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Show THE WURST A 1'leitsure Itesort That In DUtiuctlf ely German. The Nobel-Prate- r, la spite of its Vienneao character, bears the stamp Are those who seize a good of the thing when they see it and peculiar to the gathering-plac- e classes dirigeantes in all lare cities. wisdom. The best Characterisiic of Vienna in alar higher profit by y is the gatheri- thing in this country ileuree is the Wurstcl-Prate- r, ng-place of those whom Richard real estate. It cannot burn, would call the less cultured, Wagner can it run away. As and unhappily also the less prosperous neither classes. We will pass by the buxom time passes it increases in servant maids who here, upon the value. You need go no furgreen grass under the old trees, re- ther than ceive the court of military Brighton to find Jaans (from the corporal down), while the money making investments. children with noisy laughter play their And when you arrive there you innocent games. Such scenes are to be found iu all cities. Neither will we will open your eyes in astonishlinger in the compaily of the flea train- ment. You will see what is ers, bearded women, conceded the most prosperous, prophets, faded somnambulists, female in the most thriving and the liveserpent-charmer- s and threadbare velvet, women with fish liest part of Salt Lake City. tails, ladies with hairy necks and a mustache which would not ill become It is the place of all places for a drum-majo- r aU these belong to the homes, and it is the only corinteraatiinul brotherhood of roving ner in zion where every purjugglers who are distributed over the is entire earth. Nor are wo inclined tc chaser a traveling: We tell you these things in place the theater in the Wurstil-Prate- r in the first rank of Viennese "special-tics.- the hope that you will come although plavs are there performed whioa deal in a language per- and personally visit Brighton. fectly well adapted to the mode of If you cannot come, then write thought of the lower strata of the to Edwin W. Senior, Brighton, Viennese population. What particularly deserves considera- Salt Lake City, Utah. He will tion as a distinct Viennese feature is, be pleased in making your acfor instance, the swings in which girls with glowjng cheeks and a wild grace of quaintance. motion shout and scream merrily, while stalwart fellows iu shirt sleeves, urged on by their encouraging cru3, hurl them high into tli3 air. The spirited, d ALL. KINDS OF dau e on the green, under the open sky, deserves to be seen, for here all types iu all sorts of costumes House, Sign and Ornamental (only none that are elegant), form a and in Paintingllrst-done picturesque tout ennemb'e. So also it is classpromptly maimer. to tli3 in hear ladies' band entertaining the restaurants plav Viennese tunes. It is advisable, however, ir. order to gain an insight into the harmless and genial nanifestations of the Viennese popular "THE" PAINTER. character, to take a seat under the and County Koad, leafy chestnuts in certain parts of the Broadway park, and participate in the lively drama which is there being enacted. given on application. To be sure, one must, ia order to comprehend the pleasure of an old Viennese . B. WHIPPLE, in these scenes, try to sh;us sympathetically his old Viennese sentiment. Local Agent for A stranger is not unlikely to find fault d an 1 not always with the table-cloththe not immaculate a altogether stainless napkins, the plain and often bent forks and spoons, ascribing all the shortcomings to Office in the Record Building. a defective sense of comfort. He take pleasure in showing property will conclude, perhaps, that a little to$3T"YVill ull interested. 1 dealer in sausage and cheese from aveal-cutla or broad "delicatessen," (Wiener Schnitzel) procured from the THE waiter, or ,a couple of small sausages with vinegar(of the kind which in Vienna' are called Frankfurters, and in Frankfurt Wieners), constitute too frugal a meal according t his notion. He may insinuate, too, that the dishes presented excel more by the generous abundance of their quantity than by the fineness of art displayed in their preparation. in this simplicity Granted. Hut there is an inexpressiblccharra to the contains the best news pernative, who has lroum"4th him a generous dose of health, good cheer, taining to the west side of pleasure in living, and, above all, a good appetite, and has the faculty to Salt Lake City of any paper laugh heartily at a stupid witticism. He bravely admires the jugglers on the published. Make a note of it. tago ia their fated tights, and he is Watch the progress the particularly well disposed toward the musicians who perform the Viennese ' yodel, or melodious Viennese ballads west side is making, and keep in soft and soothing strains. If the old Viennese, to boot, has consumed his up with the times. fair share of excellent beer, then he H filled with a blissful sanso of oblivion The careful attention riven of all the .world, which finds vent m saying:- "Sell my coat; I am in to current events transpiring William Singer, in Harper's heavenEL-PRATE- I: X23S3"IE2 R. Lucky People to-da- D-- lion-tame- " i i ." : I MEN AND iWOMEN 1' YOUNG AN D OLD n red-nos- 2FIE3InTprjS.JS2nn MM ed rs aent. to help build a Large and Prosperous City in the Center of " PAINTING! fleet-foote- - T. R. Jackson, tes large-flowere- Brighton Realty s, et RU t Magazine. THE CRAFTY FOX. A Striking Story of ami IkCinarkable Canning-Man- tagac-It- r y stories told of the craftv fox are doubtless incidents of t'ie imagination. But a recent writer tells aiiAncc-dot- e which, though taxing belief, he says is vouched for by an of the affair. Some fishermen on the west coast of Ireland were in the habit of going to a small island, a few hundred yards fr'm the mainland, in quest of bait. The island was inhabited by a large number of rabbits, and could be reached at low tide by wading, the water there being only a few inches deep. One morning they went in their boat quite early, it bein? high tide, and on landing saw a dead fox lying on the beach. The fur of the animal was all bedraggled, and he seemed to have been drowned. O ic of the men, remarking that his skin was worth something, pitched him into the boat Procuring their bait they returned to the mainland, and the man who had possessed himself of the fox seized him by the tail and flung him on shore.. As toon as the animal struck the beach he picked himself up with considerable agility for a dead fox, and shot off like flash up among the cliff, while the men stood starinir ateach other in mute astonishment. The men concluded that he had crossed over to the island during the night, when the tide was low, in search of rabbits, and, finding in the morning that he was cut off from the mainland, counterfeited deatti, with the expectation of thereby procuring a passare to the shore in a boat, an expectation which was fully realized. Boston Courier. eye-witne- . ss on the west side is a feature of great importance, and its news is a complete compendium of all that is most valuable in west side happenings. It the only paper devoted exclusively to the west side of Salt Lake City. is Subscribe for the Record and get your friends to subscribe for it. It is the people's paper. The subscription price is only $1.50 per year. , 1m the UoriSI On the 11th of October, 1889, the first plat of what is now air enterprising and thriving town was filed with the Recorder of the County of Salt Lake, and from that time to the present thousands oi dollars have been expended in Artesian Wells, Parks, Churches, Schools, Factories, Stores, a Theater, Pavilions, a Newspaper plant, Printing establishment, numerous residences costing from $500 to $10,000 respectively, together with many other improvements; and there is now ih course of construction the 1 In I . Ill Hie la mi of which we This building will cost about $150,000, pay in addition to donating a site of ten acres of ground for this magnificent structure. (A photograph from the plans of this building furnished free on application to the undersigned.) All of the above has been accomplished by platting into building sites what now covers an area of on thousand acres, and disposing of these choice lots in installments of only one-thi- rd h?& !pir ;'0DsLir Ovfliniftlhi? j All of the money, in addition to thousands of dollars, having been placed directly upon the improvements of the property; and we have to our credit the fact that no personhas ever lost one dollar in not being able, on account of sicknes or by being out of employment, as many can testify. We have always extended time without interest We are not general real estate agents or brokers. We are building a beautiful town and making it k grand success. The location, just west of the city limits of SaltXake, traversed by railroads; and with the very best facilities and advantages, makes the property not only valuable, but the most desirable place for homes. We are indebted, to a considerable extent, to our purchasers for what has been accomplished, and we ask all who desire to make a good, safe and profitable investment, or who want ix obtain homes, to assist in this enterprise by investing from $5 to $10 per month. If you purchase two or more lots and at any time desire to apply all payments on one lot you can do so without extra charge. 4ft Remittances should be made by post office money order or registered letter, or express money order, to The Record, Brighton, Utah. Call and see us at our office aijd let us show you around the busy town of Brighton; or address, ifor particulars, EDWIN W. SENIOR, Manager, I Brighton, Salt Lake County, Utah. |