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Show OSDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: FRIDAY, JULY IT. T DO YOU WANT To bay a Wnm tor tha m yoa pay mm pay Mm at r;i ftLaai Rio Grande Westen tMHi nr ml Railway. DO YOl WANT STANDARDGAIGE. To lot ib tha aaast d iratitft part bvy ft cf th City, aft your ova Uffti ft&d at Mai Winter la Mm ims at liii buco I wB ftftta ew ckUed lo her to mu, U4 fcP"Uauir t ft of rwwaen to Li. K- - , ft. itlaataf all? for Oy- - Tie aauther votud the two curl hrr ftaavr aio thraued a little bit . wr.ttea n&Uei nan . chawta in her reucoia and ILc ejftfjlf alig ia Lir which The letter after that they aroae at in Urn. toga mmd "TKk yoa my mnrh. Mr. Barber.' aM tba bttie gtri. holding her hand oat. "What, aae and Onl get whiaker. well ail iLr fear aaaa to yoa to cat them off. Do yoa aard U Eat Fttid'a play Uetuail. Mr. Barber? Canae if yoa do I'm guiag to give yoa a pn-uDIMPLE AND DUMPLING. WooVd yao like a ticket fur oar baseball uich, Mr. BarberT She nailed narte- Tbere vas only one chair vacant in a boaril from oat a little bit of her and banded raxfcet H down town barber shop the other day whm a tall young man, accompanied by a lady and a lovely little girl of five. n GRAND fcASEBALL to out leri and calbaffewtba saaad aarber a bo bah. rcaviN vraai , . side him a explicit direction.-Adnuauuouirina. Then the little girl's hat was mnoeed. asad taa barber en velooed her in one of "Cecil is of the Dick Turpins, the big white aprons. The young nan and he saidcaptain now that I was going to lifted her up into the barber'schair with hare my hair rnt o3 I d be just as good a whispered word of reaasnrance, and the aaa boy. So he's to lend me a pair going lady, aftr kisaius her, passed her hands of his trousers and I'm to be second base." caressingly over all the beantifnl golden A roar arose from each respective brown carl. Then she tat down in a chair. As for the jolly old gentleman, ooruer, where the child could not see he collapsed In the midst of her face, and pulled oat her pocket the confuaion utterly. the Lady tried to escape, handkerchief. bnt Lena's hat had to be put on and that By this tune the occupants of the five caused still another delay. other chairs had become vastly interest "No more snarls in the morning now, ad. All eyea were fixed on the tweet remarked the young Lady as mamma," ba ft nil u, t urly halo. It wae a she it on. But then 6be drew a very put pale little face, and there were no rose long face. "Oh, maiuma, it wabbles buds on its cheeks, but above them were dreadfully." two glorious gray eyes that shone like The barber then slipped some paper pair of stars. On each side of the little inside the lining of the hat and they set The cnrL face rested a particularly fat off. child placed her hand upon each as the But just ftt the doorway the redfaced barber advanced with the big shears, old gentleman accosted them. He had and gated beseechingly up into his face his hat on by this time, but he took it off 1 want yon to Now, Mr. Barber, and made ft most courteous immediately leave Dimple and Dumpling until the bow. off all the of them rest very last Cut "Madam," he exclaimed, "there are first, please. I shall miss them dreffnlly, two things I want particularly, and you yon know. Me and Dimple and Dump- can grant me both of them. I want a Dimbeen has such friends. ling always kiss from that little daughter of yours ple is going out to my papa in a letter. and ft ticket for that baseball match. I My papa is way out in Ceylon, you know. can't pay the of admission, for 1 You haven't got a papa way out in Cey- haven't three price to my name, but perpins lon, Mr. Barberi" haps this," and as he spoke he "No, miss; I ain't got none at all." bright and shiny into Lena's "And haven't you got a mamma, Mr. something hand, "to be devoted to soda water after Barber? My mamma is going to put the Tuscaroras have been completely Dumpling into her 'Don't Vou Remem- done up might answer the purpose just ber' box. Did you ever see a 'Don't You as well." Remember' box, Mr. Barber?" The ladv smiled and allowed Lena to "No, miss, 1 never did." give him the desired kiss, but she handed "Mamma's has got such a funny lot of him buck tho . , , money, and could not be things in it There s a little bit of orange pr,vailed npon to cept it Then with ajtvaniii niiu a ihuc iihkoiuu iua Ain a jiarting nod to the barber the two used to wear. That's Alec over there joined Alec on the corner. When la t by the window. And there's a little red seen Lena was lifted up to the letter box ilia Bhoe that was our little bruffer's. to on tho first stage of name was Kotmi, and he died Retort its dispatch Dimpleand the redfaced genlong journey, any of us was borned, you know tleman, as he lost sight of her in tho At this moment the mothem stepped crowd on Broadway, vowed fervently forward and whispered to the little girl. that he would see that game of baseball, old There was an gentleman with a very Leven if it cost a leg. Acton Davies in red face in one of the chairs ff ho shook New York Evening Sun. like a veritable jelly at the (child's re Alec mark. Big brother waa) blushing A Remarkable War Record. furiously and the whole barbWr shon was on General Butler's staff,' served "I all agog. said Port Warden Corns tock; "wal over There was silence for a moment or four years in the army, but never filed a two. while the scisRors went snip, snip, was promoted for gallantry onVthe gun; 6nip. Then the little prattler broke field and never was in a battle, and; in forth again. fact never saw a Confederate in arms, "Mamma says I'm talking too mnch, and I don't get a pension. I didn't carry Mr. Barber; but if I don't tiilk I shall beany spoons from New Orleans, but away I to cried gin cry. awfully yesterday, you I've Byron and Moore goi know; so did mamma and nurse. That in leatherShakespeare, I brought away from the, that was when the doctor came and' said Twiggs mansion where we made our they'd have to be cutted off. We all headquarters while in New Qrleans. If cried 'cept Cecil. He's eight years old. with the spoons it He never cries 'cepting when mamma anylwdy got away would not be strange. spauks him; then he howls. But at last Tho distinguished family that moved I stopped crying, for Alec said he'd Lake for us left the family silver and out me to lunch with him when we came in and we moved in and to have it done; nurse said she'd let me everything else, and used the abandoned took possession half-pa7 sit up till for a whole week; as wo had, under the laws of mamma's going to get me a silver property war, a perfect right to do. We found thimble, and cook is going to have the famous Twiggs swords there. They waffles for tea when we get back. Do on exhibition at Washhavo been long you liko waffles, Mr. Barber?" The barber replied in the affirmative, ington. The Twiggs heirs are trying to all these things back, but they'll and then there was silence for a little get as hard a time to trace that library, have while. I'm afraid, as they will the spoons." "Have you got a sweetheart, Mr. BarNew York Herald. ber?" A titter ran around the room, and the barber turned as red as his pole outChicago's Parks and Tarkways. side, but he replied in the negative. The parks and parkways of Chicago "Alec's got one," pursued the child. "He goes to tea with her on Sunday. are of a type the outgrowth of her natural landscape conditions and the charCecil says he is awfully sweet on her. of her people. Between the Cecil knows, too; he was under the sofa acteristics on the east and the prairie lake great when" But Alec waited to hear no further. main land on the west is a low, swampy tract diversified by sand ridges washed He bolted bodily and waited on the corner until the ordeal was at an end. The up by the storm waves and shifted about by the winds. The lake in some places lady arose and whispered some further encroaches upon the land, and at other but of cautions, they proved no avail. extends the shore by the forming points "Well, Mr. Barber, if you haven't got of sand bars. Upon such a site was any sweetheart or papa or mamma, you founded Chicago, and upon such a soil must be a norphan. Are you a norphan, has she built her parks and boulevards. Mr. Barber?" The wide streets were rescued as rapThe man nodded his head and then as possible from their primitive asked his questioner to keep her head idly of alternate mud and dust, condition still, like a good girl. graded and laid with the most approved Another pause. Then: forms of pavement The fondness of "Mr. Barberi" the people for riding and driving, that "Yes, miss." led them at an early day to provide so "If you is a norphan what does you caused the feaamply for say when yon go to bed? You can't say ture of finepublic ways, to be driveways prominent 'God bless papa and mamma' any more. when the public parks were to be made. I'm very glad I'm not a norphan." Harper's Weekly. There was a dead 6ilence in the room after that until the redfaced old gentleSavings Hanks' Depositors. man blew his nose. The barber's task close of the year 1890 the savAt the was almost finished now. "What's the matter, mamma? You're ings banks in the United States numbered 860, with savings deposits amountcryin'." to $1,524,841,500, divided among ing I'm not Lena. What "Why, no, 4,258,893 depositors, being an average of makes" 1358.04. The depositors in the banks of "Oh, but yes you are, mamma. I can hear you sniffling, and besides, I can see New York state numbered 1,420,997, with deposits amounting to $.550,060,057, your face iii the looking glass. There's two big tears running down your nose." being an average to each depositor of "Now, miss, just please sit steady a $387.10. California is credited with the largest average sum to each depositor, minute." The scissors gave a snip, and poor the amount being $787.74. The smallest of all states is in West Virginia, Dini- - average Uuinpling tea down into her where the amount is $48. 19,-York lJT-u nl rrdlmsssJ n i L IF YOU DO Unkh Lake lUter. ...... Arrive Greiul Jbjkuubi Lsavv Grand JunrtkuB Arrive flWynod Seri'aa ONE DOLLAR in cash invested mow, Arrive Paeftto will do what TWO nil fail to do aa toun Ar. Am lJw.-- r 1 nave MftS up. ftll parts of the Citr for sake on tba .Monthly Faviiimt Finn self the KENT. . your- tmw lir ITS VALUE See ME. ia iai 4 . a! jjd OU 2- - ; ml! 1:10 p ii. 1. ' 4 p m l :i5 a 4 4i p at, 10 a. a p m Qd t ta til) TRAINS. AKD SALT LAIB. X a m.. 50u p.m.. Betorninr arrive Otfden lUifip. m ex. m. tM a, Oifdee. m. Leave Salt Salt Lake (talcBT. am p 35 a p m a n. II 1 a : i" p 4 AO ft. Bl tJO p 2'. a m i p s:S ft. Hi p v MNta River Provo. Prove Salt Lake... Salt Lake.... Laav a at ifia-a- a OOOICB HALF as p a LOCAL If you want to buy FRONT A E on Washington avenue for ft. 41 a a alar.l t tat i lp vrr K a 1 UiA p at WJS p 13J p tall U p bBMiwutI lira!. l J Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive uaM a aat v 1 Parxa Exprau Cl. Pul Air r py t Hi i. . brave lVaaM Leai . Sjnii. Lra Leave Lead ill L.-- And can suit vou and you can in las a a a I lst suraa taansa. HOUSES In liiJ I m p a ( m ' IV a- - a 11 Lwtnn. a. U S, a ... Hmt-- m antvaflavsaB I havo SN APS in ftll pftrU of the City, here owners axe obliged to ftell o iuaj to the scarcity of none, ftad where . ft BIVORAK. Lake. 8 M ft, ftV :4J p. ,Jp. retuminr, arrive ip. m. rota, pboto. sraivoviLLft, tbutlk. PLBAAAWT BABTI ABO IALIBA. Leave Ogden - M p.m., ret undue, arrive If you want to buy a lot and will build til) p. m. oo it, I will give you a discount on one Ogden D. C. DODGE, J. H. BENNETT, of the beat building locations in the Geo. Paaa. Act lien. Manager. City. I also own or control the following properties: Wedell's Monterey Addition. Wedell's Five Points Subdivision. 8 lert Line to Park Citj. Wedell's Terrace Subdivision. Five Points Anne. W. A. Lund's Addition. HIE IINOMC LINE OF THE WKT. Sanford's Central Park Annex. Mill Creek Addition. On and after October JM. 1X), paaaeurer and South Ogden Heights. In Ifht trains will run aa follow : utah Central Railway the field for business and can I am in suit you. a W. WEDELL, Over the Poatoffice. N. B. -- Parties havinn CHEAP prop erties and who want OUICK RETURNS, list them with ME. I have a constant demand for ACREAGE and GOOD BUILDING SITES. TBAIKI. PASSaNOSt Leave Salt Lake Lave Park City Arrive at Park City DiBDa.ni p. m 4 HO 10 M am rriv at Salt Lake 8 JO p. m VRKIOBT TBAIT. Leave Salt Lake Leave Par k City Arrive at Park City 70 a. m 4 M a. 1130 p. 3:45 p. rrire at Salt Lake Twelve suburban trains daily between I Lake City and Mill Creek and Sugar House. A 11 people going to Park City will find it to their interest to take this line. Corner 8th South and JHices and DnHt: Main street, Salt Lake City. T. J. Markintoih, G. V. and P. P W.B. WEDELL, M t-t- ft Over the Postotiiee. PIKE'S PEAK ROUTE' i STANDARD GUAGIil BETWEEN DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS PUEBLO ALTLAKE CITY, OGDEN, PACIFIC COAST wen Kiinta. and all north- VIA "D, r.EADVILLE. ASPtN and GLEN WOOD SPBINQS. SCENERY BfjUIPMENT UnequiUed. Unsurpassed 1a REED HOTEL! OGDEN, UTAH- - l and strictly Dininc Anew room on tiftli flwr. All moitern appliances. Rates Si.OO tn $4.UI per day. McMILLES & DEMIN(i, Pn.p.n liot-- first-clap- THE BKUNSWICK Through Pullman SleepeM and Pullman Tourist cars between D" nver ax't San Pt aucisco. Throngh the heart of the Barky Mountains toe most comfortable, the tifost, and thf grandest of all trans continental roo'ee. For rates, descriptive naninh lets. Ltc. call on IM address J. D. KENWORTIif , geuerrl agent, Santa Fe Route, Salt Lake City. H. COLLBRAN, i eneral manager, Coloradi Springs, Colo. CHAS. 8. LEE, general passenger agent Denver, Colo. ! Finest Billiard Hall in Utah. XJp Stairs Over Maden's. We have the largest Hall in Ogden and nse Tables exclns- the Brunswick '5oME I. G, AND SEE US. Profit & Co., THE BRUNSWICK. AN ORDINANCE LevyinK general taxes for the year 1891. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogden mills on the dollar be City, that a tax of 3 levied and collected the present year on the asreal estate and personal sessed value of all property within this cityformade taxable by the; laws of Utah Territory general purposes anil said tax is hereby levied. Passed June 29, 1U. WU. H. TURNER. Mayor. skalJ j Attest, I. T. P. Bryan. Recorder of Ogden City, do hereby certify that that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Lojing General Taxes for the Year lf91," passed by the City Council of Ogden City June 29. 1S91. In testimony whereof I havo hereunto set my hand and affixed the corpi rate seal of Ogden City this 30th day of June, UH. T. P. BRYAN, seal J City Recorder. AN ORDINANCE amending an ordinanceeutitled "An Ordinance, Jailor Dutios Shall Enforce Rules," approved January 27th, 1881. Bo it ordained by the City Council of Ogden City that an ordinance entitled "Jailor Duties-Sh- all enforce rules," aiiproved January 27th, 1891, be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following to be known as Section 2. 8bc. 2. The Jailor shall act under the supervision and direction of the City Marshal and shall perform the duties specified in the foregoing section under the supervision and diroctiun of the City Marshal, Passed June 29, W.M. H. TURNER, Mayor. sbai.1 Ogden I'ity, do I. T. P. Bryan. Recorder hereby certify that the foreiroing is a full, true amendment to an ordian and correct copy of nance entitled "Jailor Duties Shall enforce rules." approved January 27th, 1881, passed by the June 29, 1881. City Council of Ogden Citv In testimony whereof 1 hereunto set my hand of Ogden City, this seal nnd affix the corporate T. P. BRYAN. Ot h day of June, 18i. City Recorder. sfiaLj ;f VESTIBULE TRAINS SOLID Denver, Chicago, St. Louis, liansas City, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Omaha. FREE KEGLINING CHAIR CARS ON ALL TRAINS. Our Famous Dining Cars Attached to all Thbodsh Tbains. Far farther Information concerning this are. t)tw to snv Ticket Agent, or address E. E. WALKER, Gen. Agt., Salt Lake City GEORGE W. JONES. Member of the nmerican Association. Ticket Broker Railroad and Steamship TICKET BROKER Railroad Tickets Bonght, Sold aaa enanied. to ail taints, all. iillhib ANTEKD. Street Telephone. :46 Twenty-faft- Ill I STEAM Jl'MI uoutof aaaavaiope. a ftaaJad - HtftM. :s trial's Ha HflL. UjRRO. aiiUse "in iaaMartftaaBt rf rr i 1. 1W1. iwAisa - t, kMtowaiMMUrai. a kcatj raj ITRREXT TIME TABLE DO YOl WANT To boy BODON3 THE lift. tt. GEO. A. CRAIG, PROP., 13- - 25th Street. Telephone 107. Remember, I am the only Laundry man in Ogden owning and operating his own plant. Best work and Prompt Delivery P. OHEXDEKSHOT. Manarar U A. PAKJf LEY. Sea aad OgdenStesm IjaundiTCo. Those wishing Pin Grade of Laundry Work should give ua a trial. Special care taken with Lace Flan nek. Curtains, Woolen Blanket, Etc., Etc j LIBERAL DISCOUNT ON FAMILY! WORK -- icfftlu MUHll ful severed curls. 4 j 1 U "Goodby, Dumplingjtnd Dimple," she said, and the tears began to gather. They almost overflowed a moment later as the barber lifted her from the chair and she walked to the long mirror to Ej survey herself. Dnt her mother was equal to the emergency. Before Lena had time to realize her changed appcar- - ". Rear of Read Hotel. Telephone Do Yon Want a ITS- .- Bargain ? SADDLES. IIHARNESS JNT LAP DUSTERS. slip! SMM MSM Sth Street. The Largest and Best Selected Stock in the City. All must go at prices Lower than ever offered before. CALL AND GET OUR PRICES. STAFFORD, MILLER & CO. alwaysIFthe lead" up with the times! The time has just arrived when vou are all feeling a want of rest and comfort. HERE WE ARE to Supply your wants. Your real benefactors. FOR ONE WEEK We will offer our Immense Stock of MAMMOCKS at abso lute Cost- Our friends all know that our word is our bond and we do what we say, so step around and b:;y while you (ret the chance of a Real Bargain. - Hammocks that sold for go cents, Now at 60 cents. Hammocks that sold for 125, Now at 85 cents. Hammocks that sold for 1.50, Now at 105. Spreaders that sold for 15 cents, Now at 10 cents. Ropes patent anchor, that sold for 15 cents, Now 10 cts Hooks that sold for 15 cents, Now at 10 cents. OmfSale of Refrigerators! Was a Fearful Slaughter while it Lasted- We still have a FEW left which we will offer at same disccunts as advertised ntil ihey are all cleared- Now is Your Op:oriiiiiity. Take It - - THE FAIR lit 244"? Retai Ogden. Utah and 2445 Washington Avenue, RICKEY'S UNDERTAKING PARLORS Funeral Directors and Embalmers. New Only a Demonstration. Briggs Heard there was a big row between yon and Simpson at the board meeting yesterday. Wilson It wasn't much of a row. I merely said that Simpson was an idiot Briggs What did Simpson do? Wilson He got up and proved it. Exchange. We carry the largest, most complete and eleuant stock of CASKETS and FUNERAL FURNISHINGS West of Chicaso. Services conducted at onr Parlors when iVnll "d, Embalming RICKEY'S I'NDERTAKINH PARLOE8. of bodibS or shipment a specialty. THF FINEST HEARSE IN UTAH. 2263 Washington Avenue. Telephone 207 |