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Show fleUcattobp Mrst Half goftball Championship all the way, a hustling Hellcat last week ten Leading of the IUI Vialf oriamnlonshirj 0AI1 WIS Lavnn cnfVollu 1KBEUC - Skyline hurler,- Jrfniffed the 'Cat. for three In- led 2 to 1 before Pack rVL. George Bishop, Ed Curneen T. vender put wood to for a substantial 4 to 2 marStuck, OASC Aces .d T... Beaten i. j Tm Keith Whitcsides, Mallory By Arsenal uSrhardt and Chuck while Pitcher the fourth, StSSSim was holdingcheck. the east In uw.'rxuio. In rinse Kett-- WBr naval Of Thrills Marks Contest depot ""Sue to a restriction on transportation! Navy, presently leading Adams, byLen recreation department supervisor. New Team Entered Their place in the second half taken by a team now being !?7anized among Branch 5, supply employes by Bill Bowman. Earlier in the week the Skyliners tMmrolled the junior chamber 21 Liberators Al S -- Hofiue's advantage of the chamber got credit wtoMa 3. The Chamber first win a forfeit due to th Navy's failure to appear. MustGeorge Stokes hurled the over the 7 to win 9 a to angs 5.t Fridav niffht beside help- rjgo took his own cause with a couple lusty blows. Adams predicts an extremely close race in the second round withn rhwge between the Hellin of Liberators. and Skyliners Mustang. Red Sox Continue To Lead League Play One Tie and Win Lop-SidTen to 0 f. " during the game and pulled three fast double plays to bring up their iteming percentage. PhflliDS- - and Wilson worked the mound for the aces, with Bud Brady behind the plate. Gale, stamey and Haun played heads-u- p ball in the field. The OASC Trotters. Hill Field's colored baseball team, beat the Naval Supply Depot in the second game of Sunday's double- header to the tune of 8 to 6. The Trotters and Navy Sailors battled nip and tuck all the way. with the final outcome of the same in doubt until the last ball was pitched. Matoya was very steady on the mound for the Trotters and had his curves breaking nicely over the plate. Next Sunday both Hill Field teams are active again, with the Trotters matched against the Railroad Boosters in the first game and the Aces tackling the Navy uepoi in me nigntcap. Friday meht the Trotters will play the ASF Depot at 8 o'clock. ed WAC Softball Victory OASC's classy softball team, the Red Sox, hold spot in the Ogden City League standings to date by virtue of a 10-- 0 victory over the State Industrial school team this week and a tie with the fast Naval Supply Depot- - Sailors played earlier in the week. Kingdon's pitching, as usual the vertebrae of ball play wherever the Red Sox go, struck out 16 men in the game with Navy, only to have ace Buzz Conant, Sailors' hurler, strike out 15 of Kingdon's men. The game was called in the sixth because of darkness, with the score lied at It will be played off at a date to be announced later, according to Don Roberts, manager of the Sox. All runs in the game were well' earned and errors few, as the teams played before a crowd of 300 people at Monroe park in Og- top-not- ch 2-- 2.. . . uen. The same with the State Indus trial team was played sloppily by both sides and filled with errors ror each. Pitcher Reed of the In mistrials, who throws a fast ball with confusing twists, played the entire game with little support worn his outfield and basemen. Red Sox chalked up 11 hits .ndV1 State School five hits. Tuesday night the Hill Field Played the Arsenal Mainten- Team Triumphs A victorious OASC WAC 1 i f? It- - 1 1 Oil 4 "JmrnS "imw " ENJOYING THEMSELVES . . . Hill Field officers and their guests are shown above as they attended the officers picnic held at the Morgan County Fairgrounds near Comi Springs last Sunday. Maj. Roland Free was chairman of the planning committee. LAYTON SOFTBALL STANDINGS Finals, First Half TEAM Hellcat Navy Liberator Mustangs Skyliners Junior Chamber W. U .....118 9 IS New Rifle Range Gets Lots of Use Pet. .833 .647 .470 .444 .388 3 6 Creditable Scores 8 10. 7 11 1 9 .100 ..... First 9-- 2. terday. Six teams have entered the petition representing supply Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bills of the Hill Field Rifle and Pistol Club were showing marked im rrovement in target practice at the weekly shoot Wednesday night at the club s new range. Creditable Games; comdivi- sion, maintenance division, army employes air base, personnel and training for the Washmay purchase tickets Tiger division, medical detachment and ington Redskin-Brookly- n football game scheduled Tuesday, special services, he said, adding diAugust 29, in the Ogden stadium, that play would probably be at the recreation office in Ware vided into two halves with a playoff at the end of the season. house 17, it has been announced. All eames will be clayed in the Recreation Director Bill Frazer base announced that his office is han athletic area adjacent to the Capt. Pickens will be dling the ducats to accommodate gymnasium. the league. numerous "Keep ism jriying in charge of results are as follows: Monday's workers living adjacent to the SuddIv defeated special services; field who find it inconvenient to go to Ogden or Salt Lake City, v maintenance defeatedair personnel base dearmy The game will be the first pro- and training; No medical detachment feated the in ever fessional contest played intermountain area, Frazer stated. scores were available. scores were chalked Walter George, club presiup bywho punched a clean 86 over dent, the range; Johna Tucker, "and 100-yar- d Thefts ' Epidemic Gymnasium ;' ' - ' - ::;x;'::.X':v' v. ' :: ; - ; s', v Roller Skating Party Enjoyed In an attempt to satisfy the sporting interests of all the peo pie, Hill Field's recreation depart' ment last week arranged and suc cessfully carried out a roller skat ing party. A special price was arranged for OASC group at the Berthana roller rink and all enjoyed the fes tivities even though some left little the worse for the wear. the v v: ::';': '';:: - - , ''y '. . :: ' ' '': : - , , ePldemlc of thefts broke w n the base gymnasium during we last few Nedwin days, Capt "Weber, provost marshal, said yesterday adding that during an wafers ball game Monday after a a gold pencil a wallet containing a consid-jj- , , T ?"-- , r? ,'-- 7 wrist-watc- h, m of money were taken Smaller thefts reported Included missing articles of cloth Uem taken was an under-DiU Cant ,J,&& '--v, rV-- , ' .A-,- , n, iii w.Km officiala are investigating the this .-- 1.1 e Mm t-- ""a ! the maximum penalty of discharge from the one year confinement -- LAYTON GAMES THIS WEEK 3 '""'or Chamber rwOr' Mr vs. Helteat. SI. Mellcau tker vs. aHjrliMra Uscrstors 6-- ls ing branch, Paul Groff of supply. Jack Faust in maintenance and Ted Brown of utilities packed into Uintah Basin of the Granddaddy lakes area with splendid results in their fishing activities. The Doys fished Beaver Lake. Coffin Lake and Hidden Lake, reporting that fishing was equally good in all three lakes. Larry Taylor stated that the snow on the south side of the lakes was about 6 or 8 feet high. It gets pretty chilly along about sundown, Taylor said. The season in the higher areas is almost three weeks late in the spawning activities because of cold spring with its heavy snows this year. Fishing results from August 15th will July 20thoeuntil mucn Dener man ngni probably now. Judging from all reports on fishing now some fine catches will be Oaken out of the higher areas in the next five weeks. After the middle of August heavy blizzards occur in the high mountain country ana late nsning snowed in. parties are sometimes Plan your trip to the high altitudes before this period arrives. Going fishing? You should. The possibilities for limit catches on Utah's lakes and streams are very good at the present time. Several fishermen on the field have called in to report on limit creels taken this week. unit, caught the limit in Lake high m the Duchesne mountains. This country is very rugged' and extremely difficult to reach. Ted also reports a sad case of saddle sores obtained in the uphill and downhill Jaunt astride a rangy mountain cayuse. This trip aboard horseback is necessary to reach Lake Atwood. Many of the lakes in Utah are reached only by this method. Chase Brian, administration supervisor In branch 8, reports limit catches on Wolf Creek in Ogdan canyon this season. Chase states that he has found fishing this year excellent and has taken several limits from various streams In .V- , l9 -- ', the BillfteMcr Is ranting It U taken befere they rattened gas. Maybe ta u,. kwU mt men whe far the daratlen and six bmUs we Uhtk It to wertli leaking at that want peram turn i snsary. ato any rw, mt an nan reyratanta taa m nwajr m!aita 'tSlJWeaMe thta spr, like a let ef Uers, and dreaaamf northern Utah. eMeraey far which we flght. THX 7 6-- 16-m- labor. an t. 6-- 0. In doubles Morris and Haynes disposed of Henderson and Gallo 0 to take tne top team way match while Kettman and Ray Freeman blanked Gray and Jack 0 in the final joust Carmony The "Keep 'Em Flying" racket wielders will have a strong entry in the Kammeyer's tennis championships which open in Ogden this week with two doubles and three singles registered, according to Coach Len Adams. Haynes and Kettmann are en tered as a team and have been seeded No. 1 while Freeman and Wyne Boyle make up the squad's second combination. Freeman and in Boyle went to. the semi-finathe Armstrong championships and are expected to make a strong bid. Single entries are Haynes, Boyle and Freeman all of whom are capable of reaching the finals. At-wo- od article of war. he said, by which 7X 6-- 0, 6-- Ted Sealund, carburetor repair week. lLth.icvery ,f covered 6-- 1, Creek Fisherman's Fantasy "wen. 6-- 0, who came through with 79, Violet Jacobsen, the only member of the fair sex. who shot a 62, one of the highest scores to date for the women. Instruction is still offered free of charge to OASC employes upon joining the club. The new rifles Up the have arrived and everyone will be a chance to shoot given Information concerning the club With Len Adams can be had by calling Len Adams Larrv Tavlor. supervisor receiv at 8376 or Ted Sealund at 395. OASC Sports-minde- d 6-- 1, 6-- 0, Target Marksmen Officers' Softball League Organized Captain P. J. Henderson of the in the fea Services Forces ture tilt of the afternoon. Glen Haynes, No. 2 for OASC, 0 duplicated Morris' scores of in stopping Lt John Galloway in a runaway while Gus Kettmann, No. 3, was whitewashing Alvin Gray 6-- 0, Chalked Up by ball team returned from Dugway aunaay evening after successfully Six Teams Entered trouncing a team of G.I. femmes at the Dugway chemical warfare The Hill Field, officers' softball base. The final score was Middlebrooks pitched for the league was organized this week home team and Ripperton made a and initial games were played home run. Monday, Capt Richard E. Pickens of special services announced yes- Football Ducats Available Here Giving up but two games in ten sets, the powerful Ogden Air Serv ice Command tennis squad contin ued its undefeated stride Sunday, defeating the Utah Army Service Forces in Ogden league play 5 to 0. Big Jack Morris, displaying a wide variety of shots, turned back 0 soft- - " i,mauU fl) All Ten Sets Are Taken by Aces From Hill Field 4 A 1 New Circuit Plays ance team at Monroe Park in At OASC's Net Team Wins League Play The OASC Aces lost a tight 11- inning baseball thriller to Ogden fleck Park with a final tally of fleck aPrk with a final tally of 8 to 5. The Aces are a renovated team, under the able direction of a new manager, Ray Parker. The Aces played errorless ball Sfogden softball race, will no the Layton loop, Xr fwS announced Officers and Guests Relax Eleven Innings crown. "n .Tainted half with 11 wins and bowing oniy to the tWO defeats, hnnl 1944 Wednesday, July 19. AMVI nCTUBE . . . Was ile |