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Show ncnrw s iAL: fridw. ji ly it. Tt d MEM paw wscaat nw ME WASNT ENTERED BUT WA& GIVEN i Um (.'ma) - BT A SJTCAJTt IsTaMTED v 14, M at uar I saurtor. i su Attorney-at-Law- , J " a ( r Hi At ffvtt a HE SHO. AY.ft3 It' SO ' g KENT -- M ELI Ft KNlSHEfJ with x vmLuut Uard ai m It BM ' Tk. W. R. WILLIAM :.- ii 1 2 VO mima. DhU O r :'.. 4 wmummmmm i SALE-P1A- J. D. GILL COTTAGE BW "Where's Boater?" 'Oh, he's around somewhere. Buster's HAS SURE all right There comes the boys with the GOT BARGAINS FOR ALL. duds, aad we'll have you all right, too, in a minute Don't feel dizzy or nothiu', OHK UTAH. .500. do vert" Four rmrai new frame lioaoe. city water -. allmile from lot .ml i' tu m)f "I'm beginning to feel first rate again fits ball. l cai.li. nalituce good. But racntly renovated and placed in tl.WX). New Where's Buster? Some of you whistle; five room frame huuie lot K.il first-datItebular meals 25 oondition. 1 ain't to alley ami on a corner. SlUOcash. got the wind." balance $Si monthly. rente, Day Hoard fTj.OO per week. Rooms But at that moment abobtailed brindle 11.25 to 15.00 par month. Transent t W). Full acre within one mile of city liall. dog came around the corner, closely purCheap. to fl.50 per dar. f 750. Ten acre with water, level and nnder sued by a couple of boys, J. N. VAN GILDER, Prop. canal. Fine Fruit aoil. No alkali. "Let Buster alone! What are you chasExcellent location. 4 mile out. ing Buster for" demanded the prostrate I have good residence lot and on earn 1 IX A IE. liKETOh. IB AIM . M. D. LBSSKNtiER. LESSENGEK L. LOAB & LOAR, D. GILL m Mm 2i()4 ii mi id Bur and Sell "Why. yer see." explained the otlu-rtill keeping up the chase," there wa a man said if we could get him around to the dog show they'd give him a prize for pulling youoatof the river, and he won't let us catch him." ci lift in ICtUUUB .,,. ' LEGAL BLANKS mi Ate Cream Prunes Good bargains business Lots. Several Houses for Sale on easy payments. Insurance written First Class Companies. Money to Loan on Real Estate. R. well-know- P. HUNTER, Paul RAILWAY t 1 FOR MEN ONLY! avenue. Skookum Root Hair Grower Go VSKBl BtACMTLLAM. U Supreme Court. Nevada. A MACMILLAM. NEW YORK. Sa'.e bv all Oruaglata. WarV II 2403 ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Practices in the District Court and all the courts. Personal attention given to collections. Remember the place, in Peery's wooden building, uear meat shop of C. H. (ireenwell A Bros.. WW Twenty fourth street, Ogden, Utah. P.O. oox Mo, 4 AMES N. KMCBALL, ii BALL BDWABD M. ALLISON A ALLISON, ATTOWIEYS-AT-LA- over Utah National Bank, corner of H aslungion avenue and Twenty-fourtstreet, Utah. Ogdeu, Office, h Mnnii!Sm IMITH a. w Dor;t Wastcrnr, on inferior Hose but get the LACK LINE W. SMITH A SMITH, ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- Office, rooms Bank building. tl.: $500 Reward and 36 35, 87, First Nafiona OCULISTS AND AURISTS. HAWLEY, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. EYE, Office, 245. Washington avenne-Pe- ery Room 3. Hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 PHYSICIANS J)R. to 5 p. Annex, m. AND SURGEONS W. D. SPRINGER, Office 2447 Washington New Hardware Store. Y)m- - Avenue, over Funge's (Late house surgeons London Hospital. Sue cessors to Dr. J. W. Fraser) Office, Rooms 12 and U Woodmansee BLACK, not TTj near tb coupling. Sol J everywhere. A samptt wiU bt sent fret if you mention Ibis publico Hem. MDSTON Lsk 9 p. a. W. O. 8. Mcbbat, M.D. Telephone 237 SECRET SOCIETIES. 0. DR. LESLIE'S IS THE ONLY ENOWN REMEDY IN THE WORLD THAT WILL ABSOLUTELY CURE U. W. .. R. Lancaster, W. Rudolph Mann, Finer. Visiting M. W, Foulqeb, Rec'd'r. CCEUR DE LION LODGE, Mo. 331. Sojourning brothers cordially invited. Perctval J. Barrati , President. C. J. Flowers, Secretary, 680 27th SL MARKETS. Wrthkrdt. L. B. KXXXX SI CK HEADACHE! xxxxx SONS OF ST. GEORGE. OGDEN, UTAH. The above society will hold Ha meetings in Knights of Pythias hall. Twenty-fourt- h street, (over Standard building) every Thursday evening at half past seven sharp, until further notice. Application forms may be obtained from Dr. Percy A. Cook, 2361, Washington avenue. A. E. Balch Boston Meat Market. TESTIMONIALS. TOD & CRAWFORD, Commission Merchants and Dealers in Building Material. Santa Rosa, CaL, Jam. 1Kb, 18BL Bnggs Medicine Co. Gents Yours of the 15th received. , 1 shall be glad to assist you in promoting the sale of Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription. Indeed, most of what I have bought of job in the oast four years has been given away, myself having beon completely cured after a lifetime of headache, as I shall gladlv certify Should you write to either Dr. Markell or Dr. Mason, of this place, you may refer to Tod & Crawford, as to the superiority of your Special Yours truly, Prescription. : Will. Tod. Prioe 35 Cents. Sold by all Drug-gists. Brigga KSiVIL KINDS OFH Fresh Meats, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. Orders taken at your door, and goods delivered to any part of the city. a specialty. Our Meat IJKLIVKKY is a Market on wheels which calls at "youragonhouse so that you may select your own goods. It rncs north of 23d 8t. on Washington Avenue aad the Bench. Medicine Co., San Francisco, Cal Sntiif Httle fort tine hflebrni made at work for , by Anna Pie. Auatin. ind Jno. !iinn. Tnldn CiM cut. Other are doinir u well. Why ..v sua nomi! earn arm HIM iJ a MMW, Tfttl nun rfo the work anfl Hva fat home, wIimuvm vu ai. Evn ginnrg rc (.aeily ern!n(r from 5 to , i h. PROMPT Tel. No. 1. 231 1 HOSE CO.. Minf'n. of Rubber 226 Devonshire St, Boston, 8 Bush St, San Franclscc WOVEN and Packing, St, Chlcapi Special Prescription! NO. 3, Meets every Tuesday evening at 8 brothers cordially invited to attend. RICHARD lftadBT. Ail BC?f. IVnahnw rrtnhABB and nun you. Can work (n siwre tlmft or all th lime. Rig money for work-fT- f: War unknown among; them. .Ha!l0Ufc Co.,llox Washington Ave PLUMBING Portland, Main SM SIPS STEAM, AND AGENCYiorN Gas Fitting. All people in need of first class Plumbing Bteam or Gas Fitting at' ' A REASONABLE PRICES k pamphlet of Information and 7, iyT-- ?. . ,v". uoprngnta SIUNN ner.r t ab- - 't rade tree. CO. 1 , should give their orders to Stone, Musser Dealers & Co. in Pumps, Hose, Pipe, Brass Goods, Etc, 2540, Wash. Ave. ( III. Trte CORRUGATED COUPLING arid BAND as lt cut. ,'lj. Each Icryrtq 1$ now put up with PIIK WRAPPER arouird the hose Told Medalist in Medicine, QRDER atrycI "'SPIRAL' Patented 9 A. m, : J. P. jrjMrufc A. Bt trk. blue, re or ary tbirr but black. If. Building, street. Twenty-fourt- h JHDELITY LODGE SPIRAL" a". The "Spiral" Cotton Hnsa havhw no otrtil Isanverlng. to hold the mnUture, ai Ilu bber hose does.drn-sllkcatnweOf court there are Imitations; there are FV VR WA I'S however, by which you can tell If the dealer Is trying to sell an Inferior hoie. The Genuine " 8plral" has I, A Mack. Iir woven in : Burt it I5 ' KENNEDY A MURRAY. Office hours M.D, 99 v farc!) JO, I 880," op every Icryrtb. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. THE CHICAGO Milwaukee iHJSJEMAS Is Free from all coloring mais.. Ttadt mutt rtfirtmd.) Contains no Mineral or Vegetable Poisons It is an honest And tiierftoriora preparation. Nature's Own Remedy. W. N. BaTLLTHO, (teal Estate and Loans Specia V BaklEeaca aa Is Exquisite Toilet Artice ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Wellington Ave.. Ogden Utah. K. WHITE T O'HAVER "" r N' 4406 W"tint00 OgdtaE4' h H. 0rod Ilairoa Grows atlTORNEYS-AT-LA- BANK Oadn, Utah. B. Adams. Stops Falling Hair. Ji a Preventive wfBaMnesr. L Amncialcve adjusted. ' "OBBMAK. eiLBBBT A BOREMAN, JjJOREMAN Office : being suspicious of bovg who were too Cashier. Vioe President friendly. Anyway, he dodged and kept out of their way, almost causing one of Will Practice in all the Courts. them to be crushed under the wheels of L. McKEE A CO., a cable car, when the. wet boy gave a low Wa will attend to all classes of Mining and REAL ESTATE AGENTS 349 Twenty- arth St. whistle and ordered the dog to "coma Land eases before County courts and the Land Offices at Salt Lake ere." No. 118, Twenty-fiftStreet and Washmton, D. C. UTAH. The animal obeyed without a whine. OGDEN, : 'Now lay down!" The doj We have a Colletion Agency in connection rtut his nose between his pBwa Bt as ,4 as . Willi the offices ai tondeO to by a special ool got to go and get that there prize. nd lector M. I m IMPORTANT TO EVERY MAN, WOMAN Promptness in all matters guaranteed) going too, was doubtful at first if the boy would It First National Bank Building, Rooms 33 and 84 (Member Real Estate Exchange) be able to keep his word, but by the help AND CHILD IN UTAH. of tne others, who had taken off his wet clothing and wrapped him up in some Diseases of the thing drier, he managed to go. PCBIiHHBD AND FOB SALS BT Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat W hen he saw his master going the dog followed, and they soon stood before the THE COMMERCIAL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. PUBLISHING CO CHOICE LOCATIONS bullet u board in front of the rink, an In all parts of the City. GOOD RANCHES) nouncing the bench show and the terms and Harden Tracts. i lie old surgeon and examining Washington Avenue, Ogdeu, Utah hysician of of admittance "The Liebig Institute .ncl nrlii Dis There was some consultation, and then pensary of Surgical Kansas t.ity and San Francisco Ogden and hare offices at the Brixim while four of them stayed with the boy will nsit hotel, Feb. 25 and 26, at Clift ho ise, Salt Lake, HILL PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. who had been in the CONVEYANCING BLANKS. 27 water, one of the Feb. and 28, 1891. This will be a rare chance mx CLASS took the dog by the strap around for the people of Utah to consult free wih the largest and most successful California specialist 670 VV arranty Deed, short form . . A his neck, and, paying the admission fee oldest wno nas nail nearly nfty yoars special practice, 671 Warranty Deed, long torn... A No trouble to show property, Call and see me with the combined wealth of the com having graduated in 1843. Remember the old 4 doctor will visit Utah himself. Dr. Liebig A Quit-claiDeed A pany, undertook to drag the dog in with Co. of San Francisco are the only reliable 450 Real EstateMort'ge,Bhort f'rm A No. Ull, Wash. Ave., him. specialists from the large cities w,o visit Utah 875 Option Contract. . A quarterly, who treat all wasting and annoying . "Here! leave that dog outside, " com- chronic UTAH. OGDKN, 300 Lease. itisfwses of men women ana children A manded the doorkeeper. "You can't take and the only brace and deformity manufac 60 Bond for Deed. A who turers visit Utah from San rrancisco that dog in with you, 1 say." 100 Discharge of Mortgage B Eansas City. 600 Trust Deed. I reason? the "Whats Ain't 0 taking mm in to get the prize? 3 Assignment of Mortgage.... A 61 Bill of Sale CALIFORNIA A "What pnze? There ia no prize for PRORATE COURT BLANKS. such curs as that. Turn him out, I tell 1 - dministrator's Bond A 125 Executors' Bond in you." A PRIZE WAS GIVEN. A 300 Letters of Guardianship A "Yes, there is a prize. Wot are you 876 Order Appointing Hearing.. . A givin' us? Didn't a man tell me so? He 601 Testimony of A OF- going to eat up none of your fine 602 Testimony of Applicant A business building and lot ain't A haired but he's to that pups, goin' get 899 Order appointing Adm'r.... A well located, leased for a term prize." OOaUflSSIOlS'KR's COURT BLANKS. have been a fracau and of years. Rents will pay 12 anThere might 475 Summons arrest, for the boy who had paid his 476 Sheriff's Sale per cent on the investment. money was positive and determined, but 76 Constable's Sale Will increase in value. A very pleasant Laxative, made from then a gentleman chanced to step to just 377 Order for Deft to the juice of Freeh Prunes combined appear the door and asked was what the matter. and show cause A with a few harmless vegetable ingredi "Oh, he's got a fool notion about a ents of 78 Citation for Garnishee A n and highly medicin for brindle 2 Affidavit for Citation for prize pups," explained the al qualities, put up in the foim of Garnishee. A gatekeeper, "and is making a fuss about 572 Writ of Execution his dog going in." A CREAM DROPS, in "There isn't such a prize offered, 1 am DISTRICT COURT BLANKS. a very valuable preparation Making positive," said the man. "I am one of 10 Affidavit for Claim and DelivFOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN, the judges." A ery personal property 625 Undertaking on Claim and "What sort of a show is this here, Assimilating the food and Regulating then?" the Stomach and Bowels. Delivery of personal property A 626 Undertaking for Return to "A dog show, of course." IT PROMOTES DIGESTION, CHEERFULNESS Deft, Claim and Delivery "And no prize for the best dog?" AND REST. A personal property is "It for a certain kind of dogs those 77 Complaint on Claim and Dethat cost a great deal of money," livery personal property.... A IT IS A WONDERFUL REMEDY "And not for the kind that jumps into MINUJQ BLANKS, 2414 Washington Avenue. the ice and drags a boy outen the river?" 325 Mining Jeed A "Did your dog do that?" For Constipation, Sour Stomach, 350 Notice of Looation of Claim. A "Yes; and that there's the boy he did Convulsions, Loss of Ssleep, 400 Proof of Labor 5! A it to." Worms, Fevbrishnkss, etc 4S1 Power of Att'y to Locate The gentleman looked incredulous, but and Sell A just then a newspaper reporter who bad PRICE 25 CENTS. AtlSCBLLANBOUS BLANKS. been watching the boys from the street 177 Official Bond and Oath A For Sale by all Druggists. stepped up and corroborated the state75 Chattel Mortgage C ment 325 Marriage Certificate A & St. "Wait here a minnte," said the gentle Promissory Notes, Books of 50 and 100. and he disappeared within and man; Receipt, Books of 50. went briskly to where a group of his BRIGGS MEDICINE Rant Receipts, Books of 100. CO., friends were talking. In a minute he Is the. only line running Drafts, Books of 100. . . . . . Solid Vestibnled, ii team. . n came back with something in his hand, San Francisco, California. IU1U ....H. ...i:.L,.j HftlUB :'.lifj Other Blanks constantly being added between Chieago and Omaha, oomppse and followed by several others. to the above list of Magnificent Sleeping Can and "We have decided," he said, "that The finest Dining Cars In the World. there ought to be a prize for that kind ! of a dog, and here is a five dollar gold WF. win pay the above reward for any esse of Liver EVERYTHING FIRST-CLAS- S. piece for the owner of the dog," and at Complaint. pyspepKis, Sick Headache, IndUrention. Cob the same time he stepped forward and Rtlpatlon or Costlvenesfl we cannot cure with WestV eralaadlOSRVOtSTiitim rrv' Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are Any further Information as to Rates of Fare, tied a knot of blue ribbon to eakBcsn of Body and Hind, Effect the strap compiled with. They are purely Vegetable, andstrictly nevet etc., will be cheerfully furnished by fall to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Largs boxes, around the neck. dog's ALEX MITCHELL. 90 Pills. Sft cents. Beware counterfeit of containing Commoroial Agent. A prouder lot of boys were never seen and bnltetluns. The genuine manufactured only by 7 "flll HOBK "SMsiff T. F. POWKLL, IRK JOHN C. W18T CXIMl'A.VY, CHICAGO, ILL than those street waifs as led the they Traveling Agent. ""a pr. ..ji, (w.j.ij'SS: gMM'".' Maid by A. H WALK Kit. ERIE MEOICAL CO., 61 S. Main Street, BUFFALO. N, V. Salt Lake City. dog away. Oar Dumb Animals. Umcclat. Oaden. I tab. - scumtineally JEONARD FOR A PRIZE. UUUU M. LAWVERS. "Wot sort of a prize is it?" demanded United Statea Depository. the wet boy. "Money, you woodenhead.you. They're all swells down there, and he said there's flOO.OOO. a prize for the best dog that saves a feller's life. $ 8TJRPL.TJ8, 1S8,000 l ins was enougu to satisfy t , Time Depo"it' smaller excit$be ries of the boy, and to best efforts of the others to caiitu dog, but for some reasons he , President. iu-- Real Estate. Glasae jtSSaav on Time and Savings Deooeit. . Mhbm NK $125,000. 7,500. NATIONAL Grows HLsr Rapi ily Eradicates Dandrufi. Also s LOOKING Skookum Root CQL EVE EAR, THROAT A M) IP L sweed Wsdxnslai Bja J. E. t jmi.iim.bE C. Rat. Coturi-ousoaa- H.C. BIGELOW PresideeL JOHN A BOYLE. Vie President A P. BIGELOW. ( sahier. DTH T. P. BBIis up stairs ovsr Funges stew Hardware Teeth aatraeted without paw. s msined. Difficult esses of artificial Moth solicited. Satisf actios gaarauiowl. BANK. .NO. F 1st, ALVERSON. DENTIST. OGDEN, UTAH. Capital Paid in, Surplus, - - OMMANDEBI. ( A. McCACSLAND. PstncA Healy, ITHI MONTE AiCHITECTS, laajai w. n and i 01sb. Ctaa, liri. Hetry CoaaaL boy. yt Alaaue avesiae. 8-- O. Harknesa. "3 $' Ell A 1 NO. Esc, Ooe ft a cheap terms. I have irood on eay terms. cheap aud I have haricaint. iu firms an. I farm propertiea which I can irive g terms on, atd to cap all, I am selling them too. If mm want to act in at low wires, huv miw. for yeu will sure pay mure m.iney for properties before long if you wait to buy. a .- WHEELER $156,000. Profits, - bjbjmi bmliuug. J - 4 fndiTided '.HOTEL O W M RvJs-- ' eocveesrsoa seostd Twasdsy Haiaoub. a E H WWm T P. Baisa. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. E Hat. i. CuitiJ, N tt. aXYESBOK, National Bant, OGDEN, 3S. u. WIRING Plans, speri&ratktts. aad estimates furushed. - - Sun Fire g BcaauiK D BB j RAM. iiavw '- BJ E tnmU H Ad EejUa. TW. if ill r CHAPTER. QGOEE SOTELTY VUEEjs. saarJwa of all snjids L,jc 'SI StcU kuhhnr aLa4S lruc Ftujc.t, .ieW st,j KipwiRrfts.' Efcciiiaery t. order. emit BBMBB iw. WHaaatzTaMalBj - ,, It... T. P hi-- Aug Eiru-- WEEiTOa k A Ml Ttanduaaaofe awu. ATEJkTS. IsJ kifcftk.ii aliEisjMM fjereasry. well Luracs b at . ai.d car4 fur. aJMCSn MASONIC. L01JL EBEI SURGEG ELECT1UC ai-s- frot VETERINAfir tUt VAU1NUTU CAPITAL, . $200,000. BOOM nBslKlmai - y J. alsiaawr HAH. UW Uau tm.Wtmm - u CITIZENS' BANK h sEST THReJI AM) ail STALL. t rsaatst- M lsrs- fjwow. "V BUSINESS CARDS Fass-f- Central riftk. BBl all tB pogs. aad (err, era. aad macRfla. aul Btsr&Arda. ail bvbbbbbI SMITH Late tfeief "Wk of J DEMPSTtK JiwetioB City Tnmtti.fi- bolldoga. and all ute othrr bml Ti Inor-k- . 1.M.J odkC MUCH!! tk ' d jgs who wens sure to what class th- I K a. l Bulk axd li :. Fred w. bckmgwd and wbuec owuct oodd pr.t J. C. I A luraliue. In juir Xi. Twt fourth tM. U.CLT not lo be so claaoed Wef Utena Addrau Pu Ge has SB. m. FBaBBI BBM GO TO Xhr and FOR KSURAXCE coming booms- papers had been laboc - UK Ktokuifall of dewnjitsns 1xr Kerr fareiaued, vrrj mr ana:r uiustTatea ux wuud cut S of ttie r,i..-- i animcls HEKT-nSICELV FlEMSHtlt aoaic EXS Over on another trv-- t of the aarae cit JT fruet r for two puitivilli ..r wilituul f..ar.l m) Utl. (inuit. was qtutea different aoene. la a uarrx w AGENT FOR court Bear the river law a ehivenii,' FOR SALE. white faced tittle shaver, wbo ckstBe Office r 1. iH SALE A SH'ELY V water Over hiaa beat aaotbei dripped A louurfr rarr bwin. Call nd duli-Bojr with a quart of steaming hot iaaid Ml is Us band IS SPLF.NKIO CtS ',VK aDruk tbia here hot coffee. Jim " Bt Surplus ifld cheat.. Call earl) r dm.,u will aid "Bill s gone for to hunt upt.mdry JTu; iaffenuti arooiM, on eorusr reBtr-aaeatiftrart. t m duds, aad mavbe we on get yer inter L'OB SALK THEEI HOl'SES, OS MONTH- - that engine room ter dry. Oont yer m 7,000.000. Jkmtm, J ovmc, Mrs. J. A. ter gettin' faint nor uothin' now lj paiiiautalii trlA :!';.i ! before Waia JT.A:VrFUImt. Jul)' Aji.l Room 11, Pint National Bank, Ogdun. yer bead raised a bitf But the hoy raised himself on hi elbow REAL ESTATE. and looked around him He took a drink of i he coffee, aud aoetmng to get strength l h9i. BANKS K DOG THAT (JOT A PKiZi JOSEPH OcCAMMON : in v iivriM Stevens Blk., opp City Hall $3000:..l"". u,i7"m nnr (airly lutrlllfem pervon of lb 'Mil nd who, Inatrarlioii. will work .,,,1,,.,, ...... Tkeu.wKl Ooll.r. a tlwylle.l will ,11. (amlfb "ho iffaraea. detlr- - ha kavs i rrtAj nainbei ad a .v n B. C . ALLG.V, ,rlt,nd "".""' mii.,,,.,. wntl,, ..rh r,!ini with mil pnxldnl j.s .. 7. mpl, m. .!. A..u.tu. , ,', Maine. |