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Show OTDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: FHIDAV, JULY 17. 1891. LAST WEEK! bou-- ht Te-- h LAST WEEK! ASHBY'S GEEAT FKEE GIFT SALE. In order to give more of our customers an opportunity to get a Pair of Shoes Free, we have decided to add another Free Gift to the purchaser of every Fifth Pair of Shoes for cash, a copy of Rand & McNally's "Atlas of the World," worth $4.00, Free of all Cost- - Also, we will continue for a short time longer, to give to the Purchaser of Every Pair of Shoes, Bought lor Cash, Free of all Cost. COME AND GET THE FIFTH AND TENTH PAIR IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING ! ! No matter whether they happen to be $1.50, 3, 5, or $S Shoes, Every Fifth and Tenth pair goes Free whether the nine before it have been bought by One or Nine different persons. Nothi T will be counted w hich does not exceed $1.00 in price. Nothing like it ever attempted in Ogden! Avoid the rush and come early in the morning. ASHBY'S, 2337 Washington Ave. BOOTS AND SHOES GIVEN AWAY! 2337 Washington Aye. CITY IS BEIEF. Smoke America"! CLampion Cigar. 371 Tireo!y-- f Jiirth 6trt, 1L A. Walker, druggieL lf you ever read an "ad" read AaLby and try your iut k. Try the New York Chop House and meaL CI up, on a tinst-cia- s Cabinet photo tUfi fT dozen at od 27i Room "A Kewooiub liroe. Wright block. TLe cumber of Iowa people in Otfden ia nearer SOU than 10U, an estimate made in the Time. TLe Ileal Estate, Mining and Financial Journal will won be iaaued under management of A. II llaye. The Canton bodge No. 2, 1. 0. 0. F. vill give their second annual excursion to Syracuse on Friday. July 24. A good horse and buggy wanted in nehange for a city lot. Apply to 2127 Washington avenue. Up stair. Spiritual seance twice a week. Sunday evening 25 cents, Tuesday evening 00 centa at 215 Washington avenue. Miss Fannie Hollom and mother, sister and mother of Mrs. H. T. Marsh and Mrs. J. M. Dimniitt of this city, arrived last evening from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on a six week's visit Some cigars cost more than they are worth, but the Kuby and lion Bon are Call worth more than they cost. Call at the sign of the big cigar and be convinced. W. S. Stone, Prop. Mmea. Kreeeer and Evans fashionable dressmakers late of Denver have opened street their parlors at 735 Twenty-fiftwhere they will be pleased to see the ladies of Ogden. Work guaranteed. Remember that Dr. Mallery has given "Vitalized air" over 10,000 times without s case of sickness, and can extract 10 to 20 teeth without a particle of pain. Call at Dr. Felshaw office opera Louse and see our list of testimonials. Dr. E. H. Lansing manager of Prof. Windsor's Medical staff, a distinguished specialist of twenty years experience has arrived at the broom hotel and will take oharge of the medical faculty after today. Prof. Windsor goea to Pocatello tomorrow. ASHBY'S THE QGDEX SPECIALISTS. T. A. Cottingh&ui, M. THE LEA-DIjST- DIAMONDS, JEWELERS. G CLOCKS, WATCHES, Sterling and Flated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every descripDiamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. re-ct- !y tion. GOOD GOODS. SIGN OF THE BIG CLOCK. M. V. 2163 WASHINGTON AYE. : Xotleo to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, administrators of the estate of Henry Uanguere, deceased in Utah Territory, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at his office C and 7 First National Bank building, Ogden, Utah, the same being the place for the transaction of business of the said estate for Utah Territory. LOW PRICES. : Antiseptic Surgery u all it ,APniitiK .a uuriiuiuw I l 1 I Diseases peculiar to Women. All forms of Catarrh. Disease of Genito Urinary OrDiseases of Rectum, gans. viz piles, fistula and fissures treated without operation. Cancers removed without the knife. The "KOCH LYMPH" treatment for department. f ' 1 J maue. .iB.minauona Th above named doctor are regular frraduate and have permanently opened ana practice of various specialties. had advantages from the leading Hospital and Specialist of the East, feelHaving confident in assuring the public tLat U advantage will be given case equal to Eastern Specialist. Office over Postoffice. Xo. 321 HoU"V,VPT( i J Ml. J. STEINBERG, German Specialist, cures all diseases of a private nature aa successfully by correspondence as at his offices which is evident by the hundreds of testimonials from all over the counMedicine furnished for home try, none of which are published however. treatment carefully packed to any part of the United States, Canada or Mexico. l)o not give up hopes even if your case has been pronounced incureable by others but write to me for advice. Correspondence confidential. (Inclose J. STEIN BURG, stamp for answer. Rooms 23 and 24 Knickerbocker building 178 and 17! Tremont street, Boston, Massachusetts. MY NERVOUS DEBILITY AND SEXUAL WEAKNESS PILL made from my special Germai formula. Price per box Henry f r- ve or female will boxes which cure most cases for $5. Gilbkbt, Administrator of the estate of Uanguere, deceased. Diseases of the Ear. Diseases of the Nose. Diseases ot the Throat. Diseases of the Chest. Diseases of the Skin. Diseases of the Nervous System. Also Galvanic, Faradic and Static Electricity used, M. office for consultation OGDEN, UTAH : c. CottiriKham. . SPECIAL ATTENTION' GIVEN' TO to s 8jtwIUl, m. ) Twentr-fourt- Atterbury, Dobson Street h & Co., THE HATTERS! fl h Gill Is in It. Notice J. D. Gill's new list of bargains. Gill is always full of business and sells property whether times are hard or soft. The Sale of all Sales la Ashby's. Shoes sold for less there and more people to buy them than you will rind anywhere else the town over. A Sure Catch. The Ruby and Bon Bon cigars are winners and are the best half dime cigar on the coast They are long tillers and For sale, at are made by union labor. the sign of the big cigar, Twenty-hftstreet. W. S. Stone, Frop. h Real Estate Transfers. Furnished by the Hendershot Ab stract office 2414 Washington avenue, for July 15, 1891: J. II. Newman to N. Tanner, Jr., part of block 2 Dunn's addition, ftiOO. Chas. Coonley to C. M. McfJill, part of section o, township 5 north, range 1 west, $3,333. II. Brown to J. Jensen, part of sec tion 19, township 7 north, range 1 west, OUR CLEARANCE SALE HAS COMMENCED! Marks, (joldsmMf & Furnisliiiiies, Summer .Gotbine, Gents Co. Infinitely IVsiOCK OF THEl A LIMITED TIME, Hats, Etc, AT PRICES THAT WILL MOVETHEM REGARDLESS OF COST We intend to remodel our store, and belore making the necessary alterations, our Stock Must be Reduced. Call early and Secure Bargains. MARKS, GOLDSMITH & CO., "' "" 3iffi&gg If The republican county convention to nominate a county ticket meets today in the county court house at 2 p. m. The convention will alao provide for a joint convention with Box tilder county. Grand ball at the rink tonight. Five Points has the honor of sprinkling her own streets. Many from here attended the picnic at the llarnsville grove yesterday. W. B. Wedell returned yesterday from a brief buBinoss trip to bait .bake City, James Iverson was at the Points yes terday in search of more real estate. Superintendent Howard of the Ogden Military academy is spending a lew weeks in Montana' soliciting pupils for the coming term of that popular institu tion. The Five Points brass band under the able management of Professor Gibson, is fast becoming able to appear in any so ciety and at any gathering. Those deep ditches on Harrisville avenue have not received any covering yet and vehicles of all descriptions are being wrecked and broken every day. The progress of the Ogden City Railway company at this point of the city is very good. Yesterday there w as to be seen nearly one hundred men and horses plowing up the street for the new track, which will extend to the city limits From good north of Five Points. authority we learn that within the next forty days the citizens of Five Points will have the privilege of riding on an electric system of street cars every 20 minutes." A. A. A. EAJSTCY Washington eue, A J.JAVE marked down Glass and Queensware to clo;e out. we retail at wholesale prices. J) RICE our Ladies' Shawls, and you will buy one. our Corsets JNQUIRE for we sell them cheap. QPERA FASCINATORS of the latest styles just arrived. J)RIME RIBBONS of all shades and grades at low figures. ACES we sell cheaper than the cheapest. JVERY GRADE and shade of Velvets at a bargain. PIONIOIANS gILK HOSIERY of all HANDKERCHIEFS kinds-pr- ice them. in Endless Variety; also perfumery 'J'OWELS, Napkins and Tablecloths we are Headquarters for. and Table Tidies of the Latest Patterns. QTTOMAN ! JEMEMBER the People's Store has the Largest Assortment JVERYBODY is invited to call and inspect be found to GOODS and LUNCH of PICNIC and Freshest Finest Assortment The First Store East of Postoffice, on in Canned Meats, Game, Pates, Pickles, Olives, Cheese and an Endless Everything .1 . r l i n r r: au anu see mc wiicn you aic hi nccu ui auj. variety 01 racKers anaj discuhs. Grand Opera House Building, 2516 Washington Avenue. 1 :At,, E. FRIEDERICH. 23EO"VV"jSri2STG2461 Washington Avenue, CVden Ogden, Utah. our Boys' Short Waists, from ide u 40c. J" AND STAPLE GROCEEIES. - SON, The People's Store gEAMLESS The Republican Convention. & We carry the Finest Line of Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Soaps, Etc. in Ogden. JgMBROIDERIES Total, 4,008. Buy the "Common Sense" Trunk sold everywhere. First premium at Wiscon sin state fair, ls'JO. FIVE POINTS NEWS. WM. DKIVEK 2453 OFFER FOR OGDEN, UTAH Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS 1.'!5. Was Successful. Prof. Kent's first Wednesday night dance this week went off in good order at Hot Springs. He will give another there next Wednesday evening. UNDER UKOOM HOTEL. BKOTHEKS. 155 Main St. Salt Lake Citv- them. Twenty-fourt- Street. h lew - iSl BIG of Neckwear. ' REDUCTIONS! WE HAVE A CAP. LOAD OF AFETY glCYCLES! 10c and UPWARDS! Baby Wardrobe Complete! EMBROIDERIES! Knit and Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, Aprons and Fans. Art Needlework 1 Materials, Stamping And List Price. Our Trico. Men's size, .Veil's size, Men's Size. thirty-inc- h JM.uU wbpols, adjust ablo, coup to both wheel.. M. 0 wheels, ball ball beariuRs to wheels and pedals.. 90.00 W5.UU TiO.001 S5.90 Youth's Siz adjustable cone bearings Koyit Size, adjustable cone bearings Also tiirls' Tricpclcs, all sizes and price List Price. Our Pric. $4f 00 35.00 SK.nO iVJC III I Pinking. tFWe have just received some Kodak Cameras, which are the Only First THE BAZAAK. Cor. OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE IS FR3E TO ALL. Class Amature Camera made. Twenty-fourt- h & Grant. |