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Show Receives Air Medai uy rw wig n : ; Wednesday, July 19, 1944 Accident Victim 00 Apply or Jobs 26 Air depot, the Ogden fice Comand will hold in petitions of its em-ye- es transfer to the jjficisle. CTjohn S. MacTaggart. chief, "and training division, announcement yesterday ZjrZng at the same tune that firing to make request transfer may do so through Hilar channels. be processed, and filed pending the STof campaign, currently ci-- n wway. to enlist necessary field. the of outside workers com-It is not the purpose of the to rob its personnel .of Jed workers to fill quotas ford, wiU W CoL wtii, MacTaggart experi-S- d in the division, makes this ex-ine- as shortages of help, particularly intenance friable. NO Apply Ince the announcement of the mitintf nrneram a week ago. r MfimatMi recmests for. nsfer, both oral and written, fe been received by his office, lording to Capt. Charles P. Mai-n officer in charge of the recruiting project, yhile the campaign got off to a U start nn the outside. enCOUr- W reports of civilian response 500 "The field that keeps 'em in the air is on the air." MSOlMMtfWWMWnii'Viifrwnf nn n. n- ir ' 9:30-10:- " f Thursday. July 20 KLO 10:15- Brown Bomber Quar tet. Saturday, July 22 KUTA p. m. Keep 'Em Flying 10:30 p. m. J , . I 'V' Matilda E. Borgers Matilda E. Borgers, 51, who was injured May 7 when a picnic bus carrying Hill Field employes overturned in Cottonwood Canyon east of Salt Lake City, died Satur day morning at St Mark's Miss Borgers was employed in construction repair in the mainte nance division prior to the acci dent, and came here April 8, 1943 Ohio Ave., from her home 3937-St. Liouis, mo. Her parents are deceased. She was one of 20 hurt when the bus went out of control due to mechanical failure, investigators reported, and she suffered knee and chest injuries. She resided at the Hillcrest dormitories. A broth er, B. J. H. Borgers, lives at 5811 Thekla Ave., St. Louis, Mo. A Chaplain Phi bin Aids Drive Here 1 y, Ha-iia- ipieas ur Military personnel are invited to attend the broadcast and tne pre show, which will start at 9:30 p. m. in the Little Theater, "Thoroughfare for Freedom," the opening OASC drama, was well re ceived. It is believed to have reached a wide listening audience in this area, since it followed the popular network Jack Carson show on KSL, Salt Lake Columbia sta t letter to Lt. Charles P. Murphy OASC personal affair branch chief- - war bond officer, former OASC assistant chaplain Joseph Philbin, (1st Lt.) enclosed a money order for a $50 war bond which he wanted credited to In a recr recruiting Nebraska tion. Chaplain Philbin, who arrived OASC direct from chaplains' received letters at Harvard last fall, is now school ee have infnrmntinn " Pant Mai. stationed at Kelly Field, Texas. "from. every state in the y said, I n luui area ana irom several including the Pacific Ceast rne latter luvc nnn re. to the respective area Air Colorado, Idaho, Auditions for the next drama, to be presented August 2, will be held in the Little Theater today. from three until six. It starts at three to allow those on the swing shift to attend. Workers on the day shift should report after work at four o'clock. Anyone interested in trying out for parts on the next show mav come at that time, or call extension 8460 and arrange for a special audition at a more con venient time. The "Keen 'Em Flying" orches tra continues on the Saturday from 9:30 night KUTA broadcast, to 10:00 p. m., by means of transcriptions cut before they left on at .L e tannmanas. inecruiis are already Beginning I arrive for the 90-dpost vou and training ay ob (Umlnary to shipment to the iian Air Depot The train-- I program starts this week and our intention to send quail personnel to the islands FMyM ox 28 workers select- jwqaoia iirem OASC personnel wiH be IT fat Imvo Ira. T..1 (torr4ttated, though It is not passage wUl be se-- Steven H. Stewart Wins Commission The commissioning of a former Hill Field employe, Steven H. Stewart, as a second lieutenant an-in the army air forces, wasMoore nounced last week from Texas. silH Mission. was here Lt Stewartentranceemployed serv tne in to his priorin furlough. ice July, 1942. . "7 mat date. wght are all (v toe, sheet motoi rraament and " ... .im-- m Gordoni Is Wife of Given Award at Ceremony T-Sg- , - - y achievement while participating in five separate bomber combat miscontid sions over nental Europe." The citation was similar for the oak leaf cluster. Mrs. Gordoni, whose home is in Chicago, Illinois, is now residing in Ogden and was asked to come action. The award was authorized by to Hill Field to accept the awards. headnuartera. Eiehth bomber com The 4135th AAF base unit stood mand, "for exceptional meritorious retreat during the presentation. At retreat ceremony last Wed-nesdav. July 12. Mrs. Adele E. Gordoni was presented the air medal and one oak leaf cluster by base adLt Col. Vernee Halliday, ministrative inspector, for her husband. TSet Don M. Gordon!, who was recently reported missing in a. New Manager The appointment of a new manager for the base cafeterias was announced yesterday by Capt. Fred C Schmidt, Jr., restaurant all cafeteria activities at the Salt and Lake Army Air Base in 1943 cafemanager of the exchange and Depot teria at Tooele Ordnance immediately prior to accepting his latest position. Mr. Hinrichs will be responsible to Capt Schmidt, who is also a member of the post restaurant council. Capt. Schmidt said dish rooms will soon be Installed in both to wings of the cafeteria in orderfirst speed up service. He said thewould group of individual tables be here this week and that the cafeteria would be completely, furtables in nished with the new-typ- e about two weeks. Each table seats four people. " '' j ' m. o7f c presentation to "elude .5?n,m singing and danci Adolf 'ngtoVTlVa"ara village and R2ytwh0 en 'Peak . Spanish duh i,. r r-W- Pl?H!en j ago, appointed chief secUoa as anution officer. . Ce writ ,wm last month. I' . ! U. Newly-appointe- d i Myra E. Chastam executive offi cer of the Hill Field WAC detach ment is Lt Myra E. Chastain who replaces Lt. Luclous A. Cooper, executive officer for the past three and a half months. Lt Chastain received her basic and officer training at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. She was company officer at Fort Des Moines and Fort Rodman, Massachusetts, and recreational officer at Patterson field. She has been a member of the WAC for 18 months. The Red Cross field director's office at Hill Field was authorized this week to provide notary serv- nrM,t uiemDera. t s Red Cross Gives Notary Service in Jly recreatimP B.?wt hall of fonnitories to elect u f ? - The two civilian employes of OASC, recent accident victims, Doty and George Barton, Dorothy have now returned to their jobs. Mrs. Doty, a resident of Sahara Village, the stenographer here at Hill Field, was hospitalized for over two weeks as result of an automobile accident while en route to work. George Barton, of Bountiful, an auto mechanic employed in ordnance repair, suffered severe burns about the hands and face which him in the hospital for over placed a two-wee-k period. nish Club to on July 23 j8 of. the HHl V&v""1? U.r""l UUD Will convene - r Sv Two Injured Are Now Back on Job rs, M-d- ay w. s The new manager is Bern hard Hinrichs, former exchange manager since 1931 at Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City, also supervisor of rkers, machinists, welders, store- noetr frsuni iwcussed, V C. encumbent Executive Officer officer. "d candidates will re-205 per month instruction pe- Prfi? k wni for the same cw ntgher Pay for overtime. S enemy-occupie- Appointed For Cafeteria M - t. Vf V A . inspector. me- - instrument paint-tchmake- . - ) PRESENTATION CEREMONY . . . Above, left, Mrs. Adele E. Gordon!, wife of TSgt. Don M. Gordon!, missing in action over the ' European theater, receives the air medal and one oak leaf eluster for her husband from Lt. Col. Vernee Halliday, base administrative He's First to Enroll for Hawaii Training , r '" ' V ' i I $" A. f 00 Two new shows hit the airways from the Ogden Air Service Command last week, the KSL drama Wednesday night at 7:30, and the new quarter-hoshow presented over KLO by the Nerre troops sta tioned here. The Thursday night KLO show featured the Brown Bomber quartet singing "Climbing Up the "Li'l Liz," Mountain, Chillun," 'Been Listenin' All the Day Long" and "Oh Dem Golden Slippers." Sergeant Hasten Woodlen sang "At accompanied by Pri Dawning, vate Rubyn English. The show was MCd by Private Oliver Franklin, with the assistance of Sergeant Sidney Alexander. This week's KLO show will be heard from 10:15 to 10:30 p. m. It will again feature the Brown Bomber quartet, with this time a popular selection by Private Wil liam Fowler, accompanied oy rri vate William Sanford., . are oeui Wvominff. Minnesota. OASC's fifth bond drive. ior neip Utah. 1 v Aired Over KLO and KUTA v - workers difor immediate and ll shipment to the Hawaii-f,i-r ZzL r..-- OASC Programs Retained or Time Being Wefor - This Week Employes Wpting for Cded 3 Two Radio Shows Hawaii OASC for Husband HONOLULU BOUND is shews Being welcomed by Major B. C. J. Weedrinr right, ot A. , OAgC elvUlaa training adssdsuetrator, T. d aa Dewey atatag hraaea Is a War U Bsamgartoer, elviliaa as the first te answer veteran having served Iwe aVAAF Xwntwest. World nawfti(M al. Dmi, Weedriag ua crew chief. After rXSsys traaateg si the test schools ftogle sad tS years oU, his hosae Is ta Lea Angelas. ice, Sheldon Bergeson, director, announced yesterday. Authorization, which was received from area headquarters in San Francisco, is aimed especially at service men and women stationed here, Mr. Bergeson said, service Is free. adding that the of that office has Julia Denny been empowered to act as notary Red Cross field office public. The is located in building opposite the base gymnasium, E-Z- |