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Show U O saps A f vde Park Addition SALT LAKE CITY. I HYDE PARK UUS1NESS HOUSE. Hyde Park Addition A HYDE PARK RESIDENCE. Lot Guaranteed EYjery Part Hyde IS BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED ON THE STKEET CAR LINES ON ELEV- r Addition REMEMBER THAT WE GIVE PURCHASER OF LOTS OUR GUARANTEE THAT THE LOTS HAVE AN ijsVEN, LEVEL, FERTILE SURFACE, EXCELLENT WATER FACILITIES FOR DOMESTIC AND LAWN OR GARDEN IS BEING RAPIDLY BUILT UP WITH ENTH, TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH SOUTH STREETS, IN THE SOUTHWEST PART OF THE CITY, AND IS ONE OF THE BEST IMPROVED ADDITIONS ON THE WEST SIDE OF SALT LAKE CITY. AN ELEGANT CLASS OF RESIDENCES AND BUSINESS HOUSES, SOME OF WHICH ARE SHOWN BY THE ACCOM- PURjPOSES, AND FREE FROM MARSH OR SWAMP. PANYING CUTS. IS THE INTENTION OF THE OWNERS OF THIS ADDITION Tit) MAKE IT THE LEADING ADDITION Prices and Terms : i OF THE WTEST SIDE. J8IN ADDITION TO AN ELEGANT CLASS OF BUILDINGS, THIS CHOICE ADDITION HAS SHADE TREES ON BOTH SIDES OF EVERY STREET, BEAUTIFUL ARTESIAN WELLS OF PURE, SPARKLING WATER AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE STREETS FOR THE FREE USE OF RESIDENTS. PRESENT PRICES AND TY WII&N FIRlST PAYMENT IS MADE THE WARANTEE DEED, FREE FROM ALL INCUMBRANCES, IS DEPOSITED IN lANY BANK THE PURCHASER DESIRES. The Above Prices are Subject to Advance after Thirty Days. ADDITION. S. HYDE PflHK WPHOlfE EACH. PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ARE ONLY A FEW LOTS REMAINING UNSOLD IN THIS BEAUTIFUL THE STREETS ARE WELL GRADED AND IMPROVEMENTS FIRST-CLAS- $350 $300, $325 i!ERMS:$25 CASH AND $10 PEL MON TH ON EACH LO T. FIFTEEN THE DEMAND FOR THIS HAS BEEN SO GREAT THAT ALTHOUGH IT IS NOT YET TWO YEARS ON THE MARKET, THERE PRO-PER- ANY jffiJI GO., 64 W. SECOND SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH A HYDE PAKK RESIDENCE. All On The List. People are cominjj to town quite frequently now that improvements are taking place. There is the big college building, work upon which has begun; then there is the new electric street line through to the lake; another elec-tii- c line heading this way; the Utah and Nevada railway; the new Deep Creek railway: the now line to the beach at Saltair. and some three or four additional lines of railway nil pointing westward; then there is the establishment of the Salt Lake Pickle company, a concern that is meeting with remarkable success; the new Brighton theatre; a new public school; pleasure grounds for the people all West Side attractions. Verilv. the West Side moveth.- Western Poetry. The National Republican convention is to be held in Minneapolis, and the Tribune of that city breaks forth as follows: Oh! Minnie! You're a ripper. You're a wild and woolly skipper, You're the girl to kick our slipper Slap into the very skies. You havo captured the iersimtron, You have squeezed the yaller lemon, You're a waving of jour pennon . PHOJECfED RESIDENCE OF W. J. LOGAN HYDE PARK. j At the gates of Paradise. That settles it. But Minneapolisman in that burg will have his hands full. Church Notice. On every Sun Jay afternoon divine services will be held at Grace Lutheran church, opposite the park, beginning at ' half past two o'clock. Sabbath school will also be held at half-pathree o'clock. The pastor, Ilev. Mr. Beates, will preach. The public are invited. -- st To the Postmaster. Po3t masters are requested to be sure and notify us when this paper is not taken from their office. If not stopped promptly (through oversight or other write mishaps) do us the favor-'to again. Subscribe for the Record and ask your neighbor to do likewise. Spring's sunny days bring crowds of people to Zion's suburb. The Press Club. The Record reaches the principal manufacturing establishAmong the institutions that will ments inand United States. It is an the greatly contribute in making Salt Lake excellent representative of the people. known, and add to the interests of the ! city, is the Press Club. Permanent orREWARDS IN $ 3,500 ganization has been effected, and the The Canadian Agriculturist's Great Winter Liiterary Competition. club has elected the following officers: Half The Fifth Yearly Literary Competition President, K. G. Ivans; for t lie winter of lHy.of The Canadian Ari-cu- lt J. B. Bloom; recording secretary, J. E. tirit, America's old end reliable Illustrated Family Magazine, in now open. The following Hansen; corresponding secretary, Joseph splendid will lx given fre to persons J. Jenkins; treasurer, Joseph Lii'Man; sending inprizes the greatest number of words made hk ll.i.rs-tk.ti- :i board of managers. H. C Bkownlee, W. out of letters contained in the word "1Mmdinw vice-preside- offices nt, AtiHicutrrKisr." in a list of not less than 1(0 words will receive a valuable present of silverware. Lecher. $500 in Gold 1st Grand Reward " " . . .Grand Piano, valued at $:m 2nd " in Gold Dancing on the Green. 3rd " " " valued at $:!() Orgun On the evening of St. Patrick's day a 4th " " Tith in Gold $1 " " Gent's gold watch, full jeweled grand ball took place at Pleasant Green. Cth " LadieV " 7th " " There was an outpouring of citizens sth " . $r,0 in Gold '.25 in Gold " " .tth who from the surrounding country 10 rewards of $10 each $100 swelled the throng of merry makers. Next '20 prizes,-2- 0 Silver Tea Fets, quadruple late,j-arr:intdDancing was prolonged until the ,wee Next ."( prizes, 50 Silver Desert Sots, warranted 'sma hours. heavy plate. Next 100 prizes, 100 Silver Butter Dishes, etc., warranted heavy pl:ite. the Crops. Starting Next 500 prizes consists of Heavy Plated Silver Kettles, Butter Dishes Fruit Baskets, Biscuit W. A. Chapman and PI 11. Anderson? Jars, Sugar Shells, Bittt"r Kniv s, Ac, all fully of the Salt Lake Pickle works, are warranted, making a total of 8l splendid rewards, the value of which will aggregate 8:55(10. visiting West Side farmers and contractThis grand Literary Comictition in open to everywhere. The following are the ing for the season's crop of vegetables. everybody conditions: The vegetables are to be used by mana1. The words must Ik) constructed only from words "The Illustrated Auricitl-tttri- st ger Anderson for table goods, and after letters in the such as are found in must be and passing through the respective depart- Webster's Unabridged only Dictionary, in the inidy of ments of the factory, from the cellar to the Ijook, none of ihe supplement to be used. 2. The words must le written in rotation and the shipping room, they are ready for numbered 1, 2, 8 ami so on, for facilitating in dethe table. And there are nono better. the winners. ciding 3. Letters cannot b used oftener than they t.' words "The Illustbatbo apiear in the For Eggs Taking a Tumble. instance, the word 'egg" canbe used as there is but one "g" in the three There is a fearful crash in the egg not words. 4. The list containing the largest number of market. A couple of weeks ago, hen be awarded first prize, and so on in words was a as scarce at $7.25 order ofwill fruit merit. Each list as it is received will ba quoted and if two or more tie, the first case; now it goes begging at $3.75, or a be numbered, In? awarded first prize, ami so on. will trifle ever 10 cents per dozen "not received therefore the benefit of Bending in early will as a dealer said, "to pay for readily be seen. enough," 5. Each list must bo accompanied by $1 for Bis the wear and tear on the hen." months subscription to The Agriculturist. The following gentlemen have kindly consented A Normal Stockade. to act as judges: J. G. Macdonald, city clerk, Peterborough. Canada, and Commodore Calcutt, A large quantity of fencing has ar- Peterborough. Our Last Competition : "Got fl.000 prize all rived and is to be placed around the right." M. Brandon. Vancouver, B. C. Thanks fROO prize." G. W. Cunningham, Donald. B. for Normal of Utah the college. grounds received 0. K." J. D. Baptie, West (. "PrizeWis. The contract to fence the property was Superior, 300 prize received; thanks." awarded to John Helborn. G. V. Robertson, Toronto ; and 300 others ia the United States and Canada. This is NO LOTTERY merit only will count. If you have anything to tell the peo- The for fairness gained by The Agrreputation in the past is ample that iculturist ple of Zion, speak through the columns this will be conductedguarantee in like manof the Record. They will hear what ner. competition Send 8c stamp for full particulars, to THE AGRICULTURIST, Peterborough, Canada. you have to nay. C. HlOGlNS, lilCHAHD WkLLS, J. It. Mveryone $2-"- THE SALT LAKE PICKLE CO., AT BRIGHTON. WORKSMANUFACTURERS OF INCORPORATED. Chow-Cho- SourMir, Sour Plain, Sweet Mi.r. w, Sweet Plain, Pacallilli, Horseradish, Worcestershire Sauce, Chili Sauce. O. K. Pickles, Marly nas, Sweet Mangoes, Pepper Man (joes, Mexican Hot, Tomato Soy, etc., etc. of 0 oz. to 32 oz. bottles. Also, in Wooden SQTlie above are put np in jiackages 1 jMckaycs of gallon to 4 gallons. material and the best of "Housewife" formulas. J&"A11 goods made from first-clas.- ? fifcjyOur goods are warranted arfpood as the best, and are of such quality lhat we do not propose to jjromptite with cheap firms in prices. ALL ARE INVITED TO COME AND SEE OUR FACTORY. i i Always Read The Record. mm lEi u' Manufacturer o Fine Hand Made Havana Cigars, E. H. ANDERSON, Manager. 0fl) SCHOOL BONDS FOR SALE. Divided into 4 bonds of $500 each, payable in 5, 10, 75 ana 20 years ; interest 6 per cent per annum. For further par Aori-cultubib- ticulars address Trustees 53d School District, BRIGHTON, UTAH. NEDER & CLELAtlD, Manufacturers of and Dealers in AND DIRECT IMPORTER OFj Havana Tobahco. and Carriages, Wagons GENERAL BLACK8MITHINQ. Repairing of Wagons and Buggies. PAINTING AND TRIMMING. Salt Iake City. 108 W. First South, 171 and 173 Main Street, Prescriptions carefully compounded at CITY. LAK Tavey's drug store, Main street. SALT |