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Show 4 TIIK ONLY I'APF.K DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY' Voi - IT WORKS WELL. THE RAPID TRANSIT. THE PUBLIC LANDS. The Chamber ol'Commeree ng- up the Kast HOMESTEADS And Giving Good The Only Zlon. Secretary Sears of the Chamber of Commerce has secured a cyclopedia of all the manufacturers of the United States, and is mailing to 4,000 of them natural gas circulars published by the Chamber of Commerce. The secretary in sending thes. adds that tne Chamber will gladly answer at length as to commercial sites in and around this city, and give all information desired as far as possible. This is considered a very good move, as it brings the Chamber into direct communication with the best manufacturing interests in the country, and will undoubtedly be the means of enterattracting valuable capital and of from East into this the part the prise country. Mr. Sears is actively pushing the advantages of this Territory where they are likely to attract attention. FOR ALL. Congress Taking Steps In The Reclamation of Uncle Samuel's Western Garden Patch, A bill is pending before Congress for the reclamation of the public lands and the cession of these lands to the states and territories wherein situated. The bill provides that practically all the lands west of the 99th meridian ore to be ceded to the states and territories, including mineral lands not more valuable for mining than agriculture, excluding lands to which claims are now made, providing claims are proved up according to law, otherwise these lands to revert to the states. It is conditoned that each state and territory accepting shall proceed without unnecessary delay t prepare for the distribution of public waters and for irrigation and reclamation. This in good faith, but according to the tinan-cia- l ability of each state only. The states may sell all lands for towusite and purposes. Pasturage lands adjacent to irrigated lands anil ways follow the irrigated la mis. The states or territories may mortgage, or conditionally sell in large areas to raise mouey for irrigation, but eventually, when the sale is completed it must be to actual settlers and in small tracts, only ICO acres of irrigable lands to one party, but an addiland can tional 100 acres be sold to the same party in addition to his homestead right, and prior use of a homestead right under the United States laws does not bar the party from taking another homestead under the state statutes, always providing, however, that the state ctnnot sell to any one party more than 320 acres altogether. WENT ONE EYE ON IT. The Jordan Stands by The West ' Side In Strong Attractions. most curious ami wonderful specimen was taken from the waters of the Jordan last Sunday by Messrs. K. K. Kneass and llobert Mulhall. The creature is about eighteen inches in length, body of pale blue and with a beautiful tail of deep crimson. The strangest part, however, was that the "thing" possessed but one eye which was situated in the center of the head. When landed and examined by the an- lers it was a most startling sight. It has been buttled in alcohol and sent to the Smithtsonian Institution for classA fan-shape- d right-of-wa- y non-irrigab- Stirri- Brighton's Electric Railroad to Ke The Finest. Information about to Ode Them to The Slates and Territories. ' ification. Another Wet Outfit. le The LerXington Water and Land company lilediirticles of incorporation with the county clerk on Thursday. The incorporators are James D. Pardee, 11. T. Hutchison, C. Oversou, W. K. ltobinson, A. i. Campbell. T. li. lieattv. W. Duterle. C. Kichards. I). S. Gnflin, James C. C Alee. The capitalization is ?100,(XH), dilauds are to be sold at a vided into lAW) shares. The purposes aero and au rrle r.otTf.eed;t.v4'3-S'iMof tho corporation is the buying and much less as the states decide. Each and selling conducting of water. homesteader or settler of irrigable lands or him to leased have appropriated may A Spring will Move It. be contiguous grazing lands. This can dewith or without a price as the states The Harris Table comcide. Each settler has the right to appropany lias tiled articles of incorporation. priate land nearer him than other settlers. The capital stock is $5,000, divided into In areas where no settler applies the state may provide forttmporarv leasing. Tim- UK) shares- - The incorporators are Alma ber not neeessaay for the conservation of Charles M. Harris, Peter W. snow and 'water may be sold by the slate Harris, as provided, all reservoirs, sites or timber Maughan, Xe!s M. Hanson and John T lauds to remain the property of the state U:gbe. The purpose of tho corporation is to for the benefit of ail. sell the Harr's table, which If any expense for reclamation is in- is one of of wonders the the century as curred on mining lands the party making well as one of the boons. It does away proof must pay for the irrigation if any not only with the most objectionable has been done. All unsatisfied soldiers' character, the waiter, but a'so destroys claims, land scrip certificates, etc., shall the (emicious system of tips, and a man be honored, all funds from the sale, lease sit down at the table to take a two-bi- t may or otherwise of land, timber, etc., to be in peace, free from the waiter's meal used for the reclamation of lands, but conversation and tho hauntirg dread of if a residue remain it shall be added to tho of not giving the waiter consequences fund. the permanent four-bi- t Mr. a Harris is a benefacAfter ten years and due notice upon tor and thetip. waiters' union is as good as proclamation of t he President and legis- defunct. relation by Congress certain lands may vert to the government, but for the sole Crass and Ciarden .Seeds at T. C Armpurpose of beingjreelaimed by the gov- strong's, 478 West Second South. ernment according to the spirit of this act. Upon the passage by CngrefS and Personal. and the acceptance Ly the state, the comK. M. is in Anaconda, MonWade pact becomes irrepealable except upon tana. consent of the United States and the F. C. Hook, the Record's? representastates or territorv. Non-irrigab- le r Self-Waitin- g . self-waitin- THEY COME PREPARED. An THE WEST SIDE OP SALT- LAKE CITY. BRIGHTON, UTAH, SATURDAY, MARCH III. A Plain TO- - Eastern Syndicate Buys a Nat- ural Cas Company. The American Natural Gas company has sold out to a syndicate of eastern capitalists. The new company intends pushing the work of further developing the gas wells, and, they say, will have the pipes laid so that by September natural gas will be used in the homes and factories of Zion. Additional wells are to be driven, and the company proposes utilizing all the gas they can get. Natural gas is a winner. Zion is brighter than ever. Peas and Beans at T. C. Armstrong's, 478 West Second oouth. g tive in Colorado, is in town. K. L. Lomax, generaltraffic manager of tho Union 1'acitic railway, is in the city. John W. Konaldsoc, of Topoka, Kansas, was a caller this week in tho interests of a Kansas Investment company. In Search of the Water of Life. S. C. Sudbury, who was awarded the contract for sinking pipes for an artesian well in tho grounds of the new public school, has his driving machine in oeration. Shade trees are also being planted, and the grounds baautified. , The Springr Conference. Annual Conference of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y of the Church Saints will convene in the taberBids Wanted for Excavating. Salt Lake city, at 10 o'clock on Rids wanted for excavating for the nacle. At Sunday morning, April 3rd, 1802. Utah Normal College and Conservatory noon on Wednesday, the 6th of April. e of the Salt Lake temple of Music. Bids will be received on the the 18th of March at the I&kcord office. will be laid with appropriate cerePlans and 'specifications can be 6een at monies. the above named office. R. A. Smoke "Famous" and read the Record President. Read tbe Record and smoke "Famous." The Sixty-secon- d cap-ston- Ilas-brouc- k, A Valuable Strike. The Salt Lake gas excitement is still at fever beat without any sign of abatement. If balf of what the promoters of tbe enterprise expect is realized it will be one of the moat valuable strikes ever make in the territory. Always buy your drugs, stationary and confectionary at Tavey's, Main st. Trie Class Factory. It is reported that natural DOUBLE-DEC- K COACHES. Xo. 12. 19, 1892. A BIG STRIKE. The Shop Helow Again Tapped and Gas Hushing Out. More Wells, More Gas, Mere Capital and More People. Natural gas has been struck in well No. 4 of the American Natural gas company. When the gas was struck the great drill, weighing over 1,500 pounds, was blown some 60 feet in the THE LAND WE LIVE IN. The Agricultural College Issues a Circular to Farmers. INTERESTING LAND TALK. air, and pieces of rock flew skyward The Arrangements Completed For The 200 Experiment Station On Sugar feet. Experienced gas men are now Road of the Beets Alkali, Irrigation, and Building Through convinced that underneath this valley Sea. exists the greatest natural gas beds in To the Big: Salt Practical Farming. ; the world. The great well is to be lighted, and evening excursion trains run to and The board of directors of the West from the gusher. The American Natural Gas company Side Rapid Transit company held a begins drilling well No. 5 next week. meeting this week and accepted the franchise granted them by the county THE BLOOM OF YOUTH. court for building and operating an electric railway through the county. It Removed Unfounded Charges and Freckeled a Deputy Sherijf. Tho meeting was the result of the reOne day last week William McLaren ceipt of important information from the caused the arrest of Henry and Fred east, where Mr. Jacobs has been during on Haines the charge of threatening inthe past two weeks negotiating for funds for the buftding of the road. Whe.i the jury to the persons of McLaren and Ihis secretary was made acquainted with the wife. McLaren had the warrant served; by fact that bright clouds hung over the a deputy sheriff, and he had so thoroughWest Side, he tripped over the musty, the character of the Haines sleepy, pavement of Zion, ferreted out ly crimsoned the whereabouts of the members of the boys, that not only one deputy sheriff, but two, armed to the teeth, visited directory, and a few minutes later the the West Side home of theHaines boys board got down to work. They were and took them into custody. To their wreathed in smiles broad, conservative the sheriffs found no fortress surprise, are of roses West Side comfort. They now very enthusiastic over the bright on the Haines farm, neither were the boys anue. . The boys accomprospects for an immediate equipment Haines the sheriffs to the of the road to the lake, and the opening panied was where bail urnished, city, promptly,f of the new bathing resort. Mr. Jacobs is homeward bound; upon and on Wednesday they were honorably his return a large forco of men will be acquitted. McLaren isinnow called upon to square the account, the settlement put at work. of which the county will pocket about All Salt Lake will be anxious to ride $100 of his monev. in t he cars of the West Side Kapid Transit company; and as the cars are to be double-deckeTHE GREAT AND ONLY. the public will have excellent opportunity for seeing everything. Magnitieeut Pullman coaches, It Leads All, is The Cheapest and Best, and is Reliable. containing the latest improvements in US people can electricity, aro to be used; There havo lately been placed upon comfortably be seated in each car: the the market several cheap repiints of an improved electric system to be adopted obsolete edit ion of "Webster's Dictionthe system in use in the city, ami tl e bathing resort, as already pub- ary." These books are given various lished in the Kko m, will be liner than names. "Web er's abri "The Garfield Heach. Diet inoary," "Webster's The public generally are familiar with Great Webster's s "Webste-'Encyclopethe route and the country this line opens Hig Dictionary,' etc.. etc. up. They know the best and most pic- dic Dictionary," concerning them turesque route is through Brighton; and areMany announcements misleading.. The Webster reprint it, will not be surprising it the company will lie obliged to double track the road portion of each from A to Z is the same fortv-fou- r years behind the times, and to accommodate the immense travel. from plates made by photographwill be wiil printed The road tly. built; uirt ing the old pages. The West Side is all rijIit. The old book has been padded out by There is room over the Jordan for all. various additions culled from various sources, out the body is the same that was published when Polk was president and duly buried at the incoming of Lincoln. The Webster, current from Natural Sas u Factor in Ieye'o-inj- r Lincoln to Harrison, js the popular copyrighted "Unabridged" which has just 31asiiila'torit'!s. been superseded by ''Webster's International Dictionary." See advertiseFroposed Establishment of Iron ment in another column. pistol-loade- d d, will-surpa- ss W." CAPITAL COMING. Works on the West Side. Day With Uncie Sam. for the purpose of interesting capitalists Regulations of Uncie Sam's troops at in the immense deposits of iron which the fort have been issued for tho summer as follows: j. re found in Southern Utah. Mr. made a tour through the iron Drills daily from 1 to 2 p. m., except. Battalion and Sundays. region and describes the deposit as a Saturdays same on hour. drills Friday, mountain vastly larger than the famed Saturdays, dress parade, inspection Iron mountain of Missouri. "There is and gunrd monnt'from 9 to 10:!0 a. m. enough iron in that, mountain,' said he, Sundays, concert by .the Sixteenth "to supply pig iron for the world for a Infantry band, commencing at 4 p. m. thousand years. It may seem improbaWednesdays, Mondays, Tuesdays, ble, but persons who have made a care- Thursdays and Fridays, regimental ful examination say that Utah's iron re- dress by battalions half. an hour sources are incomparably greater than beforeparade sun down. those of any other country on the globe. New Seed and Ciarden Peas and Beans The existanc of the deposit has been known for years, but never until within at T. C. Armstrongs, 478 West Second So. the last few months has it been thought A Public Debate. practicable to establish foundries and shops for the manufacture of pit; iron Oa Wednesday evening a public debate into every day use. Sinye the discovery will ta'ke place on the leading issuos of of natural gas a wonderful impetus has been tfiven to all manufacturing, and it the day, between John H. Lee and is proposed to tap the iron mountain Thomas Wells. The' debate will take with a railroad connection with Salt place in the town hall. As both parties Lake City. With natural gas us an ally, are well known throughout the West and without the necessity of hauling Side, t here promises to be a packed houso. coal, there will surely be established the great iron foundries of the west. All Sowjngf Seeds of Success. thnt is now required is for men with The seed trade has started fully a capital to become fissured that the supmonth earlier this year than usual, and ply of natural gas has come to stay." dealers in seeds are already doing a Remember that Tavey sells everything large business. The bulk of the trade in drugs and stationery. Call on him. reported is at Armstrong's seed store, where thousands ot bushels of seeds are In Their Good Graces. piled up for the farmers of Utah. A dominie wins his place in the good Taking a Tumble. graces of the ladies if he is nice and Absent minded people are gone and handsome, presents a fine appearance and is thoroughly reliable. These are torgotten. But persons subscribing for the qualities that distinguish the REC- the Record are neither absent minded, ORD. The Record is everything claimed gone nor forgotten. They make a good for it. record and become valuable citizens. J. Li. 1 fey wood has Wen to Chicago A llev-woo- d gas is to be Pushing Westward. A Heavy Consignment. piped to the old glass factory and that The Rio Grande Western railway comTwo car loads of bottles have arrived. institution started up. Eastern people pany are negotiating for an extension of for the pickle company; and busineess are interested in the movement. their line into the Tintic mining country is reported humming. and from that point to Deep Creek. The New Railroad. Everybody is now asking questions Buy your Hay, Grain and Feed of T. 0. Surveyors have commenced work on about the west side. the line of the new Deep Creek railroad. Armstrong, 478 West Second South. The Territorial Experiment station, which is a department of the Agricultural College of Utah, has so far matured its organization that it is enabled to widen its field of work. During the present Reason it desires to with the farmers of Utah in the investigation of the following subjects: 1. Sugar Beets. For the purpose of ascertaining the yield, composition, best method of cultivation and cost of production of sugar beets in the several sections of the territory, the station will furnish the seed of one or more varieties of sugar beets to one hundred or more farmers and test the beets for sugar at several periods of development, free of charge. Those receiving seed will be required to keep the cost of production and yield and to forward samples for analysis from time to time. To make the investigation of the fullest value it will be necessary for farmers of the several sections of the territory to join in the trial. For this purpose I request those interested to forward their' names. Seeds and a circular of instructions will be sent to those requiring them about April 1. 2. Alkali Soil. The station will make analysis of representative alkali soils for several sections of Utah. Those interested are required to forward samples. Circulars of instructions for sampling will be sent to those who desire to forward samples. 3. Irrigation Investigation The college and station eftpect to make a specialty of irrigation problems. It has already ar.c'uTruln ."d 7 ''V :Mg on this subject. Th rough its chemist, engineer and professor of agriculture with the appliances at their command, several lines of inquiry will be instituted. We desire to secure water from all of our important irrigation streams, artesian wells and reservoirs at varying 'seasons of the year, in order to ascertain the sediment carried and the amount of plant food held in solution including the gases. At a later date we will ha"ve other requests to make relating to irrigation problems. 4. The station will render any assistance that it can by way ot identification of insects and plants of interest to agrico-oper- ate -- ' culture. 5. . Institute Meetings Theexperiment stall", assisted by college professwill, ors, during vacation and piobably slation during the coming winter, deliver lectures over the territory at such points as interested citizens may invite them, and make the adequate arrangements for halls. The traveling expenses in part or in full, according to circumstances, will have to be met by the locality extending the invitation. One or several will attend these meetings and remain for one or more days as may be desired. Popular prices and finest goods for toilet and medicinal purposes at Tavey's Main street. Your Opportunity. Better opportunities to make money were never ott'ered. Agents can do exceptionally well in selling property in The town is 'advancing. Brighton. Situated on the west side of Salt Lake City, it. is in line with ail improvements and otfers safe and money making investments. Write' to Edwin V. Senior Brighton, Salt Lake County, Uah. It Is Solid Truth. Fortune follows when a man persistently advertises. Success endures so long as he keeps his business before tbe public. Trove the truth of the statement by advertising in The Uecoud the only paper devoted exclusively to the west side of Salt Lake City. Coming to Zion. The United States Marine band, sta- tioned at Washington, D. C, will visit Halt Lake City, on April 2nd, and give a grand concert m the evening. Tbe band will also play in the afternoon. Buy your Garden Seeds of T. C. Arm strong, seedsman, 478 West Second So. Not a Bldff. A good poker player may win a pot on a pair of deuces, but a man cannot do business without advertising, it is not a bluff when we claim that the Record is the leading paper in the west. It is bright, breezy and piquant, and is read by thousands of people. 0 |