."1T1V mil tlifillirlk lidk ?wllt:rkr ljk a and think by tho time great uprising tfirt charge's he left w ill onlv 1h- deenied are it, Christ will be they prepared fair and honest, when fully substan- on hand to lead them. There is a chance tint eel. fe.r missionary work in Indian territory, as well as Utah. ANOTHER RAILROAD BUBBLE. I eie-ni- v A , 1 I . 1 Ule-ojiatr- Trt cd g.-ant- ! eom-mane- s l. lov-j.b!e- ! 1 - East : fr A Massachusetts Fire. PKPF.irEi.1., Mass., Oct. 24. A big fire was eliseovereel this morning at 2 o'clock, in a slice! of the factory ot Leigh-toBrothers. Soon after the whole building was ablaze. A high wind was blowing and the tlnmos spread rapidly. Almost before the people in the were aware of the danger the tire was threatening their lives. It spread from the shot factory toarenvof wendeu from boarding lnuises. Help was the surrounehng towns, the old tire ap- - "''j't j . S i back Successors to WALLACE & TAVEY, n neigh-lxirhoo- WHOLESALE Dry Goods and Notions. Tin- - Oiilv F.xchiMvo Wholosnle Drj" Ooods IIohpo in Ogdon. and the Largest in tho (ioODS ALL. NKW ANU WKLL .SELK(TE1. d In Jersey City it is now necessary to paratus ef tht town being insiillicient. furnish every funeral cortege with a The shoe factory, thiTe residences, seven steres ami a block ef boarding houses i Molice escort Kitimtinn novel ....... This .v, houses we're bunu'd. The loss is osti- i)0wetM, ej10 undertakers' mated at KM. jue ji;J.k ,jrjvers uins Even a corpse an(J The Kicnch Budget. is not safe from the turmoil of tarth until snugly in the tomb. Pakis, Oct. '21- .- In the chamber today Bishop Eriphel in.ule a severe attack upA .ii:stk'K of the peace in Denver was on the Budge't. He advocateel the re- on a ticket of ductiem ef the stall' eT the civil service running for and ostentatious pe'culiar purity. Ho ami the retrenchment in the estimate was found guilty ef ace- pting a bribe, for .education. He approved the TransSaharan project, but urged that assaulted the prosecuting witness and the const railway met km be left to private enter made use of the foulest language. It is prise. The budge't. he said, weighed nnu'iinnniiniwl .hu tliafilio ..... heavily on the linaiicial condition of .... , - .... .wnfl.-iiinFrance, especially because it had become voluntarily withdrawn from" the race. a weapon against religion. Sanbegran ehclareel the Budget was a Foil. a young state Montana-seemto fallacious expedient to avoid real reform. have got fairly into the political swim. For Idle Moments. The opposition papers denounce each The telephone has a good manv close.! other ami the rival candidates, with a calls. St. Joseph News. j fervor about the genuineness of which Tho weight that has bten hanging on there can be no mistake. No bkoel has the front gate all summer will now be been let as yet, but apparently some transferred to the sofa in the parlor, good American gore is boiling to be spilt. Maryland Gazette. Husband Is this canned chicken or cauneil lobster, Ethel? Wife -- I don't NKWS OF THK WEST. know, John. The label had been torn oil" the can befere 1 opened it. Somer-vill- e Montana. Journal. "Tho The Grand Lodge of Montana I. O. O. chap who said 'It is the little that F. is in se'ssieui at Helena. worry us most in life,' elid'nt things was talking about.'' ex- know he what is on There a momement foet in Hutte when a Chicago girl man the elaimetl for an arly closing of stores. - Yemkers Statesfoot. on his steppeel A Hele'iia harber named Roberts at- man. anel maele a failure. t(mI'u1 ""ic-idCommitteeman (to the public school . La Blanche, the champion middle teacher) We was thinkin' of putt in up conweight, is soon to have a a nice motto over yourlesiv loencourage j test with George Kessler at Butte. the children. How weuld "Knowledge! Jack Salmon is em trial at Butte for is Wealth" ile? School TeacheM- That complicity in the Donaldson diamoml wouleln't do. The children know how robbery. The jewels stolem were worth small mv s;d:irv is. Xew York Wei-klvabout 8,XM. Witness (te'stifying) Then he tried to Moses Orensfein is under nrreyt, in detain me longer by asking me te drink Butte for obtaining money under false with him. I replieel, "I never drink, sah, protensis. It is alleged that he passe'tl anel besieles the train loaves in 10 minutes clucks but had no money to make themi anel I am in a hurry te get home to The jury ( in one voice) Kentucky. I" Perjury! Perjury! Munsey's Weekly. riding horseback in the Lowland mining district last Sunday, Burt Mrs. Youngbride -- Please havo every Tatro, of Holona, was dangerously in- gasburner in the house light ee!, will you, rather jured by running into a tre?e which "ove- Geerge? Mr. Youngbride rhung the roael. Tho injuries to Mr. an unnecessary extravagance, elarhng? Tatro are about tho head. Mrs. Youngbriele Not at all. I rind Dick Deyer hatl a narrow escape from thero is a eliscouut oil gas bills paid the 12th, and we must run up a big death on Sunday night at Butte. By the premature explosion of a blast on gas bill so as to get a nice, big discount. America. the 400 level of the High Ore one of his eyes were blown eut and he received is a queer thing, Mrs. Mushroom other painful injuries in the face and Sophie. I have beenIt all day searching breast. He is now at the hospital. the stores for an escutcheon, and I don't Patrick Donnelly, station tender at think there is one in town. I heard Mrs. the Mountain Consolidated mine, met Startup say that the Montagues boasted with a serious accident while on duty at about their unvarnished escutcbeon,and the mine. Donnelly desired to go from I ain't a goin' to let the neighbors get the 400 foot station to the 500, but in- ahead of me. I'll have an escutcheon if stead of getting on the upper deck of I have to send to Yurrup for it, and the descending cage, which is custom- what's more, I'll have a varnished one, ary, he attempted to board the lower too America. Our prices are more eloquent than Goods many words. If Low Prices and First-clas- s are any object, we have them. We have pace to Here to talk, qUOte Only we.-ter- ii With a persistence worthy the Cornell Si1hm1 of .Journalism, the StnnfirJ attempts to show that it scored a treallu- j ab-je-ct- ly right. There are several reasons why it will Skcrktaky IJalkock has written a not assume form, the most iotent being letter feebly elefemling his Irish policy. that, thero is no necessity for it. The If there is any particular thing of pre.ideut, J aim's McLean, announces which Balfour's policy stanels in need it that ho has secured financial aid. This, is defense. Theofficial does not propose liki m.iny other things, is important if to yield a point voluntarily and tho retrue. sult will be that he will yield everyJamoa McLean ia the brother of Dan aid McLean, who is president of the Pikcitic Short Line, tho w estern terminus of which will be Ogden. There are eeveral cities that do not like the Pacitic Short Line, because it leaves them out. Rivalry has led to considerable agitation; nothing more. The Colorado, Utah & thing in the end and retire disgraced. Advkrtiskrs will find Thk Wekkly soon to be issued; a splenCommercial., did medium for reaching a class of customers who do not take dalliea Appli-- , cations for space should be in early. The weekly will start with a large list. bargfaillS: h "WasliiiiGrtoii Avenue. "NTo. i j j OVER 730 KINDS 1 N0 .iZES mow $10.oa to $i5.oo THE GENUINE ALL BUR THIS TRADE i j j n j s i Nbvr on Exhibition in the 1 'Jo MILES, STREVHLL A. vie Block. ULMER. & LARGE: -- AND- e COMPLETE LIISTK j j MUtf. Bn are 0 imitation - j j mendous point in a recent cordial sion to Thk CoMMKicriAi As it fails to make tho showing, there is nothing more to be said. It is not in accordance with the hest ethics to kick a man who is elown. ICW OI OUT llBTny A ;26x bath towel. Soc: worth 75c. An extra lare batli towel, a .hummer, lor 35c. An towel, extra large, 30c, worth 50c. A hemstitched handkerchief, 5c; worth 10c. A hemstitched handkerchief, 3 for 25c; regular price, 45c. A; Turkey red table cover, 66c; regular price, 85c. Men's heavy cctton hose, 10c; worth 15c. Hard wood toothpicks for 5c a box. Two papers carpet tacks for 5c. 24 sheets good writing paper for 5c. 24 envelopes for 5c. And everything in proportion. Come and see for yourselves. - ' a 54-inc- OGDEN DEPARTMENT STORE, j -- y. WE COME NOT i Salt Lake ('itv is patting its own back vigorously in anticipation of lning the terminus or the Colorado, Utah A l'acitic. There are two important features in irnm-eti!- i with this roael. The lirst is tliat it is not yet constructed. The Fecond is that it never will bi constructed. Otherwise it seems to be all Tot-riter- all-lin- en I STANLEY'S & CO, (INCOliPOKATEDj a wholly supply preiblem, may feasible, and yet it is not altogether withthe inveH'tive. Scourge yourself to idle out merit. rage. Gnash your tet?th. It will relieve Salt Lakk City is much disturbed bee)ll. Judge (ioenlwin mav not be eleirteel. cause the Ogden Chamber of Commerce The minions who do nothing but obey is in a healthy state. It woulil be better may swarm out and eie'feat him. But taste for Salt Lake to keep its chagrin JUsJt lh s:im " l memarchy that has hieleleu and view with smiling face the leen a ball ami chain to Utah, a striiUs of Ogden. disgrace to the United. States, an insult Exim.k.ss rates are going up on the to civilization, an outrage to virtue ami morals, a stench to the weuld, is doomed. plea that the companies are losing As it ln'gins to fel the throes of disso- - money. It is a plea that will hardly be companies have a lution all the vileiuss wttliin it is per- - acceptvd. Expn-sof habit uniform f growing rich that is turbeel. All its elements greed and the cry ef poverty. in with not licentioo-iie-s- s keeping are wrought upon, and in utri l wrath against they coru the party whose aim it is to reclaim: Thk warden of the Minnesota state of letting such life Utah, and bury the past beiuvith prison is the advancing hosts of fre-- ami free prisoners as the Younger brothers have eloin loving people. liberty for the enjoyment of tishing ex-- j That warden's faith in human cursions. But the'se exhibitions of wrath reveal to the world the truecharactor of t!i Mor nature must be something sweetly trutmen faith, and thus the-- must ultimately ful. elefeat th.e-i- own objee-t- . No subterfuge Tmkkk is the usual cry about fraudu-- ! of posing as martyrs, no cry of persecu- in ('hie-ago- . Several of hieh the real nature of the; lent registratiem tion tainted system. No pretemse of aban-- j ' the partie's concerned are in jail, and without doubt that is an excellent place eleining crime will be accepted. Xn un- for them. The, bogus list is supposeel to see u red promise can wipe out the re(orel i"),(HK) names. This is modest embrace of years. And if the Mormons have " for Chicagej. experienced a change of heart they will t legislation on the line of not Oc;ien has the finest water works in' But if they have reformation. t,,is the country. There is an abundance of changed se, why all this turmoil? water and a force ample te nu-o- t any The- - Mormon press is doing no parThe maele test has been emergency. ticular harm. It is blinding no one. , It is opening the eyes of Aim r leans. They anl was in every way satisfactory. Ogcan discern the truth that the storm of den feels a elegree of pity for cities riot so happily circumstanced. saintly rancor is elesigned to cove r. i i s em-I'Joy- Want the Will Broken. Xaw York, Oct. 21. The contest by .IciH.K (iooowin is heartily endorsed relativesef the will of Mary Agner GorHe is euelorseel by don was before the surrogate- yesterday, . by the Omaha every paper that has the privilege of ex on a motion bv the Mercantile Trust pressing an unhanipere'd opinion, and at company, the executor, for a commission the same time has an opinion worth ex- - to Edwarel Gould Peters to examine in Paris, the three subscribing witnesses, pressing. S. A. Bourgouis, Oliver E. Boebngtein i .... : IX ALL DEPARTMENTS! With New and Clioiee Goods from whieh to Select. HAHGAINS j ; A HOOTS AND SHOES. J ; tlen I T was a London domino that ordered a reporter out of his church. Probably the domine knew his business. If he in tended to say anything unlit for publication he naturally desired to defend himself. i lar-jer- Dry Goods, Clothing h, g ' for buggy and throwing both ladies violently to the ground. Both ladies were considerably shaken up and bruised. Articles of ineOrporal ion have 'been tiled with Secretary of State Kotwitt bv Newton W. McCoimell. Albert M. Thorn-burgEdward (J. Kiehanls, (icorgo B. Hopkins and John B. Clay berg, incorporating the Union Electric Railway Company with a capst.il Stork of $.00,IKH The company is formed for tho purpose of opcrat ing st rcet railways in and out of the eit v of I leicna. O".. in wind. LIBERAL TICKET. .fi.-urin- With a Complete Li no of Seasonable Goods in y i -t tuntn-ini- SON, av.-ti- Krl.-i- i tW & OF . B an r Books k Momorandums be-for- o -- AT- TH COMMERCIAL OFFICE No. 3404: Washington Avenue, O0DEN. |