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Show HILL TOP TIMES Page 17 4,1969. pDDDDDDoaaoannnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnaannnnnnnnnnannca n u Now you can pay yourself first and get insured safety. Thanks to a recent Federal ruling, government em- ployees can now have savings deducted from your paycheck for deposit with United Savings and Loan Association. This means that your savings i.i m m?tk -- If: , V . Jm4 jp: account at Unit- for sev- - ed is better than money in the bank. And eral good reasons: First, your money earns the highest possible interest rate for insured savings institutions in the D state of Utah. Get 4 per cent on passbook sav- D ings. 5V4 per cent on savings certificates. Savings D on deposit by the 10th earn from the 1st. Second, your money is insured to $ 1 5.000 by E the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corpora- U orri tho nnnri vm ii iu vrInitoH Qtatoc ui n iuo Rnwornmont I null, aii vjwyvi ayciioy (Incidentally, credit unions are not insured by the yuvci ll ICI ll. Third, your money is available whenever you need itp And. fourth, you can open your account by mail q So. pay yourself first Save regularly with a j q payroll deduction savings account at United Sav- ; I - J I - I ings and Loan Association. It's easy to do. Just out the enclosed coupon and mail it to us today. in in Bountiful, or 393-860- 8 or call 292-242Ogden We'll take care of the rest. fill ... , V 1, q q q Q 7 2, ) Better than money in the bank. UNITED SAVINGS ' AND LOAN ASSOCIATION - OGDEN - BOUNTIFUL 2462 WASHINGTON 23 NORTH r MAIN Name- - Si vS. BLVD . Homo Phone. Home Address Employer Social Security Number Amount you wish to have deducted each month to be placed m your savings account at United Savings and Loan Association t So V? - Signature ' Now Take Advantage of Free Gifts If You Open Your Account Before April 15th S ""JnaanDanannnnannpaDDDDDDnDnaanaDnQDanDDnanoDnna |